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Everything posted by Moose

  1. This was the first Brice F. I watched on FNL. Funny bits from Travis... and was that him eating a lemon! Laughed so hard at the big clown shoes going through the hoops. That made me eyes well up at seeing Rory help Terri up from her finish line. Yeah for the HOH and their TV! I'm beginning to get a bittersweet taste what with BBAU so close to its finale.
  2. Minute you hear of the calendars of BBau8 HMs for sale, post here, please.
  3. I was WAY off base. I noticed Rory's incessant playing around with his dreads and pushing them against his head, or was it that he was horrified that it wasn't him holding the black dress? I think the grabbing was crass and impolite. Did they happen to know each other outside the house? Have you noticed in the vids of the PA champagne dinner and going throughout the house, the grabber just grinned and didn't add a lot to the conversation--at least what I saw in the edited version on television.
  4. Their "Cold Rock" ice cream Slumber Party sounded fun. In the United States, the franchise is called Cold Stone. About the evicition of Brigette, BB didn't HAVE to have an eviction until after PA left and had back-to-back evictions IF the action were to keep Rory in the house. Finally, didn't break anything... it was Cherry. If Cherry got reprimanded for it, the vid didn't show it. All I saw was Cherry being asked if Rory shouldn't indulge since Rory didn't catch the ball. Like typical Cherry, Cherry said, no. Before going to Eric's (funny about your comment "what kind of name is Eric! hahahaha) link, I'm going to guess it was Travis since he lacks some social skills. NOW I'm going to the link to see who it is.
  5. All the pictures were great except the one that should be called Travesty Travis. Alice's pic was SUPER. I want a calendar! PA must touch and fling her hair more than 500 times a day.
  6. I've said this before, I'd like to see Alice come up through the movies as the next 'girl next door' star (similar to Doris Day). Sign 'er up! Her 'people' can get her crash courses.
  7. Jen you made me chuckle enough to wake up my dog with this "Bucket envy" said BB to Rory about Ben's bigger pail. HAHAHAHA I LOVE the way the Kombi looks now, esp. the hands at the top. During PA's conversation with Kyle & JackieO... <yawn, yawn, & more yawning> Can hardly believe someone going into the House didn't watch at least one episode of BB! I think PA probably would've had an off-camera tantrum if she were corrected while on television, and Kyle & Jackie didn't correct her because of it. SerenityNow, I agree. I FF through nearly all of it, stopping only now and then to hear the topics. IMHO I believe it was because of PA being there. Now that I've seen the anti-climax, I can hardly wait until Saturday's ousting. What a lovely mom Ben "Eyore" has, as well as all the other moms that were interviewed. I'd like to know the secret language Brigette was talking. <looking away at the monitor> I don't want ANY of the folks up for eviction to leave. Out of all of them, I would like it to be Cherry that was leaving. I actually dropped a tear as the evictee left (notice I didn't mention who, Jen). I hate when folks fawn over celebrities. I hate it, can't stand it, and FF through it. I would've loved to have heard what the table conversation topics, were though.
  8. Truly BB is "fixed". Anyone watch BBus last season? It was screamingly obvious. Plus there were a couple of audio slips that proved it. They all are "fixed", but sometimes it more obvious than at other times. With Benny... could BB ask for anything better'n his cracking the water tanks? LOL Now THAT was priceless.
  9. That was so funny to me... B's dog came out on stage and she went to him and then the other 2 guys came over to spoon B. LOL Big Mouth was funny several times, although I had to do some FF during the exhausting spooning conversation, and something else. Daily Show... Love their new task. Can hardly wait for them to be waitin' for another celeb to snap on Wednesday and here she will be live and in person. Link to what happens in a "Reality TV Show" School. http://tv.msn.com/tv/reality-tv-school/?GT...ilentchk=1&
  10. ^^^ <grinning at Eric's reply> ^^^ It was good to see a "softer" side (not a whining baby) of Brigette (being with Cherry). About the eviction... Cover your ears ... Y E A H ! All the folks left in the house, I don't mind who wins (which is not typical of me since there's usually [in BBUS] sh..heads left at the end who are obnoxious, etc.) and I would like to see all win collectively (which "ain't" going to happen). No matter what Rory says about the "Intruder" Cherry, I would like to see him win also. Cherry is high on my list of faves. Ben reminds me of Eyore. Not just the set of his jaw and cheeks, but... he's a highly serious person. Perhaps it could just be his young age and upbringing. Don't know, but all I can think of now is Eyore when I see him. I like how he "stuck to his guns" and didn't crack under Bianca's incessant spooning talk. When the person was evicted (trying not to give it away), and Ben was shown for his reaction, there wasn't much of one, and then it seemed like he began acting. It appeared that he was acting like he was in distress, then a moment later he was all smiles and not much reaction again. I think it was just an act, but what do I know since I'm not in the house and BB edits the show to their liking. I don't have the live feeds, so it's all just an opinion--whether it be right or wrong. I've GOT to keep in mind that I see only what BB edits.
  11. At CP I read the reason Pamela will be entering the house...
  12. I'm curious Eric... will you be able to view BBus on the live feeds as well?
  13. YEAH for Cherry. One of my faves...others are Terri and Alice. Hmmmm... you know, whoever wins right now, I wouldn't mind it EXCEPTIN' for Bianca. She makes it sound like obsessive hot-headedness is in her genes. Definitely it is NOT!
  14. I see that Jen noticed I didn't let winner slip out this time
  15. Thanks SerenityNow. It was Matt Corby. I rewatched that section about the ending where I couldn't understand what the group was saying/doing, and it still sounds like a wild pack of monkeys.
  16. FNL comments Like Serenity, I too, usually fast forward through the weird stuff going at the breaks (break dancing for one). Even though that was a strange rendition of the song New York, New York, I liked it much better than the previous breaks.. a lot better. Thanks BBAU for having the singer... though I couldn't understand what his name was and it was not captioned when he was intoduced. Thanks BBAU for the N.Y. tribute and Indepence Day "tip o' the hat". Hey Mike Goldman.... love those high kicks of yours before you sat down for the FNL show! Anyone else like watching Cherry & Alice working out together? Or just Cherry working out by himself? I think I saw Cherry doing a "Travis Move" after he parked the cart and was told his time. LOL Laughed the whole time Travis tried to park the cart. Terrence.... tonight, you didn't look 'seedy' at all. You were much more 'striking'. Good work, Mate! Yeah for the winner! Hey, ya'll........ what in the world was all that going on with the HMs when they went to congratulate the winner? I didn't get that at all. I couldn't even make out what they were saying, or emitting from their mouths. Yeah for the big eaters! Double Yeah for the winner!
  17. I have to say.... I'm sick of Bianca's continual bad temper and her obsession with Ben spooning with her. I can hardly believe that BB told Rory to throw away the mole cutout and saying it would make Rima feel bad. OMG! and how about how other people felt bad over things done in the house that were more distressing. Even BB doing things to the HMs to mess with their heads which made them feel bad. I don't get it. Such inconsistencies. Even BBAU inconsistencies are much better than anything on BBUSA.
  18. I just watched the movie, Horton Hears a Who. Why did I put it here? Because I thought of Travis the whole time. Horton is so positive and says good things about the 'folks' around him even though he knows they have done mean things, which reminded me of Travis throughout the whole movie.
  19. I have to admit that WHOEVER (except Bianca) goes at next eviction I will miss them. I'm believin' that all of them are good folks when out of that house. Hopefully Bianca will outgrow her bad tempers and self-righteousness.
  20. Shot an email to ya E. My picks in no special order other than alphabetical: Alice, Cherry, Tez Interesting what the psychic brought to the table. Not looking forward to seeing Jackie O standing in a fashion that makes her look like a one-legged flamingo. That just freaks me out with that standing while ankles are crossed. Her legs are clamped tight for sure when Kyle is around.
  21. I've said I hate to see the end come to this show, yet on the flip side, I would want it to be just to see exactly what Travis is like once he's out of that house along with Brigette.
  22. Odd sending in Pamela. This should be interesting to see her "purpose" for being in there, plus watching the looks on the male's faces.
  23. I'm going to be crying and who knows what all when I go through withdrawals when this program finishes in a few weeks. I heard 3 weeks a few days ago. This BBAU has been THE BEST BB I've ever viewed. Too bad this is Australia's last BB. Kinda nice to see a kookaburra since there are none in the USA. (referring to the one sitting on the boxing ring's pole) You know... I have to include Cherry as one that I would like to see win it also. He really has been visiting to EVERYone, and he doesn't whinge about much of anything. I think when he got a grenade, he pretended more than how he felt, just to put a show on to the others. Then when he invited Terrence to the movie, that shows that he is quite THE "Guy". If this is only all pretense to be able to stay in everyone's good graces, it is working, and I for one think it isn't all pretense. I think he has to have a good heart to stay on as he has. I do believe I'm talking myself into rooting for Cherry. Where's everyone been? Getting kinda quiet here in Aussie BB. 11:31 pm Monday night USA time
  24. What up!? Jackie O still standing with her legs crossed at the ankles. This is screaming negative emotion through body language ya know! Buh Bye Terrence.
  25. Since BB au began, I wondered, "Why hasn't Bianca ever had braces?" I STILL wonder that. Quote from the show: "I'm going to take a photocopy of her brain." "Cause you want to build an idiot?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



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