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Posts posted by Goldylucks


    10:55 AM BBT Cirie and Izzy are sitting together in the BY. Izzy says that Jag looks real nervous. They have no idea why. Jared, Red and Cory are sitting on the patio discussing life outside the house. They are trying to determine which species of birds they are viewing from the BY. 


    10:59 AM BBT Cameron, Blue and America are sitting by the hammock. They discuss how Hisam has been grilling everyone that was close to Reilly about her conversations before she let. He must be convinced that Reilly said something about him before she left because he won't let it go. Cameron is looking forward to winning the veto and Hisam sitting on the block. He imagines the sound the box (that holds the veto) is going to make when he slams it shut. They confirm that Red is in on the plan because anything that Bowie knows, the rest of the house knows. 


    11:14 AM BBT the HGs are sitting around and waiting for the veto to start. Mecole and Jag are playing pool. Jag jokes that he has had 8 shots and every single one of his balls are still on the table. Mecole says that she feels like she is starting to remember the technique now. 


    11:25 AM BBT Mecole clears the table by getting 5 shots in a row. The last shot was luck because the 8 ball rebounded from where she was targeting and went into a corner pocket. Matt explains that if you play pocket, that would have been a loss because the 8 ball didn't go into her targeted pocket. You are supposed to call which pocket the 8 ball goes into. 


    11:40 AM BBT The feeds are now on RCHS. [However, the left audio and right audio are not on the same loop. So the sound is just awful. I am having to remove one my ear buds in order to not lose whatever sanity I have left~ Goldylucks]

  2. 10:27 AM BBT America and Blue continue to talk about Hisam while swinging on the hammock. Blue tells her that she told Jared that Hisam thinks he is Megamind. He acts like he is running in the house. He is getting on their last nerve. He is obnoxious. 


    10:35 AM BBT In all corners of the house, the HGs are speculating what type of Veto comp they are going to play. The general consensus is that it is likely to have something to do with the comicverse. Cirie jokes that if they create her into a comic, it is definitely going to incorporate her robe because she is always in it. 


    10:44 AM BBT Hisam and Cameron are in the gym. Hisam is on the stationary bike. He tells Cameron that this is going to be an easy week, Cameron leaves and Matt walks in. They discuss that Red made some slop that is pretty good. After Matt leaves, all 4 feeds are on Hisam who is studying the dates. He whispers to himself what happened on each day. 

  3. 10:17 AM  BBT America and Blue are whispering on the hammock. They expect that this will be the last week where the house is going to agree on who is leaving. They need to start looking to next week. Blue thinks it will be Cameron next, then Red, then Bowie. However, it all depends on who wins HoH. They suspect that Bowie would cry if she ever won HoH. 


    10:22 AM BBT America and Blue are discussing that Red is fully aware of the BD plan. Felicia suspects it was Bowie that spilled the beans. 

  4. 10:09 AM BBT Izzy, Cameron, and Cirie are in the KT. They are cooking bacon in the oven. Red has figured out that the back left corner of the oven cooks hotter than the rest of the oven. Red "Do you mind if I watch you eat that?" Meanwhile Hisam is working out in the  BY. He tells Izzy that he is excited to watch this veto. He hopes it is some kind of puzzle. 


    10:13 AM BBT America, Jared, and Jag are sitting on the patio. Blue is out there too, but she is napping. They agree that this (BD plan) is going to be the funniest sh*t, America says that she wants popcorn when she watches it go down.

  5. 9:27 AM BBT Red is in the shower and Izzy is in the WA brushing her teeth. He tells Izzy that he needs to figure out which shoes he is going to wear. [This likely means that Red is playing.] They discuss that they are out of clean clothes, so they are glad that BB is going to provide them clothes to wear. 


    9:29 AM BBT Bowie joins Red's and Izzy's celebration in the WA. Izzy "the 3 of us are in it." [Bowie is hosting]


    9:45 AM BBT Izzy joins Cameron, Blue and Bowie on the patio. They tell Bowie that she is going to be a great host. 


    The players for the veto are Felicia, Cameron, Jag, Izzy, Red, and Cory. Bowie is hosting. 


    9:47 AM BBT Cory is on the hammock and Izzy is sitting next to him. Cory "I don't know what magic you worked on Cam. But, he is like I trust Izzy and I would pick her for the thing," Izzy "I have been sucking it up and working on him. I have been doing double duty." Cory "From my perspective, you don't like him." Izzy "I don't". 


    9:48 AM BBT Izzy and Cory discuss that Cameron is probably not targeting Izzy right now. Maybe later. They hope that Red throws the comp. 



    8:35 AM BBT Felicia confirms that they haven't discussed the plan with Red because they didn't know how close he was to Hisam. However, Red approached her and told her in a round about way that he knew about plan and that he was kept out of the loop. Felicia says it had to be Cameron or Bowie that filled him in. It would be stupid if it was Cameron since he is on the block. Maybe he is that stupid. Probably not. It had to be Bowie.


    8:37 AM BBT Felicia is planning to confront Bowie and ask her when she told Red about the plan to BD Hisam (not if she told him, but when) and then judge her reaction. You can always tell by the reaction. 


    8:42 AM BBT the feeds switch to Izzy, Red and Bowie on the patio. Izzy scats and says she would clean house if they had a scat karaoke. Red says that the people always kind of go crazy when he sings "Man of Constant Sorrow" by the Soggy Bottom Boys. He tells the girls that "Man of Constant Sorrow" is just a retelling of Homer's Odyssey. Izzy says that she knew that already. Bowie says that she didn't know that, but she has a hard time figuring out anything that he says. 

    8:50 AM BBT Blue tells Matt that they are going to pick players soon for the veto, but that BB asked them to clean up a bit first. 


    8:53 AM BBT Feeds switch to RCHS. It must be time to pick veto players. 


  7. 7:32 AM BBT Feeds switch to WBRB. [Which looks like a 70s disco acid trip ~ Goldylucks] 


    WBRB Acid Trip.png


    8:00 AM  BBT Feeds return. BB has woken up the house. Feeds are on Cory and Cameron are in the hammock in the BY. They discuss that if Hisam is not picked to play in the veto, it is going to be a really good day. But, how sweet will it be if he does get picked to play and throws the comp. 


    8:09 AM BBT Jag and Bowie are talking on the patio. They are looking forward to the veto, but are dreading all the game talk afterwards. He asks her about where she grew up. She says that she grew up in Melbourne, Australia. It is winter there right now. She has 1 brother. He is "super academic". 


    8:12 AM BBT Big Brother calls Hisam to the DR. "Man, I just started working out." All 4 feeds are on Cameron and Cory on the hammock. They joke that 11 of the 14 HGs are all HoHs this week. The house is united against Hisam. It is like one big alliance. They should name it House over Hisam (HoH). 


    House over Hisam.jpg


    8:20 AM BBT Cameron tells Cory that he has probably gotten a lot of screen time being on the block like he has. He feels like he got clumped on the wrong side of the house for a bit, but now he gets to play with the people that he wants to. Like Cory, and Jared. 


    8:24 AM BBT The feeds switch to Izzy, Cirie, and Red in the KT. Red says that his bacon or eggs are almost already. "At least I am going to pretend that's what it is." He tells the ladies that he feels 400x better than he did yesterday, and that is no exaggeration. He got some good sleep. 


    8:27 AM the ants have taken over the BB Kitchen. Felicia says as soon as Hisam is out of the DR, she is going to BB to complain about the ants. She calls it an infestation and disgusting. 


    8:28 AM BBT Felicia and Blue are talking in the HoH. Hisam is clueless that both nominees are pawns with the goal to BD him. Blue is describing a conversation she had with Hisam. She says that she deserves an Oscar for her performance after Jag was nominated. She managed to let Hisam see a single tear fall from her eye. Blue says that Hisam had the audacity to offer her some honest advice. Hisam told her that she needs to recognize that she is too associated with her friends and became one of Reilly's minions. Hisam also said that because they are friends and he is honest, she needs to play her own game and stop playing for her friends. 


    8:32 AM BBT Felicia says that Hisam's mistake is talking to everyone individually and not realizing that everyone is talking to each other. Has he not watched the fu**ing show or not? 

    Felicia and Blue.jpg

  8. 7:29 AM BBT Matt and Bowie are talking in the BY. Matt wants to save his energy in hopes that he gets to play in the veto. Bowie feels like she hasn't played in much of anything yet, but it is still early. They discuss that some of the HG's like Cameron, Blue, and Hisam have played in all the veto comps so far. Everyone wants to play to backdoor Hisam. Bowie wants a one day break from game talk. she mentions that the rumors going around all last night were ridiculous. No one is trusting each other. She hopes she doesn't have to talk game at all today. Let the real game talk happen tomorrow.


    7:03 AM BBT Matt wakes up in the HN room and starts putting on his shoes. He heads down to use the bathroom. 


    7:10 AM BBT Matt and Bowie chat in the WA. Matt mentions that he can't sleep. She tells him that she woke up at 5:00 AM so she went out to lift weights. It is nice out there. He should go out and see for himself. 


    7:25 AM BBT Bowie has put on her makeup and is getting dressed for the day. She walks around the dark bedroom with her hands outstretched in front of her trying to be as quiet as she can (by not bumping into things) and not waking anyone up. It takes her a moment to find the doorknob in the dark. Meanwhile, Matt is sitting on the hammock in the BY drinking coffee. 




  10. 6:00 AM BBT Bowie is alone in the BY. She is standing at the weight bench. She isn't working out. She appears to be staring into space, or deep in thought. 


    6:10 AM BBT Bowie switches the laundry from the washer to the dryer. She starts sorting the dirty laundry from the hamper in the BY. 


    6:20 AM BBT Bowie is the only one awake. She briefly works out, but it doesn't appear that her heart is in it. She has intermittent moments where she just stands at the weight bench and stares out across the yard. 




    6:51 AM BBT Bowie heads back into the house. She heads to the WA and grabs a bunch of dirty towels to add to the pile of dirty laundry in the BY. She is prepping to take a shower.


    6:57 AM BBT Now that Bowie is in the shower, all 4 feeds are on the HoH room where Felicia is sleeping in the dark. 


    5:58pm BBT Brittany and Taylor are talking up in the loft. She is scared the doors are going to open and Joseph won't be there. That would mean everything bad that could happen did. He hasn't won anything yet, so I really hope that he wins veto. 


    6:01pm BBT the Dyre Fest crew are sitting around the table in the BY. The shower is rough. They have nothing to season their food with. Everything is tough and bland. Meanwhile, Michael tried to find out what time BB was going to wake them up tomorrow. BB wouldn't say.


    6:06pm BBT Turner and Joseph talk in the BY. Turner says that he thinks Joseph is going to be fine. He thinks he is the target. Joseph says that being on the block is harder than he thought that it would be. 


    6:07pm BBT The BY crew are talking about what they think are the worst parts about living outdoors. Alyssa says it is sharing a port a potty with 4 guys. The guys think it is the food, or the lack therefore. But it is better than being on slop so they are grateful. 


    6:13pm BBT Taylor, Michael and Brittany are in the loft trying to figure out what Terrance is going to do. They feel that he is pretty close to Turner so hopefully he is safe. But, he picked Turner first so that is concerning. Maybe he thinks Turner would do what he wants.


    6:18pm BBT Jasmine tells Brittany and Michael that she can't believe Fyre Fest is part of their season. She tells them that they have to watch the documentary about it. It is about a fraudulent luxury festival. People didn't even have access to water. 


    6:26pm BBT Taylor, Jasmine and Michael hope that Indy has made it the jury house. That is luxury. Don't have to take care of anyone but yourself. Wake up when you want. It should feel really good to her after her week of punishment. 


    5:10pm BBT Alyssa, Kyle, Joseph and Turner are sitting on the patio. They are talking about how long the week is going to feel like. And as hot it is right now, in a couple hours it is going to be so cold. They discuss how random it was that BB gave them glow sticks. 


    5:13pm BBT Joseph and Turner whisper on the patio. Joseph says that he isn't going to betray you guys. Turner agrees and then starts beat boxing. He says that was pretty sick. He then complains how the chlorine is damaging his hair. 


    5:15pm BBT Alyssa goes to where Terrance is laying to get clothes. She is going to take a shower. She tells him that she is going to be really not okay if they don't get to say goodbye to whomever leaves inside the house, probably Jasmine. She will not be okay for a while. 


    5:25pm BBT All 4 feeds remain on the BY. Alyssa is showering. Turner mentions to Kyle and Joseph that the girls need to shower in bathing suits because their shower is in front of the one of the mirrors. Turner says he has only watched seasons 18-23.


    5:50pm BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Brittany rummaging through the fridge for a snack. Feeds 3 and 4 show Terrance, Turner, Kyle and Joseph hanging out by their makeshift kitchen and grill while they eat. Alyssa joins them looking for the non-wet bread. 



    4:45pm BBT Terrance admits that he might have made an assumption about Turner. Turner says that he understands. He appreciates Terrance's help keeping him safe if he can. Terrance says that he got called to the DR before he had a chance to process everything. 


    4:47pm BBT Turners says it is fine as long as Joseph doesn't win the veto. Terrance says that it is 4 against 1. He has no chance. Terrance says that he believes Turner when he says that he was in with Joseph and didn't know that he threw OTEV. 


    4:49pm BBT Joseph sits down with Terrance. Terrance says it was strictly strategic. The ultimate move is Kyle. You got to come through with the veto bro. Terrance asked him why he turned from Indy to him. He said it was because Indy was locked in with the girls, not me. 



    4:53pm BBT Joseph tells Terrance that Indy made it clear that she was completely locked in with the girls. Terrance always had his vote. Joseph says that he will make a game move regardless. He is not here just to buy time. 



    4:57pm BBT Terrance tells Joseph that it is similar with Jasmine. He didn't pick her because she would never protect him over the girls. Every time they talk game, she tells him Let Me See. I don't got time for that. Terrance says that he just needs Joseph to win veto. 


    5:00pm BBT Terrance says he has every intention of finding out how it went down that Taylor put him on the block. He can't get the answer to that question because he can't get in the house. He is up against bigger odds going back in the house. Monte knows he threw veto. 


    5:03pm BBT Terrance tells Joseph that he is going to be walking back in the house very vulnerable. The house now knows he threw veto. He can't play next week. He has to be able to trust Joseph. Joseph says he will do what he can to protect Terrance. 


    5:05pm BBT Joseph tells Terrance that he is dead in the water. Kyle and Alyssa would both probably take down Turner if they won POV. They won't use it on him. I am tight with them, but they are tighter. Joseph and Turner are the Dyre Fest nominees for eviction. 

  14. 4:40pm BBT Alyssa informs Terrance that he is now free from his tattoos. Alright T, you are officially a free man. He replies Oh my God, what a punishment. 



    4:41pm BBT Turner is talking to Terrance. Terrance says that he only told Joseph and Taylor about how he threw OTEV. Yet, Turner knew about it. Turner denies knowing it anything it before right now.  Terrance says that Turner is absolutely not his target


    8:07pm BBT The HGs celebrate that they all made it jury. They have had OTEV and the wall comp. Now they are ready for Zingbot. Indy is called to the DR upstairs. She says guys, I got to shower. You are going to have a blue heifer up there. 


    8:12pm BBT Everyone is standing around in the KT except for Indy who is in the shower and Taylor who is in the DR. They are teasing Daniel for saying Bozo, circus and clowns in his last speech. Joseph says, well he wanted to be with Nicole. Now he is. 


    8:15pm BBT Michael is putting up the dishes. Several of the HGs are patiently waiting for their turn in the shower. Taylor comes out of the DR. Brittany and Alyssa great her and tell her that she totally rocked it. She was so solid that it was crazy.


    8:17pm BBT Brittany to Taylor: Daniel goes home AND you win HoH. Taylor: Hello! Michael examines the spatula in the kitchen. It is filthy. Monte: how can we live in such conditions? Taylor tells Jasmine that she is looking forward to the private bed and bath. 


    8:20pm BBT In the Golf BR, Taylor says to Jasmine and Brittany: Not to put salt in a wound, but that must have been really hard for Nicole to watch. Right after he walks out. Okay. No more gloating.


    8:22pm BBT Taylor and Brittany do a brief victory dance in the SR. Indy finally reports to the DR. Michael and Jasmine are fighting ants in the KT. Just seeing all the ants is making her itch. 


    SR Celebration.jpg


    7:36pm BBT the wall is leaning far. They are all struggling. Turner falls. Joseph, Taylor and Kyle remain. The boys are struggling, bent 90 degrees over and about to fall. The wall straightens back up. Taylor is looking strong. 


    7:38pm BBT Wall leans again. Joseph falls. Taylor and Kyle are all that remain. Taylor looks really strong. Kyle is relaxing as the walls straightens back up. 


    7:40pm BBT Only Taylor and Kyle remain. The walls tilts maximum lean. Kyle is cursing. Taylor is moaning. Kyle falls. Taylor wins HoH. 


    7:41pm BBT Taylor wins HoH. 


     7:41pm BBT Taylor has won HoH. She jumps down and cries joyfully. This is for my mom. Kyle hugs her. FotH.


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    8:00pm BBT The feeds return. Taylor says the water was not as cold as she expected it to be. Jasmine says that the air blasts on her side of the wall was worse than the other side. Someone got hit in the crotch by one of the newspapers. Taylor is going to the DR. 


    8:03pm BBT On the way to the DR, Taylors stops to talk to Michael. They discuss that Daniel is going to be pi**ed. Boring season my a**. She is very excited that won HoH right after his eviction. She is going to ask for Janet Jackson but will be happy to get Beyonce. 


    8:05pm BBT Taylor is in the DR. The HGs are deciding where they want to sleep tonight. The guys tell Indy they are proud of her for how long she stayed on the wall. Terrance says that Taylor's feet were the perfect size for that comp. She fit it perfectly. 

  17. 7:03pm BBT The feeds return and everyone but Jasmine is on the wall. No one appears to be struggling at all. Turner looses his tin foil cap. BB tells them not to trust the government because aliens are here. They are hit with nasty green slime. They say it is warm. 


    7:06pm BBT Michael tells everyone good job, you are making your family proud. The HGs give shout outs to their family and friends. Though on the sidelines, Jasmine is still wearing her tin foil hat. She tells them to think about that letter. 


    7:08pm BBT Fake news is everywhere man. A bunch of newspaper rolls fall from above them. Brittany falls a minute later. 


    7:10pm BBT Turner is trying to wipe his face off by rubbing it against his shoulder. Monte has a newspaper stuck on his right shoulder. The wall tilts and Terrance falls. Terrance was slow to get up. Alyssa loses her tin foil cap.


    7:12pm BBT Terrance states that he had a cramp in his foot. Indy is flexing her arms a lot. Jasmine hugs and consoles Brittany. We get FotH. Most likely BB giving them instructions. Feeds return 7:14pm. Michael shouts out who is remaining on the wall for production value. 


    7:16pm BBT Michael says that Turner looks like he is having the time of his life up there. Alyssa is flexing her wrist. She is really working it. Taylor hasn't moved. Joseph has lowered his head, but seems strong. The loch-ness monster is real. Blue goo for everybody.




    7:18pm BBT Jasmine tells them that they look like a beautiful box of crayons. The wall straightens up giving them some much needed relief. Monte slips at 7:21pm almost immediately followed by Alyssa. 


    7:22pm BBT And there are 5 people left, Taylor, Joseph, Kyle, Turner and Indy. We keep getting brief FotH while BB gives Michael instructions on what to say for production.


    7:25pm BBT Kyle slips, but saves himself. The wall is up enough that they can release a bit. Turner tried to wipe his goggles. Joseph asked him how it worked. He said it made it worse. Sasquatch fur is dropped by above. Joseph says that was gross and he is itchy now. 


    7:27pm BBT Joseph keeps talking back to the conspiracy theorists. The wall starts to drop forward pretty drastically. They are leaning rather far forward. BB then gives them some relief and rises back up slightly. 


    7:31pm BBT  We get audio from the alien spacecraft. They get probed, with alien probing gel. Also known as pink goo. Jasmine reminds them that they want those letters. Indy appears to be struggling. The HGs on the sideline offer support. The wall is leaned far forward. 


    7:32pm BBT Indy falls. All that remains on the wall now is Taylor, Joseph, Kyle and Turner. 


    7:35pm BBT Lots of complaints about their forearms hurting. Taylor asks Joseph how he is doing. Joseph says that he has seen better days. FotH. 


    12:00pm BBT Everyone is up and about. Not much going on. Terrance and Daniel have been talking about their favorite liquor in the BY. BB keeps asking Joseph to put his microphone on. Joseph and Taylor discuss that besties has to end after next week or no one will be left.


    12:15pm BBT Terrance, Daniel, Brittany and Michael are talking about the OTEV comp in the BY. They costumes were all out and the wetter it got, the heavier it got. BB knew what they were doing. It was sauced. 


    12:20pm BBT Indy joins the HGs in the BY. She jokes that she is going to kick Kyle and Alyssa out of her room and put them in the HN room. She said no more Have Nots. She is going to call it the Have Naughty. 


    12:25pm BBT Indy asks Brittany about her knee. The cut on her knee required 6 stitches. Indy is fascinated with blood. She loves medical TV shows and should have been a doctor. 

  19. 11:25am BBT In the HoH, Taylor tells Michael that Daniel threw her a terrible pitch to keep him. Michael says that their attempt to split up their alliance has only made their alliance stronger. 


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    11:35am BBT In the Golf BR, Taylor talks to the cameras. She may have to send Terrance out this week. She is okay with doing that morally because he did make a pitch to get rid of her. However, she doesn't want to evict a black person before jury.


    11:45am BBT In the BY, Daniel and Terrance work on his strategy. Terrance tells him that all he has to do is give them enough to make them think in this game. You can't be afraid to say things. Daniel says this move would be huge for those considered weaker players. History


    11:47am BBT Daniel needs to remind Michael that his resume is out of control with all the wins and that he is vulnerable after this week. 


    10:42am BBT BB has left Michael a spare key to the HoH in the SR. He is thankful and rushes to retrieve it. Meanwhile, Taylor vents to Jasmine in the BY. The HGs left all the clothes outside by the laundry area, some even on the ground, and they are now covered in ants. 


    10:50am BBT In the BY, Jasmine asks Taylor what she thinks about noms staying the same. Taylor said only reason she would want Monte to go is so she can take Daniel out herself. And she will tell him that herself. But, she understand the house's appeal to do it right now.


    10:56am BBT Taylor tells Jasmine that she would be okay with Monte leaving this week if that is what the house decides. Jasmine says that surprises her. They joke that Monte looks like one of Taylor's exes. Jasmine says that Monte told her the same about Taylor. They laugh. 


    11:00am BBT Terrance and Daniel have joined Jasmine and Taylor in the BY. They are glad that they got real cowboy boots and hats for the comp, not dollar store stuff. They joke that they can walk into The Dollar Store and spend over $60 dollars in there.


    11:10am BBT General chit chat in the BY. Jasmine and Indy are preparing to go and lay out. Brittany is in the DR.

  21. 10:03am BBT Wake up call.


    10:15am BBT Feeds return. Michael is awake and wearing his blue HoH robe. Daniel is awake downstairs. He tells us Good Morning and says that they got Jackson 5 to wake them up. He is pleased to see that they got some more granola last night. 


    10:18am BBT Taylor and Terrance are also up. Daniel is making coffee. Taylor's favorite coffee drink is brown sugar oatmeal. Daniel likes regular or iced coffee with creamer on the side. 


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    10:20am BBT Michael is talking to the cameras in the HoH, barely above a whisper without his microphone. So, we aren't hearing an of it. Feeds switch to Daniel giving shout outs in the BY. He says that there is a chance that he is going to stay. Just a chance. 


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    10:24am BBT Daniel's talk is interrupted by BB calling him to the DR. Taylor takes her coffee out into the BY. She is pleased to see the hammock is in the shade. 


    10:28am BBT Jasmine and Terrance talk briefly in the WA. They hope they can get Michael to make the move. A big move before jury. Meanwhile Taylor is on the hammock: From the block to the penthouse. That's the plan.


    10:32am BBT Taylor from the hammock: No way that I would keep him here. Unless I had a premonition that I was going to win HoH and can send him out myself. No way I keep him. At least I know who the enemy is now. What do you mean get rid of Monte? She then sneezes loudly.


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    10:37am BBT Michael has locked himself out of the HoH so he is stuck walking around downstairs in his robe. Jasmine joins Taylor in the BY with some watermelon. 

  22. 3:00am BBT Monte, Turner, Joseph in the HoH. Between Terrance, Indy, Jasmine and Alyssa, Alyssa is the biggest threat to win HoH. Terrance can't go immediately because they need him. It has to be Alyssa or Indy after Daniel. And Alyssa is the bigger threat. 


    3:05am BBT Joseph talking strategy with Turner and Monte in HoH. BB calls Joseph to DR. He says: I knew it. They are going to keep me for like 2 hours. FotH.


    3:07am BBT Michael, Monte, Turner in HoH. Rehashing the conversations tonight to Monte so that he is informed how the house is turning on him. First it was Jasmine, then Terrance. They came up back to back up with the same plan. Indy came, then Alyssa. All the same plan.


    3:11am BBT Michael tells Monte/Turner the one that surprises him the most is Terrance. Monte has been very pro Terrance. Monte says he has walked in him talking game to Daniel twice. They pretended to talk about cheddar cheese. The way they play is so bad. They are obvious.


    3:14am BBT Monte is not upset with Terrance. It is game. It is pretty bold. If there is a 6 to 5 situation now and Kyle is a floater, they are thinking they knock down one of ours and convince Kyle to come to their side. It makes sense for them to do that. 


    3:17am BBT Michael, Monte, Turner discuss that there is a clear alliance between Alyssa, Jasmine, Indy, Daniel, Terrance because they all came upstairs with the exact same pitch to save Daniel. Why would Michael leave an alliance of 7 for a weak alliance of 5 with no power.


    3AM HoH Talk.jpg


    3:21am BBT Michael, Monte, Turner remain in the HoH. Monte says that Daniel using money to try to say is not cool. Turner calls it a pity party. Michael says that he lead with that.  If festie bestie is still a thing they suspect Kyle will join Alyssa, Indy, Taylor. 


    3:26am BBT Michael tells Monte that he has a good attitude with the house trying to boot him. All this to save Daniel? Daniel? Someone who was hitched to Nicole's horse and he is an emotional dude prone to snap out of nowhere? They may know about the 6 of them together. 


    3:29am BBT Monte and Turner figure out that it is 3:30 and that they need to get to bed. They head downstairs. Michael sits on the floor at the end of his bed eating a snack and watching the spy screen. 


    3:38am BBT Michael talks to the cameras in HoH. He has a shot at a strong target and he is not going to take it. Not going to throw away his alliance. He has proved 5 times he can win comps. It is not smart for him to keep winning, but someone has got to do it.


    3:40am BBT Michaels tells the cameras that he cannot hit block next to Brittany next week. That's a wrap. He will be gone. Unless his alliance saves him. They will have the votes. He hopes Hayden is proud of him. He enjoys reading his letter and seeing his picture.


    3:42am BBT Michael: I won the OTEV POV today using the stockpile method. It allowed me to learn a lot of information as a result. So, maybe that is worth it. His ideal F5 is him, Brittany, Indy, Taylor and Jasmine. That will give him an incredible shot at winning this game.


    3:46am BBT Michael says Joseph and Monte will be threats in the finale. Jasmine has a strong argument but his alliance sees through her. Alyssa is a good liar but played messy. It will kill when he has to cut Kyle. Terrance is playing the game, just not playing well.


    3:50am BBT Michael is brushing his teeth for bed. Joseph exits the DR. They both head to bed. All the lights are out.


    5:15am BBT Feeds switch from sleeping HGs to FotH. Feeds return to sleeping HGs at 5:21am BBT. 


    7:18pm BBT Daniel tells Taylor that their cast is a liability. Taylor: We signed the waiver. Meanwhile Terrance is looking  at Indy's dinner and said he isn't another thing until she says Come Here.


    7:22pm BBT Kyle tells Brittany that when the doctor gets there, she is probably going to get stitches. She needs to take it easy. Stitches on the knee are tough. You always bend the leg there. They hope they get some mental comps. All the comps have been very physical. 


    7:26pm BBT In the WA, Brittany tells Alyssa that she was surprised how easy it was to get up the OTEV ramp. The rope was there, but you didn't need to use it. Even with her knee being cut, it was super easy. She didn't expect that. 


    7:30pm BBT In the Golf BR, Taylor tells Terrance that he played a great cockroach. Apparently the contestants were bugs crawling through the BB Festival BBQ. 






    I am going to take off if anyone wants to take over. Thanks a bunch!!!



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