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Posts posted by Cyn

  1. Could someone who purchased the live feeds tell me if any of the past seasons live feeds are available right now? I know that's been the case for the past few years, usually goes about 2 seasons back. I'm ready to get my BB fix in, and if I can watch feeds from the archives again, I might get it tomorrow.

  2. I don't know if I'm more disappointed in Jenn, or more disgusted. After all her outrage and going on and on last night to Danielle about how evil Dan is, how he'll cut her throat, etc.. and then immediately falls into that very trap and takes him off the block. What a mindless sheep.

    She should have gone to Britney and the others and revealed the plan and what they were up to.. play along if she has to, but ultimately refuse to use the veto come the veto ceremony - Dan would have been sent out for sure.

    I had high hopes for Jenn, and she turned out to be nothing more than a puppet. I won't feel sorry for her a bit when they cut her throat next.

  3. She seems like a really nice person, but I'm not really sorry to see her go. She was too nice and quiet.. more camera time for the loud and dramatic types.

    Also, for the last week I've been trying to figure out why she looks so familiar and I finally figured it out.



    She looks a LOT like Lauren from The Hills.

  4. I'm unable to get to the feeds on my laptop- when I go to superpass and select the live feed page, I just get a blank white section where the feed should be. I assume I need something installed, but there's no prompt anywhere as to what it should be. Luckily they work just fine on my desktop.

    I'm also missing the flashback feature..

  5. By the way, anyone remember the season with the Big Brother 'ghosts'? ((Big Brother had former houseguests stand behind the mirrors and shine a red light under their face to scare the people in the house. Funniest stuff ever!)

    I found a youtube clip of my all time favorite Mike Boogie moment- when they were standing in the bathroom talking and Mike saw one of the ghosts in the mirror.. he screamed like a woman and nearly trambled the girls to get away. :lol: Keep an eye on Camera 1 (top left) to see him flip out.


  6. I am very surprised and happy to see Janaelle in this year. I didn't think she'd be back after all-stars. I remember during All-Stars she talked a lot about depression and drinking, and with her having a baby now I didn't think she'd be interested in doing reality tv.

    That said, I have a huge amount of respect for her, love her to death. I hope her life is back on track now and that this will be a good season for her. ^.^

  7. I felt really bad for her also - but I'd feel the same no matter who got evicted the first night. I always feel disappointed when someone is evicted after the first WEEK, so this is the worst. I hate not ever getting a chance to get to know them or their personality.

    I don't really see the point of Big Brother doing this. Why go to the trouble and expensive of casting that extra person, flying them out, putting them in sequester, prepping them for the show, having them sign all the legal paperwork that must be involved, and kick them out in an hour? It doesn't add anything to the show because the fans never had time to get attached or form any opinions to care much beyond, "Oh, that's a shame."

    The more I think about it, the more I believe something else is going on here. I have a feeling we'll see her again.

  8. You know, I really really like him so far. :) I thought he'd be kind of like a Ronnie also, or fade into the background, but he left a really good first impression. He and Frank are my favorites for the guys so far this year.

  9. I'm really confused. Am I the only person who doesn't remember Dan? When they first showed his picture and said he was from season 10, I assumed he must have been the first person voted out of the house or something, cause I don't remember one single thing about him. Even when they showed a few clips from his season, nothing at all was recognizable. He must have been really unmemorable, I guess? :unsure: I remember everyone else and several others from his season.

    I wonder what happens to a coach when all three of his people are gone? Do they have to leave the house too, then? Or I wonder if there will be a reshuffling of houseguests and coaches at some point.

  10. You know what I really wish for the live feeds? That they would start recording from the moment the houseguests FIRST enter the BB house, and for that to be available on Flashback. The feeds don't go live until after the premiere episode anyway, so it wouldn't spoil the first show. But I bet the first few hours in the house would probably be the very best footage ever, as the excitement level is still ramped up, they're getting to know each other for the very first time, etc.

    By the time the feeds actually go live, they've already been in the house for about a week and have already settled in and the newness is mostly worn off. I want to see those first few hours!

    And yes I know they show some of that on the first episode. But anyone who's watched the live feeds in past season knows that what we see on tv is so heavily edited and sometimes out of context. I've been watching the feeds since I think season 2 or 3 (Whatever season Alison and Jun were on), and some of my all time favorite moments never even made it on tv.

  11. Yeah thats why I'm so confused. I've seen multiple comments about the feeds being 'up and down' as they tested the streams. But I don't see how it would even be possible to see that unless A) People are really just sitting there spamming their refresh button or B ) People are seeing a streaming feed somewhere that is NOT through Real.com.

    I'd just really like some clarification. I can let this webpage sit here all day and the feed could be live the whole time but I wouldn't ever know it because its not streaming on the page. You have to manually start it and its disabled right now.

  12. Ok I have a question about the live feed, how are people seeing them come up and down? In past seasons back when it wasn't browser based, they streamed sports or Nasa on the feeds until a day or so before the show.. then we had FoTH and theme music.

    Now that its web based, there is no option to see ANYTHING til the feeds go live. When I go to http://superpass.rea...r-14/live-feeds all I see is a web page that says "LIVE FEEDS Start July 12, right after West Coast CBS Broadcast!" When you click on the live feed icon beneath it, it just reloads the webpage.

    How are people seeing these slip ups when nothing is available to stream? Is there another feed somewhere that is showing something live at the moment, even if its just FOTH? Is there an app I should be using like BBlite or something?

  13. Even though I'm not a Rachel fan, I'd LOVE to see her come into the house for the simple fact that a lot of the new HG's said in their bio's that they couldn't stand her. Nothing is more boring than a houseful of people who get along. I love watching all the melt downs and screaming drama fights - one thing Rachel was always good for was bringing that element into the show.

    I'm curiuos to see how the houseguests feel about there even BEING mentors in the game. I have a feeling most of them won't like it- they're probably going to want to play their own game on their own terms.

  14. For some reason CBS.com blows up my mom's browser on this laptop.. everytime I try to go to the cast page, the computer locks up and starts opening a million windows.

    Is there any way someone can cut/paste the houseguest profiles onto their individual threads here on Morty's? I know we usually have that anyway, and we're dying to read the bio's. It would mean a lot! :) <3

  15. Do they usually post somewhere when Julie is going to announce it on her show? I've always been working so in the past seasons I've always just read the profiles here on Morty's, but I couldn't find anything on CBS.com about the topics for Julie's show this week. I don't know how to find that information, but I'm hoping for a "Wednesday on The Talk, Julie discusses this seasons Big Brother and reveals the houseguests" or something.. I just don't know where to find that information..



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