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Danielle & George on The Early Show


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Danielle and George were on Housecalls also. You've never seen two happier evictees. Especially George. He was laughing like crazy and it filled the room. He was most impressed with Col. Sanders showing up: "He didn't look bad for a dead guy." And Gretchen announced to him that he was awarded a free year of Chicken from Kentucky Fried Chicken, and he went absolutely nuts. :lol:

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For me the most interesting things on the clip occurred in the last 10 seconds: When Julie asked who they thought would get to F2, G. immediately leaned over to whisper in Dani's ear, then they both said Janelle. (And George did one of the fist-clenched arm-pulldowns, saying something I think was like "Yeah! Go Jani"), smiling, looking as though he is really proud of her.

But then when Julie asked who the other F2 would be, Dani said "Will" almost at once, and then just as the clip ends George said MB.

Does One-who-listens-at-doors know something?

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