Sheldon Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 6:16 PM BBT: Quick Trivia when they talked about double eviction Everyone hanging in strong, Natalie asks Sharon if it is scary to fall... She said a lil bit. Shelia already asks how long they been up there. Ryan says he has done more enjoyable things with his time...
theoriginalpj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 Natalie chimes in and says everyone is going to be nice to eachother no more walking on eggshells there's love now Ryan keeps slipping down Sheila being a trooper, They aren't showing Nat at all...
theoriginalpj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 Sheila just wants photos she said she'll hang up there all freakin night, Sheila saying she needs to win this and she's the only oen who hasn't won HOH and she needs this for her boy and she says a shout out to her son. Ryan says he loves this confidence from sheila, now they are all saying I love you to eachother ugh. FoTH Back. Adam is standing watching smoking, sheila in her house, Ryan struggling, Natalie said something and sheila said "oh god ryan took me down" Sharon is standing with Adam watching. Natalie is saying Sheila is safe and Sheila says I'm not making you a deal that's for damn sure. They honestly are not showing Natalie at all. Have not seen her since feeds came back. Just Sheila and Ryan. Ryan says he needs this work out Nat says what do you think half an hour? shar: oh yeah definitely Sheila's foot is hurting "like crazy" Nat says her foot is hurting too. Ryan not talking too too much. Weird noise and everyone is trying to figure out what it is. General Chit Chat Sheila says her foot is giving out, Shar says wouldn't it be crazy winning HOH and having your Bday in the Same week!? Sheila saying she needs this because she is the only one who hasn't seen their family, she is saying someone has gauranteed safety but i'm not sure who it is... I believe ryan.
MrsFroman Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 6:27 Nat Sheila and Ry in their glass houses in the endurance comp. Sheila says "Wow, Natalie, you don't feel safe huh?" Nat says "No Sheila I don't. There are only a couple of options." Sheila says "Wow, that's interesting." Sharon saying James would have been up there all night long and Ryan says no, for days. Nat says "his legs would have given out though..they almost gave out on the DiscoBall." Sheila says her butt is giving out. Sharon says "Wouldn't it be crazy having your birthday and HoH the same week?" Sheila says hell yeah and she needs this. She tries to get Natalie's sympathy. Nat says she needs it too. Ryan says "Thank God I got my nic patch!" Sheila says "It's about my kid and my birthday, that's it. I don't expect anyone to give it to me. I'll stick up here as long as I can." Nat and Sharon encourage her. Sharon says "wow, I won't have a key again this week."
theoriginalpj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 Sharon is saying anything you put your mind to you can do and Nat is saying you can do it Shar says all night long. Everyone still hanging in there. Sheila says she doesn't want to put anyone up she just wants photos and she has to do this for her son. Still no Natalie. Talking about James giving Ryan the guilt trip Sharon says she heard him, I can see that Ryan is struggling a little bit, Sheila is hanging in there but I can't see if Natalie is struggling. She is probably hanging on pretty well.. She doesn't sound distressed. Sharon says there is no way she was going to outlast natalie so why push herself with a hurt back? she needs to be fit for POV FoTH Back Natalie saying they are D U N and shar says all 3 , Ryan is saying he is getting a good stretch workout, sheila saying she needs this. Sharon talking cna't really understand,
Sheldon Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 6:37 PM BBT: Trivia, we have Shelia in there strong, Natalie not being show too much on feeds and Ryan looking weak! 6:38 PM BBT: Feeds back. Same as before. Natalie talking a whole lot! Same as disco ball competition. Sharon says that Shelia is going to see some pictures.
theoriginalpj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 Talk of Sheila's ex talking about how sheila's going to get a picture of her son, they made him do something to his myspace, and he doesn't have a current picture of his phone how are the pictures going to get there. Shar says they've been up for 45 minutes (probably around that not much longer than that) Sheila rambling (sadly folks I must go sorry) Leaving at FoTH
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 6:52pm BBT - sheila says she has to hang in there shes doing this for alex....sheila says "i love you alex"...nat says oh god, i guess i better drop then...... sheila tells rye bread i love you and nat imitates sheila "ok, ok fine i love you too, ok" and sheila says im sorry nat i love you too. sheila keeps playing the "ive got to see my son, i want a good bday", ryan says im reading your letter, nat says "you'll still have a great bday cuz your with the people who love you", sheila says i know nat but i'd like to win HOH, im hanging in. ryan asks sheila how her ankle is doing, she says ok for now, we will see.
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 6:57pm BBT - nat is saying this one is easier then the disco ball, the disco ball was torture, sheila does not agree....sheila keeps moving around to get comfortable. (sheila made a comment earlier that she didnt want nat to give her this, she wants to see how long she can last) nat says "booooorriiing".... ryan says can we get a movie, nat says or music, sharon says we promise we wont talk game. they start talking about how josh talked game all the time and how he freaked out if he didnt know where every vote was. 7pm - ryan says the first 3 minutes i didnt think i was gonna last, adam says you have to get comfortable, ryan says i wouldnt say this is comfortable.....speaking of uncomfortable...sheila is making faces and moving around. nat says hey you are the last 2 boys in the house.... sheila says the bible boys made it. ryan says 7 went before us and now im hanging in a freaking glass box 7:02pm - they start talking about seeing the mini table....nat starts saying "mini" over and over again and sheila says "ok nat, we get it"...... they talk how james said this would not be endurance.....nat says what does he know, what about how he said we wouldnt be put into singles..... god talks to me, something james doesnt know about. adam asks nat what god is telling her now, nat says "to stick my ass in this box", sharon says he probably says butt.... nat says he is telling me in the box. they are talking about the question nat got from NY and it was about god. adam just yelled real loud "what up fellas"... they tell him to "just stop"....sheila is moving again to the other side of the box, she is the only one not talking ad her face looks pained. 7:07pm TRIVIA
Sharonda99 Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 7:08pm BBT Nat, Ryan and Sheila still hanging on. Nat and Ryan seem the most comfortable. Sheila is moving around and changing position. Adam and Sharon below talking with them.
Sharonda99 Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 Talk switches to James. " The James curse lives" Ryan says. Talk about the number of times James was able to come back and save himself. "Well he's not coming back anymore" Ryan says. Adam and Nat: He is D-U- triple N.
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 7:08 BBT - feeds back, sheila has again moved to another side of the box.... she keeps rolling her eyes and breathing heavy... nat thinks her butt is showing and adam and sharon say its not. 7:10 sheila says "im tired" .... ryan says im hot.... sheila move around again.... ryan just moves his legs....BB finally puts nat on a feed, she is adjusting her feet. they say poor sharon, the james curse is still here....... they laugh about how sheila said james was gonna dye his hair blonde and come back for season 10.... nat and ryan say he aint coming back now. 7:12pm - sheila asks for time again, sharon says maybe an hour or an hour and a half.
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 7:14pm ..... sheila was laying her head on the glass, she adjusts. ryan asks sheila whats she thinking about, shesays that i have to win this, i have to get a letter, im the only one who hasnt..... sharon says i havent either sheila. nat says her box smells like egg farts.....then she brings up about chelsia breaks all the eggs....nat says "who does that"..sheila laughs at how nat says it..... sheila says the chocolate bunny was disturbing, "i mean did you have to do that?" 7:17pm - sheila asks for the time again, ryan says he has a blister on his hand. nat says when she saw the boxes she thought they were gonna fill them with water...sheila says i would have gave this to you, i couldnt do that i would have walked away......adam says "sheila you look comfortable" shelia says shes not, that her ankle spur is hurting her, that she could have gotten an operation but she didnt....ryan says thats ok dr will can fix it for you when you get out, sheila smiles and says he doesnt do that kind of work 9:20 TRIVA for about 30 seconds --- adam is holloring alot and they are saying he is out of control..... ryan asks nat whats up with her pants....they are falling down.
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 7:24pm - talk has turned to chelsia and how she should have been grateful to walk out with a $21,000 trip to vegas....nat says how dare her walk out that way.
Sharonda99 Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 7:20BBT We get trivia because Adam starts singing the Peanut Butter Jelly song. The sun is starting to go down, and the set lights are coming on. Cam 1 started to fade out for a second but came back. Ryan, Nat and Sheila still maintaining. Ryan is pouring buckets of sweat. Sheila keeps changing position. Natalie hasn't really moved much at all and looks as if she could go all night.
Jem Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 Ryan, Natalie and Sheila still haning on. Natalie was complaining about James and the fact that he was stiring up stuff before he left.
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 7:45 BBT - (sorry, i had to reboot) nat ryan and sheila still in it, they are giving adam their food and drink order and hes speaking into his mic telling BB....nat isnt moving much....ryan movinghis lefs alot....sheila is moving and streatching around alot 7:47pm - sharon says they have been up there about 2 hours....sharon tells sheila she is doing good, sheila says we will see, sharon says thats girl power,adam says thats sexy, sheila says i dont know about that....ryan breath hot breath on his glass and writes OIL on it, adam cracks up (his nickname?)...sharon tells some joke about how a girl said to her i forgot my 9 10, everyone says what, she says oh wait, its my 7 10 and its oil backwords (on a calculator) one laughs, sharon says ok, so im a blonde. adam and sharon go to find something that the set is covering. 7:52 - sheila says her feet getting tired is really bad.... adam n sharon talking over by the pool table, sharon said as soon as they walked out she knew she was screwed.... she says if nat wins they are screwed, adam says what about sheila, sharon says i dont know, adam says you think ryan would put me up, sharon says i dont know i dont talk to him, as they walk back over nat asks whats going on, sharon says oh nothing just having a secret talk...ryan says oh a romantic. ryan says he could go for a double cheese burger right now, sharon says some chick fil a, or in and out burger. 7:55pm TRIVIA
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 7:57PM BBT - feeds back... sheila keeps hanging her right leg down and twisting her ankle around... ryan holds onto bar above his head and streaching, dont know what nat is doing they dont have a camera on her. it was quiet for about a minute and then sharon says no matter what happens im glad we are all here together..... ryan asks sheila how shes doing, she says i got to see a pic man, im the only one who hasnt (guess the letter thing isnt working so she'll try something else) she says she's gonna hang on, she doesnt want anyone to give it to her (yeah right) ....ryan says your doing good and that she looks sexy...sheila says really? 8:00pm - sheila slipped when she adjusted and says "oh crap, i almost fell"
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 8:03pm bbt - ryan notices the girls are sitting in the corners, he says hes not a corner man, sheila says its because they are shorter. ryan streatching alot, and whistling. sheila keeps moving around alot they are all talking about the party yesterday, sheila (sarcastically) says "oh yeah,that was a blast, it wore me out"... ryan says all her training should be helping her out, sheila says that was years ago, i havent worked out here. she says she tired, her legs are worn out. 8:07am, BB opened up the doors, sharon says she has to go to the bathroom....when they get in they both go to SR..... they both go in and find a fully stocked SR... ryan grbs a bag of cookies, takes one out, takes a bite, puts it back in and closes the bag. adam comes out and tells them the SR is fully stocked, sheila asks what time it is, adam says 8:09.... ryan says maybe the will have a luxury comp. nat just yelled "more smoke, awsome, i love your special efects micheal" as smoke fills the backyard....sharon runs to the window thinking someone fells, she tells adam and he runs outside.....sharon inside cutting up food for he GPs
Sheldon Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 8:13 PM BBT: Same three still going! Sharon is in the kitchen making something. Adam is doing something mean, Eating in front of them.
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 8:12 pm bbt - adam comes outside and starts to eat something and ryan says "no, not cool brother", sheila says he doesn't think
motormouthcj Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 8:17pm bbt - adam just tells everyone that sharon is convinced its her and adam going up, sheila says no its not, its gonna be me and her, thats why i have to stay up here, nat says it will be me and adam, sheila says who told you that, nat points out sharon, sheila says whatever, she lost, shes not up here. 8:19pm TRIVIA for a few seconds.... they come back and sheila, ryan and adam are pissed that james started so much shit, that they are all on the same page.....sharon in red room doing something...... sheila saying "hmmmm, very intresting looks like he got to a couple of us." 8:21 TRIVIA 8:24 - back from trivia.... nat saying how grose james was putting his d**k near her, i mean he put that in the stank puss of chelsia..... adam says i cant talk bad about him, ryan says "fuck it, i dont care" and commences to say how james was a 21 year old know it all and do it all. they are making jokes about why they are all still up there, cuz no one wants to go up against sharon.
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