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Friday July 1, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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6:35PM BBT:  James and TIffany talking, saying that he needs to throw the veto in order to get Vic up so he can go home.   He is saying that he'd prefer for Tiffany to win or have a housemate win and pull her or Paul down, but he prefers her to come down, so that Vic can go up. 

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6:30p  Paulie and Vic in HOH room talking about who want who out, who Paulie will put up if one of his nominee's come down, etc.   Vic says James is his first pick to get out.  Now saying he might put Tiffany up.  [ I'm guessing Vic won Road Kill?  -kat16]


James and Frank are in the anime room with Michelle and Da'Vonne. Zakyah joins them. They're discussing game and they hear Victor coming down the stairs so they break up, but it's Paulie who walks in.  It appears that Vic is the main target this week. Someone mentioned that Paul said he was uncomfortable backdooring Vic.  Paulie told Paul straight up that he wants Vic out.  Da'Vonne asks Paulie if he told Paul and Bronte they are not the target.  Paulie says he didn't tell Paul.  Nicole joins the group and plops down on the pink bed, fresh from the shower.   It looks like James is going up as the Road Kill nom.  Frank says he wants to talk to Paul alone a little later.


6:39p  In the safari room there is Corey, Paul and Bridgette.

Paulie joins them.  Paul says to Paulie "You know who he's putting up, don't you?" 

Paulie:  "He said a couple of different options."

Paul:  "No, we already talked about it."

Paulie:  "He threw out three different people to me." 

Paul:  "Really?  He seemed positive..."

Paulie:  "IDK, like he told me in the storage room as soon as we walked in."

Paul:  "Really?  Right off the bat?"

Paulie:  "Yeah".

Paul looks as if he's lost his best friend.  Seems a little confused.  Sounds like it's Tiffany, James and Nicole.  Corey is surprised it's not him. 




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6:42p  Still in the Safari room, Corey says that Vic makes no sense to him.  Says he talks too much. Now everyone in the house knows now he won the competition.  Bridgette talking about making cookies tonight.  Paul asks what kind. She tells him  she's going to take peanut butter, mix it with powdered sugar, roll it into balls, and  cover it with a chocolate cookie."  Paul says "There goes my muscles."



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6:59 PM BBT Michelle gets called to the DR. In the UKBR, Bronte & Natalie are laughing about their alliance wanting to get their own people out now. In the Safari Room, Paulie tells James & Paul to stay calm. James says he's not going to win the Veto comp at all. Paul says that he was scared when he won the Veto last week. Paulie says it was because Jozea wanted him to use it on his selfish ass. Frank comes in the Safari Room & Paulie leaves. Frank tells Paul he doesn't need to worry about this week. Paul says he's not, because they sat him down & talked to him, & there's no hostility. He says he can't take getting lied to, & getting tossed into the scandal. He says he probably should have listened to the hints that him & Paulie dropped earlier. He says he was scared, because he had a loose canon talking crazy sh*t. Back in the UKBR, Paulie is telling Bronte & Natalie that everyone in the house wants Victor to go, because he's rubbed people the wrong way. He's telling them that Victor is trying to be all buddy buddy with him now. He says if he doesn't leave this week, everyone will look at him as to why he didn't leave. Bronte says she hopes that he won't nominate himself. Bronte asks Paulie if he knows that he wants to back door him? Paulie says, he has no idea. Bronte says that Paul probably already told him that he wanted to back door him. Paulie says he wouldn't have stayed that calm if he did. He tells the girls to just stay calm. He tells them to just stay normal, because he will try to grill them. He tells them to just go with they feel that they are still targets because of Jozea.

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7:07 PM BBT Paulie tells the Bronte & Natalie not to stress. He says he doesn't think that Victor can nominate himself. Tiffany goes in the UKBR. Paulie retells her the story of what they talked about in the Safari Room. Natalie says that Paul is very irrational. Paulie says, he knows, that's why they are literally holding his hand through all of this. Back in the Safari Room, Frank, Nicole, James & Paul are talking. Paul tells them that he thinks Victor is an asshole. Frank says he feels good then. James asks Paul when he started feeling all this doubt towards Victor? Paul says, no, since the start. He says he knew that Jozea was going home like a week ago. He says he has tried to work on Victor. Paul says that every day Jozea was coming up with a different target. He says that Jozea was counting all of his votes in his head that he had for sure. Paul says, he tried to keep Jozea calm, & told him that he didn't think it was correct. Paul says he didn't talk to him the one day because of what he told him. Bridgette is in the KT saying that she's always work the graveyard shift since college. Zakiyah is in the UKBR & tells the girls that everyone is on their way to go to sleep. Tiffany asks her if Michelle is still in the DR? Zakiyah says she doesn't know. She says that she is paying attention to the DR folks. Tiffany says she is on her third glass of Diet Coke. Natalie says, "This sh*t is crazy." Tiffany tells Natalie that she doesn't think she is safe from the block. She says, her, James & Nicole are on Victor's hit list. Nicole puts her lips together a couple times to try to blot what's left of her lipstick. Tiffany tells Natalie that she's safe. Natalie says, no one is safe, even she's not safe. Tiffany says she can't blame Victor for wanting to put her up. She says she doesn't talk any game with him, & if she wins HOH she would put him up. Natalie says he can't play the Veto now. Bronte says that Paulie is going to do a good job to not pick Victor to play in the Veto. Tiffany says they can still pick his name out to play. Tiffany says each person should get an equal chance to pick House Guest Choice. She says, 4 people will already be up there, so there would be 10. We see FOTH.

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7:22 PM BBT The live feeds come back. Bronte tells Tiffany that she would end up going home. She says, she's accepted that she might go home, & if that's the case she's o.k. with it, because she's had fun while she's been there. Bronte says it might be better this way, if they can control what he does. Tiffany says when Victor gets power he starts to act like Jozea. Natalie says she has to stay away from Victor. Tiffany says he's not good for her game. Natalie says they had a guys alliance, them three, they had a pact. (Jozea, Paul & Victor.) All gets quiet in the UKBR. Natalie tells Bronte that she doesn't want to lose her. She says she will die. Natalie thinks Victor might put her up. She says Victor is very well rounded. She says he's smart & athletic. Natalie tells Tiffany that she wished she had won it. Tiffany says she had a brain fart. She says she felt pressured knowing everyone would watch her. Bronte says the comp was geared towards math. Tiffany says it was geared toward pressure & she is not good with pressure. Natalie says Victor is cool under pressure. Tiffany says that Victor is not good at the BB game, but he's good at challenges. Natalie says she already knew that Paulie was going to win HOH. Bronte says a lot of what Jozea was going through with other people he kept away from her. Bronte says everyone was going to her after Jozea left telling her that he was saying bad stuff about her. She says she knew that Jozea wasn't going to stay, but she didn't realize it was that bad. She says the girls need to stay together & work together. Tiffany says that Jozea told her about the Revolution alliance, & that Bronte & Natalie were working with them. Natalie says everywhere they went the guys were following them around. Natalie says that they were trying to stay away from them. Natalie says she told certain people. that she doesn't want to name, that they should have gone to her. Tiffany says you don't go to people not in your alliance & tell them that you have an alliance. Natalie says she already knew who was going to stay & who was going to go. She says she wasn't going to go against what she said though. She wanted to stay true to her word. Bronte says that they got roped in. Natalie says she should have been stronger. She says she came in the house wanting a girl to win & wanting an all girls alliance. She says, she doesn't care who it is, the winner just has to be a girl. Tiffany says, that's what she wants also. Natalie says she has all the back of all the girls in the house. She doesn't want Tiffany to take that the wrong way. Tiffany says she's on the same page, & she's paranoid about what's going on outside the UKBR. Bronte tells her not to be paranoid. Natalie says her heart is racing. Tiffany says she doesn't know why, because she wasn't even mentioned. Natalie says, it's Big Brother. She says she should have stayed away from Victor, & she's an idiot. Natalie says the funny thing is that Jozea tried to include Frank into an alliance. She tells Jozea she's sorry, but who would vote off two strong players from their own alliance? Natalie says when she makes a promise she's going to observe & then answer. She says she's not going to give answers straight off the bat until she knows who she can & can not trust. Tiffany says most of the guys in the house are bulls outside of a cage. Natalie says that Tiffany is calm. Tiffany says she flipped out already. She says, on an every day basis she is cool. Bronte says, they do have moments in the house. Natalie says, it's a pressure cooker, & everyone is going to pop pop pop. She tells Bronte to stay cool in the hot seat. Bronte says she had one bad moment. Natalie says, that was one bad moment. Bronte says she said something about a dumb ass b*tch at one point. In the Hollywood bedroom Victor & Nicole were doing a hand shake together. The cams go back to the UKBR. Then they go back to the UKBR. Nicole is whispering to Frank. Nicole says she doesn't want to go on the block. She says she just wants to cry, because she was HOH last week, & she doesn't want to go on the block this week. She says, she needs to figure out how she can stay off the block. She says James doesn't care if he goes on the block. Nicole says she is just freaked out. She says she doesn't want to go out there & throw a comp. Frank says they don't have to throw the comp, they just have to use it on one of the other two people.

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7:38 PM BBT In the Safari Room, Corey, Victor & Paul are chilling. Victor is eating something out of an orange bowl. Paul still thinks he has a concussion from hitting the headboard on the bed yesterday. Paul says he doesn't want to walk into a room filled with pissed off girls. Victor says he's staying away from it, he just wants to rest. Paul says he got his sh*t out the first time he was on the block. Victor says it's not the end of the world being on the block. Natalie gets called to DR. Everyone is giving out their Twitter & Instagram accounts. Paul wants to know if everyone is still using the dog filter on Snap Chat. He says it was even on Tinder. He says he does an immediate swipe left if they have a group picture. Victor says he swipes left if the girl doesn't have their Instagram account attached. Corey says he has Bumble, but not Tinder. Corey says he uses it for work. He says he wants the girls at their bar. Paul tells Corey that he thought he peed his pants, but it's a dark shadow on his leg. Victor says the house is quiet. Corey says everyone is tired. Paul says he's going to get something to eat. Corey says he's hungry. He says he got called skinny earlier, & that's not good. Victor tells Corey he's getting nominated. They laugh about it. Corey says, oh Tiffany. Victor asks Corey if she still rubs him the wrong way? Corey says, since Day 1. Victor says he's surprised she's not on the block. He says he feels if she goes on the block, she will be voted out. Corey says he agrees. He says she's not great at comps either, because she hasn't done good at any of the comps. Corey says he wishes it was just him & Nicole hanging out. He says she's fun & a good person all the way around. He says Tiffany pisses everyone off, & she's making their team look bad. Victor tells Corey they are in a good spot right now. He says, him, Paul & Bronte are in a bad spot with their tail between their legs. Frank goes in the Safari Room. Victor tells Frank they were talking about Tiffany. Frank says she's a little sketchy.

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7:48 PM BBT In the Hollywood BR, Nicole is whispering to James. James tells Nicole that he threw the HOH comp. Nicole says that she's worried, but she knows that she will be o.k., because they will keep her there. James says he doesn't want to be to confident. He says he's confident in their alliance, but not his team. James says he would go to Victor & tell him that he doesn't have the votes to get James out. 

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7:50 PM BBT Nicole asks James if Tiffany is in the UGBR? James says he doesn't know. Nicole asks James how Paul knows that they are all working together? James says he doesn't know. He says they just need to make sure they can get Victor out. Nicole says she can't stand the stress if she's picked to play in the Veto. She tells James that he would be fine to stay on the block. James says their plan can still work if Victor doesn't get picked to play in the Veto. James says if Paul or Bronte win that's the worst case scenario. James says, if he's up & wins he would want to save himself. Nicole tells him that Frank said that if one of them win they need to pull one of the other two down. James says, only if Victor is not playing for the Veto. Nicole says that Victor has no idea that he's the target this week. She says, Paul hasn't told him. Nicole says they know everything. James says they know there is a big group in the house working against them. Nicole says, 9 people. He says pretty soon they will have to start putting up their own people, after they get Bronte & Paul out. He says, that means the vets are going to have to stick together. Nicole says, she knows. James says that's when it's going to get bad & they are going to have to start hurting people's feelings. James tells Nicole that he hopes she doesn't get put up. She says the same to him. He goes to the UKBR. Tiffany gets called to the DR.

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7:57 PM BBT Frank, Victor & Corey are talking about weight lifting. James is now in the HOHR with Paulie. Paulie tells James he didn't want to throw Bronte under the bus. James says he doesn't want to either. Paulie has his HOH headphones on & is listening to his music. James tells him the Paul & Victor are pretty much going up against the whole house, & he doesn't think that Victor even knows that. He says he may have a feeling that people in the house have close relationships. Paulie says he's trying to figure out information, but they aren't giving it to him. He says he's panicking. Paulie says that Victor can't play no matter what. James says if he is up & gets picked to play he might pull a Caleb & just sit there. Paulie laughs, & tells James to just stay cool. Paulie says he will be going home when two other people are picked to play for Veto. James tells Paulie that Nicole is stressing about going up. James says he will just put a pizza in Victor's bed to make sure he puts him up, to keep her off the block. Paulie says she will be o.k. He says, Tiffany was even freaking out. James says he hopes that he doesn't put Tifanny on the block. He says she will have a meltdown. He says Tiffany is a lot like her sister. He says he played with her for 78 days. Paulie asks if she freaked out in the beginning? James says, yes, she started in the beginning, & she sealed his fate in the end. He says it's kind of ironic. He says BB may announce it soon, because when he was in the DR, they told him he would have to pick it soon. Paulie thinks they will play the Veto tomorrow. James says the announcing of the Road Kill will be tonight. He goes in the HOHR bathroom & takes his microphone off. Paulie closes his eyes to listen to his music. The cam view goes to the Safari Room.

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8:06 PM BBT In the UKBR, Nicole is in a bed with Natalie. Bronte is standing by them. Nicole says that a girl has to win, because there are 8 of them. Bronte says she thinks that they cast the girls, because they want a girl to win. She says she is so over the boys winning. Natalie says she's such a loyal person, & you have to be a loyal person to keep a promise to Jozea. Zakiyah gets called to the DR. Back in the HOHR, Paulie is talking to Michelle & Tiffany. Tiffany says the whole would knows she a math teacher now. Michelle asks if Paulie has talked to Victor? Paulie says, no, he's been avoiding him. He tells them that the plan is to get Victor out this week. He says, he would probably try to curse he & Frank off. Paulie says that he & Frank are letting Victor do most of the talking, which he does. Michelle says that she forgot he was a Finance Major. Paulie says, he did Finance for a hot minute. Tiffany says that Bronte threw Michelle's name out there for a possibly Road Kill nom.

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8:12 PM BBT Michelle asks Paulie who he would want to see leave next week? Paulie says he hopes Paul keeps his mouth shut. He says Natalie & Bronte both want to make it to jury. Michelle asks who they would rather have in jury? Tiffany says, Bronte & Natalie. Paulie says that Paul could go second to last, like the week after next. Michelle says he doesn't want Paul to cause chaos. He says the girls are just scared right now. Michelle talks about winning BB15. Paulie says that's why they need to get Bronte out. Michelle says that Zakiyah's birthday is next week & she wants her to win HOH, so she can get a letter from home & see photos. In the UKBR, Frank is now in there. He tells everyone the shower was so disgusting. Natalie says she cleaned it, but she can't do it again, because she almost threw up. She says there was a black film on the floor. She says she was on her hands & knees to clean it. Natalie says the upstairs shower is like a dream shower compared to the one downstairs. She says the downstairs shower gets ants on the walls. Natalie wants to know what time they will do this tonight. Nicole says they have to call everyone in the DR first. Frank says it will probably be soon. Frank yells to whomever is walking in the walls. He tells them to stop walking so loudly, that they are trying to make a TV show in here. Nicole says, "Frankkkk." She walks out of the UKBR. Natalie tells Frank that she's tired, but she can't sleep. Natalie says that she thinks Victor won. Frank says, that's what he has been hearing. Victor gets called to the DR. Frank says that Victor was using flirting as his strategy. The cam view goes to the Hollywood BR with Zakiyah talking to Nicole. Nicole tells Zakiyah that she doesn't understand why she would be a potential target. Nicole says that everything goes over Victor's head. She says she doesn't want to go up, but James is o.k. with it if he goes on the block. Nicole asks where Tiffany is? Zakiyah says she's upstairs with Paulie. She tells Nicole to go up there. Zakiyah says that Paulie talks to Tiffany to much. She says, she's not jealous, but she doesn't think he knows how much of a lose canon he is. Nicole tells Zakiyah how dirty her clothes are. She asks Zakiyah who's all upstairs? She tells Nicole that Michelle & Tiffany are up there. Nicole says they need to go upstairs. They head up to the HOHR.

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8:22 PM BBT BB tells Zakiyah to please exchange his microphone with one in the SR. In the UKBR, Natalie tells Frank that she thinks Paul is naturally a good person. She says she told James that she's going to be really honest with him, because they are on the same team. She says she's always been honest with James. In the HOHR, James is out of the shower. Paulie & Tiffany are sitting on the bed. Zakiyah walks in, & Paulie says, "What's up Z?" She snaps her fingers & says she's chilling. Paulie tells Tiffany he has blueberries in his refrigerator. He starts talking about the Veto comp again & not pulling Victor's name. He says he will start eating again. Paulie's stomach growls. He says he ate pasta. Zakiyah says she will be back, & she walks out of the HOHR. Paulie says, she has some energy today. He asks Tiffany if she gets to nap downstairs when she closes her eyes? Tiffany says, no. Paulie asks what Bronte & Natalie were talking about downstairs. Tiffany says, they were throwing out sceanrios, & they are freaking out a little.

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8:27 PM BBT Tiffany says they just can't pick Victor's name for the Veto. James thanks Paulie for the shower. Paulie says he can come back anytime. James walks out of the HOHR. Tiffany asks Paulie that everyone seems to get mad if she talks to Bronte or Natalie, but she's in the room with them. Paulie tells her not to worry about it. Tiffany is worried about Michelle. Paulie says Michelle is playing like a super fan. He says that she said she is a super fan & she doesn't want Bronte & Natalie to make it farther then she does. He says, she's trying to play it cool, but it will come back to bite her in the butt. Paulie says that he wants Tiffany to stay cool. He says as long as those people still being on the block, they are good. He says once Victor gets out, it will be the girls & Paul. He says that the only ones that will win anything probably will be Paul, once Bronte is out. Paulie tells Tiffany that she can take a nap in his bed. He says it's a big bed & he can move over. She says she's going to talk to Michelle, but not about game. She says, she hasn't talked to her enough today. She goes out by the couch upstairs, & sits in a chair. Tiffany tells Michelle, Nicole, James & Zakiyah that she thinks it will be her face going around, & gets picked. James says, he kind of hopes it's him. Michelle says after they get Victor out they need to go after Paul & Bronte. James leaves the couch area. Michelle whispers that Da'Vonne needs to wake up.

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8:35 PM BBT The cam view changes to the Hollywood BR. Victor is talking to Frank. Da'Vonne gets called to the DR. victor says that he thinks they can use Paul & Bronte to their advantage. He says, they can get Frank & Nicole to work with them. Victor says he wants to keep their people safe. He says, he's getting a little paranoid. He says, he doesn't want to ger f'd. Da'Vonne gets called to the DR again. Victor says he hopes they can keep winning the comps, unless James keeps throwing them. Victor says, he's a lot more relaxed than he was yesterday. Frank says, "What's up," to the cam. He goes to the KT singing, he feels like a hot dog. He says, he's a hungry hippo. Frank lets a long fart rip. Nicole yells down to him, not to fart in the KT. Frank talks about sharting. Paul, Bridgette, Corey, Victor, Tiffany & Frank are all in the KT. They all smell his fart. Da'Vonne walks past them to go to the DR.

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8:40 PM BBT Bronte tells Natalie & James that she's going to help Bridgette clean up the dishes from making them cookies. Bronte says that Bridgette bakes when she's stressed. Natalie says she dances when she's stressed, but she can't do that there. The cam view goes to the WA. Nicole tells Victor that her name is being thrown around about going on the block. Victor tells her to shut up. He tells her that he won the competition. Nicole asks him if she's going to be put up? Victor says, no, he's going to put up Tiffany. Nicole says he should have told her, because she's been worried. Victor says that she hasn't been talking to him. Nicole says she wants to keep it secret. Nicole puts some hairspray in her hair. Victor says that Nicole doesn't have the right people on her team. Nicole says when people ask her what they talk about, she tells them that they just talk about life. Victor says that Corey is definitely going to vote Tiffany out. They do some snapping. He leaves the WA. Nicole says, Shew, & kind of wipes her brow off. She says she doesn't want to go on the block. She takes a drink of her water & starts choling really bad. Everyone goes in from the KT to check on her. Bridgette says, they got scared. Corey asks Nicole if she's o.k.? She says, yes, Victor told her he put up Tiffany. Corey says that he talked to him earlier. He tells her about the convo in the Safari Room earlier.

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8:47 PM BBT Nicole keeps thanking Corey for basically getting Victor to put up Tiffany. Corey puts toothpaste on his toothbrush. Nicole says she's already having to fight to stay off the block on week 2. Nicole asks Corey if Victor is worried about the girl numbers? He says, yes. They both laugh. Corey says he's watching her, & she would never do that. Corey says things change from one person to another in a matter of 30 minutes. Nicole tells Corey that they are completely working together, so they have to keep each other safe. Corey says that he told Victor that he would be doing him an f'n favor if Tiffany goes. Nicole says he did the comp in 10 seconds. Nicole says she wants to know her time. She says she wants to know her time. Corey says that he's played 8 competitions & hasn't won any of them. Nicole tells him he's a college athlete, almost a professional athlete. Corey tells her to shut up, jokingly. She tells him that once he shaves he will be better. They sit down on the bench in the WA. Corey runs down everyone in their alliance & tells Nicole that she would always have their votes. He tells her all she needs is 6 votes. He says they have to stick to the plan. He says, it would be so stupid to go against their plan. Nicole says if Da'Vonne is on the blocked, it wouldn't be stupid to get her out. Corey says, not if she's up against Bronte. Tiffany goes in the WA & asks them if they heard anything yet? Corey & Nicole both said they haven't heard anything yet. Corey asks if she's sad? Tiffany says it could be one of them. Corey says if one of them does go up they have to throw it. Tiffany says it sucks because their asses will be on the line. Corey says, they want to stick to the plan. He says the numbers don't lie, they don't need to be paranoid. Tiffany talks to Corey about a conversation that they had with Jozea. Da'Vonne goes in the WA. She says, she's glad she took a nap. She says, it's over, she feels energized. She is eating a cookie. She says that she had already said she was done eating for the day. She says she's going to be as big as a house. Nicole says she hasn't eaten any cookies yet, & she will probably eat more than one. She says, hopefully they will be gone by the time she wants to eat any. Michelle comes in the WA eating a cookie now. Zakiyah gets called to the DR. Corey says he's going to go to bed early on Thursday's from now on. She says that's hard, because that's when HOH is, & you have to work some magic. Da'vonne says that Frank told her that Tiffany was going up, before she went to the DR. Nicole says she is going to freak out. Nicole says that Victor had just told her. She says she's going to freak out, because she is going to have to throw the comp. Corey says he will talk to her.

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8:57 PM BBT Da'Vonne tells Nicole that everyone is getting tired of Tiffany. The cam views go back to the UKBR, Tiffany is in there now with James & Natalie. James says everyone is on board to get Victor out, so everyone can throw the comp. James says this house is so united to get him out. James says, once he's gone, he doesn't want to go on the black. Natalie says, yeah. Natalie says she didn't realize how bad her stomach would hurt from the anxiety. She says, she is trying to poop, & can't. James tells Natalie to ask Paulie if she can go up there. Natalie says her & Paulie worked for the same company, but they didn't know it. James says, someone is about to get called, because he hears the speaker. Frank gets called to the DR. Natalie asks how he knew that? James says, you can hear when they push the button. James says, he will be in the DR, so they won't find out who is going to go up. Natalie says she is sweating so bad, she probably has the biggest pit stains in the world. James asks to see. Her shirt has a huge stain under her armpits from her sweating. James asks if she uses guys deodorant? She says she's tried every kind out there. She says that her uncle told her she can get botox in her armpits. James tells her to be natural & rock those pit stains. Tiffany says she's rocking this hairy pits right now. Natalie says she needs to wax. Natalie tells them that Bridgette's hair wouldn't come out from the wax she has. Natalie tells Tiffany that it may hurt her & she may bleed a little bit, but not a lot.

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I'm done updating & have covered up to 9:04 PM BBT when the cam changed to the KT. I hope someone will take over soon!

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9:02 PM BBT Victor and Paul are in the BR. Victor is still debating on who to put up. They agree that they are both sitting ducks. Victor says he is trying to talk the other side of the house to show them some good faith. He is thinking that by putting Tiffany up she is someone that no one would really miss. He is afraid if he does what they want and put up Bronte then she will go home because is rubbing all the girls the wrong way. Victor looks toward the camera and says "We love ya Jozea". 


9:20 PM BBT Things have quieted down in the house. Victor has joined Corey and Zakiyah in the HoH. They are talking about making it an in house policy to turn the bedroom lights off at 10pm each night because they actually take a couple hours to cool down. 


9:30 PM BBT Bronte is in the Tokyo BR with James and Natalie. He says the only reason he may not be the Road Kill nominee is because they know they don't have the votes to get rid of him. Why risk making him mad and putting him when he won't be going out the door. 


9:50 PM BBT Tiffany and Frank are talking in the hallway. Tiffany asks him if he knows who Victor is nominating. He tells her that he thinks it James. Tiffany says if he hears it may be her to let her know. She would just like to know ahead of time. He tells her that she is good.


10:20 PM BBT Frank, Victor, Corey, Nicole, Da'Vonne, and Michelle are in the KT. They are laughing at Nicole. She has what Victor refers to as resting fish face when she Zones out. 


10:45 PM BBT Not much going on in the house. Bronte is talking to Bridgette, Tiffany and Natalie in the BR. Bronte is explaining that whoever Victor puts up needs to stay up there, even if they win the veto. The plan is to backdoor Victor. If Victor replaces the nominee then he can't be put up. If the POV is used on anyone else then Victor can be put up. Tiffany says she knows that she is the nominee. Bronte tells her it's fine because worse case scenario, and they can't put Victor up, that Paul goes home.


11:15 PM BBT General chit chat in the house, with a little conversation that Victor can't win the POV competition. If he wins the POV he can take Paul down. Anyone can win it except Victor. 


11:40 PM BBT BB has caught on to the turn the bedroom lights off early plan and has told the HGs that the house lights must stay on. Of course, they don't like it. They want the lights to be completely off and cool when they go to bed. 


11:45 PM BBT Bronte and Natalie are now alone in the BR. Bronte tells her that Victor finished his part of the Road Kill comp in like 20 seconds. She tells her that Victor is a beast. He is memorizing everything. She doesn't see any competition at all that he can't win. Natalie tells her that she is probably the only that she would try to play for. If Bridgette goes up, she will play hard to keep her. Bronte says Paulie and Frank are properly beyond afraid of him and will not stop until they get rid of him. 


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On 6/30/2016 at 10:59 PM, morty said:

This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


I'm in dire need of late night updaters, newbies always welcome, no invitation required,  just please start posting!

Thank you!

One more favor-- Please include AM or PM when noting the time.


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