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Posts posted by Cyn

  1. I like him, he's very strategic in his thinking but clearly is used to public speaking. I find him a bit on the arrogant side, but also entertaining. I don't see him sitting on the sidelines very much- I think he'll be right in the mix of things from the moment they walk in the door. He may end up being one of my favorites.

  2. I'm a little disappointed with Judd. When I watched the Jeff interview, I decided he's probably my favorite, at least of the guys. Then I watched the 15 minute extended interview with We Love Big Brother and I think he's a little too nice. I still like him, but I don't think he'll bring a lot in the way of entertainment. I also think he's too much of a nice guy and maybe a little too naive to last very long into the season.

  3. Way too quiet and boring for my taste. He seems like the type that'll sit around for hours one end, talking strategy with a select couple of people. About as interesting as watching paint dry.

    However, one big redeeming quality is I liked how he had a strategy for getting on the show, and figured out a way to make himself stand out.

  4. Yeah, I'm still torn on her, but right now I'm leaning towards liking her. I like that she's loud and has a strong personality, I don't like the boring, mousy people. I'm looking forward to seeing how she'll get along with the other girls- I have a feeling her personality will be too much for most people, and I'm curious to see how they'll respond.

  5. I think it's blatantly obvious that they are sisters- not only will she not be able to keep it a secret, but I bet most of the houseguests that are already fans of the show will recognize her in under a minute- mark my words. They are nearly identical.

    That said, I'm actually really looking forward to seeing how this plays out. I strongly dislike Rachel, but I watch Big Brother for the drama- and I think having Elissa in the house will really shake things up. I'm curious to see how the others react to her, how long it'll take for some of them to accept her as her own person and not "Rachel's sister", and how different she'll be (or similar) to Rachel.

  6. There are usually several streams available. The quality varies, and sometimes a feed will be shutdown for going over bandwidth allowances, so the links change, often. About a half hour before each show, I post what I believe to be the best feed for the night on the update page.

    You rock, Morty. :) I don't mind watching most of the season on cbs.com the next day, but I REALLY want to see the first episode Wednesday night!

  7. @CYN.......try watching the other longer interviews.....WLBB has a 4 hr video on youtube...and BBNETWORK has a long video also... i think i saw the link to them in another thread here.....these interviews are better then the CBS Jeff ones that are too short.... ☺.....

    What is WLBB? If you can tell me where I can find links to these videos, I'd love to watch them this weekend.

  8. Are we going to have individual threads for each houseguest? I was looking forward to picking apart/commenting on each one.

    There were a few that I can't decide if I really like them or can't stand them, haha. Mainly GinaMarie, McCrae and Andy. I saw potential in all three of them as being the types I'll be rooting for later, but my first impression was that they were particularly annoying. GinaMarie especially- I'm not sure what to think of her yet, but I'm drawn to the ones that tend to have the most drama surrounding them, and I can see that happening with her. I think I'll enjoy watching Elissa for the same reason I 'enjoyed' watching Rachel. Couldn't stand her as a person, but she provided a lot of entertainment. I don't want to see a house full of people getting along. I want to see blow ups, fireworks, tears and drama!

    As far as likability, Judd is probably my favorite based on the three minute interviews.

  9. At work sneaking looks at my phone so no videos til tonight. I know Rachel's sister is in, but they ALL are starting to look familiar to me. Guess the producers like to cast the same kinds of pretty people. I wish we had more detailed bios than just their professions, but I guess Facebook and twitter links will be incoming soon. ;)

    Alissa is Rachels sister.

  10. I must have really strange taste, because I thought the house looked amazing! Especially the HoH room- but I love super modern, sterile decor. I'd kill to have a bedroom like that HoH room.

    I was extremely excited to see the house and was very impressed by it- but then again, it could just be pre-season excitement would make anything look good to me right now. :D

  11. I'm not kidding about Zingbot. I heard Zingbot was tweeting to Julie Chen this week, and I wondered why the Zingbot would need a twitter account.

    I'll take just about any scenario over having Zingbot as a houseguest. That screechy voice they use is so unbearable to me, I always fast forward anytime it's on the show.

  12. I know, it was a regular Big Brother fan that was independently streaming the tv show somehow from their tv or computer onto Justin.tv. It was kind of a bootleg thing, but I usually watched it on eviction night because I could watch it 3 hours earlier than it airs on tv here on the west coast. It wasn't through CBS.com.

  13. For the last year or two, someone out on the East Coast was streaming the Big Brother show on Justin.tv each night that it was on. Does anyone know if that's still going to be happening? I got the live feeds, but turned off my cable several months ago and I'm not going to turn it back on just for Big Brother. (I think the feeds are better than the show, anyway.) I would like to watch the show on the 26th, though. I'm really hoping it'll be streamed again this year. If not, I'll just have to wait and watch it on CBS.com the next day!

    I can't remember the link of the live stream, or who was running it.

  14. When I signed up for the feeds, it gave me the option to sign in through twitter, facebook, or create an account. Once I did that, and put in all my payment information, I think it took me directly to the feeds page. There's nothing much on it right now. It just says "Early Bird" and there are a few video clips and a chat room. There was nothing to download, since it plays in the browser. The direct link was http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/live_feed/watch/

  15. Makes me think they're going to recycle the 'teams' idea. I don't remember what season it was, but on the very first night all the houseguests were paired up with a partner and if I recall- if one person went on the block, both of them did.

    I thought it was really boring. I hope they aren't going to do it again and call it something else to make us think it's a new idea.

  16. I got the feeds for the first time as well. I can't seem to figure out to watch the live feeds on mobile device. Has anyone figured it out? What am I missing?

    I would just hang tight on figuring out the mobile device for now. The feeds aren't active yet so there's no real way to test it. I'm unsure, myself.. but I imagine once the feeds go live, it will be more apparent.

    Congrats on getting the feeds for the first time, though! In my opinion, having the live feed is what MAKES the entire BB experience, and what sets it apart from any other show. I personally think that the feeds are way more entertaining than the show. The show is basically just a heavily edited recap. of the past few days. If you want to know what's really happening, keep an eye on the live feeds and the update page! Half the time, I don't even watch the actual show. I don't need to.

  17. I think I'm more excited for the live feeds this year than ever before. I started getting the feeds during season 2 and have never missed a season. But in years past, I've only been able to watch them in the evenings after work, or some on the weekends. However this year, thanks to them being available on other devices, I should be able to follow the feeds all day, every day, at work. I should be able to just keep it plugged in at my desk with my headphones on and listen in while I'm working. SO looking forward to this!



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