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Wednesday October 5, 2016 Big Brother OTT Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BBOTT discussions are in the Big Brother OTT Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother OTT Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

British Bedroom (UKBR)
Workout Room (WOR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


There's something new this season, at the top of this page is a "Chatbox," a window that lets you communicate and coordinate your updating times and schedules. Although you can make comments in the chatbox, it's preferable that if you want to carry on a conversation, you do it in the chat room


Just to clarify, to post an update, you type it in the box below, that says, "Reply to this topic" you use the chatbox to communicate with other updaters, if you want to.


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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Nada is going on [unless seeing Cornbread shirtless is amusing to someone - Moonpetal]


9:54am An inside lockdown is about to happen. 


Storage room 

Shelby, Morgan, Alex 

shelby says she asked Scott & Jason if the house was still voting out Cornbread & they told her they don't know.

Morgan & Alex don't seem surprised. 



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Good evening I'm Julie Chen. Welcome to Big Brother Over the Top! It's the Big Brother you all know and love but been reinvented for CBS All Access. Tonight we embark of one of a kind 24 hour game of Big Brother only available on CBS All Access. Just a moment 

In moments 13 houseguest will move into the Big Brother house and they will battle for power, perks, and the hope of ultimately being crowned the first winner of Big Brother over the top. So buckle up it's time to start, Big Brother Over the Top.

On Day One - Scott enters the BB house first. Morgan enters the BB house next. Morgan says Scott isn't someone she would hangout with just because of their differences. 

Shane enters next and both Morgan and Scott compliments Shane's hair. They say it's gorgeous. 

Neeley enters in the BB house next. Neeley tells us in the DR room that she's excited to be in the BB House. Neeley also mentions she wants to massage Shane's scalp. 

Shelby enters in next and tells us in the DR that it's so crazy to be in the BB house.

Cornbread enters in next and he tells us that he's more excited than a fat kid in a candy story with a whole pocket full of money. Kryssie enters next and tells us that she didn't come there to be everyone's buddy. She came there to win a lot of money. Whitney comes in next. Justin enters in after Whitney. 

Following Whitney Alex enters and says she knew it was possible her sister Morgan and she could end up inside the BB House but didn't know for sure it would happen. Morgan tells us that she literally had a heart attack. Both sisters are worried. Monty enters next.

Danielle enters in next. Following Danielle enters Jason. Jason says he's back bitches. He's so grateful for America voting him back in. Scott tells us that he is so excited to see Jason enter the game.

Houseguest gather in the living room to toast and go over names and where everyone's from. Julie then comes on the screen and tells them the first the first game changer. She tells them there will be NO JURY. When they are out of the game, they are out of the game. Because on Finale night,; America will be choosing the winner of BBOTT. 

Scott tells us in DR that the twist is crazy because not only the HGs you got to worry about but same as America. Neely says it may change the way people look at each other in the house.

Alex accidently calls Morgan by her nickname that she calls her back home and freaks out to us in the Diary Room. Jason looks at the memory wall and wonders if Morgan and Alex the same person. Jason talks with Danielle by the pool and they talk about Morgan and Alex and about their differences. 

Monty is sharing a room with Shane and Cornbread and got a good vibe with these guys but doesn't think it will last. Cornbread feels stoked with the four and mentioned calling them "The Four Horsemen."

Day Two, BB tells them that the HoH Competition will start now. So now there is a blue bottle with a note "Only one may drink" but Shane gets up and drinks it. BB announces "Shane you been infected, go to the Diary Room immediately." 

Everyone is confused and not sure what happens. Shane comes out and tells everyone that he can't be HoH this week and every time the buzzer alarm sounds he is supposed to infect another person but once they are affected they can't be HoH until there is only one person left. Shane picks Danielle and affects her. Danielle infects Justin. Justin infects Shelby. Shelby infects Scott. Scott infects Neeley, Neeley infects Morgan. Morgan talks to Monty and Cornbread tells Morgan to give him the infection and then he (Cornbread) will infect Jason.

Morgan infects Cornbread. Cornbread infects Jason. Jason infects Whitney. Whitney says she has all the power that decides who will be the first HoH. Whitney infects Alex which means Monty is the first HoH of the season. Monte is so excited to be HoH. Alex didn't want the power of HoH and she is trying to lay low. Jason is nervous that Monte is HoH because he is the only returnie. 

BB tells HGs to head to the living room because Julie has a message for them. Julie says Hello to Houseguest and congrats first HoH. She tells them that there are no nomination ceremonies. That he/she will make a specified number of Houseguest safe twice and that PoV will still be played. Monte says it changes his game plan because it's a safety ceremony and not nomination ceremony.

Jason goes up to talk to Monte. Jason tells Monte to not fight the twist but weaponize the twist and leaving Jason in his corner. Monte thinks that people would least suspect if they worked together. 
BB tells houseguest to get their block pass from the storage room and tells them if it turns green they are safe from nomination. 
Monte is in HoH room and first person safe is Neeley. Next is Whitney. Third person safe is Cornbread. Fourth person safe Morgan. and fifth person safe is Shane. Scott says five are safe as of right and seven are still waiting. Monte says going downstairs it may be an awkward situation after what just happened.

Danielle tells us she really likes Shane. Shane says that Danielle is very beautiful. It's now day four. Morgan, Alex, Shelby, Whitney are in storage room talking about an all girl alliance and how they want to make it work. 

Kryssie has an emotional breakdown moment because it's been rough on her. Cornbread heads to HoH room to talk to him about Kryssie. Tells him that Kryssie is falling into pieces. 

Monte tells us in the diary room that Kristie is unstable emotionally unstable and that can be risky. Shane heads up to HoH room, Monte asks Shane about Danielle and Jason. Monte doesn't want to put Danielle up but doesn't think she will come after him if she goes up.

BB tells HGs that it's time for safety ceremony and tells HGs to get their block passes and explains rules again. Monte saves Justin first. Monte saves Alex net. Kryssie saves third. Shelby is saved next (who did a happy dance when it went off). 

Monte tells us three people are left Danielle, Scott, and Jason is the three people left. Final person safe is Scott. Which means Jason and Danielle been nominated for eviction. Monte heads downstairs and tells Jason that he's a vet and is a threat. Monte tells Danielle smart, pretty, everyone likes her. Thinks both have a great chance.

Danielle runs off to bedroom and tears up. Neeley says she has to say it and that it's awkward and needs a need drink. Danielle tells us that it sucks being the first person nominated. 

Shane mentions that he feels that Jason is the bigger threat. Danielle thinks Jason has a better social game than her. She wonders if Monte wins the veto that maybe he will use it on her. Jason mentions no surprise for him but that was messed up about Danielle's nomination. 

Danielle is upstairs talking to Monte (and Shane) and Monte tells her that Jason is a threat and that she isn't a threat to him. She thanks him for making her feel better.
Day Five. BB says "Houseguest please gather in the living room." Julie shows up on screen with an important message for them. She tells them that each week viewers will nominate a third person up for eviction. If that person comes down because of PoV then that nomination won't be replaced. 

Danielle in diary room says she is shocked. Monte says they aren't kidding about Over the Top. Monte got everyone in the living room to pick players for the veto competition. 

Now they find out who the third nomination is and the screen flips through pictures on the screen and turns out its Cornbread. 

Only six will compete in the PoV. Monte, Jason, Danielle, Cornbread, Whitney, and Alex will play the PoV.

Shane hosts the Veto competition. BB made additions in the BB house and they have to figure out the clues to open the safe. The first person who enters the correct number for the safe will win veto. There are magnets on the fridge that read "Veto" (4), upstairs there is a goldfish bowl (9), Flowers are downstairs (4), and chairs added to the big table (2). After many guesses, Jason gets it with the winning number of 2449. Jason has won the PoV!

Shane and Monte talk in the HoH room and they think Kryssie is a good replacement when Jason comes down the block. Danielle and Danielle are alone in HoH room and he confirms that she should be safe and tells her that Kryssie's a good choice. 

On Day Seven, Jason used the veto on himself. Monte nominated Kryssie in replacement. Monte tells us that he hopes she goes home. BB tells houseguest to head to the living room with another message for them. Julie comes on the monitor and tells them each week there will be an online vote for who they would like to vote out, along with the houseguest America will have "1" vote each week to evict.

It's now time for the live eviction. Danielle gets up and gives her speech and basically tells everyone she enjoyed all the laughs and really wants to stay. 

Cornbread stands and says that he had a ball and hopes everyone will keep him there and his game is pretty open and if they keep him there he will have everyone's back. 

Kryssie stands and tells everyone that it's her time to win and to early to make enemies and she's not done there yet and to keep America happy. 

BB calls Neeley to Diary Room to vote to evict. 
Neeley votes Cornbread. 
Jason votes for Cornbread. 
Whitney votes for Cornbread. 
Morgan votes for Cornbread. 
Justin votes for Cornbread. 
Shelby votes for Cornbread. 
Scott votes for Cornbread. 
Alex votes for Danielle. (she says, "time to shake things up.")
Shane votes for Cornbread. 

Monte stands up and tells everyone that BB is tallying up the votes and the evicted houseguest will have a moment to gather their things and leave. 

Monte waits by diary room door, and is let in. He comes out with a card, opens card up and reads it. "With 0 votes to evict, Kryssie you are safe. By vote 9-1, Cornbread you have been evicted out of the Big Brother house." Cornbread leaves abruptly Everyone hugs each other and makes their way towards memory wall.

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At 8:57PM the feeds show us "The Head of Household Competition is coming soon"


At 9:00PM the feeds switched to competition. We hear BB/Production talk asking if everyone understands the rules. Everyone just stands there. BB tells Monte to explain the competition. He reads todays compeition is called "Live by the Sword". Goal is being last houseguest holding up their crown with their sword. Each has a knight in their own image, crown, and sword. When competition begins they will have two minutes to press the crown to their knights head with their sword and get onto their platform. At 2 minute mark they will hear a bell, if they aren't on their platform with crown in position when the bell sounds they will be eliminated. Once bell sounds they must remain on platform they must use their sword on knights head. 

Alright everyone at sound of horn you will have two minutes to get into that position. BB tells them to get into position. Everyone picks up their sword and gets into their positions. Shane drops his sword while everyone has it pretty good. Bell sounds and everyone is in position. No one is talking and the sword is very flimsy. Everyone is concentrating and from what it appears they are staring straight at their knight.

Jason breaks silence that it's the quietest the live feeds ever was. Everyone chuckles. Jason then gives a shoutout to his people. Shelby is out of the competition. Jason likes that they got their own colors too. Everyone is talking about colors now. 

Jason sword falls and is out of the competition. 

9:23PM Jason and Shelby talk about wrist sizes on couch while everyone else (besides Monte) is concentrating at the competition. 
9:25PM Monte asks everyone how they are doing. They all respond with "Great"/"Good". Justin keeps bending his sword playing with it. 

9:35PM Everyone but Jason and Shelby are still in the compeition. Jason and Shelby are chit chatting on the couch while everyone concentrating on the challenge.

9:36PM Shane drops sword and is out and joins Jason and Shelby on couch.

9:42PM Danielle sings ABC's in reverse and BB yells at her just by saying her name.

9:51PM Danille is whispering singing Baby Beluga and BB yelled at her to stop singing.

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10:03 PM BBT They have reached the one hour mark. They will have one minute to transition to one hand. When they bell rings they should have transitioned.


10:05 PM BBT Right after the bell rings Morgan drops.


10:08 PM BBT Scott is shaking hard. The players on the couch are encouraging him.


10:09 PM BBT Scott has dropped.


10:13 PM BBT Kryssie is out.


10:14 PM BBT Justin is doing shout outs to his family and dancing back and forth.


10:23 PM BBT Alex is given a warning to ensure her right hand is not making contact with her sword.


10:26 PM BBT Danielle marches in place for a minute to adjust her legs.


10:30 PM BBT Danielle drops her crown. She says she could have lasted so much longer.


10:31 PM BBT Whitney, Justin, Alex, and Neely are left.


10:38 PM BBT Monte says not everyone is guaranteed HOH and he’s been there. Justin says I’m coming for that ass, baby. Monte says bring it!


10:49 PM BBT Justin is dancing back and forth again.


10:57 PM BBT Neely is solid with the sword hilt in her shoulder. Whitney is also solid with the sword hilt lower in her stomach. Alex is leaning into the sword where hers is curved and in the center of her torso. Justin has been moving a lot. He is turned to the left for a bit holding the sword with his right hand.


11:02 PM BBT Whitney has dropped.


11:08 PM BBT Justin is warned to stop singing.


11:13 PM BBT Justin drops his crown. It is down to Alex and Neely. Monte congratulates both of them.


11:16 PM Alex is trying to make a deal with Neely. She tells Neely if she gives her HOH, she’ll let Neely pick one of the nominees and she won’t nominate her. Neely offers the same deal because she wants the bed. Alex says she can sleep upstairs with her every night. Alex says they would make smart decisions and she’d look out for Neely and she knows she’d do the same. Neely says she wants to play it out and she respects that strong women are killing the game right now.


11:27 PM BBT Neely is out. Alex is the second HOH of the season.

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11:29 PM BBT Monte and Alex talking quietly. Monte tells her that was a great win, it was huge. Thank God Justin didn’t win. He says “she’s” up. Her and Jason are up. Monte then tells the others it’s not my call, she’s the one in power now.

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