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Posts posted by Fuskie

  1. 9:30pm BBT Taylor listens to Britt spin how she sees the F4. Out in the loft, Monte/Turner are sure Taylor will see through it. Monte doesn't think Britt deserves to get anywhere near the prize money, she's not the kind of person who he wants to benefit from F3.

    9:35pm BBT Britt tells Taylor she made F3 and deserves to pick her F2. Monte/Turner have each other. She is sticking to her story that Turner voted to keep Alyssa. Taylor is eating fruit snacks and listening patiently to everything Britt says.


    9:40pm BBT Monte/Turner are in the loft trashing Britt and talking about what a threat Taylor will be in F3. Britt says noms don't matter, Veto matters. Sehe would rather be in the position of voting. It's important for Taylor to have someone she can trust voting.

    9:43pm BBT Britt tells Taylor that she's worried Monte would vote to keep Turner or Turner would vote to keep Monte, and then Taylor has less of a chance to make F2. Monte is next and gives Taylor a big bear hug. Is this not rediculous, she says? 

    9:46pm BBT Taylor tells Monte it's Turner and Britt but Veto is what matters. Monte says Britt would pick Turner for F3 hands down. She stops talking to her target and hasn't talked to him (he made it clear he didn't want to hear anything she had to say).

    9:51pm BBT Turner talks to Britt in the WA. Britt doesn't want to talk about the vote. He's upset she didn't tell him about her vote, tried to use his friendship with Alyssa,  and now she's going to try to blame it on him. She's disgusting and slimey. 

    9:53pm BBT Thanks for letting me know, Britt says. Turner barges in on Monte/Turner and relates the incident, breaking down in tears. He looks like an idiot and Alyssa's mad. Monte says that he's having this reaction to her means a lot to them.

    9:56pm BBT Britt is taking off makeup in the GBR. Turner calms down and apologizes again for interrupting and heads back downstairs. Monte tells Taylor he wants to make sure her resume is tip top for the F3. He's not going to questin her decision. 

    9:58pm BBT Taylor says she's the mob boss now. Taylor tells Monte she's considering, if she wins Veto, of keeping Britt. Monte asks if they can talk over those options? Taylor says who can I trust & who can I beat? I trust you, I can beat Britt.

    10:05pm BBT Taylor says she's going to say either Turner/Britt voted against her aso they're going up. Monte says perfect. Monte says he understands Taylor's game but just doesn't want to reward someone like Britt for her behavior. 

    10:08pm BBT Monte promises there is no circumstance where he'd pick Turner F2 over her. He says she has have HoH for the week. He's saying the right things, he teases. Taylor notes the LR scren says Nominations Today. They should change it to Nominations Tonight.


    10:13pm BBT Turner is nodding off in the loft. Monte says he quietly clapped when Taylor won HoH and said thank god! BB cvalls Monte to the DR. They are surprised BB didn't want this convo on camera. 

    10:15pm BBT Monte says he has no interest on working with anyone from DF, but Turner kind of latched onto him after he came back & after the Kyle thing (he's telling Taylor what she indicated she wanted to hear). Monte gives her some quick kisses then heads to the DR.

    10:18pm BBT Turner comes into HoH and says he's having a tough time because of Britt. He starts tearing up again. For her to leverage his friendship. Taylor gives him the TP to wipe the tears. He never would have done something like that to her, he cries.

    10:20pm BBT Taylor tells Turner Britt described him like a master chess player. Monte stops in the WA to wash up before heading to the DR. Taylor tells Turner she sees his game as acting on instinct, doing the right thing, operating from a moral code. 

    10:22pm BBT Turner says Britt told him to do damage control in his GB message for his vote for Taylor (it was his idea) and then she blamed him in her GB msg (she didn't). Turner says you can put me up as long as Britt is up too. That's the plan, Taylor says.

    10:24pm BBT Turner says there's no scenario where he wants Britt in F3. Taylor reminds him they have a F3 (her, Turner, Monte). We do, he asks, he forgot. The Girls Guys, she reminds him. Oh yeah. Turner says he was dying during that tie breaker. 

    10:26pm BBT Britt is asleep in the GBR with the lights on. Turner is grateful she believes him about the vote. He just hopes Alyssa sees what Britt was doing. He's glad she and Monte are getting to the end and the three of them are in good standing. 

    10:28pm BBT OMG, he says, Alyssa and I won't be friends outside the house (well, you did lie to her - that's not Britt's fault). Taylor says what audacity you have, operating under a moral code. Turner doesn't know how someone could do what Britt's done.

    10:30pm BBT Taylor asks if there's anything else she needs to know? He's told her everything. Taylor relates that Britt told her Turner kept saying he was keeping Turner but Alyssa kept saying he was keeping her. Turner is so glad she won HoH w/him & Monte playing Veto.

  2. 7:07pm BBT Feeds return after Alyssa's eviction. Taylor says she's getting a letter and music! Turner says Alysa probably cried but that's OK (she was more classy than that). Britt says she really hopes she can see Steven (they are hoping for family videos this week).

    7:10pm BBT Britt is kicking herself for guessing so high. She goes to the SR and Turner tells Monte he can't believe Britt flipped on Taylor. He hopes Monte knows it wasn't him. Monte says he'll have a talk with Taylor. 

    7:15pm BBT Britt is sitting on the bed in the GBR. They say Britt's expression after the HoH comp was that she's f*cked. Monte knew how Britt voted by how she came out of the DR. He just didn't think she'd do it. 

    7:17pm BBT It was the right decision to keep Taylor, Monte reasons, because Britt would have won that HoH had Alyssa stayed. Britt has been acting strange all week, so its no surprise she'd try to pin the vote on Turner. 

    7:19pm BBT Turner says he'd be OK going up vs. Britt. They just need to win Veto. Monte really wanted Taylor to win HoH so she didn't have to suck up to Britt & could not confront her (keeping the HoH room never entered his mind of course, nor Turner winning apparently).

    7:25pm BBT Monte says he looks at people's actions no matter how close you are. Britt/Taylor celebrate in the GBR. Britt says she has to win Veto and they can be F3. Taylor says the train keeps moving. Britt commits to bringing each other. Taylor has Britt's back.

    7:30pm BBT Britt says it was good jury management for Turner to give Alyssa a sympathy vote. Taylor says it all started with a DM from a friend about TAR. She was contacted and said no, but then watched BB23 and her friend said it would be fun.

    7:35pm BBT Taylor goes upstairs where Monte/Turner is playing bumper pool. He contratulates her for pulling it off. FashionFest, Taylor brags, come on. Monte says it was obvious Britt voted for Alyssa. Turner says Britt already pulled him into the SR. 

    7:45pm BBT Monte says they are going to be so bored this week. Taylor says she's tied with Azah for how far she's made it in the game. Monte says Taylor didn't have a Cookout style alliance to help her (but she did have The Leftovers). 

    7:48pm BBT Taylor says she's one of only 2 Black female HG to make it to F3, and Danielle Reyes was the only one to make F2. Taylor hopes Britt wasn't upset she mentioned she was recruited on Instagram. Turner says it doesn't matter if she's upset.

    7:51pm BBT Turner can't wait to see how Britt spins her vote with him because he knows what she did. Taylor says Britt already said it wasn't her. She said she was surprised and was glad Monte followed through to keep her. As if he's not to be trusted, Monte complained.

    7:54pm BBT Monte is frustrated with Britt. Taylor says she doesn't fault her for playing the game. Taylor wonders when the switch happened, because they were lockstep. Monte says probably after the DR where they were asked who they wanted in F3.

    7:56pm BBT Britt joins Monte/Turner/Taylor in the WA but Monte is called to the DR. They talk about anything but the elephant in the room.

    8:23pm BBT Taylor whispers to herself that Monte/Turner will go up and she hopes Turner goes out this week. 


    9:00pm BBT Taylor has already received her HoH room. She got consmetics, snacks, flip flops, a floral bucket hat, a pink HoH robe, a reflective visor, Lays, Beyonce's Renaissance, and a letter from a friend. 

    9:15pm BBT Taylor decides to hold 1-on-1's, starting with Britt. She tells Brit noms will be her and Turner. Monte/Turner are in the loft discussing how sketchy Britt has been since the eviction. They think Britt tried to use personal sh*t to get ahead in the game.

  3. Overnights...


    12:10am BBT Alyssa goes to change into her PJs. While she's gone, Turner whispers something abotu Britt to Monte. I knew it, Monte says. They should talk with Taylor about it later tonight. Taylor says if you two are lying about Britt, you are the best liars.

    12:15am BBT Turner tells Monte/Taylor that Britt called him into the SR and sugtgested he give Alyssa a sympathy vote. Britt knows she can beat Allyssa in any comp. You guys are my game, Turner tells Monte/Taylor, I am not voting Taylor out. 

    12:18am BBT Monte says Britt is so bad at the game. Why does she keep lying? Monte says she wants to take Taylor out this week and him out next week. They hope she's too sick to compete tomorrow. Turner doesn't like that she's so manipulative (has he EVER watched BB?).

    12:21am BBT Monte says if Britt doesn't tell Taylor about her convo with Turner, it's the same pattern. (Why on earth would anyone she her target she's trying to get her out? Monte's logic circuits are broken). Alyssa stands in front of her empty suitcase in the SBR.

    12:25am BBT Monte/Turner/Taylor setting in at the DT for Chinese Checkers. Alyssa returns to the KT. I thought you were changing, Taylor says. I haven't packed yet, Alyssa realized. She heads to the WA to get her things.

    12:30am BBT Monte/Turner say Britt must be crazy to think Turner would flip so easily. Turner says she plays dirty. They go to HoH. Taylor has to feel like sh*t, everyone throwing her under the bus. Turner says Taylor is forgiving. 

    12:45am BBT Monte gives Taylor credit for humoring Alyssa tonight. Monte/Turner start packign up Monte's HoH room to bring downstairs. Monte announces to Turner he's got gass. Turner thought he was listening for noise outside the HoH door. They bring his HoH food down.

    1:05am BBT Monte offers Turner/Taylor any of his HoH food. Taylor says some of it needs to be tossed. Taylor says she's going to wash then get to bed. She'll see them in the morning. Instead, she goes up to HoH. You OK, Monte asks? Taylor's heard worse.

    1:10am BBT Taylor tells Monte as long as she has 2 votes, hopefully 3. Monte is sorry Taylor is taking the brunt of it. They enjoy a deep snog and she says she'll win HoH next week for them. She heads downstairs and Monte continues packing up HOH.

    1:15am BBT Lights in the GBR are off for Taylor/Britt. Monte brings a bag down to the CBR. He returns to HoH to listen to music and watch the monitor, his head bopping and his face smiling. 

    1:30am BBT All lights are out and all HG are sleeping.

  4. 8:30pm BBT Turner is ready to play Spades. Alyssa tells Britt she can watch if she wants to learn. She suggets Turner get Monte/Taylor from HoH. They watch Britt take Turner to the WA but cannot listen in.

    8:35pm BBT Turner says if he votes out Alyssa, she won't vote for him in the Jury, it would be a worse betrayal than Kyle. Both agree they don't have much Jury support. But Turner hates a nom threatening them with their Jury vote. 

    8:37pm BBT Turner says he'll explain in his GB msg to Alyssa that he can't vote against his F4. No sympathy vote, Britt asks him? He may consider it if Britt is up for it. She says it's up to him. He'll think about it. 

    8:39pm BBT Britt points out that they can split the vote and Monte can break the tie. That may be better, Turner agrees, Alyssa is very emotional and it's harder to lie to her. Britt says sympathy vote or not, it's going to be the same result, just more heat from Monte.

    8:41pm BBT Turner doesn't like that Alyssa tried to manipulate him with the Jury threat. Britt says if he votes to keep Alyssa and Monte sends him out, that's 2 weeks in the JH to do damage control for him. Turner promises to tell Britt what he decides before the vote.

    8:43pm BBT In the meantime, Turner tells Britt, tell Alyssa it's all on Monte. The HG gather in the KT for cards. 

    9:00pm BBT Britt says she feels sick. She's been taking naps but it isn't helping. Taylor asks if she's been keeping hydrated. Yes. It's hard napping all the time (the HG seem to be doing OK at it). There's one more hour until 10pm and they can officially go to bed.

    9:05pm BBT Taylor screams! Britt asks what happened? Alyssa says the icing fell behind the oven. They are trying to get the icing from behind the coven. Alyssa says it's hot, be careful. Please Stop That, BB orders. 

    9:15pm BBT Now Alyssa feels sick from nappign on and off. She's been in the DR 5 times today. She was hoping to do her hair and work out today but she'll have to go natural tomorrow. Alyssa has a loud sneeze. That's a good one, Taylor says. 

    9:25pm BBT Monte is in the DR. Taylor lays across the KT counter, waiting for food to cook. Taylor/Britt/Alyssa agree to a normal bedtime tonight. They can't do 5am again with everything tomorrow. 

    9:40pm BBT Alyssa explains to Taylor why Derrick was one of the greatest BB players ever. She can only think of 5 woman winners from the 23 seasons. Britt says Michael's long legs & track body (cross country) helped him win. Alyssa says the game is weighing on her body.

    9:45pm BBT Taylor says there are ppl who know everything about the BB House. You mean Production, Alyssa asks? Yeah. Alyssa was thinking of live feeders, but they don't see everything. The feeds aren't on all the time, Taylor notes.

    9:55pm BBT Turner is out of the Downstairs DR, Monte in the Upstairs DR. General chat about changing perspectives during the season. Alyssa says Turner has a one-track mind and doesn't listen to anyone else. Turner says he did change his mind about 9-to-5. 

    9:58pm BBT Britt says she has chills. And they're multiplying. She's got the Grease song in her head. She played Patty in high school. Alyssa/Turner decide to play Chinese Checkers while they wait for Monte. Britt heads to the GBR. 

    10:03pm BBT A coughin Britt is called to the DR. Monte washes his hands in the HoH WA and heads downstairs. Alyssa gives up on the checkers game. Turner beat her in 14 moves. They decide to play Spades. 

    10:15pm BBT What comp hurt the most ppl, Taylor asks? OTEV, Turner says, it injured everyone. Taylor asks what the symbol is in the O on Monte's HoH robe. It's the switching of power, Turner says. Monte asks if they've all been waiting on him? (Yes)

    11:00pm BBT Taylor says last game. They have been enjoying each other's company and small talk playing Spades. Taylor says there may be some tears shed tonight (over the card game). Turner still doesn't know what to call the "clubs" symbol on cards. 

    11:40pm BBT Britt calls it a night & heads to bed. Taylor says her leggings make her butt & abs look good. Turner says some HG got better HoH stuff than others. Turner says now he has a soar throat. Turner hopes they don't all have Covid. He hopes he's not getting sick.

  5. 2:20pm BBT Monte heads up to HoH and puts on his headphones in the WC. Britt is meditating on the GBR bed. Taylor laying on her bed in the GBR. Taylor asks if she's got bad news. No, says Britt. Taylor is going to do 30m on the bike. 

    2:40pm BBT Britt is deciding whether to stay up tonight. Monte/Turner were planning to stay up late and sleep in the morning, she tells Taylor. Taylor says she was really mad at Monte yesterday but they hashed it out. (is that what that was?)

    2:45pm BBT Britt was surprised Monte described her as a mobb boss. Turner is brushing his teeth in the WA before going to the DR. Alyssa will talk to him when he gets out. She joins Taylor/Britt in the GBR. Has Taylor started packing? No, but she's fast at it now.

    2:50pm BBT Alyssa tells Taylor/Britt that Monte is going to lead a stretch session. It's Wellness Wednesday, she says. Alyssa/Taylor discuss what they can bake today. Taylor says some people fall asleep watching the feeds (guilty). 

    2:55pm BBT 3 mo have felt like 3 yrs, Alyssa says. Britt agreees. Alyssa can't believe she lived for a wk in the BY & used a porta-potty w/4 guys. Terrance was always in there. The only benefit is that everyone went to bed together & you could see who was talking to who.

    3:00pm BBT Mo Britt says initially, the only thing she knew about Monte is he liked the WC. Alyssa says she couldn't use the WC for a month (obviously, she did). Britt wanted the full BB experience but was never a HN. Alyssa can still taste the slop.

    3:02pm BBT Alyssa says the cold showers and HNR were hard but not as bad as the shower and tent for DyreFest. She survived and is a better person for it. Just kidding. She lays down and says her stomach will be permanently damaged from the stress (it's called an ulcer).

    3:04pm BBT Alyssa says she'll cry in pumpkin patches with butterflies when she gets out. Britt is worried she'll be still suffer from paranoia when she gets out. It'll be OK after a couple weeks, Alyssa thinks. Trust is such a foreign concept in the house, Britt says.

    3:06pm BBT Alyssa wishes they could see family videos. The Clock Veto seems like weeks ago. Alyssa wonders who was the Cuckoo voice. Britt does an imitation, saying you have 2 minutes to get outside. Alyss reminds Britt that Steven will see her win Veto tonight.

    3:10pm BBT Alyssa says her HoH music would have been Certified Lover Boy (who needs the music when you had the real thing?). She asks what music Turner requetsed that he didn't get. They make peace & love hand gestures. 

    3:13pm BBT Alyssa wishes a msseuse came into the house. Turner wishes a lot of people came into the house. Turner says he got a massage in China once. Did it leave you refreshed? It hurt and he felt betrayed (you sure that wasn't a body search by the Chinese police?).

    3:15pm BBT Alyssa suggests Megan might like a massage. Turner says no, she sees a chiroparactor. She asks what gifts he's given her. An album & other things, he says. Alyssa jokes he's been with her for years and he can't remember the gifts he's given. Jeez, says Turner.

    3:17pm BBT Alyssa promises to surprise Turner at the Rugshack. Turner asks if Alyssa knows about his parents. She knows his mom. He doesn't mention his dad a lot. He has an older brother he doesn't see often. Both the brother and father are named Scott.

    3:30pm BBT Alyssa is nervous being interviewed by the press after the show. Technically, Turner points out, they did press before coming into the house. After being in the house, thinks, the press should be a piece of cake. Turner wonders what he looks like on camera.

    3:32pm BBT Alyssa and Turner look at a sleeping Taylor. She's knocked out, Turner says. Turner is surprised when Alyssa says her dad was a boxer. When he was young. Then he became a martial arts trainer. 

    3:34pm BBT Alyssa says her father put her first BF through the ringer when she was 16. Was he worthy, Turner asked? No, she says, he cheated on her. Her dad was jacked but got really thin after finding peace in nature. 

    3:36pm Turner asks if Alyssa is mad at Joe. No, he didn't mean anything to her. They were just acquaintances, not friends. She expects more from her friends. Turner would love to visit Joe but won't drive across the country. But they coudl Facetime.

    3:40pm BBT Turner says if he was in Utah, he'd look Kyle up (it's a big state). Neither would bother with Daniel if they were in Vegas. Alyssa broke up with a BF who was nice and did stuff for her but wasn't a conversatinalist beyond telling her she was pretty.

    3:50pm BBT Alyssa says she's moving after the show. She'll visit her mom, but then is going to Tampa or Austin. Maybe Boca where Joe lives. It's a laid back beach town. 

    3:52pm BBT Turner says he always sleeps through his alarms at home - Megan has to wake him up. That explains alot, Alyssa says. Turner says BB has given up on them with only 2 weeks left. Britt is out of the DR and joins sleeping Taylor and Alyssa/Turner in the GBR.

    3:55pm BBT Alyssa heads to the WA and Britt follows. Britt says Alyssa should Britt is voting for Taylor and ask Turner for a sympathy vote and let Monte break the tie. Alyssa tells Britt she'll let her know if it doesn't seem like Turner is going to keep her. 

    4:00pm BBT Monte comes down from HoH and finds Alyssa. Is everyone in nap mode? She thinks so. Check the GBR, she suggests. She goes tothe GBR and finds Turner laying down. I was just gone 5m, she adminishes him. It felt like 30m, he says. She'll nap with him, she says.

    4:05pm BBT The camera is on a sleeping Taylor. The camera just loves Taylor, Turner jokes, all it wants to do is stare. Turner/Britt/Alyssa play musical beds in the GBR around a sleeping Taylor. The feeds are getting their money's worth, Alyssa says dryly. 

    4:06pm BBT Britt recalls BB23 when Big D, Azah and Xavier spent all day in bed talking about what they would do F3. She gets it now, there's nothing else to do on ILD. 

    5:35pm BBT Alyssa is eating alone in the KT. Monte is stretching in the gym while Taylor, who is not, watches. Monte may skip leg day to be more fresh for HoH even if he's not competing. Taylor says Alysas loves white rice, so she's going to cook some for her tonight.

    5:45pm BBT Alyssa asks to talk to Turner in the CBR. She hates feeling they have to chat but they should. She's worried because Britt keeps saying she's undecided and Monte seems more receptive. She asks if she still has Turners vote? He says yes, 1000%.

    5:47pm BBT At least someone doesn't want her out, Alyssa says. She doesn't want to annoy him & apreciates his vote. She'd die and take a bullet to the head for him. Turner returns to the GBR & climbs into bed. Alyssa gets her suitcase from storage & brings it to the SBR.

    5:50pm BBT In the gym, Taylor doesn't know how Monte an workout and talk at the same time. She can't do two things at once. Alyssa asks the camera to not zoom in on her packing. The camera zooms in her packing. 

    5:52pm BBT Monte would be OK if he didn't work out but it doesn't feel right. Doing something to improve himself makes him feel better, it's a form of self-love. Alyss joins them. She's drinking ice tea and not sweet tea because she's mad at Terrance.

    6:05pm BBT In the gym, Taylor/Monte/Alyssa/Britt talk about their battle cars. Alyssa can point to her scars & say 20 yrs ago, she was on a reality TV show. Taylor wishes they were there when she got her shoulder scar. I was, Britt says. I meant the others, Taylor says.

    6:10pm BBT Alyssa says Terrance did 100 jumps each day. He lost something like 10lbs in the house. Taylor/Alyssa talk turns to lip filler and botox. Taylor wanted a boob job but not a breast implant. She looked at a fat transer but realized she had no fat.

    6:15pm BBT Alyssa says her plastic surgeon boss offered to give her an implant but she wanted to wait until after she had children. Her mom went from a C to D and now they're huge. The family she was a nanny for had 7 children, including natural triplets, all girls.

    6:20pm BBT Alyssa would love to have twins, a boy and a girl, then she'd be done. Taylor asks what if they are identical? Alyssa suggests tatooing them . Monte completes his workout and puts his matt away. Turner is sleeping in the GBR. Alyssa suggests playing Spades.

    6:30pm BBT Monte asks BB for more bubble bath but was told he got all he gets. Turner is snoring in the GBR. Alyssa says she's deciding between showering or laying down. Taylor suggests showering first, then laying down. Taylor is done socializing & will lay down.

    6:35pm BBT Alyssa tells Britt she'll see her in the WA. That sounds so funny, she says. In the WA, Alyssa tells Britt what Turner said. Britt asks if they should leave Turner alone or touch base again? Maybe Britt will ask Turner if he's giving Alyssa a sympathy vote.

    6:40pm BBT Brittany is eating alone in the KT while Turner/Taylor nap. She cleans up behind herself and joins Taylor/Turner in the GBR. Alyssa is in the shower.

    7:05pm BBT Alyssa is out of the shower and puts fresh bandages on her uts, then puts on makeup and gets dressed. She sits in the WA thinking. No napping, BB says. It has no effect on Turner/Taylor/Britt. Monte is taking a bath in the HoH tub.

    7:20pm BBT Alyssa heads up to HoH & rings the bell. She wants to get touching base with Monte out of the way. She says Turner is her homie & she feels good about his vote. Britt is Taylor's friend & doesn't think she'd vote against her. She hopes Monte would keep her.

    7:22pm BBT Alyssa says she's not going to be a Michael or Terrance but wants to have fun hanging out, playing Spades. This has been a dream, she tells Monte. She wants him to enjoy his bath and they can have fun later. She heads to the GBR and slides into bed.

    7:55pm BBT Monte is the only HG awake, listening to music in the HoH. He heads downstairs and throws away some cash. He requests the DR and is let in. 

    8:00pm BBT Taylor gets up and brushes her teeth, then heads up to HoH before seeing Monte out of the DR downstairs. He comes up and they go into HoH. He's already started packing to return downstairs tomorrow. He tells Taylor to take what she wants. She already has.

    8:08pm BBT Monte tells Taylor about checking in. He's going to wait until tomorrow to tell Alyssa she's being evicted so the can still hang out and she can sleep easier tonight. (is Monte trying to make it easier on Alyssa or on himself?)

    8:10pm BBT Taylor reminds Monte he told Jasmine the night before. Monte goes back to Turner saying Taylor said she wouldn't be friends if he voted her out. She's too emotional. He doesn't think Turner would go back on his word to him. Britt's coming after him either way.

    8:12pm BBT Monte wonders why everyone is sleeping so much (maybe it's because, I don't know, they stay up all night?) Turner is called to the DR and continue sleeping. Alyssa pokes him awake. They called Taylor, Turner mumbles. Britt says yeah, they called you.

    8:14pm BBT Turner gets up and slomps off to the DR. With Turner gone, Alyssa tells Britt if they can pull this off, they could make F2 together. Britt says it's so deliate. Alyssa suggests Britt casually asks Turner how he's voting tomorrow. 

    8:20pm BBT Britt tells Alyssa she thinks Turner is being straight-up and Monte is planning to break a tie. Alyssa doesn't think Turner would blindside her. Britt says she's been at the end of a blindside. The point is you don't see it coming. 

    2:25pm BBT Britt says if she does this, it'll seem like she has a F2 w/Turner. She hates Taylor would be collateral, but Taylor jumped ship on her and bet on Monte/Turner. Alyssa feels good that Turner has since the start of the game he would never vote her out.

    2:27pm BBT It would be f*cked up if Turner turned on her now, Alyssa says. If she won HoH, she'd put up Monte/Turner & Britt would have to win the Veto to send Monte home. Monte will do anything to get to the end, she says. He wanted Michael out & put his plan in motion.

    8:30pm BBT Alyssa says Monte will take Turner/Taylor to F3. Taylor has been on the block 5 times and has one HoH. She'll win again and win the game. Turner returns to the GBR and they have to stop talking.

  6. He's not going to get Taylor out this week because he doesn't trust Brittany to vote with him. Monte has done a good job at building the distrust between the two of them so that they are unlikely to come together and think that together they could evict Taylor and Monte can't stop them. 


    Plus, given Alyssa's track record, they would have almost a 50/50 chance of winning F4 HoH or Veto.


    Assuming they don't turn on each other in F4 and get Brittany out, the question is whether Monte chooses his Showmance or his Bromance.

  7. Would you be concerned that she would be seen as being given the title because she was bullied early on and survived rather than earning it on her own merits? To a degree, while she was on the block a lot, she was also protected by her alliance and didn't have to (and didn't) do much. Even during her one HoH, she changed her target 3 times and her insistance on targeting Alyssa and lying to her own allliance member ultimately led to Kyle feeling he was on the outs, which led to Joe's eviction and Michael playing the race card.

  8. Motivated, no. But it was the result of unconcious bias. Unconcious bias is something with which we all wrestle, whether we realize it or not. If you've ever diverted your eyes from a Black person on the sidewalk, or navigated around them in a room. A HG may think a Black HG isn't trustworthy, not because of anything they have said or done, but just because they don't vibe. That's unconcious bias. A Black alliance member might be expendable because they just don't have much in common with the other HG. That's an example of unconcious bias. 


    Race has always been in the Big Brother house.  We're just now coming to terms with the fact.

  9. i don't think Monte has to worry about Taylor giving him her trust - she's given him everything else. 🙂


    First, I don't get where anyone thinks Alyssa has any jury votes but Kyle's. She hasn't done anything, hasn't won anything.


    Monte is actually in a pretty good spot.  There's a 66% chance Taylor or Monte win HoH, but more importantly, he and they have a 75% chance of winning Veto. If they do, and assuming their F3 holds, they can ensure Britt is on the block and evicted. If Brittany wins HoH, then if Monte wins Veto, he gets to decide who gets evicted. If Turner or Taylor win Veto, they are more likely to choose Monte over the other since Monte has made sure that both are aligned with him but not each other. 

  10. 11:57pm BBT Monte is in the KT, wearing his HoH robe over his hoodie. Britt is swaying in the GBR, contemplating her clothes drawer. Alyssa comes into the GBR and greets Britt.

    12:45pm BBT Victory, sayeth BB! Turner/Taylor/Monte/Alyssa are in the KT. Alyssa says someone smells like lotion. It's Monte, says Turner. Alyssa was putting away clothes in the SBR. She hardly goes in there anymore. It's nostalgic.

    12:50pm BBT Alyssa asks if Elton John sings Tiny Dancer (yes). She's surprised he's still alive (and touring). He's ageless, Turner says. Alyssa is getting eyelash extensions when she gets out. She says they can get more sleep tomorrow during HoH LD because fewer HG.

    1:00pm BBT Alyssa says Jasmine reminds her of a friend who hate in bed and left dirty dishes around. She would sleep in Alyssa's bed when Alyssa was working as a flight attendant. Jasmine's attitude was carefree. Taylor says Alyssa is sugarcoating it.

    1:03pm BBT Taylor describes for Alyssa how Jasmine used her Bday ever time she wanted to avoid being nom. First it was 2 wks before, then when Kyle pretended to take her London trip, she said it was her Bday trip. Even during Big Brochella, she said it was her Bday week.

    1:06pm BBT Taylor asks Turner if he's ever dreamed of doing drugs. WTF?, he responds. He was on something in her dream, she explains, he was on a road and FotH.

    1:10pm BBT The HG are talking about movies, then Halloween costumes. Taylor wants to be someone from Miss Congeniality (which she won during her Miss Michigan pageant). Alyssa says a sexy ZingBot (is that possible?). 

    1:13pm BBT Alyssa puts on Taylor's sunglasses and practies being being a beauty queen, dancing around like a model and waiving her hand. Look at me, I'm Miss Florida. Vote for me, I hve no talent but I'm a fun girl!

    1:16pm BBT What's going on here, asks Turner? He's not impressed by dancing. It's never cool (I feel sorry for Megan - her man don't dance). Alyssa made up the story about bananas being from FL. Turner/Taylor say they believed it. Got ya, she says, well, they could be.

    1:19pm BBT What, what, chicken but, Alyssa says. OMG, replies Turner. Alyssa asks Taylor/Turner to guess the time. They guess and she says close but no cigar. Taylor doesn't want a cigar. Alyssa says she looks at the Mem Wall and her mind goes blank (totally believable).

    1:23pm BBT Alyssa/Turner agree Indy's Mem Wall picture looks the meanest. They say the Mem Wall pictures don't capture who they are. Kyle's picture looks nicest and also funniest. Taylor says Terrance's picture is disappointing because he just ended up being mean.

    1:26pm BBT Monte comes out of the DR and says he must have said something stupid last night about Backstage. BB reminds him to not talk about his DR sessions. Alyssa makes a kissing noise and says she's a dolphin (can they go back to sleep, please?).

    1:29pm Alyssa says she's an mammal person and for a few minutes they discuss all kinds of animals. Taylor finds Britt in the WA and they hug. Taylor knows Britt needed time to herself. She's getting ready to be called to the DR. Taylor says time to work on her hair.

    1:36pm BBT Britt hopes they can get on a more regular sleeping schedule. Taylor blames the others for keeping her up. Tomorrow is an important day, she reminds no one. She hasn't spent time w/Britt, she says, because in her head she's moved on to next week.

    1:39pm BBT Taylor says she fears next week. Why, asks Britt? Taylor says she's never felt pressure like this before. It's easier when you're on a team. Britt asks what she did to make Taylor doubt her. It was a lot of little things, the situation, not her specifically.

    1:42pm BBT Britt says they have to win HoH. They'll talk later. She gives Taylor a hug then leaves Taylor in the WA. Turner is wrapped in his blanket and says he's so cold. Alyssa asks Britt if she's played Spades. Monte wants to see if Alyssa can explain how.

    1:45pm BBT Turner starts to explain the game and Britt tells him to stop, she's lost. Monte cooked some french toast and Alyssa devoured it. They start talking about Saturday morning cartons. Turner says Alyssa's Bday is coming up. In 2 months, Alyssa says.

    1:55pm BBT Alyssa says a girl has needs but she doesn't want to hook up with just anyone (fooled me). She wants a more human embrace. Turner says she should get a dog. They start talking dogs they've known (earlier, it was all about cats). 

    2:00pm BBT The HG talk about things that are scary. Doddlebob was scary, Alyssa says. Britt agrees. Alyssa says SpongeBob is fun to watch while high. Britt had an edible once. She & Steven tried it after it became legal in California. Alyssa has a great time high.

    2:05pm BBT Turner says he was at a party in LA w/cool people doing drugs and watching Spongebob. He found it funny to watch. (riiigghht) Taylor is upset she hasn't been called to the DR  yet. She did her face and hair and everything, she complains.

    2:09pm BBT BB calls Taylor to the DR. Monte says he ate too much. Britt has no idea what time it is. Monte says he & Turner willl get some naps in and stay up late again tonight. Turner is zoning out. What are you thinking, Monte asks? Literlly nothing, Turner answers.

    2:13pm BBT Alyssa grabs Kyle's gold blanket from the GBR. Turner asks if she's washed it. Alyssa sniffs and says no. Someone's got a crush, Turner teases. She giggles a denial. Sometimes, she says looking up at the lights and cameras, she forgets this is a fake house.

    2:15pm BBT Turner says he's been out of school for 5 years now. Alyssa has been out for 6 years (she dropped out after one year of college; Turner never went to college). Alyssa doesn't act so much like a child outside the house, she's more of an old soul. 

    2:17pm BBT Turner teases America has seen she's a young soul in the house. No one is watching at 5pm on a Wed. Turner reminds her she's been here all season. Alyssa says her young soul just showed up yesterday. Alyssa asks Monte if they can stretch. Yeah, he says.

  11. 10:35am BBT BB starts the long, losing battle to get the HG up for the day. All feeds on Turner (who went to bed just 3hrs ago) in the CBR not getting up.

    10:45am BBT There is no movement in the CBR or GBR despite lights on. In HoH, the lights remain off while Monte/Taylor barely audibly mutter w/o mic's. Taylor says this is impressive. Monte says circumstances are not ideal, but I'm getting there.

    10:52am BBT Britt is up and heads to the WC. No stirring from Monte/Taylor in HoH or from Alyssa in the GBR or Turner in the CBR.

  12. Overnights...


    12:00am BBT Monte asks if anyone dreamed while they napped. Turner says no. Alyssa she dreams at home but not so much here. Monte dreams all the time about game stuff. Alyssa had a dream about Nicole/Joe on an island going tubing. She cuts a slide of her banana bread.

    12:04am BBT Taylor says it's midnight, they have 2 weeks left (actually, just 12 days as the 2hr Season Finale is Sunday, 9/25). Taylor remembers she spent the first 2 weeks on the block. Alyssa doesn't remember much from the first 2 weeks. It was chaotic, Monte says.

    12:06am BBT Taylor says they'll end on a Sun or Wed. It's usually Wednesday, Alyssa says. She checks the chicken. It's crispy now, says Monte. Taylor hosts a game - guess what cards are in her hand. Alyssa thinks Michael will ask why they deserve to win for the Jury.

    12:15am BBT Alyssa/Turner agree Jasmine will drag out her voting speech when she puts in her key. Taylor asks Monte if he wants to work out. Monte could be up to it. Alyssa/Turner talk about friends' cats. 

    12:30am BBT All the HG except Britt are in the KT. The topic is Rachel and Brendan's season. They move on to BB19. Turner thought Cody had no personality. Meatball Josh was worse, Alyssa says. Turner still can't believe he won. He told his GF Josh wouldn't win.

    12:35am BBT Turner says Paul should have won over Josh. Even if you were manipulated, he says of the Jury, get over it (Paul's mistake both times was not owning up to his game w/the Jury. The Jury will respect game but even at the end, Paul did not own up to his game).

    12:40am BBT Britt is awake and joins the other HG in the KT. Turner says reading his mom's letter makes it seem like he's dead, like she's learning how to live without him (she lived without him for decades before he was born). 

    12:43am BBT Britt says in school, she played a person who died from a DUI. She had to walk around school all bloodied up and couldn't talk. At first people felt bad but then they just ignored her. Alyssa knows people who died from DUI but life moves on. 

    12:46am BBT Britt hopes Stephen is handling everything OK alone w/o her. Taylor/Alyssa clean up the KT while dances. Monte invites Britt to join them playing cards. She'll watch, she says. Taylor starts dealing Bullsh*t at the DT while Monte changes into his HoH robe.

    1:00am BBT Alyssa is losing and accuses Monte of protecting Taylor (truer words were never spoken). 

    1:15am BBT Britt decides to go back to bed. Turner is bored too but hangs in the KT. They're laughing and having fun. 

    1:40am BBT Monte explains how to play Spades. Alyssa/Turner are lost. It's Monte/Turner vs. Taylor/Alyssa. Taylor says they're going to crush the guys. Monte tells them to organize their cards by suit. Turner asks if the spade is the shamrock or heart?

    1:43am BBT Taylor asks why Monte double-socks his feet? Stop judging me, he says. She'll judge the F*ck out of him, she retorts. They talk over a variety of topics as they continue the games.

    2:15am BBT The internet loves that they are playing cards right now, Taylor says. 

    2:30am BBT Monte explains more strategies in the game. Turner keeps asking him to start over, leading Alyssa/Taylor to laugh. 

    3:00am BBT Turner/Alyssa get a moment alone in the KT. She apologizes for freaking out earlier. It's OK, he tells her and asks if she talked to Britt. Alyssa doesn't think she has her. Monte said he'd consider it. (Alyssa cannot bridge the distrust between Britt/Turner)

    5:00am BBT Monte/Taylor/Turner/Alyss continue playing cards. Monte/Turner eventually emerge victorious and the HG begin their bedtime ADLs.

    5:40am BBT Alyssa is in bed. Monte/Taylor/Turner gather in the WA for shout-outs and game talk. 

    6:40am BBT Monte/Taylor head up to HoH. It was a nice convo with the young man, Monte says of Turner. Taylor asks how they are going to make this work. Monte is worried Turner/Britt will flip if they think he & Taylor are getting close. Turner is called to DR.

    6:50am BBT Alyssa/Britt are sleeping in the GBR. Monte/Taylor are cuddling/chatting in HoH. I got to take my shorts off, he says. Hot already, Taylor asks? No, uh, the, uh, uncaged snake. OMG, Taylor exclaims! 

    7:00am BBT Turner is out of the DR. The house is dark. He slips into the CBR and into a restless sleep.

  13. 11:50pm BBT Monte/Taylor/Alyssa are awake in the KT. In HoH, Turner wakes up and comes downstairs. Monte has a deck of cards and is spreading them out on the KT counter. You're cheating, Taylor jokes (he's just shuffling cards, spreading them out and flipping them over).

    11:55pm BBT Taylor is cooking chicken and rice using the airfryer. She says the house is too cold. Monte says he needs high protein, low carbs. He takes some of the chicken but Taylor says it's undercooked and puts it back in the airfryer. 


    9:35pm BBT Turner brings bananna bread w/icing up to Monte/Taylor in HoH. Alyssa is putting food away in the SR fridge. Taylor asks how's the cake. Monte explains that bananna bread is not cake, it's bread. And Cheescake isn't cake either. 

    9:45pm BBT Alyssa joins Monte/Taylor/Turner in HoH. Alyssa records her friends' Trader Joe's food reviews. Monte has fallen asleep in his HoH bed while the other three continue talking. Alyssa doesn't want to play cards now so she'll be interested later.

    9:55pm BBT Taylor asks what's the worst TV show they've ever seen? Bg Bang Theory, says Turner. Mom Show says Taylor. Young Sheldon may be even worse than Big Bang Theory. Gazinba, says Turner. Taylor correct him, Bazinga. Turner says Kardashians for worst Reality TV.

    10:00pm BBT Taylor hates Christley's Know Best, it's so scripted. Turner says the Kardashians is about a fake America, body image issues, capitalism & a cast with no personality. Taylor is digusted that football is so dominent & things women like are not seen positively.

    10:03pm BBT Taylor likes when celebs do stupid things that she can point to and laugh at. Taylor can't see how the design of HoH fits in with the festival theme of the season. Turner says the HoH room reminds him of an airport in Malasia. 

    10:06pm BBT HoH talk turns to international destinations the HG want to go to. Thailand, India, Nethlerlands. Taylor asks if the TAR racers stay in hotels (not necessarily). Alyssa says the cast trip should be in America. Turner suggests Vermont.

    10:09pm BBT General talk about this season's comps. Alyssa doesn't like ZingBot; he should wear clothes. Taylor talks abt Michael breaking the rope in the Veto comp. Britt said she'd have won BB Comics if she was a different person. Michael said so YOU wouldn't have won?

    10:15pm BBT Taylor tests Alyssa/Turner's spelling. She spells "optimum" correctly. Turner spells "Experience". Alyssa gets "polyunsaturated". Alyssa can't shake her headache and decides to take a nap. They discuss ways to get rid of migraines.

    10:18pm BBT Alyssa says drinking water won't help. How do you know, Turner asks? I had some earlier. Turner says Coca-Cola doesn't help with a headache (it was invented to settle an upset stomach). Turner rants about Coca-Cola and Alyssa repeats it back until he stops.

    10:21pm BBT Alyssa would immitate Kyle, who would say he loves boobs. Are you 12, She'd ask? Turner sayt that's the raunchiest thing Kyle could think of. Monte wakes up and asks what everyone is up to. Alyssa heads downstairs to get hydrated. 

    10:23pm BBT Turner closes his eyes on the HoH couch. Taylor/Monte are resting their eyes (separately) on the HoH bed. Alyssa performs some ADLs and is resting her eyes in the GBR, where BB has turned out the lights. Britt was already resting her eyes in the GBR.


    8:03pm BBT Alyssa tells Britt she thinks Turner does care about her and will cast a sympathy vote. Alyssa says Taylor is so confident she's F2 that she's planning to see Joe when she walks out on Finale night. They regret Michael never took a shot at Monte or Turner.

    8:25pm BBT Britt is in the KT preparing something to eat. Taylor comes downstairs and Alyssa heads upstairs to try to talk Monte out of saving Taylor. Britt craws back into bed in the GBR. Taylor stops by to talk. 

    8:40pm BBT You'll look back at this & see it was for the greater good, Monte patronize Alyssa. Defeated but still upbeat, Alyssa says if he wants to ask her anything that might change his mind, let her know. She's going to take a bath and stay out of Taylor's way.

    8:43pm BBT Taylor asks Turner if he's going to try to get a regular night's sleep. Not a chance, he replies. Taylor heads up to HoH while Alyssa looks for an Advil. Monte catches Taylor up on Alyssa's pitch - Taylor being on the block 5 times. That's fair, Taylor says.

    8:46pm BBT Alyssa/Turner bring food up to HoH. Taylor is in a towel, planning an HoH shower. Monte/Turner/Alyssa discuss Fortnight. Turner likes the dances. Isn't that a killing show, Alyssa asks? Her head is killing her, she thinks's it's her teeth (probably stress).

    8:50pm BBT Alyssa says her prom dress was Giovanni. It was worth $10k but she borrowed it free because she worked in a bridal shop (is there anywhere she hasn't worked?). It was beautiful and she would joke that she's holy and nobody should touch her.

    #BB24 8:53pm BBT Taylor talks about her prom dress. Fire, says Turner. Alyssa and Taylor had a lot of Jewish friends and were on the Bar Mitzvah circuit in middle school. Monte asks Turner about the clothing he sells in his shop. Turner talks about his local designers.

  16. 6:30pm BBT Alyssa asks Turner to read his HoH letter to her so they go to the CBR. When they get her, she says they need to talk. Britt continues her meditation in the CBR. Alyssa has been giving Turner reasons to vote for her to stay in the BB House.

    6:35pm BBT Turner tells Alyssa he doesn't need to be convinced, she just needs to convince one other person. Really, asks Alyssa? Really, says Turner. Alyssa says Britt would go along if the vote is unanimous but is worried Turner won't go along. 

    6:40pm BBT Turner promises his vote if she gets Britt's vote. He promises he won't betray her. Alyssa says she knows Turner doesn't trust Britt. He doesn't but is willing to build a relationship. She's walking through fire, he tells her, walk straight and strong.

    6:42pm BBT Alyssa starts choking up. She hopes they'll still be friends outside the house. They will be, he assures her. Turner heads up to HoH to tell Monte about his emotional talk with Alyssa. He's not happy Alyssa said it won't be fair if he doesn't vote to keep her.

    6:45pm BBT Turner says Alyssa knows Monte/Taylor have a F2. We've never uttered those words, Monte protests, and I just her on the block. Monte says Alyssa's had a hard time because of Kyle but he's not happy she's making threats like Britt. It ticked Turner off.

    6:50pm BBT Monte thinks Alyssa has overreacted to all the Kyle stuff. He thinks game and personal are separate. Turner agrees that Alyssa is very emotional. Turner wants to vote her out because she said they wouldn't be friends if he voted against her.

    6:53pm BBT Monte doesn't like that Alyssa says Kyle never did anything for her. That's inline with what she said to Turner. You've had her back for weeks now, he tells Turner, and she's attaching to you. Monte wonders she's making this personal as a game strategy.

    6:56pm BBT Monte/Turner thinks Alyssa gets caught up in emotions & forgets what happened the next day. Turner says Alyssa also threatened her Jury vote if Turner votes him out. (I didn't hear her say this, and it doesn't sound like her, but there was some FotH, so maybe)

    6:59pm BBT Britt continues her solitude in the SBR. Allyssa lays down in Kyle's GBR bed with his gold blanket. In HoH, Monte/Turner are surprised their F2 is still secret. Monte says he's sorry about Alyssa after he went to bat for her. They worry Britt's been too quiet.

    7:22pm BBT In the BGR, Alyssa/Britt whisper as she fills Britt in on her Turner convo. Britt wishes she could trust Monte but she can't. In HoH, Monte/Turner try to figure out Britt's secret. She's not a toy tester, and the rock on her wedding ring is serious. 

    7:24pm BBT And they got married in Malibu, Monte recalls. Turner says it takes 6 figures to get married there. Taylor is alone on the bike in the gym. In HoH, Monte shares that Alyssa has been more open with him. He thinks she was working him now. 

    7:32pm BBT Monte says Alyssa thought he was closed off initially. He says he doesn't like talking game with someone he doesn't know, he doesn't want to have to lie so he'd rather not talk at all. Alyssa checks in on Taylor in the gym - shes' going for 30m.



    7:40pm BBT Britt/Alyssa trying to figure out how to get Turner to vote to keep Alyssa. Turner leaves HoH, and Monte heads down to the KT then finds Taylor in the gym. She just got off the bike. He says he's just talked with Turner and assures Taylor she's OK.

    7:43pm BBT Britt thinks Turner will be secretly surprised when Alyssa stays. It's important she gets Turner's vote, other wise it'll be a tie and Monte will vote her out. Maybe Turner told Monte he'll give her a sympathy vote. She feels confident she has Turner.

    7:45 Monte returns to HoH. Taylor joins him. WhisperFest between Alyssa/Britt continues in the GBR. In HoH, Monte/Taylor keep a respectful distance, him laying on the bed and her sitting across the room on the couch. He's telling her what Turner said about Alyssa.

  17. 5:15pm BBT Monte greets Alyssa & they talk snacks. Turner is in the HoH shower, Alyssa says. Oh, says Monte. Taylor remains curled up under an orange/white towel on the WS couch. Monte/Alyssa discuss how far their friendship has come (not far enough to save her though).

    5:30pm BBT Turner is out of the HoH showr. He heads to the WA and starts blowing out his hair. Taylor remains curled up on the WA couch. Turner heads to the CBR, slips under the covers so he can change his underwear. In the KT, Monte/Alyssa talk while Monte eats.

    6:00pm BBT Britt is napping in the SBR. Taylor is awake in the WA and folding towels. Turner is eating at the DT as he, Alyssa and Monte are playing Chinese Checkers. 


    6:25pm BBT For the last 20m, Britt has been alone in the SBR slow-talking her game. Monte/Turner/Alyssa have been playing Chinese Checkers in front of the Mem Wall. Taylor is wiping down the KT counter. 

  18. 2:44pm BBT Taylor asks questions about the haunted house HoH comp. Alyssa says all her muscles have turned to blubber. Taylor says she's still fit and strong. Alyssa will be again once she's out of the house. Taylor misses natural light (they lost the BY today).

    2:50pm BBT Alyssa wishes they could see the JH on the HoH spy cam. She wonders if the jurors get their own room. She expects Terrance is alone. Kyle is alone too. Taylor says frantic Michael made for good TV. 

    2:52pm BBT Alyssa thinks people will say Michael carried the season because of his comp wins. In the WA, Britt is crying. She pulls herself together and starts agressively brushing on makeup. Taylor/Alyss agree last season was cool to watch but ended up predictable.

    3:04pm BBT Alyssa/Britt in the WA. Britt heard Taylor saying Michael carried her. Alyssa says she should be proud. Because if she looks like an idiot they'll keep her? They need to talk, Alyssa says, both of them are disposable and whichever didn't have Veto was leaving.

    3:06pm BBT Britt tells Alyssa they made it impossible for her to help her. She spent 2hrs trying to change Monte's mind & was ripped apart. Every time she opens her mouth, they find out. She tells Alyssa to make Monte choose. She can't. Alyssa says she can.

    3:10pm BBT Britt tells Alyssa her only strategy left is to win. Alyssa is going to talk to Turner but won't reveal what Britt said. She really needs Britt's help and would owe her life if she stays. That means keeping her over Monte if Turner wins HoH. 

    3:13pm BBT Britt thinks Taylor has deals w/ Monte/Turner for her safety. Alyssa can't believe Turner would vote her out. Britt says she's f*cked in the game. She's tired of people only talking to her when she has power, then distancing themselves. Alyssa can help her.

    3:15pm BBT Britt says Taylor won't pretect her in F4. Alyssa says Turner wouldn't protect her in F4. She notes that no one can promise F4 safety because it's in the hands of who wins Veto. She hopes Britt will consider that. 

    3:20pm BBT If Turner wins HoH, Alyssa says, one of them could have the vote (Actually they would have a 50% chance to win HoH and/or Veto, but they act like they've already ceded the comps to Monte/Taylor/Turner). Alyssa asks if Turner has said anything. Britt can't say.

    3:25pm BBT Britt says Monte is making it seem like it's her fault he's making the decisions he's making but that's convenient BS. He shouldn't want her on the Jury - that'll be bad for him. Alyssa says she didn't want to see Britt go this week. She's only been nice.

    3:30pm BBT Alyssa says you don't hurt the ones you love. What does that make Michael to you? She says Michael didn't want another muscle man to win the game. She says one moment, Turner tells her she's good, and the next, he's promising to hug her on the way out.

    3:35pm BBT Britt worries Turner made a deal to vote out Alyssa and Britt's vote will just force a tie. Alyssa tells her to talk to Turner. Alyssa calls in Taylor and says they were just discussing their betrayals by Michael & Kyle. Taylor gives Britt a hug.

    3:37pm BBT Alyssa tells Taylor she learned more negative things about Kyle last night (from Turner). She cries, she was saying she found her soulmate while he was up in HoH planning to vote her out (talk is cheap - Kyle was doing everything to avoid voting her out).

    4:45pm BBT Taylor is napping in the WA. Britt/Turner/Monte are at the DT.

    5:00pm BBT Alyssa eats dinner alone at the DT. Taylor is sleeping and Monte/Turner/Britt are off camera (probably sleeping too). Alyssa just sits at the DT looking around the empty KT.



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