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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!


10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Paul tells Paulie if Frank comes back in this house that he may have to hit Bridgette in the face andf make her last week a living hell in this house. Paul and Paulie then say goodnight and try going to sleep. Victor says his good nights and goes to bed.
 Nicole, Zak and Michelle talk about how bad will will look on national TV for some of the things they have done in the house.

11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Michelle and Zak are goibng to prank Paul and Paulie as they get shaving cream. The boys are in bed and they go in and throw shaving cream on their faces. the girls run to the other room hiding, Paul and Paulie are laughing Zak ask Paulie to please not get them back.
Nicole now laying down with Corey crying as he hold her , she says she is upset that Frank told people not to trust her. Michelle tells her that she is taking things good as she woyuld be mad at Frank. Nicole tells her and Corey that she has to be strong and please do not tell anyone she is upset.

12:00am-1:00am BBT: Natalie in the BY working out as james watches. Nicole comes out and they give her dating advice. Natalie then talks about hopw Victor should not be getting in bed with Nicole and corey. Michelle comes out and they talk about maybe Victor is the sabator.

1:00am-2:00am BBT: Just general talk going on with Michelle and Nicole in the BY about the cards they got today. Nicole says she would rather have a trip somewhere than to get back in the house. Nicole says if Frank comes back in and is safe for 4 weeks i will leave the house on my own.
James and natalie talking about Paulie and Zak. James tells her that Paulie said he would vote Zak out if he needed to. Natalie is shocked and ask really. Natalie said thast Zak was upset that Paulie did not wake her when we first got the clues today then he wouldn't give Zak the code so Zak was upset.
Bridgette gets a shower and then blow dries her hair.

2:00am-3:00am BBT: James and natalie talking about his daughter then they start talking about Ftrank and bridgette and what will happen when One of them leave this week. James tells Natalie she does not need to win HOH for a couple more weeks cause she is not on any radars right now. Natalie says you never know.
Natalie then tells him a conversation wioth Nicole she has. Nicole tells she wants Frank out first. James says  the house was glad when i put them on the block.. Natalie says yeah Frank and Bridgette both will do anything to win this game and say anything.
Nicole out of the DR and goes to bed with Corey. She tells him if he is going to talk to her then the DR said you have to put your mic on. Nicole says she is not tired so they get up and gop out to the hammock
Natalie and james go to the HOH rm and then go to the secret paris rm. natalie says i do not know if we can or not but they go in and get pillows and lay down in the floor. james wants to hide in the rm tomorrow. he says we can take food and put our cards on the table then the other Hg will think something happened to them.

3:00am-4:00am BBT:  Natalie and james head out of the secret rm and go to the BY to find Nicole and Corey. they get happy that someone else is still awake. james tells them that the coupels have to stay together. James is called to the DR. natalie goes to HOHR and does a workout. Corey and Nicole head back to bed. James out of DR and goes to the HOHR. just general talk going on about Natalie being  cheerleader.

4:00am-5:00am BBT: James and natalie still talking general talk as they get ready for bed. all Hg in bed sleeping.


9:00AM BBT  The house is quiet except for the occasional snore.
9:16AM BBT FotH showing.  Looks like it is wake up call for the HGs.  Hopefully, they get some lively music today to get them up and moving about.
9:28AM BBT Feeds come back up.  Frank & Michelle in WA doing ADLs.  Da walking in from BY carrying her laundry.

9:30AM BBT In WA, Frank & Paulie talking about game.  Paulie tells Frank not to worry cuz he is voting Bridgette out.  They said that both Michelle & Zak will vote her out.  Paulie said that Bridgette is saying she wants to go home.  James walks in and says that if Bridgette is wanting to go home, they will all vote her out.
9:32AM BBT Paul & Michelle sitting in BY having general convo.  Paulie, Vic & Da in WA doing ADLs.
9:34AM BBT BB announces that HGs need to lower awnings.  Vic & Paul ignore the announcement leaving Michelle to do them by herself.  Paulie comes outside and starts to help her.
9:35AM BBT Feeds keep going down because both Paul & Paulie keep singing some lyrics from Bullet with Butterfly Wings by Smashing Pumpkins.  (Maybe this was the song they woke up to this morning?) In BY, Da says she had a dream about Babadook last night.
9:40AM BBT In KT, Paul, Paulie & Frank talking about what some of the girls made for dinner last night.
9:45AM BBT In KT, Frank started singing Cumbersome by Seven Mary Three.  Feeds went back down again.
9:47AM BBT In BY, Vic is lifting weights.  Paul, Paulie & Frank sitting outside eating breakfast.  They are talking about how Corey went to sleep at 5AM.  Frank said that Nic & Corey are always up late whispering.  He says you can't hear what they are saying except every few words are said really loud.  Paul starts talking about how by the age of 16 all girls have either had a nose job or a boob job.  He says that he even asked Nat if she had fake boobs.  She said no, but said that they have some really great plastic surgeons in Venezuela.  So the guys said that since she did know about the plastic surgeon, they must be fake.
9:52AM BBT Vic walks over to Frank, Paul & Paulie.  He says that he had been working out with Nat & she said she couldn't do certain chest exercises because she says it hurts her.  They think that is because they are fake.  Paulie said that you could tell in the outfit she wore for eviction last week.  Corey is now awake in the KT making breakfast.
9:57AM BBT Nic is now awake & in WA doing ADLs.  Talk in BY has changed to James & Michelle and if they are worried that Bridgette is coming after them.  Paulie said that he feels that Nic & Zak also feel the same way.
9:59AM BBT Bridgette walks out to the BY.  Frank & Bridgette talk about sleeping so great last night.  
10:00AM BBT Convo in BY changes to Paul & Paulie being attacked with shaving cream last night by Zak & Michelle.  Frank was laughing & said that they were covered.  They are trying to find a way to get back at the girls for doing it.  They say they should either freeze Zak's giraffe or put it in boiling water.  Bridgette says that it would ruin the giraffe. Paulie said they were going to put baby powder on them after the shaving cream.
10:11AM BBT Paulie said he is glad that they went with shaving cream.  They originally were going with ketchup & mustard.  Paul talks about putting one hand in hot water & one in cold water to make them piss themselves.  Paulie said that they next time they are cooking, they are going to put tons of fiber powder in their food.  Frank said that Bridgette put a lot in the snickerdoodles the other day.
10:14AM BBT Corey & Nic come outside.  Paulie tells them what Michelle & Zak did with the shaving cream last night.  So now they are all scheming to get them back.  Someone suggested putting eggs in their shoes.  Paul says to crack an egg on their forehead.  Up in HoHR, Nat tells James not to eat any of the bananas from downstairs because she thinks Paul put one down his pants.
10:17AM BBT Paul asks Nic how she feels about fake boobs.  Nic says she had always been against getting them until recently.  She says if she does get them it would be after she has kids.  Bridgette says you can still breastfeed with fake boobs.  Paul busts out with "I wish I could breastfeed".  So Nic asks Paul if he has a problem with fake boobs.  He said only if someone lies about having them.
10:29AM BBT Paul says he wants a duck phone.  Nat tells him they had one on Jersey Shore.  Paul says he doesn't want one now.  Paul asks Nat if she was in the Jersey Shore House.  Nat said that Jozea told her she looked like Snookie.
10:31AM BBT Most of the HGs move inside into the KT.  Michelle said "It will come back so quick."  Paul responded with "like herpes" He was upset that no one laughed at his joke.
10:34AM BBT Da is making scrambled eggs.  She picks something out of the bowl.  They ask her why she was picking out the little white bit.  She says that when she was little, her cousin convinced her that it was chicken sperm so it grossed her out.  She has been picking it out whenever she cracks open an egg and sees it.
10:39AM BBT One of the HGs (not showing on feed cameras) is singing.  BB announces that HGs must stop singing.  A few moments later, you hear overhead from BB "What about STOP do you not understand".  
10:40AM BBT In BY, Corey is aggravating Nic.  He is purposely mispronouncing gourmet, filet mignon and other words.  He said it is because he is loopy from not having enough sleep in the past 2 weeks because someone keeps waking him up.  She is getting upset.  Corey is telling her that he is just joking.
10:05AM BBT Paulie is called to DR. Michelle said see ya, wouldn't want to be ya.  Corey said see you two are being mean girls.  Nic said I am through.  I am not talking to him for the rest of the day.
10:48AM BBT Michelle said she thinks that Da should sleep with Vic at night since all the other girls in the house sleep with a guy.  Da says H*LL NO!
10:50AM BBT Corey is trying to apologize to Nic.  She said no because he went too far.



11:05AM BBT James is call to the HOH for his blog and to get the camera.


11:11AM BBT Z and Da talk - they want to talk to Paulie about Corey and Nicole but they feel Paulie is too close to Corey and will tell Corey.


11:14AM BBT Da and Z decide they are going to lay low today instead and sleep. Da says they need to rest.


11:26AM BBT Da asks Michelle if anyone has approached her about flipping the votes. Michelle says no. Day asks that it just go as planned. Frank. Bridgette, Vic and Michelle says then they will be done with the dingbats.




11:38PM BBT Paulie and Vic talk. Paulie tells him Da is paranoid and is everywhere in the house.


11:47AM BBT Paulie, Paul and Vic talking in the BY about starting a business when they are hired to be party boys. They can travel and be the life of the party. They will get the party started.


11:53AM BBT Paul and Michelle talking in the BY. Paul talking about Frank saying that Bridgette wants to go home so they should vote her out. Paul says that he is going to call her out on all of her crap once he is gone. Michelle says that Bridgette is so self righteous.


11:56AM BBT James is called to the DR. Nicole says it's time for him to get the camera.


12:08pm BBT: James is now out with his camera talking pictures in the BY.
Frank, Victor,Paulie and Bridgette in the KT talking general talk.

12:15pm BBT: Most HG in the BY taking pictures. Bridgette and Frank in the LVR sitting on the couch talking general talk. Bridgette throws a pillow at Frank then laughs.

12:31pm BBT: All feeds on Frank and Bridgette in the LVR talking about movies.

12:37pm BBT: Hg in the pool now taking pictures and laughing while Frank and Bridgette still sit talking about movies in the LVR.

12:50pm BBT: Picture taking in the pool under water continues then Bb calls for James to go to the DR to return the camera.


1:03pm BBT: HG just  sitting around the pool soaking up the sun and talking general talk.

1:12pm BBT: Nicole, DA, Corey, Paul and Victor all in the KT talking about playing poker. Zak, Paulie, Michelle and Natalie in the pool. James in the DR.

 1:34pm BBT: Victor and Corey in the KT cooking. Most Hg in the BY in and by the pool just general talk going on about eating cheese burgers.

1:44pm BBT: GUys making chicken in the KT and asking DA if she wants any. Most HG in the BY still around the pool.

1:52pm BBT: Most HG now in the KT eating. Frank and Bridgette now go out to the BY to lay in the sun with Michelle laying out also. Paul and Zak are sitting in the shade talking general talk.


4:12PM BBT Corey and Nicole having thumb wars. Vic, Bridgette and Frank in the Safari room. Talking about general life outside the house.


4:39PM BBT Paul, Nicole and Corey talking about the private room and if you could get back in. Nicole says she got back in and then they announced something. We get FOTH.


4:42PM BBT Paul and Vic decide to try dialing other countries on the phones to see if there is another puzzle.


5:25PM BBT Corey, Paul and Nicole talking about Frank. Paul wonders if it is a twist and Bridgette and Frank are actually a couple. Corey says he doesn't think so.


5:30PM BBT Paul, Nicole and Corey talking. Paul says he is not worried about if Frank comes back in. Frank has never beat him in a comp that was a single person comp.


5:39PM BBT Vic asks Paul, Corey and Nicole how everyone knew Tiffany was Vanessa's sister. Paul says she told everyone except he was the last to find out.


5:51PM BBT Paul tells Nicole, Corey and Vic that he let Bridgette with the POV the week she did. He threw the comp. They had no idea.


5:57PM BBT All 4 feeds on Corey, Nic, Paul and Vic in the BY. Just chatting about life.


6:13PM BBT Vic and Paul in the SR. Vic telling him that he likes Corey but that he is not comfortable how close he is with Nicole. He feels they will take each other at the end. Paul doesn't agree.


6:19PM BBT Nicole trying to give Corey a hairstyle. Vic trying to help. Lots of laughing. Paul in the Safari lounge talking to the feeds. He is telling the feedsters what products her uses for his beard and how he maintains it.


6:38PM BBT Nicole now working on Vic's hair. Paul still doing an informercial.


6:45PM BBT Paul has moved on to a tattoo-infomercial about his tattoos and how he follows tattoo artists on Instagram.




7:01 PM BBT In the Safari Room Paul is talking about tattoos. He says that if you want to prolong the fading process you need to use lotion & suntan lotion He says that UV rays will eat up the tattoo. He says to always cover & protect it as long as you can. He says it will fade eventually, but you can prolong the process. He says lotion is your best friend & lotion is your friend. He says that eventually you will need to touch things up. He says that every artist is happy to go back & fix things. Victor goes in the Safari Room with him. He says the most painful spot to get a tattoo was his nipple. Paul says he has a big eagle on his chest & he wants his nipples to be black, since eagles don't have nipples. He says that he will eventually have a full body suit. He says the sternum hurts a lot, because it's on the bone. He says the belly doesn't hurt a lot. He says the ribs, side, hips & V-line in front hurts. He says the chest into to bad & is tolerable. He says the collar bone hurts. He says the thigh is not bad, he fell asleep during his tattoo. He says the feet hurt a lot. He says the anchor on his foot took 1 hour and 20 minutes. He says it hurt during the healing process because you wear shoes. He says that you need to wear open shoes to heal it. He says the arms shouldn't hurt as much. Victor says the ribs hurt, but his arm didn't hurt that much.


7:09 PM BBT Paul says that he can sit for 7 - 8 hours now for one sitting. He says don't talk to your tattoo artist, because they are working. He says to take music or a movie to watch on your phone or iPad. He says that tattoos are addicting. He says if someone only has one they have real good self-control, or they really hate & regret it. Victor says that he wants to get more. He says he wants a sleeve. Paul says you are going to want more if you are in to them. Paul says never get the name of your signifant other tattooed. He says portrait tattoos are hard to get done. He says you have to get a great artist that can really do them. He says they will cost thousands of dollars & you will have to wait for a year or more to get them. Paul says he would never get a portrait done. He says it costs a lot of money, takes a lot of time & there is a long waiting list. Paul says the belly button was painful, tickling & it felt weird overall. He says it was very uncomfortable. He said the inside of his lip didn't hurt a lot. He has the K with a heart next to it tattooed inside his lip. He says that tattooed healed that day. He says that lip tattoos can go really bad. He says that if it's on your actual lip it can go away fast because your lip sheds a lot. Paul says that James just showed his butt in the door. He says it's a fun tattoo to get & you can show only those that you want to see it. Paul says that his parents were super against it. He says he's still at home & his parents haven't disowned him. He says they still love him. James is listening in now. Paul tells everyone to respect their parents, especially if you live under their roof.


7:16 PM BBT Victor asks Paul if he does a different talk every day? Paul says he tries. Victor says he might do a fitness talk tomorrow at this time. Victor leaves the Safari Room. Paul says that he got a Love sucks on his pelvis before he came to the show. He shows us the tattoo, & you can see it because he has his pelvis shaved. He says that he got the Love sucks tattoo after a bad break up. James goes in the Safari Room with Paul. James says if you get tattoos make sure you are willing to stick to those tattoos for the rest of your life. James says now he has to be a Clemson fan for the rest of his life because he has a tattoo on his left arm of Clemson. Paul says that you can have a tattoo lasered off, but it's really expensive. James says he might get another tattoo when he leaves the show. James wants a half sleeve. He says it will look bad a. Paul says that he will either get Friendship or Patty sunglasses. He says it will be related to his BB experience. He says it will probably on his ass. James says they took a lot of cool photos today. He tells everyone to check out his HOH blog & pictures on CBS.com. He says he's out because his breath stinks because he just woke up. Paul says all these great people are popping in. He says he likes his friendship talks. He says he's sure everyone has questions for him, but he can't see them. He says that he has a band, but he's not sure if the music is uploaded. He says the name of the band is Strange Faces. He thinks the song Pity Kids is on there. He says they can be found on Instagram at Strange Faces LA. He says to comment that Paul says they are all idiots for not uploading the music. He says if the music is up to tell them he said great job & he hopes they don't suck. He plays guitar & does back-up vocals. He says that he was a model before he started his clothing line. He says he doesn't post too many selfies. He says when people ask for pictures he has put them up on Instagram. He says he didn't like other people's clothes that he had to support when he was modeling.


7:26 PM BBT Paul says he came up with his own ideas for his clothing line. He says he hired an Illustrator, Baker2D on Instagram. We see FOTH.


7:27 PM BBT Corey says hello to Paul. The cam view goes off of him after he says that he came up with three shirt designs. In the KT, Corey asks Nicole if she wants a fried egg on top of what he's cooking for them to eat? She says that she's never even heard of that. Frank goes in the KT. Corey tells him that he's making turkey burgers. Bridgette comes in from the BY. She asks Frank if he wants to wash his sheets? He says that he washed them last week & he might be leaving on Thursday. Frank asks Corey if he's leaving on Thursday? Corey says that he hasn't talked to Paulie about it because he's the one that went off in the meeting the other day. Frank says that he thinks people are sick of hearing him talk so he hasn't said anything. Corey says that Natalie & Michelle keep sleeping in the bumper cars & he doesn't know why. Nicole goes back to the KT. She asks Corey if he's going to eat with her at the same time? Corey says yes. Corey says he's not sure how long to cook the turkey burgers. Nicole says they cook quick. Corey says that they look done. Nicole asks which one is the good one? Corey says that they are all good. Nicole gets some condiments out of the refrigerator along with iceberg lettuce to put on her burger.


7:34 PM BBT Zakiyah takes dirty clothes outside to wash. Paulie goes to the KT. He says he didn't expect to still see the sun still up. Nicole tells Corey the turkey burger is really good. Zakiyah goes back in the house. She yells that she was trying to get Paulie the Advil. She asks Paulie if he wants her to cook them food? She is going to make them the same thing they are eating. Corey says there is another one there for James if he wants it. Nicole says that James is one for eating what other people cook. Nicole & COrey are sitting at the KT table eating their turkey burgers. She asks if it's 1/3 of a pound? Corey says it is. She says it doesn't seem that big. Paulie sits with them. He says he's going to shave his beard this week. Nicole says she put Triscuits on her sandwich. She says she likes crunch on her subs & burgers. She says that Funyuns on pizza is really good. Zakiyah goes back to the KT. Paulie says that he realized out think his beard & mustache is when he pushed on his mustache. Zakiyah opens the sliding glass door & asks James if she can have his turkey burger? He says, yes. She is still making one for Paulie. Paul goes to the KT & says that wasted about 4 hours of his time. He says he was giving friendship to live feeders.


7:39 PM BBT In the BY, Victor is teaching Da'Vonne how to do the Russian Twists ab workout. She says it's hurting. Victor says for her to give herself 15 more. Bridgette goes to the BY. She skips over to the hammock area to join Frank on the hammock. He says the she is Princess Bridgette coming to her Duke to check on his heartburn. James joins everyone in the KT. Paul asks if the Paris room is open? Nicole says she got through the tunnel, but it wouldn't open. Paul goes upstairs to try. He pushes the numbers in the phone booth. He hears the congratulations message. The camera goes off of him.


7:43 PM BBT Nicole asks Corey what time he wants to run? Corey says in about 30 minutes. She wants to wait an hour. Corey says, o.k. Nicole asks Paul if the room was open? He says, no. Frank & Bridgette go in the house from the BY. Victor is still in the BY working out with Da'Vonne. He has ponytails in his hair. They are tied up with what seems to be light blue shoe strings. Da'Vonne starts to use a crate type of box to go up & down on holding the weight in her hands. She finishes & says it feels good. Vitor tells her she did a good job. Bridgette walks into the KT. Nicole tells her that she really digs her hair the way she has it put up. She says she can't wait until it gets a little longer & she can put all of it up. Paul goes in the KT, & then James walks in also. 


7:47 PM BBT Corey leaves the KT. Zakiyah sprays cleaner on a napkin & cleans off the counter by the sink. Nicole suggests to Paul what to put in his salad. Corey goes back to the KT to join the others at the table. Paulie says that he made coffee & never drank any of it. Paul sings Wayne's World & we see FOTH.


7:51 PM BBT Paulie says that Victor asked him by the pool if he has any women back home? He says he said no. He says that Victor said he has 2 women at home. He says that Victor asked him if he's ever been with an older woman? He says he said no. Paul says that Victor says he doesn't play games that he can't win. Paul tells live feeders & Tiffany that she didn't smoke him in chess. Corey says that Tiffany was using the live feeds as a strategy. Da'Vonne is sitting by the dining room table. Paul says it would be cool if the live feeders could call them. Paulie says that live feeders are the ones that give them the questions that Julie reads to them.


7:56 PM BBT Da'Vonne says that Frank & Bridgette are still on the hammock talking about Star Wars. She says that Frank is telling her the movies from start to finish. Paulie says he's telling her everything that happened in the movies to a T. Paul says that Frank or Bridgette could have the card to come back in the game. Da'Vonne says to rebuke that in the name of the Lord. Paul starts to sing. We see FOTH. James says that he will cuss up a storm if Frank comes back & wins HOH. Paul says that Victor said he has won 5 comps already & he wants to win 10 before he leaves. James says he has won 11 comps out there, but they don't count. Da'Vonne says that Victor won different comps each time with the different people. He says, but he can't get to 10. Paul says he hopes the next comp isn't one where he gets out at the beginning. Corey asks how many crap shoot comps there are in a season? Nicole says probably just one. Paul wonders how the HN's are going to work for next week. Da'Vonne says that Frank leaves on Thursday & he hasn't ever been a HN. She says that he won't be in jury. She says he could actually go home on Friday. James says he doens't want Frank to have the card to come back, & then they would have to wait another week to jury. He says they've had 6 evictions & haven't hit jury yet. Paul says he was stressed by the fact that he could not lie about the secret room. Victor says that he put all the times & typed in Paris & it let him in. Da'Vonne says that she didn't take a nap today & she's pretty proud of herself. Paul says he got a good night's rest last night.


8:07 PM BBT James goes in the HNBR to wake up Natalie & Michelle to see if they wanted to sleep this late. Michelle gets up & leaves the HNBR. James says that Natalie just rolled over & went back to sleep. Michelle is scraping her microphone on her cup, because it's not clipped to her shirt. Corey goes to the Tokyo BR. He puts a towel around his waist to take his shorts off. In the BY, Victor, Paul, James & Nicole are all lounging on the couches. Natalie goes out there to say hello, & goes back in to go to the bathroom. James says that she's really grumpy when she first wakes up. All the cams are on the BY. Frank & Bridgette are discussing what the votes may be on Thursday. Bridgette says she doesn't care. She asks if that's bad, or if she should be doing anything? Frank says he's not doing anything. He says that he can count 4 votes for him, so he will probably be going home. Bridgette says she is tired of hearing about it. She says she is just sad. Frank starts to tell a story about a big child that was born.


8:13 PM BBT Frank says his name was Paul Bunyan. In the LR, James tells Da'Vonne that he thinks people are trying to push different agendas this week. Da'Vonne says after he did all of this he shouldn't go on the block. James says it depends on who wins HOH. Da'Vonne says she has to so he stays safe. Da'Vonne goes to the UKBR. James runs to the UKBR. Da'Vonne tells him that she doesn't trust anyone out there. He says he doesn't either. He says if Bridgette wins HOH he knows that he will go on the block. James sits on a bed & says that the blanket smells like straight up B.O. Da'Vonne laughs & says that's where Paul & Michelle sleep. Da'Vonne says that Nicole & Corey can't win HOH because she is gunning for her. James thinks she will put Bridgette up. Da'Vonne says that she doesn't trust her. She thinks that Nicole & Corey were working with Frank & Bridgette. James says that Nicole & Corey were probably only saying they would work with Frank to keep his mind at bay. Da'Vonne says that Nicole denied saying something to Frank during the comp. She believes that she was working with him. She says that no one is going to vote out Nicole. She says it's way to early. James says that you have to make big moves sometimes like him.


8:20 PM BBT Da'Vonne says she has no problem voting out Nicole if her & James are put on the block. They try to figure out what the votes would be if that happened. Da'Vonne goes out of the UKBR to see what is going on. James followers her out. Frank, Bridgette, Paul & Paulie are all in the Tokyo BR. Da'Vonne goes up to the HOHR. James is in the KT with Michelle, Zakiyah, Natalie & Victor. Natalie tells James that she's eating baby grapes. Natalie says she had a nice nap in the Paris room today. She tells Victor she is just messing with him. He is washing dishes. Victor asks if anyone has tried to sleep in the Paris room yet? James says, no.

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