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everyone is thanking bb.

Sarah said pbj people cant drink the margaritas.

Ivette said thats ok honey i dont drink

ivette tells maggie and april how sarcastic sarah was to her and what she said

sarah from inside yells I WAS JUST TELLING YOU


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April said she has better things to do then do a f'in pinata.

april asks janelle if it has to be good, or can she just do it realy quick since she wont be in the veto anyways.

janelle tells her to just have fun with it

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James goes to confront Howie as soon as the room empties and Howie is alone:

James: Howie! We figured it out! We do realize that by putting Sarah and I up, it guarantees that everyone else will be in the sequester house. So we figured it out.

Howie: It had nothing to do with that. It had to do with the fact that you are a dangerous person in the house.

James says that Howie will find out that he was fooled, and that either way, he and Sarah understand that they were part of the "Sequester House Plan."

Howie says he is playing the game. He is trying to win. He isn't worried about hanging out with James. In fact, he is better friends with James than he is with the others.

James: We were never going to screw you. We got blindsided.

James says Sarah will go home this week and he will go home next week (or vice versa) and they'll find out.

James: I love you like a brother, and I always will.

James leaves as Rachel comes up and tells them to just stop.

Rachel and Howie in HOH

Rachel asks what that was about, and Howie tells her briefly, and he says he knows that James wants him to probably fight for him for POV to keep him alive in the house.

Howie asks Rachel if she thinks he made the right decision?

Rachel says for now, yes, she does.

Howie: They got caught. They got caught.

Rachel: Let's just go outside and have fun.

Rachel kisses little bitty kisses on Howie's face

Howie: Oh, Jesus! He's very fragile right now. Don't stir him up. (Howie's privates)

They go downstairs to enjoy the surprise from BB.

About the surprise:

BB has these big pinata things to decorate. They are in bikini tops for the girls and shorts. They are supposed to decorate them like themselves. They also also marguerita mix and food, but there was a sign posted that PBJ guests can't eat.

Maggie is decorating one with a blue outfit. They have leis and things to decorate the pinatas with. They are larger than most pinatas.

Rachel: I love BB sometimes!

Maggie: You wanna lend me your pass for just an hour? (to Janelle--the PBJ pass)

James and Sarah did go down to enjoy the food and make their pinatas.

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Sarah is seriously lit up (drunk) right now. She is being suprisingly bitchy and nasty and its very weird because James is being calm. *i thought it would be the other way around*

James is in the shower right now, with Sarah sitting in the BR with him.

LOL...Maggie just got called to the DR and James yelled "COP" and then Sarah started screaming it as well.

Sarah just started talking to the viewers saying "We are the good people and they are the bad people"... when she says "they" I'm assuming everyone BUT them.

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Guest kregger

Sara is definitely getting drunk. She's staggering around the house laughing and saying, "We're not going home any worse off. But I am going home with blue teeth!"(from all the margaritas she's downing)

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Guest angelich

Sarah is smashed. James in shower commented that they (S and he) wouldn't be going home with anything but blue teeth. Sarah starts giggling and saying she has blue teeth. She ran outside to tell everyone that.

Maggie called to Diary room

Sarah: Biatch

James: Cop

Sarah: COP! COP!

Sarah repeats convo between her and Ivette about how the margaritas were for people off PB&J

Sarah says she's going to hit their pinatas so hard.

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Guest angelich

James telling Sarah they aren't going to sink to the level of Eric.

Still talking about blue mouths and teeth.

Sarah saying if only she had won HOH.

James saying no way they can be saved

Sarah talking to the people at home. "We are the good people, they are the bad people."

James: There are no good people.

Sarah: I am a good person

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Guest angelich

James saying that they are going to bed. Sarah is begging to stay up. James asks why, Sarah says more alcohol. Then forgets and asks him to wait for her to wash her face.

James reasoned there are two weeks until sequester house.

2 cams go outside to pinatas.

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Guest angelich

Rachel and Howie discussing how Maggie mistook her for Ivette when she was coming out of the DR. (Missed half the convo cause LF cut into the middle of it)

April stole Rachel's hat for her pinata not realizing her hat was right around her. Rachel now takes April's hat.

Howie pretends to bang April the pinata, comments about Matthew.

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Guest angelich

Howie says that one of the pinatas will have the veto in it or they will be blindfolded and one of the pinatas will have the veto around its neck.

Howie says he wants to pound Jen's doll.

Pinatas are supposed to be in the storage room at the end of the night.

Howie says James said that the reason they wanted them gone now was so that they couldn't be in sequested with them.

Jen talking about how James confronted her.

More James bashing.

April can't get over how James won't say he swore on the Bible.

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Guest angelich

Conversation about mispronounced words:

mischevious (sp?)




April and Janelle disagreeing about mischevious (sp?)

Sarah came outside and then said goodnight and went back inside

April snapping and Jen asking what Sarah said... no answer

April pissed off that BB won't let the PB&J people eat the Mexican food and drink the alcohol

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Guest angelich

Jen said that Sarah told her good luck and that she means it. Sarah said that they can get her out next week. They have 2 free weeks she said.

Jen is saying that Sarah said that it wasn't about the money for her and James, but it is to everyone else. Jen said ya it's about the money for me.

April said it was her (Sarah's) bf that got her into this.

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April is in the Kitchen calling out James and Sarah

James: We understand the strategy April.

April: No you just lied too many times and then you had your girlfriend doing your dirty work which made it even worse.

Sarah: What dirty work did I do? what did i do?

James: You have to understand that she wasnt doing dirty work.

S: how dirty work. who did i get out of here?

Asking how James could call her (april) spineless, she has the biggest heart.

April is asking how James could swear on a bible... and James says: You weren't there April...

its still going back and forth...James is getting pissed because he doesn't want to "go out like eric"

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Sarah's well on her way to being drunk. She gets in Aprils face - "What did I do? Tell me - WHAT did I do!" She and April get into it. James keeps interjecting ... "Sarah - don't sink to their level". "Sarah, I told you not to talk about it."

He tells her it's time for bed. He's lecturing her to stop riling things up and "Drink the WATER. WATER goes in the mouth".

Sarah is bitching..."Honey, I'll miss you for a month and a half...but whichever one of us stays -we're winning HOH and vetos...we won't get the 1/2 million but we're taking out as many of these F'ers as we can. "

He's still berating her for starting shit.

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Sarah and James are in the GR, James is trying to get Sarah to calm down. She is being really irate (sp?)

Sarah: I really really dont want to be away from you for a month and a half but next week I want one of us (J&S) to get HOH.

James: What are you going to do, put up 10 people.

S: Yeah

J: You cant do that

S: I dont care.

James is going on and on about why Sarah had to start something with April and then James says.....

"that bitch (april) had to pay $20,000 to get her husband to fu*k her and fu*king marry her.

(give or take a few words)

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Now she's (Sarah )apologizing to him (James)"Baby I know you really wanted this".

J - "I never even watched this f'in show - I got an email about it."


S crying "Nobody likes me in here"

"I'm going to go take my contacts out and we're going to bed"

J - "Do I need to come with you?"

S - "No, I won't talk to anyone."

S - "I'm so sorry baby...."

J - "There's nothing to be sorry about...I'm glad I was here with you"

S - "I'm going"

J - "If you're not back in 2 minutes, I'm coming looking for you"

Sarah leaves...James yells at BB - "Can you please call me to the DR - I already F'in asked once"

Sarah doing her before bed routine.

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James and Ivette talking in the GR.

James confronting Ivette on her divulging the "bible" incident.

Ivette comes back and says, "I told you to give me something I could take back to the group to prove to them that you were serious". (about putting up Howie and Rachel)

James replies "Good point."

Ivette says that she hasn't been dogging James like the rest and the others in the group are still not sure of her intentions about James.

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Guest somniac_mommy

James is going to ask Ivette to help him out the situation he's in, since she must be "enginuitive" (his pronunciation), because half her family is in prison. Sarah asks him if he is really going to say this to Ivette and he says, "Yes, why not?"

Sarah tells him not to do that. She repeats, "Don't, don't, don't! Do not be Eric!" Sound like Sarah's sobering up a little.

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Guest somniac_mommy

Sarah then goes on to say that since the POV competition is going to be hitting pinatas one of them should pick Beau. She mimics how she believes Beau will hit the Pinata by swatting her two hands in the air and making wimpy noises.

James tells her to stop, She tells him that they have to think about who they will pick to help them with POV. She suggests that James pick Ivette and she will pick April. James says, "Yeah, why not." Sounds as if he's defeated and is just biding his time.. down for the count... Let's see if he has the energy to pick himself up and continue playing the game like a good sport. LOL

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Guest somniac_mommy

Sarah keeps apologizing to James as if she's responsible for the mess he has them in. She repeats, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

He tells her maybe it would be a good idea if he goes home. He tells her maybe they will then ignore you and knock each other off instead.

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Guest somniac_mommy

Ivette was telling Rachel in backyard (while working on improving Howie's pinata) that James told her that he would take Sarah off the block if he wins POV. They laughed. They don't believe him and think it's just another one of his lying "strategies."

Ivette believes that neither of them really want to be in the house without each other, and that they really have just given up now. [don't under estimate a stunned snake]. Rachel says that if he isn't lying then that's good too then James, their main target will go home as they planned anyway. It's a win-win situation.

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