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Austin Matelson (Week 10)


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My question is who is the real Austin?????

Austin Matelson -hopeless romantic??

Austin Morrison - the fitness & yoga guru?

Judas Devlin - the former professional wrestler?

Unbeknownst to Austin he has developed a "creeper" type persona based on his behavior on BB17. In all of Austin's pre-show interviews he indicated he had a GF back home and there would be no showmance for him. By week 2 he had fallen in love with Liz despite her flirting with all the guys in the house.

Ditching his GF of 2 years for Liz does not make him likeable IMHO.

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I don't feel sorry Austin's ex at all. She is so selfish for threatening Austin to quit on one of his dreams by being on BB and after he did give up on that dream for her she tries the same thing again this time around and I am glad Aistin stayed true to his dream and entered the BB house and even happy he found someone in the house that he cares for.


Oh, she's selfish?  Turns out Austin proved her right.

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I would let a daughter of mine date him if he cut off that hair and beard and wore a long white dinner glove over that anaconda left arm. Maybe is Liz leaves first Austin might think for himself. Supposedly he does have real life long term girlfriend.

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I have a question when Austin's glasses are off his right eye looks bigger than other one. Did he get it knocked out in Wrestling bout and he's got a glass eye?

Earlier I thought James looked like a gremlin until I remembered this old twilight zone episode. Can this be Austin? Peeping through window?


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Back in week 3 or 4 he did mention taking Julia out after a few weeks of her being in. He is also stating that he's not going to fall on a sword or pull a Clay. He is also talking about carrying the twins & Vanessa thru the game and it's getting harder to do that. This would be the perfect time for Judas to vote Julia out then he would have Liz to himself and be the one who consoles Liz. Jmac, I think would put Vanessa up, for sure James would, Austin could then vote with the house to get her out.

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