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Everything posted by Goldylucks

  1. 9:34 AM BBT Omarosa and Ari are talking in the Teal BR. Omarosa tells her that Ross is going to ask her to take him to the finale. Omarosa tells her that if Ari gets to choose, she needs to take Mark to the finale. She tells her that if she takes Ross, he wins. Ari tells her that she promised Ross already. She says that Ross said he would be happy to be 2nd to her. Omarosa tells her that isn't true. He wants Ari to take him because he has more wins and thinks he can beat her. Take Mark. All he has is one HoH that was given to him. 9:42 AM BBT Kitties. Probably time for the nomination ceremony.
  2. 9:00 AM BBT Everyone is up and getting ready for the day. Ari and Mark talk about how weird it was last night without James and Brandi there. Their rooms felt empty without them. Ari gives Mark a little touch up of makeup on his chin. 9:05 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Marissa and Mark in the KT. She tells him about battling cancer while trying to nail the role for Hairspray. She didn't tell anyone about her surgeries because they would have hired someone else. At one point her sister made her a padded costume so that she would still look the right size and not sick. 9:10 AM BBT Marissa and Mark are still talking in the KT. She gets a bit choked up when she discusses how she was living alone in a studio apartment when she was dealing with cancer and then all of a sudden Peter and Kathy Skolari came and stay with her to help her. She said it was everything. 9:20 AM BBT Marissa and Mark are in the KT talking about their kids. They also try to determine how the evicted HGs would vote. They agree that most of them will vote game not feelings. Brandi will vote feelings. 9:28 AM BBT Marissa and Mark are talking about the finale. Marissa says that Ari can beat everybody. She also thinks that Ari will take Omarosa to the end with her. Mark asks about women voting for women. Marissa tells him if the woman thing was real then why did women keep putting up women. No man ever sent one of the women home. It was the women doing it to each other.
  3. 8:16 AM BBT the feeds return and Mark is telling Ross and Marissa about times he peed in bed because he thought had gotten up and gone to the bathroom and hadn't. He starts by saying it happened once or twice. Eventually he says about four times. Ross jokes each time he talks about it, it goes up. Marissa says by the end of the day he is going to be saying "Okay, it happened 17 times." 8:19 AM BBT Mark is complaining to Marissa that he is going to have to clean the shower before he takes a shower. He says each time he goes in there there is hair and makeup and scuzz in the drain. He says they are relatively clean in there. Imagine a bunch of 20 year old kids in there. 8:25 AM BBT Everyone but Ari is up doing ADL's. Ross has been called to the DR. 8:30 AM BBT Omarosa goes to the SR. BB has left her a HOH basket and letter. She decides to leave the basket in the KT because there is no way they can eat it all by tomorrow. 8:39 AM BBT Omarosa says she has no idea how they are going to be able to be ready by 9:30 when there won't be any hot water left. Something is supposed to happen at 9:30 but Mark keeps singing so we get WBRB. 8:44 AM BBT Marissa hasn't got out of bed yet but is awake. She talks to Mark about how the fans are probably ticked off when Metta left the house. She says she knows this show and fans frown upon people quitting the show. 8:54 AM BBT Everyone is now up and getting dressed. The monitor in the LR says Nominations Today. Ari made the coffee this morning and she and Mark discuss the quality of real Colombian coffee.
  4. 3:00 AM BBT All HGs in bed. 5:16 AM BBT Mark gets up and goes to the bathroom and then goes back to bed. The cameras do not follow. 8:00 AM BBT BB Good morning HGs. It's time to get up WBRB.
  5. 2:00 AM BBT Ross and Ari are talking in the bedroom. Ross asks her who she is taking to final 2. She says either him or Marissa. Ross tells her that she would win against him and he would love to get second place to her. Ross says he positioned it so that everyone knows to save her. That was part of the deal because he kept his word to protect her. Ari says she will definitely take him to the finale. Ross just says that he wants to get there. He doesn't have to win. "If we get Omarosa out, we are good." 2:07 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Mark in bed with the lights out. Feeds 3 and 4 show Ari in the teal BR alone. She is packing up her makeup bag. She sniffles and wipes a tear away from her face. 2:15 AM BBT The cameras focus on Ari is reading the Bible in bed. Omarosa was last seen washing her face and removing makeup in the wash area. 2:29 AM BBT Omarosa joins Ari in the teal BR. Omarosa shows her how her ring is hurting her finger. She never takes it off but now she feels like she has to. Ari says it is probably stress. Ari and Omarosa both crawl into bed. Omarosa reads a scripture passage to Ari. She says it is one of her favorite bedtime ones. They say goodnight to each other. They both admit that they miss Brandi before going to sleep. 2:35 AM BBT Marissa comes out of the DR. She adds some items into her suitcase in the bedroom. She then crawls into bed. Ross, who is also already in bed (he has not gotten his HOHR yet) tells her goodnight. 2:44 AM BBT All HGs are in bed. Lights are off. Marissa and Ross whisper to each other from across the room how proud they are of each other and that they love each other.
  6. 1:00 AM BBT Ross, Marissa and Ari are in the bedroom talking. Ross says that Omarosa did what the house was always saying they would do. Break up a pair and if you can't, backdoor James. 1:08 AM BBT Ross tells Omarosa that she has been delightful. Omarosa jokes "Hey, you are going to mess up my set up. Bad girls get more money than good girls." Ross says her next gig is going to be something she produced about church, husband, life and Jacksonville: The First Lady of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church. 1:16 AM BBT Omarosa, Mark, Marissa and Ross are in the KT. Omarosa admits that she was a fan of Chuck. They start discussing what was going on in the house when Chuck left. They discuss how his leaving was Shannon's mastermind from beginning to end. Omarosa says that it was so good and so masterfully executed that she dug her own grave. 1:23 AM BBT Omarosa, Mark, Marissa and Ross talk about how close they got to everyone in the house. Omarosa says when she was on Apprentice she didn't get as close to everyone she competed against because they were together maybe 12 hours a day. They split up each night. 1:31 AM BBT Marissa admits to the rest of the house that she honestly thought she was going home during the double eviction. Ross said James may not feel this way now, but it is actually very flattering to be considered such a threat they backdoor you. 1:33 AM BBT Ross, Mark and Omarosa are telling Marissa that everyone in the house loves her. Omarosa says she can remember the moment she knew she loved her. They were upstairs in the HOH and Shannon was crying. It was an Emmy worthy cry. And Marissa, who had taken her medication already, laughed out loud and said "And that is really good TV". 1:40 AM BBT Ross and Mark are talking in the bedroom. They agree the girls alliance will control the jury vote. Mark tells Ross his only chance of winning is by taking him or Omarosa with him to the finale. 1:44 AM BBT Omarosa moves a chair in the bedroom to open up the space some more. BB tells her to stop that. She asks if she can leave the chair there. BB tells her to stop that. She takes that as code to go and put the chair back. Everyone tells Mark goodnight as he crawls into bed. Ross promises to wake him up if he gets his HOH room. 1:47 AM BBT Marissa gets called to the DR. Before she goes Marissa and Ross tell each other how proud they are of each other and how they were always faithful to each other. They tell each other that they love one another. Marissa says that Ross is the only one that she never talked crap about. Ross jokes "Well, I didn't know that we were doing that." 1:52 AM BBT Ari jokes that she is divorcing Ross. Omarosa says as her divorce attorney, Ari is getting half. Ross says that's fine as long as she can prove they consummated the marriage. Ari says that Ross did her makeup so that counts. Omarosa and Ross then talking about how nice BB has been lately. BB is giving them food and doing their laundry since they can't ever go outside. 1:55 AM BBT Ross is going to bed. He says he wants one more kiss from Ari before he goes. Omarosa "The little boy toy is gone." Ross "I'm the boy toy, get a clue." 1:57 AM BBT Ross goes off and sits in a chair in the bedroom by himself. He appears to be very deep in thought and maybe even a bit sad.



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