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April 9 - Live Feed Updates

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10:50 AM BBT: Shelia and Sharon in the BR talking game. Shelia is telling Sharon that Joshuah told her to carry Sharon as far as she can (Shelia carry Sharon or the opposite???) She says she cant protect Sharon if she is on the block with her... They say that one of them as to win HoH. Just chit chatting about the game. I think that they are talking about how the TC alliance was going to get rid of Shelia first, she was the expendable one. Shelia says that she had a feeling that would happen and James gave her proof. Shelia is saying that "You Guys" have the numbers to give someone the money. They discuss the final HoH conpetition. They discuss Danielle from BB8 and how the final HoH panned out for her. Chit chat turns to the importance of HoH

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11:20 AM BBT: All LD in HoH. Adam taunts Shelia. He is saying that the rumor around the house is that she is going to pull out an HoH victory today, Shelia says we will see... Just general chit chat in the room. Dream talk....

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11:55 am BBT - HG's still on HoH LD...

James on floor by HoH bed, Sharon on the round chairs... Ry asleep in the bed, Nat reading the bible in the bed, Sheila listening to music in the bed (I think)... Not sure where Adam is...

Adam quite possibly in the bed too...

11:59 am BBT - awkward silence in the HoH room during the LD... incredibly boring...

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All four feeds are on Sharon reading her bible. Ryan (I think it was him) walked past on his way to the pink room and She said that if she (Natalie I assume) wins Sharon will be gone next week. Ryan said not to worry as she isn't going to win.

We're now back to silence.

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BBT 2:02pm Ten minutes later and we are still watching Sharon vacumn.

BBT 5:05pm Sharon stops the vacumn cleaner and finally we can see someone else, James. I could hear Sheila and Nat briefly but it was in the middle of a convo and it wasn't clear what they were talking about.

James is walking around the kitchen and I can hear the vacumn cleaner from another room start again.

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(Your Welcome!)

BBT 5:10pm We get flames briefly and come back to James wandering around the house. And thank goodness Sharon is done with the vacuming it appears. James is now running in place and Sharon walks through to the kitchen. She's out again, (sorry all four feeds are staying with James for some reason) James dancing in front of the mirrors, kicks high in air, playing air guitar, (lol)

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BBT 2:12pm Sharon walks through and lays on her bed. James comes in and says, lets make out and lays on top of her with her saying over and over quit!! Your crazy!

James gets up and puts on the long gloves that Josh left. James singing softly which makes Sharon laugh. BB says James please go to the DR.

BBT 2:15pm Now all four feeds are on Sharon laying on her bed reading the Bible.

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BBT 2:20pm James come out of the DR with a suitcase and puts it in the SR. Talk of flip flops (?) Just general chit chat. James gives Sharon a hat which she puts on and continues to read the Bible with this big hat on her head. I don't actually know if she is reading because it doesn't even look like she can see the book. (?)

2:23pm James comes back into the room and lays down beside Sharon. Sharon says if the don't have speeches than maybe something is up because the last time they didn't have speeches was the whole box thing. She tells him of the inside the house happenings of when he was in the box. They begin whispering and sorry I couldn't understand what they said. James says atleast he got a sweet bad out of the whole deal. Sharon tells him he also got to meet Chels. He said he also got to makeout with Amanda, Sharon says What!! Where was I at for that?? He said he also got to with Allison which was a weird deal. (?)

(Sorry got to go for a few!)

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6:06 PM BBT: Feeds return Sharon is down, She is saying that if you arent good with your feet or back then you are SCREWED. Shelia is saying she needs to see her son. Sharon says Shelia has the "Due to Win" Factor.

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Sheila took off her jacket, Nat is hanging in there and Ryan is sweating super duper bad.

Talking about a double eviction, then we get FOTH

We're back, everyone but Sharon still up there. Sheila asks how long they've been up there and shar says 20 minutes... she: that sux.

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