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Blog: But Second...

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I would like to introduce Mindi Harkness, the newest member of the Morty's TV Blogger Community. But first...


And there you have the title of Mindi's blog. What comes next after Julie Chen Moonves's trademark, But First...


It's late in the season but The Committee running out of options, they are going to be forced to turn on each other and finally BB All-Stars wills start getting good. Think of it like the post-season of BB, what happens after the first half of the game is over. I'll let Mindi explain it further and encourage you to read her blog and post your thoughts on her thoughts.

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Thank you so much Fuskie! I am so excited to be a part of this BB community!!! I would like to jump right into the kool-aide. Julie is definitely the BB Queen. Her narratives lure you into fandom and taunt you with hints of that sweet BB drama we all crave. Will this person make a big move? Will the house flip the vote this week? And if you are anything like me you are ever hopeful that something will happen that will leave us stunned,  nervously signing into our live feed accounts and praying we do not see stars or animals. (The animals are adorable, please adopt)


In seasons past I have been pleasantly and not-so pleasantly surprised with BB drama. I have watched big meatballs, pots and pan bands, and the crying Jedi who stayed covered for a week when she knew her fate was sealed. ( she looked like a Jedi to me in the hoodie, glasses, and blanket) So here we are at second. 

I want us to discuss the seconds. I want us to talk about the things that excite us, the things that bore us, and what we want to see on BB that will have us staying home from work and bingeing live feeds for days. ( really, do not miss work for BB live feeds! You can watch on your phone at work!) 


I was so excited to hear that BB22 was happening! Expect the unexpected, right?!? Not so far this season. I really want to see some moves being made! Seeing poor Kevin, Day, and David on the block week after week is just sad. I want to see some new comps mixed in with the usual ones. The tiny cans were kinda cool, I want more new comps! And I want the live feeds to live feed! The houseguests signed up for this. I want production to let the feeds roll. If someone in the house is garbage and says something they shouldn’t say I want to see it on the feeds! Shew!!! I get a little fired up about my BB. 

So what have you enjoyed about BB22? And what has left you wanting more? What do you want to see Second??? 

I cannot wait to hear from you! 



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I'm just so tired of stars all the time! They let stuff go overnight occasionally but I see more stars than actual live feeds! With no After Dark available anymore this is our only look-see into the house. They cut the feeds for ev-vry-little-thing! Come on production! Let them talk and let us watch and listen! 

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5 hours ago, GrandmaPansy said:

I'm just so tired of stars all the time! They let stuff go overnight occasionally but I see more stars than actual live feeds! With no After Dark available anymore this is our only look-see into the house. They cut the feeds for ev-vry-little-thing! Come on production! Let them talk and let us watch and listen! 

Yes! It seems like we are getting stars more than ever. 

So, CBS if you are listening. We want the feeds!!! 

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So tonight we have thirds! And while this was the most exciting night thus far, I am having mixed emotions. I always get a little melancholy when the end of BB is near.

I wish BB had these speed weeks and double/triple evictions early in the season when there are so many stragglers I cannot remember all of their names! I always think they rush the end of the season and it almost seems unplanned. Like they ran out of airtime and had to figure out a way to end things early. Is it just me?


I think BB needs to spice things up with some unpredictability. Even newbies who have watched a few seasons can predict what type of comps are coming up. Don’t get me wrong, I would watch the show year round even if it was Groundhog’s day on replay! But I do think it would prevent some of the bore and house votes if they mix it up a tad. 

Am I asking too much BB? Maybe I should just be happy that we have a season amongst the havoc of 2020. Either way, I want to know what you think. Who knows? I could end up producing BB 23! (I kid) Hit me up CBS. I have big plans! 

And CBS, if you are listening, we want the feeds! All of the feeds! #nomorestars     


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The end is near! How exciting for family, friends, and fans. Even more exciting if you are the houseguest calculating your moves to the $500,000! It has to be pretty boring for them at this point. It is pretty boring for the live feeders if we are being honest. 

Which brings me to Enzo. I love Enzo! His style, his accent, his... YO! Enzo and I are very close in age and I cannot remember the last time one of my peers said yo. I think Enzo might be the most fun person in the world to hang out with in the BB house! If not for Enzo we would be listening to Christmas constant talking about... Christmas, Memphis moaning and groaning about his latest injury, Tyler(sweet Tyler, I hate to see him go) kicking the ball endlessly in solitude, Cody-eating, and Nicole studying. But Enzo, his stories and banter make it all worth watching. 

This week I have noticed more stars than ever. I wonder if production is so bored that they turn on stars and fall asleep before turning them back off. Maybe they know there are fewer moments of interesting material. I think the house needs a luxury comp! Give them some designer clothes, designer booze, a designer pet, and a movie! They deserve it and honestly, so do we! We want more action! 

So,  CBS if you are listening I want some action and luxury for the houseguests and I want it without stars. 




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 This week I decided that Memphis and Christmas could have a love connection.  He is annoyingly negative and she is annoyingly happy, in a way that only an online athletic trainer can be. They kinda strangely balance each other out! I know she has a significant other. I have no idea what Memphis’ situation is, but it seems like he is single and does not mingle. I look forward to following up on this little nugget after the show. 

Enzo, sweet Enzo. His critique of music week to week never disappoints! Taylor Swift yo, is she dead or alive in these songs, yo? I like some of them and some I am just like, yoooooo. Seriously, I am entertained by pretty much everything Enzo says. I would totally watch the Enzo show. I need him to stay around until the end. Otherwise, snooze fest! 

Those are my seconds. What else ya got? 


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