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I haven't read all of the "Big Brother" threads so I'm not sure what's been covered so I'm not sure if there are repeats in this article from Variety. I thought the article was interesting and does contain spoilers so readers beware.


'Big Brother' Double Play

by Josef Adalian

CBS summer staple "Big Brother" is getting a million-dollar facelift for 2005 -- in more ways than one. In addition to the serie's new digs (Daily Variety, May 6), executive producers Arnold Shapiro and Allison Grodner have engineered a twist to the game that could result in the contest winner walking away with $1 million. That's double the game's usual $500,000 jackpot.

Getting the coin won't be easy, however. As part of their annual effort to reinvent the game of "Big Brother," producers have come up with a scheme in which every cast member of "Big Brother 6" will walk into the house with a ready-made alliance - a best friend, co-worker or significant other.

However, each pair of players will be told they're the only two participants coming into the house with a partner - even though there will actually be seven teams of two playing the game. Teams also will be told to keep their alliances secret - at least if they want to win the big money.

"The incentive is (for partners) to get to the end of the game sitting side by side," said Grodner. "If they do, the winner will get $1 million and the second-place person will get $250,000. It's in their best interests to keep it a secret." If a twosome doesn't make it to the finals, winner will get the usual $500,000, while the runner-up will snag a measly $50,000.

Viewers won't find out which players are partnered until the season's third episode. But Shapiro and Grodner already are expecting plenty of what latter calls "soap opera stories" to emerge from a house in which everyone already knows someone.

"These are people who already like each other, but the question is, will (the friendships) last until the end when money's involved?" Grodner said. Producers are planning myriad mini-twists throughout the season as part of what they're calling "the summer of secrets."

"Every year we do something exotic," Shapiro said. "Last year it was a 'twin twist,' the year before it was the 'ex' factor. This year, there are a number of secrets involving the cast, involving the new house and involving the game. And like an onion, they'll be peeled away week after week throughout the summer."

One early twist will come early in the game when houseguests discover there are only 10 beds for the 14 of them. That's because the new two-story house contains a secret bedroom. Extreme makeover of the "Big Brother" house includes a second-level master suite (complete with balcony and private bathroom); a full-sized gym; and a new studio for host Julie Chen.

There also have been rumblings that producers might allow each week's "head of household" to maintain a blog, likely via CBS.com-- a first for a network reality show. But CBS declined to confirm speculation about Web content related to the show, which has traditionally included a pay-per-view Web feed component.

New digs were created by set designer Scott Storey ("Surreal Life"), who was charged with making the house "a character in the show," Grodner said. Shapiro also credited "technical genius" Gene Crow for making sure the new house's control rooms and edit bays worked. "The fact that we're getting a signal (to CBS Television City) is a credit to him," he said. New house boasts five extra cameras (for a total of 47) and 10 new mics (for a total of 76). The 14 cast members are a particularly young lot: 10 are under 30, and the oldest is just 36.

So the biggest changes are:

  • Luckily for CBS, if those alliances crumble, the prize is lowered to $500,000, with second place receiving just $50,000.

  • The house itself has secrets: soon, "houseguests discover there are only 10 beds for the 14 of them. That's because the new two-story house contains a secret bedroom."

  • Those who go online to find out more about what's happening inside the house might get more than just shots of the front of the new house. That's because "producers might allow each week's 'head of household' to maintain a blog, likely via CBS.com
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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler

Big Brother

It's kind of amazing how, between each summer of watching strangers sit around a house, I can completely block out all the inane rules about the Head of Household and the Power of Veto. But even more amazing is how quickly it all comes back to me. I'm kind of intrigued by the "summer of secrets" concept, which seems more harmless than last season's "Surprise, you have a brother you never knew about and this will rock your family!" (Ah, good ol' Nakomis; I haven't thought about her in nine months. Scary.) Anyway, it's fun trying to figure out who's partnered with whom and such. But I have to say that Ivette's going to have to be a little sneakier about trying to hide the fact that she likes girls instead of boys. I mean, my coworker Kerri and I guessed it when we were scanning the bios earlier this week. Biggest tip-off? She listed her favorite show as The L-Word. She should reveal it, because so far she and the rest of the cast mates seem a bit blah, and they could use some new info to spice things up. And if she doesn't want to reveal her sexual orientation, she could just do what James did and make up some facts about herself. Otherwise, it is going to be a looooonnnng summer.

Rachel won the first HOH and tortured Howie a bit by revealing his key last in the nominating-for-elimination round. It was kind of fun to see the cocky guy sweat a little. My early favorite is Sarah; she seems sweet and good-natured, and if the other Brothers don't eat her alive, she might go far. Unfortunately I think Kaysar (pronounced Kay-sir) isn't long for this TV world, especially if the Power of Veto has anything to do with basketball, because his aim could use some work.

And as for all the fuss about the house, I'm not that impressed. Sure, it's bigger and more colorful, but really, it's still just a set piece. And making a deal about the pool? It isn't even in-ground! OK, that might be difficult to install in a back lot, but above-ground pools are so cheesy. I have a hard time believing that the same set designer who brought that beautiful HOH room to life signed off on that decision. But if there really is a secret room, that might change my mind. I've always loved houses where you could open a hidden door and go behind the bookcases. Wait, I've never actually been in one, just exposed to too much Scooby-Doo as a child. Anyway, despite my qualms about the overhyped digs, I am holding out hope that this will be a fun group. If not, at least I can spend my time counting the minutes until the inevitable couple

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Guest ranster627

TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler

Big Brother

So the house isn't quite as lame as I initially thought. There is a teeny little in-ground pool, a hot tub and that surprisingly cool gold room (I've got a sneaking suspicion something else is inside those little golden books

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PHILADELPHIA (Zap2it.com) Finally, after a week of rousing games of "spin the lazy susan" and cross-dressing, the "Big Brother 6" houseguests are ready to ceremoniously boot one of their own. It's all-new, all-live, and all-too-dull.

Julie Chen is back to host the potentially exciting proceedings by communicating to the houseguests though a TV in their living room. Suddenly, it becomes possible to relate to the incarcerated group of people with enough flex time that they can sign up to live the next three months in captivity. Like them, we find ourselves trapped in a poorly decorated abode and subjected to the cardboard machinations of the blandest TV personality since Pat Boone.

In case you've been indisposed for the past seven days, here's an update on what happened: nothing. Kaysar and Ashlea are still on the chopping block. Rachel used her awesome powers of deduction to find a hidden gold-encrusted room. Innocent Jennifer used Rachel's HOH bathroom. Horny Howie put on some lingerie and lipstick, the closest he's come to touching an actual woman in the house. PB&J was consumed. A hot tub was unlocked. And none of the "secret pairings" of this season were revealed.

That all changes tonight. Or, at least, they finally tell us who's playing as partners.

First, though, we see what's gone down since Tuesday. Apparently, Michael helped Jennifer with her mammary exposure problem. This was too much for Eric, who feels the "guy pact" from last week is threatened. This prompts Kaysar to tell Michael to tone it down. Eric uses the fact that Kaysar even mentioned this as an excuse to mistrust Kaysar and possibly abandon the guy's pact from last week.

Hmmm ... we thought girls were supposed to be the fickle ones.

Julie conducts an awkward initial interview with the houseguests, punctuated by flat jokes and long moments of silence. Howie is now wearing the hat Kaysar was sporting on Tuesday. Is there a giant dress-up trunk somewhere? When are they going to break out the tutus and feather boas?

We quickly segue to clips from the diary room. Janelle says she likes both Kaysar and Ashlea, but wants to boot Kaysar. Sarah wants to axe Ashlea. Ivette seems to hate them both, calling Ashlea "obnoxious and annoying" and expressing her mistrust for Kaysar and his waxed eyebrows.

Well, the secret that there is more than one secret pair in the house lasted about four seconds. The houseguests have all figured it out. Not only do they know they aren't the only deceptive duo, for the most part they've figured out each other's partners as well. They also know they're competing for the biggest prize in 'BB' history.

Since they know that much, we might as well be given the goods: Kaysar and Michael are friends from way back. Down low lesbian Ivette and out-and-about gay man Beau are former co-workers. Maggie dates one of fireman Eric's brethren. Sarah and James are -- gasp -- dating. April and Jennifer share the same implants and are former sorority sisters. Janelle and Ashlea are BFF. And Horse Whisperer Rachel and Horny Howie are buds. They're also quickly emerging as the team to beat.

While talking to Julie Rachel flahses a megawatt smile like her life depends on it. They exchange some not-so-witty banter before another diary sequence mercifully ends the segment. Maggie finds it "sad" that "Ashlea thinks she's prettier than anyone else." Howie disagrees, noting Ashlea's "great boobies." Jennifer, at the ripe old age of 27, finds Ashlea, like many young people today, to be "egocentrical," while Michael votes to keep Kaysar. Duh.

We're then treated to a segment about the secret dating couple, James and Sarah. In clandestine conversations, James claims that the hard bodies and ample bosoms of the other ladies in the house to be "not my type." In between whines, Sarah seems to buy it. After all, fingers crossed means "I love you." Sucka.

Back to the video diary excerpts. Ashlea is declared "high on herself" and "a Barbie-doll type" by April and Beau. James and Eric, on the other hand, find Kaysar to be "sneaky" and "a rat."

Ashlea and Kaysar take center stage to make their final statements to the housemates. They're weak, at best, and Kaysar seems to be addressing the ceiling.

Then the big moment comes. Julie fiddles around with an envelope and Ashlea is out by a vote of 9-2. Quick hugs are exchanged in the house, Howie tries to cop a feel, and Ashlea exits to greet Julie, leaving the the housemates to mill around and Howie to find someone else to grope.

Outside, the lethargic exit interview takes place. Ashlea is all-smiles until a farewell tape from her secret partner Janelle airs. Janelle feels Ashlea got the boot for "looking good in a bikini", vows that they'll always be BFF and that she will "take care of" those who voted against her partner.

Fifteen minutes left and it's time for a HOH competition. Given the moniker "Fast & Easy" it describes most of the houseguests. It's a Q&A where speed counts in answering ridiculously simple true/false questions. It's down to Eric and Janelle, who is approximately three heads taller than he is. Eric wins, with a lot of whooping and hollering, all of it coming from Eric.

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler

Big Brother

Howie and Rachel are a team? I'm a little shocked, but mostly that just makes me even more convinced that she's really playing this game and is a force to be reckoned with. The other players would do well to oust her early on when they have a chance. Since discovering that Maggie is partnered with Eric, I'm thinking she's not just a little Rachel clone and might actually be cooler than I thought. Somehow the person who lost points in my book when her secret alliance was revealed was Sarah. I thought she was cute and sweet, but the snippets of her relationship with James made her seem a little too needy. Especially if her biggest concern is whether Ivette is James' type. Honey, you've got nothing to worry about. Even if James does try and flirt with her, he'll get shot down pretty quickly. Meanwhile, Janelle is on her own after the elimination of her partner, Ashlea. I had already started prepping questions for Kaysar because I was sure his constant worrying would be his downfall. But according to their little eviction speeches, the women found Ashlea more annoying and Kaysar less trustworthy. I guess being shady is a good thing? Interesting, though, that they showed both James and Janelle voting Kaysar out. You would have thought James would have coordinated his voting strategy with someone

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From JAM! Showbiz

Tempers erupt on 'Big Brother' feeds

'Big Brother 6' HouseGuest Michael Donnellan.

A personal grudge between two HouseGuests spilled over into a physical confrontation on the 24/7 live Internet feeds on Saturday night.

After the players were given some alcohol they had won in a Friday afternoon Food Challenge by the producers, HouseGuests Michael Donnellan, the 28-year-old artist from California and Eric Littmann, the 36-year-old firefighter from Las Vegas, got into a shouting match and Eric had to be physically restrained by the other players in the backyard when he charged at Michael. Both had been drinking Saturday night.

The live 24/7 Internet feeds were immediately sent to a camera inside the fish tank, the standard practice when the producers do not wish the public to witness certain events like an important competition.

Bad blood has been brewing in the house for some time over Michael's behaviour towards the female players. Many of the women have expressed their dissatisfaction with the way Michael has physically interacted with them to their fellow HouseGuests and the producers themselves. Michael has been seen biting one player's behind and kissing some of the women on the neck. Some days ago, Eric, this week's Head Of Household, confronted Mike over the allegations and used the term "sexual harassment". He asked Michael to cease his behaviour. Since that time, both men have held a grudge against one another.

Remarks Michael may or may have not made about Eric's family sparked the confrontation tonight. Already fuming after being told of the comments, Eric erupted when Michael came into the backyard.

Eric asked Michael if he had a problem.

"Yeah, I got a problem with you. You got a problem with me?," Michael reponded.

When Michael said Eric was all talk and no action as well as having a small penis, Eric leapt out of his chair and charged in Michael's direction.

"Don't talk about my family you (expletive) piece of (expletive)," yelled Eric. "That's right, talk about my family behind my back."

The other HouseGuests intervened and Eric was held back by several of them. On many occasions in the house, Michael has claimed to be well versed in martial arts.

"You're going home," Eric shouted as 'Big Brother' made an announcement.

On Friday, Eric had nominated Michael and Janelle for eviction.

As per the rules of the 'Big Brother' game, anyone making verbal or physical threats against another player can immediately be removed from the house and disqualified from the game.

When the feeds returned late Sunday morning after being blacked out for hours, both Eric and Michael were still in the house. In talking with Rachel as they made breakfast, Eric said he was sure 'Big Brother' was going to ask him to leave the house over the incident but it appears they have given him and Michael a second chance.

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(Saturday, July 16 09:02 PM)

By Liz Scott

PHILADELPHIA (Zap2it.com) "Big Brother "' is back, with the miniscule, yet disturbingly buff Eric at the helm as the Head of Household (HOH). What master plan is he hatching beneath his shiny cranium? Who will be up for elimination? Will he bench-press his secret partner, Maggie? Will cute little Jennifer try to use his personal bathroom without permission? Batten down the hatches, we're about to find out.

When we last saw the crew, they had somewhat ceremoniously cast bubble-headed strumpet Ashlea out into the cold, cold world of a Julie Chen interview. Her bereft secret partner Janelle was left in imminent danger of contracting conjunctivitis from the running mascara flowing into her eyes. Janelle rallied to try and capture the coveted HOH spot, coming in a close second behind the diminutive Eric. Close, but no private HOH suite, Janelle. Without your partner, your number may be up. Especially since the houseguests seem to have figured out the whole "secret partners" twist.

A new day dawns and Janelle is "out for revenge" and unappreciative of drunken frat boy tactics Howie uses as he desperately tries to grope her. Apparently, he's got some competition in the house in the form of Sensitive Sculptor Michael, who's the other resident "BB6" masher. Like most sexual harassers, Michael is offended that anyone would even think that his smooching on the ladies of the house is inappropriate and is appalled at being seen as a "perverted pig." Beau, not to be outshone, has apparently decided to get in on the action by groping a remarkably docile Kaysar, who takes his smothering and tugging with good humor.

The houseguests try to determine who, besides Ashlea, voted to evict Kaysar. It's James, but no one knows it but James and Eric. They're cooking up a plan to point the finger at Michael, evidently on Eric's hit-list for thinking that "Eric is afraid of Janelle." He should be -- the girl is four feet taller than him.

Eric is ready to party in the HOH room. The contestants enter and ooh and ahh like they've never seen it before. The producers have provided a basket for Eric with low-carb beer, energy drinks and a pic of the wife and kids, which causes Eric to weep instantly. Janelle is not buying the tears. Is it cold in here, or is it just Janelle? Maggie gets emotional and hugs her secret partner Eric, raising the suspicion of both Beau and James.

And now, it is "ghetto slide" time. Huh? Ivette rigs up a slip 'n' slide made from black garbage bags. It's gotta hurt when you're hurling your body onto Astroturf in the blazing Southern California sun. Beau declares it to be ghetto-fabulous, while Janelle turns up her nose. Aren't we high and mighty for a lingerie-wearing waitress?

But she doesn't just wear lingerie -- she also plays chess. She challenges the dudes in the house to games to ascertain their intelligence and strategy. You've gotta wonder if she does the same thing on dates.

Uh-oh, a political debate has broken out. James blames the Iraq war on Jimmy Carter, while Eric has a more rational approach. Kaysar, whose family is actually from Iraq, gets fed up and beats the hell out of Young Republican James. No, he decides to have a heart-to-heart with James and understanding and world peace is achieved.

Let's put that seriousness behind us with a good old fashioned Old West food challenge, shall we? Taking a cue from "Fear Factor," the "BB6" producers have come up with the idea of making the incarcer-ees eat gross stuff to earn the privilege of eating good stuff throughout the week. Iced clam sundaes, pepper-only pizza, sauerkraut cream pie and the like are served up by Eric. Basically, "Iron Chef" dishes that flopped. Delving into the costume trunk that evidently must exist, Eric dons a disheveled wig for the occasion, making him resemble a present-day Brett Michaels.

Much hurling commences, but the group has managed to secure groceries, including beer and wine. It's only a matter of time before they're all drunk off their asses. Some houseguests are feeling bad about blowing chunks and losing parts of the food challenge for the group, so Eric takes the opportunity to make a stirring "we win as a team, we lose as a team" speech. He then tries to press the "dictatorial dad" persona by warning the houseguests not to eat all the new food at once. Like unruly teenagers, the houseguests promptly ignore him and stuff their faces.

It's interview time in the HOH lair as Eric speaks to each houseguest individually, making a pact with most that he'll keep them safe this week if they do the same for him in the future. All except Michael and Janelle, who are, of course, on the chopping block.

Next episode: the sacred power of veto is up for grabs.

-- Liz Scott lives in Philadelphia. Her hobbies include listening to Prince, watching "Cops" and reading about celebrities.

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler

Big Brother

I really don't like James now; he just seems like such a rude dude playin' the game hard when he's being interviewed, but his insensitive speech about killing innocent people in Iraq when Kaysar was sitting in the same room just put him on my bad list. I don't care what his or Eric's

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler

Big Brother

Tonight, on the episode of the week that I consider a big bother (because it's all about the silly Power of Veto challenge, which so rarely gets used for good), the first 15 minutes or so were preempted on the East Coast. And if I hadn't stuck around for Rock Star, then I wouldn't have seen what I thought was a handy message telling me that cbs.com was going to post the whole episode later on. So after the INXS wannabes finished their deal

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Guest ranster627

FROM AfterElton:


Gay Men Confined to Comic Relief on Big Brother?

by Matthew Weiss, July 19, 2005

Gay men don

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler

Big Brother

So Michael got evicted from the Big Brother house... I'm sooooo surprised. Almost as surprised as Michael was when Julie told him that all the housemates had secret partners. Um, yeah, they all had figured that out, Ms. Chen. You've got to come up with a tougher twist next year. I still don't entirely understand what Michael did to tick Eric off, though. I mean, Eric's talk with Julie (who looked great in that yellow dress) wasn't all that enlightening. He just basically admitted to hearing some comments about his family from an uncertain source. But it is nice that the little Napoleon is no longer HOH. No longer will we have to hear him expounding on how everything should be done, and now maybe people can actually relax and have a good time. Novel idea. I am glad that Michael's secret partner won Head of Household; it's sort of a bittersweet irony. It should be fun to see everyone scramble to kiss Kaysar's derriere. The only person who breathed a sigh of relief when he won was Janelle. I think he'd have a hard time getting rid of his best friend's gal pal. I was really liking Janelle this week... until she dumped her boyfriend on national TV. Not the most thoughtful way to do it, but I guess that means that she wasn't actually cheating on the unnamed New Yorker while she was smooching Michael.

It was kind of interesting to see last season's "twist" contestants, and to discover that Cowboy and Nakomis haven't spoken and that she didn't go to his wedding. Also, nice-guy Drew and Diane split up, and Jase and Holly didn't work out (and here I thought they were perfect for each other). If they can't make it... oh, who am I kidding? I can't even type that sentence with a straight face.

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Guest ranster627


Big Brother 6

jeers.jpgto "Big Brother 6" for engaging in ageism. The eldest of the CBS reality show's 14 roommates is only 36 (firefighter Eric, the poor man's version of 'Survivor' champ Tom). And when the house's most senior female, Rachel, revealed that she's-gasp!-33, she was showered with backhanded compliments ("Wow, you look great for 33!") When did "Big Brother" turn into "The Real World"?

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Isn't it interesting that a lot of the conversations we have on these threads end up being a part of an article. Makes me feel like maybe our voices are being heard... kewl!!

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler


Big Brother

Howie is training himself to be a Jedi warrior, but isn't aware of that whole abstinence thing. Why does that make me really worried about what he is using as a lightsaber? As predicted, the week of butt-kissing has commenced, including annoying Ivette, who insisted she's liked Kaysar from the beginning. Oh, K, if you believe that maybe you are just a pretty face. But even if he is just eye candy, at least he was smart enough to put that slim-shady James on the chopping block. His "partner" couldn't make it in at the last minute? Yeah, right. If you're going to try to pull that off, you need someone other than the easy-to-read Sarah as a partner, and it wouldn't hurt if said teammate knew how to spell cauliflower. I mean, in Howie's defense

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler


Big Brother

So even though I've pretty much been running around the house yelling, "Liar, liar, pants on fire" every time James opened his mouth in the last few weeks, I've got to give him credit for finally coming clean. Mousy little Sarah convinced him to tell the truth (at least about their alliance). Though the only shock was that they were dating and not brother and sister, their revelation pretty much paved the way for a huge coup. I'm so proud of Kaysar the outcast for helping to overthrow Eric and his sheepish minions who thought they would just spend the summer sitting on the couch and picking off people who annoyed them. Well, this is a game and it looks like someone finally let go of the pause button and instead hit fast forward. Howie actually said it the best with his analysis that it was like the Jedi council going against the Sith lords. Hopefully the wannabe Jedi can keep his partner Rachel from turning over to the dark side. She seems to be the only wild card that may swing in Eric's favor, unless Eric can convince James or Sarah that K is playing them in the next few days before eviction which seems unlikely. And much as Ivette irritates me, she's good for some comic relief with her comments on her chess abilities

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Insider

Big Brother Ends Californian's Dream

by Angel Cohn

Last Thursday on Big Brother the houseguests decided to evict Michael Donnellan. During his brief stay, the 28-year-old artist from Orange County, Calif., nearly got into a fistfight with then-Head of Household Eric, was accused of "sexually harassing" the women and then developed a relationship with the nearly outcast Janelle. TVGuide.com gave him a ring to find out the real deal.

TVGuide.com: You seem so calm and mellow, even though you got kicked off.

Michael Donnellan: Would you like me to do the Riverdance for you?

TVGuide.com: No, it's just that most people are a little upset.

Michael: Eh, what are you gonna do?

TVGuide.com: Were you surprised that everyone

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler


Big Brother

Tonight it was time for Eric to hang up his "Cappy" moniker and head out of the house. But the firefighter did not go out in a blaze of glory, instead he went out with a disgruntled whimper. Sure Kaysar and Co. staged one of the coolest upsets in Big Bro history but he could have at least attempted to sway a few more people into keeping him around. Instead the wannabe drill sergeant is heading home to see his much talked about kids. And Eric's secret partner Maggie stuck around and got Head of Household. Will she be able to avenge her pals eviction the way that K got back at the bullies for taking out his partner Michael? Perhaps, but chances are it won't be with such aplomb. Back in the outside world, Julie Chen is more oblivious than the houseguests who have been sequestered apart from the outside world. Making the whole secret partner thing a "big revelation" was just lame. Everyone in the house knows about everyone else. I can't imagine what the next big secret is. I can only hope it turns out to be half as thrilling as this dull one has been. Also on the outside we saw K's family and Janelle's family trying to analyze their friendship, yeah, it is baffling, but I/they had to be proud of the outcasts taking control.

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler


Big Brother

OK, this episode easily earns the honor of having the word "boobies" said the most times on prime-time TV. I had read about Howie's obsession with "breasteses" and his flirting with the only out boy in the house Beau on some of the minute-by-minute write-ups of the live feed, but Howie in action is certainly a sight to behold. I hope that he gets to stick around for a while, because he is a fun character to watch. Unlike the bitterly brutal Ivette, whose attempts at humor just come across so wrong and abrasive. I wouldn't be sad to see her go the next time Kaysar and Co. get control. That is if K doesn't get evicted this week. Please no, I swear he's getting hotter every week. But that flip-flopping Sarah said she'd do whatever she could to save her "man." Here I thought James was the shady one, but it turns out that maybe the mousy, quiet girl is the perfect match for him in lying and deception. That would be something to tell the grand kids. And on a slightly off-topic note, did anyone catch that clever CSI commercial? The one where the writer is dragging a corpse around because he's taking his work home with him? That humorous take on such a serious drama was a nice change of pace and may convert me from a part-time CSI lover to a full-fledged watcher. It would be a nice scripted show to look forward to when this whole summer of secrets is over.

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Guest ranster627

FROM TV GUIDE: The Insider

Big Brother's Eric Is Fired Up

by Angel Cohn

Turnabout is fair play. Big Brother's Eric Littman learned that the hard way when he went from ruling the roost as Head of Household on July 14 to being most recently evicted houseguest on July 28. The married father of two, who is employed as a firefighter in Las Vegas, got burned by Kaysar, a former cohort who staged one of the biggest upsets in the show's history by flipping Eric's dominant alliance to his advantage.

TVGuide.com spoke to Eric the day after his ouster to see how he was handling his sudden change of address.

TVGuide.com: Are you a little relieved to be out of that chaos?

Eric Littman: There's always a part of you that, once you come to the realization that you may be going home, starts preparing yourself. To do that, I started thinking about the things that I would be able to do once I get home: coaching my son's baseball team, taking my daughter to ballet, hanging out with my wife in bed for three or four days... those kind of things. Once eviction night rolls around, you're looking forward to it.

TVGuide.com: Did the show make you appreciate being with your family more?

Eric: Oh, yeah. I always said that being a fireman was a calling, and I still think that it is, but the longer I was in that house and stayed away from my family, the more I kind of felt that I was meant to be on this earth to raise my children and just be a father and be a good husband. That's enough for me.

TVGuide.com: Do you think your family has been watching?

Eric: [Laughs] I think that's an understatement. If I know my wife Julie, who's very passionate, she was probably throwing things at the TV!

TVGuide.com: Are you going back to firefighting?

Eric: That will never leave me. I'll be going back to my station and doing what I love to do, what I was meant to do in this life.

TVGuide.com: Do you think there was anything you did that your crew will tease you about?

Eric: The worst thing you can do is give another firefighter ammunition to rib you a little bit. I'm sure I have given them a plethora of things to rib me about for the rest of my career.

TVGuide.com: Have you gotten over the shock of Ivette's announcement?

Eric: I guess that the look on my face was just priceless. I'm not normally the type of person to pick up on that stuff too quickly. My wife always says that I can't even tell when a girl's hitting on me. So I was shocked, but a fun shocked. I could care less about her sexual orientation.

TVGuide.com: So whose idea was it to go on the show, yours or Maggie's?

Eric: My wife and I have watched every season, and they once had a firefighter on whose demeanor I didn't like

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Guest ranster627

TV GUIDE: The Water Cooler

Big Brother

Ah, the annual, oh-so-subtle cross-platform plug between a Paramount movie (Four Brothers) and CBS. I actually found the choice interesting, because the movie has an underlying message about what makes a family, and in a weird way the houseguests are sort of a wacky, dysfunctional, makeshift family

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