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Sunday September 11, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program, and "Day" is confusing, so use Dae.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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10:15AM BBT Nicole is prepping food in the KT. She is also disposing of some old food.


10:17AM BBT Nicole doing shout outs to her family. She says she can't believe that there are only 10 days left in the house. She says she knows that something is about to go down. She continues to talk to her family and friends.


10:30AM BBT Nicole still prepping food. All other HG still in bed.

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10:44AM BBT Looks like Nicole is making food for more then just her. She has a spinach and pepper scramble going on. Bacon in the oven. and the rest of the HG? You guessed it. Still in bed.


10:50AM BBT Paul called to DR. He is moving slowly as he gets up. Nicole heads to HOH and wakes up Corey. She asks him to come down to share breakfast. He tells her he likes her hair (She has it in a side braid). Corey comes down and thanks her for breakfast.


10:58AM BBT Corey and Nicole in the KT eating when the BY opens. They head outside to eat. Paul comes out of DR and notices the BY is open. He crawls back in bed.


11:06AM BBT We have FOTH. When we return all HG are awake. Nicole and Corey lowering the awnings. HG all moving about.

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11:45AM BBT We are back. Paul teasing Nicole that he is going to call her a snake. He asks her if it will bother her. She laughs and says no.  They are all laughing that Corey is a snake charmer. They are all sitting outside. They are picking on James. They are teasing him. They ask where he has been for the last 3 weeks. They have conversations and then he forgets what they say. Paul is called to the DR.


11:48AM BBT Nicole, Corey and James are in the BY. James teasing Nicole that she didn't hug him after the veto meeting and he had his arms open. She was heading for Paul. Nicole apologizes and says that the other two were staring her down. She hugs James and says he has his back. She tells him and Corey what good people they are and how she hopes they win if she doesn't.


11:56AM BBT Corey called into DR. Paul comes out to the BY and tells Nicole jokingly that he just wants to last longer then Victor. They all laugh. Paul jokes about having sex with Bridgette in jury. He says that Bridgette and Nicole are the only two females that he likes. Paul tells Nicole that he likes her but not in the having sex kind of way. They talk about who they would keep in touch with outside of the house. All of them agree that they really do not want to keep in touch with any of those in jury after the show.

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12:01PM BBT Vic, Paul, Corey and Nicole in the BY joking. They are all laughing. Vic joking that he can't handle more then a day in jury. He wants to go home. Corey says that the week on the block with Paulie was horrible. Vic says that it was horrible for him as Paulie was attached to him.


12:13PM BBT Paul tells Vic that he should ask for his suitcase. Vic says something about the live feeders (we aren't supposed to know they are leaving this Monday) Vic says they all have their suitcases so he will ask for his. James is going through the catch all drawer in the BY pulling out pieces of clothing.


12:18PM BBT BB calls an IDLD. James concerned because he put all of his clothes in the washing machine.


12:37PM BBT HG prepping food and general joking. No game talk.

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12:00 am BBT Victor says one more veto. James disagrees but Vic clears it up. Yes just one more veto. Victor says James is like Joey from Friends. Paul doesn’t like Friends. They start talking out the days again. Trying to figure out how many episodes, what type of comps, etc. Corey joins briefly on his way to get food but then heads back to the HoH. The boys start to talk about their longing for female physical contact. (Keeping it PG)



12:40 am BBT Nicorey in bed flirting and cuddling. Paul sitting alone in the Living Room. Victor joins after about 15 minutes. Paul tells Victor no matter who stays between the two of them, they have to win their way there. Victor says it may be harder to leave next rather than now because he had a chance to fight. They talk about who would be the best person to take to F2 depending on who is going home.

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1:17 am BBT Nicole and Paul in the kitchen. Nicole thinks they will have something going on tomorrow. Paul thinks there will be a veto ceremony. Paul asks Nicole about jury.


Feeds in and out.


Feed returns with Vic, Paul, and James in the British Bedroom.


1:31 am BBT James, Victor, and Paul all in the British Bedroom in their own beds joking around. Nicole and Corey are in the HoH.


2:20 am BBT Paul is telling Victor and James about hooking up at Coachella. He talks about his ex and we see FoTH. James starts talking about a friend and accidentally says his name and again we see FoTH.


 James says something about hanging out with Vic and Paul after Nat left. Victor can’t wait for the wrap party. He mocks Nicole who apparently told him he can’t get girls at the wrap party. Paul says he is going to be so drunk. Victor says when James leaves the house he will probably go right back to Natalie. James says no, he will probably say I miss you how have you been and she will say F you. Paul and Vic say they will have fun and James should too. James says Natalie was very good at deflecting personal stuff. She basically only wanted to talk game. James says he told her she should have been upfront about not wanting a relationship with him and mentioned her throwing him under the bus and she got mad not at the personal betrayal but at the fact that others perceived that she threw her partner under the bus. Paul says Natalie really made it seem that she was in there to tell them that she really messed up listening to James. James asks Paul and Vic if they got the sense that Natalie was inadvertently throwing me under the bus… Paul cuts him off, “Get the sense?” He then continues to tell him why he felt that way.

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2:31 am BBT Paul and Victor are still telling James how Natalie threw him under the bus. She did not campaign to save him until the day after she threw him under the bus. Paul and Vic could not believe she would do that. She talked to Paul and Vic before the veto and did not start campaigning for James until she lost the veto. Paul says he bets if he or Vic won the veto it would have been a “F James marathon.” James says it was obvious she stayed in the bed to try to wait for James to sleep before she went to go talk to Paul and Vic. Paul says he always called her out on her game. She wasn’t as dumb as she portrayed herself to be and she was good at comps.


Paul talks about how Nat called him out in her speech about calling her ‘FT’ before she nominated him. He said this was after he apologized to her face about saying it. James says that is how Natalie is, she does not let stuff go. Paul says she uses it against people instead. James says he knew there was an issue when she told him on day 80-something that she was holding on to something that was said to her Day 38. Paul says she memorized that date to specifically call him out on it.


James tells Paul that he told her he felt used. Paul tells him she used him to win America’s Favorite Player. (hmmm)

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2:37 am BBT James, Paul, and Vic continue just ripping Natalie apart. Paul says she told everyone she was “shit on” the whole game to get sympathy. He says she HATED him because he always called her out. Vic asks what he said in his Good-bye message to Natalie. Paul says he said he had Nat’s game figured out and you lost my respect when you threw your ride or die under the bus. James says “Ooh you said that?” Paul answers, “100%.” Cut to FoTH. Paul wonders how Natalie reacted to his goodbye message. He says she probably told Julie she would never do that and then Julie would show footage. Victor mockingly says “Roll the tapes” (apparently referencing something Natalie said in the house often).


Paul says when he gets out he will find the clip of her throwing James under the bus and text it to her. James says he couldn’t watch it. Vic and Paul say it wasn’t that bad, just the intent behind it. Paul says she knew she messed up by seeing the look on Paul’s face while she said she should not have trusted James. Victor says they decided to vote Natalie out before she ever told anyone to vote her out. Paul says Natalie dug her own grave. James says the last fight they had he felt like he had been played the whole game. James says people tried to tell him all season that he was being played. Paul says he never felt it was his place to tell him anything.

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2:54 am BBT Paul says Natalie was cocky but would go between selling her self short and talking herself up. Paul says she was so fake. He says what Paulie said about her was petty but she is conniving and manipulative. James says she had a rough upbringing and that could have something to do with it. Paul says she wanted people to think she was an all-loving person but that was not the case.


3:09 am BBT James says it took him a while but he finally said what he had to say to Natalie and that is why they “broke-up.” James says that Natalie told him that was the second time she was broken up with this season. They all start talking about who she flirted with first. Victor says 4 days in, he told her he didn’t want to be in a “flirtmance” after that she just shit all over me. James says Natalie did not start talking crap about Paulie until she heard he something bad about her, that’s when she told everyone she was being flirted with by Paulie. James thinks its suspicious that she held on to that until she was mad at Paulie.


3:20 am BBT James says he doesn’t doubt the fact that Nat cared about him but it was more friend level while he wanted a relationship. Paul says Michelle may have been good at watching BB, but sucked at playing it. He says he could tell her 10 minutes before nominations that someone said something bad about her and she would change her nominations. James adds that then she finds out later it isn’t true and starts crying and apologizing. Paul says when he dropped the “C-bomb” it shut her up. He says that was his favorite day.

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3:30 am BBT James thinks it will be a bitter jury this year. James think Nicole and Corey have very good odds of F2. Vic says unless whoever stays teams up with James and splits them up. Paul think James will make it to final 3 unless Paul gets HoH and James doesn’t win the POV. Paul tells James to turn it up.


3:40 am BBT Paul says James didn’t get a lot of blood on his hands other than Frank who won’t vote anyway.


3:54 am BBT James says he had to lie to a lot of people before he came on this season so no one would find out.


 4:15 am BBT James rolls over and goes to sleep. Victor is moving around getting comfortable.

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4:08PM BBT James and Corey playing cards in the KT. Vic asleep in the UKBR.


4:11PM BBT James and Corey talk about the possibility of the HG leaving tonight or tomorrow. James says they fill the audience with CBS people.


4:34PM BBT Nicole has joined in the card game. Paul and Vic continue to sleep.

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11:45 am BBT Feed returns after veto meeting. Nicole did not use the veto. Paul asks if she will be offended if he calls her a snake in his speech jokingly.


11:56 am BBT Paul says “That’s it one of us is gone!” Nicole moans. Paul says he wants to hook up with Bridgette in jury (not sure if he is serious or not).


12:26 pm BBT All HG in the kitchen cooking and joking around.


12:50 pm BBT Victor says he has had a lot of odd jobs. He worked at a seafood place and he hates seafood. He worked at RadioShack and Best Buy.


1:04 pm BBT Nicole is explaining to Victor what you can say when they vote in jury. All HG still hanging around the kitchen.


1:54 pm BBT HG still working on lunch. James says he does not think a lot of the Have Not stuff is aired anymore. He said this season they probably only showed the squid. James said his season they didn’t air hardly any Have Not info. Nicole and James head outside while Victor and Corey stay in to clean up.


2:17 pm BBT James and Nicole outside by the pool talking about social media. James says that is how he keeps up with other BB players. James says Corey told him he would be compared to Derrick. Nicole says she is nothing like Victoria.

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2:17 pm BBT All cameras still on BY. Paul comes outside and asks Nicole if he can rewash his clothes after they are done so he can go take a nap. Corey comes outside. James tells him they were talking about how James is like Derrick. Feed cuts to FoTH.


2:34 pm BBT James asks Nicole what really goes on under the covers with her and Corey. She says nothing bad she would never do anything bad on TV. James says he doesn’t kiss and tell. James says they had a great strong friendship (Nicole and Corey) and that’s really cool. James says he sort of envies them. He says he looked at Natalie and thought why can’t we be like Corey and Nicole. Nicole says it has been since Day 1.


2:45 pm BBT Corey and Nicole are lying out by the pool. James is doing laundry. Paul and Victor are lying down in the London room. Victor is thinking about what he will say come eviction night. He may say Nicole, they say you are the snake and Corey is the snake charmer. I don’t know why, it’s not like you ever stabbed anybody in the back. He would say to James, you are not out of the woodwork either, I still have a knife in my back with your name on it. I just think it’s ironic that the two most loyal people in this game are sitting on the block. He will then say vote however you want I don’t care anymore but if I stay you are all losing.

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4:42PM BBT Vic has joined in the card game.


4:51PM BBT Nicole has locked Corey out of the HOH room. He is laughing and trying to get in. Nicole tells him to dance (she is watching the TV)and she will let him in. In the UKBR James joking about hearing the camera crews in the walls.



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6:30 pm Nicole and Corey sleeping in hoh. Vic, Paul, and James playing cards, Texas holdem. Talked about Nat, again. Now talking about bar fights James has been in and seen. One guy died after he was in fight, other combatant gone to jail for manslaughter.

6:45 Vic doing well. James just dealing because he lost all his 'chips', which appear to be different colors of hard candy.


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7:00 PM BBT Corey & Nicole are napping in the HOHR. Victor & Paul are playing pool. James wants the hot tub to be on. He tells Paul that he & Natalie talked game all the time. Paul says she would always tell him they never talked game, even up to the time she was leaving the house.

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7:03 PM BBT James joins in to play pool now. They think there is going to be an eviction tomorrow. Victor says the BY opening has no bearing on an eviction. The 3 guys talk about the balls they have to hit in the pockets. Victor is trying to run everything as usual. BB says, "Please do not obstruct the mirrors with a glass." James takes his cup down from the ledge by a mirror in the BY.

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