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Posts posted by Cyn

  1. Yes, using spray tan the way it's intended to be used is perfectly safe, I'm sure. But repeated exposure every hour for a day or two can be dangerous.

    Dr. Jaspel Singh is a pulmonologist with Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, N. C. He says spray tans have one thing in common: A chemical called Dihydroxyacetone, also known as DHA.

    Once someone inhales this chemical, Singh says it can be absorbed by your lungs and carried into your blood stream.

    While shooting this story, the mist from a spray tan collected all over the lens of our camera.

    We removed the residue with a disposable lens cloth, which left brown stains. This is the same residue collecting inside your lungs. Repeated exposures over time, Singh warns, could be bad for your health.

    You're lucky if you only get an inflammation similar to asthma, but he says DHA can also cause Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, also known as COPD.


  2. I'm not sure why people are voting Amanda out- I think she's awesome. She's quickly becoming my favorite player this season.

    I sent all 10 of my votes to Helen. Not only is she incredibly boring and annoying to listen to, I feel like she's RUINING the game this year with her 'majority rules' BS. I'm sick and tired of her pressuring everyone to vote 'as the house' and not as individuals. It's making the game extremely boring to watch, especially on nomination night. I watch for the first houseguest to cast their vote and then tune out for the next few minutes, since it's just going to be another 9-0 vote. So boring. She needs to gtfo.

  3. I can't believe they aired all the racist comments and actually addressed it during the show! Granted, they just put Aaryn on blast and didn't mention GinaMarie or Spencer yet- but I never dreamed they'd actually show it on the edits! I'm so proud that they took that stance and showed the disgusting things that are being said, rather than sweep it under the rug. My jaw was on the floor when they did that little section of the show about that whole thing. I really thought they'd just try to cover it up and not mention it on tv.

  4. Is anyone but me starting to notice all the houseguests are getting sick over the past couple of days? One of them had a migraine and was throwing up the other day, then later urinated blood. (I think it was Kaitlin or Jessie, maybe?) Yesterday Elissa was so sick they kept delaying the nomination ceremony. I read earlier that one of the guys (McCrae? I can't remember.) has either ringworm or a staf infection. And just now, Aaryn said she felt like she was going to throw up.

    What's going on in there? :huh2:

  5. I'm confused. There is a message on the front page of Morty's that says:

    Schedule Change! BB will air, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, with the live eviction show,
    hosted by Julie Chen, shifting to Thursday beginning July 11.

    Was this announced by CBS somewhere? Does this mean no one is getting evicted tonight, or was that post a mistake?

    Edit: Disregard- I got confused and thought today was Thursday. :D Can't figure out how to delete a topic. Maybe the mods can.

  6. I think they deliberately cast people who are coming into the show looking for a showmance- maybe they are trying to play up that aspect of it. At least three of the HGs mentioned in their pre-season interviews that they were open or looking for a showmance. I heard one of the guys tonight (I can't remember who) say he was more interested in a showmance than winning the money.

    I don't consider this a coincidence- I think the producers sought them out.

  7. Thanks for this thread! I guess someone missed posting about Davids little reveil? 2:21pm on 6/29 cam 3, rear shot on cam 4. (viewer discretion advised)

    Here is one of Amanda and McCray 5:40am Cam1 and also 7:14am cam 2 . (viewer discretion definatly advised)

    5:40 AM cam1 is just Jeremy and one of the girls asleep.. nothing is happening. Did you intend to put a different date or is this for today, 6/30? It isn't even McCrae, cause I can see Jeremy's tattoo. I assume you're going by Big Brother time? (PST)

    Edit: Just watched the other one also.. 7:4am cam 2. I could see McCrae, but both of them were just sleeping, nothing happening. Amanda rolled over at one point but didn't appear to wake up, and I can hear someone walking around off camera. I watched for about 2 minutes and nothing happened. Can you clarify the date/times, or what we're supposed to be seeing?

  8. Has anyone noticed that the houseguests don't sit around the big round table and eat dinner together? That used to be one of my favorite parts about the first week or so of each season- everyone was still getting to know one another and none of the drama had started yet. I used to love dinner time because it was the only time the entire house would be sitting together in one place, not talking game, just chatting, joking around and telling stories.

    I started watching the live feed the night it went live this season, and not once have I seen them all sitting at the table together. It seems like they cook separate meals at various times, and split into small groups and eat in different rooms of the house.

  9. Thank you SO much for this. In years past, the main page of Morty's would have a **FLASHBACK ALERT** mention highlighting if something interesting happened, so we could go back and watch. I haven't seen anything like that this year and I've been disappointed that I can scroll through and look for the juicy parts, so I really appreciate this thread.

  10. I've never done screen caps before, and I really don't feel like downloading special programs to do it. But your post gave me an idea. Since Gmail has so many features, I tried just going fullscreen on the live feed, hitting print screen and then pasting directly into the body of an email. Worked perfectly! I just right clicked and 'save image as' and presto- no need to download any programs or even use anything other than Gmail. (This may work on hotmail and yahoo too, I have no idea.) Here is the end result-


  11. If they are bleeping out the foul language we will never understand what they say. :furious3: Glad I didn't get the live feeds this year.

    They aren't beeping the live feeds, probably just on TV.

    In fact, the feeds seem to be the best this year than they've ever been. Much clearer picture, almost no lag or buffering, not as much cutting to fish as in the past. I'm extremely happy with this years feeds.

  12. Yeah, I have to admit- I'm feeling sorry for Elissa. I've been watching the feeds most of the day (as much as I can, anyway) and I haven't seen Elissa do anything really wrong. I heard she did blow up at someone earlier, I didn't see that, but I did see Aaryn being a psycho mean girl and trying to get people to not associate with her.



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