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Posts posted by Fuskie

  1. 12:07am BBT Turner is eating his snack at the DT while Monte watches him on the spy screen. Turner puts his dishes away and heads to the WA. Monte turns off the HoH light and slips into bead, still listening to music. 


    12:20am  BBT Four down, one to go. Monte is falling asleep in HoH. Taylor/Britt/Alyssa are asleep in the GBR. Turner grabs a blanket and thinks about sleeping in the GBR changes his mind and returns to the CBR, takes a look at megan & gets into bed. Lights out. I'm out.


    11:48pm BBT The lights are off in the GBR where Britt is sleeping. Alyssa completes her evening ADLs and shouts upstairs, goodnight. She crawls into bed in the GBR. Britt rolls over in her bed as she settles in. Monte/Taylor/Turner continue talking in HoH. 

    11:52pm BBT Monte gives his shout-outs in HoH as Turner/Taylor watch. They continue talking.



    11:58pm BBT The HoH group breaks up. Turner/Taylor head downstairs, leaving Monte alone in HoH. He immediately puts on the headphones & begins his ADLs. Taylor puts some food away in the KT. Taylor begins her ADLs and tells Turner to go to sleep. He's snacking in the KT.



    10:00pm BBT Monte says Joe loved being a double agent but he never saw the point of it for The Leftovers. He says nobody saw Michael leaving in the DE coming. He told Turner during their 1-on-1 he was using the Veto and Turner said, what? 

    10:02pm BBT Turner says he knew Monte's plan, but was just worried what would happen if they took the shot and missed. He says he's had a recurring dream where he gets out of the house and can't find Megan. 

    10:05pm BBT What would you do if you win? Taylor wants to stop being a burden on her mother. She would get a new house, car, career and donate to womens' charities. Monte would invest in real estate and do more creative work, like a podcast, and travel.

    10:07pm BBT After he helps his parents/brother, Monte says, there's a church that helped him so he wants to help it. Turner would use the money to open a coffee shack next to the rug shack. Maybe a new Jeep Cherokee. Taylor reminds him about the latte art. Plants too.

    10:13pm BBT Turner says financial freedom to him is the ability to do the same things he enjoys but with less stress. He wouldn't give up the rug shack for anything. But he would love to one day spend a year in NYC or Paris. 

    10:35pm BBT Taylor/Turner/Monte discuss the ending of BB24. Taylor notes Claire had an 80 page Google Doc of BB information (so did Michael & a lot of good that did). Monte says that's too intense. You can't study BB from a book, you have to have a feel for the game.

    10:40pm BBT Alyssa says she would give some money to animal rescue and set herself up to not have to struggle financially, maybe run an Air BnB. Monte remembers he still has student loans, he has to get back on that (I've got some good news for you on that front...)

    10:50pm BBT Monte tries on the new flanel shirt BB got him. He hasn't weighed himself this summer, so he doesn't know if he's gained any. Alyssa checks herself daily. Monte likes the shirt but it doesn't go with the hat and his shorts. 


    11:10pm BBT Turner asks who would be better to win Veto? Monte says part of him doesn't want the resonsibility of the decision. If Britt or Alyssa win, Turner says, Taylor goes up. Most likely, Monte deflects. 

    11:13pm BBT Turner hopes Taylor is being honest. He thinks Alyssa would choose them. The best case is either he or Monte win Veto. Monte says he's thinking Turner, him and Taylor in F3. Turner says Monte has a better read on Taylor and he has a better read on Alyssa.

    11:15pm BBT Monte says he hasn't talked to Taylor all week. She hasn't said one negative thing about Turner. He says this is low stress. He would prefer noms to stay the same. If Taylor votes Britt to stay, Monte will break the tie to keep Alyssa. Fire, says Turner.

  4. 8:05pm BBT Britt looks for sympathy from Alyssa/Tayor/Turner in HoH. You know what it's like to lose your person in the game, she says. Alyssa wishes she had hot chocolate. Taylor says she can ask BB for some Swiss Miss. They read the candy wrapper poems.

    8:45pm BBT Monte is called to the SR & they hope for alcohol (you have a Veto tomorrow!) Alyssa says of Terrance, if you're going to make a pitch, stick to it. Turner wonders if evicted HG get to the JH and lie about their game to look better (generally they come clean).

    8:47pm BBT Turner thinks Joe and Michael might lie in JH, maybe Kyle. Taylor says Kyle can't lie. Alyssa says Jasmine will lie. Taylor jokes she'll still be talking about the Five Swatters. Monte returns to HoH with a flannel shirt and some alcohol.

    8:49pm BBT Britt has already said GN, Alyssa says. When she's nervous, Britt bites her lip. Alyssa goes back to Terrance's game play. It was uncalculated, Turner says. Monte says he just didn't want to go along with the herd. 

    8:51pm BBT Terrance told Michael after OTEV that it was time to start playing the game. Everyone laughs. Michael had 5 comp wins by then, Monte notes. Alyssa is disappointed in Terrance after some of what she's heard. He claimed Alyssa like liked Daniel. 

    8:53pm BBT Monte says Terrance would say everything he thought the other HG wanted to hear (don't they all?). Monte gives Terrance a pass - everyone plays the game the way they want to, even if it's not how he would. He just hopes Terrance isn't like that in real life.

    8:55:pm BBT Monte says Michael got 4 of the 6 guesses right during the Big Brochella Veto comp. He was that good (counting things). Monte says there are multiple layers to the game, not just comp wins. Very true, Alyssa says, counting her comp wins.

    8:57pm BBT Alyssa/Taylor are examining Monte's sunglasses collection. He says the sun is always shining where he's at. His cologne is from a MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) thing some friends are involved in.


    9:00pm BBT Turner is now lining up Monte's sneakers/shoes behind his pictures. Monte says it makes his photos pop. Monte wants his fitness company to work with LuLu(lemon), Regent Protein and The Cider. Alyssa's picks are Dunkin, Chapstik, Victoria's Secret & Chease Its.

    9:02pm BBT Taylor's brands are Lays (of course) and Savage clothes. Monte wants to work with a men's skin care company that would provide him with free samples if he sold their products. 

    9:10pm BBT Turner's favorite comp was the Backstage comp. Kyle beat him & Taylor/Alyssa went against each other. Turner was nervous during the first 2 live shows, now he's fine. The live shows are exciting, Monte says. There's just one more Nom meeting, Alyssa realizes.

    9:12pm BBT Just one more live show before the Finale, Turner says (two actually), next HoH and Veto winner go to the Finale. Taylor asks if the other HG would rather go out 4th and get a week in the JH or 3rd and leave on Finale Night? They all say 3rd (duh). 

    9:15pm BBT Alyssa wants the chance to play the F3 comps. Turner doesn't want any JH energy. Alyssa says 3rd place doesn't get to dress nice. Monte says the F3 comps aren't live. Michael knew all the F3 details, Alyssa says. Taylor says Parts I and II are recorded.

    9:17pm BBT If Taylor had to choose a natural disaster, she'd choose an earthquake. Turner says Tornados kill everyone. Alyssa is scared of tsunamis. Turner says they don't kill a lot of people (tell that to the people of Indonesia). 

    9:19pm BBT In an earthquake, Alyssa says, she'd want to be in the BY because everything in the BB House would fall apart. Taylor says there are heavy things that could fall. Taylor wants alcohol. Monte reminds them they have an important Veto comp in the morning.

    9:35pm BBT Which HG would you not want to live with? Taylor says Nicole/Danielle/Terrance/Ameerah. Alyssa says Daniel/Nicole/Terrance/Joe. Turner says Jasmine.

    9:38pm BBT Turner/Taylor/Alyssa start an HoH game of Chinese Checkers. Monte crawls into bed and joins them.

  5. 4:16pm BBT Britt regrets having that talk with Turner. It was very early in the morning & it was supposed to be a joke that Turner took seroiusly. A F2 with Turner would make no sense. She does not see a future for Turner in the game. But Alyssa won't turn on him.

    4:18pm BBT It comes down to whether Monte wants to believe her or Alyssa & Britt's actions are louder than her words. Michael didn't mean everything he said. Monte asks if she told him the stuff he said against her. She says Michael won comps but wasn't self-aware.

    4:20pm BBT Monte tells Britt Michael didn' thave the social component to balance withi his comp threat. Britt says gave everything to Michael and should have shared more with him and Alyssa. She repeats that Alyssa has been throwing around Monte's name.

    4:22pm BBT Britt says everyone is aligning with everyone. She says she and Taylor could have flipped the vote against Monte but didn't (Monte only faced eviction during Big Brochella). She says ppl only tell her want they think she wants to hear, not the truth.

    4:26pm BBT Monte says it's hard to trust people. She should have told him about the convos she had with Turner even if they weren't serious so he could decide. Britt agrees, she should have. Monte says he's going to let the week play out and see where it lands.

    4:28pm BBT Britt says she's gunning for Veto. She's the least physical HG remaining and nobody wants to talk to her. She is afraid no one will talk to her after the Veto. She starts crying and says she's sorry. She didn't have any game, it was Michael's game.

    4:30pm BBT Britt says Taylor was as close to Michael as she was. She asks Monte for advice. Monte says be honest. Trying to drive a wedge between him & Terrance was not being honest. 

    4:35pm BBT Britt now thinks she was being fed misinformation. Monte wants to know abot her chats immediately. Britt says Taylor was pitching the girls sticking together last night while they waited for his HoH room. Taylor didn't want it to be a boy's club. 

    4:40pm BBT Britt apologizes for not talking to him sooner. They head out and no one is waiting for to talk to Monte. They must have given up, he says. Britt asks if she can help with Dinner. They head downstairs.

    4:45pm BBT Monte starts washing dishes. Britt complains about low water pressure. Monte says she and he are the only ones on top of the dishes. 

  6. 2:30pm BBT Monte says he'll make salmon tonight. Britt asks for mushrooms. Alyssa wants asparagus. She says beets make your pee turn red. UTIs make it turn orange, Turner counters. Monte didn't get any alcohol in his HoH basket and hopes BB will give him hard cider.

    2:32pm BBT Alyssa says her pants were slipping off during the comp last night. She hopes BB blurs her butt. Turner says he's never seen a comp like last night's. He says the last time they did a rope unravel comp was BB6 and it was 2 HG working together.


    2:34pm BBT Alyssa wonders if Veto will be Bowlerina (she's been hoping each week). Monte hopes not - he tried spinning around last night and got dizzy. FotH for the Nom Ceremony.

  7. 1:15pm BBT BB is continuing to try and draw the HG out for the day, calling them into the DR. Sometimes it works, but more often then not, they return to bed. 

    1:45pm BBT Alyssa tells Taylor she was going to talk to Monte again but realizes it's all about the Veto this week. She'll wait to see who wins and then decide what to do. In HoH, Monte is dancing to his Afrobeat music. 

    1:48pm BBT Britt telsl Taylor/Alyssa she found 2 drawers full Michael's comp souvenirs and packed them up (more like dumped them on the SR counter). Taylor/Britt/Alyssa tell Monte that BB tried to wake them up at 8am. Really? Monte had his headphones on and didn't hear.

  8. 2:27am BBT Laylor is resting in the loft while Monte is in the shower, talking to Britt/Alyssa about the HoH comp. It was a black box search comp. Monte had to wait in the cold HNR for his turn. Britt says both Monte's HoH wins were spooky-themed. Monte won HoH.

    2:32am BBT Monte is out of the shower. Britt asks if Alyssa wants to go next. She's OK, she got her gross clothes off. Britt gets into the shower. Monte doesn't feel totally clean (physically or emotionally?). Alyssa heads to the KT for snacks, Taylor in the loft.

    2:45am BBT Alyssa goes to the SBR. Monte goes upstairs and finds Taylor. She says she scares easily & that was not fun. She's embarassed. Her heart was racing. She got stuck in the crawl space. Monte repeated to himself it wasn't real, it wasn't real. 

    2:47am BBT Turner asks Taylor about the comp. It was dark, you grabbed wooden panels and had to go through crawl spaces 6 times. She didn't get far. Monte says you had to crawl through goop and there were people making noise behinddoors. He almost soiled himself.

    2:49am BBT Turner asks if there was screaming? Monte says it was mostly quiet. Alyssa says they would moan, "Save Me!" Turner is OK with horror but pitch black would have been hard. Alyssa hit her head like, 50 times, would fall over boxes and fell on her face into goop.

    2:51am BBT Monte says they'll be up forever. Taylor could hear BB setting up HoH. Monte hopes he gets a new hoody. Michael got 3 hoodies (during his HoHs). Alyssa is cold, waiting for the shower. They are going to rotate BRs. It will be quiet in the CBR (w/o Terrance).

    2:53am BBT BB calls the HG to the SR for Turner's HoH basket. He got a short lettr from Megan: Everything is fine at home, his familiy is proud, his cats are good, and if he can dream it, then he can do it (Horizons, Epcot).

    2:55am BBT Turner received a pic of his first date w/Megan, nail polish, a bandana, small bucket hat and birthday pick of him hiking. Monte is surprised Turner had photos of all these moments. Monte is called to the DR. Turner sits on his CBR bed & re-reads his letter.

    3:10am BBT BB tells Taylor to put on her mic. She literally just stepped out of the shower, she complains. She tells Alyssa they have to do the whole song and dance of 1-on-1's and noms (they are confident Britt is Monte's target). 

    3:12am BBT Alyssa can't imagine what it would have been like w/Michael on the block a whole week, he shocked her. Taylor was not a fan of his exit but expects viewers found it iconic. She says Britt lost to Monte by just 9s. Taylor was traumatized and didn't finish.

    3:15am BBT Alyssa says the DE feels like a fever dream. Taylor agrees, they did a lot in one hour. Britt is rerunning the comp in her head, wondering where she could have found 9 more seconds. Taylor told BB she had this comp, and then didn't. 

    3:20am BBT Taylor wishes she could have told Michael to tell Terrance to not mess with the Jury. Alyssa agrees, Terrance shouldn't mess with the Jury. (Why would Terrance listen to Michael? This is more for Britt's benefit).

    3:22am BBT Britt says she should appologie for not hugging Michael. Taylor reminds her he ran out. She should have hugged him when they were on the block. You were legit upset, Taylor says. Alyssa thought he would give reasons to stay, not unload on Britt. 

    3:24am BBT Britt says she could have said a lot of things about Micheal too but didn't. She thought he'd be more classy, saying you guys got me. Taylor says he didn't have time to process what was happening. Britt says Michael's belt (holding the rope) broke in the comp.

    3:26am BBT Britt thinks Michael wasn't very self-aware. He really thought she would be evicted if they were on the block together. She hopes he knows he screwed up. He'll have 2 weeks to figure it out, Taylor says dryly. 

    3:35am BBT Monte whispers to Turner, we tag teamed it. He says he couldn't do what Michael did, talking sh*t about Turner.  He would just say you got me. They decide to play Chinese Checkers, waiting for Monte's HoH room. 

    3:43am BBT Turner can only imagine Terrance's reaction to Michael coming to the JH. Monte was surprised that being nom brought out such an ugly side to Michael. 

    3:45am BBT The HG sans Britt decide to shotgun toast with the hard cider. Pour one out for the homies, Turner says. 8% alcohol is like 2 beers, Alyssa says. 

    4:10am BBT Britt joins them and they pour her a drink. Alyssa says BB switched the order for the HoH comp tonight.

    4:28am BBT Monte comes out of the DR and asks who wants to see his HoH room? The HG carry up their hard cider for the HoH reveal. He got a pic of his dad. Britt says Monte looks just like him. He also got a pic of his little brother in the Coast Guard & of his man cave.

    4:32am BBT Monte got a black hoodie and courderoy bucket hat. In his letter, his dad is proud. Monte is a good son, brother and man, exceptional since he was a baby. Monte breaks down crying. Alyssa says that was amazing. Taylor gets Monte TP for his tears. 

    4:34am BBT Alyssa asks what his dad is like. A cooler version of him, Monte says. His brother is 24 and has one more year in the Coast Guard. Monte reveals he's actually a Jr (his dad is Monte as well). Monte was born in Queens.

    4:36am BBT Monte tries on his bucket hat. Alysa has never seen him in one. Neither has has he, Monte jokes. His music is Afrobeats. He was intruced to the sound by some frat brothers from Africa. Alyssa says she's so tired and Monte says she can have her 1-on-1 first.

    4:58am BBT Monte tells Alyssa his target is Britt. But who to put next to her? He's laying the groundwork for Alyssa again. He's got a great relationship w/Turner & Taylor has been up 5 million times. Alyssa says she's been up twice in a row but is a team player.

    5:00am BBT Monte tells Alyssa if she hears his name being thrown around, she should tell him and it might change noms (if your name isn't being thrown around, you're not playing the game). Turner/Britt/Taylor are in the loft, waiting for their turn with Monte.

    5:02am BBT Taylor tells Turner/Britt in the loft that she stopped watching BB24 until the finale after the Cookout made F6. It became a boys club and she didn't want to watch them turn on each other. Britt explains to Turner it was Kyland who took out Tiffany.

    5:04am BBT Taylor says she doesn't like it when somone picks the easy person for F2. She thinks Big D and Xavier should have taken Azah. Britt goes in to see Monte. How are you, he asks? She's OK. It was the best case scenario. It had to be done. It was just so fast.

    5:08am BBT Britt says Michael will regret how he left. He wasn't self-aware & didn't understand it was win or die (yes he did). Monte says Michael would win when he didn't have to. The fan in him had to win. Britt says Michael was the only one to talk to him week one.

    5:10am Britt describes the DE like ripping off a bandaid. Monte says Michael was really pushing it during the comp and he saw Michael's rope detach just as he went in for the win. He asks Britt to honestly walk him through Michael's game. 

    5:22am BBT In the loft, Turner tells Alyssa/Taylor that Michael always got uncomfortable when someone brought up his comp wins. They don't like bitter juries. Alyssa says Paul should have at least one of his seasons (Paul was not honest with the Jury and that cost him).

    5:25am BBT Back in HoH, Britt swears on her husband she won't target Monte next week. Monte says Alyssa is the HG he's least close to. He is going to put up Alyssa and asks Britt to be the pawn. That's not what she wants but understands. 

    5:30am BBT Britt thinks Turner/Taylor would split the vote & asks Monte how he would break the tie. Monte says he values his words but doesn't answer her question. She says she has her facts & days down. She says to consider Turner will get credit for taking out Michael.

    5:40am BBT Turner comes in to HoH and Monte says this is perfet. They will be to the end, Turner says. Monte tells Turner he gave Alyssa the heads up (being the pawn) and talked with Britt. She took a long time, Turner says, she tried to make F2 w/ him & Taylor tonight.

    5:43am BBT Monte tells Turner that Britt was BSing tonight. She wanted Alyssa to go this week & claimed to be good at mental comps. It was sad to see her not be truthful. Turner says he'll win HoH again next week & neither will leave. They'll either have power or votes.

    5:45am BBT Monte assures Turner he needs him next week. 0% I go up, Turner asks? Monte confirms. If he's forced to put up Taylor, the vote will be out of his hands. He wants to know if she says anything about him. We desere this, Monte says. 

    5:55am BBT Monte gets a beer and Taylor comes in for her talk. Taylor uses the HoH WC first. She had to come back to get the TP Monte had used to wipe his eyes while reading his HoH letter. They talk about her panic paralyzing her during the HoH comp.

    6:00am BBT Monte tells Taylor that Britt lied to him during her 1-on-1. She's your target, Taylor asks? Monte's gut says Alyssa but he's conflicted. He wants to see how the week plays out. He asks her to keep her ear open to anyone talking about him, especially Turner.

    6:02am BBT Monte tells Taylor he needs her to be his eyes and ears this week. Britt told him that Alyssa has been throwing out Taylor's name. Taylor hadn't heard that. Monte says Turner has a weird attachment to Alyssa. Taylor says the vibe in the house has shifted.

    6:05am BBT Taylor says Britt tried to bring the girls back together, not her. Monte says Britt swore on Stephen (her husband). Taylor wonders if Stephen is even real. She mentions a Peter and feeds swith to a Turner/Alyssa asleep in their respective beds.

    6:10am BBT Taylor asks Monte where he sees Turner, F3? Monte says Turner's made big moves, his resume is stacked. Logically, he's a shield next week, so he doesn't want to take him out now. But he can't help it if Taylor wins Veto and forces Turner to go up.

    6:13am BBT Taylor will go full on balls to the wall for Veto. Taylor/Britt would choose who goes (Taylor is saying she'd save Britt over Alyssa given the chance). Monte tells Taylor she can beat Britt/Alyssa for HoH next week. All Taylor's eggs are in Monte's basket.

  9. Apologies for any duplicates...


    8:08pm BBT Feeds return. It's crazy, Alyssa says, Michael went from HoH to eviction in the same night. Alyssa whispers to Monte/Turner that Michael went on a rant w/her & said Britt had been lying about everything.

    8:11pm BBT Monte tells Alyssa/Turner everything Michael said was true and they have all the reasons they need to put Britt on the block & that's what she's thinking about right now. We have a solid group of there, he says. Taylor goes to check on Britt.

    8:13pm BBT Britt is in the SBR. Taylor says at least you didn't have to vote against Michael. Michael should have remembered it was just a game. In the KT, Turner says Britt tried to turn them against each other. He thinks they'll get messages from home this next week.

    8:15pm BBT Monte tells Alyssa that Michael put a big target on his own back by winning comps he didn't need to win. Alyssa didn't think he would go out like that. She thought he'd accept hugs. 

    8:17pm BBT Turner comes in updates them on Britt. She's going to say all sorts of sh*t, Alyssa says. They just need her to not win. In the SBR, Britt asks Taylor for another hug. The HG's start packing Michael's bags. 

    8:39pm BBT Monte/Taylor/Alyssa say the JH will be shocked when Michael arrives. Talk turns to the HoH comp. Monte says the pink looked purpose and Alyssa agrees. (To me, the orange looked yellow) 

    8:41pm BBT Monte says he's happy to be here with you guys. Taylor zips up Michael's bags. Britt is in the DR and Alyssa hopes she's OK in there. Monte thinks she's lying about her job & everything. Alyssa agrees - Britt told Michael everything they said to her.

    8:45pm BBT Taylor says Terrance also was lying about everything. He told her everyone was throwing him under the bus. Monte/Turner deny it. Taylor says he called her a brat. Peace, love and no offense, but you're a brat. He tried to flip the vote on her twice.

    8:49pm BBT Britt is out of the DR. Turner is keeping her company in the WA. She's very emotional and says she knows she's next. Turner says The Leftovers still need to get Alyssa out and she may go up as a pawn. Britt says that would be the beset case scenario.

    8:51pm BBT Turner admits he doesn't have good Jury management. Britt says yours is better than mine. I was used to do someone else's dirty work and get info. She's truly hurt by being thrown under the bus by Michael. 

    8:53pm BBT Turner is upset about what Michael said about being LGBTQ. What he did had nothing to do with that. He nominated Michael because it was good for his game. Turner gives Britt a hug & says he's always available to talk, he's up late, come talk to him.

    8:55pm BBT Britt joins Monte/Alyssa in the KT. Did they get Michael's toiletries bag? His Crew shampoo in the big black bottle? Monte didn't see the bottle but they got his bag. Alyssa goes to find the bottle. Turner jokes it's a 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner & bodywash.

    8:57pm BBT Alyssa returns and says it smells good. She hopes it doesn't leak and think it's funny he uses a 3-in-1. Britt mentions Michael's friendship bracelets. In the see-thru pocket, Monte asks? It was in with his headbands, Alyssa says. 

    9:00pm BBT In the CBR, Turner/Monte joke about the head bandanas. They give me super powers, Turner claims. I look like I'm wearing a wig. You have Pooch hair, Monte says, what a day - Terrance stomps out like Daniel and Michael stomps out like Terrance!

    9:02pm BBT Turner says he's just thinking about Megan writing a letter. They talk about the comps. Monte thought pulling on the rope would pull the turntable tower down. Turner says they have control of the game, they just need to keep it going.

    9:04pm BBT I can't believe I swore on live TV, Turner says. When, Monte asks? I said that's f*cked up, dude (when Michael said he was putting him up because he was gay). Monte starts to whisper but Taylor comes in so talk turns to sleepovers and rotating BRs.

    9:06pm BBT Taylor asks if Monte/Taylor are talking with them (Britt/Alyssa)? No, they say. She asks if there was a F4 within The Leftovers. They say yes but it died when The Leftovers formed but they pretended it was still there for Kyle's benefit.

    #BB24 9:07pm BBT Taylor tells them about her F3 with Michael/Britt called The Outsiders. In the SBR, Britt is crying to Alyssa. I can't speak for anyone else, but I still care for you. I know it sucks to lose someone you're close to. Process the emotions tomorrow, she says.

    #BB24 9:08pm BBT Britt tells Alyssa she has no clue if anyone will trust her. She doesn't know who Michael was talking to saying all these things. She feels like she's starting over & doesn't know what to do. She regrets not seeing who Michael was.

    9:09pm BBT Turner says tonight happened the way he planned. Monte is glad the Veto comp wasn't throwing balls. Michael asked if Monte was really going to do this to him? It's not his fault his rope broke. Monte says WTF did that have to do with anything?

    9:10pm BBT Britt says she always thinks of others, outside the house too. Alyssa understands wanting to make others happy before yourself. It's a bad cycle. Britt should have severed ties with Michael a long time ago. 

    9:11pm BBT Turner/Monte/Taylor all agree that if they hadn't gotten Michael out, he would have won the game. Turner loved his exit - that drama was king. Monte says Michael had to have known as a SuperFan that he had to win all the comps to stay in the house. 

    9:12pm BBT Britt says she doesn't have many friends back home. Michael will be your friend after this, Alyssa says. Michael thought I was dead weight, Britt realizes. Alyssa thinks Michael will be America's Favorite (yeah, maybe not).

    9:13pm BBT She gives Britt a hug. She's here any time Britt needs her, she can turn off game and just talk. She knows Terrance told people she was manipulative but she's really not. 

    9:14pm BBT In the KT, Monte says if Turner hadn't gotten that last color right, there would have been a 4-way tie (that would have sent production scrambling because they have everything timed to the second). Alyssa takes Michael's bag to the SR. FotH for HoH comp.

  10. Do you want real HG interacting as messy as life really is, or do you want cookie cutter HG selected to not offend anyone?


    Race is an integral factor in society. Even if you want to believe you don't see it anywhere, it's still there everywhere. There was a show called Utopia - it was cancelled in the middle of its first season. Big Brother is not designed to showcase the best we have to offer. It's designed to strip off our veneer and expose our true selves. 


    Kyle made a mistake. It was unconcious bias - he didn't mean to think racially but it happened. And he's taken responsibility for what he said. That shows a tremendous amount of character. And the HG suspected Michael and Brittany held back the information they had on Kyle for maximum effect. And when Kyle told the Jury what happened, they came to the same conclusion.


    That's something Michael is going to have to respond to. Good thing he's a defense lawyer.



  11. There was more to it than just game strategy, and Kyle is taking responsibility for it, and he's doing so without the guidance of a PR and damage control team. I think that speaks well to his character. 

    As for Taylor, I agree with Memyselfandi. As a white person, I cannot fully the life experience of a Black person. I've never had someone look drop eye contact or cross the street when passing me. I've never been denied credit or lost a job opportunity because I checked the "white" box. I've never had to watch what I say or present a false impression because my words or true self might be misconstrued or make someone else uncomfortable. And I've never watched 25 seasons of a game show where a white guy never won.

    But I can try to empathize and consider how I might feel if I was in Taylor's shoes. 

  12. To be fair, while Kyle had no malintent, he did unconciously profile the minority HG and did propose a counter alliance of all white HG. The narrative spun by Michael and Brittany appeared to be more calculated to the other HG as well as the Jury members. 


    Kyle showed an awful lot of character in how he accepted responsibility for what he said, both in the house and with the Jury. Michael, on the other hand, is going to have to face the Jury now. It's good he's a defense lawyer because he's going to have to make the biggest closing argument of his life.

  13. I've never seen Tough as Nails but The Challenge is an almost incoherent battle of reality egos and not very entertaining to the masses. If you don't watch the shows from which the rejects are drawn, if you aren't familiar with the backstories driving the narratives, if you find the contrived game logic confusing, this show won't make any sense.


    I don't know what definition you have for reality TV, but when you bring in a group of HG from all walks of life, you are going to get all walks of life experiences, and they are going to interact and conflict and reflect the world in which we live.


    And that world is messy. The reality is that Kyle did name a counter alliance to his suspected Cookout 2.0 alliance that was all white HG. He probably didn't even realize it - it's called unconciouis bias - and the way Michael/Brittany spun the story, it was clear what narrative they wanted the HG to take away from it. And in that sense, it worked, but it also backfired. There are consequences for playing the race card and Michael is about to face them when he arrives in the Jury House.

    As for Kyle, he's done a good job for accepting responsibility for not thinking his comments through and more importantly, for listening and trying to understand to how the other HG and the jurors were impacted. It demonstrates more about Kyle's character, especially since he doesn't have a PR doctor guiding him through how to spin this. And Big Brother has fairly shown this aspect of Kyle as well.

    At the same time, Big Brother hasn't hidden the suspicion and disgust of the other HG against Michael for playing the race card, and the jury was quick to come to the same conclusion without Kyle defensively pointing the finger at someone else. Again, that speaks to Kyle's character. And the way Michael left the game tonight speaks volumes about his own character.


    BB showed it all and fans will come to their own conclusions.

  14. Appologies for any overlap...


    9:30am BBT Alyssa is asleep in the Golf Pro Bedroom clutching Kyle's gold blanket. Turner is in the bed to her right and Britt is on her left.

    10:30am BBT FotH for HoH LD

    12:25pm BBT feeds return and the HG have returned to their pre-HoH LD positions. Monte is in bed, Turner/Michael/Alyssa/Britt are in the KT prepping lunch. Alyssa tells Taylor she enjoyed sleeping in the GBR and talking to people, compared to being alone in the SBR.

    12:40pm BBT Alyssa/Taylor talk about Jasmine expecting the HG to wait on her. I'm not your personal servant, Taylor says to ghosts of Jasmine past. Alyssa had a BF who always valet parked his car. She's not impressed by people who do things for looks.

    12:43pm BBT Taylor dated a boy in collge for a year and a half. That goes by quickly in college. He wanted to marry her but she knew it wasn't long term. She says there was cheating. Marriage in college is like a middle-school way of thinking. 

    1:05pm BBT Michael is in the SBR, studying comps and days. Terrance is in the shower. They talk about what they are wearing tonight. Britt is in the KT. Alyssa tells her that on live feeds, you can't hide from viewers - they see all sides of you. 

    1:10pm BBT Britt says her parents still treat her their little girl. Alyssa has reached the stage where she and her mom are friends, but she's guarded talking about them. Outside the house, Alyssa and her dad facetime for hours. 

    1:13pm BBT The HoH LD was an hour early. Alyssa is going to shower early in case the show is early tonight because of football (football always preempts BB). She hasn't really practiced her speech tonight. She's not going to cry. BB really hasn't told them anything yet.

    1:20pm BBT Alyssa tells Britt that the shower is her safe space. Britt wants to wash her hair. It's not dirty but she didn't have a chance to style it last time. Alyssa's natural hair dries wavvy. 

    1:30pm BBT Britt slept during HoH LD. Alyssa says Turner was cute all snuggled on the floor. Neither of them had a chance to listen to Michael's Katy Perry HoH music. Michael says Turner listened to it for 5 hours straight during LD. They wonder if HNs are over. 

    1:35pm BBT Michael fixes the dishwasher. Britt worries it will be a DE. Michael does too. If we survive, it will be good, she says. Michael gets in the shower and Britt talks to Alyssa about meditation. Monte is asleep in the CBR, Taylor in the GBR. 

    1:50pm BBT Terrance finishes packing his suitcase with his blue DF blanket. He takes it to the SR, then heads up to the HNR. He looks around at the arranged chairs and floaties, then says he's ready and looks at the camera. He stands. He sits. He shuts his eyes.

    1:56pm BBT Controll your emotions, Terrance tells himself, then begins silently rehearsing his eviction speech in the HNR, demonstrating with his hands. Give it to me one more time, he concludes. In the WA, Michael is shaving and Britt is styling her hair. 

    2:05pm BBT Terrance practices his speech again, this time audible at a whisper. He thanks everyone, says DJ Showtime out, and bows. If I smoked something, he says, it would have been a mic drop. He sits in the pool lawn chair and runs through his speech again. 

    2:10pm BBT Maybe he won't say Mic drop. Terrance stands and goes through his speech one more time. That's fire, he says, that's fire right there. He runs through it again. I needed that, Terrance tells the camera and heads downstairs.

    2:20pm BBT Wearing his fedora hat, Terrance finishes packing his bag in the CBR. He lays in bed quietly. The other HG are in the WA in various stages of primping for the live show. Alyssa worries about double comps - what if BB splits the house again? 

    2:25pm BBT Alyssa asks Monte if everything is OK with the vote? Monte says he'll be shocked if it goes different (than Terrance). He starts trimming his hair. He's had the same barber since he was 12, he was like an uncle watching him grow up. He was 12 then & 6'4" now.

    #BB24 2:35pm BBT Monte tells Alyssa it's almost 3pm, time for the mock vote. It's usally between 3-4pm. He asks what their mock vote was during DF. Attack by a shark or mauled by a bear, Alyssa says (sounds like their category games. Wonder where they got the idea).

    2:46pm BBT Taylor is asleep in bed in the GBR. Terrance is contemplating life in the CBR. The rest of the HG are finishing getting ready. FotH for the live double eviction show.

  15. Evening Updates


    7:56pm BBT A contemplative Britt addresses the camera in the CBR, saying she will be F6, she must have done something right. 76 days is a long time. She's a different person from the experience & hopes her husband will still want her. She hopes he hasn't changed w/o her.

    8:55pm BBT Taylor gets a quiet moment to tell the camera she may not trust Britt but she needs Britt to stay in the game. Michael/Britt/Alyssa blame Jasmine for clogging the shower drain when she was in the house. 

    9:15pm BBT Terrance is alone in the CBR and tells the camera he's not going to leave all p*ssed of, that takes too much energy. He'll take a page out of Daniel's book and jus tzip out. He and Tracy are friends with a couple & they have a pact to go through life together.

    9:25pm BBT Terrance tells a story of buying his wife's engagement ring. He wanted a circle diamond or solitare. He found one ring but it was out of his price range. He found another that he liked & asked Miss Emma for a layaway plan. She said he'd walk out with the ring.

    9:30pm BBT Terrance continues history. Miss Emma helped him get financing for the ring. He proposed to her in a restaurant after dinner. There were not may people there because of COVID. She said she loved him & then he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life w/her.

    9:35pm BBT Tracey asked him if he was serious when he proposed. Other people in the restaurant were taking video. Are you going to say anything, he asked her? She said yes. They got married a year later on July 19th, 2021 after COVID and money delays.

    9:40pm BBT Terrance is clearly missing his wife as he tells his engagement story to the camera. In the KT, Michael/Turner/Taylor are eating dinner at the KT Counter and ask where Terrance is. Turner says Alyssa is sleeping (she was in the DR). Michael gets Terrance.

    9:45pm BBT Taylor says she hopes feeders enjoyed what little action there was today. Alyssa says we love you, live feeders. Taylor thinks there will be a DE tomorrow, or a new twist. Michael would rather have a DE next week than this week. 

    9:50pm BBT Michael says they'll know it's a DE if BB tells them it's a 2hr show. Taylor says the Mem Wall is like grey graveyard. She asks BB to run to Target and get them a waffle maker. A heart shaped one, Alyssa adds. 

    10:00pm BBT Monte says it's 10pm so he can nap now. Terrance is asleep in the CBR. 

    10:30pm BBT Monte suggests the HG play Bumper Pool tonight. Alyssa suggests Hide & Seek. Michael volunteers to be the seeker.

    11:49pm BBT Turner wins the Hide & Seek game. He was hiding in a SR cabinet for 20m. Why ddn't you come out, they asked? He wanted to be found, he said. Taylor says they looked in there and didn't find him so they stopped looking. 


  16. Wednesday Morning Overnights


    12:30am BBT In HoH, Michael/Britt/Alyssa/Turner debate pancakes vs. waffles for breakfast. Michael likes a good donut, vanilla frosted. Strawberry glaze with sprinkles, Turner says. Chocolate glazed, says Alyssa. Brittany likes jelly or creme filled.

    12:40am BBT HoH talk turns to whether any of their friends/family are reaching out to each other. Turner says it would be dope if Megan and Hayden were friends. 

    12:55am BBT In the WA, Taylor tells Monte that Terrance proposed an all Black alliance, and that Britt/Monte wanted to keep him and she is the deciding vote. He told her that Monte is still mad at Taylor from the first 2 weeks. Monte says that's not true. 

    1:00am BBT Monte tells Taylor he's OK with Terrance leaving. All the sh*t he's saying is a liability. Taylor asks if he thinks Alyssa is emotionally manipulative. Terrance said during DF, Alyssa was laughing and waiving the London trip in Taylor's face.

    1:02am BBT Monte tells Taylor that Terrance told him he had Monte and Britt's votes. He told Taylor he had Monte and Britt's votes. That's bullsh*t, Monte says, it's time to put Daisy down. Let's put Daisy down, Taylor agrees.

    1:04am BBT Taylor says as soon as Terrance was on the block, he began spinning stories. She feels less crazy now (that she and Monte has exposed Terrances lies). Does he not think we share notes, Monte wonders of Terrance?

    1:08am BBT Britt joins Taylor/Monte and says all she told Terrance was to fight for Veto. Taylor says Terrance made it sound like Britt talked to him after the Veto. He never pitched me, Britt says, why would I stick my neck out for him? 

    2:50am BBT Alyssa decides to sleep in Kyle's bed in the GBR. She grabs his gold blanket from the SBR. Turner joins Alyssa, Taylor and Britt in the GBR. 

    2:55pm BBT Michael talks to the camera. Britt is still his #1 but he refuses to go down with a sinking ship. Plan A is to keep winning the Veto. Not a good plan, but he's going to try. He plans to talk to Monte/Taylor tomorrow. 

    3:20am BBT Lights are off in the GBR. Taylor is the only HG up, doing KP in the KT. 

  17. Closing out Tuesday's updates:


    7:34pm BBT Michael tells Britt that Hayden is salaried and gets 27 vacation days per year. He works over 40hrs a week & needs the time off to avoid burnout. Michael says he's allowed 1 day per month (at the Escape Room). Britt says contractors at her workplace get none.

    7:36pm BBT Michael tells Britt when he worked in IT, he had 9 hour days and got every other Friday off. Britt says when she worked at Meta, they wanted her to work longer days. Michael didn't like 9 hour days because it would get dark early.

    7:44p BBT Terrance tells Monte he replays everything in his head all day long. He told Michael he has a part and a responsibility in the Kyle sh*t. Michael said he's threatening the Jury. Monte says he loves it, because no one will see it coming. 

    7:46pm BBT Terrance is going to walk around the house like he usually does as if he's going hoime. Monte assures him he needs him and Taylor to take the shot next week. He promises Terrance to see what he can do. Monte goes to the SR and puts his hands on his head.

    7:55pm BBT Alyssa checks in with Taylor with Turner, who says Britt offered him F2 and told him Taylor/Alyssa had a F2 plan to bring him to the end because he could be beat. At 5:30am this morning, Britt told him there was an all girls alliance and all men were targets.

    8:00pm BBT Taylor believes Turner and says she's seen a shift in Britt the last couple days. Now she knows why. Turner says Britt said Taylor was targeting him and Michael. Do what you want with this info, Turner says.

    8:02pm BBT Taylor tells Turner if she put him on the block next week he wouldn't have been the target. She asks if she was his target when she was on the block with Britt. Turner quips he was indifferent. Taylor says Britt's targets next week are Turner/Alyssa.

    8:04pm BBT Turner tells Taylor that Alyssa told him that Britt said he wanted Taylor out over Terrance. Britt was pitching it in the CBR. Turner asks Taylor to agree not to put each other up next week. He asks if she's OK with Britt/Alyssa being nom next week?

    8:06pm BBT Taylor says Turner may still be on the block next week but reiterates he's not her target. She's not making any promises in advance because that was a mistake last time. 

    8:08pm BBT Taylor says she put a lot of trust in Britt. First she trusted Joe, then Britt. She's not easily put trusting anyone at this point. If Britt is Turner's target, Taylor says, she's OK with him doing his thing. Turner promises she won't go up anyway.

    8:10pm BBT In HoH, Britt says if Taylor switches to Monte, she'll be screwed, Monte doesn't care about her. Britt has tried to be gentle with her. She thinks someone told Taylor something that spooked her. If Turner/Monte win HoH, we're in trouble.

    8:12pm BBT Britt tells Michael maybe she went at Turner too hard and Turner spooked Taylor. Or maybe she said something that spooked Taylor. Michael tells her to not come across looking desperate. Britt agrees, she can't overplay. He asks her to send Terrance up.

    8:16pm BBT Alone, Michael looks at the camera and rolls his eyes. Terrance comes into HoH and says he was hoping to have a better pitch but he's had no confirmations. Michael assures him people are considering it. 

    8:18pm BBT Terrance promises if he wins HoH, he'd do whatever Michael wanted and he wouldn't have any blood on his hands. He would be a soldier in his fight. He would go after Turner because of DF and probably Monte because Michael doesn't want Taylor nom.

    8:20pm BBT Terrance explains to Michael how the F3 HoH comps work. Michael patiently listens. Terrance reminds him he won an HoH & Veto comp b2b. Britt told him she'd like to vote for him but the votes are not there. Michael doesn't know if Alyssa has the votes either.

    10:20pm BBT After dinner, Britt/Taylor talk. Britt trusts Monte. They have 3 different plans and just need to pick one. They all have pro's and cons. They had Tacos for dinner & Turner doesn't feel well. The rest of the HG are playing games. 

    10:30pm BBT Monte lays down in the CBR. Alyssa finds him and says he told her to make sure he didn't lay down (so he would sleep through the night). Too late, Monte says. Turner and Terrance lay down in the CBR too. Instead of sleeping, they talk about house decorating.

    10:40pm BBT Terrance says he bought his first house when he was 28. His first wife took it in the divorce. He lived in his parents' condo for a while, then his 3rd wife's house. Turner asks how do you go about buying a house? You start with what rooms you need, he says.

    10:42pm BBT Terrance is talking about how to buy a house. After you know what you want, you go to a bank and run your credit to find out how much house you can afford. Then you go to a realtor and they show you possible homes that meet your needs and price range.

    10:44pm BBT Terrance continues his lecture on home buying. Once you make an offer, you pay for a home inspection to make sure there isn't anything wrong with it. Then you try to finance a down payment separate from a 15 or 30 year mortgage. He suggests a credit union.

    10:48pm BBT Turner says he got a car loan once, but paid it off. It did nothing for his credit (not true, that's how you build credit). He tried to start a shuttle bus company but was denied a business loan (that has more to do w/ having a solid business plan & equity).

    10:50pm BBT Terrance says you have to buy stuff you don't need to build credit (no, you just need to pay for the things you buy). It took him 6mo to raise his business credit and that took forever. Turner was told he needs to be bring in $250k to get a $30k loan.

    10:52pm BBT Terrance never certified his business and was using an address that was not his home, but is trying to make it legit (that maybe something he should have kept to himself). He tells Uncle Sam he's not making any money. he has tons of write-offs. 

    10:54pm BBT Turner says in his first year, his costs were higher than his revenues, so he paid no taxes. Terrance says this was not only his first time applying to BB, it was his first time applying for anything. He watched BB but was lost as h*ll coming into the house.

    10:56pm BBT Terrance tells Turner he's far ahead in his life. Really, Turner asks? Fire! Terrance says there are people his age still with no direction. Turner says he applied last year and didn't make the final cut, and didn't apply this year but they called him. 

    11:00pm BBT Terrance shuts his eyes. Turner is called to the DR and say F*ck. Monte is already asleep and Terrance startsto snore. Alyssa asks if they should shut the door to the CBR. He doesn't answer so she does.

    11:13pm BBT BB turns off the lights in the CBR. In the GBR, Britt/Alyssa/Taylor try to form the Vulcan greeting with their hands. Alyssa thinks Taylor looks 22, not 27. Taylor thought they would each get 3 Zings and BB would pick the best one. Britt says it was awkward.

    11:15pm BBT Taylor is surprised there hasn't been an America's Vote. Britt says they may have had one and if it wasn't used, they weren't told (ding ding). Taylor wonders if there could be a battle-back. Too late, Britt says. It would've been pre-Jury, Alyssa says.

    11:29pm BBT The girls head to the KT for ice cream & cupcakes. Turner comes out of the DR and asks where everyone is. They say Michael is taking a bath upstairs. Michael coems downstairs after his bath. Britt says muffins could be breakfast or dessert. 

    11:31pm BBT Michael went to a Panera Bread and the menu said add a bakery item for 99 cents. He asked for a bagel and they said that wasn't a bakery item. They couldn't explain what it was if not a bakery item. He refused to pay the extra 40 cents for it.

    11:33pm BBT Taylor wants a Chiptle Unlimited Black Card, It's given to celebrities. Someone on TikTok traded a Chipotle Black Card for a house. They discuss whether the 1st and 2nd place HG get an interview with JCM after the show (they used to appear on The Talk w/her).

    11:35pm BBT Michael says in earlier seasons, the 3rd place HG got more time with the Jury (now they join them on the live finale). Taylor wonders if this season won't have a DE (yep, it will).

    11:38pm BBT Maybe the 3rd place person will leave early and the F2 will get the house alone for a week. Michael says the feeds will be boring (they are). Michael and Britt think America voted on something for Dyre Fest (nope). 

    11:40pm BBT Michael invites them up to HoH. Taylor declines, saying she wants to lay down. Michael says Monte used to go to bed early but now he naps and stays up late. Jasmine would go to bed so early, Britt recalls. She tried to stay up on night and was miserable.

    11:45pm BBT Britt/Taylor/Turner/Michael are in HoH. They start talking movies. Michael sees Alyssa on the HoH Spy Screen and calls down to her to come up. 

  18. Filling in some Tuesday gaps:


    10:53am BBT Alyssa/Britt on the BY couch talking about Turner's game play and Michael winning all the Vetos. Turner isn't talking game with Alyssa - he just says he's got her back. He won't say anything more.

    10:57am BBT Monte joins Alyssa/Britt in the BY and talk turns to dragonflies & hummingbirds. Alyssa thinks it's unfair to the butterflies that come into the BY and all the plants are fake. Britt saw butterflies after her aunt died and wondered if there was meaning in it.

    11:00am BBT Monte tells Alyssa/Britt Turner/Michael were up late playing Ladderball and Chinese Checkers. Alyssa says she saw Taylor early in the AM switching laundry. Terrance is eating scrambled eggs in the KT by himself.

    11:03am BBT Monte/Alyssa/Britt talk about how much avocado and salmon they have. They are going to use the BY in about an hour. Talk turns to the end of summer and school starting. 

    11:46am BBT Britt is in the KT having made avocado toast, talking with Terrance about post-BB plans. Terrance doesn't want to go back to driving a bus. Alyssa is jogging in the BY. Monte is sneaking in a nap in the loft. BB: No napping, HG! 

    11:55am BBT Taylor checks on her laundry then returns to bed in the GBR. Turner is awake and getting coffee in the KT. Britt tells him he has 10m before the BY closes. Alyssa comes in, fills her water bottle, and heads to the gym to ride the exercise bike. 

    12:07pm BBT BB reminds HG they must be awake between the hours of 10am and 10pm. Alyssa adds a weight to the bike. Terrance tries to meet with Michael in HoH but he's still asleep. Tell me when you're ready, he says, heading back downstairs. Alyssa finishes on the bike.

    12:20pm BBT Alyssa takes a shower. Turner has been in the chair under the stairs for the last half hour, listening to construction sounds in the BY. They are really going at it, he says. Taylor is asleep in the GBR. Michael is asleep in HoH. 

    12:30pm BBT Alyssa is making breakfast and asks Turner who left a dirty pan in the KT. Turner didn't see anyone (Terrance made eggs before any of the HG were awake). They talk about the construction noises coming from the BY. 

    3:40pm BBT Monte is alone in the gym doing shoutouts. He thanks the guy who took over his fitness clients. 

    3:55pm BBT Britt tells Alyssa she can fall asleep almost anywhere (that's a trait shared by all the HG). She about recording stuff for friends. Alyssa heads to the WA and Britt is still talking about her plans. She offers to interview Monte on the live feeds.

    4:05pm BBT Alyssa suggests leftovers for lunch, maybe pulled pork on nachos. Terrance likes that idea (all that exercising undone by nachos for lunch). BB finally game them good lunch meat, she says. 

    4:10pm BBT In the gym, Monte says people make excuses for not exercising, saying they don't have time. He has to change their mindset. Britt says she also makes excuses about not having enough time. Negative thoughts prevent action, she says, it's powerful.

    4:13pm BBT Britt tells Monte one approach to acting is taking action first, then feelings will come through. Another is to explore the feelings, then act on them. In the KT, Alyssa tells Terrance she's going to make cookies. (Did she feel like it or just acting like it?)

    4:15pm BBT Alyssa says the chocolate chips will expire 2 months after they are home from BB. Should she crush the M&Ms? Terrance says yes. She puts them in a bag and then hits them with a rolling pin. 

    4:25pm BBT Michael comes downstairs and Alyssa says she had nothing better to do so she decided to bake. They'll get eaten, Michael promises her. She apologizes if her banging with the rolling pin woke him up. 

    4:30pm BBT In the gym, Monte tells Britt about his fitness podcast. He will talk about nutrition. Britt checks in with her nutrionist weekly. Monte suggests a podcast. She has a list of healthy foods to eat. Monte prefers to add good foods rather than take food away.

    4:33pm BBT Monte explains to Britt the brain doesn't like things taken away. It feels like punishment, Britt agrees. You say don't and the brain says do. Monte sets a fixed budget for food. He buys the healthy stuff first then has no money left for bad stuff.

    4:36pm BBT Monte says he got into fitness during COVID. He played sports in HS but his knees were bad. He didn't really start working out until COVID. He wonders if Turner is in the DR - he hasn't seen him. Just lounging, Britt tells him.

    4:50pm BBT In the KT, Michael doesn't like jogging in the BY - too little room. He and Alyssa agree night swims are nice. Alyssa takes out her cookies and they look good. Talk turns to Halloween and Trick or Treating. Britt said she had 39 visitors last year.

    5:10pm BBT Michael's mom made him stop trick-or-treating after 3rd grade. For Alyssa, it was 6th grade. Michael learned the Tooth Fairy was fake when he found all his baby teeth in a drawer. He figured out Santa a year later. Britt got coins & candy from the Tooth Fairy.

    5:12pm BBT Alyssa's teeth were worth a dollar, she says. Michael got quarters. He says a kid in his class got $20 bills. Britt wants her kids to believe in Santa but her sister-in-law doesn't. She thinks it's wrong to lie to kids. 

  19. Monday/Tuesday overnights


    12:15am BBT Taylor & Britt get together. Who is our target next week? Britt is not sure Monte/Turner would vote out Alyssa next week. Taylor wonders who is Alyssa's target. Monte, Britt thinks.

    1:00am BBT Monte/Taylor are playing pool. Turner sprays for ants. Maybe we won't play pool, Monte thinks. Britt goes to bed. Monte asks Taylor if there are any new developments. No, she says. Britt is acting different, he thinks. She wants Turner up, Taylor says.

    1:05am BBT Monte suggests Taylor ask Britt if she talks game with Taylor and see what she says. Taylor goes inside to get her water bottle and Turner/Monte play ladderball. Turner says Britt is imploding. She wants us to go after each other, Monte says, 

    1:10am BBT Monte continues to to vent to Turner. Taylor seems blind when it comes to Britt. She has to see Britt is acting strange. Michael has to be suspicious. (if they aren't worried about her, you have your answer). Taylor returns and talk goes back to Ladderball.

    1:30am BBT Terrance is in bed. He's excited about tomorrow, he tells the camera. He thanks live feeders for rocking w/the old man this season. He has an uphill battle now. His BB role model was Cliff (BB21) who fought to stay in the game. He hopes he makes Cliff proud.

    1:35am BBT Terrance knows there are 1000 who would trade places w/him & he's pulling on that energy to strengthen him. Never count the kid out. He's going to sleep because it's going to be Showtime tomorrow. He should have been a lawyer - he's making his closing remarks.

    1:37am BBT Terrance says all he needs to do is focs on the small details and try to crack it open an inch. 

    1:40am BBT Monte pushes his theory to Taylor about Britt trying to get them all to target Michael. Taylor promises not to tell Britt but wonders if they should express their concerns to Michael. When the time is right, Monte says.

    1:42a BBT Monte recalls all the times they could have taken out Michael but didn't. They just have to hope he slips on Veto. Taylor would not be upset if they put up Michael. It's the following week, Monte worries, it's my *ss. Taylor promises to protect him if he does.

    1:44am BBT Taylor suggests a F3 with her and Britt (has she even been listening to Monte?). Monte can't talk to her, it's just weird. Taylor asks if he's talked to Terrance He gave him a pitch, Monte says. Taylor says they can talk about Britt after eviction. 

    1:46am BBT Monte brings up that the Michael/Britt timing on the Kyle thing was sketchy. Taylor says it's weird if Britt thinks Monte/Turner are close and then she offers Turner a F2. Monte says she's trying to cover her *ss in case Michael is evicted. 

    1:48am BBT Monte doesn't think Britt checked with Michael befor emaking all these F2 deals. She's running her own game. We can't act on it until Michael's gone. We can compare notes, Taylor says. She agrees Britt is more distant lately. 

    1:50am BBT Monte tells Taylor that Turner said Britt told him Taylor is getting too close to Monte (did you follow that?). Monte says Michael/Britt should have told them about Kyle during Big Brochella and they could have talked about it. What if Kyle had won HoH?

    1:55am BBT In HoH, Michael tells Turner he worries others will want to drag Terrance to the end and won't evict him. Turner isn't intimidated by either Alyssa or Britt in a comp. It doesn't matter what Alyssa does with noms, they have the votes. 

    1:57am BBT Turner thinks the girls want Monte to put him up. Michael says he's started wondering if Britt would put him up. If Alyssa wins HoH, would she listen to you if you said Britt was leaking information, then put put her up? 

    1:59am BBT Michael thinks Taylor will take a shot at the two of them and but him and Turner up. He doesn't know what changed with Britt. She decided 2nd place wasn't good enough, Turner tells him. She's playing all sides, Michael says, he didn't expect this from her.

    2:01am BBT Turner tells Michael if it's physical, he or Monte could win. Michael thinks Taylor isn't good under pressure, she gets frustrated easily. They think Britt will continue to try to work everyone. They go downstairs to play pool, joining Monte.

    2:05am BBT Britt is lying to someone, Monte tells Michael/Turner. What do we do? Nothing? Change the vote? Michael says no, Terrance would put him up. He thinks Britt and Taylor's votes Thursday will show their cards. Taylor feels wierd about Britt too, Monte says.

    2:15am BBT Michael says Britt thinks she can beat Turner F2. Turner says she called them both middle-of-the-road players. It was 5:30am, Monte quips, maybe she was sleep deprived. It gave me Nicole vibes, Turner shivers. 

    2:19am BBT Michael says Britt was calmer during the Festie Besties (she was more protected with Michael as a bigger target). He notes that when they get to F5, the bonus money kicks in. 

    2:21am BBT Michael says Britt said she could have won BB Comics if she hadn't fallen. That's like me saying I could have won the envelopes if I had picked the right one. Monte says he'd nom Alyssa/Britt if he won HoH. He's not worried about Britt winning and staying.

    2:23am BBT Monte says he, Turner and Michael are a 3-headed monstor (maybe that should be their alliance name). Taylor comes outside and all monster talk ends. There are dead ants on the pool table (they sprayed it earlier) so they play Ladderball instead.

    3:25am BBT Michael/Taylor/Turner/Monte play Chinese Checkers in the BY. They believe they will lose the BY at noon Tuesday. 

    4:15am BBT The Chinese Checkers game ends. Taylor gets her sheets from the dryer and trades them for her comforter to wash next. The guys play cornhole. 

    4:30am BBT All the HG but Taylor give their shout-outs, perform their bedtime ADLs and crawl into bed. Taylor is alone in the BY playing cornhole. She says she never wants to go to sleep while they have the BY. She sits on the BY couch and contemplates.

    5:00am BBT Taylor returns inside, prepares for bed and goes to sleep. 



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