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Posts posted by Cyn

  1. Sorry, but she's acting like a crazy bitch in the storage room with David right now. She's pretty much interrogating him about his conversation with Elissa and forbidding him from having any contact with her. He's being very calm and rational and she's acting like a jealous ex or something.. then she keeps saying "If you don't keep freaking out you're going to put a target on your back" and it's like she's implying that if he doesn't follow her orders, she's going to put the bug in people's ear about him. It started probably a little after 5pm BB time and it's still going 20 minutes later. Mean Girl personified.

  2. Oh yeah Moxie, Aaryn surprised me a lot, too! When she was one of the last ones up in the HoH competition, I began to wonder if she'll end up like another Janelle. During the pre-season, we all thought she was going to be a barbie doll girly girl and wouldn't last a month. Who knows, Maybe Aaryn will end up following in those footsteps.

  3. That was a great episode! I knew GinaMarie might be a bit abrasive but I didn't know she'd be so over the top right out of the gate!

    SO happy there wasn't someone voted out first episode like we saw last season! That means we'll have a whole week to get to see everyone interact and get to know one another. Last year when that poor woman got voted out in the first hour of the show, we never got to know more than her name. And does anyone even remember it now? I sure don't.

    I didn't think I'd like McCrae, especially during the first part of the episode when he was so clearly out of place. But when he started doing so well in the HoH, my mind changed and I cheered for him when he won. :) I think it saved his life in the game, because otherwise he would have probably been first or second out.

  4. Who do you think will be the first person voted out of Big Brother?

    I think it'll be Aaryn. She just strikes me as very unmemorable. She seems like all looks on the surface and not a lot underneath. I don't think she'll last.

  5. To those of you who only watched the 2-3 minute long Jeff interviews, I urge you to go to youtube and look up the "Welovebigbrother" channel. There are 15-18 minute long interviews with each houseguest and they are 10x better than Jeff's interviews.

    To clarify, I love Jeff and he did a great job with his interviews. The only issue I had wasn't his fault- 2-3 minutes is too short. What you get is a highly exaggerated version of the person, because they are trying to really sell themselves in a very short amount of time, and most of them come across as abrasive or annoying.

    I won't link the youtube channel in case it qualifies as another fan site and might go against the terms of service here (promoting other sites), but I highly recommend watching those before the show tomorrow. In a lot of cases, I ended up with a completely opposite opinion of what I had from the Jeff interviews.

  6. Based on the Jeff interviews, I didn't like him. He came across as goofy looking and annoying.

    But in the longer (We Love Big Brother) interview, he really redeemed himself. I think I'm going to like him, he seems really animated and friendly, and he knows his BB history well. He's also here to make big moves (when it's safe) and really play the game.

  7. I really like her. There's something about her that just strikes me as very open and genuine, and she comes across so much smarter and mature than most of the others girls. (Haven't seen all the interviews yet.) Of course, I'm basing this off the longer 15 minute interviews by We Love Big Brothers- the Jeff interviews were nice for a glimpse of them but the longer ones show you a lot more of their personality.

    She's very likeable, and my favorite so far.

  8. I'm bummed that they aren't putting something on the feeds already, even it it's just fish. I've been a subscriber of the live feeds since season 2 or 3, and they used to turn them on days before the show started. It was fun to watch the fish while chatting in the chat room, and now and them a slip up would happen and a mic would go live for a moment or two. I hate this flat 'early bird' place holder. Dont they need to test the feeds at some point before tomorrow??



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