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Everything posted by Goldylucks

  1. 4:00 PM BBT Alex tells Christmas that Raven claims her pacemaker is not FDA approved and all 4 feeds switch to Josh, Raven and Paul in the KT. Josh is making Christmas a club sandwich and Paul and Raven are making dinner. 4:05 PM BBT Christmas and Alex are quite pleased with the Club Sandwiches that Josh brought them. The veggies are fresh. The bacon is cooked well. Christmas says that Josh earned his bandanna back and he is such a great dude.
  2. 3:28 PM BBT Raven goes to talk to Paul. Paul says he has no idea what is going on. They hear Josh so conversation stops. Raven calls out that the chicken is ready, no thanks to Josh. 3:30 PM BBT Alex and Christmas are talking in the HOH. They say that Raven playing the sympathy card has got her to jury but it can't be the reason they let her get all the way to end. Meanwhile Josh and Raven are talking in the WA. Josh tells her she is doing great laying low and to keep it up. She is off the radar right now. 3:32 PM BBT Christmas and Alex are trying to figure out how anyone can play this game with a goal of just getting to jury. Alex says it makes no sense because they are only relevant until about Christmas. 3:37 PM BBT Paul tells Josh he wants a couple minutes to go over dates. Josh tries to get him to get up because he needs to cook the chicken. Josh bugs him. Paul asks him to stop and Josh keeps saying why. Josh finally gives in and tries to sneak off with Trejo. Paul catches him in the act. Josh "I can't even take Trejo for a walk?" Paul "No fool." 3:42 PM BBT Josh went up to the HOH room and realizes he forgot he promised Christmas a sandwich. So he promises her an even better club sandwich and heads back downstairs. He agrees to make one for Alex too. 3:45 PM BBT Christmas and Alex are talking about how Raven is playing the game so complacent now. She used to be gunning for HOH and now she isn't. They think it is because she has gotten word that her mom is okay. So, she doesn't need a letter. Plus, if she wins HOH now she is not protected next week. 3:48 PM BBT Alex and Christmas are still talking smack in the HOH. Now the victim is Kevin. Kevin has never told Christmas is was him and her to the end until this week when she is HOH. He thinks he has her in his pocket. 3:52 PM BBT Christmas tells Alex that Raven smothered Matt. She felt sorry for him because she never let him breathe. "Give him a chance to miss you baby girl." Alex says that is probably why they never really got to know him. When Alex and Matt would talk Raven would literally climb on top of his face in the pool. 3:55 PM BBT Christmas and Alex are talking about relationships in which the couple is co-dependent. They use both Maven and Jody as examples of unhealthy codependent relationships. 3:57 PM BBT Alex and Christmas are putting 2 and 2 together that Raven is not being consistent with her illnesses. They question her knee, her stating she can't eat beef and then eating burgers and steak, among other things.
  3. 3:20 PM BBT Josh and Paul are talking in the rose BR. Josh was sitting at the corner of the bed. Josh laughs at Paul and literally falls off the back of the bed. BB calls Josh to the DR.
  4. 1:30 PM BBT We are waiting for the feeds to return after picking players for the veto competition. 1:40 PM BBT Feeds return. 1:43 PM BBT Josh and Christmas are in the lounge. Josh says that best case scenario is Raven wins it. (Raven is playing POV). Josh tells her that Paul is playing to his benefit and his jury votes. Josh says our agenda is to split up Alex and Jason and not to keep his hands clean. 1:45 PM BBT Josh tells Christmas the plan to take Alex down and put up Kevin doesn't help the 3 of them. It helps Paul. Josh "Paul is going to have to stop working every single corner. He needs to choose. He is protecting himself." 1:47 PM BBT Christmas agrees that best case scenario is Raven wins. If Paul wins, we talk about the scenarios. We prepare Tiger. She needs to know Jason going home is unanimous. Splitting the votes works for Paul, not for them. 1:50 PM Raven and Paul are playing. That means the one person sitting out is either Kevin or Josh. 1:51 PM BBT Christmas says she understands what Josh is saying but he needs to talk to Paul about it. Josh says he is not going to play this game where it benefits him above them. He vows his loyalty to her and her alone. 1:58 PM BBT Christmas and Josh are in the lounge. She says she understands what Josh is saying. He is very vocal with how he goes about things. Paul is very quiet and plants seeds. He needs to push back. And if Alex comes the votes have to be unanimous or something is seriously wrong.
  5. 1:01 PM Paul and Christmas are talking about how erratic Jason is. Christmas agrees and says "Let me be the tie breaker. I am fine with that." 1:05 AM BBT Christmas is talking to herself in the HOH. She is going over the votes. Josh tells Alex that he doesn't feel like he will ever be able to win over the jury. Alex says her either because everyone in there is so salty. 1:09 PM BBT Josh and Alex are still talking in the lounge. Alex says Kevin doesn't like her for no other reason than she is a girl. Jason and Paul go upstairs to play chess. 1:11 PM BBT Christmas is called to the DR. We get bunnies. They are picking players for the veto.
  6. 12:31 PM BBT Paul says that the world says that marijuana is that gate way drug. In actuality, it is alcohol. Josh says a lot of it is about how they were raised. Paul says parents needs to educate their kids by example and by showing them what drugs happens to the body. 12:33 PM BBT Jason and Alex are talking about the HOH comp. Alex says it was pretty even and anyone could have won it. They are trying to guess if the POV will be today or tonight. Alex says probably tonight because it is just too hot. 12:36 AM BBT Josh and Paul both say that their moms have no tolerance for alcohol. One glass of wine and they are bombed. 12:37 PM BBT Jason and Alex are in the lounge. Alex tells him not to panick yet. They have the votes as long as one of them comes down. They are counting on Paul, Kevin and Josh as votes for them. They consider letting Paul win the POV so that he cannot be put up and can pull one of them down. Jason says that leaves their fate in someone else's hands. Alex "Then let's go for it." 12:39 PM BBT Josh is called to the DR. Jason tells Alex that they need to not panic, but not acting cocky. Alex tells Jason that Paul would not go back on friendship. 12:43 PM BBT Paul's socks have sushi on them. Raven says she can't eat sushi. She can't eat anything raw because of the bacteria on it. 12:44 PM BBT Paul joins Jason and Alex. Jason tells Paul that he needs to win the veto. Paul says Christmas has been acting weird with her. Paul tells them that he thinks Christmas might be trying to backdoor him. He hopes that Kevin is the target. If not, the best case scenario is for Paul to win the POV and take one of them down. 12:46 PM BBT Talk between Alex, Jason and Paul in the lounge. Paul is going to gun for the POV. He wins the POV so he can pull off either Alex or Jason. They joke that Josh is in an alliance with Christmas. Josh "Not that I know of." 12:52 PM BBT Alex, Jason, Paul and Josh are in the lounge. Paul is saying he is at risk of going on the block as a replacement nominee if Alex or Jason come down but that is part of the game. Paul expects that if Kevin goes up, he will aggressively campaign against her. If he is up against Jason, he won't. 12:55 PM BBT Alex, Jason, Paul and Josh are in the lounge. They discuss the POV. They are going to throw the POV to Paul. He is going to pull down Alex and Kevin goes up next to his best buddy Jason. That way he doesn't campaign too hard. 12:57 PM BBT Paul immediately goes upstairs to talk to Christmas. He is quietly laughing hysterically that Alex and Jason are going to throw the comp to him. Then Alex comes down securing Jason's fate. The fact that he has them agreeing that Jason is the one that needs to stay up there is beautiful. Jason is going to go home and their hands are going to be clean.
  7. 12:05 PM BBT Paul has to explain to Josh the difference between spiritual and religious. Josh says his mom believes in Jesus, is Christian, but isn't religious. 12:07 PM BBT Josh says he uses the Bible to catch the message. Jason, then you are religious. You read the Bible to be uplifted by the message. That is religious. They are trying to explain that you can be religious and not be a crazy bible thumper. Kevin says he is 100% catholic. 12:10 PM BBT Somehow the HGs start talking about dictatorships and how scary that would be. Josh says his dad was arrested and served 4 years in prison in Cubs for killing and harvesting a pig. 12:20 PM BBT Paul and Josh are discussing how gross smoking is and how it kills millions of people a year. Yet marijuana is illegal and has never killed anyone. 12:27 PM BBT Josh, Pal, Raven and Alex are talking about prescription meds. Paul says he refuses to take pain pills. He may take an antibiotic if he has to. Raven's mom screams out in pain every day because her mom refuses to take pain pills. Raven "With my disease, I cannot take pain meds." They make her throw up. Weeds gives her an appetite.
  8. 11:31 AM BBT Alex has been called into the DR. Christmas loves the Christmas season but she gets paranoid when people are talking about the holiday. She thinks they are talking about her because she hears her name. Paul loves Halloween. 11:43 AM BBT Jason is now out of the HOH shower and throws his red shirt over the railing down to the KT floor. He says he was just trying to catch the attention of the ladies. 11:46 AM BBT Christmas to Josh "You are by far the cutest when you wake up. Then you wake up." 11:48 AM Christmas is called to the DR. The HGs expect this to mean they are going to pick players for veto soon. 11:49 AM BBT Paul "Where the F is Trejo this morning? Raven "Did you lose him?" Paul "He just does his own thing in the morning." 11:53 AM BBT Jason and Alex are in the Have Not room. Jason "What is this? Is this not some kind of coup? Why put up both of us?" Alex "If it is, I am not aware." Alex thinks it might be to keep Kevin from wigging out. Jason "We can't always act like we are safe." Jason tells her that he is not freaking out, don't tell Paul he is freaking out, but he wants to make sure that they are not missing something. She fusses at him for freaking out and making her cranky. Jason can't figure out why they are both put up. It makes no sense. Alex says it is because there are no pawns anymore. Jason "I don't want to go in there blind and then wonder why the F they didn't see it coming. Alex tells him that if she wins, she will pull him off. 11:57 AM BBT Alex keeps telling Jason that they can trust him (Paul) and that his whole thing is about friendship. Jason says he does, he just doesn't want to be blind sided. Alex says she thinks she heard someone and covers herself up with a blanket like a ghost.
  9. 11:00 AM BBT BB calls Paul to the DR. He is not happy. He tells BB he is going to the WC first. 11:06 PM BBT Christmas and Raven have a conversation with Pepe (her scooter). Christmas "Pepe says he carried me the whole game." Raven "Pepe, that isn't very nice." Christmas "He acts like he steered my every move." Raven "Bad Pepe." 11:15 AM BBT Not much going on. Paul is in the DR. Raven is frying eggs. Christmas is sitting in the WA wearing sun glasses. 11:23 AM BBT Raven just finished cooking breakfast. Raven to production "Please call Josh next". BB "Raven, please go to the DR." Raven "Ahhh no. Please can you call Josh?" Paul "No." 11:25 AM BBT Christmas and Paul are discussing the POV. Paul asks her if he should gun for it on not. They are discussing winning the POV and keeping the one they want (Jasor or Alex), then putting up Kevin in their place to teach him a lesson. Then they will keep Kevin and he will start doing whatever they want.
  10. 10:30 AM BBT Raven and Christmas are still talking in the WA. Christmas tells Raven that her not openly aligning with anyone is good for her game. Raven tells Christmas that she asked Matt for any parting advice before he left. Matt told her "Not really because you were the brains of this operation." 10:35 AM BBT Christmas tells Raven that she thinks Alex secretly wants rid of Jason and is ready for him to leave. She is okay with Christmas taking that shot too because she wants the votes. 10:38 AM BBT Raven to Christmas "Wait to see my DR sessions". BB "HGs, you are not allowed to talk about your diary sessions with other HGs." Christmas to Raven "I don't do sh*t in mine." BB "HGs, you are not allowed to talk about your diary sessions with other HGs." Christmas"Ok, I get it." 10:50 AM BBT Christmas and Raven continue to be the only ones up and around. They are in the WA putting on makeup. They are discussing Elena and Mark. Elena was so scared to say anything about game that she ended up never saying anything about game. Raven "That ruined her game." 10:55 AM BBT Christmas tells Raven that "once you hook up with someone (like Elena and Mark) you can't undo it because it just makes you look like you bailed on your ride or die." Raven "Which she did."
  11. 10:05 AM BBT The lights are on but the HGs are still in bed. 10:12 AM BBT WBRB, probably another wake up attempt by BB. When feeds return Raven is up and Jason is called to the DR. 10:17 AM BBT Christmas and Raven are both in the WA. They both feel like they at least got a little sleep last night. Raven is sitting in the middle of the WA floor putting her extensions in. BB calls Paul to the DR. 10:20 AM BBT calls Jason to the DR. It seems Paul decided not to go when he was called. Christmas "Paul must have said F that." 10:23 AM BBT Ravens tells Christmas that she is the bread winner of the family because both of her parents are disabled. She doesn't bother dating anyone from home because she is always working. Her mom was actually in law school when she got sick. Her biggest regret is never graduating law school. 10:26 AM BBT Raven and Christmas are discussing the POV. Everyone but one will get to play. Christmas tells her Raven that she hopes she wins it. Christmas also tells her that Jason was acting like her HOH speech was all an act. He doesn't realize it is all real.
  12. 9:35 AM BBT BB calls Josh and Paul again because they need to replace their batteries. Still nothing. 9:39 AM BBT Josh finally gets up and changes his batteries. Christmas wheels into the red BR and brings Raven a cup of coffee. Paul tells her that he didn't sleep because they DR'ed him at 3 and he couldn't go back to sleep afterwards. [More like 1:45 AM, but still Gumpy~Goldylucks] 9:50 AM BBT All the HGs are back in bed. Even Christmas laid down in the rose BR. 9:58 AM BBT Alex is called to the DR.
  13. 9:00 AM BBT BB Wake Up Call. BB hits them with the Good Morning HG's, batteries in the SR, and the lights must remain on during the day messages all at once. 9:13 AM BBT Feeds return. Christmas is shown heading to the HOH WC. Alex calls out to Jason several times. Jason ignores her and keeps his head covered. 9:19 AM BBT Christmas heads downstairs, replaces her battery, and goes to the KT to make some coffee. 9:24 AM BBT BB makes another attempt to stir the HGs. Only Christmas is up. She heads to the WA to fix her hair. BB calls Paul and Josh to the SR to change their batteries. Nothing.
  14. 7:31 AM BBT Josh is done studying the memory wall and heads back to bed with the other HGs. 8:45 AM BBT HGs still sleeping.
  15. 7:17 AM BBT Josh is awake and walks out of the BR. He uses the WC and then washes his hands and his face.He starts pacing the WA looking in several of the mirrors. He then walks into the dining room and KT looking into several of the mirrors there too. 7:23 AM BBT Josh is getting a drink of water. The rest of the HGs are asleep. Josh pulls out a chair in the dining room and stares at the memory wall. He appears to be studying the pictures. BB then zooms in on the photos of several of the HGs.
  16. 1:45 AM BBT BB "Paul, please go to the Diary Room." Paul "Come on bro." Paul reluctantly gets up and heads towards the DR. Alex "Gumpy." Paul "I F*ing played myself." (He had said earlier BB would call him while he was in bed and that would be gumpy.) 2:00 AM BBT All HGs in bed except Paul who is in the DR. 2:24 AM BBT Paul is back from the DR and slips into bed. 2:25 AM BBT Kevin is called to the DR. "Oh my God, why?" Jason "What did he say?" Kevin "Me, I have to go." Alex gets up and walks over to talk to Jason "They must be doing something special if they keep waking us up." She thinks something is going to be special for Sunday. 2:40 AM BBT Kevin heads back to bed. Jason is awake. Kevin looks at him and asks if he is alright. Jason nods. Kevin tells Jason he gets in and out of there quick. It is 2:30 in the morning but he though it was more like 4:00. He then asks Jason who was just called in. Jason says he doesn't know. Paul is reaching in the dark for something. He finds his bandanna and places it over his eyes. 2:44 AM BBT Alex is awake. He braids her hair, covers her eyes and lays back down. Jason clears his throat. All quiet in the BB house. 3:05 AM BBT All HGs asleep 3:30 AM BBT All HGs appear to be in bed to stay for the night. 3:30 AM-7:00 AM BBT All feeds show sleeping HGs.
  17. 1:05 AM BBT Josh and Raven are now in bed. Christmas is in the DR. Jason, Alex, Paul and Kevin are still awake in the green BR. Just general chit chat. 1:10 AM BBT Alex is telling Jason and Paul that they get a lot of snakes in their home where they live. Her dad will catch and release them unless they are rattle snakes. He cuts the heads off of rattle snacks. Paul says he wants to self evict to meet this man. He is the coolest. He backs into his own kids' cars because he paid for them and because he can. 1:18 AM BBT All the bedroom lights are off. Paul and Alex are getting ready to go to bed too. Alex decides to get revenge for Christmas against Josh first. Since Josh took her scooter earlier, Alex goes into the bedroom where he is sleeping and jumps on him. She says it was for Pepe. They all start to quiet down and go to bed. 1:25 AM BBT All quiet in the BB house. All 4 cameras on HGs in bed and lights out. 1:34 AM BBT I can hear someone moving around, but all 4 cameras are on dark rooms with sleeping HGs. Not sure who I hear or why. Alex gets up. The camera does not follow her. It stays on the HGs who remain asleep.
  18. 12:57 AM BBT Josh is looking at himself in the cameras and Kevin catches him in the act. Kevin "Is he looking at himself? You little mother f'er". Since he is busted Josh hams it up for the camera. Josh jokes that Paul is jealous of him and jealous that Julie Chen always calls on him. He goes and sits next to Paul and continues to harass him. So, Paul puts him in a headlock.
  19. 12:06 AM BBT Everyone but Kevin and Raven are upstairs sitting around the small chess table. Paul and Josh are playing chess and the others are sitting around them eating and/or watching. Alex, while wearing her cat ears, is talking about how mean cats are. Paul checks Josh. Josh "How can I be in check?" Alex "You actually played yourself." Paul has to explain how he has checked Josh. 12:15 AM BBT The house is quiet as they continue to watch Josh lose his chess game to Paul. Josh goes to make a move and Paul says "You are playing yourself." Alex says it will be okay, they will all eat pizza and ice cream afterwards. Paul tells Josh he has only one spot to get out of check mate. Game over. The HGs head downstairs for food. Paul grabs Trejo and says "Okay DR, get your buttholes ready because I am coming." 12:19 AM BBT All 4 feeds are on the WC door as Jason goes inside. BB zooms in on the occupied sign. The feeds stay on him as he exits the WC. 12:25 AM BBT All 4 feeds on a sleeping Raven. 12:30 AM BBT Josh is following Paul. He shows him his gums and says they are bleeding. Paul tells him that his gums are supposed to be red naturally. 12:36 AM BBT Paul, Alex and Christmas are talking at the KT table. Paul tells them that Raven told him she has Rough Knee Cap Syndrome. Paul "Is that a real thing?" Alex "Is that when you are on your knees on all fours getting it dog style?" Lots of laughing. Paul says that Christmas knows so much about the body, is that a real thing. Christmas reminds him she is not a medical professional. 12:39 AM BBT Christmas is called to the DR. Josh jokes with her and takes her scooter away from her so she can't go. Instead, Christmas hops towards the DR. Josh follows behind her riding her scooter. Christmas refuses it from him and hops her way all the way to the DR. Meanwhile in the Green BR Kevin tells Jason that he hopes he wins POV and that he means that. 12:45 AM BBT Paul gives Josh the Bible and tells him to read it because he is being a douche. He needs to focus on how to treat people. Meanwhile, Jason is trying to get anyone and everyone to lotion his back. Alex agrees to do it, but she wants it done her way. He has to come over to her and get down on all fours next to the bed. He wants to just turn over in bed and get the lotion put on that way. He finally agrees to do it Alex's way. She squirts a lot of lotion on his back. Paul screams "Someone please screenshot this and tweet it to me right now!! Now this is quality friendship right here. You cannot buy this kind of friendship. This is boys." 12:55 AM BBT Paul is venting to Josh, Kevin, Alex and Jason. He wants BB to hurry up and call him in so that he can go to bed. Meanwhile Alex is working on Jason's cuticles.
  20. 11:34 PM BBT Christmas and Josh are discussing how it will probably be a split decision and she will say she has to vote out a strong male competitor. Josh says Alex is underestimating them. Josh tells Alex that sometimes he can tell Paul is playing what is best for his game but not what is best for Josh's. Christmas tells him that he needs to push back against Paul and see what he says. They also agree that Alex is playing to win. She will turn on her ride or die. She is setting Jason up and gauging the other's reactions. 11:44 PM BBT In the KT Jason is telling Kevin that he has to record his #2's today. He thinks it was the sandwich that tore him up. 11:56 PM BBT Alex and Christmas are watching Josh and Paul play chess. Meanwhile Kevin and Jason are downstairs cooking and Kevin is looking forward to have not ending at midnight. The meal is done at 11:58 PM BBT. Kevin sets his plate down and BB says "Kevin, Stop That." Kevin says it is midnight and takes a bite. BB "Kevin, stop that." Kevin says "What do I do, go in there and ask them what to do?" Kevin goes into the DR and comes out and says he has a minute and 20 seconds. Kevin "You call me out twice over a minute and 20 seconds." Jason "We need a recount"
  21. 11:01 PM BBT Paul rehashes his conversation with Kevin to Josh in the HOH Room. Paul told Kevin to start acting gangster and to stop talking. He needs to start swallowing it. He said it was major damage control. Paul then tells Josh that he deflected the target away from him and Christmas so many times this season already. They need to listen to him now. Paul says if either Alex or Jason comes down, they need to split the votes and have Christmas break the tie. If not, and the vote is like 3-1, then they are exposed. It's done. It will look shady as F. 11:05 PM BBT Paul breaks it down to Josh on why he will have to make it look like he is supporting Alex and Jason: Alex and Jason feel good right now. They are a little weirded about Christmas nominating them. Therefore, they have already crossed crossed Christmas out. If Alex stays and Kevin stays, then I will have to vote for Alex or she will go rogue. They will lose her. With Alex on board, Paul can manipulate her to throw the HOH comp to him. 11:15 PM BBT Christmas, Josh and Paul are in the HOH room. They think that Jason is starting to get fed up with Alex. He is tired of her bossing him around. He then explains to Christmas that if Alex and Jason stay on the block, it has to be a tie breaker. If not, whoever stays will know the rest of the house is against them and they go rogue. Alex wants to win this game. If he goes to Alex and acts like they (Paul and Alex) are next, he will be able to talk Alex into throwing the next HOH to him, or at least he has her ear if she wins it. 11:27 PM BBT Paul tells Christmas that they need to keep the charade that they are enemies. Christmas tells her to be a bi**h to him during the day. She said that it makes her feel bad, but she will do that.
  22. 10:00 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Christmas, Raven, Jason, Paul and Alex in the HOH room. Paul is telling them that BB fans are awesome. They are the best. Kevin is alone downstairs in the Green BR. Josh is not on camera. 10:23 PM BBT Paul is talking about his experiences with recreational marijuana, when used in moderation. A lot of people smoke weed that they just don't say it, like Michael Phelps, because of the bad stigma attached to it. Alcohol is 100 million times worse. 10:36 PM BBT Jason has gone downstairs and laid down in the Green Room. He and Kevin discuss how they celebrate Labor Day at home. Jason says Labor Day is a really big event in the rodeo world. 10:42 PM BBT In the HOH Paul tells Raven that one season, the HGs went on strike. They threw their microphones on the DR table and said they weren't doing anything until they got some Taco Bell. Raven laughs and says Why Taco Bell? Why not Chik fil a? 10:50 PM BBT Kevin, Jason, and Josh are talking in the Green BR. Kevin and Josh both enjoy hiking through Hoboken, NJ. Josh likes it there but it is way too expensive to live there. 10:55 PM BBT Josh asks Paul what he talked to Jason about earlier. Paul says Jason is convinced that Alex and he are against him now. Paul asked him why. Jason told him that Christmas and Josh are not smart enough to come up with this plan on their own. So, Jason assumed that Paul was the brains behind it. Paul then asked Jason how could it possibly benefit him to team up with the girl with one leg, what is she going to do for him. Jason said he is probably right. 10:58 PM BBT Paul tells Josh that he also convinced Jason that Josh and Christmas can't possibly be teamed up together. Paul also told Kevin to stop freaking out and to shut up and take his advice. Paul also threatens Kevin that everyone in the house talks. If Kevin keeps talking it will get back to him and he will go home. He is going to stop covering for him.
  23. We have some first timers too for Week 10. All of these are from Facebook Friends of Morty Port Jodi "Rodeo Clown" Tina "Meatballs are Mine" Brannie "Gumpy Rat" Brenda "I Want My Mommy" Linda "No Crying Today' and Shanlee "Stolen from Jersey Shore"
  24. Never to be outdone, Todd (Morty's TV Facebook Group) brings us "Not Funny", "This Big", "Paul Told Me I Had To" and "Half the Disaster".
  25. Melody, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group, is in the contest for Week 10 too with "Think Before I Speak" and "Good With That".



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