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Guest HokieGal

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Did they ever say if they found out who left the meat out on the counter?

Last night when James and Sarah went to bed the saw Kaysar's kosher meat in the fridge. This morning when Rachel woke up it was out on the counter.

Kaysar was called to the DR and said they are gonig to play back the tapes and find out who did it.

Does anyone know if they ever did?

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Did they ever say if they found out who left the meat out on the counter?

Last night when James and Sarah went to bed the saw Kaysar's kosher meat in the fridge.  This morning when Rachel woke up it was out on the counter. 

Kaysar was called to the DR and said they are gonig to play back the tapes and find out who did it. 

Does anyone know if they ever did?

I did it !!! I am sorry....I was looking for something and set it out. Can everyone ever forgive me? :>

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Guest HokieGal

I haven't heard anything yet. Kaysar did say he might have forgotten it himself but the last I heard, BB was going to check. Wonder if they will reveal it tonight on the live show....that is, if it was done deliberately by someone in the house?

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Guest Witness

It may have been done accidently, it may have been done on purpose. BB said they are going to review the tape, but I don't see much coming out of it. If it was someone on Kayzar's team (or even himself) it'll be taken as an accident. If it was someone on Eric's team (even if it was an accident) it'll be looked on as childish vendetta regardless.

Either way, Kayzar should have put it in the HOH fridge to begin with. I mean really, how respectful are you of the other HG to put a plate of meat in front of their face when they are only allowed PB&J.

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Guest abc123

is there a HOH stove? If not I see plenty of reasons to have the meat in the kitchen. The weeks half are on PB&J they don't eat hidden away they eat in the kitchen right by the PB&J people right?

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Guest Hashman
is there a HOH  stove? If not I see plenty of reasons to have the meat in the kitchen.

No stove in HOH room.

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Guest Kassierra

I have been gone all day and cant find any posts that talk about resolving the mystery of how Kaysar's meat got left out... Can anyone fill me in or direct me to where I am supposed to look ?.....Thank you

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Guest Captain FatNutZ

Anyone have a guess as to why BB has not gotten back to Kaysar about who left his meat out the other night?

Maybe they are leaving go until tonight's live broadcast...

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after seeing him the last couple of days i wouldn't be surprised in the least. wouldn't it be great if Julie hit him w/ that?

I'm HOPING that Julie shows the HG'a a tape of Eric doing it on purpose just before she says who's evicted

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Guest Jillio
after seeing him the last couple of days i wouldn't be surprised in the least. wouldn't it be great if Julie hit him w/ that?

I'm HOPING that Julie shows the HG'a a tape of Eric doing it on purpose just before she says who's evicted

I would die and go to midget heaven.

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Guest Tareq's No1 Fan
after seeing him the last couple of days i wouldn't be surprised in the least. wouldn't it be great if Julie hit him w/ that?

I'm HOPING that Julie shows the HG'a a tape of Eric doing it on purpose just before she says who's evicted

I would die and go to midget heaven.

i wouldn't be able to breathe if that happened

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