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How Sick Am I?


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Okay, I know this is really weird....

and I know the chances that this could be done are incredibly slim...

but would it be possible to set the Big Brother 7 fire shown on the feeds as my screensaver? Preferably without the little logo in the corner, but I doubt that can be removed.

I really doubt it, but just in case...

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many have tried.. many have failed.. but we have the first SICK person right here at mortys!! :lol::lol::lol:

isnt there something more interesting that you would like to see on your computer screen? maybe a pic of your favorite houseguest... maybe a pic of your favorite season... maybe a pic of peanut butter and jelly.. or slop?

and if you say you want the music to go along with the fire.. well... i think we might need to call a professional.... as in a DR... and not DR will either. :lol:

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for a while there when the feeds were actually something watchable, when i would finally fall asleep with my laptop beside my bed......i had turned the feeds off but still heard the music, if i sit here quietly now i can still hear the BB music.....i think it killed brain cells

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