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Want To Watch Again??


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Thanks to a link that was found online you can now watch BB all over again. Currently all that's uploaded is season 6. But by the end of today, Season 1 will also be up and part of season 2... I'm going to continue to work and have all 7 seasons up for you all. I've set up a channel for the seasons.


**Note: Episode = Day for Season 1**

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season 6 was my fav.

i didnt like the ending

but a very good season

i loved the outcast

and when they divide down the middle

that rocks!

i read something, where they said there WILL be 1 MAJOR twist

but thats it

so it should be yet another GREAT season





and please... big brother, give us great casts, where they fight, think, lie, trick,make romances, break romances, think outside the box

SO... to sum it up, give us a good ole' season, with something new...but not too new


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i love all the seasons so i can't really pick my favorite season but if i had to i would say season 7 all stars

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Season 6 would be my least favourite - not only did evil triumph over good, but it just felt like the producers put no effort in and the "summer of secrets" was a huge disapointment.

Things picked up again format wise with All Stars - at least they tried to upset the status quo with things like the double HoH and Coup d'etat - even though both ultimately came to nothing.

Season 5 would probably be my fave - I began following the US series closely from BB4 - mainly thanks to Morty - and couldn't say I've seen enough of BB2/3 to comment.

I definately think though the format certainly developed from BB2-BB5, but with BB6 it just seemed to stand still.

Most looking forward to seeing some of the BB1 episodes - certainly the live evictions - when it was all done so differently. I want to see how CBS screwed up one of the World's most successful formats!

Anyway thanks Dreamangel for going to the effort of uploading all the series - so much easier to take a look than having to download torrents etc.

Can I make a request to other members though - shall we keep it our little secret? More chance of the shows remaining there then!

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I've made the channel private so it can't be found with a search. The only way to find it right now is with a direct link or my profile. So for now we're safe. I'm up to episode 14 of season 1. It's in processing now. I'll update when I have more info.
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Watched the launch show - interesting, but easy to see why people didn't get hooked when the HGs didn't move in until the last few minutes.

Some stupid, rather pointless decisions made from the start - like changing "diary room" and "eviction" to "red room" and "banishment".

Interesting to see Julie Chen being allowed to interact with people too - though from what I've seen from launch and the nominations she's better in Chenbot mode!

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Just watched the first three live shows of BB1 - the premiere, the nominations and the eviction, and I think possibly Julie Chen showed more personality than in the six series that followed. Although I guess having an even more robotic co-host probably helps.

So funny during the nominations when she talks to the house and afterwards half of them are all "Who's Julie Chen?", something she's still hung up about a week later!

Also, don't know if they did this throughout the series but it seemed stupid announcing the eviction result to the viewers before they announced it to the houseguests.

Although I didn't like how distant and unconnected the studio was from the house, it's a shame some elements were not carried forward like the small audience of friends/family and just things like a bigger screen for example, rather than just the one small plasma. Also in todays eviction interviews a couple more VT packages wouldn't be too much to ask for either, though with the jury set up I guess they are limited on what they can and can't show.

I'd also have to say that out of the three BBUSA theme tunes the original was probably the best IMO, though now we're used to it the current is certainly an improvement on the BB2-5 theme.

Thanks Dreamangel for the opportunity to see these - I've been wanting to see a BB1 eviction for ages and never expected to get a whole show. If you've got them it'll be interesting to see an eviction show from later in the series to see if any changes were made along the way. I'd have thought they'd have quickly dropped the idea of announcing the evictee before they revealed it to the house.

Therefore if you can point out which are the relevant shows - either here or on the site itself, it be handy. Also the show where they tried to bribe a houseguest to leave so they could replace them would be good too.

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I have the entire season... I'm going to upload them all. But they are going to go out of order. I'm still uploading in order it's just that putting them in a specific order is really time consuming because they don't always process in order. I'll keep the seasons together but that's about it. So I'll upload in order. I recommend getting the Veoh player. You can subscribe to the channel and as I upload you'll automatically download to your computer... You can keep them or delete them later. And you can sort them yourself.
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Ok. Here is an update.

* Up to and including day 25 is now uploaded and active for BB1. If you notice a day missing it's probably because there wasn't an episode that day (no Sundays) or it could be one of the 4 missing episodes. Otherwise they will all be there. BB1 has 76 episodes.

* Up to and including Episode 3 (Veto) is now uploaded and active for BB7. BB7 has 29 episodes.

**More to be uploaded today.

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Another update today...

* Up to and including episode 30 for BB1 is now active.

* Up to and including episode 6 (2nd Veto) for BB7 is now active.

I've figured out a way to get all the episodes in order, however they will be in REVERSE order.

**Edited to update upload status**

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After a bit of complications I've been able to upload up to episode 48 of Season 1 and up to episode 12 of Season 7. For now I'll be taking a short hiatus from season 7 until I get the other half of season 1 uploaded and active. The first season goes up much faster and would in general make everything go faster. Please be patient with me and if you come across an episode that does not work please let me know.

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