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target this week?


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nakomis because it seems the majority of hoh comp may be Q & A. beside sov she is the only one good @ them

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Both of them are targets. Nakomis because she's good in competitions, and Diane because of the Mr. & Mrs. Smith alliance (Diane and Jase). However, from listening to the feeds, Nakomis is the biggest target.

The BB6 may want Nakomis to leave the house, but Diane has been taking this nomination hard. Who knows what kind of behaviour Diane might show by the end of the week? Nakomis is very smart, she knows to keep her mouth shut and lay low!

On the other hand, BB6 may end up adding Nakomis to their alliance since she a single floater. She's a great competitor and would be a great ally. Unfortunately, I wonder if Nakomis would join the BB6, and most of all, could she be trusted to follow through with the BB6 plan???

Also, if Diane left the house, the Mr. & Mrs. Smith alliance would be broken, and Jase would be a single agent!!! However, from what I saw on the feeds, Jase seems to have allied with Will and Mike??? Kaysar and Howie continue to question Jase's commitments. Personally, I wouldn't trust Jase.

I can't wait the see the outcome of this nomination!!! All may change once the veto competition is played and won??? :)

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