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Everything posted by Fuskie

  1. 3:00pm BBT Kyle & Michael catch up in the HNR on his convo w/ Daniel. Joe & Monte may want to go after Alyssa next. They need to make Daniel is the nest target. Turner may be willing to go up as a pawn to get Jasmine out (kind of a Leftover requirement, to be a "made" HG). 3:05pm BBT Kyle & Michael return downstairs. Taylor asks if Michael's OK. People are walking in pairs, he explains, because they don't want to be cornered by Daniel. He went to the SR toget marinara sauce and found Daniel had cornered Joe. 3:10pm BBT Kyle tells Alyssa she can't hold his hand in public (in the house) or HG will start lookig at them (isn't it funny how those in a showmance always think they are hiding it and everyone else just wants them to get a room already). He likes her new hairdo. 3:12pm BBT Kyle tells Alyssa she's his weakness and hopes she knows that. She says he's just playing her. This time Kyle rememers her last name. Michael asks Nicole how she's doing and gives her the tap dance about hearing things and not knowing how the vote will go. 3:14pm BBT Nicole tells Michael he doesn't know what Daniel is doing/saying, but it's not helping her. They could have gone far, she says wistfully. She says Jasmine's DH is a part of the fraternity, Alpha. Monte is too. Taylor is in a sorority, implying a Greek alliance. 3:15pm BBT Nicole tells Michael it's OK and asks Michael to get rid of Taylor and Monte next. FotH.
  2. 2:13pm BBT Indy goes to the SR and finds Joe/Michael, who fill her in on what Daniel just said. She just wants someone with a pure heart to win. Joe heads to the gym to talk with Terrance, who confirms his vote is to keep Taylor.
  3. The Festies Besties twist has largely overshadowed alliances. Yes, The Leftovers are running the show and potentially are positioned to run the game to Final 7. Girl's Girls is down to Alyssa, Jasmine & Indy. But what about all those other smaller alliances and Final 2s? Let's take a look. We'll start with The Leftovers. A solid 7 on the surface, but Kyle is already feeling like a 7th wheel after the alliance decided without him to shift plans and evict Alyssa instead of backdooring Nicole. He was brought in after the others had had the discussion, leaving him little choice but to go along. The flipside is that Michael/Brittany feel very exposed should the other side win - they are the only Besties in the alliance who don't have a HG from the other side that could be sacrificed. Ironically, these opposing needs have brought Kyle, Michael & Brittany together, forming a Final 3 called The Outsiders. They are not the first, of course. Monte, Kyle, Joe and Turner had already formed The Pound. And while Taylor is planning to join Besties Alyssa & Indy after Nicole's expected eviction, her loyalty is with the two HG who have had her back from the beginning, Michael & Brittany. As long as The Leftovers have common enemies (Nicole, Daniel), they will stick together. But I can see fractures forming and if Alyssa is threatened, Kyle just might drive a stake down the middle. Among the Girls' Girls, Alyssa, Ameerah and Jasmine were the Core 3. Nicole was with the girls but not really one of them, and Brittany was never trusted. And the girls didn't really know what to make of Indy who acted like she was outside the game when she wasn't acting above it. When Ameerah was blindsided, the remaining Girls's Grls were full of finger pointing, spin and distrust after learning Alyssa and Nicole had been in a secret alliance with Monte, Kyle & Michael. Alyssa and Indy were uncomfortably Festie Besties, Brittany was cast to the side, Jasmine was on her own with Turner and Nicole put all her faith that the Girls would stick together. However, the damage has been done and none are truly with the others. Alyssa has latched onto Kyle (the poor boy has it bad). Jasmine has been milking her injured foot, but BB has forced her off her scooter. Indy is working Monte and Joe, though neither would risk their games for her. Nicole and Daniel are backed into a corner, and Brittany has found life and friendship with Michael. Nicole's eviction should put the nail in the coffin of the GIrls' Girls. with each remaining girl playing their own game. As for Po's Pack, that's pretty much dead. After Nicole's eviction, Alyssa will be the only remaining, and while Michael and Kyle have a twosome and Monte and Kyle have a twosome, it's not clear how strong those are within the The Leftovers. It's more interesting to me that Kyle has two 3-level partnerships within The Leftovers. In addition to the big alliance, Kyle is part of The Pound with his twosome of Konte. And Kyle is also part of The Outsiders, with his twosome of Kychael. Plus, his showmance with Alyssa, thought the other side will likely realize she has no control over his vote if Nicole is evicted. Which brings me to Old Skool, the only alliance of which Terrance is a member. Consisting of Jasmine, Ameerah, Alyssa, Nicole, Daniel and Tettance, this alliance is a shadow of its former self with Ameerah gone and Nicole heading out. Daniel has ostracized himself from Alyssa and Jasmine with his rabid evangalizing for Nicole, and Kyle is getting credit for saving Alyssa, not Daniel (which, of course, is the opposite of what happened but self-delusion is a key theme this season). The Femme Fatale sub-alliance will be down to Alyssa & Jasmine, but they're not exactly in a trusting space right now, with different versions of what Ameerah whispered on her way out the door (either they can or cannot trust Nicole & Daniel). There has been talk of Old Skool reforming, but I think is a pipe dream by Nicole under the anticipation she will survive this week's eviction vote. The real looser will be Terrance, who just cannot seem to find a reliable home. All he wants is someone to work with but he just can't seem to keep up with the pace of the game. The last alliance to consider is the weakest and least real, The Night Shift. Consisting of Nicole, Daniel (Rogue Rats) and Terrance, the Rats have included Terrance for his vote but have ignored him when it comes to strategic thinking. I would say that's the problem with all of Nicole and Daniel's alliances. They are clearly and openly working together, so their Bestie pairings are a forced convenience at best, and they only talk in terms of what others can do for them. It is a self-centered approach to the game, which stands in stark contrast to The Leftovers, where concern for others seems to be the driving bond. They don't want to put Jasmine in play while her foot is out of bounds. They don't want Taylor to feel pressured to go on the block (it was kismet that Daniel unilaterally decided to use the Veto, taking the decision out of the alliance's hands). And yes, the option of protecting Michael & Brittany was for the greater good, it was also another case of putting the interests of its individual members front and center. So what do you think? Did I leave out any alliances, trios or Final 2s? Which HG do you think has the strongest alliance connections in the game? Tell me what you're thinking - I promise you won't ruffle my feathers!
  4. He's definitely overcondident in his understanding of the game and the dynamics of the house.
  5. I don't think he's clueless but he's not able to operate at the same speed. He did a great job selling is anticipated eviction when he knew it was Ameerah being voted out, and he's been working with Joe & Monte since becoming Besties. I think he just needed someone willing to work with him. Even if he's not in any alliance.
  6. Yeah, that's what I thought. Then the snogging began and he's caught between a rock & a hard-on. Seriously, he said in a HoH monolog yesterday that he's wearing hoodies that drop to his knees to cover how excited Alyssa makes him. He knows he shouldn't but he can't help himself. And it's stressing him out how to keep his own alliance from using it against him. To paraphrase Elvis, he just can't help falling in love with Alyssa...
  7. I think Michael didn't expect to have to win Vetos so early in the game and he had to go more from a watcher to a strategizer to survive. He's still not one to initiate game talk and tends to sit back in group situations, but he and Brittany are in a good spot. Until the target swings their way.
  8. She's had trouble fitting in culturally, I think.
  9. Actually, I think he's quite smart. And perspective. He was the one who realized Pooch was going to get evicted. He's the one who's bent over backwards to make sure Taylor feels OK in the alliance. He's the one, along with Kyle, who concocted the story they would tell to explain the Ameerah vote flip. You can call him a floater if you want, but he's been in the thick of The Leftovers, touching base individually with the members, as well as working the other side. Yes, he presents as a dumb jock with a heart of gold, but he's proven to be much more than an Alternate.
  10. I'm not sure how much Brittany's lack of confidence is strategic and how much is real. She seems very confident when with Michael. Maybe it's because he's the only one that really takes her seriously.
  11. If she's acting, she's a pro. They are now kissing and talking about whether they want a dog. Kyle has fallen hard.
  12. I think the best thing you can say is they made a BB-appointed peace. Nicole is a hard core player but her effectiveness belies her confidence.
  13. She didn't do anything on live feeds. Paloma and the other girls just decided they didn't like her and made her their primary target. The rest of the house bought into it without knowing (or asking) why. They just took it as fact that Taylor was bad.
  14. Why would BB do that? They didn't force Christmas to leave early. They did take her scooter away, so she's on her boot and a cane. This type of injury can take weeks. As for her fussing, that's more to do with being on Slop than anything else.
  15. 10:00pm BBT Daniel wodners if the HG who stays can pick Joe/Monte/Terrance or will have to pick a Bestie pair. Daniel says if Nicole is evicted and Taylor wins HoH, he'll go up. Joe says me too, or backdoored. I'm not hiding my vote for Nicole to say, Daniel says. 10:30pm BBT Daniel won't consider changing his vote without verifying any information he's told. Joe says he's gald Daniel used the Veto. He didn't want Indy or Alyssa to go home. Alyssa wants to wear a wig when she gets married to spice it up. Jasmine/Nicole say, Kyle! 11:00pm BBT In the loft, Brittany whispers Jasmine didn't give her any info, never does. Michael thinks Nicole being a Girls' Girl could be an angle to use. Brittany says Taylor is on board taking a shot at Joe/Monte. She's glad Kyle brought it up before they did. 11:05pm BBT Michael goes back and forth between Monte & Joe, then says Monte is the bigger threat. Michael says they have to work on their relationship with Alyssa & Jasmine. Indy is too hard to read, unpredictable. Joe is really good with the girls, Brittany says. 11:07pm BBT Michael dosn't want Daniel to win HoH. Kyle winning would be best because he'd protect Alyssa and would go after Terrance or Indy. They decide they aren't there yet (going after Joe/Monte). They note Kyle never talks game with Taylor. 11:10pm BBT Michael promises Brittany that even if they took Jasmine far, he'd always pick Brittany. Michael says Joe is sweet but has an ego. When they came up with the idea of not using the Veto, Joe jumped on it and lead the convo as if it was his idea. 11:15pm BBT Daniel tells Nicole that Kyle better vote for her to stay. Nicole says Alyssa said she talked to Kyle and she said he'd vote out Taylor. She says Alyssa & Kyle are sweet but are being fooled (by Monte). She thinks the other HG think Daniel saved Alyssa for Kyle. 11:20pm BBT Michael & Brittany want to get Kyle on their side. They also have Taylor, and that would be a solid four. Michael says Daniel thinks Nicole is safe because he doesn't have the full picture. Nicole tells Daniel they need to pit Joe against Turner. 11:25pm BBT Daniel says neither Turner nor Michael will win much. Monte won't even say hi to her, Nicole says. Why are we so scary to talk to? Daniel says Brittany thinks she hs the game figured out but doesn't. 11:27pm BBT Brittany doesn't know what to say to Daniel. Michael says you don't have to, just let him talk. You go up to him, and he starts talking. That hasn't been Brittany's experience. Michael suggests opening by saying you're worried about being BD'd next week.
  16. 6:30pm BBT In the WA, Kyle asks Michael what he thinks will happen when The Leftovers are down to 7. Michael says he hasn't had any convos along those lines. Kyle says he thinks he has a good relationship with Michael/Brittany and feels super comfortable. Michael agrees. Kyle says Joe/Monte are great but he doesn't have the same comfort with them that he has with Michael/Brittany. Kyle points out that Michael has Britanny, Joe has Monte & Turner has Taylor. Kyle is the odd man out, the 7th member of the alliance. Kyle doesn't want to be #7. He's cautious when Monte/Joe say they have a great relationship with Terrance, with Indy, with Jasmine, but they want Daniel out next. That leaves them with only one option, Michael says. That means I go on the block too, Kyle says. Michael asks Kyle if he has a working relationship with Daneil. Yes, Kyle says, but that'll end once Nicole is evicted. They discuss who Daniel might turn to after Nicole is gone. Kyle thinks he'll go to Indy/Alyssa or probably Turner/Jasmine. Kyle says a 7-person alliance is big and not like the Cookout. Michael says Cookout had a bond bigger than the game. Kyle says we don't have that. Michael says Kyle winning HoH would be the best scenario. But then they'll want to go after Alyssa, Kyle says. Michael says Taylor will likely go to Alyssa/Indy (when she selects her new Besties), but The Leftovers are not going to want to put her up for the 4th time to get Alyssa. Kyle agrees, which brings them back to him & Daniel and being the 7th wheel.
  17. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to self-deceive. With apologies to Sr Walter Scott, this season has been unprecident in that so many HG so far have self-evicted in one way or another. Whether Paloma was pulled or was DOR, she left without anyone pushing her out the door. Pooch volunteered to be a pawn and paid the price. Ameerah was genuinely and completely blindisded but if it hadn't been her, i would have been Nicole, who had suggested she and her Bestie Taylor be backdoored so Taylor could be evicted. Not learning any lessons, Nicole embraced the same plan this week. Even after Monte warned her and Daniel that if he used the Veto she would be nominated and could go home. Nicole could not conceive of a world in which the house would keep Taylor over her. She still can't. She thinks she's persuasive. The Leftovers think she's transparent. She's tryng to fight the paranoia but the closer we get to the live eviction, the more those doubts are going to creep in: maybe I'm not in as good a spot as I think I am... Anyways, what I thought I'd do this week is take a look at the Festie Besties in the house, starting with Turner & Jasmine. This is a fake Bestie, as Taylor (a Leftover) is squarely on the other side from Jasmine (a Girls' Girl). From Turner's perspectve, as long as the house takes pity on Jasmine becaue of her injured foot, Turner should be safe. And from Jasmine's perspective, Turner is affable even if easily manipulated (how else to explain Ameerah's exit). For now, this is a Bestie of convenience. Alyssa & Indy are not exactly Besties but they are aligned as Girls' Girls. Neither would miss a beat turning on the other, however. They have personalities that are just not compatible, but they do have one thing in common - they are both cultivating relationships with boys they think will benefit their game. Indy thinks she has a connection with Monte (who assured her that even if nominated, she'd be safe) and Alyssa has Kyle wrapped around her finger. In an I Can't Quit You moment, she and Kyle snogged last night while Indy slept. Speaking of Kyle & Daniel, it's the clued-in and the clueless. As a Leftover, Kyle was in on the alliance's plan last week to first backdoor Nicole and ultimately evict Ameerah, and he was OK with the plan to use Alyssa & Indy as pawns to backdoor Nicole for real this week. I'm not sure where things went off track with Kyle & Monte deciding to evict Alyssa instead of backdooring Nicole, or if that was just a ploy to trick Daniel into using the Veto (because Monte looked like he was trying to trick him into not using it). For one thing, it took Kyle off the hook and second, the only one Nicole has to blame is herself, for insisiting Daniel use the Veto so she could take out Taylor. The Nicole & Taylor Bestie pair was poison from the outset. Nicole chose Taylor specifically to take on the role of evicting her. After the pre-Veto fight last week, there's no reason for Taylor to trust anything Nicole or Daniel have to say. And while there's been a house truce at least on the surface, neither will sweat the other's departure. For Nicole, being on the block against Taylor is to have complete faith that the rest of the house sees her as she does. For Taylor, being on the block against Nicole is a test of her trust that The Leftovers really do have her back. It is a fascinating dynamic, because essentially, half the house came together and said what Nicole & Daniel did to Taylor was simply unacceptable behavior, even in the BB House. Contrast that to Paul encouraging Josh to go after Cody & Jessica in BB19 and the house sitting back or joining in. The purpose of bullying is to gain power through intimidation. Nicole and Daniel wanted to defeat Taylor even before she was nominated, to take away any will she had to fight for herself in the game. They failed miserably. Not only was Miss Congeniality stronger than they believed, but she won over the house (and many fans) by refusing to break. It's no surprise that 85% of those voting in the Morty's TV poll this week (https://mortystv.com/bb) want Nicole evicted. I don't know if it was strategy, getting caught up in the moment, or simply a character flaw, but the incident and the game play will haunt Nicole & Daniel long after the game is over. Monte, Terrance & Joe are Festie Besties with the Mosties. Terrance was looking for a place where he'd be welcome and they've gone out of their way to make him feel at home. He's not a Leftover but they work with him in a way that makes him feel like part of a team and contributing. And for his part, Terrance has done a good job pretending like he's going home, bringing info back to Joe & Monte, of being a team player. And for their part, Joe & Monte are always appreciative even when Terrance's info is either outdated or replicant. And that leaves Michael & Brittany. The only Festie Besties who are indeed besties. In hindsight, it was a mistake for them to become Besties because it puts them at risk. In fact, the decision to not BD Nicole/Taylor was largely to protect Michael & Brittany. The idea was that they would work to get Indy to join them and then they would be protected. If they were nominated, they could take out Indy and keep The Leftovers safe. That fell through after Monte's gambit with Daniel failed. Do you have a favorite Festie Bestie? What do you think about the twist and how the HG have adapted? How long do you think the Festie Besties will run?
  18. 3:00pm BBT Nicole says Michael & Terrance are doing a really acting job if they're with Monte/Joe. I told Terrance if I went home, Daniel was the only one left he could trust. Daniel worries there's a Cookout 2.0 and they're on the wrong side. But why send home Ameerah? 3:10pm BBT I'm 100% keeping you, Daniel tells Nicole. It's no secret. Michael says he's tired of 50/50 waivering but he won't commit. I was waiting for him to commit. Joe is snoring on a lounge chair so the other HG start stacking cushions around him. 3:20pm BBT Nicole says she'd vote for Michael to win right now. Daniel agrees. That's why he needs us on the jury, he reasons. Unless everyone else is telling him that too. Turner looks to see if Joe is awake and Joe scares him. 3:30pm BBT Daniel tells Nicole Jasmine said Brittany told her she's keeping Tayler. Part of me wonders, Nicole says, if they not playing reverse psychology on us. Being on the block sucks. It's the worst feeling. Worse than Slop. I'd go on Slop 3 wks to stay off the block.
  19. #BB24 10:15pm BBT In the BY, Brittany/Taylor discuss how to get her more votes. Taylor wonders how she can win over Alyssa. Alyssa's target is Daniel, she thinks. Brittany suggets promising to keep Kyle safe. #BB24 10:16pm BBT Nicole tells Terrance that Michael thinks she's wrapped around his finger. Terrance says Michael thinks the same of him. Nicole says Joe's flirting won't work with her - the only guy in her bed is Daniel because he's more metro than she is.
  20. 8:55pm BBT Brittany to Taylor: "No matter what combination of jury, I still see people that I know will not vote for me in the end. And there's nothing I can do about it. Just because of the game I've been forced to play.
  21. 7:55pm BBT Brittany tells Turner/Taylor she's got to win HoH this week. That would be sick, Turner says. I'm tired of hiding, Brittany continues, I want to hang with the people I want to hang with.
  22. 2:30pm BBT Daniel tells Terrance he will never turn on him, he can always come to him & Nicole. When the Besties break up, it'll be back to the Old Skool alliance. The three of them are F3. 2:35pm BBT Nicole is talking to Michael. Do not Pooch me, she asks. She says after Taylor is evicted, she could choose Besties Turner/Jasmine and become her third foot. She' glad Kyle used the Veto. Michael says she needs 6 votes and has him. 2:40pm BBT Nicole tells Michael shes' going to talk with everyone. She has nothing to offer but her honesty. She was shaded by Ameerah and now is enemy #1. Michael says th house wants Taylor out. But they could also keep her as a shield. 2:42pm BBT Nicole tells Michael that Monte was afraid to put her on the block. She's done talking to Taylor. Besties are over. She feels bad for the position she's in - she picked Taylor as her Bestie - she put them in that position. She hopes she didn't Pooch herself. 2:44pm BBT Nicole tells Michael she thought Po's Pack was good but now Alyssa doesn't trust her. What can I do? Thank goodness for Monte, who is sure Taylor will go home over her. She doesn't know about Kyle though. She never talked to Daniel about the Veto, just Kyle. 2:46pm BBT Nicole claims she and Daniel are just friends and don't talk game. Michael thinks if it's a tie, Monte will vote in your favor. Nicole loves and hates the this game. Michael will keep his ears and eyes open for her. Nicole says she believes Brittany now. 2:48pm BBT Nicole tells Michael she believes she has Joe & Terrance but doesn't trust Daniel now (because his Veto put her on the block). Why would Daniel keep Taylor, Michael wonders. 2:50pm BBT In the BY, Monte tells Terrance about Daniel/Nicole coming to him confused about the Veto. She denied Po's Pack and he knew she was lying. Now she's throwing him under the bus. Terrance says they were told not to use the Veto and went rogue. 2:52pm BBT Terrance tells Monte that Daniel was told not to use the Veto & did anyway and now he's worried for Nicole. Terrance says he had 2 beers (at Michael's Bday party last night) and that still did not make sense. Daniel told him Alyysa was the target. The house baby? 2:54pm BBT Nicole tells Michael Monte told her to fact check what he was saying but she couldn't ask Jsmine because she shot herself in the foot w/her. Jasmine know Nicole lied to her (about being a police officer). She can't talk about it or her family would be in danger. 3:10pm BBT Monte & Turner. What if we could see WiFi signals? Turner says where there is energy, there's life. There are 126 colors that humans can see. Animals can see infinite colors (except those that are color blind). 3:13pm BBT Turner wonders if you dissect an eyeball, do you see prisms? Monte says they've done scans of the brain and can treat depression by identifying patterns in the brain. Turner says everything is brands. Walk down the street, in the BB House, brands everywhere. 3:20pm BBT Turner says he goes often to the Lowes just a few minutes from his store. Brittany says Lowe's is for women, Home Depot is for men. Turner went to a HD before 6am and fell asleep waiting for it to open. He woke up and it was noon & he was dying in the hot car. 3:30pm BBT Michael has been sunning himself shirtless hoping for a tan. Alyssa & Monte are working out in the BY. They decide to pressure Michael into a Bday workout. Michael agrees. That was easy, Monte says. 3:40pm BBT Terrance/Joe in the SR talk about a future DE. Joe says Nicole hasn't Pooched herself yet. Ppl say Taylor is going home but maybe not because of Ameerah. If Nicole is lying about Ameerah, it will not look good on her. Joe tells Terrance to keep his eyes open. 3:42pm BBT Joe says he & Monte are ready to evict Nicole if Terrance says so. Terrance says Taylor gives you a good convo but with Nicole, you neer know. Joe says Taylor 100% hasn't backstabbed anyone. They talk about how to avoid getting backdoored next week. 3:50pm BBT Nicole says to Jasmine she heard she was thrown under the bus. Jasmine doesn't know what she means. I can't talk to you, Nicole says. Jasmine doesn't know what's going on. Nicole says Brittany told her Ameerah said Daniel/Nicole couldn't be trusted. 3:52pm BBT Jasmine says that's the exact opposite of what Ameerah said. She's not talking to Monte anymore. Monte didn't tells us that, Nicole says. I trusted you. Jasmine asks if that means she's joining Michael/Brittany after Taylor is evicted? 3:54pm BBT Nicole says if I go with you & Turner, I can keep you safe. If I go with Michael/Brittany, we can even up the numbers. Jasmine has the boot off her foot. 4:13pm BBT The Alyssa/Monte workout of Michael continues. He's getting ripped on his birthday, Alyssa jokes. Indy comes out and breaks an egg over Michael's head. It's a Brazilian birthday thing, she explains. I love Brazil - that's how we do it there! 4:50pm BBT How did you get through Slop, Jasmine complains to Indy. She doesn't know. Don't pick me again, she begs. Jasmine woudn't put anyone through this. Nicole says BB blogs capture nude shots of the HG. Terrance says he was caught once while changing. 5:05pm BBT Joe brings out a tray of fruit and offers it to the HG in the BY. Nicole says thanks, but she's wearing her retainer. In the SR, Brittany tells Michael they have 6 of the 11 playing HoH this week. We have to prepare for if one of them wins, Michael says. 5:15pm BBT Jasmine tells Indy about her convo w/ Nicole. I don't know what to beleive anymore, she says. Kyle tells Michael/Brittany in HoH that Daniel came down from HoH this morning & said there's no way Monte was telling the truth. There was no way to tell him otherwise. 5:20pm BBT Kyle tells Michael/Brittany he had 3m to talk to Monte, 20s to talk to Joe and then had to make his Veto choice. He felt bad last night about using the Veto and putting Taylor back up. He ultimately decided not to use it. 5:22pm BBT When the other 6 were in HoH so long, Kyle says to Michael/Brittany, others started to figure out they were working together. Nicole tells Turner Monte told Daniel directly, do not use the Veto, Nicole/Turner will go up. Sounds like he had your back, Turner says. 5:50pm BBT Turner made French Toast sticks out of Slop and Taylor/Joe are impresssed. Taylor says they really taste like french toast (if you use enough syrup). Turner tells Taylor that Nicole is trippin' b*lls. 6:00pm BBT Alyssa says thank you for using the Veto on her. She's happy to be off the block. Michael says he understands. Post show, she needs to gain control over her life. She's glad her family & friends can watch her 24x7. Monte says his mom has Paramount+. 6:05pm BBT Michael says the feeds are only available on computer (he knows better). Alyssa corrects him and says they are available on the phone & computer but not TV (they are available on TV too through apps). They wonder when HOH letters are written. 6:07pm BBT Monte just watches the show, not the feeds. Michael says his parents are not tech-savvy and probably don't watch. But he has friends who are probably watching. Alyssa says her parents won't watch when they're up late. 6:20pm BBT Daniel tells Nicole it's their only shot. She says be careful. Daniel doesn't trust Turner but the need his vote. Daniel says Monte won't look or talk to him. Daniel wants to tell Monte he didn't give him time to fact check. 6:28pm BBT Daniel says he's building a resume backdooring big people. He'll win HoH again. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody actually was evicted during Daniel's HoH).
  23. 12:28pm BBT Feeds return after the Veto mtg. Daniel used the Veto, saying he didn't have enough time to talk to eeryone but Taylor being everyone's enemy doesn't hurt anyone. Daniel is in the Cars BR explaining why he used the Veto to Terrance/Joe. He hopes Monte isn't mad. 12:30pm BBT Daniel tells Terrance/Joe to play the game like normal to get Taylor out. Terrance is going to get into the pool. Joe is going to talk to the kid (Kyle). In the WA, Indy is trying to reorganize her brain because she was just on the block 2 min ago. 12:35pm BBT Nicole tells Daniel she told the girls (Alyssa/Indy/Jasmine) that she had been a police officer. Now that Nicole/Taylor are nom, she didn't want any secrets. Joe tells Brittany/Taylor that Daniel played himself so hard. Monte warned him. 12:36pm BBT Joe tells Brittany/Taylor Daniel said he decided to get out the common enemy and figure out the facts later. He explains how Monte used reverse psychology and pushed him to not use the Veto and now he thinks Monte was playing him and he stopped him. 12:37pm BBT Brittany/Taylor says now they have to figure out a way to pin the extra votes (to evict Nicole) on the girls. Joe says Monte talked to Daniel right before the Veto mtg and he had no time to think. Joe says when Nicole goes home, Monte can say he warned Daniel. 12:38pm BBT Nicole says BB wouldn't let them talk (while Daniel/Kyle did their pre-Veto routine) so she couldn't fact check what Monte told her (Monte told her to fact check). Right before the meeting, she told Daniel to use the Veto. 12:39pm BBT Brittany tells Joe/Taylor that Nicole will get increasingly paranoid now & let her undo herself. Joe says he told Terrance they were voting out Nicole. Nicole tells Daniel she loves they didn't get to talk. She baited Michael. Don't get comfortable, Daniel says. 12:45pm BBT Brittany/Taylor hug in the SR. Joe gives Taylor a hug. They both assure her Nicole's days are numbered. Nicole is called to the DR and Daniel tells her to give 'em h*ll. Daniel turns to the camera and says he'll ride this out and adapt. He loves this game. 12:50pm BBT Joe says it's tanning day. Any excuse to take the shirt off. Daniel is light-headed. He needs to eat but wants the sun. Someone's slop is burning. Daniel yells for Turner. Indy says they have 10,000 packs of cereal but no granola. Daniel wants a bananna. 1:00pm BBT Joe check sin with Turner. Turner says he's gained weight on slop. How does that happen? He's gained 4.5lbs. It depends on how you flavor the slop, Joe says. Joe tells Turner it takes 3-4 months to start losing muscle after you stop exercising. #B24 1:15pm BBT Joe tells Jasmine he doesn't want to overthink today. He doesn't have enough info to put everything together. Daniel wants to work out but he's waiting to be called to the DR. Maybe he & Kyle can go together. Kyle says he hasn't been in yet. 1:20pm BBT Joe wants to know what Jasmine thinks (about Nicole/Taylor being replacement noms). She's says she's talking to herself, not going crazy. She's dying for real food. Slop affects your social game, Kyle says, you're handling it better than me. 1:22pm BBT In the Cars BR, Joe tells Michael Daniel screwed up. Michael wonders if/when they tell him they're voting out Nicole. Joe says Jasmine asked if he trusts Nicole. He said he didn't know. Joe wants to keep Michael/Brittany far away from the game for his birthday. 1:25pm BBT Taylor is sunbathing (no chips). Monte/Indy/Alyssa/Turner/Terrance are in the pool. Joe gives Michael a comp necklace for his birthday. He knows Michael wants to collect BB memorabalia. 1:30pm BBT Kyle tells Joe that the second Monte started talking this morning, Daniel was skeptical. He said he needed to fact check or he'd stick with the original plan. He said changing plans at the last minute is what doomed Ameerah. 1:35pm BBT Joe tells Kyle he told Daniel he slept in this morning and wasn't able to be at the meetng with Monte. Kyle says the other side is more solid than they thought. Daniel went right to Indy/Alyssa and told them Monte doesn't want him to use the Veto. 1:37pm BBT Taylor tells Joe she knows this was the original plan but she'll always be worried when on the block. If Kyle flips, she's gone. Kyle says not a chance. He knows he's the swing vote but he's only swinging her way. 1:40pm BBT Kyle apologizes to Taylor she's on the block. Now there will be drama, Taylor says, you had a chance to not use it. There was no chance Daniel wouldn't use it, Kyle says. We tried, Kyle says, Daniel did it to himself. He doesn't know why Daniel would trust him. 1:45pm BB If you're keeping track, Kyle/Monte discussed changing the plan last night to not use the Veto by telling Daniel abt Alyssa/Indy not trusting Daniel/Nicole. Instead of turning Alyssa/Indy into targets, Daniel assumed Monte was lying & cemented his using the Veto. 1:50pm BBT In the Car BR, Michael/Brittany discuss how Daniel will react when Nicole is evicted. Michael says Daniel thinks the vote will be 7-3 against Taylor but it will be 6-4 against Nicole. They try to figure who Daniel will suspect voted against her. 1:55pm BBT Brittany says she shouldn't have panicked. Now Monte trusts them more since Daniel didn't believe the info he was given. They don't want to be blamed for the bote and become Daniel or Jasmine's target. They don't want Monte to say I told you so to the other side. 2:00pm BBT Nicole tells Terrance that Joe/Monte/Taylor/Michael/Brittany are working together. She tells him Monte told her Jasmine/Indy/Alyssa were trying to get her out. Meanwhile, Daniel tells Jasmine Monte wanted to evict Indy. Jasmine is shocked.



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