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So IS Dani still Wanting the BB6 OUT or no

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Wanting the BB6 OUT or no? The way she answered those questions in the DR made me think that she STILL wants them out,..but due to her deal with Janelle about not coming after her,..she may have to honor that promise even though she knows they have to go in order to progress in the game.

I think the way she answered in the DR this morning was like a recap of what her original thoughts were,..but not neccessarily that she is goign after them NOW,..thoughts??? <_<

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Her conversation in the diary room was really just answering questions about her intentions in the plan for Jase to disagree on noms. She was just explaining how it should've worked.

I think she should honor her word if they keep her in this week. It doesn't mean she'll have to stay with them, or vote how they tell her too, but let someone else take them out. She could sit back and stay out of trouble for a while.

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kelegryl said:

"I think she should honor her word if they keep her in this week. It doesn't mean she'll have to stay with them, or vote how they tell her too, but let someone else take them out. She could sit back and stay out of trouble for a while."

kelegyrl,...That's what I was hinting at with my question. Is she gonna be an honest player and honor that promise to Janelle,....or is she gonna be her good old self Danielle and stab her in the back? I don't know.

Danielle is so good at sitting back and letting others do her dirty work for her! B)

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Yeah She will let others get them out.

And Marci has talked about getting at least two of the four out. Heck he talked to Janelle about getting out Howie. Saying he would be an easy nom because they could use the excuse that his Boobie talk was getting old. And he has told others that you dont want all 4 making sequester

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If I was plainning to get out a BB6er I would create an alliance of Four people. I would take those four people and pretend to ally with the BB6ers and turn the screws on them when there are nine people left.

I think there are some that see it the same way but arent as vocal about it. Word will get out that Howie isn't very focused and only goes after those he finds "annoying". James seems to know who to go after but can't organize a real coup.

Kaysar and Janelle are the real threats in that group.

I think you see a lot of talk about people wanting to take them out though. I doubt anyone is really going to go through with it. There's too much opportunity to keep yourself in the game by riding along with them for a while.

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