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Posts posted by PaganMom

  1. Weekday Replay for 10/13.


    Alex: Shane, you're up first. Please head to the diary room.
    Announcer: During the live vote and eviction, Danielle and Monty got themselves four votes each from the houseguests. Shane, Justin, Jason and Neeley vote to evict Monte. Morgan, Shelby, Whitney and Scott vote to evict Danielle. So it was ultimately America's votes that broke the tie.

    Alex: By a vote of 5-4, Monte you have been evicted from the Big Brother House.
    Alex in DR: I think America had the deciding vote this week. Which is just crazy. America has so much power this season on Big Brother. Monte leaves and we go to Justin in the DR: Monte leaves and I just feel like "Ohh ohhh oh ohhhh" as he is dancing in his seat. 

    Morgan, Alex, Shelby and Whitney skulked over Monte's eviction. Shelby: They hate Monte more than they like us. Scott comes into TBR and calls the girls over for a group hug, "We tried. We all tried." Morgan to the group: Let's keep this group strong, kick ass and one of us win HoH. It's not over yet. Let's kick some ass." 


    While Justin, Jason and Danielle had a different way to show their emotion. Justin dancing, Danielle smiling, "America. America, we LOVE YOU!" Justin:"Shout out America, baby" Jason: America's the baddest bitch."

    Alex: It's time for this weeks Head of Household competition. Announcer: With a clear line drawn in the sand, the power was back up for grabs and the houseguests were tasked with finding the longest numbered board in a giant bar code. The Late Night Jamboree worked together to increase their chances of winning. Jason: We can do this, y'all. We have been steamrolled this whole game. Not tonight. While the other side of the house did the same. 


    Morgan to Whitney: Let's do all the things in the first two rows." Jason: This competition is way more difficult than I anticipate. It is chaos and there is really no clear cut strategy on how to figure out which plank is the longest. And after a mind bending 45 minutes, Kryssie takes her turn to call out a number: 174 and hears the buzzer. Morgan guesses 21 and hears the buzzer. It was Scott who was chairman of the board. Scott guesses 72 and the bells and whistles start playing. Alex and Shelby run over and hug him,


    Scott: Yeah, I'm the HoH baby. Been a super fan for the last 14 years and this is a huge thing off the bucket list. The last two HoH's haven't been successful getting their targets out. Hopefully that doesn't continue for me. And I can actually get a big target out of this game.   
    Danielle: I'm not very happy that Scott won HoH this week but I'm just hoping by some chance that he will keep me and Shane safe this week. 

    While Scott celebrated with the girls, (Scott, Morgan, Alex, Shelby and Whitney dancing in the TokyoBR) "Y'all are good obviously, but I mean I'm not going to be calling people up there one by one. If they want to come campaign, they can come campaign. I'm not goint to waste it on Kryssie. She's such a weak competitor, I'm not gonna waste that shit on her. Obviously America's nominee has to kick ass in veto." 


    Shane and Danielle felt they had nothing to celebrate about. Danielle: I just can't go another week with you and me on the block. They're all going to tell him to put me up. Shane: You don't know yet, just chill out. Danielle: Yeah. We'll see. This should be a very interesting week.  We'll have votes. I feel like we'll have votes.

    The rest of the Late Night Jamboree hoped that America would have their back. 
    Kryssie: He's going to put me up or he's going to back door me. 
    Justin: Try not to think about it. It's only Wednesday. But of course everybody is going to try to kiss his ass. 
    Jason: What's up chick. America could still be messing with us so it don't mean nothing. Like we have had the last two weeks, the HoH haven't gotten their peoples.  Kryssie: I'm sure America is pissed. You don't know how quick America will change it's mind about him so he may make nominations and they may throw a wrench in the mix. 


    Meanwhile, Morgan, Whitney, Alex and Shelby officially named their alliance. They whisper "Ballsmashers" into the camera at the same time. Justin comes jogging in to head to UKBR and they start laughing. Justin: What'ca all doin'? What'ca all laughin' at? Alex: So not a good time to walk in. Justin: Y'all so funny. Whitney in DR: My momma is probably going to be so embarrassed that I'm in an alliance called the "Ballsmashers", but little does she know, we are the tightest group in the whole house. Us girls are going to go after every guy in this house. We are going to smash some balls. No one is safe.


    Later they were joined by their virgin king to work out nominations. Scott: I'm probably going to nominate the same ones you did. In the DR: I am probably going to nominate Shane and Danielle. I definitely want to back up Alex's decision from last week. Shane on night one formed a four guys alliance. When Monte was on the block he was willing to turn on Monte like that (snaps fingers) Shane's definitely not a team player, he's in this for himself. He is one of the craftiest and dangerous players in this game and I'd like to see him go home this week.  


    As the hour grew late, Shane made a "Hail Mary" plea to Scott to try to keep his showmance safe. Please don't put Danielle or me up, because that would be... You would get our support on whoever you pick. Scott: For me a lot of this week is just damage mitigation. Just trying not to get too much blood on my hands. There's no shortage of people who have been like refusing to look me in the eye and like walking out of the room and stuff. I have plenty of people I could choose from. It's not like I'm tied down. Shane: Well, we have your back dude. Scott: Thanks Shane. After Shane leaves, Scott sticks his tongue out and gives a thumbs down sign.


    Taking a break from the game, Shane and Danielle went over the top, under the covers. With a house more divided than ever, the game is just starting to heat up. But how will America's Care Package twist things up? Check out the next weekday replay at 10pmET/7pmPT to find out. And for all of the action, keep watching right here on Big Brother Over The Top.

  2. Julie Q&A (Part 2, since I couldn't add any more pix to previous)


    JC: Shane.
    Shane: Hey!
    JC: Hey there. You've made no secret of your affections for Danielle. 
    Shane: Yeah. (Giggles like a school boy)
    Julie: What is it like being in a relationship when you know that you are being watched 24/7? [She seems to be referring to the "encounters" the last two nights]

    Shane: Ummmm, I try not to think about that, that people are watching. It's pretty amazing though. you come on to the show and you are like, "Oh I'll have a showmance" and then you are with the person for 24 hours a day and your emotions are hightened by like 1000 and so it's not like real life. It feels like I've been with her for three months ya know. Being in here is so long but your connection with someone is so strong you don't realize it and it just hits you. You're like, "Oh my God, this is really happening" but like people watching what's happening, I am just being myself. I am not going to hide my emotions or how I feel about a person. 
    JC: Good for you.
    Shane: It's really intense. It's really intense so. A lot of people don't get into a showmance. I guess it's a good thing to have, I don't know.
    JC: We've had marriages and at least one baby come out of this, I'm just saying.
    JC: Scott. Don't worry, I will let you off the hook, I'm going to move on to Scott now.


    JC: Scott.
    Scott: Hi there.
    JC: Congratulations.
    Scott: Thank you.
    JC: You're the new Head of Household. Now Scott, you have now seen two of America's nominees go home. Will that influence the way you chose your nominees?

    Scott: Absolutely. That is definitely something you need to keep in the back of your mind. The first two weeks the HoH has had to nominate three people and all three stayed. That's a lot of blood to get on your hands. So I am definitely hoping to make a smart decision with my nominees just in case America doesn't go my way.
    JC: Ok. With Monte gone, that means that everyone, except for Scott, is eligible for eviction this week. Whether it's Scott's nominees or America's. Scott, as Head of Household, you will soon have to make a very important decision and you choose which houseguest to keep safe, and which two to nominate for eviction. That's all for now everyone. But I'm sure I will see you soon enough. Goodbye Houseguests.
    HGs: Goodbye Julie. Thank you.

  3. Live Q&A with Julie Chen:

    JC QnA.jpg

    JC: Hello Houseguests!
    HGs: Hello Julie!
    JC: You are all so patient. Thank you for your patience. How are you all doing?
    HGs: Good. Justin: Everything's gravy.
    JC: Well last week we talked about the idea that usually after the first week the game kicks into high gear. And that certainly seems to be what happened houseguests. Jason, let me start with you.

    Jason: Yeah.
    JC: We saw some fireworks erupt this week between you and Shelby.
    Jason: Yeah.
    JC: How are things between the two of you now?

    Jason: I think we are ok now. I think we are ok. Plus it was early in the morning. Don't bring me no bull early in the morning or Imma have to snatch your wig. I think Shelby and I are in a good place now. It's different living with a bunch of people. I think we are ok.
    JC: Shelby? All good between you and Jason?
    Shelby: Yeah, I mean just don't do too many lockouts and try not to keep him from his cigarettes and I think we will be fine.


    JC: By the way, you look very cute in that caddy outfit.

    Shelby: (Twirling her hair) Thank you.
    JC: I think you might miss it when you don't have to wear it anymore.
    Shelby: I will. As long as I don't have another alergic reaction.
    JC: Oh! Yeah no, we don't want that. Now Shelby, tell me the truth, what is it like living under one roof with all of these roommates?
    Shelby: Not having any alone time I would definately say. I mean I love all of you, but I definitely need a break from all of you.
    JC: Don't take it personally everyone.


    JC: Justin
    Justin: Woah, hey my baby how you doin'?
    JC: Justin, we watched you go toe-to-toe with Monte this week.
    Justin: You're right.
    JC: Were you able to put that behind you before he left the house?
    Justin: Most definitely. I live and let go baby. I don't dwell on anything for a really long time. I just needed my space. Basically I stayed away from him and he stayed away from me and I was able to calm down. I was able to be a man and shake his hand after and let him know there's no harm, no fowl, ya dig?
    JC: So you're ok with him?
    Justin: Yeah, everthing gravy.
    JC: So just for the record, only my husband calls me baby.

    JC Burn.jpg

    Justin: That's all right. I respect that.
    JC: Thank you.


    JC: Neeley, let me turn to you.
    Neeley: Yeah ok Boo.
    JC: Boo! Hey, that's my name for him!
    Neeley: Okay!
    JC: This is all getting very personal.
    Neeley: Yes, honey?
    JC: You were very honest with Monte about how he was coming across. Did this confrontation influence the way you voted?

    Neeley: Everyone in the house knows that I had no issues with Monte, that Monte and I were real cool. Eventhough I never saw anything with my own eyes, and I never heard anything personally, it definitely affected how I felt and how I voted because you can't say certain things, you can't do certain things, and there not be reprecussions for it. Absolutely. I love him. It definitely changed my perception of him after the fact. Absolutely.
    JC: Thank you.


    JC: Whitney.
    Whitney: Hi.
    JC: Hi there. Now Whitney, you were not afraid to speak your mind to Danielle this week after the veto competition.
    Whitney: Mmhmm
    JC: What was that all about?
    Whitney: Well actually, Jason and Morgan I guess thought I was mad at them cuz we were all just talking during the veto ceremony. When I heard that they thought I was upset with something they had said, I definitely wanted to clear the air and just be like, "No. That had nothing to do with you all. This is why I was upset. And I told Danielle that I just felt that it was disrespectful that she done. I like to handle things, not like Justin, like "Get away from me" I like to handle them peacefully and that's why I wasn't afraid to tell Danielle how I felt and handle it calmly with just us two talking. 
    JC: What was it that she did that you felt was disrespectful and is everything ok with you and Danielle now?

    Whitney: When Monte had missed a shot, she stuck her tongue out at him and I thought it was unsportsmanlike to do that. Now that everything has been laid on the table and she apologized and I'm sure she was just caught up in the moment. She was on the block, you know, and that's a lot of pressure too. But yeah, everything is a-okay now. No hard feelings.
    JC: Danielle, any hard feelings on your side?
    Danielle: Oh no no no. Not at all. I felt like I just wanted to defend myself to Whitney and let her know that I wasn't trying to be disrespectful. I felt like I was being attacked and I may not have handled it the best way. But when you are in that moment and the pressure is on and you are on the block with a person who is being disrespectful to you behind your back, you can only take so much. It's not what a 23 year old does, but I'm glad I was able to talk to Whitney and clear the air with her.
    JC: Good.


    JC: Well Danielle, this was your second week on the block.
    Danielle: Yes.
    JC: It was also your second week surviving the block.
    Danielle: Yes.
    JC: Why do you feel that you keep getting nominated?

    Danielle: You know, I think they probably see me as a threat. They probably see me as a good competitor even though I haven't won anything. And also because I am in a showmance. When you are in a showmance you are automatically public enemy number 1 and so I don't blame them for putting me on the block for two weeks in a row. I am just thankful that some of my houseguests and America have had my back. Even if I am on the block every week and I survive every week, it's only going to make me stronger in the game. No one knows what it's like to be in the house and be on the block and fight for your life and I feel that I have gotten to see that early on and if I were to go home I know that I fought hard and played the game and loved every minute of it.
    JC: Good to hear.


    JC: Kryssie. You received the very first care package from America. (HGs clap) Congratulations on that
    Kryssie: Thank you.
    JC: Now it gave you the power to keep one houseguest, other than yourself, safe this week. How hard was it to make your decision?

    Kryssie: There is a manner of difficulty making any decision in this house because you do need long term. It was not simple. I definitely bounced ideas off everyone here. In the end, I felt Jason was given the short end of the stick in being nominated just because he has been here before. So I did that and made a couple of deals that didn't necessairly come through and I stand by my decision and I am very glad that I saved him. 
    JC: Alright.


    JC: Morgan. 
    Morgan: Hi Julie.
    JC: Hi there. Now America had a surprise for you this week.
    Morgan: They did!
    JC: They decided you would be one of the have-nots. You, Scott, and Monte.  Did that surpise you that America chose you?
    Morgan: Actually no it didn't. In the back of my mind, I kind of had a feeling in my gut, so...
    JC: Why? Why?

    Morgan: I couldn't decide if it was, because America wasn't fond of Monte and I was close with Monte, or because I'm such a girlie girl and it might be fun to hear me squeal over eating slop, which I did. So it was in the back of my mind and it sucks, I'm not going to lie. It is not fun.
    JC: Well fortunately for you, you can not be picked to be a have-not two weeks in a row. 
    Morgan: Thank the lord.


    JC: Alex.
    Alex: Hi Julie.
    JC: Hi there. Your HoH ended with America's nominee, Monte, going home.
    Alex. Yes.
    JC: Are you concerned at all that three people you put on the block are still in the house?

    Alex: Absolutely. When something like that happens it's just kind of an awkward situation. Because America has so much power this season, it's probably going to happen more often than not. You never know. Yes, I am concerned but I'm going to keep fighting and I'm going to keep playing this game. I'm just going to see what happens. 
    JC: Alright.

  4. Now that we know Scott is HoH and basically the only power this ACP has is to pick the type of veto lets discuss who we think should get it.


    On the page, I have seen a few options:







    I am leaning towards Danielle, only because it's a throwaway. It doesn't give her the ability to play (unless she is nom/name drawn) so I think this would be a good way to use it.

  5. 33 minutes ago, Marty said:

    Anxious to see what people think 

    So am I. I am hoping this works well (the forum thread) and helps open up the discussion a bit more. I like the idea of Neeley getting it no matter who has the power. I like the idea of 4/5 for J/J. If by some miracle Monte stays this week, he is my vote for the slave. If he goes, then Scott.

  6. So this one is up in the air for me. I am more than willing to hear suggestions. By the time it comes up for vote, we will know who the HoH is, and honestly, if the Plastics are in power again, I would like to give this one to Neely. However, if the Misfits are in power I don't know who I want to have the power to decide, probably Scott. I see this week as almost being a throwaway again because it doesn't give the winner much, just picking which type of veto will be played for.

  7. Hey all. I thought this would be a good place to have a single thread on discussing the weekly votes. As we know, America's Care Package voting opens 10/13 (Thursday) at 10am BBT/1pm EST.


    This weeks America's Care Package:




    The winner of this care package gets the power to pick which type of veto the HGs will be competing for this week. The options are as follows:

    • Diamond Veto: The holder of this veto has the power to remove someone from the chopping block and also name the replacement nominee.
    • Double Veto: Two vetoes will be awarded at the veto competition and will be in play this week.
    • Boomerang Veto - The winner of this veto will be able to use it twice. That means the holder could remove two people from the chopping block at the veto meeting.


    As we know, Kryssie got last weeks, ACP and is not eligible for this weeks. I won't be putting my opinion on THIS post, but know that I will in the comments LOL.


    The other parts, as we get a bit closer... Have-Nots, Nomination and Eviction. (This post will be updated with information for each.)

  8. Live DR Continued:

    Just a reminder, these were the questions:

    Question #1-How do you feel about Cornbread being evicted on Wednesday?
    Question #2-How do you feel about the outcome of the head of household competition?
    Question #3-How does the outcome of the HOH affect your gameplay this week?
    Question #4-How has your strategy changed since your last live DR session? 
    Question #5-What do you think of America’s Care package contents and power? 
    Question #6-Are you happy with the recipient of the care package?
    Question #7-Who would you like to see nominated and who do you think will be nominated?
    Question #8-Anything else you want to tell America about your strategy or personal relationships in the house?


    Danielle is up!
    HI America. Ok let's get right to the questions.

    Question 1. It's never great to lose a houseguest, it just kind of made the game more real. But if I had to chose between him, me and Kryssie, I'm glad that it was him that went out of the house and not myself. Or Kryssie because we have built a strong friendship I think and it benefited my game to keep her around so I'm happy that I was able to get the votes to keep her  and to keep myself in the game for another week. It's a bittersweet eviction.
    Question 2. I'm not HoH so I can't be too happy about it but if anyone from the other side of the house was going to win I think it benefits me the most that Alex won because she is a big fan of the show and I think I can pull that string to keep myself safe this week. I think she is the one that will listen to strategy the most and not be like, full-fledged "this is what I am going to do and there's no changing it". I think that she is a really smart player and is going to consider every option. Not being HoH and someone from our side not being HoH, I think she is our best bet this week.
    Question 3. It's definitely making me a little worried. I've definitely had to try to make a deal with her to keep me and Shane safe. Definitely feel really uncertain but I think that with the deal that we made, if she follows through, I think it will be an easy week for Shane and I. It really all depends on what she does. Just trying to play nice with the other side of the house for now, not put a target on us, trying not to draw too much attention to us. Trying to just lay low this week.
    Question 4. It hasn't really changed too much. Just, kind of, before I think I was pretty much, just um, I was talking a lot of game, I was making a lot of moves trying to keep me and Kryssie safe. And I guess the biggest change would be that now I am just trying to lay low. Just trying to get a feel for Alex and just trying to enjoy the time the next few days before things get stressful and nominations get put up.
    Question 5. I am very happy that America gave it to Kryssie because I think that makes her feel important and being on the block last week as the veto replacement kind of made her feel uneasy so I'm really glad America gave it to her. It makes her feel like she has play and power this week and that makes me really happy for her. I think America wants her to have it to help someone that the other side of the house is targeting, someone on our side of the house. Like Jason or Justin if they are being targeted or Shane or I. I think it was really really smart of America to give it to her for more than one reason, so I am really happy with this weeks ACP.
    Question 6. I guess I kind of jumped ahead and answered that in the last one. I am definitely happy. I completely adore Kryssie and I am glad she gets some power in the house this week and gets to make a decision. I absolutely adore her. I think she is going to make a very smart decision. If she uses it on me AWESOME but if not I know that she will use it to save someone that I am really close to. Either way we will take it and continue stratagizing for the week to come.
    Question 7. If I had my choice it would be Shelby and Monte on the block but we all know that's not going to happen unless America puts up Monte. I think that Kryssie and either Justin or Jason will be put on the block or it could be me and Shane. Alex is such a smart competitor, she is really going to analyze every possible scenario. I think that if Kryssie doesn't use ACP on him, Jason will be on the block this week and probably Justin because he has been very vocal that he doesn't want Shelby or Monte here. So those would have to be my guesses.
    Question 8. Ok America. I know you are going to be voting on who will be a have not and I would really like to not be a have not because I love to eat food and I will miss it very much. And if you do make me a have not, please make me a have not with Shane so that way I don't have to sleep alone. I would much rather do it alone than do it apart. Also, I am really enjoying getting to know Shane. He is super awesome and super sweet. It's nice to have someone that you connect with on a game level and a personal level. My strategy in the house is just to be myself and remain loyal to the people that I am playing with. My thing is that I don't need to say I have an alliance with anyone because my actions speak for themselves. Helping for Jason even though I am sitting on the block next to him. Helping Kryssie even though I am on the block next to her. I think that really shows that I really care about the people and the relationships that I have been building and that I am willing to stick my neck out on the line to save them because who I am inside of the house is who I am outside of the house and I would go above and beyond for my friends outside of the house and I do the same for the ones here and that wont change. I think that having a showmance has put a taget on my back but I will take it. You can't just push away the feelings. I will take that and run with it. I hope that Shane and I are together for weeks to come. I hope you noticed that we were matching today. It wasn't intentional, it just happened. I can't wait to talk to you again America. Bye!


    Jason's turn.
    Hey yo, feedster fam! What's crackin?
    Question 1. Well it was not in my best interest for either Kryssie or Danielle to be evicted and I am just glad that people decided to play the game and ran around trying to figure out how the hell we got Corn Flakes outta here. I think he's a great guy. Well I don't know if he is a great guy but he was sweet at heart and not really prepared for this game. He was here for the fodder for all so it's great to get someone like that out of the house. Because the side of the house that blatantly targets me non-stop clearly had CornBread in their pocket so for me it was best that he left. Sayonara.
    Question 2. Obviously I wanted to win because I felt like I was in a bad spot this week. Now Alex is the winner and she has tried to say that she wants to make a deal with me and wants to keep me safe this week but this could be a smoke screen, a back door, all types of stuff. I would really like to trust Alex and work with Alex but it's really hard to do when her friends are so blatantly and are openly saying they are coming after me. Nothing I can do about it now. I would like to have faith in Alex but I don't really know how that is going to go.
    Question 3. Like I said, I am talking to Alex now and hoping that her and Scott are really working to keep me safe even though the other side of the house is in power this week. But I also know that this means my side of the house will scramble like chickens and throw anyone else up except them. But I find myself in a similar situation. If one of us has to go, it's got to be anyone but me. It has affected my game play but I'm not going to be one of these fake people up in the room all the time. Even if I have my own HoH room I'm not going to be sitting up there all the time. I think my social game has stayed the same as in, Imma do me and you either respect that and see that I'm not going to be fake or you think "Oh why isn't this person kissing my ass", because your ass tastes like crap. 
    Question 4. I was still a little bit all over the place about where I trusted people and I think I am getting on a stronger path now of who I am beginning to trust, who I'm pretending to trust and who I know I don't trust. I am wanting to trust Alex though I don't know if I really can this week. I've been in cahoots with Danielle and Shane but I know that Danielle and Shane will stab me in the back in about five seconds. Now Kryssie and Neeley I see as probably the people that maybe have my back but are also going to do what they have to do. And Justin is like my little round. Me and Justin have bonded on like so many levels and usually in this game I don't bond with men like that. Justin is like a blessing in this house because he is entertaining me, entertaining other people and yet I know that he is really someone that I can trust. But if it comes down to it, some people might take him out over me, not that I would want that to happen but if it has to happen and one of us has to stay, obviously I am here playing for myself.
    Question 5. I thought it was great that Kristy all of the scary Halloween stuff because that is so Kryssie. I think it's a great power. I am hoping that she is going to use it this week to save me because if not I could really be in trouble. I think that me and her have a really close bond. We are the last two up every night, we've talked lots of strategy with each other and I also know that she is a very smart player and she is going to do what's best for her but I think she could get away with using it on me because it's blatant and like I had a hard last week and so giving me a week off is not really an excuse on why. It wouldn't make it any worse for either one of us to continue on in the game. I mean that kind of goes along with what we see in question 6.
    Question 6. I am very happy with the recipient of ACP. Obviously I don't want a care package if it isn't going to keep me safe. It would be nice to keep my friends safe but I'm here for me this week and I know that I am going to have an uphill battle this entire time. Things are not going to be easy so I'm hoping that Kryssie will see that I got her back even though things shuffle in here and her name has come out of my mouth to people but that is strategy to make it seem like she isn't one of my closest allies. Because as much as she can be negative sometimes, I need her here. Because clearly not many of these other people need me here.
    Question 7. I hope that America nominates Monte or Shelby or someone. I don't know if we would have the votes, but maybe it would be enough to shake up that side of the house a little bit more. Because really I have no chance if Monte and the Southern Power Rangers stay together because clearly he is targeting me because I was sitting in his room waiting for him to get out of the bathroom and had his headphones on. I don't think it's necessarily a "he's coming at me because I'm gay" thing but I do think he coming at me because we are very different and he doesn't appreciate my language and he doesn't feel that it's right. But I'm not like judging anyone on what their beliefs are or how they want to speak so I don't think that I should be judged for having a personality a little bit more brash and a little bit more humor than he could ever. I am not really concerned with who is nominated this week as long as it isn't me. However I could always be a back door option and that is why I need Kryssie to help me out this week and I'm really waiting to try to lock her down when all these other hookers go to bed.
    Question 8. I think that I have been kind of all over the place. I have been trying to sus out on who I can really work with long term and I can basically see that no one is really willing to work with me long term. I talked to Scott and he said he was going to try to take me far in this game but he's not going to like try to take me to a Final 2.  I know that. I know that coming in as the only veteran, on a season when America has all this power. Whether y'all like me anymore or not is really not my concern. It's these people are always going to believe that "he's got sta-la-la-la-la followers and that means that blah blah blah many people like him" and that is always going to put a big target on my back. So I am definitely going to have the hardest road in this game but as the last week has showed, I am ready for it this time and I'm just going to do anything I can to stay. My relationships with people are constantly changing. Sometimes I tell people that "I really want to roll with you all hard core" but am I really rolling with anyone that hard core? Not so much, probably only Justin. Because like I said, that's my dude and I'm glad I have that. I'm missing my real people. My real Meg's, my real DaVonne's, my real Jackie's, my Becky's. But I just have to play on on this and see how it goes. It's definitely going to be a difficult road but I'm just hoping to get somewhere and I'm hoping that America keeps helping us because thus far, because America, you really have been a big help to my misfit toys of the house. And I would just like to see my people have a chance to win. A lot of these other people are here for what I'm ...Well I have two minutes (BB gave the warning) Well he better hurry up because he is just rambling. America I love you all. BB fam, I love you all. Feedsters I love y'all. Twitter, I love y'all.Keep it real ratchet for me. Snatch all these wigs of these people and I'm hoping that you guys are enjoying the season because it's stressful in here but part of me is enjoying it as well. BAM!



    Shelby is next.
    Question 1. Well I feel great about it. Logistically, Cornbread is old enough to be my father but decided to go on a few tirades around the house calling me "little bitch" now he gets to watch me play from home and he was the first one home so yeah. I feel really great about it. Honestly I was fine with anybody on the block but I'm not crying about CB leaving. Everyone else is but I'm glad to see him go. Buh-bye Cornbread. 
    Question 2. First of all it was really embarrassing to fall within like two minutes but I was thrilled Alex won. I am pretty sure she is going to keep me safe, if I'm not your nominee. Once Justin fell I saw Neeley's legs shaking and I knew Alex had it. I was thrilled. I got to sleep in the HoH room last night and it went great. 
    Question 3. It basically doesn't. I'm not going to switch my friends around especially when my friend won HoH. It didn't change anything. My friend won.
    Question 4. Well, more and more people keep coming out of the woodwork on who hates me. I'm going to kind of roll with it I guess. I can't do anything about my personality. I'm not really happy with Justin friggen pulling his dick out at Morgan so he might be my target but I might just let Monte and him play out. I haven't really decided yet. I'm not in power so it's not my call anyway. My strategy hasn't really changed. I am going to stick with my group. Scott wants me to switch sides but I'm not ready to do that yet. I'm not ready to betray my friends because I know everybody was throwing my name out there literally this morning so I'm sticking with them.
    Question 5. I think it's good that you guys gave it to Kryssie. It can screw up the plan a little bit this week which is probably to put up Shane and Danielle. But it's probably going to end up with two of that... It's probably going to end up with some combination of the other side of the house, whenever that division formed, on the block so. It may not be Danielle, but it will be somebody we want gone so thanks America. Thanks for sending her that one and please save the good ones for me! Unless that was the best one. I don't know.
    Question 6. I don't really care. I know nobody is going to use this on me this week because I was the first one to hug Alex when she won. Absolutely no one was cheering for her. I don't really care. No one was going to use it on me anyway.
    Question 7. I would love for Shane & Danielle to go up. I don't know if you guys love that, love the showmance or what, but I can't stand someone that says they are a Harry Potter fan and hasn't even read the books. We just need to split up the showmance because they are a voting block. It might have to be Shane who goes home instead of Danielle, we don't know yet. I also wouldn't mind Justin going home, like I said, because he friggen pulled out his dick at Morgan and I think that's just disrespectful and disgusting. I wouldn't mind him going up. Who do I think is going up? It depends on Kryssie's choice. It might end up being Jason and Justin. It might end up being Justin and Danielle, Justin and Shane. I don't think Alex is putting up Neeley because they are kinda like friends. I don't think Kryssie is going up and we need Scott's vote and Monte's vote and she needs my vote so it's probably going to be one of those four. Two of those four.
    Question 8. Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm. Like I said earlier, Scott wants me to think about flipping. OH MY GOD! I forgot to tell you guys. Everyone, especially Kryssie is trying to tell us that Whitney is flipping to the other side of the house, that she is trying to betray us this early. I think they are just trying to split us up as a group. I really hope so. She has been hanging out with them a lot but I think that's not stupid. Everybody hates me and nobody is throwing her name around so it's pretty smart of her to hang out with them. I just really hope she is not flipping on us. That's really.. I don't want to worry about that too much, I want to have trust in her so. Still trying to have that showmance with Jason. He doesn't seem down for some reason. Who wouldn't want me? And yeah I think that's about it so that's it. I'll see you guys later. Bye.



    Morgan's turn.
    Hi America. I'm so happy to be back. First of all hi Mom, hi Dad, hi Connor. I love you all so so so so much and I miss you all like crazy. And America I'm just going to go ahead and say that this is going to be a way better live diary room session than my last one because I left and then realized I went on and on and ranted about how mad I was at my sister for making me wear makeup and she didn't have to wear makeup. So I'm going to think through this one a little bit more now that I have been in here a week and kind of know what's going on.
    Question 1. Cornbread we all loved you. I hated your snoring. It was miserable but you know. I mean, my one vote wasn't going to help CB stay. At that point I did kind of feel like he took that crab from me and gave it to Jason because I didn't want to get that target on my back so I did feel kind of bad that I couldn't help him out and get him to stay but you're going against the whole house and my one vote wasn't going to change anyone elses so I honestly did feel a little guity about CB leaving and now it's funny because this week we need his vote. So it's just like we should have just stuck to the original plan because you know I wouldn't have minded Kryssie going home because CB is a vote on our side that we really need. I mean it sucks but you live and you learn *blows kiss* CB love you. 
    Question 2. Well my sister won so I share her genetics so I feel like I kind of won, but not really, but I was so proud of her. I kind of tear up thinking about it because I know I sucked at that competition. I am still super bitter about it but if anyone besides me could have won that competition I am so freaking proud that my sister did. We had so much on the line. She knew she needed to win that and to see her freaking stand up there with a long pole for like two and a half hours and win, I am so freaking proud of her like, "Hey Willett Sisters for the win", even though I suck but so I'm proud. 
    Question 3. Obviously we've got me, Alex, Whitney, Shelby and Monte, even though he thinks he is running the girls. We have "Monty and his Pythons" working together so obviously know that the whole freaking house is just seperated and awkward and so obvious so Alex winning HoH is major key because that is our way of splitting up Shane and Danielle or Justin and.. just that whole group and very loud personalities who think they are running this thing. It's time to get one of them out and by Alex winning this HoH it's like finally it can happen but I don't know if it will happen because of America's nomination, but America if you are listening to me. I know I am one of the last ones to go and I pray that you are not falling asleep at your computer, please if you want to see this house just implode, if Alex puts up Shane and Danielle, please put up Justin. I just want to see that side of the house completely freak out and figure out which one of those has to go home. I think it would be hysterical to see Shane and Danielle freak out all week and have to figure out which one will go home and who they are going to cuddle with if the other person goes home. Please America, I'm begging you.
    Question 4. Obviously in the last diary room I said I was working with the girls which I didn't want to do but at this point it's just like it's obvious to work with them but at the same time I'm thinking of every situation and I know Shelby is in our group and I know how much people in this house don't want her here. If America puts her up, I know she is gone this week. The numbers are not in our favor. Since my last live DR session, I have been very very well aware of how many people have come up to Alex and said, "I want Shelby out". And now that I have associated with her that is now a target on me because I'm working with her and I love that girl to death I peronsaly think she is hysterical but I can see how her humor gets on peoples nerves. I mean, love the girl to death but I can see how it would get annoying. So I am thinking about that, thinking about the weeks ahead. Obviously me and Monte have our "Mon-gance", worst name ever, going and he has told me that he likes me and that he trusts me. That he wants to see me in the end. Do I believe him? No. Like I want to trust him, I think, but he is still obsessed with this Shane bromance thing, but if something happens and the numbers with Monty and his Pythons dwindle, I want to have Monte with me. I want to have his trust, I want him to have my trust. I want him to listen to what I have to say because you know he is still close to Danielle and Shane and that's two votes in somebodys favor. I want to stay close to Monte because he is close to Shane and that two votes and they are going to vote for me or against me. So that is kind of in the back of my mind. I'm thinking about weeks going ahead because if Shelby goes home this week or any of the girls from our group go home this week, we are in trouble and we have to completely rethink alliances. Part of me.. I can't tell with Whitney. She is so sweet and I just want to hear her talk about sweet tea but part of me, I mean she is thinking about next week too. She has already brought it up. I think she is starting to get into another alliance so I think it's time for me, I think my best bet is to team up with Monte even though he's pissing some people off and so I've kind of got to think going forward. Yeah he may want to work with Shane and Danielle and that may suck but I may have to suck it up for a week and I may have to convince Monte that, "hey, ya know, let's work with them but they gotta go at some point." 
    Question 5. Obviously this is HUGE. Especially because Kryssie got it you know. If it was Whitney or Shelby who got it, it would be very very different you know because you have to save someone and obviously Kryssie is going to save Jason or Justin because she is in love with them and she can't even go two seconds without laughing at Justin even though, yes he is a little funny, but it does get a little old. I think it's huge that Kryssie got it. She thinks she got it because she is America's favorite, and I don't know, you may love Kryssie but personally I think she got it because usually the care packages go from the lesser to the more important. So I think maybe you guys voted for her because this is the smallest care package, I don't know. Obviously it's a huge deal and I'm just like fingers crossed, I need Alex to convince her to save Jason because I want Justin gone. At this point I think he has crossed the line too many times. Yes I think he is hysterical, yes I think America thinks he is funny too, but this guy is about to have a mental break down, especially if I am alligning with Monte. These two don't get along and personally I am tired of seeing Justin's penis and butt. It's getting a little old. But you know, fingers crossed. Hopefully Kryssie saves Jason and not Justin. But you know it could go either way and whoever she saves could be trouble for Monty and his Pythons. I hate that name. (BB giving 2 minute warning) Oh! Two minutes! OH!
    Question 7. Obviously I want Shane and Danielle nominated and I hope Alex follows through with that. Obviously I'm telling them that I'm telling Alex she should save them. God forbid I should have to work with them in the future, I don't want to be on their bad side but fingers crossed that it's Justin, Shane or Danielle. I want someone on that side of the house out or we are in trouble next week.
    Question 8.  Obviously me and Monte are getting close in the house. I'm working to try to break up the bromance so that's my goal. If I'm getting close to Monte (blows kiss) Connor I love you to death but I need him to trust me and not Shane at this point. I think that's it. America I love you so much. I can't wait to be back in here. Bye!

  9. (Live Q&A with JC/HGs) 
    JC: Hello Houseguests! How's everyone doing?

    HGs: Good. Great. Everything gravy.

    JC: Ok alright Sounds good. Well sounds good to me. Well, I'm sure by now you have all gotten used to the messages I have sent you over the week but you should know that right now, we are live. (HGs cheer.)


    JC: I can see all of you and America is watching too. Now, let's get down to business. Every Thursday I will be here asking you questions about the past week and the week ahead. And the first question goes to Monte.

    Monte: Alrighty whats up Julie?

    JC: Monte, you ultimiately ended up nominating three houseguests for eviction last week, however it ended up that America's nominee, Cornbread, who was evicted last night, leaving all three of your nominees in the house. Lucky you!

    Monte: I was sweating watching that HoH comp last night, let me tell you that much.

    JC: Oh I bet. So tell me, how do you feel this morning?

    Monte: I feel good ya know? I'm just happy to be here. Great group of people. Just trying to take it easy, learn some things, be smart with it, but really I can't ask for much more, just really happy to be here.


    JC: Alex! Congratulations on becoming the next head of household. 

    Alex: Thank you, I'm so excited (HGs clapping). 

    JC: Now Alex, unlike Monte, you will be able to make your nominations knowing that America will will be voting a third nominee in, knowing they will also cast one vote for eviction. Will this affect your decision? 

    Alex: Absolutely! I mean, this season, the HoH doesn't have as much power because of America's vote, so you have to think everything through and kind of just guess what could happen. You just have to be really strategic about it now. It's a lot different now so. So yes, a lot more thought is going into play.

    JC: This takes our motto, "Expect the unexpected", to a whole new level. 

    HGs: Yes. Yeah. Absolutely. 


    JC: Neeley. You were the runner up in last nights HoH competition.

    Neeley: Yay! (Claps from other HGs)

    JC: Nicely done. How difficult was that competition? 
    Neeley: Whew, it was girl. A diva was sweating and shaking and it was woo. It was hard honey. 

    JC: Well you know, a lot of money is on the line. We aren't going to make things easy on you guys. (HGs: Yeah. Yes) It's Big Brother, you're not sissies, come on. 


    JC: Kryssie. You survived the last eviction. (Kryssie exhales loudly blowing raspberries, arms raised) Be honest, how stressful was it to be on the block?

    Kryssie: I was so afraid that I was going to be the first person to nervous puke on the new couch. I was ter-rif-fied. No matter what kind of connections you make, you never know where it's going to shake out. And with America doing this to you, even if there's, you know, even if there is this plan, we are going to do a split, there will be a tie, whatever strategy there is, America can completely throw a wrench into it. I wasn't okay until my name was not called.

    JC: I'm sorry to say, I'm happy to hear that. It means the game is working. Danielle, same question for you. How nerve-wracking and stressful was it to be on the block? 


    Danielle: It's always stressful to be on the block, whether it's week one or the last week. It's never a place you want to be so being on the block was definitely an experience. Not an experience I look forward to being in again so. 

    JC: It makes you stronger. Look at it that way, it makes you stronger.

    Danielle: (nervous laughter) Yeah. Yeah.

    JC: What can't kill you, right? Jason! You are the only returner in the game this season. Has that been difficult for you?

    Jason: It has been but you know, it's nice to be here again in a whole different experience, in a whole new cast. But it has been difficult I mean as we've seen I was under the thumb last week being the returnee. But yeah, I'm excited to be here. But I miss y'all BB17 peoples! (Jason waves)

    JC: Justin, I want to turn to you. (HGs laugh) Justin, how well did you know the game of Big Brother before you entered the house? Be honest.

    Justin: To be honest with you, I did not know a damn thing you know (breaks out some Creole)  Mon Cherie, you know. I'm just taking it as it goes and I know that I have to be concous of what is going on and you know, and I'm ready and excited to see what's going to happen next. 

    JC: Alright, you have been in this house for a week now, Justin. What has been the most surprising part of this game for you?

    Justin: Well, it's just been really interesting to see how, everybody's, ya know strategies.. The most surprising is just the every day, keeping it live, ya know.


    JC: Shelby. Hi there.
    Shelby: Heeeeeey
    JC: How would you say everyone's getting along in the house so far?
    Shelby: I think, well, you picked the perfect person to ask (she laughs). I mean we are definitely starting to see the groups starting to form. I'm definitely starting to hear whats being said about me at night. (laughs) But I mean, we are here to play a game so you can't take anything personally. And yeah, that's... that's.. Did I answer the question?
    JC: Yeah. That's the right approach, by the way. It's a game. Friendships are going to be formed. Romances, showmances, who knows. But I will tell you, ultimately it's a game, right?


    JC: Shane. You've been with your housemates 24/7 for the last week.
    Shane: Yeah.
    JC: Do you think you know them pretty well or do you think there are still secrets to uncover?
    Shane: I think I know them pretty well, but like I said, it is Big Brother, expect the unexpected. Um, but for now everyone seems pretty genuine and ya know, I guess we will see as the days go by. Every week. Last week was last week, this week is a new week, so everything's changing, so we'll see. 


    JC: Morgan.
    Morgan: Hi Julie.
    JC: Hi there.  You know, a lot of former houseguests have said that the game really kicks in once the first eviction takes place. Has the game changed since Cornbread left last night? 
    Morgan: You know it has changed since last night. I think it was a big wake up call for everyone. It's like the first week, we're all friends but we know we are playing a game, but we're all still getting to know each other and having fun. But it's like once that person walks out the door it's like "It's a game now" and everything completely changes. Especially with America voting as well. 
    JC: Oh yeah.


    JC: Whitney: 
    Whitney: Hey there.
    JC: Hi there. You're a fan of Big Brother
    Whitney: I am.
    JC: How different is playing the game compared to watching it at home?
    Whitney: Oh my gosh, it's so different and I have said that this whole entire time. Like at home you're like, "Why are you doing that? You don't need to vote this person out" but in here it's so different. You have to take so many things into consideration that you would never think about at home. 
    JC: See, it's like the saying. Never judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes.
    Whitney: Yes.


    JC: Scott. You're also a big Big Brother fan.
    Scott: Absolutely.
    JC: How does knowing that America will pick the winner change the plan of how you are playing the game?
    Scott: It's really nerve-wracking because everyone has their perceptions of everybody in here about whether they are likable or not. You always find out once you are outside the house that things aren't always as they seem. America always has different perceptions on what's going on in here. I'm just excited to see how the season rolls out and to see how America sees us. I hope they're having a good time watching us though.
    JC: I think they are. 


    JC: Well as you all know, America cannot nominate the same houseguest two weeks in a row, however their last nominee went home last night. Alex is the only one safe this week. Alex, as head of household, you will soon have a very very important decision to make as you decide which houseguests to keep safe and which two to nominate for eviction. But Alex, keep in mind, America will be making a third nomination. That's all for now, houseguests. But I will be dropping in with another message soon enough. Goodbye houseguests.
    HGs: Bye!


  10. Julie Chen welcomes us to #BBOTT
    In moments 13 HGs will enter the house. 96 cameras and 112 microphones will capture their every move. On CBS.com you will be able to watch everything as it happens. Following the HGs has never been more important. Not only will you have an impact on the game, but at the end of the season, you and you alone will decide who wins the $250,000 grand prize. The power to crown the winner is in your hands. Chosing the winner is only one of the many ways you will be able to impact the houseguests and game like never before. You will have an impact on nominations, evictions, and game changing twists all season long. But first, we need to meet the HGs


    Whitney: Eastern Kentucky Medical Assistant
    Small coal town of about 20,00 people. Very friendly, can get along with anyone. Pretty much married without the ring. Been with boyfriend for a couple of years. There is no chance for a showmance. Considers herself a female Donny. I'm going to win BBOTT because no one can say no to me. No one can resist this smile.


    Shane: South Carolina Roofer
    I'm a roofer and an outdoorsman. My dad is my boss and is the best boss in the world. Being a roofer is great. If I'm not on a roof pounding nails, you can find me hitting the trails. Raised a Jehova's Witness and religion is important to me, but I don't practice it anymore. My secret weapons are my looks, hair and personality. My personality is nice and sweet.


    Neely: Retail sales
    You see the diva, the big hair, tight waist big booty, big rack. You love it. You know you do. I will date whatever as long as they have money. Green is all I care about honey. I am totally open to a showmance as long as it advances my game. Moved home two years ago because of my dad's early onset Alsheimer's. I would love to win to give my mom the money to be able to care for my dad so she doesn't have to do it all anymore. I want people to think that I'm fun and free and just fun-loving and not know that I'm just intelligent and probably a little older and wiser than they are. 


    Cornbread: Agusta, GA Heavy Equipment Operator
    I'm a typical southern guy because I love being outside. I've won the Redneck Olympics three times. They have you do off the wall things.  I'm a family man. I've got a 10 year old daughter and she has my heart. I got engaged about a month and a half ago. I'm gonna be true to who I am. I'm not a dummy. I am going to go into this game not trusting anybody.


    Shelby: Arizona Lawyer
    SOme people tell me I'm too pretty to be a lawyer. Everyone assumes that I am dumb but don't be fooled by my looks. Graduated Pepperdine in two years instead of 3. I'm free to start a showmance because I need a buff dude to win the physical competitions for me. I'm a little bit manipulative.


    Justin New Orleans Restaurant Owner
    Showing him cooking. Born & Raised in NOLA, it's been quite a journey dealing with Katrina. I own a restaurant. I'm the life of the party anywhere I go. It's better to laugh than cry. I'm gonna keep everyone laughin. They won't vote me out of the house because they are going to be like "We not gonna vote him out the house because his cookin is just too damn good"


    Kryssie: Waitress/Musician
    You expect musiciains, girls covered in tattoos to be out all night drinking and all sorts of crazy things. I'm not into any of that. I get recognized from a video of me went viral at my old job of me being a jerk to people at my table (clip from video) After a video of you goes viral to 50 million people, you don't have a problem being on camera 24/7. I started power lifting because I lost a lot of weight and had a lot of extra skin to fill out. I have had so much practice being manipulative. Women haven't done so great on BB, they have either been floaters or they've been boring. It's time we got a tough broad in there to show them how it's done.


    Monte: Deep Branch, MS Engineer Associate
    I'm from the deep south. Love to hunt, love to fish, love blowing stuff up, and I'm amazed by stuff to do with fire. There are a lot of layers to me. I'm the last step before medical equipment is used in surgery by doctors. I'm an advanced redneck, just by my brains. I'm open to any relationship with anyone. If you are attractive, Monty is game.


    Danielle: Visallia, CA Pre-school teacher
    When I'm not taking care of my toddler, I am playing flag football. I have never been away from my son for more than 5 days so this is going to be a test of how strong of a woman I can be. But for a chance to bring home $250,000 for our future is life changing. I'm aggressive and competitive and will do what it takes to get things done. My strategy is to find that one ride-or-die. Someone I'm going to be loyal to throughout the whole game. I will probably be loyal to others, but at the end of the day it's that one person that I plan to take with me to the final two.


    Scott: Banglor, Maine Debt Collector.
    I haven't dated anyone in three years and I am definitely not intending to lose my virginity in the big brother house. Well, never say never! I'm 24 years old and have only had a handfull of girlfriends. My mom's hoping I meet a nice girl on the show and maybe we can hit it off. Time will tell. I spend 40 hours a week cold calling people demanding that they give me their money. I'm constantly having to deal with people who complain worse than Archie Bunker. I will be great at Big Brother because I am a huge super fan and a big fan of strategy games. I've been playing chess for the past 14 years.


    Alex: Dallas, TX Computer Animator
    I like to think of myself as a Dallas girl by day and a secret nerd by night. I'm a huge Pokemon Goer. Instead of just going out, I'd rather just walk around and find and catch Pokemon. I am a huge gamer. Instead of going out on the party scene, on Saturday and Sunday nights I'm just kicking it with my friends playing video games. I'm smart and strategic and I know that I can take this game and just really really really kill it. One thing I won't tell the other HGs until I have to is that I am extremely athletic. I used to be a competitive gymnast. 3 years older than Morgan, and we are complete opposites.


    Morgan: Austin, Tx Publicist
    I am your cliche Texas girl. I've got the big blonde hair. I'd say the bigger the hair the closer to Jesus.  I grew up super conservative, Christian family from a small town. I went to Texas and cheered for 4 years. I'm also a cut-throat publicist who doesn't need anyone else to get what she wants. My sister and I wouldn't work together in the house because you would have these two completely different people working together, it would be too obvious.

    Ok you've gotten to know a bit about the HGs, now it's time to move in. The HGs will be moving in, one at a time, throughout the night. The last HG moving in will be your choice, America, because for the past week you have been voting to give either Jozea or Jason a spot in the BBOTT game.  So buckle up, because it's time to start Big Brother Over The Top.

    Scott is the first one in. "Hello Feeders" He runs around to pick out a room. He is surprised by the changes they made in a week. He doesn't like the double beds in the old UKBR. Counts how many can sleep in the old Tokyo room.Goes back to the old UKBR and takes the middle bed because he likes the crown on the table next to it. Decides to head back out of the room to greet others when they come in. Notices the phone booth "10 cents". Looks around at the decorations.




    Morgan is the second one in. She and Scott cheering that they are the first ones in the house. She calls the old UKBR "manly". She claims the small bed in the lantern room. They both notice the HNBR is locked. There is another door in the old UKBR that is also locked.


    Scott counts 13 plates at the table. Morgan says she doesn't like uneven numbers, but she was born on Friday the 13th so she thinks maybe it will be lucky for her. They see the food and walk back to check out the work out room and see the tips from BB18 F3. They hate that they don't know who the winner was. Scott says they will find out who will win their season before they find out who won BB18.


    Morgan is almost speechless about the WA. They are talking about how surreal it is to be in the BB house. Re-introducing themselves. Debating on if the next HG will be a guy or gal. She thinks guy, he thinks gal. They are already waiting for the first twist. They move on to check out the kitchen and get excited that there is a clock and water in the fridge.


    Morgan asks where he is from and he said he is the first person from Maine to be in the house. Morgan says she was at UTexas and just graduated with a degree in journalism but is now in PR.



    Shane is next. Just us 3? Yep, just us three. He is looking at the food and they tell him he needs to check out the beds. They think the big bed in the Lantern room may fold out into a triple. Shane picks a bed in the old UKBR.


    Morgan says take bets on the next person, she thinks another guy. Re-introducing each other again. All of them saying they will never remember all of the names. Morgan says she is just waiting for the first crazy thing to happen. Morgan doesn't want someone to go home the first night. It's her worst fear.

    Discussing that they are all from small, unknown towns.


    Discussing occupations. Morgan says that she is a publicist but just graduated and is working her way to adulthood.


    They have noticed that there are 16 key slots but only 13 plates. Morgan says the next person in has to be a girl. They are wandering around the house with Shane. Shane says, "Someone needs to christen the bathroom". The others laugh and then they head upstairs to look around. They come back downstairs and realize there are 3 place settings on the bar in the kitchen. They were hoping it was only 13 but with 16, the odds aren't as good. 


    They talk about ages. Morgan is 22, Scott and Shane are 24. They discuss birthdays and zodiac signs. Scott says the LR is just so regal. Shane asks if he even went into the LR.




    Neely enters. Says it's a divas paradise and so sparkly. She likes the vibe of the old UKBR but picks one in the Lantern Room. Neely asks them to show her the house. Neely says that someone is going to get kicked out tonight with their being 16 place settings. She glances at the Tips board and then heads to WA. She keeps saying it's cute.


    They go upstairs and Neely asks who is going to teach her chess, and Morgan and Shane both say "Scott". Neely says the house is so blingy and she just loves it. Discussing again where everyone is from.




    Shelby is the next one in and hugs everyone before asking "Are we going to do names now?" She is from Az but now lives in LA. She asks if they have picked out their beds yet and they send her off. They follow and Neely asks Shelby if her trot is her normal walk. They talk about hiding  to scare the next HG. 

    They talk about being from the south and that they have southern charm and the "S" club because 3 of them have S names. Neely says the dinosaurs are Scott's pets. They talk about chess and that they think Scott is a hidden genius. Neely talks about needing someone to teach her pool as well. 


    They talk about being able to go outside and getting sun. Laying by the pool, making up games.




    The first 4 hide. Cornbread walks in. (His mic isn't workin well) He is giving his bio. It is very hard to hear him when everyone cheers. Cornbread takes the last bed in the old UKBR. (His mic is working now) "This is so over the top!" Neely asks him how long he had been thinkin that up. He said just now. They ask if his real name is Cornbread and he says no, it's Chad, but he prefers Cornbread. 


    They are discussing jobs and Cornbread asks if they have seen the house. He asks where the rec room is and Scott tells him it's all the way down on the right. Cornbread checks the fridge and says that is how you know if everything is alright. Shelby walks in the WA and says, "What's this?" They explain it's the bathroom.


    They discuss beds and 16 HGs and if their will be HN's tonight. Cornbread is almost in tears saying how excited he is to be in the house with everyone. Neely says that she sat in the chair for 2 minutes before coming in and it felt like the longest 2 minutes of her life.


    Upstairs Shelby asks why it has been so long since anyone else came in because there are only 6 so far. "Maybe there is only like 12 of us and there will be a battle of the block type of thing. Did they tell you anything?" Scott explains the number of place settings and their speculation (stated above). Shelby runs to the telephone booth upstairs and says she is going to call her family. Scott asks if someone just knocked, Shelby starts to run back towards the stairs, complaining about wearing such high heels and not being able to run in them. Scott says he was hearing things. They go back downstairs.


    Everyone in the LR discussing ages and such again. Shelby asks which of the doors behind her is the DR and they tell her the one with the button. They are all discussing jobs. They ask Neely her age and she says she is 28 (she is really 33). Shelby and Neely stop talking and say they are going to wait until everyone else comes in so they don't have to keep repeating their bios.




    Kryssie is next. Hugs going all around, and more introductions. She says that she has a large portrait of Robocop on her arm that she is not allowed to show. Kryssie asks if the Lantern Room is the room she is getting a makeover in. She goes into Old UKBR and says somethings are great and somethings are awful. Shane comes in with her and they bond over nose rings. They start the tour again.


    Cornbread says he is just so glad that he can talk! He and Shelby are discussing talking to themselves and Cornbread says that he got so bad he was answering himself. Kryssie says so we have one toilet for 13, possibly more, people. She then asks Shane if he is a musician too since he has long hair and he explains his profession (roofer) to her.


    At this point they are all at the round counter in the kitchen and there are two or three conversations going on at once. It's not easy to follow any one specific one. It is now 8:00pm BBT and that is the end of the premiere!



    (Sorry it took me 2 hours from start to finish. I was trying to get as much as possible in there)



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