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Anyone notice that on the cbs website when you click on the live feed link there is a picture on the side of Ivette and under it, it says "Can she win this time?" Is this a clue that Ivette may enter the house at some point or just a mistake? Anyone know?

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Very good catch Apasia. It is interesting that all of the other photos are people who are actually in the house. Funny that Ivettes is there and says "this time". I have yet to hear that any of the 6 nonchosen have been seen since the others entered the house. Maybe you have discovered something :) But knowing CBS.com, it is probably just a screw up.

Also was wondering what happened to the fantasy league. I always liked playing along with that even though I never made the top 50 heheheheh


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There is a thread where there is a link to ivettes site, and she has recently posted her feelings so far, so i dont think she, nor any of the others that didnt make it are still sequestered.

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