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Posts posted by Goldylucks

  1. 11:30 PM BBT Cory is still on the hammock talking to himself. He says that he "feels bad for Jag. He is about to go home. But, I am not going to blindside him. Sorry. I did what he could. I hope that everyone knows that. I never had a chance. But I did try. I am bummed that it didn't work out because I want Red out instead of Jag. I spoke to Felicia. She is almost spilling sh*t again. That was a good thing for me to catch. I get to tell Izzy, she gets to Cirie and they get to feel even worse about Felicia. That is shmoney....."


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    11:34 PM BBT Cory talks to the cameras about Cirie. "I am a fan of course. We don't have that personal connection. That's okay. Not incredibly important. But she is clearly in the dominant power position in this house. It isn't Cirie and Izzy. It is Cirie. If it gets to where someone is willing to take a shot at the two of them, he is going to push for Cirie. It is that simple. Felicia is close to Cirie. So is Izzy, Matt, Red. Then she has Jared and she has me. I was very critical of Cirie over the season. She has been a little more chaotic and all over the place than I expected. She has some really bad reads. But at the end of the day, with a big enough sample size, she ends up being in the best position in the house. There you have it. That's how that goes. Good on her I guess. I am nothing if not impressed. 

    11:36 PM BBT The only ones left in the HoH are Jared, Jag, Blue and Matt. The alliance has talked Jag into agreeing being a pawn and that unless Cameron wins the HoH, he is going home next week. Meanwhile America and Izzy has joined Cory on the hammock. 

  2. 11:10 PM BBT In the HoH the 7 Deadly Sins have geared the conversation towards keeping America over Red so that she remains a shield in the house. Izzy suggest that means that they need a pawn on the block. Blue suggest that since Jag is already on everyone's mind all day. Would he be willing to be a pawn? It satisfies everyone else in the house. They start discussing who all Jag would have to keep him safe. Someone mentions Cory and America would be a vote for Jag. Matt "I am not f***ing with it. If we are going to put you (Jag) up and it relies on those two to vote?" Jared assures Matt that even if they don't get Cory and America's vote, he breaks any tie. Felicia gets up and gets very animated, making everyone laugh. She tells them that with flair "He needs too put you up as a pawn (she points directly to Jag and then goes and gives him a kiss on the cheek) and they have the rest of them in that room plus MeMe." She then says that they have been up there talking way too long and she leaves dramatically. Jared jokes that you can't talk to Felicia after her bedtime. Jag says that's true, but here is the thing. They aren't working with Bowie. So, who would be upset if Bowie goes up? Izzy says that putting up Bowie draws attention to them as being a thing. 


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    11:15 PM BBT Izzy justifies that Jag being a pawn is a good way to keep Cameron off them. It will look they are trying to honor Cameron's HoH last week. If he wins HoH, this protects Pooh. Or else, if Cameron wins he goes straight after Pooh. Jag says that if this is what they decide to do, he is down. But he is afraid that he is a huge target by those outside the 7. They tell him that the only one who might win outside the 7 is Cameron, and this will appease Cameron. The conversation starts to wind down because Bowie is up and wandering around, most likely looking for Cirie. Cirie rushes downstairs quickly and heads back to the BR where she is supposed to be. 


    11:20 AM BBT the 7 deadly sins has come to the decision to put Jag up as a "pawn" (not really). He admits that he is not comfortable but he is down with the plan to save Jared from Cameron if he wins HoH next week. Meanwhile, Cory is on the hammock talking to the cameras. He says he wanted to keep Jag because is a piece that is not for Cirie. He fought hard, lost that battle, and found too hard because he kept thinking that there were little windows. He knew after a few conversations that it was pointless, so him continuing to push that was stupid. Cory says that Jared is making a bad call. "He is the worst. I am more mad at him than Cameron and it is not close. That dude is supposed to be my ally, he is very condescending. He is not a good player. He doesn't know the game. But he acts like an expert. That's it. I am whining about him, he's annoying. I should have not have snapped at him like I bit. That didn't do me any good. It was me being emotional. I will have to sort that out tomorrow. Feeling better and better about Izzy. Starting to turn on Izzy on a player. She has massive flaws. But she is really good at making her close allies feel comfortable. I don't believe that she has a F2 with Cirie. I mean come on. I am trying really hard to be in the spot that I am with America. Every day everyone is saying that America has to go. Then they tell him that she can go to the F8 with them. Why does this change every day because she doesn't change every day. If she is getting closer to Cirie, that is good for them. Feeds switch back to the HoH. 


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    11:26 AM BBT Back to Cory at the hammock, Cory says that this should be another week of him being safe, which means jury. That is an accomplishment. He questions if he should throw this HoH. There is a scenario where America could be going home. He is comfortable in his chances in throwing this HoH and still being able to protect America this week. The dangerous question if he wins would have been who would he would nominate. The house would want him to backdoor Cameron. he has no reason to do that. In fact, he needs Cameron to stay in this house. So, he has to throw it. And he has to be really careful because people already think that he is throwing things.  

  3. 10:40 PM BBT Jag has expressed that he wants to speak with the 7 Deadly Sins Alliance. They can't seem to get everyone up there at the same time. Cirie says that Bowie is all over her. She told Bowie that she was going to the bathroom. She has 3 minutes max before Bowie is going in there looking for her. Felicia jokes that her a** is clean, Bowie doesn't have to keep checking it. Cirie says that she has 2 minutes now because nobody poops that long. Jag goes down to try to wrangle Izzy, but she is on the hammock with MeMe. 


    10:47 PM BBT Everyone from the 7 Deadly Sins alliance is now in the HoH. Jag says he asked to meet with everyone to make sure everyone knows that he is 100% with the 7. He wants to look everyone in the eyes and make sure they know that this is his squad. He is not considering moving forward with anyone else. This is his squad, his team he wants to move forward with. He hopes that they are all on the same page. If he made anyone feel as though he was not fully with the 7, he wants to own that and apologize. No excuses. His intent was not to give off that vibe. He wants everyone in the 7 to feel safe in the 7 and be a better team player in the 7.  They tell him that they appreciate that. Cirie says that they needed to have this conversation because there have been long conversations with people not in the alliance. Maybe it would be best if there weren't so many long conversations outside the alliance that would make anyone feel any type of way. Jag says he will own that and try to be better. 


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    10:51 PM BBT Felicia says that everything said in the this house is told to someone. 99.9% of the time, that secret is not kept. She did hear a comment that she was throwing out Jag's name. The one time she did, she told Jag and he knows why. Now she is hearing other stuff and it sounds like now she may be the problem. WBRB.


    10:55 PM BBT Jared tells the 7 that Red is not the threat he thought he was. He is no longer concerned about Red and Cameron together. He entertains the idea of keeping Red. They make the mistake of discussing, in front of Jag, that if Red stays and wins HoH next week then he will definitely put America on the block with one of the 7. Jag keys into this and asks if Red stays, how is America still here next week? Jared reminds them that if Red is still here, then America isn't here. They then discuss (and try to get Jag to believe) that their options are between Red or America leaving by discussing the pros and cons between the 2. It is clear that they don't want Jag to know that he is the target with all this hypothetical talk. The goal for the rest of them is to blindside Jag again. Meanwhile, Cory is downstairs playing pool with Cameron and making it very clear that he is not down with another blindside. They can't do that to Jag 2 times in a a row. Cameron says that with Hisam, there was no need for a blindside. They did it for shock and awe and it wasn't necessary. 

  4. 9:49 PM BBT In the WA, Cory asks America if she ever told anyone that she would consider putting up Cirie and Izzy. She says no, she has only ever entertained something like that with him. Cory "But even with me, your were bullsh***ing, you were never actually going to do it." America "Well, I was a little angry." Cory "I am going to tell Izzy." America "Of course you are. I am going to tell her that I can't trust Cory. Leaving me in the middle of the night." She teases him about how he left her bed last night. 

    10:08 PM BBT Cameron and Cory are talking while playing pool. Cameron tells Cory that he was on the block 3 times. He went block, block, HoH, block. After that, he wins the power of veto and now everyone is losing their minds more. "That should tell you just how comfortable the f**k I am......now I know." 


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    10:15 PM BBT Jag is upstairs in the HoH with Blue and Jared. Jag tells Jared that he wants him to know that he is rocking with them all. He knows he made people feel like he wasn't solid. But he is. They are waiting for others to join so they can talk as a group. 


    10:20 PM BBT Jared, Jag, Blue and Felicia are in the HoH. They are discussing that Cameron is the police. He used the term "crossing state lines" with Jared earlier in conversation. Jared says that is a reference only a police makes. He is probably a state trooper. "State trooper, you do not want to play with them. You are going to jail buddy, and you already called for back up." Jag is wanting to meet with the group (7 Deadly Sins). Felicia says that the best time to do this would be early in the morning after wakey wakey. Everyone is up and spread out everywhere and no one is looking for anyone. At 7-8 in the morning, no one would notice if they were all upstairs. In the evening, it is way to obvious. Felicia "going forward, first thing in the morning, wash your face, brush your teeth, then come to the HoH to talk."


    9:21 PM BBT Felicia and Cirie are talking in the lounge. Cirie informs her that Matt said that no one wants Jag to go. bowie, Red, Matt, everyone wants America to go over Jag. "America is the biggest threat in this house? Are you kidding me?" She and Felicia feel like there is something being developed without them. The fact that too many people want Jag to stay is reason enough that Jag has to go. She says that everyone is making it out like the three of them (Cirie, Felicia, Izzy) are responsible for everyone leaving. Everyone's HoH is their fault. 


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    9:26 PM  BBT Cirie tells Felicia that too many people that were pushing for Jag to leave last week are now wanting him to stay. Cirie doesn't want Jag in the jury house because he will not be a vote for either of them. The only way they are getting Jag's vote is if they are the last 2 standing. 

    9:28 PM BBT Felicia tells Cirie "I hope Matt isn't trying to convince Cameron that they don't want to put Jag up. Matt be trying to convince him." Felicia "He can't. That was Cameron's whole 14 hour plight, was to get Jag out of this house. There aint nothing that Matt can say unless he got a checkbook with $750,000 that might change his mind. That's the only way." 


    9:35 PM BBT Cameron and Matt are talking in the HN. Cameron tells Matt that everyone was all upset at him and all he did was win that tiny veto. He couldn't figure that out. "Now we know. So, he puts Jag up, that's 7 votes. I am pretty sure the other 3 will do the exact same thing. It will be 10-0 back to back. Get the f**k, we already evicted you once. Get out. There is a time when I would have talked to him, but not now. F**k that guy. He broke up one of my best friends dude. Get the f**k out." Cameron tells Matt that he has no idea what Jag told Red. He says that he begged Red to tell him, but he wouldn't. So, he doesn't even know what needs to be fixed. He doesn't know if Jag is the one that told Red something, but he is a direct source of whatever it is getting around. 

  6. 8:53 PM BBT Jag, Cirie and Matt are talking in the HN. Jag says he is going to try to talk to talk to the 7 more so that they are not "sketched out" by what he does. Cirie tells him that Blue has already talked to him about that, but he kept on doing it. She asks him "Have you had a conversation with Izzy today, I mean at all?" He admits that he can't recall. She says that when he was trying to get the votes he sits on top of people every 15 minutes. Now, when he wasn't afraid of leaving, he doesn't even know if he spoke to Izzy today at all. 


    9:00 PM BBT Jag says he wants to try to be a better team player. Cirie tells him that no one cares that he is talking to Red. They care if Jag is only talking people outside the alliance. Jag apologizes and says that he wants to make a commitment and that he will do better. He will be a better team player. 


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    9:05 AM BBT Cirie and Matt are still talking to Jag in the HN. Cirie is telling Jag that he needs to talk to the 7 together. He needs to keep it light and positive, nothing negative like how we evicted 10-0, and tell them that he is going to be a good team member going forward. He should then talk to Felicia privately afterwards because they agree that his conversation with Felicia this morning didn't go well. Jag admits that Felicia approached him this morning and it turned him off. She asked him if he was going to vote with the group and it made him feel a certain type of way because it felt like she was questioning his loyalty. 


    9:11 PM BBT Jag has left the HN room leaving Cirie and Matt alone. Cirie tells Matt that Blue told her this morning that Jag has a F2 with someone and it wasn't with her. They have no idea who that F2 is with. 


    9:13 PM BBT Matt tells Cirie that Jared should not put up Jag. It wastes what they did last week. Keeping him a little longer will be good. Matt also thinks that keeping Red is also good too. Red likes them. America needs to go up. She is a wild card for everyone. We would have Red and Jag going after Cameron next week. Matt says that if he (Matt) wins HoH, Cameron feels safe with him. He would never see a backdoor coming. He would be calm all week long. He would put up Red and Jag on the front end and tell them to either throw it (POV) or use it so that Cam goes up. 


    9:17 PM BBT Cirie tells Matt that both Cory and Blue want to keep America. Cirie recommends that he goes and talks to Jared. They develop a cover story as to why they were up there talking. Cirie was just filling him in and Jag joined them because he had heard his name was coming up. 

  7. 6:45 PM BBT afternoon in the BB house has pretty much been rinse and repeat. A majority of the house conversations have been the pros and cons of who the replacement nominee is going to be and who they are going to keep. Jared met in the HoH with Cirie, Felicia, Izzy and MeMe. The overall consensus is that Jag is going up and he is the target. They feel that Red is most likely willing to play with them in the future and that without Jag, Matt is more likely to play their game too. Blue has advocated to Jared that getting rid of Jag is just doing Cameron's dirty work for him after the fact. Meanwhile, Cory has been advocating for Red to go home instead of Jag stating that the Red vs Cameron split is not permanent and they are bound to start working together again which is bad for their game. Keeping Red in the house is not the most direct path to make sure that Cameron leaves next week.


    Unrelated to the POV nomination conversations, the HGs received the supplies to make Red's birthday cake. Izzy and Cameron met on the BY patio today and created somewhat of a truce. They agreed to stop hating on each other. She was very clear that his inappropriate jokes do not sit well with her and he acknowledged that. Meanwhile, the rift between Cameron and Red appears to be very real. They had a conversation in the KT where Cameron said that he understood and would give Red his space. But clearly both of them are very hurt. 




    I am out for the night and will be back in the morning. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 



    1:29 PM BBT From Blue's perspective, Jag and Felicia are pressing on each other. Jag feels blindsided last week. And now Felicia keeps saying his name and they are supposed to be aligned. So, he feels like he is being blindsided again. Jared says that Felicia and Jag are not playing the same game and neither of them are doing anything for themselves. Jared says that Jag knows exactly who saved him. Jag lied about it. That pi**es him off. 


    1:43 PM BBT Jared tells Blue that Jag is in jeopardy this week and that he might be going home. Blue says that she understands, but then Cameron won. He gets his way after all. That just sucks. Jared tells him that he knows that this is not good for her. But, they can't get Cameron out this week anymore and Jag is making everyone nervous. 


    1:55 PM BBT Blue tells Jared that she knows that everyone associates her with America and everyone associates her with Jag. There is no undoing that. But, Jag would never go after our 7. Yet someone is out there mentioning his name and the word is getting around. Matt went to bed early last night and early this morning, even he had already heard about it. 


    1:19 PM BBT Felicia says she really wants to know if Blue went and told Jag. Because all of a sudden, Jag won't look her in the eye anymore. Jared said he will find out. He will press her. He will find out from Blue what Jag already knows and then he can use that to gauge whether or not Jag tells him the truth when they talk afterwards. 


    1:23 PM BBT Jared tells Felicia that he is definitely on board with sending out Jag this week. They agree that next week, hands down Cameron has to be the target. Felicia asks him who goes up with him. Jared tells her that America can go up there. She means nothing to his game. MeMe joins them and shortly afterwards, Blue and Matt join them. Blue and Jared decide to go and talk alone in the HN room.  

  10. 12:46 PM BBT Jared and Cirie met outside on the catwalk. Essentially, they are trying to make a truce with Cameron for now. The goal is to put Jag on the block as the replacement nominee with Jag leaving this week. However, Jared tells Cirie that if they save Red, they have to make sure that Red does not immediately go after Cory. 


    12:51 PM BBT Cameron is now outside talking to Jared. Cameron tells him that they cannot trust Jag. Jag gets people to trust what he wants to get around by sharing it with someone the intended recipient is closed to. That way, when the message is delivered, it is coming from someone that they trust. Jag is playing all of them right now. 


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    12:51 PM BBT Cameron is now outside talking to Jared. Cameron tells him that they cannot trust Jag. Jag gets people to trust what he wants to get around by sharing it with someone the intended recipient is closed to. That way, when the message is delivered, it is coming from someone that they trust. Jag is playing all of them right now. 


    1:06 PM BBT Blue and Matt are talking in the BY. Blue is frustrated that Jag is playing a horrible game it is going to get him evicted. He doesn't talk to anyone that he needs to be talking to. He only talks to those that he feels are threatening his game. Jared has the power, the veto is being used, and Jag isn't even trying to talk to him. Blue goes on to say that she cannot keep trying to save him from himself. She wants him in the house, but he has to help himself. 


    1:15 PM BBT Jared and Felicia are talking in the HoH. She wants him to know that she screwed up and let Blue know that they are considering Jag going up. She didn't know if he had that conversation with her yet. So, if not, the cat is out of the bag and she is fully aware now. They agree that this will be a test for her. If she tells Jag, then she is still very much loyal to him. 


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  11. 11:43 AM BBT Cory and Jared are talking outside in the upper catwalk area. Jared: Red wins, he backdoors Cameron by nominating America and Blue. If Jag goes what will he do? Cory: if Jag wins, he may go for Felicia, MeMe or potentially Matt. Jared tells him that Cirie and Izzy won't be good with that. Cory say that Cirie, Jared, Izzy and Cory are his F4. Jared is his F2. They need to do what is good for their F4, and ultimately F2 instead of being worried about what everyone else wants. Cory: whatever you decide what to do, you have to tell me right away. I will have to deal with the America situation. If it Jag, she is going to be really pi**ed. Jag, when it comes down to it, he would target the comics people before us.


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    11:50 AM BBT Jared and Cory continue to talk outside. Jared: If we keep Jag and Red, that means America has to go. Cory: Oh Jared. You have to explain that to me. We don't have to calm the Avengers to get Red out. 


    11:53 AM BBT Cory to Jared: There is nothing in this world where America leaving this week is good for either of us. If America wins next week, she will put up Cam and Bowie. If Cam and Red are both here, and Bowie is up, there is no way that Bowie goes home. Cory tells him that America is great for their game. For Cirie and Izzy, she is fine for a very long time. With Jag, he is not great for their game. Is Red great for their game? No. 


    11:57 AM BBT Cory: If Cam stays, Cam, Red and Bowie are all 3 still here.  People are very confident that Red is going to target Cameron. I am not buying that. I am not there yet. 


    11:59 AM BBT Jared tells Cory that Jag knows that he isn't safe. The fact that he isn't coming up to talk to him is just sketchy. Cory says that him not coming up to talk to him just shows that he is a f***ing moron. Jared tells Cory that he blew up on Jag. He told Jag that he didn't want to work with him. To the point that he was crying. 


    12:08 PM BBT Izzy and Blue are talking in the BY. Blue does not agree with Felicia and Cirie wanting to go after Jag so hard. They would just be doing Cameron's dirty work for him last week. 





    I need a lunch break if anyone can take over. 

  12. 10:47 AM BBT Jared keeps telling Cory that his confidence that Jag won't put him up isn't dependable. Cory "You keep saying that and that isn't what I am saying which is why I am so frustrated."  Cory says that they are not considering that Cam and Red are wiling to work together.  


    10:53 AM Cory tells Jared that Jag would put up Bowie. After next week, he has no clue. But short term, he would do that. Jared says that he is not convinced about that. Izzy says that we all know that Cam has this thing with me. He wants me out next week. Jag also feels that way. Izzy is disposable to Jag. Jag has more bargaining chips to begin something with Cameron versus Red. 


    10:56 AM BBT Cory says that he is not sold that Red won't work with Cam. Cory is only looking at this one week at a time. Jared says that if Jag doesn't come up to him to talk to him today, he is going home. Period. Cory says that Jag isn't going to come up there because he feels comfortable. It may be delusional, but he seems comfortable. 


    11:30 AM BBT Things have calmed down a bit. Jared and Cory are playing pool. Matt and America are talking in the WA. She says that she hopes Jag has the votes to stay. She can't have a repeat of last week. she can't do that again. Matt doesn't tell her that Jared is pushing for Jag to be the target. 

  13. 10:14 AM BBT Cory and Jared continue to talk in the HoH. Cory says that he was very proud that America knew Jag was being voted out last week and she didn't say a word. She wanted to tell him, but didn't. They can't ask that of her again. If they are sending Jag out, it needs to be straight up. Cory tells Jared that he understands he won't win the argument in keeping Jag over Red. He knows it is non-negotiable that they are sending Jag home. Here is the problem that he sees with that. Next with Cam, Red or Bowie. If Cam wins, Jared is f***ed. If Red wins, Jared is probably good, but Cory is not. Cory acknowledges that the Jag problems are real, but not massively important at this point. Jared says that he has got to talk to Jag. Cory is certain of the Jag and Blue thing. And there is no world in which that is bad for Jared. If Jag's #1 is Blue, that means that every time Jag wins a comp, Jared is safe. Jared does not agree. He is an opportunist. Izzy joins them in the HoH. 


    10:19 AM BBT Izzy, Jared and Cory are talking in the HoH. Cameron's plan is to backdoor Izzy. He then wants to get Felicia and Cirie. Jag is telling Cameron that he is wiling to work with him. Jared acknowledges that if Jag stays, he is probably okay for at least 1 more week, which makes it to jury. Red is a risk. Red is not going to put up Bowie. That is the only problem. Jag would definitely put up Bowie. Their only uncommon interest is Bowie. 


    10:23 AM BBT Cory tells Jared and Izzy that they have to think about what is the best route to make sure that Cameron goes home next week. Jag is a better path for that to happen. Izzy and Jared don't agree. Cory does not think Jag would be speaking about Cam the way he does for game purposes only. He thinks it is real. 


    10:26 AM BBT Jared tells Cory that Jag is absolutely the only outlet Cameron has besides America. Cory doesn't buy that. Jag thinks he can pull America (Cory by proxy) and Blue (Jared by proxy). Jared says that Jag feels like he is losing Blue and is going to feel like he is on an island by himself. Blue told Jag yesterday that whatever he tells her, she will have to share with Jared. That was a mistake. Now, he is trying to move into Blue's #1 and will sacrifice Jared in order to get there.


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    10:33 AM BBT They can't count on Matt not being aligned with Jag too. Izzy reminds Cory and Jared that Matt might have used the power to save Jag. It was 10-0 and Jag was saved.


    10:35 AM BBT Cory says that Red, Cameron and Bowie are all 3 going to be here next week if you get rid of Jag. Cory doesn't buy the Cam and Red rift. Jared tells Cory that he overestimates his relationship with Jag and that he is just as easily willing to nominate Cory as anyone else. Cory "Never going to happen." Cory says that isn't the conversation they should be having. The conversation should be who is putting up Bowie. No way Red ever puts up Bowie. 


    10:40 AM BBT Jared tells Cory that he is basing everything on a 2 hour conversation last night. Cory says that no he is not. Jared says that Jag doesn't trust Cory or America and will put him and America on the block together in a heartbeat. Cory says that makes no sense that Jag would put him up there at all. Jared says he doesn't understand why Cory is fixated on not believing he is an option. Jared starts to mention that Cory is again basing all of this.... Cory "if you say based on 1 conversation, I am going to lose my mind." 


    10:44 AM BBT Cory says that at the end of the day, it is about the biggest threat in the house. That is Cameron. What is the best path to get Cameron on the block. It isn't by keeping Red over Jag. 


    9:53 AM BBT Izzy, Cory, and Cirie continue to talk in the BY. Cirie and Cory are discussing in detail in how a lot of what Cameron and Red have said and done has been guided by Jag. Cory trusts Jag more than Red. Cirie and Red trust Red more. Cirie and Izzy both feel like Cameron is their biggest threat in the house. Cory says that at the end of the day, they have 3 targets, Red, Cameron and Jag. One is going home this week. Hopefully they get their shot at one of the other 2 next week. 


    9:58 AM BBT Cory tells Izzy and Cirie that Red scares the s**t out of him in the house. He feels like if Red stays this week and wins HoH, Red would certainly put him on the block. He also understands that Cirie and Izzy feel the exact same about Jag. So, in voting out Red, Cory acknowledges that would be selfish on his part. He recognizes that Red staying is better for their game, but Jag staying is better for him. Cirie goes inside to grab some bacon before it's gone. Izzy stays outside with Cory. 


    10:03 AM BBT Cory tells Izzy that he hears what she and Cirie had been saying about Jag. Those are all valid concerns. But, Red is a direct threat in the house. And he doesn't believe for one second about the Red and Cameron rift when they played pool together all day yesterday and then they spent time together in the hot tub. Izzy says this game is all about opportunity. Jag is a better competitor than Red and they have the opportunity to backdoor him. Cory doesn't think there is much difference. 


    10:06 AM BBT Jared joins them at the hammock and Izzy walks away to let him and Cory talk. Cory tells him that Cirie and Izzy are pushing hard to get rid of Jag. Cory is leaning for Red. If Jag wins next week, he puts up Cam and Bowie. Red was s**t talking Cam in a very personal way. He can't be using that for game. That crosses the line. If Red wins next week, he hinted he would backdoor America or Cory. He has been on the tear the last 2 weeks and he hasn't spoken to Cory one time. That scares him. And that should scare Jared because Jared also put him on the block. Cory tells Jared that he (Jared) was a target. He should be able to see that based on how they responded when he won the HoH and when he won the veto. 


    10:11 AM BBT Jared and Cory decide to take their conversation from the hammock to the HoH. Jared says that Jag scares the s**t out of him. He is a very shifty good liar. He is a danger to Jared in the game. Because of his relationship to Blue and because Jag has lied to him right to his face when he knew the truth. Jared knows the closer Jag and Blue get, the harder it is going for him to get rid of him later. He is also a way better competitor than Red. Cory say he may be better than Red, but not way better. Maybe a little. 

  15. 9:19 AM BBT The feeds return. The HGs are up doing their ADLs. 


    9:26 AM BBT Bowie, Red and Matt are still sporting their cornrows from yesterday. Red has taken over cooking breakfast and he and Bowie plan on working out today. Bowie mentions that it looks overcast and it might rain. So, several of the HGs are outside soaking up some sun while they have it. 


    9:27 AM BBT Cory, Cirie, and Izzy are talking at the hammock. Izzy mentions that Jag and Cameron are really acting buddy buddy right now. Felicia says she is sick and tired of everyone in the house talking about integrity. Everybody is in here lying. So, they need to stop talking integrity. Your word is supposed to be your word, your bond. Where Cam is concerned, a handshake don't mean nothing. Jag is already running around trying to grab everyone. Red doesn't have the ability to formulate anything. Jag can.




    9:35 AM BBT Izzy, Cirie and Cory are still talking at the hammock. They are trying to determine if Red's and Cameron's relationship can be prepared. Cirie doesn't think so. Red broke down sobbing because of Cam. If he was faking that, he deserves an academy word for that. He also came out to her about his F2 with Cam. If he wanted to repair the relationship, why would he share that information with her? Cory would be surprised if they (Red and Cam) would start targeting each other next week. If they do start going after each other, they are golden. But that seems to easy. 


    9:46 AM BBT Izzy tells Cirie and Cory that for the first time the whole game, she got the feelings that maybe she has been seeing Red the wrong way the whole time. Cory doesn't believe either of them. However, he is more confident in what he thinks Jag would do which is not targeting Cirie or Izzy. 

  16. 8:44 AM BBT Bowie gets up to use the bathroom. Felicia is stirring and looks to be gathering items for a shower. As Bowie is returning the BR, she and Felicia exchange some whispers. Since neither are wearing mics, we can't hear a word of it. 


    8:51 AM BBT Felicia is inspecting the contents of the SR. It appears that some items have been replenished. Bowie is heading towards the WA to get ready for the day. 


    8:57 AM BBT Felicia is in the KT preparing breakfast. She struggles to get the package of bacon opened without a good knife in the house. She finally gets the package open and wraps up a bacon sheet in aluminum foil so she can bake the bacon in the oven. 


    9:02 AM BBT WBRB, most likely a BB wake up call. 

  17. 12:53 AM BBT Izzy, Felicia, Cirie, Jared, Bowie, Red, and MeMe meet quickly in the CBR. They are whispering about Jag. It is hard to hear because several had already removed their microphones and crawled into bed, but hopped out for this very brief meeting. They are telling Jared that Jag is trying to reunite the other side of the house against them. Jared says okay and that he is heading to the DR. 


    1:00 AM BBT All the cameras on the HGs in bed with the lights out. Cory and America are snuggled up in the same bed in the SBR. 

  18. 12:02 AM BBT Cirie, Felicia, Izzy and MeMe are talking in the BY. The talk about the need to get rid of Jag. Cirie told them that Red told her earlier today that her group doesn't have their best interest at heart and that it was more than 1 of them. Jag was pushing for Izzy and Cirie for going on the block. He is pi**ed at everything going on and instead of blaming America, he wants to blame us.  


    12:04 AM BBT Felicia says that Jag is trying to get cozy with Cameron now. Cirie "Get cozy in that seat."  


    12:10 AM BBT Izzy, MeMe, Cirie and Felicia are still talking in the BY. Izzy says that she really feels like Red is with them now. He really feels like he has been kicked in the teeth and the nuts by Cameron. MeMe "If Jag leaves this week, and Cameron and Red are no longer a thing, Bowie comes with Red, us. So it will be Me, Cirie, Felicia, Iizzy, Jared, Red, Bowie versus Cameron, America, Blue, Cory, Matt you have 5 to 7. Jag is the glue for other side. If Jag goes, Matt opens up too. 


    12:13 AM BBT Cirie tells them Red got really close to going home this week. He is going to PLAY. America, knowing how close she came to going up, she is going to play too. Everybody gonna play.


    12:31 Izzy and Cirie are talking in the WA. They are talking about how Felicia doesn't think before she speaks and keeps dropping everyone's names. Izzy tells Cirie she tried to talk to Felicia about it but Felicia got mad and said I can talk about whatever I want. Cirie said to juts let her keep digging her own grave.


    12:38 AM BBT MeMe is talking to Jag and America in the WA. MeMe is telling them about Cory walking in on her while she was in the bathroom. She was sitting there with tissue in her nose because someone else had just been in there and destroyed it. So, she has tissue in her nose, hands on her knees, using the toilet when Cory walked in. It was traumatizing for them both. She gives them a visual using the WA chair to represent the toilet. 


    MeMe Bathroom story.jpg

  19. 5:42 PM BBT Jared and Izzy are talking in the HoH. He rehashes his conversation with America. Izzy asks him about his replacement nominee. He says that he is now considering Bowie (recommended by Cirie as being agreeable with their alliance or Matt. Apparently Matt volunteered to be a pawn at some point. 


    5:44 PM BBT Izzy, Jared, Cory, and America are meeting in the HoH. Jared says that they all need to be off each other's radar. Jared admits that he was originally gunning for Jag but then the feeds switch. 


    Calling it a night. See you tomorrow.

  20. 5:24 PM BBT Cirie says she is going to use Jared's bathroom. She takes advantage of the opportunity to talk to Jared. Jared tells her that America overheard Felicia, MeMe and her were talking about America going on the block. Cirie tells him that Felicia did tell her that she was at risk of going off the block. Jared tells her that Felicia has got to stop doing that. The feeds switch. 

  21. 4:55 PM BBT America just spent time in the HoH with Jared. He told her that both she and Cory have not been giving it their all in comps. They all know that when he won HoH, they could feel safe around him. He needs to feel the same way about them. And putting Bowie up is not an option because according to Jared, that would be a waste.  America goes downstairs and joins Blue and Jag. She is crying. She says that she feels expendable to everyone. She says that if she up there with Red, she has a real chance of going home. 



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