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Everything posted by Moose

  1. I'd like to share what I like about Australia's Big Brother. I like it much better than the U.S. Big Brother. In Australia, the Housematess are to do a daily task for the week which adds up to getting food. These daily tasks are entertaining to watch, sometimes downright hilarious, and creates a teamwork atmosphere. Watching them praactice their dance routines, and playing cricket was great. I hate the U.S. HouseGuests where they usually just lie around basking in the sun, and strategyzing all day. It's tiresome, hate watching all thee backbiting, and not entertaining. In the Australian version, they are not allowed to strategize unless directed by BB and it must only be in a special room. The BBau is so much more fair in their competitions. For example, putting on bunny suits with huge heads. Hard to see, hard to manipulate, doesn't take strength. While dressed as bunnies, they had to collect more carrot juice than the other team. The team players get whittled down with various contests until only one person emerges victorious. So much fun. So entertaining. So much more fair than the USA version where strength matters. I want to see a wide range of ages in USA version (I'm live in the USA) and I want the competitions to be fair for all of them. ALL of them... do you hear that USA BB? Australia's housemates may not threaten or act violently towards any other Housemate. Housemates may not bully or intimidate other Housemates because of their gender or sexual preferences or any other reason. Every Housemate must take all care to ensure that any sexual attention is invited and that consent to any sexual contact is mutual and informed. Housemates must not knowingly defame or vilify any individual or group. I vote a hundred-fold for the USA Big Brother to adopt these rules. There's plenty of bullying and intimidating going on in the world... I don't want to view it on a game show--especially from a country like USA. It is not entertaining to watch the bullying that goes on with the USA HouseGuests. There are other situations that prove Australia's Big Brother is much more entertaining than the U.S.A. Big Brother, but I believe folks that have been posting here have been finding that out. http://www.bigbrother.com.au/home.htm



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