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Everything posted by Goldylucks

  1. Ursela, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group, created "The Threat is Real". Roula, also of Morty's FB Group, created "Anuthesia" and "Pulled My Head Out".
  2. Member of Morty's TV Facebook Group, Aimee, has a lot of memes this week: Find Your Game, I'm Going Next, SOS, After the Breakup, My Turn, and Tricks for Treats.
  3. Melody, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group has several entries this week including: Beauty and the Beasts, My Agenda, Yes Master Paul, Blood on my Hands, OMG....WHY and Crooked Bend Disease
  4. Donna brings us "What's Up Doc?" and Christie created "How Not to Dance". Both ladies are member of Morty's TV FB Group.
  5. From Jodi, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group: "Hurricane Irma", "Spine Inverted", and "Biggest Meatball of them All".
  6. 10:02 AM BBT BB Wake up call. 10:14 AM BBT The feeds return from the wake up call. Only Jason is up. He goes to make a pot of coffee. 10:22 AM BBT BB tries to get the HGs to change their batteries and to turn the BR lights on. Paul is starting to stir but keep the lights out in the Rose BR. 10:27 AM BBT We now have Jason, Christmas and Paul awake with fresh batteries. Jason tells them Happy Sunday. LIke yesterday, Paul is starting the morning looking for Trejo. If anyone wants to jump in, please do. I could really use a break.
  7. 4:15-8:00 AM BBT Everyone remains in bed. Just some casual tossing and turning. 8:24 AM BBT Kevin gets up. He comes back 3 minutes later. Probably used the WC but the cameras never followed him. 9:15 AM BBT BB must be letting them sleep in this morning. No wake up call yet. Rooms are still dark. 9:30 AM BBT Still sleeping.
  8. 4:05 AM BBT Christmas and Josh both feel awful for Jason. They really enjoy Alex and Jason and they are in their feels right now. Christmas tells Josh that it is good that he wants to be honest with Jason before he goes. It will do him good with Jason in the long run. Josh says he understands the plan better now and feels better about it. 4:09 AM BBT JOsh tells Christmas if it blows up her and Paul's game, he will not have the conversation with Jason. She said, no...he needs that. He needs it for his jury vote. Josh says he will see what happens. 4:10 AM BBT Christmas hugs Josh and he prepares to go downstairs. She grabs his hands, says they have 2 weeks, they are going to do this. 4:15 AM BBT It appears the last remaining HG has going to bed.
  9. 3:15 AM BBT It's quiet in the house. Many of the HGs are in bed. The only shown up and around is Josh who is taking a shower. 3:35 AM BBT Josh and Christmas are in the HOH. Christmas asks Josh why he doesn't like Paul's plan. Josh says it is extremely smart and great game play for him. To be honest, he does not think the plan is what is best for the 3 of them. He is securing his safety and locking in jury votes against them. He feels a friendship level with Jason and Alex and he doesn't feel good about it. 3:39 AM BBT Christmas tells Josh these feelings are him going back to where he was Week 1 and 2 when he was so insecure. Christmas says they can keep looking at what their options are and come up with a plan that works for the three of them. But, they have 4 people to take out and no one is going to come out squeaky clean in the process. 3:45 AM BBT Christmas continues to explain to Josh why they need to do Paul's plan. Alex is a physical and mental threat. She can't be an enemy. "Right now, you are in Alex's pocket. I am in Alex's pocket. And she is going to replace her Ride or Die with Paul. That is why." 3:50 AM BBT Christmas to Josh "We have at most 3 weeks left in this house. I don't know about you, but I want to stay for the rest of it. So, knock it off." Christmas says Josh is going to wreck it before they can get to Top 3. Josh says he won't wreck it. Christmas "If we get one more person out, it is ours. All we have to do is win HOH next week and it is f'ing ours." 3:54 AM BBT Josh reminds Christmas that they are going to tick off every member of the jury with Paul's plan. He is securing his jury votes as he does this. Christmas "Do you want to play to secure jury votes, or do you want to play to win." Josh "That is what he is doing." Christmas says Paul is going to burn Alex next week. He is literally going to her for the sole purpose to have her ear and control her. She is going to share that with the jury too. 3:59 AM BBT Josh to Christmas "I am seeing his game. For the first time, I am really seeing it." Christmas "I see it too, but it helps us." They agree they would be dead in the water and would not have come this far without Paul.
  10. 2:30 AM BBT Jason, Alex and Christmas invade Paul and Josh who were both on the exercise bikes. Christmas asks Paul if he gets work out boners. He says Maybe now. He then asks what she ate because she is being weird. He says that Christmas in this kind of mood is actually terrifying. It appears that Alex and Christmas have no other goal but to be as annoying as they can be. 2:32 AM BBT Christmas is riding all around the BY with Alex and putting their middle fingers in the guys' faces and annoying them. Paul says that Creepy Christmas needs to go to bed. Alex and Jason start arguing and Christmas is called to the DR. 2:49 AM BBT From the BY hammock, Josh talks to the cameras: Man, this is horrible. I am not down with Paul's plan. This is the first time in the house when I am like NO. It protects him, the vet. He needs protecting but this is too f*ing much what he is trying to pull. Don't use the veto. Get Jason out. Then it is 5 against Alex head on. This makes me look like sh** in jury. This makes Christmas look like sh** in jury. It locks in his jury votes. And I feel like sh**. The way he is going on about it, I am not down with it. All the heat is going to be on me and Christmas. Every conversation with Jason and Alex and I feel guilty as sh**. 2:57 AM BBT Josh to himself or the cameras. If I pi$$ those two off then I have lost the whole game. The whole jury will be against me.
  11. 2:02 AM BBT Alex, Jason and Paul are in the KT. Raven is no longer giving anyone the side eye. She looks at them now. Paul says she also claims to have a family member on the Titanic. 2:03 AM BBT Jason wants to recite all of Raven's stories. Her skin is falling off without that lotion, but she isn't using it anymore. Alex "It is expensive and she is running out." Jason "So you only need it if you have it?" Paul: her mom was struck was lightening. She has an inverted spine. Paul asks what that means. Alex "Scoliosis?" Jason "She's upside down? Your coccyx is actually in your neck." 2:04 AM BBT She is an Olympic athlete. She has Rough Knee Cap Syndrome. All her nerves are dying. They can't necessarily discredit the disease she and her mom have because they do not know anything about it but they can discredit inverted spine and Titanic. Paul says if he had a family member on the Titanic he would know everything about them. If she has an inverted spine her spine is upside down and her pancreas where her neck is or she is inside out.Simple stretches and you will bend like the exorcist. 2:11 AM BBT Paul breaks it down for Josh in the BY. Raven and Josh will vote against Jason. Alex and Paul will vote against Kevin. Christmas breaks the tie. Paul is going to pull aside Alex and say that strong players are at risk. Josh tells him that he is going to tell them both how he is voting. Paul says "One more week and we made it. One more week of bamboozling them and we are done." 2:14 AM BBT Then Paul will fake a fight with Josh. This will draw the line and declare war and Alex will run to Paul. Then, worse case scenario if she wins, he controls her. At least he gets Kevin on the block. But, he has to count on Josh and Christmas getting them from 5 to 4 and then he has to beat them at 4. 2:20 AM BBT Paul tells Josh "I can convince her to not put up you and Christmas. You can't convince her to not put me up if Alex and I are enemies. Don't you get that bro?" Josh says he is fine with it. He just has to prepare himself for the flack he is going to get from them. 2:22 AM BBT Paul asks him if he is okay with the plan or if it is weird. Josh says he isn't going to lie, it is weird to him. Paul asks him for another option. Josh doesn't have anything. Paul says they just have to fake the funk. Paul says he needs Josh and Christmas to not F it up right now. He will take the heat if he needs to.
  12. 1:51 AM BBT Jason and Paul are talking about Kevin in the KT. Josh is outside running laps. He goes and sits down in the hammock for a couple minutes. When he goes to stand up from hammock, he falls onto the ground. 1:54 AM BBT Alex joins Jason and Paul in the KT. Paul tells her it is official. He is pulling Alex down. She says okay. Paul tells Jason "However, if you start laying an egg then I will pull you down." Jason says he will not lay an egg.
  13. 1:30 AM BBT Christmas continues talking to Josh about splitting the vote when Jason walks into the house from the BY. He knows they are upstairs watching him from the HOH room. She he grabs a chair and stands up in front of the camera. He can hear them laughing from the HOH room and gives them a laugh and a middle finger. 1:43 AM BBT Josh goes downstairs to try to find the HOH room camera. It is close to the dining room camera but he is not sure which one. However we get a very close up view of Josh's face.
  14. 1:16 AM BBT Paul is now trying to convince Raven that Alex will throw the HOH to him. And that if Kevin wins HOH he will target both Paul and Raven. 1:23 AM BBT Paul goes outside with Jason. Paul "Why are you freaking out? You know I am going to use the veto on you guys." Jason says he will not freak out. He only freaked out because Paul didn't know what was going on. Paul asked him who he is using the veto on. Jason says it doesn't matter as long as he uses it on one of them. Paul said Alex asked him to use it on her. Jason said that is fine. Use it on her. 1:27 AM BBT Christmas and Josh are in the HOH. She tells him she pushed back against Paul alot. She is going to explain why Paul is fighting so hard for a split vote. Before Christmas can get into the details Paul comes in.
  15. 1:07 AM BBT Christmas is now downstairs talking to Josh and Jason in the WA. Jason jokes that OLE has more fans than he does. He suspects half the people that like his page are like "F that clown but that bull is bit**ing." 1:08 AM BBT Jason, Josh and Christmas are talking about production. BB gives them the "not allowed to talk about production" warning. Christmas "That was a little loud that time." BB "Christmas". Christmas "I wasn't talking to you BB, I was talking to Jason." BB "Whoa Whoa Whoa". Christmas "Well, F me tonight. Whoever is in the house is not a Christmas fan." Jason said that whoever is in the house is a Christmas fan because they are getting the good stuff. If they hated you they would be behind the camera like (he then shows multiple middle fingers and moons the camera). BB says something else but the laughter is so loud I can't make it out.
  16. 12:31 AM BBT Christmas and Paul are in the HOH. Paul tells her that Alex thinks Kevin and Raven are going to be bigger threats against her. Christmas states Alex will never make that shot at Raven. Christmas asks Paul if Raven wins HOH and Paul cuts her off saying Raven will never win. Look at her demeanor. Paul says he is ready to take the shot and ready to show his cards because Alex is the only one he is afraid of. 12:36 PM BBT Paul tells Christmas that Raven is the worst kind of person. She does all this talking but never says anything important. She doesn't commit to anything. It is all word vomit. 12:40 Paul and Christmas are still talking in the HOH Room. Paul says he doesn't mind winning the next HOH but they have to protect him next week. Christmas tells him if she breaks the tie, he is going to owe her Fort Knox. 12:44 AM BBT Christmas is telling Paul that she doesn't think Alex would throw the next HOH to him if she feels the house is against her. Paul says it works because while he suggests this to her, she (Christmas) and Josh will be reassuring Alex on the side. 12:48 AM BBT Christmas asks Paul why do it even have to be a split vote. Why can't they just tell Alex it is the best for their game that he go and make it unanimous. Paul says because her alliance with Jason is more important than her alliance with them and we need her to want to work with Paul afterwards. 12:52 AM BBT Paul tells Christmas that if this doesn't go the way he says then he goes home. And then Josh and Christmas are f*ed. Because he is their heat shield.
  17. And Brenda, Morty Port's Facebook Friend, brings us "My Little Meatball"
  18. Julie's wardrobe inspired first timer Roula with "No Possums Hurt" and "Tiki Huts". Roula is a member of Morty's TV Facebook Group.
  19. We are off to a great start for Week 10 with more to add. Kathy, from Morty's TV FB group, channeled her inner child with this Jungle Book inspired meme "Someone Like You".
  20. 5:35 PM BBT Things are quiet in the house as Kevin is sitting alone in the Green BR on Feeds 1 and 2 while over half the house watches Jason and Josh play chess on Feeds 3 and 4. 5:42 PM BBT Jason and Josh are playing chess. Paul tells Jason that he is the strangest chess player he has ever seen. He had like 80 chances to check Josh and didn't do it. Paul calls him a dips**t and shows Jason all the chances he had to take Josh out including one move that would have ended the game that sat there for like 8 rounds. 5:48 PM BBT Christmas and Jason are staring at the fish tank. At some point, without locking the HGs down, BB has gone in and removed the dead fish. They keep looking and counting and there is one less fish in the tank. The little guy that was in the bottom of the tank is gone. 5:51 PM BBT The HGs are wondering what the hold up is on the POV comp. Paul says it is possible it could be the black box. Josh says it could be neat and Paul says no, it's a F*ed up comp. He banged his head on the bar in there last time and lost patches of hair off his legs. It's a crazy comp. 5:56 PM BBT Josh is called to the DR. HGs think this means it is veto time because he is the host of the POV ceremony.
  21. 5:00 PM BBT In the lounge, Kevin tells Jason that Paul is built for BB. He has never seen Paul down. Doesn't matter what he does or what happens. He is always happy. Meanwhile Josh and Paul are playing chess and Alex watches. 5:05 PM BBT Paul wants BB to give them a timer to make Josh play faster. He says maybe someone will stand at the microwave and keep putting a minute timer on it. Josh gets bit by a an on his neck. 5:08 PM BBT Alex and Christmas had moved chairs from the HOH to the balcony to watch the chess game. BB tells Alex and Christmas not to move the furniture. Alex says the chairs have been out there for days. 5:10 PM BBT Kevin tells Jason he is going to be really populate outside of the house. Because of his extreme and finding out about his baby while in the house, and the good he does, it's pure. That's what the people like. Guys that are pure. 5:12 PM BBT Kevin says he wishes BB would call Josh already. Jason asked why. Kevin says because Josh is the comp's MC. Jason "Oh yeah. That's right." Meanwhile Alex is singing "Gotta be ready for the POV." 5:14 PM BBT Kevin says he doesn't feel well. His head hurts. He is just going to lay down because he doesn't want to bum out the rest of the HGs. Meanwhile Josh beat Paul at chess. After Josh questions why Paul didn't make a particular move, Paul wants to continue. Josh doesn't understand why he always to continue when he loses and moves the pieces. Paul says because it isn't about winning anymore. I lost. But you can still learn from the game by continuing. Josh says he always behaves this way when he loses. Paul says he is never playing with Josh again. Paul says if he does one more annoying thing during a game he will never play with him again. Gentlemen do not move pieces. For Josh, it is all about winning and gentlemen play to learn.
  22. 4:35 PM BBT Christmas is talking about her time in Iraq. Christmas says the Recons go in before the Marine's infantry and clear the way. So the infantry doesn't see much combat. But, what does she know. She isn't military. 4:41 PM BBT Christmas describes being inside Saddam's palace after the military occupied it. Saddam built it to resemble the inside of the White House. She didn't get to work there, but got to tour it. 4:45 PM BBT Christmas also describes seeing the palace that was bombed. She was able to walk up the giant staircase and the roof was completely gone. There are multiple levels under the main floor and each level is completely independent and built on hydraulics. 4:48 PM BBT Christmas describes seeing the inside of Saddam's castle after it was bombed. The toilet seats, sprinklers, and shower heads were all removed because they were made of gold. 4:50 PM BBT Paul says that at this point, they need to be attacked by aliens or something. All humans will bond together because they all have something in common, they are human. Paul said he considered joining the military but his parents didn't let him. His mom even cried. 4:53 PM BBT Alex says we need to do what they do in Israel. In Israel everyone, male or female, has to serve 2 years. She feels it will help with the overall misinformation about what the military does and what they fight for. 4:57 PM BBT Jason and Kevin are in the lounge. Jason says it's 5pm and he says hello to his family. Josh comes in and asks Jason about chess. He says he is saying hi to his family. Josh says he will play with Paul first and then he will play Jason. Kevin says hello to his family also. 4:59 PM BBT Kevin says he loves his family and names all of his kids and siblings. Kevin says he is tired, doesn't feel good, head hurts. Jason laughs at him "This place sucks, it's psychological warfare." Kevin says he really hopes they get the yard tomorrow.
  23. 4:09 PM BBT Christmas and Alex have lost their appetite. One of the fish is dead and the other fish have been eating it. They ate it's eye. Christmas says she told BB the fish needed more food. Everyone comes upstairs to see the dead fish. Paul is happy that Friendship is still alive. 4:20 PM BBT Christmas, Alex, Jason, Paul, and Raven are in the KT. Kevin is, and has been for most of the day, alone in the Green BR. 4:28 PM BBT Not only is Alex impressed with Josh's sandwich making skills but she says he makes a good salad too. If he learns how to stop pulling hair he will make a great boyfriend.



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