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Let me preface this by saying, I am a clean freak. It would drive me insane to live amongst those sloppy,sloppy houseguests.

Now, I know they usually go on a cleaning spree every Thursday afternoon.But has anyone seen the houseguests clean anything besides the dishes?

I mean 14 people, most using just one bathroom and I haven't seen it cleaned yet?!?!

And the bathroom mirrors are really looking cruddy :blink:

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i am guessing because the noise of the vaccum would piss all the viewers off. and they want some kind of control over it.. so they give them the vaccum only on thursdays :D

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Based on what I remember about him from season 3 (he used to complain about how dirty Josh was, etc), I would be willing to bet that Marcellas cleans the shower and bathroom before he uses it. I would be willing to bet that Danielle is picky about that as well considering her rant that year about Gerry and the bathroom.

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