morty Posted September 20, 2018 Posted September 20, 2018 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here!If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you!-Morty
Goldylucks Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 12:00 AM BBT The 3 of them are in the BBR. They are trying to figure out what is going to air on what day. Kaycee notices that POP always gives them something on Sunday after the show airs on TV. Maybe BB aired their reminiscing breakfast today. Either way, they have 4 days more max. They will be done Sunday the earliest and Wednesday at the latest. 12:06 AM BBT JC has gone to the WC. Kaycee and Tyler are in bed in the BBR. BB turns out the lights to their room. Tyler "Thanks BB." BB "You're welcome." Kaycee "Night fam. Coast to coast." Tyler "One more step. One more." JC leaves the WC and walks in the room. He says "F**ing Bob turned out the light and forgot to wait for me." BB "You're welcome" JC "Such a hater." JC goes to get in bed in the PBR. JC "I can't see anything. F**k." BB "You're welcome." JC "Stop. You are so f'ing annoying today. Like seriously." Tyler and Kaycee "Love you Bob." Tyler "JC loves you too." BB "Thank you very much." JC "You're welcome." 12:30 AM BBT Feed 1 shows Tyler asleep in the BBR. Feed 2 shows Kaycee in bed in the BBR also. Feed 3 is on JC asleep in the PBR. Feed 4 is zoomed in on the memory wall on their faces plus Bayleigh. 1:25 AM BBT Tyler gets up to use the WC. Before he goes back to bed, he closes the wall between the 2 rooms. JC had been complaining about the lights from the house keeping him awake earlier. Tyler crawls back in bed. 7:09 AM BBT JC gets out of bed and heads to the WC. When finished, he stops by the SR for a new battery before climbing back in bed. 8:00 AM BBT Everyone is in bed. Feeds 1 and 2 show Tyler and Kaycee sleeping in the BBR. Feeds 3 and 4 switch to the dining room where we see BB turn the house lights back on. Feeds 3 and 4 quickly turn back to JC sleeping in the PBR. 9:51 AM BBT Kaycee is awake. She puts on her sliders and stops by the mirror in the LR to fix her bun. She heads to the WC. Afterwards, she stops at the WA to clean her face and brush her hair.
Goldylucks Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 10:01 AM BBT Wake up call. 10:13 AM BBT The feeds return. Kaycee is the only one up. She is standing at the corner between the KT and dining room. She is stretching out her shoulder, which is clearly still sore from part 1 of the HoH. She then takes a seat at the dining room table at stares at the memory wall. JC rolls over in bed in the PBR. He is awake but is still in bed. BB calls Tyler to change his battery. 10:23 AM BBT Nothing has changed except Kaycee gets up to pour herself a cup of coffee before sitting back down at the dining room table. 10:33 AM BBT BB calls for Tyler to change his battery. Tyler gets up and heads to the SR. Kaycee goes and puts on her tennis shoes before resuming her seat at the dining room table to study the memory wall again. 10:35 AM BBT Tyler comes out of the SR. JC asks him if he closed the Berlin Wall last night. Tyler "Yes, you were snoring loud as f**K." JC "You could have ignored it." Tyler walks past Kaycee. She says that they slept for like 10 hours. She can't stay in bed anymore. Tyler says he is going to go back to bed for just a few more minutes. 10:50 AM BBT Kaycee continues to be the only one out of bed. She is sitting at the island in the KT and stretching out her shoulders. She then goes to different walls at different heights and leans her right shoulder up against it. She doesn't appear to be getting any comfort from any of it. 11:02 AM BBT Kaycee has poured herself another cup of coffee. She goes and takes a seat at the KT island again. 11:15 AM BBT JC has gotten out of bed. He joins Kaycee in the KT. JC says he is feeling the effects of eating dinner so late and then going to bed. He usually tries to eat dinner at least 2 hours before bed. He felt stuffed
Goldylucks Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 11:40 AM BBT Kaycee has gone upstairs to feed the fish. JC and Tyler are still in bed. Kaycee acknowledges that this is the first time she has fed the fish. She keeps saying wow as she watches how quickly they consume their food. 11:55 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Orwella Pride, sitting on the LR couch. Feeds 3 and 4 show JC sleeping in the PBR. 12:00 PM BBT Kaycee has gone into the lounge to try to work out a little bit. She goes to do push ups. "F**K, my shoulders." She is still very sore from the HoH. She opts to sit down and use the foot massage thing instead. 12:08 PM BBT In the lounge, Kaycee has pulled out the candy stash where they had been using M&M's to keep track of the days. She decides to add some more dates to them. 12:13 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Kaycee in the lounge studying the dates that were created out of M&M candy pieces. Feeds 3 and 4 are on the WC door with JC on the other side of it. 12:21 PM BBT Tyler is awake and joins Kaycee in the lounge. She explains the M&M's to him. She said the dates on the edge are the HoH dates. The ones in the middle are POV's but she ran out of room. They aren't all there.
Goldylucks Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 12:32 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Kaycee in the lounge who is still studying the dates. Feeds 3 and 4 show JC and Tyler in the KT. JC has just come out of the WC and says that he plans on just going back to bed. Tyler "Think we got a competition today?" JC "Finale". Tyler "Finale today? No way." 12:37 PM BBT Kaycee has now gone back to bed. JC is in bed. Tyler is in the WC. 12:47 PM BBT Tyler is in the WA bagging up all the dirty towels into garbage bags. There are enough dirty towels lying around to fill up 2 garbage bags. Meanwhile JC and Kaycee are both in bed. 12:54 PM BBT Tyler is embracing his inner Sam as he attempts to clean the WA and bathroom. There are a lot of personal items that have been left behind. Tyler just starts dumping it. Kaycee comes in the WA. She asks how his back is. He says it is fine. She says that her arms don't hurt anymore but she is just so weak. She drinks from her water bottle with 2 hands. 1:00 PM BBT BB "Wakey wakey HGs." BB talks to JC while Tyler and Kaycee straighten up the WA. They find a ton of personal items left behind in the lockers. Most of it is bagged and put in the SR.
Goldylucks Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 1:07 PM BBT Kaycee knows that her banging in the KT is disturbing JC who is in bed. "It is 1:00!" She grabs a skillet and medal spoon and stars banging it. JC yells to her to stop from across the house. She takes the skillet and spoon into the PBR and bangs it over the bed where JC is laying down. He calls her a Rockstar B**ch and she laughs and walks away. 1:17 PM BBT Kaycee and Tyler are enjoying some scrambled eggs in the KT while Kaycee has gone invisible within the large pink comforter. Kaycee's wake up clatter was not enough to encourage JC to get out of bed. 1:23 PM BBT Kaycee and Tyler whisper in the KT. Tyler "We got this. A week from now, one of us is going to have half a million dollars." Kaycee says that's fine. The only thing that matters is that the two of them are the ones standing there. 1:36 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Kaycee who has once again assumed the position of sitting at the dining room table while she studies the faces on the memory wall. Feeds 3 and 4 show Tyler washing his face in the WA. Face washing quickly leads to pimple popping. JC has spent the better part of the day in the PBR. 1:43 PM BBT JC finally gets out of bed. He joins Kaycee in the KT. He says it way too quiet today. The last time it was this quiet was last Tuesday and you know what happened last Tuesday. That's why he thinks the finale is tonight. Kaycee doesn't think so. JC says his only question is why they haven't been told to pack yet. Maybe production does it. 1:46 PM BBT Tyler and JC are whispering in the BBR. Tyler tells JC to calm down. JC asks him what is going to happen if Kaycee wins Part 2. Tyler says then he will win Part 3. So, calm down. JC and Tyler hug it out.
Goldylucks Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 2:00 PM BBT For the first time all day, all 3 HGs are wide awake at the same time. They are in the KT. Kaycee says that she can hear someone in the SR. They ask her if she tried to go in there. She says "No, because there is someone in there." 2:03 PM BBT BB tells JC to stop singing and to stop whistling. Tyler, Kaycee and JC joke that BB has been quiet for most of the day. They say that Bob hasn't been following the rules. "Bob, you must remain awake from 10am to 10pm." BB "Sorry". Kaycee and Tyler take turns laying down on the ground in the living room so that the other person can pop their back. The noise they make prompts JC to ask if they are having sex in there. Kaycee talks JC into getting on the ground to get his back to pop. BB "Please be careful." 2:12 PM BBT The 3 of them are sitting in the LR. BB tells them that the SR is open. Tyler goes to check and see if anything has changed. He comes out and says "Nothing." BB "Sorry." They then start to talk about Celebrity BB. They wonder if the next cast of celebrities are going to climb their wall. 2:21 PM BBT BB "Tyler, please go to the diary room." Kaycee and JC say this means they are about to do part 2 because he is the host of the competition. 2:21 PM BBT Tyler comes out of the DR too quickly for it to be anything about the comp. Kaycee "Awww". Tyler "It was nothing." WBRB. 2:24 PM BBT The feeds return. Kaycee is telling JC "Maybe he (Tyler) will do that and then come out with an announcement." JC says he is going to go the bathroom before Kaycee poops. We hear JC pass gas several times. 2:27 PM BBT JC is in the KT. BB tells him to stop singing. JC "How can you guys even hear that? I was thinking out loud" BB "No." JC "Yes." BB "No." JC "Yes." BB "No." JC "Ye.s" BB "No." JC "I said yes." Kaycee "Aww, such a cute couple." 2:35 PM BBT JC has made them some tea. Tyler is in the DR. Kaycee tells JC that they have at most 3 more moons in the house. JC says that it feels like 3 years. 2:44 PM BBT JC and Kaycee continue to talk in the LR while Tyler is in the DR. They are talking about the first 5 HGs that left. JC admits that he wanted to get rid of Brett over Winston. Kaycee says that she remembers that. 2:51 PM BBT JC tells Kaycee that Kaitlyn tried too hard to get in a showmance. JC says that last season was terrible with all the showmances. And Kaitlyn was trying to push people into them. This is Big Brother not match maker. JC doesn't even want to imagine a jury house with Kaitlyn, Fessy, Tyler and Brett in there. 2:56 PM BBT JC tells Kaycee "There are definitely people that I like the least that were in here." Kaycee "We can talk about that later." JC "Next week." Kaycee comments that Tyler has been in the DR for a while. She is getting anxious. She taps her wrist where a watch resides and says "Come on."
Goldylucks Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 3:00 PM BBT They hear Tyler coming out of the DR. Kaycee "Let's pretend we're asleep." They lay down on the couch. Tyler comes out. JC "You woke me up. Why didn't you open the door quieter." JC asks if Tyler talked about Angela in there. He says yes. BB calls JC to the DR. JC "I have nothing to say about Angela. I enjoy her silence." 3:05 PM BBT JC is in the DR. Tyler tells Kaycee that they are pi**ing him off in there (DR) and we get WBRB. 3:12 PM BBT Tyler and Kaycee are chatting in the LR while JC is in the DR. They are talking about how surprised JC is going to be when he is left out of the F2. He doesn't have the first clue how out of it he really is. He thinks he knows it all but he doesn't. They talk about how Tyler almost blew the L6 alliance to JC. 3:21 PM BBT Tyler is pulling food out of the KT to make for lunch. JC is still in the DR. JC is going over all the different events that she can think of because Tyler said that he really thinks the comp is going to be a Before and After comp. 3:24 PM BBT Kaycee tells Tyler that the comp might be like the wall one where they wear a harness and have to climb up the wall and put things in order. Tyler says she would be really good at that. He is going to be jealous if it is. 3:31 PM BBT JC comes out of the DR and Tyler is called back in. 3:34 PM BBT Tyler comes out of the DR, again dashing Kaycee's hopes that the comp is about to start. BB then calls her into the DR. She says okay, but she wants to check her hair first. 3:47 PM BBT Prior to JC coming out of the DR, Kaycee tells Tyler he can psych JC out by letting him know how hard she has been studying. When Kaycee goes into the DR, Tyler tells JC that she thinks the comp is going to be the harness one. JC says no way. He has never seen Part 1 and Part 2 both being physical. The part 2 is always memory. Tyler "Do you know your dates, because she has been studying her dates like crazy." 3:56 PM BBT Feeds 1, 2 and 3 are showing the lounge where Tyler is laying down while eating a Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond protein bar. JC is working out on the floor with the free weights. Feed 4 is focused on the giant purple gummy bear. JC stops working out long enough to tell Tyler that it doesn't matter who Kaycee takes to the F2. She beats both of them. Tyler says that he knows this. We can hear the sound of drills and other various power tools coming from the BY.
Goldylucks Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 4:04 PM BBT Kaycee is still in the DR. In the lounge, JC tells Tyler that he knows that if he had been the one to win the veto, Tyler would have used it on Angela. Tyler "You will just have to watch and see." JC "I will watch and see." 4:08 PM BBT Kaycee has come out of the DR. No comp yet. They continue to talk about the other HG's. Swaggy tried to control Fessy. And he left by Day 20. 4:15 PM BBT All 3 HGs are in the lounge. Tyler and Kaycee are laying down. JC is using the hand weights. They are just sitting around and waiting for the next comp to start. 4:16 PM BBT JC is trying to entice BB to say "Swaggy C". BB "JC, please put on your microphone." JC "Say Swaggy C." Kaycee "Maybe they already got rid of that button. It has been too long." BB "JC, cool your jets." 4:20 PM BBT Tyler, JC and Kaycee are talking about Swaggy. He literally walked around the house and acted like the was a Messiah. He bragged that he could get the others to all do what he says. He actually said that. They were like "Sorry, we can't have that." 4:25 PM BBT Even BB is bored. BB has Feed 3 focused on the head the big purple gummy bear. Feed 4 is focused on the body of Orwell. With Feed 3 and 4, one of top the other, we have the Gummy Bear's head on Orwell's body.
Kekila Posted September 23, 2018 Posted September 23, 2018 4:38PM BBT The F3 talking about when finale is. Kaycee thinks it could be tomorrow. She says Kaitlyn is coming through to her and it's tomorrow. They all laugh. 4:59PM BBT Tyler has now sat up in the lounge and is dipping his chex cereal in peanut butter. 5:26PM BBT Kaycee is napping. Tyler and JC talking about dreaming they are on Big Brother and they aren't. They dream they are home and wake up and they are on Big Brother.
Goldylucks Posted September 23, 2018 Posted September 23, 2018 5:34 PM BBT Kaycee is in the WA doing her eye brows. Tyler and JC are still in the lounge. They refer to Sam as a Roomba. She just goes from room to room cleaning. 5:37 PM BBT JC has clipped his microphone to the bill of his hat. The chord is dangling down in front of his face. He tells the others that he is going to keep it that the way the rest of the day. 5:43 PM BBT Not much is going on in the BB house. Tyler and Kaycee are resting/napping in the lounge. JC is in the KT making something to eat. They are anxiously awaiting the 2nd part of the HoH which they have been waiting for all day long. 5:54 PM BBT JC has made himself a snack and taken it to the lounge where Tyler and Kaycee have been resting. He tells them it is 5:50. Kaycee says that she hopes in 10 minutes Julie is going to pop up on the screen and say HG's come into the LR. 5:57 PM BBT BB "Tyler, please go to the DR." Kaycee "Ahhhh. This is it. This is it. Finally." 5:59 PM BBT Feeds switch to highlight reels. Must be time for the 2nd part of the HoH competition.
Goldylucks Posted September 23, 2018 Posted September 23, 2018 9:10 PM BBT The feeds have returned. The HGs are all wearing T shirts that say "I climbed Mt. Evictus and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt. JC asks Tyler about the 3rd part of the HoH. Tyler tells him not to worry. He will be able to watch it if it is live. Kaycee has won Part 2 of the HoH. 9:17 PM BBT JC tells Tyler and Kaycee that they have sit around here now for 3 more days. They just keep going over the same topics and laughing at the same jokes. No one appears happy. Not even Kaycee.
roachie Posted September 23, 2018 Posted September 23, 2018 9:10 pm BBT The feeds are not back yet, but POP is showing the F3 in the kitchen on Big Brother After Dark. It appears as though it was a questions and movement combo comp, and that KC won. 9:13 pm BBT JC asked the other two if Part 3 will be live on Wednesday and that he'll just have to wait in the background while they compete. 9:15 pm BBT The feeds are back on. (in addition to POP) 9:16 pm BBT The HG still have a feeling that they will have the finale tomorrow night, but then realize that they haven't been told to pack.
Goldylucks Posted September 23, 2018 Posted September 23, 2018 9:18 PM BBT JC walks away leaving Kaycee and Tyler in the KT. Kaycee "We did it. We f'ing did it." 9:22 PM BBT Tyler, JC and Kaycee joke about being stuck in this Inception B.S. JC says that he hates this place. Kaycee has gone to the BBR and is taking her shoes off. Tyler is preparing something to eat in the KT.
roachie Posted September 23, 2018 Posted September 23, 2018 9:33 pm BBT Kaycee is in the shower, so KC tells Tyler in the KT that he is mad at himself for losing part 2. He starts to pump Tyler up to win part 3. 9:37 pm BBT JC is in the PBR talking to himself about how they mixed a physical and mental comp into one, knowing that he couldn't do that. He said he feels like such a loser. 9:33 pm BBT In the WA, (and KC in the shower) Tyler and Kaycee high five and congratulate each other for being in the F2. 9:47 pm BBT KC asks JC if he's ok. He says yes, but feels like a loser. She tells him not to feel that way, because he's not. She says she's nervous, and that she just wants to get it over with and needs to win. 9:59 pm BBT KC goes into the PBR and Tyler tackles her with a big hug in the bed. JC gets ready to shower. 10:01 pm BBT Tyler and KC are discussing if/when to break it to JC that neither of them are taking him to F2. Tyler wants to wait until right before the finale so that he doesn't freak. They continue to talk about how dismayed they are. 10:08 pm BBT Tyler is cleaning dishes and JC is in the shower. 10:14 pm BBT KC is in the DR. JC walks through the KT where Tyler is eating cereal and says he hopes that the finale is tomorrow because he doesn't want to spend one more minute in the house. 10:18 pm BBT JC tells Tyler that he's frustrated because there's nothing he can do, and that it's not even about the money anymore. Tyler tells him to stay positive. 10:25 pm BBT Tyler does push ups before going into the shower and KC sits at the KT counter. 10:45 pm BBT JC tells Tyler about a dream he had a few days before Angela was evicted, and that Kaycee won. He's trying to interpret his dreams, but "not like Kaitlyn". And another dream about Scottie celebrating a victory. 10:48 pm BBT Tyler finally finishes up his long shower and then proceeds to lotion down his body while looking in the WA mirror. 10:50 pm BBT JC says that if he makes third place he'll have to find a job, and he doesn't wanna work. Tyler laughs. 10:52 pm BBT Tyler tells JC that they're there in the F3 because of each other. JC says that he feels like he couldn't do his part. 10:56 pm BBT Tyler tells JC that he will probably win America's Favorite Player. Tyler says that F2 aren't eligible to win AFP, but he could be wrong. They can't think of any previous winners that were also AFP. 10:59 pm BBT JC thinks that Swaggy is going to campaign for himself or Bayleigh to win AFP. Also that it depends on how they are portrayed on TV, that he could be shown as a villain.
roachie Posted September 23, 2018 Posted September 23, 2018 11:03 pm BBT Tyler and JC recount the OTEV comp with Rockstar's mistake. They feel sorry for her that she'll always have that to her name, but Tyler said it saved him from being backdoored. 11:22 pm BBT Tyler asks JC what his pitch will be to KC, that he doesn't expect him to not try to be picked. He said that he helped KC decide to get rid of Angela by getting into her head and convincing her that she couldn't beat her. 11:35 pm BBT Tyler goes through the HOH basket food and then returns the empty basket to the SR. 11:47 pm BBT Tyler said that Kaycee beat JC by 40 seconds. 11:48 pm BBT JC tries to convince Tyler that Part 2 was unfair. Tyler responds that production didn't change the comp to make it hard on JC, that it was pre-planned. 12:14 am BBT KC finally gets out of the DR and is starving. JC keeps singing and "Bob" fusses at him a lot and we get fish interruptions from the feeds. 12:22 am BBT Kaycee goes to bed, JC is not far behind, and Tyler just got called to the DR.
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