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Posts posted by PaganMom

  1. I will be using this post to update for the next HoH comp tonight (started after the show) will be easier to update this post instead of 15 different comments :)

    I will update as important things happen!


    9:26pm BBCAN Time: Feeds not up yet. Following the Live interviews on FB of the two evicted HGs.

    9:47pm BBCAN Time: Still no feeds. Live interviews are over (have been for about 10 mins, give or take). Was hoping for feeds, but Global isn't liking me tonight!


    9:58pm BBCAN Time: Feeds come up showing the HGs at podiums with a red button on them and "BUZZKILLED" on a board above the garage door. Sindy explains the rules:


    SINDY: Houseguests, I hope you are all well rested because you are in for an all-nighter. This competition is called Buzzkilled and this is how it works. As soon as you hear the buzzer go off, hit your button. The last houseguest to ring in will be eliminated.


    It's that easy, but the rounds could be minutes long or hours, so this is a mental endurance.


    To make things interesting, Big Brother will try to lure you away from your buzzers with some tempting offers throughout the night. We will eliminate one house guest per round and when we get to our last two, the last round will be the winner becoming the new head of household. Everyone ready? The competition starts now! (9:59 BBCAN time)

    (Ika is ready to hit the buzzer!)



    10:13pm BBCAN Time: Garage door opens, scares the crap out of a few of the HGs and they turn to see what is waiting.. Water bottles.



    10:23pm BBCAN Time: Not sure if strategy or not, but Dillon is being pretty annoying. He is the only one talking. Bruno chimes in every once in a while, but it's 90% Dillon right now. He has mentioned that this isn't his comp and that if BB offered him $5,000 he would take it and walk. He really wants to hit the button just to hit it. He has been asked once to stop singing but has also been beat boxing and jabbering.


    10:25pm BBCAN Time: Demetres and Karen are talking quietly but I can't make out what they are saying over Dillon. Dillon is screaming that he will be out there until his knuckles bleed.


    10:30pm BBBCAN Time: Dre begs Em to come get her boyfriend. Then they HGs start doing shout outs.


    (Thank you, @pinkfrog for getting the convo between Karen & Dem, I couldn't hear them because my laptop volume is not the best)


    10:56pm BBCAN Time: Lots of chat about possible food that BB could be putting out for the HGs. BB called them out and told them to stop talking about name brands. (They are making me hungry!)


    11:00pm BBCAN Time: Ohhh yummy food!



    11:04pm BBCAN Time: The counter popped up. I'm guessing this is how long until the buzzer!



    11:08pm BBCAN Time: Buzzer goes off and Demetres is out.



    11:10pm BBCAN Time: Sindy: Demetres is the first person eliminated.



    11:17pm BBT: Sindy: Houseguests, Big Brother thought you may be hungry after an entire day of slop so dinner has been laid out, Chinese Food and beer. It will be available for the next hour. 

  2. Basically, the HGs have to use dominoes to make a trail from the start circle to the end circle. While doing so, they must pass under the correct answer to the following questions. For every wrong answer, 3 minutes will be added to their time.

    Which past BB house guest was with you longer? Jeff or Paul.
    Which competition lasted the longest? Veto Vault or Balance of Power.
    In which competition were more shots attempted? Perfect Shott or Veto Fore Sale

    Order? (Will edit when I know the order)
    Jason (Answers: Jeff, Veto Fore Sale and Veto Vault) ~10:58 
    Shelby (Answers: Perfect Shott, Jeff and Veto Vault) ~9:37 
    Justin (Answers: Veto Vault, Paul and Perfect Shott) ~ 11:09 
    Kryssie (Answers: Perfect Shott, Jeff and Balance Of Power) ~ 13:06 
    Danielle (Answers: Perfect Shott, Jeff and Veto Vault) ~23:14
    Morgan (Answers: Perfect Shott, Paul and Balance Of Power) ~13:38 
    (She yelled and complained that they didn't give her enough dominoes because she put them too close together from the start circle to the first question.)

  3. 1:02 pm BBT

    Jason: It's time for the veto meeting everyone.

    Shelby: Jason am I just sitting?
    Jason: Yes.
    Shelby: You scammed my HoH away from me.
    Jason: I'm sorry.
    Jason: (To LNJ in BY) Veto meeting hookahs. You too Beau.
    (Justin takes his sweet time getting into the LR)
    BB: The veto meeting begins now (1:04pm BBT)

    Jason: This is the veto meeting. I nominated Danielle, Shelby nominated Whitney and America nominated Alex for eviction. I have the power to veto one of the nominations and I want to give everyone a chance to tell me why I should use the veto on them. Whitney, you go first.

    Whitney: Jason, if you use the veto on me I would appreciate it tremendously but at the end of the day you have to do whatever is best for your game and I respect your decision 100%.

    Jason: Danielle, now it's your turn.

    Danielle: Obviously I'd love to come off the block. It's never fun sitting here. So if you'd love to use it on me, great. Awesome. But I adore you no matter what and I respect your decision 100% and you know that I support you in this game forever. Love you.

    Jason: And Alex, now it's your turn.

    Alex: Jason, I would love for you to use it on me but at the end of the day, it's your decision and I respect you. Do what you need to do with it. 

    Jason: Okay. I have decided to use the veto on Danielle. Come get ya bling girl.
    Danielle: Thanks baby.
    Jason: Since I have vetoed my own nomination, I now have to name a replacement nominee. There comes a time in this game where it's not about team strategy, it's about individual strategy and I heard a lot of pleas and ideas yesterday and I considered all of them, but there are two things I can't forget. The roaring cheers from the SR Wednesday night and the unreliable loyalties you guys have shown others like Monty, Scott and now Whitney. So I would have had no problem nominating a strategic player that I respect and see as a well-rounded player but America did that for me. So unfortunately I am left with no other option than to nominate one of her best followers, Morgan. I'm sorry.

    Morgan: Jason, I just want to bring up that you came to us in the HoH room last night with a Final Five deal. So, okay. I just wanted to bring that up.

    Jason: The veto meeting is adjourned.

  4. 7:56pm BBT 
    BB: It is now time for the live eviction.
    Danielle: It is now time for the live eviction. Before the house guests cast their votes to evict, you will each have a chance to sway their votes. Shelby, you are first.
    Shelby: Hi mom, dad, McKenzie, the rest of my family. I love you and I miss you. Morgan and Scott it sucks being on this couch with you guys. But thank you for keeping me at least partially sane while Im here. To the voters tonight I hope you chose to keep me, but if not you will be sending me home to a world full of dogs. And viewers, I hope if you are considering bringing a pet into your home you at least consider your local rescue. Oh and thank you so much for my care package.
    Danielle: Scott, it's your turn.
    Scott: House guests, thank you for your friendship and support this season on BB, I've really had the time of my life. Thank you, Big Brother and CBS for letting me pursue a lifelong dream and, um, fight hard everyone.
    Danielle: Morgan, now it's your turn.
    Morgan: First off, mom, dad, Connor, all my friends back home. I love and miss you all. I hope I'm making you proud. To all my house guests, I've had fun these past 36 days. To you guys, I don't know who is voting because of the care package, but to those who are voting I trust you will make the decision that is best for your game. I know it's a hard decision because I know the two people sitting next to me are not only really good players but really awesome people. So just make a decision that's best for your game. I have a lot of fight back in me.  I'd love to stay and keep playing. 
    Danielle: Before we begin, Shelby America sent you this weeks care package giving you the power to keep three house guests from voting. Please stand and make your decision now.
    Shelby: Jason, Justin, Kryssie. I'm sorry, I chose to eliminate your votes this week.
    Danielle: May I please have voters on one couch and non-voters on the other. (HGs play musical chairs) Justin, Jason and Kryssie, you will not be voting tonight. The nominees are also not allowed to vote and I will vote only in the event of a tie. And remember, America has been voting for which nominee they want to evict. The person who received the most America's vote will receive one eviction vote. When I call your name, please enter the diary room, take a seat and cast your vote to evict. Alex, you're up first. Please head to the diary room.
    Alex: I sadly vote to evict Scott.
    Danielle: Whitney, now it's your turn.
    Whitney: I vote to evict Scott.
    Danielle: Big Brother is now tallying the votes. In just a moment I will reveal the results and the evicted house guest will have just a minute to grab his or her belongings and exit the Big Brother house. I will go and get the results now.
    Danielle: By a unanimous vote, Scott you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. (Scott claps)
    Scott hugs Morgan and whispers "Fight hard". Scott hugs Shelby. Fist bumps Justin and says good game. Hugs Jason and says, "Good game, Jason". Hugs Kryssie and says, "Good game". He hugs Danielle and says Good Game. Hugs Whitney and says Good game, good luck!. Hugs Alex and says Thank you. Everyone applauds as he exits the house (at 8:02pm BBT).

  5. 1:04pm BBT: The veto meeting begins now. 

    Danielle: This is the veto meeting. Shelby, Whitney and Scott have been nominated for eviction but I have the power to change one of the nominations. I want to give everybody a chance to tell me why I should use the Veto to save them. Shelby you're up first.


    Shelby: Hey Danielle. Great job in the competition yesterday. I would love if you'd use the veto on me but you put me here so I'm not really expecting it. If you happen to change your mind, I would apprecaite it again but you do what you want and great job.


    Danielle: Loving the earrings, Shelby. They complete the outfit. Whitney it's your turn.


    Whitney: Okay. If you were to use the veto on me I would be so appreciative. I think you should do what's best for your game. It's your decision no matter what. Thank you.


    Danielle: Thank you. Scott, it's your turn.


    Scott: Danielle if you were to use the power of veto on me I would really appreciate it. If you save me this week I will owe you a life debt in this game. So do what you feel is best for you.


    Danielle: Alirght. Thank you guys. This week I have felt like I am in defense mode, which as HoH is a weird place to be in. At the end of the day I have to make the decision that is best for my game. With that being said, I have decided to use the power of veto on Whitney. 

    Whitney: Thank you.


    Danielle: Since I have just vetoed one of my nominations I now have to name a replacement nominee. Morgan. Alright, this veto meeting is adjourned.

  6. 8:41pm BBT (Camera 3&4) 


    Kryssie, Justin, Whitney in TBR discussing the votes and eviction. Danielle comes in and joins them.
    Danielle: He is so disgusting, I can't even be in the same room as him. He literally just said that, he didn't say that he would terrorize but that he would bully me because he thinks America would like it. And when Jason said, "Didn't we just have an anti-bullying day? Do you think America would like you bullying someone? Scott said, "I'd make her life a short-lived hell," because he thought America would like it. I just, I can't understand what kind of man are you that you are going to sit there and say you are going to bully a woman. 

    Kryssie: His whole side of the house thinks that he has been bullied so whatever he does is ok. 
    Danielle: I just don't understand. I just don't understand how a man can make that comment to other women and them think that's ok. (She is starting to cry)  
    Kryssie: Because they don't give a f*, Danielle. This is all about a game to them.
    (Kryssie is trying to talk/respond to Danielle, but Danielle just talks over her, hard to understand Kryssie)
    I just don't understand. Yes it's a game but at the end of the day you have to go back to your regular life. You are so worried about looking good that you don't want to give away stuff about your regular life but yet you're going to sit there and think it's funny or want to keep someone in the house that openly admits to, is willing to bully a girl because he thinks America will like it. I'm a single mother. I work my ass off for my son. I go to school full time. I work full time. I bust my ass. And to have some guy say he is going to bully me for sport? He is lucky we are in this house because if we weren't I'd... UGH.
    Kryssie: You have to understand Danielle that you are not a person to him. 
    Danielle: I mean, I get it's a game, but like to have some sort of self respect at the end of it. Is $250,000 worth your self respect? I don't understand!
    Kryssie: Every week that goes by I don't 
    Danielle: I don't understand.
    Kryssie: I've almost quit this f* ing game hundreds of times. 
    Danielle: Like, I'm not here to be bullied by a grown ass man. I will go home to my son and live my life happily. Like who says that? And for him to admit it in front of me like that. "Oh yeah, because I thought America would like it". Like, what America do you live in? 
    Kryssie: It's not even just that he said it, it's that people support him. And not just people in here but for whatever reason, they didn't vote for him.
    Danielle: I just don't understand.
    Justin: Do we have any tissue in here? (Danielle and Kryssie are both crying)
    Whitney: It's in the DR.
    Justin: I'll go get some.
    Kryssie: If it's any consolation people lied to my face this week. The whole week. Nobody gives a f* about us as human beings, Danielle. Nobody.
    Danielle: It's so disgusting. I just can't even be in the same room as him. And he gets offended when someone says he is a disgusting person, well to me that is disgusting. I would never go out of my way to bully someone especially when I have been bullied my entire life. I would never. 
    Kryssie: According to his girls, he's been bullied.
    Danielle: I would never. I don't do that.
    Kryssie: I just pulled Alex aside and was like "When have I ever f* ing bullied Scott?" and she's like "Well not you". Well who? Because I have not bullied him.
    Danielle: Even after he evicted Shane I was still polite to him until he made a rude comment to me.  
    Kryssie: I've made it a point to remove myself from him any time he tries to talk to me because I don't want anything to do with him. 
    Danielle: It's just.. That's disgusting. I just don't understand. 
    (Justin appears with a box of tissues and offers them to Danielle.)
    Danielle: Takes a couple then thanks Justin.
    Kryssie: Takes one and thanks Justin.
    Justin: This some hard ass tissue paper. It's almost like toilet paper.
    Whitney: Yeah, coming out of the box 
    Justin: What the f*? That's like tissue paper, yo. You aight, D?
    Danielle: Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't understand.
    Kryssie: I'm sorry you're sitting here, Whitney. I know you just came to see how we were doing.
    Whitney: I know, but ...
    Kryssie: I know that they are your friends. 
    Whitney: I know, but you are too and I've told you that so that's why I came to check on you.
    Kryssie: I know, and I appreciate that. I really do. Don't think I don't. I just don't have the energy to f*ing pretend I can deal with that right now.
    Whitney: I know. I understand.
    (Justin is hugging Danielle and they are talking but hard to understand them)
    Justin: Every dog has his day. Don't trip. 
    Whitney: I'll give you guys a minute.
    (Whitney leaves. Throughout this whole conversation, you can hear Jason's voice from the KT in the TBR as well as Scott's. Can't quite make out what is being said, but obviously it is a heated discussion.)
    Justin: We just gotta win HoH. But whatever you do, you can not put Shelby up because I can't guarantee that I won't vote her ass out of here.
    Kryssie: The whole reason I didn't put her up was so that you wouldn't stray and vote for Shelby.
    Justin: I already know cuz like I despise her so much and she'd be like, "Who was that one vote?" and I'd be like "Me! It was my vote mother f* er". We gotta rally together you guys.
    Danielle: I just don't understand. It's just like he thinks that's good TV. Let me be a grown ass man that bully's a girl. Why because Evel Dick and Jen used to go at it all the time? You wanna be like him so badly? I don't understand.
    Kryssie: He want's to play everyone else's game, Danielle. He want's to be other characters.
    Danielle: Please tell me, what hard... You're from Maine. 
    Kryssie: The tough streets of Maine.
    Danielle: I was bullied my entire life. From kindergarten until I was 19. Girls came to my house, spray painted "Whore" across my mom's house. Did $4,000 in damage to my car. I was jumpped by four girls. I was grabbed by my hair and slammed to the ground and I was kicked in the head with boots and had to get CAT Scans. I've been bullied. I've had a grown ass man punch me in the face. I've been bullied. How dare he sit here and say that he is going to do for TV like it's funny. People kill themselves over being bullied. I just don't get it. 

    Danielle gets up and walks into the LR.

    Danielle Vs Scott.jpg

    Danielle (yelling at Scott who is in KT): Scott, you don't know my entire story. You don't know that I have been bullied my entire life. You don't know that I've been punched in the face by a grown ass man. That I've been dragged down, by my hair by four girls, and kicked in the head with boots and had to get CAT Scans. So don't sit here and say that you are going to bully me because you think it's good TV. People kill themselves over being bullied. And I hope you feel like a piece of s*. And I hope that America sees the type of person you are. Because that's not funny. We just had an anti-bullying day. You don't know! (Scott tries to respond) I don't want to hear it because that is a horrible thing to do to someone. For you to say that you are going to do it because America's going to like it? Because you think those girls (points to YR where the BS'ers are) don't like me because you think that it's funny? I hope this is the game you really want to play. And I hope America sees the type of "man" you are. You're a little ass boy and I pray to God I win HoH. You are a disgusting person and Neeley was right.

  7. 4:01pmBBT: Julie Chen Q&A with the HGs:


    JC: Houseguests. I need everyone to please gather in the living room. Right now.

    Danielle: Yay!
    Jason: Julie Chen, loving the purple.
    JC: Thank you.
    Kryssie: Yay!
    JC: I was going to say the same to you.
    JC: Waiting for... two more.
    Neeley: Hey Boo!
    JC: We spoke about the nick names.
    HGs laugh.
    JC: You know. To be fair, I had to set Justin straight. Neeley I have to do the same for you.
    Neeley: Okay.
    JC: I'm sorry.
    Neeley: Okay gorgous, honey, diva.
    JC & HGs laugh.
    JC: Everything else is fine. Boo and Babes/Baby off limits, sorry.
    JC: How's everyone doing?
    HGs: Good.
    JC: Now, I see that everyone is wearing their Spirit Day Purple. 

    HGs: Yes.
    JC: Good job. On behalf of CBS I want to thank you for taking a stand against bullying and showing your support for the LGBT community, so thank you very much.


    JC: Now to the game. Danielle.
    Danielle: Yes.
    JC: This was an emotional week for you.
    Danielle: Yes, very.
    JC: You were America's nominee.
    Danielle: Mmmhmm.

    JC: And for the first time this summer, America's nominee did not get voted out.
    Danielle: Mmmhmm.
    JC: How does that feel?
    Danielle: Um, you know, it's a bittersweet moment for me because it was my third week on the block and unfortunately I was on the block next to two people I adored. While I'm happy to still be here and that even though America nominated me I'm still here, I'm thankful that my housemates decided to keep me safe. I'm thankful to Scott but in that same breath I am so so devistated to see Shane leave.  
    JC: Understandable. 


    JC: Morgan.
    Morgan: Hi Julie.
    JC: Hi there. Now this question actually comes from one of our viewers. 
    Morgan: Ooohhhh. Okay.
    JC: How do you think America feels about the house not voting out their nominee?

    Morgan: Can you repeat the question?
    JC: Yes. How do you think America feels about the house not voting out their nominee?
    Morgan: You know, I think America also sees that we are playing a game too you know? America puts up their own nominee but we are playing our own game. It's getting interesting. Just because America nominates someone it doesn't mean that person has to go home every week so. I think they are realizing that some things might be changing.
    JC: Okay. 


    JC: Scott.
    Scott: Hey Julie.
    JC: Shane had some harsh words for you and for Alex when he addressed the house before the eviction.
    Scott: Sure.

    JC: You had the tie-breaking vote. Did his words influence his decision?

    Scott: Not really. I already pretty sure I knew what I was going to do. I didn't take it too too personally because being a big Big Brother fan and being called a puppet master is actually a compliment. I'm not sure if he was trying to wound me with that but I just let it strengthen me.
    JC: There you go.


    JC: Justin.
    Justin: Where ya at? Hey! How ya doin?

    JC: Thank you, thank you. It was a tense eviction last night, to say the least. What was the mood of the house after Shane left?
    Justin: Well I actually felt pretty down, ya know? It was crazy. It felt like there was a lot of tension in the house. But when Paul came busting through the door it became exciting again. But it was very bittersweet, I have to agree with Danielle.
    JC: Alright


    JC: Shelby.
    Shelby: Hi.
    JC: Hi there.
    Shelby: Hey.
    JC: For two weeks in a row, the eviction votes have been split down the middle. Why do you think the house is so divided?
    Shelby: Um, I think. I don't know why you addressed that to me. 

    JC: Because I know you can handle it, Shelby.
    Shelby: Aww, Julie. Um, I think we all know who is going to go home this week but I think we are trying to be more interesting this season and not send everyone out unanimously. So I think that when we know who is going home, we want to give our friends some votes and not let them go out the door with zero votes to stay.
    JC: Good answer. See, I knew you could handle it Shelby.


    JC: Neeley.
    Neeley: Yes. Yes, ma'am. Honey. Yes. (laughing)

    JC: One of our viewers wants to know what went through your mind last night when the doorbell rang and Paul walked through the door?
    Neeley: Wooooh! It was nice to see some fresh testosterone Honey. It was so nice. He was just handsome and full of energy and cute and "smedium" and I was just happy to see a nice fresh man in the house . It was wonderful. 
    JC: No offense to the current men in the house though.
    Neeley: Yeah, no offense. Fresh meat is always welcome in this house honey.


    JC: Alex.
    Alex: Yes.
    JC: In last weeks veto competition, you took a punishment that gave you a disadvantage in last nights HoH comp. You could have taken a much less severe punishment. So my question, why chose something that could put your game at risk?

    Alex: You know, when I had the option to take the Sand Trapped punishment as opposed to the HoH punishment, I was still HoH at the time and I still wanted to be with people and talk to people and see what was happening. And with the HoH last night, I already knew that I was at a disadvantage and honestly, I didn't want to win anyways. You know, it is what it is and I am happy with what I chose to do.
    JC: Alright, thank you.


    JC: Whitney.
    Whitney: Hey Julie.
    JC: Hi there. Not going to ask about the lap dance. Don't worry. (Everyone laughs)

    Whitney: I thought you were.
    JC: No. What I am going to ask you is, what do you think your parents are thinking as they watch you play, not about the lap dance, you can go there, but what do you think they are thinking as they watch you play this game from home?
    Whitney: You know, honestly, I think my parents are very shocked as to how I can control my emotions in the game because at home I like cry on a daily basis. I'm very emotional and I have yet to hit that point in this house where I felt completely defeated. So coming in they were like, "Don't let people be mean to you. Try to keep it together." And I feel like I have kept it together tremendously so I think that they are very proud of me and I'm very proud of myself for not completly breaking down yet.  I think they are happy with my game. I think I have surprised them and most importantly, I think I have surprised myself.
    JC: Very nice. Thank you. 


    JC: Jason.
    Jason: Hey.
    JC: One viewer wants to know why you aren't having as much fun this season. What's going on?

    Jason: I think that we are having fun this season. It's a different group. Everyone knows I love my BB17 crew. We had a lot of fun my year. We aren't at that stage yet. We are still in the early days of this game so don't think that we aren't going to have fun Julie, because we are having fun. It's more serious this time around. I had too much fun last time and I got evicted so, ya know. We're playing it differently.
    JC: There ya go. I think that's the answer.


    JC: Kryssie. Congratulations. You are the new HoH. What is the best part of winning HoH this week?

    Kryssie: Okay, I'm sure everybody saw me cry over the letter from my boyfriend. It was definiately that and the pictures and really just proving to myself that I could win a comp. I did really awful in the last veto and I was really mad at myself because I had a home version of that as a kid and so the fact that I bombed that so hard kind of killed my spirits so it's kind of nice to know that I can win a comp and that I'm not going to have to sit on that couch this week. 
    JC: There you go.
    Kryssie: I was getting too comfortable. I hate it.
    JC: Well, well done lady.


    JC: Everyone, we are down to ten houseguests left in the game and I have some big news for everyone. 
    As you know, three of you will make it to finale night. But, on Big Brother: Over the Top, there will not be an HoH crowned that night. 
    There will not be an eviction that night.
    And there will not be a final two. That is because America will be voting for a winner among those three finalists. 

    I'll leave you with that. Goodbye Houseguests.
    HGs: Bye!

    JC QA 1020.jpg

  8. Weekday Replay 10/20:


    Voice-over: Here's what's been happening for the past week on Big Brother: Over The Top.
    Scott: Alex, you're first, please head to the DR.


    Voice-over: During the eviction, the Ball Smashers all voted out Shane. 
    Alex: This is for you, Monte. I vote to evict Shane the Snake.
    Whitney: Shane
    Morgan: Shane
    Shelby: Shane. Buh-bye.


    Voice-over: While the Late Night Jamboree and America voted out Danielle.
    Kryssie: Danielle.
    Justin: Danielle.
    Jason: Danielle. 


    Voice-over: Leaving Head of Household Scott to break the tie.
    Scott: Shane I vote to evict you.

    Danielle (whispering to Shane while hugging him): I'm going to miss you.
    Shane: I know. I'll wait for you, okay?
    (Shane hugs LNJ. Neely and Kryssie are teary.)
    As Shane walks out the door, Scott: Good luck, Shane.
    Danielle in the DR: Shane leaving is devistating to me. He was my best friend in the house. I did absolutly everything with him so it really sucks watching him walk out the door. But I don't want to dwell on it too much. I want to make him proud of me. I want to win this HoH so that him going home this week actually means something.


    Voice-over: Soon after, Kryssie and Scott got into a heated war of words.

    Kryssie vs Scott.jpg

    Scott: You okay, Kryssie? Do you want a hug or anything?
    Kryssie: Please Scott, just don't, okay?
    Scott: Okay.
    Kryssie: You don't have to pretend you like me. You don't have to give me that crap.
    Scott: Kryssie, I hope we are still playing video games outside of this. I hope we are playing Call of Duty. I hope we're playing Halo. 
    Kryssie: That's up to you guys.
    Scott: I hope we're still cool.
    Kryssie: That's up to you guys. But like 
    Scott: It is up to us, and I hope we're still cool after this. It's nothing personal. It's really not.
    Kryssie: You took him out personally.
    Scott: I had to take someone out.
    Kryssie: I know but you made it a thing that it was a personal vendetta. Yeah.
    Alex: Where do I go? (She and Morgan run to the LR near the hallway to the BRs to listen in)
    Kryssie: There is nothing worse, Scott, than sitting on that f* ing block with no chance to fight for yourself. Because you guys knew you couldn't beat him so you back doored him. That's f* ed up. 
    Scott: It's strategy. I offered Neeley a hug. I offered Danielle a hug. I'm not going to not offer you a hug too.
    Kryssie: I appreciate your offer Scott, but I'm just not in the right place for it.
    Scott: That's fine. That's okay. 
    Shelby (Joined Morgan and Alex in the LR near the hallway to listen in): These people are idiots!


    Voice-over: With tensions running high, the houseguests got a dose of much needed #Friendship.

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    Doorbell rings. Paul, with Pablo, enters the house. 
    Paul: Hey guys. What's for dinner?
    HGs screaming and excited.
    Paul (in DR): Coming back in the house, super exciting and guess what? Best part is, I'm not playing for money and I never care so I can say what I want to these people with no reprecussions. 
    Paul (to the HGs): Okay you bunch of weenies, let's go play this HoH comp and see what happens.
    Everyone heads to the back yard for the "Perfect Shott" HoH comp.

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    Voice-over: With your boy Paul hosting the Head of Household competition,
    Paul: Step right up. Who can roll their way into power this week? (Airhorn blows and the HG's run to the other side of the yard as balls begin to drop from above.)
    Paul: Start playing with balls friends. Start finding the tokens. 

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    Voice-over: The houseguests scrambled to find token-filled balls so they could earn a chance to try to make the perfect shot.

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    Although Justin, Danielle and Morgan all came close, it was Kryssie who rock-and-rolled her way to victory. 

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    (Late Night Jamboree runs to Kryssie to hug her. They cheer loudly.)
    Paul: Congratulations, Kryssie. You are the new Head of Household.
    Scott puts the key around Kryssie's neck and hugs her.

    Kryssie, in DR: Look who's the first HoH from the Late Night Jamboree! The power finally goes to the Jamboree. And finally get to see some honest people who are here to play an honest game, play the game. I can't wait to watch everybody sweat while they try to figure out what I'm going to do.
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    Scott, in DR: When Kryssie wins HoH, my heart sinks into my stomach. She was the last person I expected to win a competition in here. I know she is definitely looking to come after me hard. So this is really the worst case scenario.
    Paul gives Kryssie a high-five: Good job Bud.
    Kryssie: Thank you. Thank you. 


    Voice-over: The Late Night Jamboree wasted no time celebrating.

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    Dance party.jpg
    Neely dancing and singing: Who da bi**h? Who da bi**h? Who da bi**h? 
    She and Jason dancing around in TBR. Danielle joins in the celebration.
    Voice-over: Meanwhile, the Ball Smasher's knew their fate was all but sealed.
    (in WCA) 
    Shelby: We're f* ed.
    Alex, waving to Shelby and Whitney: Bye y'all.

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    Shelby: We need a miracle. We need the care package and the nom to go our way. And we need to, like, "take two votes away" or something like that. And veto. We need everything this week.
    Alex: Mmmhmm.


    Voice-over: Later, the late night jubulation turned to strategy.LNJ Strategize.jpg

    Jason: I told you, the roller coaster of this game. You will be down at your lowest-lowest and then some s* happens.
    Jason, to Kryssie: I bet Scott's regretting that little arguement he had with you ten minutes ago.
    Danielle: Now they know how it feels to be in our shoes.
    Kryssie: I really, really hope that America puts up Scott and we can put up Morgan and Whitney. Someone can come down and Alex can go up.
    Kryssie, in DR: Morgan and Whitney would be perfect pawns for me this week because they are the middle of the hierarchy. Alex is runs the show. Shelby is the little peon and they're the two mid-sized fish in the pond. Alex broke a promise to me when she was HoH. She promised to protect me if I used my care package to do what she wanted and I did. And she still put me on the block so what goes around comes around, Alex. Your time's gonna come.
    Kryssie, to LNJ: Hopefully my reign as HoH will not be s* y and spiteful, it will be smart and tactful.
    Jason: Aww our first one without Shane. 
    Kryssie: For Shane.
    Jason: Shane on 3. One. Two. Three. 

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    Voice-over: Fearing they both could be targets, Alex and Scott made sure they would watch out for each other.

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    Scott: Obviously someone in the group is going to go home but...
    Alex: We have a lot of thinking to be doing because I don't want you going home.
    Scott: I don't want you going home. 
    Alex: I don't want to have to like throw you under the bus. I'm not going to throw you under...
    Scott: No.
    Alex: I think there's still a lot of game left to be played and we can do this. Miracles have happened in this game before. 
    Scott: Yeah.
    Alex: Like, we'll figure it out.
    Scott: Yeah. We'll figure it out.
    Alex: I still have your back. I'm not going to like
    Scott: 100%. 100%.
    Alex: Cool.


    Voice-over: But Alex quickly realized that in order to save the Ball Smashers, Scott may need to be snipped.

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    Alex: I'm gonna need y'all to have my back this week. 
    Morgan: We're gonna have to have Scott go along. 
    Alex: Scott's gonna have to be in the dark. But I don't want him to be.
    Morgan: The issue is it's him or one of us. Down the road, Scott's going to betray us eventually.
    Alex: I know. I know. That's why, it's like, ultimately us four have to stay loyal to each other, no matter what. 
    Morgan: We have to. To keep the numbers.
    Alex: Oh God, this sucks.
    Alex, in DR: I really don't want to have to throw Scott under the bus this week. I like Scott a lot but I have to think for myself and my life is in danger this week. I have to do what ever it takes.
    Alex (in WCA): My worry is, she's gonna try to backdoor one of us.
    Morgan: Back door Scott. He back doored Shane. 


    Voice-over: With a new day upon the house, the debt collector decided to pay his respects to Kryssie in order to collect some safety.

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    Scott: I have a couple of points I would like to make. First, I back doored Shane so if you want true revenge you might as well keep me off the block and back door me. 
    Neeley and Jason laugh.
    Scott: Two: I was the one of America's first have-nots so you might as well leave me off the block and let me potentially be America's nominee.  
    Neeley giggles again.
    Scott: And number three.  You need to keep people around that you could actually beat with America and I feel like I am one of the people you would have a pretty good match up against if you did want to take me to the final two, whereas some of the people you are working with, I don't think either of us would have a shot at beating in the final two. 
    Neeley: Before you go, you don't got no tea to spill on your alliance? What you got to say about your alliance?
    Scott: No I got nothing to say about my alliance.
    Neeley laughs.
    Scott: That ain't me.
    Neeley: Alright. Cool.
    Scott: Alright. Cool.
    Kryssie: Thanks for the chat Scott.
    Scott: Absolutely. Congrats again Kryssie. Enjoy your HoH room.
    Kryssie: Thanks.


    Voice-over: But the Jamboree wasn't buying what Scott was selling.
    Neeley: I feel like he kinda low-key threw us under the bus though.
    Jason: Yeah he was trying to talk s*. 
    Neeley: He kinda threw us under the bus.
    Kryssie: Yeah. Like some of the people that I'm working with.
    Neeley: You don't wanna give up no other options though? You just tell her reasons not to pick you. Then give us some options then!
    Jason: Yeah I know. Exactly, that's the thing. All he did was like do a comedy routine and he didn't give no real information, so f* that.
    Neeley: If you don't want to get cut, then who should go?
    Jason: Right.


    Voice-over: Who will get caught in Kryssie's crosshairs? And which houseguest will receive America's next care package? Find out on the next Weekday Replay tomorrow night at 10:00pm Eastern/7:00pm Pacific, and for all the action, keep watching live right now on Big Brother: Over the Top.



  9. Okay so now that the safety ceremony is complete, we have Scott and Morgan on the block. Kryssie told Morgan in the SR afterwords that it was done so that she had Whitney to go up against Scott since not a single person would vote for Whit. It sounds like the plan (depending on America's nom, which we will get to shortly) would be everyone play for the win and pull Morgan off, but I could be wrong.


    The BS-heavy fan sites are all polling that Neely will be America's Nominee. However, I intend to vote for Shelby. We can't get Alex out this week, so Sloth is my choice.


    Sound off in the comments, what are you thinking?




    Ok guys, ACP went to Alex. HNs are Jason, Neeley and Scott.


    As we know, America's Care Package voting opened 10/20 (Today) at 10am BBT/1pm EST. You will get to vote twice if you vote Thursday and Friday before 1:00pm ET/10:00am BBT.


    This weeks America's Care Package: Safety Servant.


    Now, I didn't put my opinion in the opening post last week, but I am going to this time, only because I want to share a bit of logic from Aimee, our blogger for BB:OTT. I really like this post from the Morty's TV Facebook group. 





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