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Tuesday, July 18


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I know I am a little late in replying (had to work super late tonight) but I wanted to comment on a few things sweetpea was talking about. If you were indeed a friendship fan (I say were, as there is no longer a friendship) then how can you judge Howie for calling Nakomis ugly? Howie was rude to say it, I agree, but

he felt it was justified as he and Nakomis don't get along. The friendship, however, spent 24 hours a day dissing everyone else. They talked about how ugly Rachel was and how immature she was and how she smelt. RACHEL! Probably the most mature person in the house that season. They judged people based on their skin color and talked about how they would deny medical care for people without insurance if they could. These are the reasons a majority of Americans hated the "friendship". And, as a SOV fan, I admit Howie was wrong to say that about Nakomis. Ugly to some may be hot to others. I will say, though, in my opinion Nakomis is an idiot! Hearing her talk about Diane being her girl and how much she trusts her made me want to vomit. Diane backstabbed Nakomis and their entire alliance for Drew and Nakomis doesn't think she would do it again?

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I don't make a big deal out of the name calling although I do think there is a line. On the other hand these people are bored to death and likely to get on eachothers nerves.

I was a Sov fan last year mainly because I like rooting for the underdogs. Eric had established Maggies alliance and I was hoping for some dissension. Early in the game it looked like it was going to be Eric making all the moves and loved it when Kaysar struck back hard.

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lol I remember the first episode of season 6 I hated Janelle because of a comment she made about the house being divided up between the hot people and the ugly people, with only the gay guy in between. I think it was after her partner was evicted that I really started to like her. I, like you, enjoy rooting for the underdog and after her partner was gone I felt bad for Janelle, as she was clearly alone. Then I watched her get nominated by Eric, who was soooo arrogant it made me sick, and I was in love with her. By the time Michael was evicted following the whole "sexual harrasment of April" (puleeeze!) and Kayser winning HOH, I actually despised Ivette, Beau, Jennifer, April, Eric, and Maggie. (at the time, I didn't dislike Maggie as much as the others, but you are who you hang with, ya know?) When Kayser flipped the game and Janelle showed just how smart she was I fell in love with the SOV. Mainly cuz I like to be surprised and they were full of surprises.

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I think CBS was a little mean to everyone tonite...

Neb, I thought the same thing. It's like the producers are hoping for a repeat of season 6's nastiness - but last night was just plain lame. Whether it's lazy editing or just trying to replicate last season's catfights, the producers need to wake up - FRESH material is going to hold a lot more interest than the SOS.

EX 1: The feeds of the Radford Place soap discussion were so much funnier with Diane being the illegitimate daughter of George who OWNED the factory but got it stolen away by evil Will. The janitor comment was just a brainstorming comment, said and discarded, yet the editors put that in instead of what they stuck with??? Apparenty it's a lot faster to just take the first min. and slap some titles over it than to actually scroll thru and edit down an 8 min. convo. :rolleyes:

EX 2: The whole slop thing was ENTIRELY ignored. The strike, James's comment about Anjelina Jolie, etc etc, would have been much more entertaining than prompting people in the DR to rag on Nik's hair. No doubt it's a lot easier to set up a DR soundbite than it is to patch together some of the funnier slop footage, but it's not as entertaining. :angry:

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I think the comments made about Diane were way over the top. Marcellas and Janelle calling someone trash because they have no money is wrong. CBS didn't make the situation any better by calling her the trailer park girl in that little pretend soap opera Marcellas and Janelle came up with. In my opinion calling some white trash is the same as using any other racist reference.

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