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Thursday June 30, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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8:14 PM BBT James goes to the Hollywood BR & Zakiyah leaves. James says Victor is made. Da'Vonne says, he is pissed. Nicole says that James disguised it really well when he was throwing the comp, so they would never know that he really threw it. Zakiyah comes back to the Hollywood BR. Nicole says she's so sassy, a good sassy, & she loves it. Nicole says it seems that Victor is fine now, or is he pretending? James says they just left him out to dry. Nicole says if Paulie strays from the plan, he'll look like an idiot. She says, it would be a dumb game strategic move to put up someone on his side. She says she not saying he's dumb or an idiot, it would just be a dumb move. Nicole says, Natalie & Bronte should not have voted against Paulie. BB tells Zakiyah to please not obstruct her microphone.

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8:17 PM BBT Nicole says that Natalie was really routing on Victor during the comp, so she doesn't believe the whole break up thing. Nicole wonders where everyone is going to sleep tonight, because they probably won't do slop until tomorrow. She says she can just sleep in one of the cars in the HNBR tonight. She says, it's going to be a crowded night. Nicole says her stomach is hurting, & she needs to eat. Meanwhile, Paulie is still on the couch in the hallway upstairs talking to Michelle & Tiffany. He is talking about what he requested for when he wins HOH. He says he should have good snacks. He says he didn't know you can have Sushi. Michelle says you should be able to request it. Paulie & Michelle complement each other on how good they did on the HOH comp.

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8:21 PM BBT Paulie says they are going to weaken the Unicorn Team. He says, "They all voted for me, mother f'rs." Paulie says he knows that Victor wanted to see him go, & then Paul, Natalie & Bronte got on board. He says he wants one of them to go so they don't play sob stories to Frank & James to weaken their minds. He says if Victor some how pulls himself off, he wants to send a girl home. He says, Natalie & Bronte can stay under the radar & get compassion from Frank & James, & he doesn't want that. He says, he'd rather trust that if Frank or James got something they would go after those girls & Bridgette. He says, if Victor can pull himself off, he will put a girl up & send her home. He says, he doesn't really care. He says, he's not trying to think of it as a numbers thing, or all girl alliance, he just doesn't like those girls. He says, eventually they show their true colors, & they always do.

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8:26 PM BBT Tiffany says that she talked to Frank & everything is fine now, & they are cool. Paulie says, he wants the girls out to leave the targets on the guys. He says he would really like to get Natalie out. Michelle says that Natalie fell because Julie said her name. Michelle says that James told her he whispered into his microphone that he was about to throw it now. Michelle says, no one heard him. Paulie says, "That's f'n funny." The HG's in the KT are being very loud. Tiffany says she's hungry as hell. Paulie asks if any of them are going to sleep in the HOHR bed with him? He says that Nicole will sleep up there with him to scare the girls away from his farts. Paulie says he wants a time to be in a room with everyone without the others getting suspicious. Michelle asks Paulie when he thinks he will do noms? Paulie thinks he will do it Saturday. Tiffany says BB Road Kill should be Saturday, & the POV on Sunday, so noms should be tomorrow. She says they will have to see. Paulie says he hopes that Frank & James keep their heads away from those girls.

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8:31 PM BBT Paulie says that Natalie, Bronte & Bridgette can't win anything. He says, they shouldn't make it further than any of the girls on their side. Tiffany says that Liz won a lot of comps last year. Meanwhile in the WA, Bronte tells Victor that their side won't make it to jury if they get her, him, Paul & Natalie to go home. Bronte says they probably made some type of deal. Victor says he can see that. She goes in the WC. Victor pulls his hair up into a bun. He takes his green & clear cup of water & leaves the WA. He goes back to spray deoderant on himself. Nicole, Da'Vonne, Frank & James are all sitting at the DT. Bronte washes her hands in the sink in the WA. Nicole is in there now. Bronte tells her that she is already covered in chocolate from one cookie. Victor goes back to the WA. Nicole tells Victor that her glasses are really dirty. She gets toilet paper from the WC to clean them off. She says they need kleenex, because people cry in there. Victor says he doesn't cry. Nicole says it got really quiet. Nicole asks Victor how he's feeling? Victor says he has to go Rambo. He says he thinks that James threw the comp, because he was the next target. Nicole says they can talk later, because she feels everyone is being weird. He asks her where to meet? She says, upstairs later. He says, alright. She leaves the WA. He waits a couple seconds, & then leaves the WA as well.

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8:37 PM BBT Paulie, Michelle & Tiffany are still chatting it up on the couch in the hallway upstairs. They are talking about chubby cheeks & being ticklish. Meanwhile, in the LR, James is sprawled out on a couch. Natalie is laying in a fetal position on the other couch, with Bronte sitting next to her. Bronte tells Nicole that she fell in the comp. Zakiyah sits by James, & says that everyone still has their shoes on. Bronte asks if the BY will get opened tonight? James says he thinks they will get it soon. Natalie says she hopes they are not HN's. James says they may be. Bronte says it could be the HOH to choose, or they could go by who had the least amount of balls (berries) in the holders. Bronte asks Zakiyah if she's hungry? Zakiyah says, she's starving. Bronte says she had two peanut butter & jelly sandwiches today. She says everyone likes those, but she likes jelly sandwiches. Bronte says her aunt make her own jelly & it's so good. Zakiyah says she went on a field trip in Elementary School where they got to make their own jam, & that was fun.

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8:41 PM BBT Zakiyah says she wonders if she has to move her stuff out of the HNBR. She says she has to shake her clothes because the cabinets are so dirty. Zakiyah thinks there are spiders in the car beds, because she saw one. Natalie says there are probably more then. Zakiyah says it was a little white spider. Natalie says there is a big white spider in the BY. Paulie gets called to the DR.

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8:43 PM BBT Paulie walks past everyone in the LR to go to the DR. He says, "What's up, everybody?" They all say hi to him. He goes to the DR. Natalie says she has an ant on her. Zakiyah wonders how she looks on TV. Bronte says, 10 lbs. heavier. Zakiyah says she's only 125 lbs. She says she fluctuates between 125 & 130 in a week. Natalie tells her it's a good weight for her height. Natalie says they can wax their armpits tonight, they can have a waxing party. Zakiyah asks James if he is going to wax his to? Bronte asks James if he's every gotten anything waxed? James says, "Yes, downstairs." Nicole goes to the LR. James says he wonders who's all sleeping up in the HOHR. Nicole says she prefers to sleep with a girl. James asks her if she is going to? She tells James she would sleep with him. She says she will sleep on the futon with someone.

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8:47 PM BBT Nicole tells Natalie that she has really soft hair. Natalie says it's from her conditioning treatments she does every night. Nicole checks her armpits to see if they can be waxed. She says, she will try it. Zakiyah asks Natalie if she uses her wax for downstairs? Natalie says she gets that done professionally, because she doesn't know how to do that. Nicole talks about ingrown hairs growing sometimes from waxing.

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8:49 PM BBT The convo in the LR goes to talking about shaving or waxing downstairs. Zakiyah says she shaves down there about every 2 weeks. Natalie says she can't shave all the time or she would be in pain. They wonder if the food is about done. Nicole says it will take a little while, because it was frozen. Bronte says she hopes they get more food tomorrow, but she might have a Have Not. Michelle goes in the LR. The cam view changes to the Safari Room. Da'Vonne is talking to Bridgette. Bridgette says she doesn't think that she can do things without her mom.

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8:51 PM BBT Bridgette says her mom worries about her not living near her. She says, when she's ready to have kids, she will move back by her mom, because she doesn't think she can do it without her. Da'Vonne says she will always appreciate her mom, that's her gal. The cameras are moving. Bridgette says they get on her nerves. The cam view changes to the Hollywood BR. Nicole tells Corey that she feels more safe this week then when she was HOH. BB tells Corey to put on his microphone. Corey puts on his microphone. He asks Nicole if she talked to Paulie yet? She says yes. She says he wants to put up Victor & Bronte. Nicole tells Corey that Bronte told her that she thinks she's next. She says she wants to work with her & be cool with her. Corey says he's going to probably talk to Natalie tonight, because she's really upset about the comp. Nicole tells Corey that she was cheering for Victor the whole time. She says she was cheering for her team a little, but more for him. Corey says, Jozea's face was awesome. He makes the face that Jozea made. They leave the Hollywood BR. Nicole goes back to the LR. Her, Natalie & Bronte hope the Salmon will be cooked all the way. Nicole says that her feet probably stink. She says she has slippers she can put on. Zakiyah says her feet smell like cookies. All of the girls in the LR says they are tired. James is chilling on the orange loveseat.

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8:56 PM BBT In the KT, Frank & Victor are sitting at the table. Victor says that when Nicole got HOH, he told her to put up the two girls that fell first. Victor says that Bronte is really scared. He says he doesn't think that she has anything to worry about. He says, it's probably more him & Paul. He says, he will talk to Paulie. He says, it's a game, but it's a crazy game. Victor says he thinks he can win a Veto if he goes up. Frank says everyone has a chance in these games. Victor says a lot of the Veto comps are crap shoots. Frank says, there is some physical aspects, but they are still up for grabs. Frank checks the food in the oven.

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8:59 PM BBT Tiffany walks in the KT. Frank asks her if she's taking all the braids out? She tells him just the side. Corey walks through the KT. We get FOTH.

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9:04 PM BBT Live feeds come back with Frank, Victor, Corey & Tiffany sitting at the KT table. Da'Vonne, Michelle & Nicole are all in the Safari Room. Da'Vonne wants to know why Paulie wants to put Bronte up? Nicole says she doesn't know. Michelle says if she wins next week she's going to get her out. She says it may be 3 guys out right in a row. Michelle says she wants one of the girls gone next. Nicole says, they already got 2 of the guys out already, & she forgot about Glenn. Nicole & Da'Vonne both say more girls went out quicker on their seasons. Michelle says she doesn't want sob stories from Paul & Victor. Michelle says that Natalie gives sob stories about money also. Michelle says Frank wants Natalie to make jury. Michelle says Natalie's name has been thrwon around to be put up. Nicole says that she doesn't want Natalie sticking around. Michelle says that Paulie said he sees through Natalie's lies. Da'Vonne says, no matter what Paulie does, if one of them when BB Road Kill, they need to put Bronte up.

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9:08 PM BBT Nicole says that Bronte is being so nice to her. She says she has said more words to her in one day, then she has so far. She says she's not playing emotionally, so it's not getting to her. She says, if she's not on her side, they it doesn't matter. In the SR, James & Frank are talking about noms. James says that someone is going to win the Veto, & they may want to give Victor the backdoor. He says if Victor wins, this whole week is for nothing. James asks Frank if Bronte is really that big of a threat? He says, it's a 50/50 chance. James says it's a crap shoot. Frank says he wouldn't mind putting Victor up & letting him crap out, since he's such a big talk. Frank tells James the same thing that he told Victor about the Veto comp being physical. James says it's whatever the group wants to do & feels best. James says that Natalie is calmed down & isn't wanting to stir sh*t up. James says that Victor is probably expecting to go up. Frank says, Victor thinks it's going to be him & Paul or Bronte. James asks Frank if he's mentioned that he threw the comp? Frank says, yes, he brought it up at the table. Frank says, they are speculating, they don't really know. James says, he doesn't want to put it out there.

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9:14 PM BBT Frank says, Victor doesn't trust him now, because he lied to him & voted Jozea out. He says, he's making excuses, & he didn't have a chance to call him out on Nicole, because people walked in. Frank says he doesn't even want to bring Nicole's name back up again. They leave the SR. Frank tells James he did a good job on the HOH comp. In the KT, Michelle, Nicole & Zakiyah are eating at the DT. Paul, Corey, Bridgette & Victor are all eating at the KT table. Frank goes in the KT. Da'Vonne walks in the KT to get a plate of food. She sits down at the DT.

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9:17 PM BBT In the LR, Tiffany, Natalie & Bronte are chatting about the food being restocked tomorrow. Tiffany says all of these mirrors have camera's in them. She says when you think you are looking at yourself, they are looking at you. Bronte says she wants a tour behind the walls. Tiffany asks if they are walking behind the walls? Natalie says, yes. They stop talking about it so they don't get in trouble. Tiffany starts talking about the Truman Show. James go back & forth to & from the LR. In the KT, Victor says he loves Crackle.

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9:20 PM BBT Everyone is starting to clean up from eating in the KT, while Natalie & Tiffany are making themselves plates of food. They all start to talk about the HOH competition. Michelle says that she was worried about the guys hurting their ankles on the teeter-tooter. Corey says he thought about jumping on it, but then he said he might have gotten hurt on it. Frank says he was able to grab on the log after the teeter-tooter. He says he didn't think that he would be able to balance that good, but he got used to it. Michelle asks who is ready for the hoverboard challenge? Everyone laughs. Da'Vonne says you had to run during that comp.

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9:24 PM BBT Frank tells Zakiyah to go ahead & make a plate of food. Bronte says she wishes they had cup of soup that they could just throw in the microwave. Corey asks if Paulie is still in the DR? Everyone says, yes. Corey says, that's a long one. All the cam views are on the KT & Dining Room areas. Zakiyah is now sitting at the DT eating, while Da'Vonne & James are also sitting at the table. Nicole goes to the hallway towards the WA. Frank is walking back and forth between the KT & Dining Room. Paul asks when they restock their food? Frank says, tomorrow. Michelle tells Bridgette that the food was really good. Michelle asks if anyone gave a shout out when they did their votes? Frank says, "No, Julie would woop my ass." Everyone laughs. He says, he even got in trouble for saying, "Hey, Jules." He says he got told later after the fact that he couldn't say that. Paul goes to the Hollywood BR & lays down on a bed. He says he forgot math. Victor looks at his head to make sure he's o.k. They are both laughing. Victor says that Jozea took his black tank top. In the WA, Nicole & Corey are dancing around & are really happy. Nicole says, she did a dance in the SR. they leave the WA, while Bridgette & Zakiyah are still in there. Bridgette says she didn't eat, because everything had meat in it. Zakiyah says she doesn't want her hands to smell like fish. She says, they smell better, but she washes them again, just in case. Bridgette leaves the WA.

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9:31 PM BBT Nicole gets called to the DR. Bridgette is in the Hollywood BR. She tells Paul & Victor that she only knows half of what's going on in the house. She walks out. In the UKBR James & Michelle are lying in the same bed. Tiffany is lying in another bed. Back in the Hollywood BR Paul & Victor say they need to try to keep Tiffany on their side, so they can get HOH. Paul asks if they should go the girl angle or the James angle? Victor says they should go the girl angle, trying to keep Bronte & Natalie safe. Paul says, they will keep them safe. Victor says, they don't have anyone else to rely on. He says, he doesn't want to backstab anyone that's on their side. Paul says winning is a gamble. Victor says he could have won that comp. He says he wishes they could have just pushed James off. Victor calls James, "A little piece of sh*t." He says they would have been disqualified if they pushed him off. Zakiyah walks by. When she's out of ear shot, Paul says, "What a dumb b*tch, another one." Victor says, "She screwed you Jozea." Zakiyah comes back, heading away from the BR's. Victor says he's glad Natalie fell. Victor says he was sprinting. Victor says it could be the same this week that if both of them go up & one comes down, the other one is sitting there like a duck. Paul says, they need to win the BB Road Kill.

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9:39 PM BBT BB tells Michelle to please relocate her transmitter. Paul says, they are both in the hot seat, & they need to avoid that. Victor says, & talk to Paulie.  He says, if they can't do that, they need to win comps & win votes. Paul says that the girls probably slowed them down. He says they are stuck with them to, & they both are f'n idiots. Victor tells Paul that he told Frank he can't trust him. Paulie rolls his suitcase into the bedoroom area. He stops to talk to Paul & Victor. Victor tells Paulie that there are 8 girls & 6 guys in the house. He tells Paulie that they need to get a girl out. Victor offers to Paulie that they do something like the Brigade. Victor says they can have Bronte as part of it. Victor says that Bronte doesn't want to even be there if they are gone. Paul tells Paulie that there are a few manipulators in this house. Paulie asks him who? Paul says, James. Victor says, he said that Victor asked Nicole on a date, & that never happened. (It did happen.) Victor tells Paulie that they can be loyal to him & they will make it far. He says they have to be careful with the girls. Paul calls Bronte over to the convo. Victor says, his thing is that he's been loyal to he's been with. Paul asks Paulie if he feels threatened by Nicole. Paulie says at this time it doesn't matter, because she's not even there. Paulie says he thought they were going to stick to what they said, & it flipped.

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9:46 PM BBT Corey, Frank & Bridgette are in the Safari Room. Bridgette says her dad would give her $40 a week to go shopping & eat on. Corey says he hated basketball games where his dad was on his phone & he would get up & leave. He says he knew he was pissed. He says he was a shooter. He says he likes hitting 3's. The cam view changes to the upstairs couch in the hallway. Da'Vonne asks Zakiyah who she thinks for a third person that they can easily get out? Zakiyah says that Nicole is loyal to Michelle & Michelle is loyal to Tiffany. Da'Vonne says she trusts Nicole to a degree. Da'Vonne & Zakiyah say they only trust each other 100%. Zakiyah says she only trusts Paulie 85%. She says she hopes that Paulie doesn't get brainwashed. Da'Vonne says, especially not with Victor. Zakiyah says, Victor is probably going to come up with lies at this point. Back in the Hollywood BR, Victor tells Paulie that he's not a bad guy & it's just frustrating. He tells Paulie to do what he has to do, & if he wants them on his side, they can be. Bronte says they are strong competitors. Paulie asks Victor & Paul if they would want to compete against James? They said that's a possibility. Corey walks in the Hollywood BR. Bronte leaves. Paul asks Paulie if he can go upstairs yet? Paulie says, no, that's why he's unpacking down there. Paul has a knot on the back of his head. He says he may have concussed himself.

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9:53 PM BBT Paulie feels Paul's head. Victor tells Paul to put ice on his head. Victor says that Corey is with James in the game. Paulie says, he really hasn't seen that. Paul says that James is like a leech. Victor tells Paulie that he can say f the guys & put 2 girls up. Victor says he needs to balance out the number of guys & girls in the house. Victor says if they lose one more guy, the girls would be in control. Victor says if James tosses another HOH & they can't win it, he's f'd. Victor tells Paulie that Frank is solid.

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9:56 PM BBT Frank & Corey walk in. Victor brings up there being 8 girls & only 6 guys in the house. Victor says every number down of guys is worse. Corey says, the girls just ruin everything, they ruin all the fun, & they don't even put out. He says he's just kidding. Victor says all it takes is one girl to flip things, they will cause a revolution. Frank is changing his clothes in the Hollywood BR. He puts a towel on to take one pair of underwear of & put another pair on.

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9:59 PM BBT Paulie says it feels good to put his clothes back in his drawers. Frank tells Paul to get his head looked at. Paul tells him that he cracked it on the bed, when he was going to lay back on a pillow.

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