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Ryan still reading the bible.

Sheila and Adam are in the HoH chatting.

Natalie sleeping.


9:10 pm BBT: Adam, James and Sheila are in the HoH room. General chit chat but, talk keeps going back to how shady Natalie is or James making comments about staying.

James and Adam are telling Sheila how DR keeps asking them questions about how stupid Natalie is; like not knowing what words mean or how to spell them.

Adam tells the Big She if she wins HoH he will treat her like a princess and pamper her in a toga.

Sheila reveals to the boyz that Natalie is not really a cheerleader for the Seahawks, she just made it up. James thinks it's weird that she would lie about something like that.

9:20 pm BBT: James and Adam think the reason Natalie found God is because of drugs or alcohol.

Sheila starts campaigning James for his and Chelsia's vote by defending Chelsia's actions in the house.

9:40 pm BBT: More talk about Natalie trying to play all sides.


9:50 pm BBT: Sheila tells Adam and James that if she wins HoH next week she'll put up Adam and Sharon. Adam gets flustered and she says, look buddy... you did it to me and now it's your turn to get taken off the block. You're not the target it's the only way to get Natalie out the door. Adam settles down.

10 pm BBT: Sharon comes up to HoH and asks James if he wants to go to the sauna. James leaves HoH and joins Sharon. First thing he does is tell Sharon about Natalie lying about the cheer leading thing. Sharon says, "who does that?"

10:05 pm BBT: Sheila and Adam still in the HoH, Sheila is giving Adam a back scratch. Sharon and James still in sauna. Natalie is giving Ryan a haircut.

Adam gets called to the DR. Sheila is listening to music.

James and Sharon get out of sauna. This was Sharon's first time in one and she comments about how much sweat is pouring off of her.


10:25 pm BBT: Natalie is giving Adam a haircut now.

10:55PM BBT: Nat & Rye still in the bathroom. Nat is dotting Nair lotion on Ryan's back & arms in some weird pattern. Ryan says "wherever you see it hair just get it" Nut whispers that the reason Sharon & Sheila are scared is because they are screwed. Nut says she wants to stay with Adam & Ryan & just battle it our because the 3 quote warriors deserve to be at the end.

James and Adam play a game of chess while Sharon watches while eating ice cream.

11:02PM BBT: Ryan asks how long the Nair has been on his back. Nat says about 5 minutes (it's been on for 15 minutes, I'm glad she's not my beautician)

11:24PM BBT: Ryan's neck has turned beet red from the Nair (MBE because it was left on way too long) Everyone is laughing & saying he needs to get the doctor to look at it. Sheila says the Nair says "works in 3 minutes" (ahhh)

11:25 pm BBT: Adam wins the chess game.

11:50 pm BBT: Sharon packs.


11:45PM BBT

Sharon packing, James in shower, Shelia on chair in WC, Nat still clipping brushing hair in WC also. Adam and Ryan quick chat while walking from LR to KT. Ry says James is just trying to stir up shit and not to believe him, he is gone tomorrow and he is just trying to stir it up, calls James an idiot.

12:15AM BBT

james asks ryan if he can campaign to him. ryan says sure, james starts calling ryan out in front of adam and sheila in the kitchen about the fact that james saved ryan, he broke the tie and sent matt packing instead of ryan and ryan said he would look out for james. now james needs the favor in return and why won't ryan vote for him to stay? ryan is stuttering and flustered and talking in circles. ryan tells james "it's not beneficial for me to vote for you to stay". James is getting pissed saying that by him evicting matty, it costs james the game. and it wasn't beneficial for james to keep ryan but he did.

12:30AM BBT

Ryan venting to Adam in HOH that James is trying to make Ryan look like the bad guy when James was the one who made the Matt vote 3-3 to break the tie. Ryan says No one wants him here. Adam agrees. Ryan says he's not a bad dude but he doesn't want him in this house. Ryan's also mad about Sheila not sticking up for him during the convo, that she went "I don't know.." etc. He wants to talk to her. He leaves HOH, now joins Nat in sauna room. "Sheila pissed me off." Saying she makes him look like he's the only one lying. (Yeah Ryan like you took up for Sheila when Josh and James went off on her???)

12:40AM BBT

Now Ryan goes to confront Sheila. Sheila says Nat's making up shit. This is about Nat saying James/Chel had a deal with Sheila. She tells him James never campaigned for Chelsia and that Sheila told Chelsia to her face that she won't be voting for her. Sheila says Nat wants to make it to the end with Adam or Sheila. Telling Ryan again Nat's making it up. He says "I know." She's wondering how it would benefit Nat to be saying that. Nat has joined them. Nat's whispering and talking really fast. explains that she isn't making up the convo about deals being made with James and Sheila. Nat explains to Sheila it was 2 weeks before in the hammock when Nat and Sheila were having a convo. Ryan says he even remembered this convo because she had it with all 3 of them the day it happened. Sheila states she doesn't recall that convo. After Ryan leaves room, Sheila blames it on Ryan that he had worded wrong in the kitchen(from the earlier confrontation with James and Ryan in kitchen

1:10AM BBT

Sheila and Nat were whispering. James was in bed but he gets up and interrupts, asks if he could talk to Sheila in private. Nat leaves and talks to Ryan in sauna room. James hugs Sheila telling her he's rooting for her in this game. James tells her she's a great girl, he cares about her as a person. Sheila: Thanks a lot. I'm going to try to make it to the final 2. She tells him to talk to Chelsia for her. They hug and he tells her to get some sleep.

Now Ryan and James are talking heatedly again in the kitchen. They're talking about the week Matt left, something that has to do with Sheila. James tells Ryan he just got what he wanted to say off his chest, then says "I think you're ungrateful."

1:30AM BBT

Everyone seems to be in bed.

3:00 AM BBT

James is up doing his wandering again. usual night for him. Dancing around in Kitchen. Making a snack stare at the wall of pictures, play chess by himself etc.


3:45 am BBT: James gets back in bed for the night. The rest are already asleep.

5:21 am BBT: All house guests asleep.


7:30 am BBT - HG's still in bed... James is very restless... Cam 1 - Sheila in boat/blue room... Cam 2 - Adam in HoH room... Cam 3 - James in couch/bed room... Cam 4 - Sharon in couch/bed room...


9:24 am BBT - I assume wake up call, sheila is awake but in bed... camera 3 keeps focusing on something in the LR on the back of the couch ... BB- Good Morning HG's it is time to get up for the day... BB - The bedroom lights must remain on during the day... Sheila - Play some more music... Sheila is the only one up and moving around... Cam 3 now has FotH... Sheila making her bed... Sheila - (alone in her blue/boat room) Play some Done Henley, something... please... Cam 3 keeps going on and off of couch and then flames... BB - the bedroom lights must remain on during the day... Adams light on, Adam now getting up... Sheila out of room, heads off to SR to exchange batteries... FotH...

9:29 am BBT - Foth still...


9:30 am BBT - Lights on in bedrooms now, Sheila off to the kitchen to make some coffee... Cam 3 still has flames... Sharon not getting up, neither is James... Sheila now putting away dishes... Cam 3 once again focusing on LR couch area again... Nat and Ry not stirring at all in the pink room... Sharon now stirring... Sharon up and to SR to change batteries... Cam 3 doing weird things... focusing on the back of the circular couch and the items behind it... Sharon in background talking, hard to hear... Sheila - you had a dream? what was it, about the house? Shar still talking, cannot understand her... Sheila - huh... don't throw rocks at a glass house... Sheila now in BR brusing her teeth... Cam 3 still focused on weird stuff... Nat and Ry still not making a move to get up... Shar brings TP to the BR... Sheila - OMG! Shar - might as well, not make another trip... Sheila - she was like don't make the guys to turn against me... shar - well we will see how the cookie crumbles... Sheila back to kitchen to get coffee...


9:36 am BBT - Sheila putting up the clean dishes...

stepped away... came back to hear sheila say - lets see who volunteers... Shar - probably no one... cam switches to pink room where Ry is snoring... Switched to cam 3 FOTH but sound... she - them to do it, they haven't done anything... shar brushing teeth... they are going to call me in the DR, so I have to hurry, they do it in case I go or something... they have to make sure I have all my $hit I need... Sheila getting ready to take a shower...

9:40 am BBT - Shar still brusing teeth... she walking around in her black bra and undies... sheila now in shower... shar done brusing teeth... sheila - oh god no hot water... shar sighs... shar leaves BR... foth...


9:44 am BBT - Sheila still in shower... shar packing, James says something to her but cannot understand... shar leaves BR goes to talk to the GP's... tells them they are so weird... laughs... shar off to bathroom with clothes Shar - well I am going to put on normal clothes, I am not going to dress up... she - what are you going to wear? Shar - jeans and a t-shirt... it isn't the BB beauty pagent... she - i am not going to get dressed up shar - oh hel i'm not that is what I did last time ... talk about how the days events will go... what they need to wear... She - look at me I had to go out there in a unitard with freakin sneakers on! remember that? Shar - yep *yawns*... Shar - well here is what I've come to realise... I don't know if it is reaization or acceptance... whetever is going to happen is going to happen... I'm not going to get stressed out, it won't do ma any good... she - yeah that is good... shar - if I have to be the mole or whatever that is ... FOTH...


9:48 am BBT - Shar - all the girls to one side... she - yeah thats right... shar - ya know all the girls jumped on me (starts squealing in that nasal drag queen voice) then we get Foth again...

9:50 am BBT - shar - I don't care, I am over it... she - she has some beauty products... shar - I can get dressed in 15 seconds, I mean dude! she - what if your hair is wet (or something to that effect)... shar - this should be interesting, I wonder what is so damn important... they will say oh my gosh, this is what is going down, this is how I feel... she - um hum... foth

9:52 am BBT - Shar - we dick around all day... then they STAT now! Run... she is talking about her eyes being swollen... shar - ok I can go in there (mumbles something)... grunts... I have to get this black from under my eyes, it's gotta go... she- what do you use... shar - uuuuum She - I use baby oil... shar - I've got no kids, no kids... she - I'm gonna get some coffee... sheila getting coffee, Shar putting on make-up... Nat and Ry still in bed... no one else stirring... foth on cam 3...

9:54 am BBT - cam 1 and 2 on Ry and Nat... cam 3 foth... cam 4 shar getting ready...


9:55 am BBT - Shar - you know what? are you yelling at me? BB - sharon shar - yes? BB - please go to the DR... shar - uuuugh get real!... damnit whatever... leaves bathroom... heads to DR... Leak showed shar going into DR then we get freakin foth again...

9:58 am BBT - still foth...

9:59 am BBT - sheila in the K getting a bagel... all cams on her... sheila pauses with the fridge door open for a long time and stares into it... finally grabs some stuff out... she - are you good? shar - ummm (mumbles) She - you gonna flat itorn your hair? you want some eggs? Then they just have some general chit chat... Shar - am I in the mood to eat she - I am only going to eat a half a bagel so whatever you want to do with that... she - what do you think? you want some eggs or not, you don't have to eat I just thought I would offer... shar - ummmm ... she - are you even an egg person?... shar - ummm yeah I'll eat with you... then shar starts doing thet gutteral uuuuuughhhh thing and talks about her hair... Adam still asleep...

10:03 am BBT - Sheila cooking, Shar just standing there... she - did everyone go to sleep last night or did they get crazy... shar - I don't know I passed out... she - oh man.... shar - mumbles (as usual)... she - I thought there was going to be a blow out, a fight... shar - what?... she - a fight, you know when guys get heated it is so different than women... shar - well they can't do anything, they are too far in the game to blow it... she - well I always fear it, especially from a guy... talks that there was a fight before in BB... shar - maybe I am on crack, I don't know... where did I hear that??? maybe I heard someone here talking about it... she _ i could see that, I could see it happen... shar - was it over a girl?... She - esp if you are on slop, man when you are on slop it gets like I don't know, maybe that is why I have been so emotionally messed up ya know... shar - yeah, I wish I knew, I done' want to be told at the l;ast minute and I go out in pants... talk of the GP's and how they reacted because they hears sheila cutting... they say that Adam is still sleeping so they can't give them anythng... shar - says that she is not a milk person and it is so good for you to frickin drink... baaaabiiiies baaaaabiiiies.... They say that they are surprised that they haven't told everyone to getup... sheila says she scares her and is mean shar says that they got the voice off of the net...


10:08 am BBT - BB - stop that... she - see that see what I mean!!!... they are getting their food ready to eat... shar - at least we are not walking out there and are on shop... she - true! that is tomorrow... shar - year we are half dead and we hate the whole world... eating and preping foos... shar reiterates how she is such an easy going person and goes with the flow... shar tells the GP's that they need to wait a minute... shel wants to know if they can have bread... they go over the list of food that the GP's can have they are wondering if the can have bread... shar reads the list of what they can have... shar says they are not going to give them something to make them sick... they are making fun of Nat giving the GP's baby food... shar says she is a moron... they are now eating... she says it is not like they are starving... shar andswers with her mouth full I think she said they are fat and then clearly does her baaaabiies baaaaabies baaaabies thing... whispering... shar is talking with her mouth jammed packed full of food and I cannot understand her... some talk about where the GP's will go after the show... shar - says that they probably sedate them to put them on the plane... she says she doesn't think so, they can't go through security with all the things going on now... they talk about the GP's being on drugs... shar continues screeching to the GP's... shar continues to shovel food and talk and says - it makes you crazy! makes you crazy (if she only knew how crazy she sounds)...

10:15 am BBT - talk about how it is April and time is flying by... she talks about when you are pregnant and on the 8th month you are like, get this out of me! she says that she loved being pregnant but when she was done she was done... she says that she worked out her whole pregnancy... you just want it to beover with but it is worth every bit of it... shar says that her mom had no epidurals... shel says neither did she... they talk about birth weights and labor... sheila says if she was healthy she would do it again... shar continues to blab with her mouth full of breakfast and is muttering something about one of her friends having a baby... sheila mentions one of her friends that is a baby machine and has 5 kids but is her hero...

10:18 am BBT - they are wondering why BB is letting them sleep in and they can't talk about it because that mean guy will come on and tell themt o quit talking about it... shel says she is going to do her hair because there is nothing else to do... shel doing dishes... shar still eating... shel tells shar to stick her plate in there to soak cuz it will give her something to do after she is done with her hair... she says she likes dishes... she doesn't want to vaccum... shar says she will do it because no one else will, shel agrees... shar starts mumbling...


10:21 am BBT - adam awake they immediately bum rush him and tell him to bring the whole thing of strawberries down.. he does... sheel asks adam if that is all he has left... adam tells her not to worry about what he has left... shel calls him a grouch, adam then says "good morning Sheila" in that Nat voice... shel says GM back... shar is cutting up strawberries for the GP... shel has finally realised that they are bieng nice to her because they finally need her... shar is squealing... babies, babies... now sheila is squealing at the GP's babies, babies... Shel tells the GP's that sharon loves them and they say the fat one fights for the food and scratches the other one... shar says that they are spoiled... shar says their names are spoiled and spaz... the GP's are going nuts for food... sheila is squawking at them still, shar tells them to hold on... shar says that she normally gives them two strawberries but today they get 3... she is now feeding the GP's...

10:25 am BBT... shar has fed the GP's... shel is awwwwing and ooooh ing them... says that they look like little rabbits eating... they wonder if they are females, sheila thinks the big one is a male...shel is going to fix her hair and then do her make-up later... shar the only one in the K now... finishes her beverage... shar now off to BR where shel is blow drying her hair... shar gives out a grunt... says she is not going to do anything, just going to hang out... shel asks if she is going to straighten her hair because she wants to see what it looks like after she chopped it off... shel says thank you to shar for trusting her with her hair... shar - going on and on again about how her mind is blown about the whole mole thing... they start whispering and talking over the hair dryer... I won't get any good convo now... so I am out... BBL!


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