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Everything posted by Goldylucks

  1. 2:07 AM Metta gets out of bed and goes to the speakeasy and goes to Twitter. He goes back outside to check on the dryer. Mark gets up and goes to the bathroom. Mark runs into Metta and asks if he is alright. Metta tells him yeah, he is just waiting on his clothes. Metta and Mark both go back to bed. 2:30 AM BBT Metta is again in the BY checking on the dryer. He folds his clothes on the top of the dryer, takes his clothes to the bedroom, and hops back in bed. 3:50 AM BBT Metta is once again up. He heads to the bathroom, washes his hands, spends a moment grooming in front of the mirror and goes back to bed again. 5:30 AM BBT Metta won't stay in bed. He is again up, this time getting a snack from the KT. He eats some chips and goes back to bed just as Brandi gets up. She heads to the SR and take some medicine. She then goes to the bathroom before heading back to bed. 7:30 AM BBT Mark is up and heads to the bathroom again. He washes his hands and goes back to bed. Ross and Metta are both snoring. 7:40 AM BBT It's Marissa's turn to get up and use the bathroom. She goes back to bed. 8:50 AM BBT WBRB. Maybe a wake up call.
  2. 1:03 AM BBT Ari is afraid if the veto brings Ross down that she will go up. Metta, Omarosa and Ari assure her that she has the votes over Brandi to stay. Metta tells her that she would easily have James' vote too. 1:07 AM BBT The Veto Conspiracy Theories continue in the KT between Metta, Marissa, Omarosa and Ari. They now think because of the time constraints, the veto holder automatically becomes the next HOH. 1:10 AM BBT Ari tells the others that if Brandi stays and wins HoH then she is going to put up Omarosa. Marissa says that she and Ari can convince her to go after James instead. Ari tells Omarosa that the hate between Brandi and James is real. 1:16 AM BBT Omarosa has left the others in the KT. Marissa, Metta and Ari think that James wouldn't be mad if he went home on a veto twist. He would probably think it was a good game move on their part. 1:25 AM BBT Everyone is now in bed with the exception of Metta who is folding a load of towels in the wash area. He talks to himself "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy". 1:35 AM BBT Metta goes in the BY to transfer a load of clothes from the washer to the dryer. He then puts on his hoodie and sunglasses and crawls back in bed. He snuggles Orwell and all the lights go out. Metta says goodnight to his family.
  3. 12:50 AM BBT In the KT Marissa tells Metta, Ari and Omarosa that even if Ross did come off the block and could name his own replacement he would pick James. Meanwhile Metta is chopping up garlic and lime and grosses them all out by eating it all raw, including the peel on the lime. Omarosa "That is why he is World Champion and we are little people." Marissa tells Omarosa that she didn't promise James that if he is a replacement nominee by a fluke veto thing, that she wouldn't break a tie and vote him out. They agree whoever gets James out can win the game. Ari says that James going home does them a big favor.
  4. 12:32 AM BBT Omarosa, Marissa, Ari and Ross are in the KT. Ross "What if the veto allows you to take both people off the block?" Omarosa "That would be horrible. That means half the remaining house I would have pi$$ed off." 12:34 AM BBT Ross goes to bed leaving Ari, Omarosa and Marissa in the KT. Marissa tells them that Ross has the votes to stay unless the house flips again. However if she can take him down and put up someone it will be James. But then James would have to go. 12:37 AM BBT Omarosa says she would be okay with them putting up James in a veto twist because her promise was that she wouldn't nominate or backdoor him. She honors her promise because it won't be her doing it. 12:40 AM BBT Ari tells Marissa and Omarosa that Brandi expects her vote. Omarosa says she is free to vote for who she wants. Furthermore, Rule #1 in BB is don't vote against the house. Metta walks over and they ask him his guests about the twists. He thinks the twist may bring someone back in. Marissa says there are too many people in here already. 12:42 AM BBT In front of Ari and Omarosa, Marissa asks Metta if he could vote out James if he was up on the block. He says yes. Marissa, then that is what they do. Ari asks Metta if he has a deal with Mark and James. He says he does not, but he does know that they want Brandi out. 12:45 AM BBT While talking in the KT about what to do if they get to replace Ross on the block, Metta shocks Omarosa, Marissa and Ari by eating raw garlic. He eats it raw for strength. Omarosa "Metta, that is hard core."
  5. 12:01 AM BBT Marissa is talking to Ross in the BR. She informs him about a conversation she had with Mark. He told her that the house keeps talking about how his speech was so long but it was because he knew Shannon was about to blow up everyone's game. So instead, he just kept talking. Ross "I love him. He's a genius." 12:04 AM BBT Ari is talking to Ross and Marissa. Ari says she talked to Mark. Mark told Ross he wasn't aligned with Omarosa. Ross also thinks that Metta likes him and he may vote for Ross too. Ross apologizes to Ari because Brandi may be going. Marissa says she doesn't care what the house does, she is voting for Ross to stay. Brandi knows that. She hasn't even tried to ask for her vote. 12:12 AM BBT Marissa is talking to Ari in the teal bedroom. If they get a Hail Mary tomorrow and can keep Brandi and Ross then they need to go after James first. Then Mark or Omarosa in whatever order. 12:14 AM BBT Ari asks Marissa if she and Ross have a deal with Mark and James. Marissa denies it. She then goes straight to Mark, Ross, and James and tells them that Ari knows. They all lay in bed and then after convincing the house they are asleep they will talk again. 12:22 AM BBT Marissa and Ross get up and go join Ari in the KT. Ross tells Ari that he isn't going to lie to her. He did ask Mark and James for their vote. Ross tells her that they adore her and she will not be their target. Ross admits that he trusts them (James and Mark) and that they have his ear. 12:27 AM BBT Omarosa joins Ari, Marissa and Ross in the KT. She tells them she has figured out the veto twist. The wording is clear. It changes the power. Picking who the replacement nominee is groundbreaking. Or the person who wins is safe for this eviction and the next one too. Marissa says she would eat worms for that one.
  6. 11:10 PM BBT Marissa, Omarosa, Mark and Metta are trying to figure out the POV twist. They have been told that America has a choice to change the power. They are trying to determine how that change would work. Omarosa says she doesn't care as long as she doesn't have to pick a replacement. 11:19 PM BBT In the bedroom Ari, Brandi and Ross are hanging out. Ari thinks the next comp will be identifying what happened on certain dates. Ross says he needs to study. Ari thinks she would do good. He tells her to just wear that lipstick tomorrow and she will win. 11:27 PM BBT Marissa, Metta and Omarosa are discussing the thoughts running through their heads during the endurance comp. Marissa sang songs in her head. Omarosa went through scripture. 11:35 PM BBT Brandi and James are in the WA discussing how they feel like they have no schedule at all in the BB house and haven't seen the sun in weeks. Meanwhile Omarosa tells Ari that they have to figure something out. The house wants Brandi out. Ross has the guys and he has Marissa. She tells Ari that she is about to be alone in the house. 11:37 PM BBT Omarosa tells Brandi that she has to work Metta. She has to convince him to stay and work with them. Ari says that Metta will talk. He always talks. Ari says even if she can get Metta, the others still have the votes. 11:41 James is curious about how much of the shower can be seen from the cameras hanging from the ceiling in the WA. Marissa climbs on a chair to try to get her head even with the camera. She tells him she can't even see his nipples from up there. Meanwhile Ari walks past her to the water closet and peeks over the shower door. James "Ari just straight up looked." Meanwhile BB reprimands Marissa "Safety First. No Horsing Around. Please do not move the furniture." 11:43 AM BBT Following Ari's shower peek, James tells her that if they are going to play that way then peeking in on her in the shower is fair game. Marissa "That's alright, we don't shower don't here anyway." 11:47 PM BBT Ari and Omarosa go into the gym to speak to Metta. They tell him that he needs to vote Ross out. If Brandi goes then Ross still has Marissa, James and Mark. O is going to keep her promise to James and not make him a replacement nom if the POV is used. If Metta or Ari get a POV where they can name the replacement then they can do what she can't and put up James. The house will vote him out. Because he's strong. 11:52 PM BBT Ari tells Metta and Omarosa that if Brandi stays then she will work with them. O says that gives them 4 against the other 3. After spending the better part of 10 minutes explaining why they need to vote out Ross Metta asks her "So, who do you want me to vote out?" 11:56 PM BBT Omarosa, Metta and Ari continue to talk strategy in the gym. Saving Brandi and bringing them in gives them the numbers. O asks Ari if she can stop Brandi from doing crazy things like the hinky Shannon vote. Ari says yes. Brandi will not do that again. If Omarosa or Ari can name a replacement with the POV, they will put up James.
  7. 5:30 PM BBT Before James leaves Marissa, he tells her that he is not going to go forward with this unless she is all in. Because they don't have the numbers this way. She says she understands. She just needs to process this. 5:37 PM BBT Mark and Marissa are talking in the BR. She feels like a final 4 without Ari is like screwing her over. Mark tells her that she can't take 7 people to the finale. Mark tells her that Ari screwed herself by being too aligned with Brandi. Brandi is her ride or die. 5:46 PM BBT The HGs are writing a song about Ross in the KT. Ari tries to add some verses. Brandi tells her that she needs to stick to modeling and she will be just fine. 5:55 PM BBT Ross, Ari, Brandi Ross, Omarosa and Marissa are in the KT. They are trying to help Ari create her rap. They are each trying to create their own verse. Omarosa is terrible at it. She keeps ending her verse with words that don't rhyme with anything (such as DR and veggies) making it impossible to keep the rap going.
  8. 5:01 PM BBT James, Mark and Ross have solidified they are going to work together with Marissa to get rid of Brandi, who James describes as a daily pain in his a$$. They specify that Marissa has to keep it under wraps though. 5:11 PM BBT Mark and James are playing pool and talking about riding motorcycles. You have to hyper vigilant to be safe. You have to be assume that every car in front of you is going to do something stupid. 5:19 PM BBT Marissa comes out of the DR and Tells Omarosa it is her turn. O asks her to try a corner of the slop cookie she made. She does and gives a fake smile. "I love all you guys but I am tired of trying all of your slop." O asks Marissa to watch to make sure the slop doesn't burn while she is away. Marissa agrees. Then after a minute, Marissa asks Ross to watch O's slop. 5:21 PM BBT Ross is whispering to Marissa in the WA. He tells her about Mark's and James' deal. Marissa is not exactly on board. She is concerned that means she is going to have to be ready to burn Ari and there is no guarantee that these guys are honor their agreement to begin with. Ross reminds her that Mark has never been disloyal. He advises her to talk to them. 5:24 PM BBT James is talking to Marissa as he tries to convince her to join the alliance. Marissa says if she were to win the next HoH she would want Omarosa. James says Omarosa, then Ari, and then Metta because Ari will be harder to beat than Metta. She asks about the twist with the veto. He said it doesn't matter because they have to numbers. 5:28 PM BBT Marissa says that she feels bad for Ari. James says that Brandi has already screwed her. Marissa says she just wants to sit on this for a while. Think about it. She sees this as screwing Ari over. James says she isn't screwing Ari because Ari has been floating along not making any decisions.
  9. 4:35 PM BBT We get WBRB as Brandi talks about seeing a guy from production and while Brandi pretends to imitate production during their DR sessions. 4:42 PM BBT Feeds 3 and 4 show Omarosa alone in the KT cooking. Feeds 1 and 2 show Brandi, Ross and Ari in the teal BR. They are pretending that Ari is pregnant with Ross's baby. Brandi just offered them and their bundle of joy a Final Four deal. 4:48 PM BBT Ari is in labor with her fake baby. She delivers a squash. Ross is mortified. He doesn't look anything like him. 4:55 PM BBT Ross is whispering with James and Mark in the bedroom. Ross agrees to a final four with them and Marissa. If Brandi leaves that leaves Omarosa, Ari and Metta. That's the order they will go out. Ross feels bad for Ari but she is a vote for Brandi, not him so that's his out.
  10. 2:00 PM BBT Mark and James are talking in the gym. They agree that Keshia and Omarosa will never vote for a man in the end. The guys agree that they trust Ross better than they trust Brandi so it is probably better for them if they vote out Brandi. 2:04 PM BBT James wants him and Mark to go to Omarosa and try to convince her to vote out Brandi first. Mark says that she is so dead set that Ross leaves that she won't even entertain it. It's either blindside her with it or do what she wants. 2:08 PM BBT James jokes that everyone expects him to be wild young goofball, so maybe in this case, it wouldn't hurt to be a wile young goofball. Mark thinks that they are stronger with 4 than 3. James says yeah, but can we trust Omarosa. 2:13 PM BBT Mark and James both understand that they will choose who goes home. James wants to go to Ross and solidify a Final Four that everyone will have to stick to. Omarosa's Final Four deal requires them to put too much faith in Metta. Discussing it with Marissa is best because they can tell if she lies to them because it is all over her face. 2:19 PM BBT James tells Mark he knew the all girl alliance wouldn't stick. Mark asks him where he saw the chip in the armor. James says "Six grown catty women?" He knew as soon as they tried to associate an alliance between Keshia and Chuck that it was over. 2:22 PM BBT Not yet sold that Ross would take either of them on in this game, they are discussing how they would have to convince Ross to take out Marissa. 2:26 PM BBT Mark and James consider talking to Ross and Omarosa about Omarosa's deal. The danger there is that one of them may tell Omarosa. With this new twist, she may have some type of power that she can use against them, most likely James. They decide that for now, it needs to be mums the word.
  11. 11:00 AM BBT In the KT Mark mentions to Marissa that they are out of paper towels and toilet paper. She goes to the DR to tell BB. Meanwhile Mark goes to the sliding glass door and listens. They are on IDLD and he says that they are blasting some tunes out there. 11:15 AM BBT Ross, Mark, James, and Marissa are chatting in the kitchen. James jokes that he has been on the block more than half the time he was in the house. Mark says that if he could tell future HGs anything, it is to win the first HoH. Marissa "Why? She's gone?" 11:23 AM BBT Marissa, Mark, James and Ross are in the KT talking about the Black Box competition. Ross admits that he needed directions told to him more than once. He also admits that he was giddy with just hearing the sound of someone else talking to him. The cameras switch so that all 4 feeds are on dark bedrooms.
  12. 10:00 AM BBT BB is really letting them sleep in. Everyone is in bed. No wake up call yet. 10:05 AM BBT Metta is up. He goes to the KT and reads the instruction card sitting on the counter. He then heads to the bathroom and then brushes his teeth. 10:10 AM BBT Marissa gets up and uses the bathroom. Metta tells her "morning" as she walks by. Marissa responds with a gesture. Metta stops by the fish to watch them for a minute before heading back to the bedroom. ' 10:30 AM BBT WBRB. This time it is probably the wake up call. 10:50 AM BBT The feeds return. James and Mark are awake in the WA. Marissa and Ross are up and in the bedroom. Mark and James whisper to each other that if their plan with O is going to work then they need to share some details with Metta. That's a huge risk. 10:57 AM BBT Marissa and James discuss the day. They do not expect that they have anything planned for today. Meanwhile Mark is complaining that the kitchen is trashed. "What is this frat house?"
  13. 24. "Short People Problems" was created by Heather, another member of Morty's TV Facebook Group.
  14. 9:00 AM BBT All 4 feeds on sleeping HGs. Ari is in the DR. 9:18 AM BBT WBRB 9:29 AM BBT Feeds return. All 4 feeds are still on sleeping HGs in bed with the lights off. 9:37 AM BBT It is all quiet in the BB with all 4 feeds on HGs still in bed with the lights off. The only exception is what sounds like someone quietly crying. The cameras aren't showing it, but the way they sound when they clear their throat makes it sound like it is probably Ross. 9:40 AM BBT Brandi gets up, heads to the SR to grab some meds and then takes them back to the BR with her. Ari is in bed but not asleep. Brandi tells her that she has a really bad sinus headache.
  15. 8:25 AM BBT The feeds return. Ari has finished with her makeup for now. Ross is now awake and puts on his robe before heading to the WC. 8:30 AM BBT The bedroom lights are now on in the Teal BR. Ari is looking inside the wardrobe. Brandi has covered her head with the comforter. 8:34 AM BBT Ari goes to change on feeds 3 and 4 and BB gives her some privacy, changing the feeds to HGs sleeping in bed. As soon as Ari is covered the feeds cut back to her. She is now completely dressed for the day. 8:40 AM Ari is still the only one up and now fully dressed, goes back to the WA to apply some more makeup. 8:45 AM BBT Fully dressed and the only one awake, Ari heads to the DR.
  16. 7:00 AM BBT BB zooms in on the spy screen in the HoHR. Ari's restlessness has won over as she gets up, puts on her silk robe, and exits the BR. She heads to the WC. 7:10 AM BBT Ari is still up and she gathers a bunch of stuff from her BR and takes it the WA. Marissa gets up, heads to the WC, tells Ari good morning, and heads back to bed. WBRB 7:25 AM BBT The feeds return. Feeds 1 and 2 show Ari awake and in the WA putting on makeup. Feeds 3 and 5 show HGs asleep in the BR with the lights out. 7:58 AM BBT Ari has been awake and in the WA putting on makeup for 30 minutes. Mark gets up and heads to the WC. They greet each other with good mornings.
  17. 3:13 AM BBT The feeds return and all 4 feeds show everyone is in bed. However it looks more like Metta literally fell in bed face down. 3:24 AM BBT Brandi sits up in bed and is putting lotion on her legs. She lays back down again. Everyone is in bed now and the lights are off. 5:11 AM BBT All feeds are on sleeping HGs but we can hear someone moving around. Metta is snoring. He goes from a loud snore to a much more quiet snore to no snore at all which then repeats without ever moving a muscle. 6:45 AM WBRB. Surely not an early wake up call. 6:56 AM BBT The feeds return. All the feeds are on HGs in bed in dark bedrooms. Ari seems to be restless and rolling around quite a bit.
  18. 2:15 AM BBT Metta is restless. He gets up, heads outside and fidgets with the washer and dryer and heads inside to Tweet. He goes to the LR and just sits watching the fish. 2:45 AM BBT Metta is the only one up and appears restless. After watching the fish for 20 minutes he heads to the water closet and is walking around the house. WBRB.
  19. 1:15 AM BBT Everyone is in bed except for Ari and Brandi who are awake in the teal BR. Brandi is removing her makeup and Ari is just sitting on the edge of the bed looking like she is wide awake still. 1:41 AM BBT Everyone is in bed except for Ari and Brandi who leave their beds to go outside and check on the laundry. Brandi opens the dryer and tells her that the laundry still isn't dry. They empty the contents of the dryer anyway. 1:50 AM BBT All HGs are now in bed.
  20. 12:12 AM BBT Brandi and Ari are in the teal bedroom. Ari is ironing sheets. Marissa "You are ironing sheets? I have never seen anyone iron sheets." Ari explains that they were wet and wrinkled. 12:20 AM BBT The group outside has gone inside. Most of the HGs are getting ready for bed. 12:34 AM BBT Marissa, Brandi, Ross, Ari, and Metta are in the Teal BR. They got a couple new owls from POP tonight. Ari tells them that Orwell and Peter the owls have been hooking up. Marissa pokes fun at Ari again for ironing sheets. "This makes zero sense to me." 12:45 PM BBT All four feeds show Metta, James, and Ross in bed. The lights are still on as Marissa is walking around the room still getting ready for bed. 12:54 AM BBT It is clear that Ari hasn't not put on many fitted sheets because she doesn't seem to understand that there is a right way and wrong way to put them on. After getting frustrated with Brandi's directions she tells her "You are bossy, you do it yourself."
  21. 11:14 PM BBT Omarosa, James, Mark and Metta are now alone on the patio. They are discussing Brandi. James says that she is mean and when she talks he goes back to what his dad told him when he was 8. To get respect you have to give respect. Mark says meanness is her talent. If you give me a microphone then I am going to sing into it. You put her on a reality show and that is what she is going to do. James says that's possible but you have to know your audience. 11:27 PM BBT Brandi is in the WA with Ross and Ari. Brandi says that someone had to tell Omarosa about their final four alliance. Ross "Or she had eyeballs." Brandi "She knew were working together but not that we had a final four." Ross "But, there's four of us. Anyone could have seen that." 11:42 PM BBT James is asking Omarosa about what her husband does. She explains what he does as a biblical scholar and that his studies include the Dead Sea scrolls. This lead to a conversation about Judaism and eventually the holocaust. 11:50 PM BBT The house is literally divided. Ross, Ari, Brandi and Marissa are inside the house. Mark, James, Metta and Omarosa are outside. The group inside have been talking about those outside and those outside have been talking about those inside.



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