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Everything posted by Cyn

  1. Thank you! Now that you gave me a place to look, I've found it within 5 minutes.
  2. Could someone tell me the date and approximate time of when Frankie admitted that Ariana Grande is his sister? I read on Morty's that it happened, and I really want to go to the flashback and watch it, but no one has mentioned when this took place. Also, I saw something int his thread about a 'Frankie Funeral". I'd like to watch that, also.. could anyone help me?
  3. She is a disgusting human being.
  4. I think his sister is more famous than you realize, at least as far as mainstream top 40 music goes. My commute to work is only 6 minutes, but I heard Ariana on the way to work yesterday morning, on a co workers radio less than an hour later, and again on the way home. I think she's also on tour with Justin beiber right now. She's getting more radio rotation than lady gaga or Miley Cyrus.
  5. I think it's interesting that Frankie went for HoH, since he said specifically he was NOT going to try for HoH unless he got recognized. I wonder if PowPow or someone else did recognize him but they just didn't put that part in the show, yet.
  6. Thank you! I think I found the right link on Facebook, but I will check the other places you listed if that one falls through.
  7. Im afraid by just googling it, I'm going to get tons of sketchy virus sites. Last year a member of mortys was doing it and I trust her. Morty also posted streaming updates on the front page but he's not mentioned doing that this year. I remember CBS was very aggressive about chasing down the streamers and having them shut down- often right before it started or even mid show, and we'd be given an alternate link within a few minutes. It was all very hush hush and underground, not publically listed. We had to rely on word of mouth and usually wouldn't get the link until 5-10 minutes before show time. Last year it was no problem, but for some reason this year it seems like most of the regular community is MIA.
  8. I'm still trying to find out if anyone will be streaming the show tomorrow. I am a live feed subscriber but don't have cable, and I really don't want to miss the first two episodes. I know someone said they are sure 'somebody' would stream it, but the boards have been much quieter this year and no specific info mentioned of where to look. Can someone help me out? Feel free to send a pm if you don't want to post any links openly. Thanks!
  9. Here's what I'm curious about for the first night. We already heard that they are showing us 8 HGs tomorrow and 8 on Thursday. I wonder if tomorrow will be just them getting keys and such, or if they'll be going into the house. If they are going into the house, it makes me wonder if they only let half in one night and the other half in the next night. (Or later in the day, depending on how it was filmed.) I'm just really wondering how it's going to be presented in the show. They've never done it this way before.
  10. Wow, she looks great in the bottom picture. Is it bad makeup? She should go all natural, because in her current pictures and videos, she looks downright frightening. Unless she had a ton of REALLY bad plastic surgery. I guess we'll see in a few days, because I'm curious how she looks right out of the shower with no makeup on.
  11. Yeah, I have no idea how or where I'll be able to watch BB on Wednesday, I have no cable.
  12. She really does. There's something SO weird about her face and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. It's like she's wearing a mask. It doesn't look real.
  13. They probably went into the house yesterday or today.
  14. What racy stuff, UVP? What BB sites? Could you send some links?
  15. I might get heated in my opinions when I get caught up in the game, but at the end of the day I know that it IS just a game. And with Big Brother, having to lie, betray folks and scheme is simply the nature of the beast. The only thing that's really going to make me dislike someone outside the game is if they make comments like Aaryn was doing last year. (Can you imagine if HER family was here on Morty's?) Paul, when it comes to Big Brother and it's fans, I kind of compare it to how very enthusiastic sports fans can get. Most of us love to yell and rant about the 'other team', but that's just part of the fun.
  16. I didn't think I knew who she was either because the name meant nothing to me- but after checking her vevo channel on youtube, I was shocked at how many of her songs I've heard on the radio. This one I have been hearing currently because it's getting a lot of air time right now.
  17. I Just mean he could be Wil's twin. I'm surprised people aren't talking about that. He looks as much like Wil as elyssa looked like Rachel. If the hair isn't enough, look at the nose and mouth.
  18. So, I figured out why they are having a back to back opener- I bet Wednesday will be introduction of the hgs/getting their keys/entering house. Then they'll do the recorded HOH comp. Thursday will show them talking and making alliances, and then the first eviction. :/ Not happy. I HATE when we don't get a full week with the entire cast. This also explains why we don't get live feeds until Thursday. Anyone know if someone will stream it again this year? I don't have cable so unless someone streams it, I'll have to follow via forum updates until the feeds go live.
  19. Hi Paul! Welcome to Morty's! Misha is right, the fans can be very fickle at times. But best of luck to your son, hopefully he will become one of the beloved favorites and do very well.
  20. Misha, that's so interesting! Finally we have someone in the house that a member of Morty's is familiar with! That makes it fun, and I enjoyed reading all the background. As for my impressions from the video- he seems nice but strikes me as one of the muscleheads that will congregate around the weight bench and pool table all summer. I never found them all that interesting. What I am curious to see is how he'll get along with whichever guy it was that's a major animal lover. Since he's a hunter, I'm curious if they'll have any debates on that.



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