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I wish Morty was back

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I really appreciate all the hard work that everyone does, and I know that Morty can't do everything. But I want you to know that I miss you Morty. Your writing was spell checked, sentences were correctly constructed, and most of all the video worked. Sometimes I can't understand what the writer is trying to get across because words are out of place, ( I know you're saying write it yourself) I'm not trying bash anyone and I could not do as good of a job as the one that is being done. So don't get me wrong. I guess that the thing that I miss most is not being able to see the video that is offered. When I click the link it takes me to another website and.......... thats it. Do I need to register with another website to check out the videos? Do I need to subscribe (which means I need to pay!!). I've been a fan of this, and only this website for a few years. It was easy, it was fun, and it was consistant. Sometimes Mike Boggie is called Mike, sometimes Boggie, sometimes M. Which brings me to a point Marcellas is also called M somtimes (just as an example).

With all that said thanks for the hard work everyone puts in to bring upto date information to us, what can I do to look at the videos, and keep up the good work. We do appreciate it.

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Hi Purple,

The jokes on you, I am the author of that crap. I've got help, we sort of take turns. In my haste to get the info up quick, a lot of goofs go out, but as the day go on and I re-read and fix up my stuff and others. Are you sure you're reading the Main BB Page, because we do switch back and forth from Mike, to Boogie, but I don't think there are places we've just used "M"

I never promised Shakespere, but I will put my glasses on and take another look.

And BTW, I looked at my old stuff, and let me tell you I never was any good to start with, so there!


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Well I too had never found that BB Daily Coverage page before!!!

And I have also been wading through the live feeds updates..which are a bit of a jumble with each person using their own abbreviation for different players.

Thanks so much for the link to that page Morty.

Lord knows why I had never seen it before!!!

My Bad!!

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In another one of my attempts to be humorous, I think I left some important information. “My” coverage of Big Brother is still a team effort. Last year I wasn’t able to participate very much, and Jem said that she wanted Morty’s to cover BB even if I couldn’t help. This year I am again at my keyboard, but unlike BB1 through 5, where I did everything myself, I’m taking full advantage of everyone that’s offered their help in watching the feeds and reporting what’s going on.

Jem has a family to take care of, and yet it seems like she’s always there to assist and fill in all the blanks in the day’s coverage. We’d hardly have any video without Smirnoff, and when I found out we wouldn’t have the third server to stream video from this year, we discovered YouTube which allows us to hook you up with clips from other sites too.

As usual, there will be some days that I can’t be here, and Angelo Joe will be filling in, we may even enlist Smirnoff to do some writing (you’ll know when she takes over because the re-caps will be in French, Qui sera expuls

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Yes, Howie says hi to me pretty often, but what's even better is that he and Janelle have said hi to mortystv.com... I am so happy that this has happened... You deserve the recognition... You are the greatest!!!

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You mean there really is a Morty!!.......Geez,Im Having the Wizard Of Oz Flashbacks!! ;)
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  • 3 weeks later...

I Totally disagree with you Morty. Your past writing has not always been bad nor will it ever be. It was your writing that got me addicted. Lets see, was it your cute smile?...NO!! ..... Was it your feather-like skipping or hot pink shorts?.....uh <_< .... ;) ..... :blink: .... :angry: ...........NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry, my mind got stranded on that thought). Anyway, What it was that kept me coming back for more was your genius humor, your classic and unique way of wording things, and my favorite, The way you seem to find humor in that house even on the worst most boring of days. In fact, you had the brilliance to even find things funny while they slept. In other words, Morty, You literally kept me "LOL" and for that I personally want to thank you. I cannot tell you how many days you kept me sane. (not to mention the amount of money you saved me on psychology bills) .... (although I still pay them twice a week).... But shhhh!! that's just between us :) .

I also want to let you know that I really miss coming here, posting, and reading all the funny comments from all the high caliber members that are known to Morty's. I have tried VERY hard to get by to keep up on the BB action but every time I got to your page something always interrupted. I even re-registered when the new board was installed and was never able to use it more than once. Anyway, I sit here a little after midnight and wanted to at least say hello. I hope ALL is well and hope to speak to you again before this season also passes me by.





p.s. Hi to all the people I posted with. I hope you are all doing well.


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