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Tuesday, August 18, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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6:28 PM BBT

Memphis and Da'Vonne are discussing his evictee preference in the backyard. He thinks David is a wildcard which is good and bad. But, Tyler has NicoleA wrapped around his little finger. He said it is to keep David safe to and get rid of NicoleA, but if she isn't working with the other side then "what the f*". He feels Janelle is trying to use NicoleA. He says he is fine with whatever the decision is.



Da'Vonne asks him what side he would be on if there was a split. He laughs and says "eeny meeny miney mo".


6:43 PM BBT

NicoleA is drifting off to sleep in the love lounge. The camera keeps zooming in and out on her.




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6:00 PM BBT Kevin and day are in the CBR talking and Janelle joins them. Day asks where Nicole is and says she told her to be out talking but she hasnt seen her. Dani joins her in the loft and ask if she is okay and NicA talls her she just thinking and Dani tell her she is in a bad spot. She saw her go in where Kevin and Day are she is campigning for her. NicA says she knows. 

6:15 PM BBT Dani says that Janelle is digging her grave. NicA says that if she goes home she wants to go home knowing she told the truth. Dani gives her some advice on what to do to maybe get votes and tells her she has literally nothing to lose. NicA says she is wanting to split the house and is the outsider. Dani laughs says she knows she is no outcast.  NicA says tell dani that Janelle told her not to campaign and she says that is strange behavior. She then asks why she wants split votes and NicA says she has no idea. 

6:25 PM BBT Dani finishes her conversation with NIcA and says she loves her and will check on her later. NicA says she should have been more careful and less trusting. She apologizes that if she let anyone down she is sorry. She says she is in survival mode right now. 

6;30 PM BBT Memphis and Day are talking about Janelle and who is she is working with. Memphis says he is staying out of it because he cant vote unless it is a tie. 

6:35 PM BBT Memphis says he feels david is playing the better game he out socializing and talking. He says he hasn't seen Nicole and that he feel like she is in a hole. He says that david feels that confident i dont know and to let the house decide. BB calls for david downstairs. 

6:45 PM BBT nothing really going on and we get stars. 

6:50 PM BBT Day and NicF are talking outside. NicF says Bay is so confident in herself. BB calls tyler to DR down stairs and we FOTH. 

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7:20 PM BBT

Kevin warns NicoleA in the hammock that the people that are nudging her to call the house meeting are the ones who think she is the one being evicted. The ones who want to keep her are telling her not to do it. Nicole realizes but says at this point she has already told everyone that she would target Janelle, so if that gets back to Jani, there will definitely be a confrontation. Kevin tells her if that happens it will get ugly. NicA says she realizes that pot shots will be thrown toward her, but it's not her style to throw them back....it would just make Jani look bad. Nicole plans to check HGs tomorrow and get confirmations.



7:25 PM BBT

Bayleigh comes to the backyard and announces that it is "time for the taco ceremony." The HGs gather in the kitchen to get their plates.



The Have-Nots stay in the backyard, and Dani is called to the DR. The houseguests have been saying they are getting COVID tests tonight.

Kevin has been called next for the DR.


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7:00PM BBT: The HG talk about how they'll be starting the Tuesday night COVID tests tonight, and then they start getting called to the DR one by one. 


7:02PM BBT: Da' and NicF agree on the BY sofa that they will be keeping David this week.


7:05PM BBT: David and Christmas are having a deep conversation in the BY.  She asks him uncomfortable questions about who he would protect if he stays, and he is very quiet.  She then starts getting into "what are you excited about today? what made you happy today?".  He answers "it makes me happy that people want me to stay.  And I also know who doesn't."  She then turns the convo to his work and meditation, etc.


7:17PM BBT: David tells Christmas that he wants NicA to fight to stay because she's conflicted and wants him to have a shot at winning, that this is his season.


7:19PM BBT: NicA and Kevin are swinging on the hammock.  Kevin pushes her to spill her truth to the house if she's leaving, and that the house believes her.  Kevin asks if she's ready for below the belt retaliation.  She thinks it'll just make people look bad because she won't take pot shots back.


7:22PM BBT: NicA says that Janelle doesn't care if NicA stays or goes, she just wants to split the house.  She wants to make sure there are no blurred lines and to not give Jani what she wants.


7:25PM BBT: Christmas and David finish their feelgood convo about his work and workout, and she is trying to get to the bottom of what's clearly bothering him.  He said it's slop brain, campaigning, the game - all new and overwhelming. He wonders if people see him as a threat, and has he been talking too much -  primarily Tyler. 


7:26PM BBT: Taco Tuesday dinner is called.  Enzo says "it's time for the taco ceremony".  David wonders if he can put taco mix in the slop.  "It's seasoning, why not?".   The other HNs don't want to take any chances in breaking the rules.


7:35PM BBT: NicF and David swing in the hammock and talk about what they usually eat.  David says that he does a lot of juicing and shakes, along with supplements for memory, etc.  He used to suffer from ADHD, but the supplements make it ok.   David says "I know you probably heard that I would keep someone safe, but that was a trap conversation".  She said yes, she understands.  He cryptically tells her that he wants the same person gone as her.


7:38PM BBT: David tells NicF that it's weird to be put on the block for no reason.  She says "oh there's always a reason, they just don't always tell you what that reason is".


7:43PM BBT: NicF asks why some people are not being called into the DR for the testing.  David thinks there are only specific people.  He thinks they'll finish up the others afterwards.  NicF says something about the phone, but the feeds are cut.  David was cautious about coming into the house under the circumstances, but felt better with all of the precautions they're taking.




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7:46PM BBT: David says it's hard not to look up to the HG with more experience, that he endears them.  He asks her if she feels like anything less than winning will not be the same.  She said she had a much better time on 16 than she did 18, but had more fun on 16 when she didn't win.  She's just here for the ride and is trying to not get caught up in the "crap".  


7:48PM BBT: Kaysar and Da' have been quietly relaxing on the BY sofa.  Ian and NicA join them.  They're dreading the testing.


7:49PM BBT: Cody comes out and says they went in deep, that they grabbed him by the shoulder.  Kaysar said that Bayleigh said the same thing - they held her head when testing.  They talk about how they like to keep doing it to the same nostril each time.  NicA said she bled last time.



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7:53PM BBT: Enzo comes into the BY after testing.  He changed the nostril from last week and said they went up the other side.  They're trying to figure out what system they're using to call people.  Doesn't seem to be alphabetical.


8:02PM BBT: NicF and Cody laugh in the hammock about all of the alliances they're in. 

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Bayleigh is swatting away bugs with a backyard pillow. Davonne gets called for her COVID test and says "Oh Shit!" The HGs encourage her. Ian says "You got this"

Janelle gets called and says "Oh God. Fuck. Fuck this shit"


8:00 PM BBT

NicoleF asks Cody if he has fifteen alliances and he says yes. NicF says she has 3. 

Cody- this is literally the season of a million alliances

8:08 PM BBT

Ian takes NicoleF's place on the hammock while she goes for her COVID test.




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8:35 PM BBT

Janelle and Bayleigh are talking in the Key Bedroom about the vote

Janelle- we have to save NicoleA

Bayleigh- I'm telling you it's not going to happen. 

Janelle- Da'Vonne?

Bayleigh- and Christmas too....said she hasn't made up her mind

Janelle- all we have to do is vote together. If we don't then we lose NicoleA 

Bay tells Janelle that she already told Kaysar that if he gets the votes, good, but she won't be the only one to vote David..."that would look bad"

Janelle points out that NicoleF and Ian are together, but Bay says yes they're together but Ian is not with the other side

Janelle- we have an alliance.....if we don't vote together, what's the point?.......If Nicole Franzel is in two alliances wouldn't that make her a target?

Bay- she's working both sides of the house

Janelle- I'll put her up....the pivotal point is right in front of us, if we save NicoleA

Bay- but it's not a simple vote

Janelle- if we chill we are going to lose another person

Bay- well, the good news is that Nicole is campaigning

Janelle- if NicoleA leaves, it's very bad for our game. 



[I can't take the nose blowing anymore, so I'm out for the night   -MamaLong]


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9:40PM BBT: Cody & Enzo talking in the PBR.  They discuss being annoyed with Dani telling Nic F about the alliance they made without her, and how they need to keep certain people in the house so that they can go after the girls in their Core 4 later.  Enzo wants to keep Janelle around over Kaysar because he believes Nic F is her target.  He says she would put up Nic F and a pawn, and Cody says no she'll put up him as well.  They discuss how the girls in their alliances are creating chaos.  Enzo says they will need to make a move on them before they make a move on us.  Bayleigh walks in and the game talk stops.  Dani walks in and tells Cody to say thank you for washing his sheets.

10:35PM BBT: Janelle & Memphis in the HOH room.  Memphis tells Janelle if Kaysar just cools down on the obsessive game talk, he really doesn't think the entire house is against them.  Sometimes when you say something enough times, it becomes true and the more Kaysar paints the target on them by stirring up trouble the worse it gets.  He tells Janelle to go out there and win the next HOH.  Janelle says Cody is really nice to everyone, she understands why Derrick won his season, Cody has a great social game (barf... -jOrwell).

11:00PM BBT: Nic A & Kevin in hammock with Janelle, Ian.  Kaysar comes outside and joins and Nic A asks where everybody is.  Kaysar says they're all in the PBR, Enzo wanted to go to sleep.  They talk about competitions and Kevin says he hasn't competed in 11 years.  Janelle says its been 14 years since she competed in a veto.  Ian says he would be worried if Dan was in the house.  He's so smart.  You can't corner him because he can always worm out of it.  Ian/Kaysar/Janelle were worried about being the oldest in the house but they were told other people their age would be there.

11:05PM BBT: Tyler/Cody/Enzo/Dani/Bay in the PBR.  They talk about foods they ate in college and how much they weighed.  Bay leaves the room.  Tyler speculates it might be the slip n slide the next HOH.  Dani says she hopes they get to do "the facebook thing tomorrow", they aren't sure if they get to post every week.  Dani asks if Day has told anyone anything all day.  Cody says no.  Dani says why is she hanging out with Janelle all day long and not coming back here to tell us anything?  Dani is annoyed that Nic A said Janelle told her that they are the misfits and Cody's side are the popular kids.  Cody and Dani are incredulous and say when has Janelle ever not been a popular person in her life.  Cody says that Janelle and Kaysar ostracized themselves by playing in the safety suite.  Dani says thats the way Janelle likes to play the game, she likes to play with 2 sides and the house is split which is what she is trying to do in the house now.  Nic A enters the room and game talk stops.

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11:26PM BBT: Day & David talking up in the loft area.  David says he likes Kaysar but I don't know if I can work with him because he's with Janelle and she's bad news.  Day asks why did you tell Janelle you were gunna target her.  David said he just felt awkward and said it.  With Janelle he feels intimidated and she always wants info, never how are you doing small talk.  Day reiterates that Kaysar wants to work with David but he does not like the boys alliance he has on the side because they're targeting Kaysar.  David says he hasn't heard the boys bring up Kaysar's name and Day says REALLY??  and he says no.  Day tells David that she's concerned because Keesha is gone, and Nic A is next.  How can he guarentee after Janelle is gone that Day/Bay are not next.  Girls are being targeted.  David doesn't understand.  Day tries to explain that it seems that girls are being picked off.  David still seems confused.  Day says she just wants to make sure that David has their back so that he ensures their names are not thrown out after Janelle hypothetically gets evicted after Nic A.  David says he has their back.  Day says if you stay you need to fade into the background.  David shakes his head, he needs to try to win comps he says because Memphis put him up with no indication that he would do so so he cannot throw comps anymore.  Day asks David why he couldn't just lie to Kaysar part of BB is to lie just to secure Kaysar's vote.  David said he can't because Kaysar would end up wanting more info and more info.  David says he could see himself outside the game getting drinks with Day and Kaysar and it just sucks.  Day says don't take the game personal. (David is too pure for BB haha -jOrwell)

11:50PM BBT: Kaysar is outside on the grass.  Day is in the hammock, and David comes out and joins Day on the hammock.  Kaysar reiterates how much he wishes he could work with them.  Day says she would like to as well.  They are quiet.  David and Kaysar are excited to be off slop tomorrow.  Janelle comes out and says she is going to make them nachos.  They talk about how they've all had dreams of other houseguests.  Janelle says no offense i don't want to dream about Enzo I want to dream about my kids.  Janelle says she's going to bed.  Day says Kaysar looks like he's lost weight on slop, but David looks like he gained weight.  Kaysar laughs and said she's BSing.

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8:27PM BBT: Cody and Ian are swinging in the hammock discussing votes and don't see where there's going to be a split vote and that David will most likely stay. Cody randomly asks what charismatic means.  Ian answers "Pleasantly sociable and easy to talk to, good conversationalist. Good speaker."  


8:28AM BBT: Bay and Jani both eat a Snickers and are "less grumpy".  Jani said she heard Kevin talk about the trifecta and doesn't understand why he's targeting her, Kaysar and Memphis so much.  



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