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Big Brother Canada Season 12 Houseguests

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Todd Clements
Age: 31
Hometown: Happy Valley-Goose Bay, N.L.

Occupation: General Contractor


Profile: Todd is fun, honest and has a big heart. His strategy is to win competitions and become a leader in the house. Although he talks a big game, he wouldn’t mind a showmance to keep him company until the end.


Vivek Sabbarwal
Age: 25
Hometown: Saint John, N.B.

Occupation: Software Developer


Profile: Vivek is a superfan full of ambition and passion for the game. He plans on securing a ride or die to carry him through the season, but don’t be fooled, once it’s time for the finale, he will cut his #1 to ensure he is crowned the winner.


Avery Martin
Age: 26
Hometown: Selkirk, Man.

Occupation: Videographer


Profile: Avery is the ultimate hype girl as sweet as they come! Her strength and endurance is her secret weapon, but she will throw comps, to keep the target off her back.


Bayleigh Pelham
Age: 34
Hometown: Halifax, N.S.

Occupation: Bartender


Profile: Bayleigh is a firecracker that’s waiting to explode! Her confidence and unfiltered personality will influence every decision in the house, giving her the advantage to win at all costs.


Dinis Freitas
Age: 48
Hometown: Toronto, Ont.

Occupation: Textile Designer


Profile: This superfan may be loud, proud and outgoing, but his strategy lies in flying under-the-radar. Dinis is a master maniuplator who will use his resourcefulness and discipline to lead him to victory.


Donna Marshall
Age: 26
Hometown: Hubbards, N.S.

Occupation: Artist


Profile: Donna is a small-town girl, with big plans to shake up the house. She will lean on her natural athleticism to win comps and her ability to build tight knit bonds, while locking down a showmance or two.


Elijah Kazlauskas
Age: 31
Hometown: North Bay, Ont.

Occupation: ESL Teacher


Profile: When it comes to this fun-loving teacher, don’t judge a book by its cover because Elijah is a force to be reckoned with! This clever superfan will take the lead as HOH, make strong alliances, and strategize his way to the end.


Tola Eam
Age: 40
Hometown: Ottawa, Ont.

Occupation: Fiber Optic Technician


Profile: Tola is a family man with a plan! This dad plans to use his ability to adapt swiftly in any situation to bring home the win.


Janine Holmes
Age: 44
Hometown: Toronto, Ont.

Occupation: Hair & Make-Up Artist


Profile: Talk about blonde ambition! Not only is Janine a successful business owner, but she’s also a married mom of two. This vibrant hair and makeup artist will offer up her hairstyling services to her fellow houseguests, get them to spill their secrets, and use them to her advantage in the game.


Kayla Clennon
Age: 26
Hometown: Stouffville, Ont.

Occupation: Vollyball Coach


Profile: Brains, brawn, and beauty. Kayla is here to prove that she is a fierce competitor and will dominate as a comp beast. Kayla’s goofy side will distract her houseguest into thinking she isn’t a threat, but she has some tricks up her sleeves.


Lexus Jackson
Age: 24
Hometown: Lexus Jackson

Occupation: Dental Hygienist


Profile: With an enticing personality and hypnotizing aura, Lexus plans to reel in the houseguests with her social game, but doesn’t mind being the villain if that’s what it takes to win big.


Matthew Wong
Age: 27
Hometown: Surrey, B.C.

Occupation: Kinesiologist


Profile: Matthew is a well-rounded competitor who plans to bring his A-game to #BBCAN12. With a mix of physical prowess, strategic thinking and social charm, Matthew is determined to be the Season 12 champion!


Anthony Douglas
Age: 34
Hometown: Richmond Hill, Ont.

Occupation: Energy Compliance Supervisor


Profile: Houseguests beware – a pretty boy is in the building! Hailing from #BBCAN7, Anthony is a strong leader who will align with powerful players and use his bruInsert existing attachmentte strength to dominate competitions from start to finish. This all-star is back with vengeance and will stop at nothing to win Season 12.


Victoria "Spicy Vee" Woghiren 
Age: 30
Hometown: Hamilton, Ont.

Occupation: Social Worker


Profile: Bring on the heat because Spicy Vee is back and ready to turn it up a notch! This #BBCAN9 all-star is no stranger to a fiery social game and isn’t afraid of taking risks. This time around, with the help of a solid alliance, Victoria will snatch the crown and claim the throne.

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