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Saturday July 22, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Den Style Bedroom (DBR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
The Rose Bedroom (RBR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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2:00AM BBT Ramses, Elena, Mark, Raven, and Matt are in WA talking.  Matt leaves.


2:12AM BBT Elena leaves.  Someone says PoV is in the morning.


2:21AM BBT Raven says good night and leaves. Ramses says he wonders what will happen tomorrow for the veto.  General mildly paranoid chit-chat.


2:36AM BBT Ramses says he's gonna force himself to go to sleep as he exits the WA area.  As he walks by the KT sink where Mark is standing, Mark blows out a bad one and Ramses complains. Mark said he held it the whole time they were talking in the WA - give him some credit.


2:46AM BBT Mark and Elena making out in WA.  Elena goes to toilet and complains through the door that she has razor burn on her vagina.  She then asks if he can hear her pee. Mark says "yeah" and Elena says she hates that he can hear.


2:50AM BBT Elena finishes in the WA and asks "can we go to bed?"  Mark says yes.  They head to KT.


2:52AM BBT Mark and Elena seem to be the only ones up, in the KT.  Elena pours herself a giant 20oz+ glass of sugar-filled Apple juice and comments that she's surprised she's not losing weight given how little she's eating because the ants gross her out.  They complain about too many "J" people in the house muddying the cup situation, then as she walks, likely irritating her razor burn, Elena exclaims "Ugh, my vagina - do not like" as they walk toward the KT table and then toward the contestant wall.


2:53AM BBT Mark says he doesn't like the way he looks in the black tank he has on [likely body dysmorphic disorder - he still sees his old, fat self - BBLurkerPlus].  Elena says her eyebrows are the only good thing about her.  They head off to bed.


2:56AM BBT Elena and mark are in bed. Elena mumbles "I'm gonna take my panties off...don't look"


3:00AM BBT Camera 4 is totally dark, but someone is snoring, and Darth Vader may be hiding in the room, too.  Visibility restored, and it's actually the Den Bedroom. Back in the Rose Bedroom, Mark and Elena kiss and fool around a bit on and off for the next 15-20 minutes before settling down for the night.













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4:45 am BBT Matt rises and walks the long walk to the WC, enters then exits, washes his hands with soap, and then pats his face with water. His eyes remain closed through the hand washing and open once his face is freshened up. He dries his hands and his face, then throws the towel into the sink. He walks to the kitchen, picks up a cup from the counter, looks inside and then empties out the contents into the sink, refills it with water, takes one small sip, pours out the remainder, places the cup on the counter and heads back to bed. He crawls in the bed aside Raven, who is oblivious to the fact that he left or has returned, pulls the covers over onto him, simultaneously pulling them off the majority of Raven. 

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7:10 BBT  Matt rises again, takes his mic from the night stand and walks slowly to the WC. He knocks then enters and the camera pans the room. The floor is littered with towels and clothing, shoes and socks, a pair of black stilettos and what appears to be a pink shower poof. He exits the WC, washes his hands, sans soap, and then wipes his wet hands on his face. Picks up the hand towel and dries face and hands and replaces the towel on the counter. He returns to the bed once again pulling the covers across him and pulling them slightly more off of Raven. 

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9:02 AM BBT WBRB. Probably the wake up call from BB. 


9:15 AM BBT Jason, Mark, Raven and Elena get up to change their batteries with a new one from the SR at BB's request.  BB "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day." BB repeats this two more times . Mark asks if they should turn the lights on but Raven tells him that it's not 10:00 yet.


9:24 AM BBT Cody wakes up and gives Jessica a morning kiss before going downstairs. Mark, Raven and Elena have all gone back to bed. Cody pours a cup of coffee and heads to change his battery. 


9:27 AM BBT Cody and Jason appear to be the only ones up and are in the KT. Cody tells Jason that the others are probably shitting their pants right now. Jess is the HOH. That means that Cody can play next week. They have Cody, Jess, Jason and Alex. They refer to Paul as the puppy for the bigger side of the house.



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9:32 AM BBT Cody and Jason are whispering in the KT while looking towards the memory wall. Cody thinks they have Kevin. Jason asks him about Mark. Cody says no. Mark is loyal to Elena and that is it. Cody says there will be no loyalty there and he will be playing both sides of the house. 


9:37 AM BBT Cody and Jason are still talking in the KT. Cody tells Jason the other side needs to step up and not let Paul run their game for them. It's the 19th season of BB. He is still reeling from the fact that it was him against Paul in the Battle Back. He doesn't know why the house thinks he is such a great competitor.


9:45 AM BBT Jason and Cody are still talking about Paul and his sheep. Cody thinks Paul was ready to crap a brick when Cody got three votes to stay in the house before his eviction. It was probably a reality check that Paul didn't have as much control as he thought he had. Jason is giving Cody a recap of what happened with Dom this week. Jason tells him about all the nerves of being on the spot in the nominee chair and then during the interview with Julie. Your heart is just beating wild and you can't think. 


9:50 AM BBT Jason and Cody are the only ones up though feeds 1 and 2 do show Ramses awake but still laying in bed. Cody and Jason are talking about all the things that Cody has missed. Cody is looking forward to stirring things up and he really wants to be HOH next week so he can make a show of it. When he mentions Josh coming up to him last night Jason refers to Josh as a mental midget. Paul, Josh, Jessica and Christmas are all summoned to get up and change their batteries. 


9:56 AM BBT Jason and Cody are speculating if there will be a double eviction this week. Cody doubts it. BB will probably have one week of normalcy. Just one week. Jason reminds him that they are looking at about 92 days and they are already on Day 31 which means a third of the cast should be gone. Cody acknowledges that they are still numbers heavy.

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10:00 AM BBT Cody and Jason are still talking in the KT. BB is still trying to get the HGs to turn on all the lights. They are excited because they have a lot of weapons ready to play in the next HOH. They think the other side is shaking in their boots and the prospect of Cody and Jason both getting to play. Jason admits he didn't vote for Cody to stay and that Christmas is crazy.


10:07 AM BBT After replacing her battery for her, Cody goes upstairs and tells Jessica that Jason just admitted that he didn't vote for him to stay. They start to discuss him and Kevin when we get WBRB. 


10:17 AM BBT We come back from WBRB with cameras 1 and 2 on the green BR. Ramses is awake but staying in bed. Feeds 3 and 4 are on sleeping HGs in the Have Not room. 


10:20 AM BBT On Feeds 1 and 2 Matt is now up and has joined Jason and Cody in the KT for some coffee.  Feeds 3 and 4 show the HGs still in bed in the Green BR. 


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10:30 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Matt, Jason and Cody in the KT laughing and talking . Feeds 3 and 4 are focused on the Green BR where Paul is sleeping. He has a gray t-shirt over his face to block out the BR lights. Ramses is up doing ADLs and joins the boys in the KT. 


10:38 AM BBT BB is still trying to get the rest of the HG to get up. "What do you not get about please?Wake up." 


10:43 AM BBT Most of the HGs are stirring now. Cody, Ramses, Matt and Jason are in the KT. Christmas and Paul are in the WA doing ADLs. Just general chit chat. Cody is bummed he didn't get to compete in the Wall comp. He was really looking forward to seeing how he would do on one of those. Ramses tells him that the girls ready showed up for that comp. They kicked ass. 

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10:52 AM BBT Just general chit chat in the house. In the green BR Jason tells Paul he has adjusted well after a week of slop. Paul "Not crapping your brains out?" Jason jokes that this BB experience is just a food and waste study.


10:56 ANM BBT Paul is telling Jason that now that they have Ramses pinned down they need to go ahead and get rid of him. If they just focus on big targets he will sneak his way through. If they keep Josh this week, he will go after people like Cody and Mark before them. 


11:09 AM BBT Just general chit chat. Matt makes very good coffee. Cody's coffee is very strong. Jason hates the tinted window laws at home. 


11:20 AM BBT In the green bedroom Jason is telling Kevin, Paul and Alex about the process of being diagnosed with an STD. He explains the test using the wooden Qtips. Paul "Nothing has ever gone backwards into my D*" Jason tells him it hurts so bad before that you don't care what they have to do to fix it. 


11:28 AM BBT All 4 feeds are now on Ramses chopping up veggies in the KT. It is pretty loud on the other side of the house, but we can't hear what they are saying. Lots of laughter though. 

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11:34 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Cody and Jessica cuddling in the Have Not room. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Jason, Kevin, Christmas and Alex. They are talking about food accidents while being a Have Not. Jason ate a 30th of a single chip. He said it was eraser sized piece of a chip. BB gave him a slap on the hand.


11:37 AM BBT Kevin tells them that yesterday Elena asked him to say one word that describes each person in the house. He described Paul as Gamer with a capital "G". Jason asked about him and Kevin said "sincere". Christmas asked about her and Kevin said he couldn't remember. 


11:45 AM BBT Ramses is taking advantage of being able to eat by making himself an omelet. Elena wants to go back to sleep but can't. Kevin tells her the key is to drink a cold glass of water, go to the bathroom, then get in the warm covers snuggling next to someone who is clean and smells good. You can get a great 3-4 hour nap that way. 


11:57 AM BBT We have now seen the holdouts, Josh and Mark, awake and moving around doing their ADLs. The HGs are still on indoor LD. Since everyone is up, about and in close proximity there is no game talk going on.

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12:10 PM BBT Still just general chit chat in the house. Only Josh is a have not so everyone is eating. Jason scrambled some eggs for Christmas. They are discussing Dom. She would hide away all day by herself and then complain about how everyone isolated her. 


12:29 PM BBT The HGs are getting cabin fever. They are all hungry but can't eat. Paul is wondering what the temptation is going to be. They know they have a consequence coming but they don't know what it is yet. 


12:48 PM BBT Not much going on. The HGs are just eating, laying, roaming, chatting. We get the occasional WBRB as they discuss music. 


12:58 PM BBT Raven tells Kevin and Josh that she loves the movie Breakfast Club. Josh says it is his mom's favorite. Kevin is just surprised it is on her list of favorites since it's an early 80s film. They all think that BB is very much like the Breakfast Club. Everyone is just so different. 

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1:03 PM BBT Paul is talking to Elena, Matt, Ramses and Alex in the green BR about his ex. About 5 months before he went on BB18 they broke up. It took him a whole year to get over it. About a year and half later she showed back up in his life and wanted to talk. That is when he knew he was really over it. 


1:11 PM BBT Jessica is called to the DR. Paul is still talking about his love life in the past. 


1:13 PM BBT We have bunnies and already know that Jessica was recently called into the DR. My guess is they are picking players for veto. 


1:15 PM BBT BB switches us from the bunnies to the kitties. The kitties are much more active and playful this afternoon. 

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1:45 PM BBT Feeds return. Speculating that the recent FOTH was picking players for veto, Christmas was likely either picked or chosen to play. She tells Ramses that she probably won't be able to play because they are usually pretty physically demanding.


1:51 PM BBT Christmas "I hope I do get to play this time. Last time I didn't and I was just a bump on a stump." Ramses leaves and Matt walks in. She tells Matt that Ramses has already asked her if she would use it (POV) on him. 


1:54 PM BBT In the red BR Christmas is telling Matt not to trust Mark and Elena. She told him that during the HOH comp, they threw it. Raven comes in and tells them that she got her stitches removed. "I lived to tell the tale." 


1:58 PM BBT In the red BR Christmas is telling Matt and Raven that Mark and Elena are playing both sides of the house. And Elena remembers everything. Last night Mark was talking and she watched Elena stop him before he said too much. 

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151 pm Christmas talking to Ramses about playing in the veto. She tells him he is good and has the votes to stay. (hmm?) Ramses leaves and she talks to MAtt who says Jessica mistook him for Cody and said something to him about using the veto. 

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1:54 pm Christmas tells Matt she told Ramses she would need to talk to Jess about using the veto if she won to take him down. SHe says Elena has an interesting way of buttering up Ramses to get info. Elena was able to get info from people without them realizing it. Christmas explains that ELena is feeling out everyone. Matt asks, Do you think her (Elena) and Mark have a deal with Jess and Cody. Christmas says yes maybe not official but definitely have a budding relationship. Matt says Elena and Mark are floating to whichever side has power. Christmas thinks Elena and Mark threw the comp (HOH?) Raven enters the room and convo changes

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2:00 PM BBT In the Red BR Christmas is speculating to Matt and Raven that Mark and Elena threw the HOH competition as a show of good faith to Jessica and Cody. She refers to Mark as Cody's little minion. 


2:05 PM BBT In the Red BR Christmas, Raven and Matt are talking about next week. If they are HOH they are considering puting both girls (Jessica and Elena) on the block and if they win veto, putting up their man. That way the girls are guaranteed to play in the veto but their showmance is not.


POV Players-Jessica, Josh, Ramses, Christmas, Alex & Jason!


2:14 PM BBT Jessica and Alex are in the lounge. Jessica tells her that she knows she isn't happy with noms. Alex says no, she is not. Jessica says she will explain. Josh is too much of a Wild Card to be in the house and distracts her. He is throwing her off her game. She needs him out of this house so she has a clear mind. 




2:17 PM BBT Alex and Jessica are still in the lounge. Jessica says she just wants to make sure that if Jason wins the POV he doesn't use it. Alex says she will talk to him, but yeah, if he wins it he won't use it. 

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2:00 Christmas says that Elena pinches Mark when he divulges too much info. She is his think tank. Matt says Jess told him (thinking he was Cody) that they need to talk to Alex before they decide if/when to use the veto. Christmas said it was obvious they threw it. Matt agrees it was an act of faith between Mark, Cody, Jess, and Elena to work together again. Christmas says DO NOT repeat what they are talking about. 

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2:04 FoTH briefly in and out. Matt asks if they (Christmas and Raven are in the room with him) would be down to throw the next HoH to either Jason or Alex to begin an alliance with them in hopes they will put up Mark and Elena. Christmas adds that next target should be both the girls (Jess and Elena) or both boys (Cody and Mark) to hopefully break up a couple either way. Raven giggles. Christmas says it's a stack of cards. 


2:06 Christmas is called to the DR to get her medicine. Matt says Mark would lose his mind if he were on the block. Christmas heads to the DR leaving Matt and Raven alone. Game talk ends and changes to talk about Raven wanting a hysterectomy. 


2:08 pm Kevin is telling Ramses he can take his BMW out when they leave the house. Alex, Jason and Elena are in the room too. No game talk. 


2:15 pm Ramses whispers to Alex in the kitchen that Jess wants to talk to her in the bathroom. Camera switches to wave room. Jess begins... she says she may be going out on a limb here but are you not happy with noms? Alex gives an enthusiastic no. Jess continues she wants to explain. Jess does not think Alex can manipulate Josh the way she thinks. Jess says she needs Josh out because he is fogging up her game. Jess says there are bigger targets but she has to get him out now to focus on the game. Alex says she understands where she is coming from and she will talk to Jason. Jessica says she wants Alex to know Jess wont flip on her. She just needs Josh out because she is unable to get anything done in the house. Alex agrees. She says she needs to talk to Jason to figure out which one (Ramses or Josh) they want out first. Jessica tells Alex to tell Jason that if they win POV (or maybe it is just Jason playing) don't use it. Alex says he knows not to this time. Alex leaves the room. 

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2:20 PM BBT Christmas goes rolling past Mark and Cody in the KT to wash an apple. Cody comments that she is really moving on that thing. She said yes, and it's fun. She can get around so much faster than the crutches and she can carry stuff too. The ATV one had 3 wheels instead of 4 and she flipped it. She said this granny scooter is much more stable. 


2:30 PM BBT Mark and Cody are in the KT. Mark tells him that he is just so happy for Jess. She was strong last week, but she is so much happier with him here. Cody describes brushing his teeth last week and wishing Jess was there to watch him brush his teeth. 

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2:18 pm Alex returns to the kitchen joining Cody and Mark. Cody is talking about Cameron. He says Cameron told him he was a beast and got too close to his face. Cody says he stripped in the house and all he did was talk about it. He bets Cameron's parents are probably microbiologists and are horrified by their sons behavior. 


2:22 pm Camera changes to  papa Kevin telling a story to Paul, Ramses, Jason, Alex, and Josh (who is sitting awkwardly far away). Christmas scoots in to join the party. Alex is making her bed and tells Jason not to mess it up. Cody and Mark are still in the kitchen with general chit chat followed by awkward silence. No game talk for a bit



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2:32 PM BBT In the KT Mark tells Cody how much he missed Cody being in the house. He tells him that everybody was afraid of saying anything and everyone laughs when they feel it is appropriate to laugh. Cody says he felt that about Mark too in the beginning and that's why he gravitated to him. The authenticity. 


2:35 PM BBT Mark tells Cody that he wears his emotions on his sleeve and he has taken flack for that. He doesn't care. Cody says it can be awkward because people will act one way and then you walk in the room and they change. He hates that feeling. Mark is glad he got his boy back and is looking forward to some excitement. Mark describes how everyone hates Josh but when he got into a verbal altercation with him the house just stared at him. That really got all over him. Everyone is afraid to say anything. 


2:42 PM BBT In the KT Cody is talking to Mark about the Billboard Comp. He saw Cameron knocking panel down after panel down and he was sending the balls so hard some of them curved and went straight to the moon. Some of the balls went over the building and BB had to throw balls down to him. He finally realized he had to change his strategy and then the panels came down one by one. 


2:46 PM BBT Mark and Cody are still in the KT. Cody tells him that he trusts him. They are in a target rich environment and can figure out who goes when. Cody asks if there is any word on the second or third temptation or curse. Mark says he has no idea. Cody can't believe how well they are keeping secrets about the temptations. Not the blabber mouths like previous seasons. Mark says they just know if someone accepts a temptation but not what it is. Cody "I imagine Christmas got the second one and whoever is closest to Paul got the third one." 


2:50 PM BBT Raven is having a hard time with her period. She comes into the KT where Cody and Mark had been talking. She tells them she wants to evict her uterus and punch someone in the face. Meanwhile Jessica and Christmas are in the WA putting make up on for the POV competition later today. Raven joins them. "Are you wearing glitter?" Christmas "Yeah" Raven "F glitter. I don't want anything sparkly."


2:55 PM BBT Cody tells Mark that Raven has the type of personality that you just can't put her on the block. You can't. And he feels sorry for Christmas. He doesn't feel sorry for her for some things but to give her a punishment with what she is going through, he couldn't do that. 

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2:28 pm Mark and Cody in the kitchen again. Cody tells Mark they could keep something going for many weeks. Mark says he wanted to talk to them but he thought Cody was mad. (Hard to hear over them munching hummus and pita chips) Cody says they have a few weapons (maybe referring to Hex) too. Cody says he is very satisfied. Mark says he hasn't been this happy since... Cody shushes him. Mark says that turning on Cody was a bad idea and he feels bad it was hard on him. He tells Cody when he watches the episodes he will see. Foth. 


2:30 pm Mark says this is a beautiful thing (his new alliance). Mark says he is so happy for Jess because he felt so bad for her when Cody left. Cody says it is different with him and Jess he usually gets annoyed with girls by now. Cody says Jess proved her loyalty to him. She picked him over the money. Mark says he admires the hell out of that. Cody continues about how happy and grateful he is to be back. 

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3:00 PM BBT Alex recaps her conversation with Jessica to Jason. She tells him not to worry about it but to reaffirm their vote to her. She didn't tell Jason that she told Jessica that he wouldn't use the veto. She told him she told Jessica they would think about it. 


3:03 PM BBT Alex gives us an interesting idea for a comp. She says she wishes they could play in a paintball competition. Last man standing gets HOH. WBRB. 


3:07 PM BBT In the green BR Mark, Cody, Ramses, Alex and Paul are speculating what kind of HOH they are having. BB told them that they could get wet but Paul says that doesn't mean water. However he says it is not the right time for OTEV. Meanwhile Josh and Jason are in the lounge. Josh tells him if he has the chance, Jason needs to throw the comp to him. If it is a player versus player elimination, keep putting Ramses, Cody and Jessica against each other so that they can eliminate each other. Josh tells him he doesn't mind staying on the block if he has to as long as Ramses is sitting next to him. Jason leaves and Josh pumps himself up in front of the cameras. "Win the POV, take yourself off the block. Win the POB, take yourself off the block." 


3:14 PM BBT Paul is talking to Cody in the HOH bathroom. Paul tells him that everything is in his favor going into this competition. Cody thinks so too. They starting about production and how they cast players and the feeds switch to watching the HGs who are getting ready in the WA.

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2:30-2:45 pm Mark and Cody are still talking in the Kitchen. Mark continues to tell Cody how sad he was when Cody left the house. They start talking crap about the house in general, but mostly Josh. 


2:45 pm Mark and Cody finish their snack time chat and head to the sink to rinse off the dishes. Mark says honestly when he heard there was a battle back her was nervous. He knew there was a 90% chance Cody would come back. Cody says his heart stopped a bit when Mark turned the punishment (?) on him. Mark says he won't betray him again. Cody gave him a week of hell last time. Mark swears his word clean slate. Mark says he doesn't want to backdoor anyone but Cody and Jess are final 4 or final 3 for sure. Cody says it really is a target rich environment now. Mark continues telling Cody he has his back and that Jess and Elena are close. Cody doesn't understand why everyone is following Paul. Mark says that may change next week. 


2:48 pm Cody asks Mark if he has any idea about the last temptation. Mark says no one knows anything. Cody says it is surprising how well the 25k prize and the last temptation have been kept secret. He compares it to last season's roadkill and how everyone always knew. Mark says well that was just Frank being an idiot. Mark says the last thing they heard was that the temptation was accepted and he thought they were supposed to hear what it was on the live show. Cody speculates that Christmas got the second temptation. Cody says he thinks Paul got the third. Mark says he thought it was Jess so now he has no idea. Cody asks you don't think it was Dom? Mark says no her demeanor never changed. Mark says it could be Alex. 


2:51 pm Raven enters the kitchen and kills the convo with talks about her uterus and about how Matt is sleeping. She leaves and the boys continue their talk. Cody bets that America loves Elena and her southern charm. (hah)


2:55 pm Cody asks do you think America loves Ramses? They laugh. They speculate that he got the 25k. They think he did horrible in that HoH. Mark says he thinks he got it for sure. Cody doesn't think Ramses is a good liar. Mark says maybe Ramses got the temptation because America may have felt bad about his curse. Cody thinks Raven is America's sweetheart. 


2:57 pm Jason enters and tells the guys that Kevin is telling great stories. 



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