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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 8:02pm dan is saying his chicken isnt done. dani says mine is done. dan gets an extra plate and takes the chicken off his plate and gets another piece of chicken that is done. dani says this house is really making you crazy huh dan? he says naaaa. 8:04pm ian says we can put that piece back in the oven and cook it more . he gets up and puts it in the oven. comes back to the table and says this is very good. ian says i think we should make something to catch this mouse. dan says and we can put it in dani's bed. dani says no come on dan dont do that. 8:11pm dan asking ian what was john candys name in plane, trains and automobiles? ian says i dont know. 8:13pm dan says how about we start a new tradition everyone wash your own dishes from now on. ian says that is fine with me. dan says ok dani. dani says dan i wash my own dishes talk somewhere else. 8:17pm dan comes out of the sr after taking trash in and says you have drugs in there danielle. she says what he says drugs to help you sleep like a morphine drip. 8:19pm ian goes to sr and gets a coke he says dan know what will be good? a kit kat bar in the milk shake dont you think that will be good? dan and ian leave the sr and complain about boogie telling dead baby jokes they says thats not cool. 8:22pm dani goes to the sr to get her meds and she comes out of sr with it dan jumps out and scares her . he asked her if it is morphine she says no it is melatosan. dan now asking her if she wants a milk shake? she says no i am full. ian asking when she takes a sleeping pill how long does it take to fall asleep. she says 20 minutes. 8:24pm ian wondering if bb is feeding the fish upstairs. he says they better be. dan says they are. ian says at the end they cant say that there was no harm to the animales this year cuz some fish died. 8:29pm ian and dani going to play speed now . dan says i will play the winner but i am still the champion. dani says you are so full of yourself dan. 8: 35pm : dani goes to wa and looks in the mirror and says i am so full then looks at her stomach in the mirror then asked herself am i burnt? 8:37pm ian just beat dan in speed but dan thinks he won and is still the champion. ian is arguing saying no way i won. 8:52pm general talk going on in by as hg sit on the by couch.
  2. 2:14pm dani and dan still in the pool talking about deserts. ian still rocking away in the hammock. 2:25pm dani asking ian what kind of guy he sees her marrying. he says good looking and rich. ian says what kind of girl do you see me with. dan says someone who likes pokamon and internet forums. and is super skinny and red hair and is very pretty. 2:27pm dan get out of the pool to turn the water hose off and gets back in the pool splashes water on dani as she lays in the sun near the pool. she yells dan. he walks into the pool and throws water on her again she says dan you are getting on my nerves. ian says 2 more days of this shit left. 2:29pm ian is off the hammock walking to the mini fridge to get a drink of water in the by. dan says what is that ian says water. dan says tomorrow is the last full day huh? ian says i know i know. 2:32pm : dan is saying to the cameras if you are interested in dating ian set up a tweet and tell him your favorite pokamon. 2:40pm : dan says ian is the only kid born in the 90's who has ever been in the bb house. ian says thats true. 2:51pm dan and dani are in the kt cleaning up now. ian was called to the dr. 2:55pm dani now back outside laying on couch. dan in the kt after leaving the wc and washing his hands now going to the sr looking in the fridge. 2:57pm dani talking to cameras saying sorry people that i am boring i just had to get away from ian and dan i miss shane right now and am tired of dan picking on me. 2:59pm dan walks outside and ask dani who you texting? dani says texting i wish. dani ask dan what are you drinking he says sprite and a splash of orange juice. he says thats good. dani says it looks good. dan says you cant have any. dani says i didnt ask for any.
  3. 8:03pm :dan says come wednesday night you will either win 50k or stipen. dani says oh shit. dan says what do you think your chances are him taking you. dani says none you two are close. 8:06pm :bb tells dan to not onstruct his mic. ian is now going through the house looking for dan and dani. 8:07pm ian walks into the sbr where dan and dani are he ask them what are you doing reading the letters again? dan says yeah. ian says what are you doing he says nothing. dan says i am gonna nap till showtime. 8:10pm ian lays down on his bed. dani gets up and goes to the wc. ian saying that dani is crazy. he says maybe i shouldnt get married and dan laughs.now they are talking about jury votes. dan says shane aint gonna listen to her he got scoulded by a girl. 8:13pm ian says he asked dani what her stratagie was for final 3 comp. and dani said she had none. dan says good move no stratay for 2012 final 3 comp. 8:14pm dan says dani will beat both of them in the final 2 that even joe loved dani. ian says no shit everyone did and it will be a 5-2 vote for sure for sure. 8:16pm :dan asking ian what dani said when she was yelling yesterday. ian says oh she was saying if i took you (dan) that she will make sure i didnt get shanes vote or anyone elses. dan says you better not take her. ian says i aint. dan says you better not. 8:19pm dan skijng if there is anything dani can do to help her case? ian says no the minute they said 6:04 it was over. 8:26pm dan just took a shoe off the shelf and bb is yelling at him saying dan stop that. dan says they are size 12 shoes. 8:32pm ian says dani is a nice girl but she is a sore loser he says final 3 is suposed to be happy but it isnt this time. 8:40pm dani is now out of the dr goes to the sr fixes herself a drink. then gets a snack. she is now going back in the dr. she now comes back out of the dr and is sitting on the arm of the couch. 8:47pm :ian and dan laying in sbr just general chat about laws and politics. 8:54pm ian and dan i9n sbr laying in bed talking about past final 2 comps and fianle shows.
  4. 6:08pm dan still in the kt cooking. ian in the shower and dani sitting in wa doing her makeup. 6:23pm dan still cooking ian in wa brushing his teeth dani in kt watching dan cook. 6:25pm dani says to dan you going to say something or do i? dan says i aint doing dishes no more. 6:27pm dan and dani sit down at the dt , dan says this is our last sunday dinner here. 6:29pm dani asking dan if ian is getting on his nerves. dan says i said that to the cameras today. 6:30pm dani asked dan if he thinks ian will throw the final hoh to him. dan ays if he will he isnt telling me. 6:32pm dan tells dani that ian is deffinatly worried that you will taint the jury. dani says i wasnt lieing i will. 6:37pm ian asking dan if you appriciate things more when you get out of the house. dan says yeah you really do exspecially people after being in here for 79 days. 6:47pm dan is asking ian about his house and his yard. ian says it isnt quiet in the city but it is theirs and it has a privacy fence. dani sitting there listening rolling her eyes as ian keeps looking at her from the corner of his eye . 6:56pm hg are still eating at the dt and talking about family and neighbors.
  5. 5:02pm dan said if i was home right now i would be listening to weezer. he says i still can not get over that people can not take this as a game. 5:16pm : dan is still talking to the cameras in the kt. he says everything he did this summer wasnt persomnal is was just buissness. 5:22pm dan says i want to give a shout out to janelle hope you and violet are doing ok and i hope you didnt flame me to much this season but if you did its ok but i hope you are doing well. 5:31pm dani comes to the kt. dan ask her how was the shower delightful? dani says yeah. dan says was you thinking of trey? she says why all of a sudden you bringing him up? dan says cuz he is real life and not a showmance. 5:34pm dan says ian goes on hour 17 on the hammock today . 5:41pm : dani says she could see herself marrying shane after the show is over but not 3 days afterwards. dan ask her will you move in with himm and dozer? she says no he says will you ask shane to marry you. dani says no. 5:49pm dani and dan talking about hg that they will still be friends with when they get out of the house. ian comes inside to get a drink of coke. dani stops talking. dan is still cutting up steak with his butter knife.
  6. 9:51pm :ian is now out of the shower and is getting ready to shave his face it looks like. dani walks through and went to the wc without saying a word. dan is now out of the dr and heads to the kt. 9:51pm dani out of wc washing her hands and not looking or saying a word to ian. bb calls dani to dr. 9:59pm : dan is making food in the kt , ian is pacing in the wa with a towel wrapped around him. dan goes to wa and tells ian it looks like he has eyeliner on. ian saysi cant get all that soot off me.ian says there where 3 rows and it was like consentration and here is what i did i started near the button and then i would erase the name and then i would know what one was right and i didnt even have to think i just knew it. and when i got to the top i knew. dan said you didnt have to go all the way to the bottom huh? ian says no he says each rung was like a ladder and there was a place for your hands. it was really cool though. 10:04pm Ian says i am not going to babysit you two for the next couple of days. dan says no i will give her some space tonight. ian goes to get dressed and dan is pacing in the kt.- 10:09pm dan telling ian that he had 600 dollars in his bank account now it is 50 k at least. ian says at least. dan says i wanted to come back and see if i could do this again and i did. 10:13pm dan says it depends who cuts her. if i cut her i have these people votes as he points to the momory wall and if you cut her you have these peoples votes he points to the memory wall again (cant see who he is pointing at) ian says man i trust you i dont think you would do anything wrong to me. ian says if she thinks i am mpicking her because she is a good persom\n then she is wrong this is not a good person contest. 10:15pm dan says if she says anymore to me and i win final hoh i will give her a speach she wont believe. 10:18pm dan says if she comes to me with lies about a crazy final 2 deal i will tell her its lies . 10:20pm ian says you will take me i will taKE YOU DONE DEAL. DAN SAYS I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO SLEEP EASY TONIGHT. IAN SAYS I CAN SLEEP EASY AND YOU CAN SLEEP EASY DONE DEAL. ian says i aint gonna babysit nobody. 10:21pm : ian says god if i win can you imagine how pissed boogie will be? 10:23pm :ian says i am not going to deal with her screaming at me i wont put up with that shit. dan says i told her to chill. ian says just behave ok dan. dan says i will get cocky with her and tell her me and ian just won 50k i wont let her get cocky i will get cocky back. 10:26pm dan says man can you believe you made it. ian says yeah renagade made it to final 2 again chill town mkove the F over. and i want tshirts made saying renegades and quackpack on them. 10:31pm ian says there was 39 tiles that looked like liscens plates large ones and only 13 tiles were good then youhad to place then in order of peoplem evicted with jodi being number 1 and shane being number 13 they was all covered in black soot and wer had yellow towels to clean them with . 10:33pm dan goes to wa where dani is crying asking her what is wrongh? dan gives her a hug and says i wont let you down. 10:35pm dani is now in the shower, dan cleaning his dinner mess and washing his dishes. 10:41pm dan is sitting at dt looking at the memory wall , dani is in the shower still crying. 10:44pm Dan said "My best bet is to throw this HOH to Ian and let him take him to the final. My conscience wont allow me to not take her":
  7. 9:06pm dani says dan id you seriously think that ian is not taking you to the final 2 if you think so you are crazy. dani says ian if you take him to the final 2 with you then i will tell ashley everything that came out of your mouth. 9:08PM ian and dan in ar celebrating. ian told dan that dani must have hear them talking. dan says anyways congrats. IAN HAS WON PART 2 OF THE HOH COMP 9:10pm ian says i have black sewit in my mouth. dani is in the wa while ian is washing his hands and not saying a word. 9:11pm ian says i am going to wring his neck out. dani says why you made a deal with him. dani says ian i swear to god if you take that man to final 2 i will not vote for you and i will tell shane to not vote for you either. i swear you are turning into him. ian says i am not turning into him. dani yells WHATEVER and walks out of the wa. 9:14pm dan goes to ar door and whispers something to dan and points towards where ian is. dan leaves ar to go talk to ian.ian says her feelings are hurt and it just won you 500 k for that. dan says she is being a bay what was with that to come to me with that crap. ian says i came here for 500k not for nothing. dan says she isnt gonna do anything. 9:16pm ian is begging dan to not talk to dani and not talk about shane to please dont talk about them please. dan says ok. ian telling dan they had to climb a ladder to get up and down.dan says did you tell her that you didnt have a deal. ian says i told her that i was going to ring your neck. so please just be nice to her ok? 9:20pmdan is laying in the sbr alone. dani is sitting in the wa on the lounger. ian is in the kt pacing. dani leaves the wa and ian walks in he says i can wring his neck. dani says why you keep saying that you go and make a deal with the devil. dani says you made a deal with me. ian said i told you it was not a slam dunk. dani says you told me. ian says i told you it isnt a slam dunk i am considereing both options. dani says i am telling you if you take that man you wont get my vote either. 9:22pm dani goes to sbr and telling dan what she and ian have said to each other. dan tells dani what he told ian . 9:24pm bb tells dan to reattatch his mic. he gerts mad and walks out of the sbr. dani says his mic was on why did ya'll do that? dani sitting alone in sbr dan is in wa sitting, ian is in the shower now. 9:27pm dan sitting in wa talking to ian who is in the shower. dan says why is she so pissed ? cuz she knows its over? 9:31pm dan goes to the kt and smiles at dani sitting at the dt eating her cereal. then he walks back to the wa and sits back down. 9:45pm dani at the dt playing with a slinky, dan in dr and ian is still in the shower talking to himself but cant hear him with the water running.
  8. 10: 08pm hg are now talking politics for a breif moment then talk turn to shane and dani wearing shanes sweats. ian asking if bb gave shane his pills. dan is laughing . ian says what are you laughing about it isnt funny. dan says it is just the way you said it. and laughs more. 10:12pm ian says everyone is watching showtime right now. dan says they are poking their eyes out with a rusted spoon right now. dan says they are watching dani right now. ian says he wonders if his old teacher is watching right now. 10:20pm dan calls ian to the kt to look at his water bottle. ian is standing there looking and dan goes to sit on the couch in the lvr he sends dani for a cheese puff. dani is now looking at the water bottle. dan says go to danielle murpheys websight to look at her pictures. dani says you putting my personal life on there now.? 10:23pm ian is talking about how ash would get mad when he would lay on the hammock with brit. dan says she was jelly. dani asked dan why he didnt get the m&m's so dan gets the m&m's and dumps them on dani on the couch and says its raining. dani says dan that went down my shirt. 10:25pm dan says does anyone care if i drink alone tonight? dani and ian says no. dan says i have to put a little weight on for chelsea. dan says can we get some pokamon cards bb. dani says no not all 3 of us will play. dan says you can be a prize doll. dan says have you ever had a m&m shower before? dani says no but i never had my panties froze either. dan laughs. 10:34pm hg are playing table topics but dan says instead they are playing dan topics he is adding things to the questions on the cards. 10:48pmhg still playing question games. 10: 52pm dan asked if you were asked to spend a year in the bb house alone and the sr gets stocked every thursday and at the end you get a million dollars would you do it? ian says do we get dr? dan says yeah. ian says i would do it for a million dollars. dani says no no way.
  9. 8:10pm :ian asking if kara took a bear? dani says no. dan says i think the american flag should become a permenant fixture in the bb house. ian says i agree 8:15pm dani likes her bb bag and doesnt want to sell it after the show. dan says ok lets talk about what you would use it for. she asked dan if she carried it would it be bragging? ian says i dont think so. 8:20pm dani talking about selling her bikini on ebay.dan says that annie sold hers for alot of money. ian says i know i bought it then he laughs and says not really. 8:24pm dan asking dani if she would fly someone to go to a party and get paid for it would she do it? dani says yeah to get paid to do it yeah. 8:30pm hg talking about selling swim wear and what will happen when they leave thew house and if they will ever do bb again. dani says she dont know . ian says he will do it again. dan says shut up ian you wouldnt if you was planning a wedding with taylor. 8:31pm : ian says that he was told that janelle signed a contract saying in jury her baby could come in with a nanny and they she couldnt wear the penelty outfits. ian says i dont think it is true. 8:35pm dan asking dani if when she gets married 5 years down the road will she watch bb with her hubby? she says yeah everyone has a past. dan says what if your kids see it what will you tell them? she says i will tell them it is my ex or a showmance o whatever.dani says i can see me and shane being together after this show i really can. ian says i hope so. 8:37pm ian saying that bb 13 was very mean spirited. dani says oh yeah it was. dan says why you say that? ian says they were mean to each other. dani says i cosign that one. 8:41pm hg talking about the coaches entering the game. dan says damn brit for hitting the button. dani and ian say they know that dan hit that button. dan says you will see when you get the tapes and see it. dani says dan i know you hit that button i was your only player i know you did. she says look at that grin i know you did. 8:43pm dani says i am glad the coaches came in the game i would have liked to have kara back but i did not want jojo back. dani says i would have put her up. 8:48pm dani says lets not talk about shane or brit i will get sad. lets talk about frank. ian says he was an ass. dani says he wore his hair all big like annie. ian is talking like zing bot saying " frank annie wants her hair back" 8:55pm ian asking what mike said about him when he was a dog in the house. dani says he said why would i want a kid on my team that rather take a dog suit instead of a trip? ian says well i took the dog it was made to piss people off and i took it and had to eat from a bowl ghet over it i am here and he isnt.
  10. 6:12pm feeds just went to trivia may be part 2 of the hoh comp
  11. 5:04pm : ian gets up and goes to sr the light turns green but he cant get in . he says there is something seriously wrong this whole house is messed up. he goes to tell dan. he says dan something is wrong with the house i think it is broken. he tells dan that the fridge was off the doors are messed up and lights off in the bathroom. he goes back to dt tells dani it is getting stuffy in here also. 5:05pm dani says the camera is going crazy. ian says you think they are doing that? she says no it is messed up why would bb mess it up like that. dani asking did you try getting in the dr? ian says yeah they aint letting me in. ian says he feels like he is boxed in. 5:08pm ian is up trying the sr and dr again he is getting really nervouse with the locks not working right. dani says dont you feel like you are in disneys smart house? ian says yes yes i do everything is broke in here. 5:09pm ian says i would go to the jury house tell frank to get me some weed and a dvd of the smart house and watch it right after i watch britney's wedding video. 5:12pm Ian says we dont even know what time it is . this is rediculous. ian ask are we on the feeds? dani says probably cuz they just zinged us.ian says help us. 5:14pm :dani says she could go back to sleep right now. ian says please dont. dani asked him if it will just cause him more anxiety if she does. ian says yeah. she says ok . dani says bb will you please tell us whats going on so ian can calm down? ian says yeah tell us something. 5:18pm ian is now up again trying the sr and dr .he is walking around saying bb please. he says i think they forgot about us. he says i deserve to know what is going on around here and it is getting hot in here cuz i dont think the a/c is on. dani says yeah it is hot. 5:22pm ian is asking is the appoculyps going on right now yes or no? did bombs get set off? yes or no? is there a reason why we dont hve appliances right now? something is going on he says. dani says why is this camera going crazy over here? ian says something is messed up. ian says is there a reason for the power outage do you need it to buiold something or what? 5:24pm ian says wanna make fun of frank for a lil bit. dani says sure i always like making fun of frank. and we get foth 5:26pm :dani says how did people survive the last week in this house? ian sais it would be better if we had the yard or something. 5:28pm dani is now going to play speed with ian to keep him busy. 5:35pm ian and dani have now moved to the lvr couches and talking about the wallpaper in the house. 5:40pm dani says ian tell me what you think about all the hg this season. he says jodi was loud. and we get foth.
  12. 12:53pm dani now out of dr and ian is called to dr. dani is now in the kt. she is now in sbr getting clothes to chage into. 12:55pm ian is now out of dr. dan called to dr now. he asked ian what is going on and ian says brunch commentary. dan says oh . ian is now changing clothes ian now heads to the wc.
  13. 12:01pm dani called to dr . ian and dan laying in lvr. dan asked ian if he will go back to school he says i dont know if i win the 500 i dont know . dan says your mom would want you to go back. ian says yeah she would. dan says and if you win the 50? ian says he will pay off loans. 12:04pm : all hg laying in lvr now . dan and ian look like they are going to sleep dani is playing with her mic. 12:20pm all is quiet in the bb lvr . looks like all 3 hg are sleeping. 12:36pm ian and dan are sleeping in the lvr. dani was called to the dr.
  14. 11:36am feeds are back dan walkin in wa then back to kt saying i am stuffed. ian says that was pretty good wasnt it? dan says the food? ian says yeah. dan says was a good exsperiance huh what did you think of it. ian says it was good. 11:37am ian and dan are cleaning up the breakfast mess. ian says all this stuff has to go to the sr. dan says i am not saving all this desert we will nevre eat all of this. 11:41am dan carries plates to the sr and says thanks for brunch bb it was very good. ian says yeah it was. 11:45am dani is laying in the lvr on the couch not talking to anyone. dan and ian still cleaning the kt dan says well we have orange juice now. 11:48am dani tells dan that ian is really starting to irratate me and if he wins this i will not die happy. dan laughs and says do you want to play rummy later? dani says yeah so i can beat your ass. 11:58am dan and ian talking about when they leave the house. dan says it will take a month to decompress. and when you walk in a room in your house it is so dark its like the lights here are so bright when you get home it is dark its like the lights arent even on .
  15. flashback: 9:47am feeds flash hg in kt having breakfast and mimosa's and dan says mmmm this is so good.
  16. 11:07am dani is in the shower in the hoh rm. dan, shane and ian sleeping in the sbr. 11:12am all hg were going up to hoh for a ld and we now have trivia . 11:19am :shane is laying in the hoh bed going back to sleep. dan has gone to the wc. dani at the hoh table eating her cereal. ian is still in the sbr sleeping. 11:36am bb just told ian to please report to the hoh. shane and dan are going to sleep in the hoh rm dani is blow drying her hair in the wa. ian now has joined the hoh rm with his comforter and we have trivia.
  17. 11:10am shane and dani laying on couches in lr. jenn sitting at dt looking at memory wall. ian is in the dr .no talking going on. 11:11am ian is heading up to his hoh rm to see if he is still locked out.they are wondering where dan is . jenn says he might be in the wc but she doesnt know.ian gets in hoh rm and lays down on the bed and yawns. 11:14am dani and shane talking. shane says there may be a double eviction thursday since there was so many lockdowns yesterday. dani said why did we get locked out so much yesterday and we are all in ld now and its only tuesday morning with the pirates ship we got locked down tuesday night. 11:15am dan goes to hoh rm . he asked ian whats going on ? ian says i think someone might be leaving tonight. dan says oh yeah?so what will they show on thursday night for the live show cuz they wont get rid of the live show. 11:17am dan says something is up they got us up at the crack of dawn. ian says it has to be a luxury comp it has to be. dan says i dont know when would they show that wednesday? ian says i dont know its all weird. 11:26am ian and dan talking in hoh rm dan asked ian if the plan is still on / ian says yes jenn asked me and i told her that it made sence to split a couple but dani is safe right. dan says yeah you stuck to your deal and i will stick to mine. 11:28pm ian talking about frank going out of the house and saying they probably got bashed when he went out. dan says oh you mean the eviction interview? ian says yeah with julie we probably got bashed. 11:32am all hg are now taking naps. ian and dan in hoh rm shane and dani in sbr and jenn in mbr. 11:58am all hg were sleeping and we just went to trivia.
  18. 7:06pm dani and dan laying on by couch. shane laying on lounger. jenn at the hottub and ian in the hammock . the only noise being made is from the hammock everytime ian rocks. 7:30pm hg still on old . ian is still rocking in the hamock everyone else is mlaying down. ian says i wonder what is taking so long they must be fixing something. shane says you getting anxious? ian says a little bit then jenn says i am too. 7:54pm dani asking ian how many comps he has thrown. ian pauses a few moments and answers the burgler comp i threw and he laughs. 7:56pm ian says he really tried in the bear comp even though he didnt want hoh and frank didnt want hoh either so i guess if we had won jenn would have been hoh.
  19. 6:07pm Shane and Dani are in the wa putting new bandages on their fingers. jenn in kt making a protien shake. dan geting ready to grill food. 6:17pm dani says i am excited for thursday providing i am staying. ian says of course you are as long as you have shanes vote you are good. shane says you are keeping her? ian says oh yeah no doubt. shane says good i am glad your on board. 6:22pm dani telling ian that frank and boogie wanted her to put him up when she was hoh and she told them that ian and brit was not going up it wasnt even an option. 6:23pm BB has now called an old. dan and jenn are now heading outside. 6: 26pm Ian says what do you think bb is doing? jenn says trying on your clothes. ian says sniffing my underwear? and they laugh. dani and jenn are sitting at the hottub ian is rocking in the hammock, dan is picking up towels across the by and shane just put his feet in the hottub. 6:29pm dan is fixen to fire up the grill. he opens the grill and says oh gross joe didnt clean this grill there is salmon skin on the grill. dan is now cleaning it off. dani says joe never clened the grill he always cooked over everything. jenn says that is so nasty. 6:43pm dan asking ian if planes have horns. ian says no, dan says well they should. they should have sonic horns. 6:50pm :dani and jenn talking aboit ians hammock dani says you know that didnt use to make noise. jenn says it does now.
  20. 3:10pm jenn laying by the pool and dani , dan and ian in the pool just general chit chat going on. shane is in the sbr sleeping. 3:22pm ian and dani talking about blood types in the pool and what blood type is rare. 3:42pm Ian and Dan in the pool talking about penthouses . dani and jenn laying in the sun. shane still sleeping in the sbr. 3:55pm :Ian says brit said she never wanted to play second fiddle to ash and frank. jenn says joe is there too she will be fine he is probably cooking for them. ian says he will fix grilled chicken tonight. dani says she will make the sides. dan says he is making tuna but he has to go marinate it real quick.
  21. 5:05pm Dan, jenn and ian talking about what happened between joe and willie in the bathroom that night that willie was ejected from the game and we get foth. feeds come back and they are all mlaughing. ian says i am fresh out of the shower and i was in a towel when all that happened. 5:27pm hg now talking about how everyone that was evicted left the house they say wil's was great. ian says i will deff not smoke after i leave the house. jenn says you want to live a long healthy life. ian says exactly. 5:36pm dan and jenn talking about football while ian rocks away on the hammock. 6:07pm dan sitting at the dt playing cards and drinking beer alone. jenn in wa putting on her makeup.ian is in the hoh shower. 6:10pm jenn comes out of the wa and tells dan she had to put her paint on cuz it occured to her that someone might be watching them. she says my future wife might be watching. dan says yeah she has been watching you all summer. 6:11pm we get foth 6:12pm Ian is out of the shower. jenn is making slop for herself.dan says he is going to take the trash to the sr he opens the door and says thanks bb. dan is now putting a trashbag back in the trashcan. 6:20pm jenn is making her bed , dan is brushing his teeth in the wa. ian is in hoh shaving his face.there is no talking in the house at all. 6:27pm jenn is staring at the memory wall , ian just finished shaving, dan is now in the shower, dani and shane are still not back in the house yet. 6:38pm :ian is now going downstairs where jenn is eating her slop chips with salsa. bb tells ian to put on his microphone. he goes back to hoh room to get it. jenn laughs at him. 6:42pm ian is going to make himself an egg white omlet with turkey for dinner. dan is now out of shower and shaving his face, jenn is still eating her slop chips and looking at the memory wall alot.
  22. 3:32pm bb is giving the hg facts about turtles there are over 300 spieces of turtles. they yell more bb . 3:35pm :dani says what is the only thing you can do that will use every muscle in your body? they guess the answers wich is swimming and sex. shane says no way does sex use your muscles in sex like that not if a man is on top and you are just laying there. jenn says would you 2 like to test it out. shane says NO. 3:36pm : ian has gone upstairs to get a pepsi. dan is making food in the kt he says turkey and swiss oh yeah. 3:39pm shane is in by talking to dani and jenn aboutgenitalia excersizes in women. he says women can do that while sky diving not just in sex dani gets mad and calls shane an ass and walks in the house. shane asked jenn when do you use your muscle when you swim? she says i dont know. he says well i dont use mine. 3:46pm dani in by eating. talking to jenn she talks with her mouth full ( sounds like charlie browns teacher) she tells jenn everything she says shane has a comment and i am tired of it.jenn says yeah you use all your muscles swimming and having sex and laughs. 3:54pm dan and shane are cleaning out the fridgerator and taking the shelves in the by to spray them down with a water hose/ dani says i scrubbed the bathroom and jenn says i have cleaned so much in this house and they sit there watching the guys clean saying hey will you bring me a drink. and they laugh. ian is getting soap to clean the shelves with.
  23. 2:56pm dan in the pool. jenn lay out on a lounger in the by. dani and shane in the sr getting food. dani walks out and shane asked what did you just open and dani kept walking. we now have foth again . 2:58pm shane is putting veggies in the fridge in sr. bb has restocked their food for the week. 3:02pm shane is in the kt with dani saying real food. dani says eat something. shane is walking around just looking out the door to the by then at the food.he is now in the mirror over the kt sink messing with his hair. 3:04pm dani, jenn and dan in by by the pool talking about their video messages. dani says chelsea really is supportive of you dan. dan says she is. jenn says i watched mine over and over. 3:07pm dani asking ian what was the veto at this part last year? ian says i dont remember. ian is rocking on the hammock .shane now goes out to by to sit by the pool with all the other hg.ian is saying how the claw machine was the best thing that bb ever done. 3:11pm all hg in by talking about the claw machine and how they got the quarters for it. they say brit was having a panick attack and how she was attacking joe to get the balls. 3:15pm : the hg are making fun of frank for calling people little man and bubba and how he wore boogies hats and shirts and underwear. 3:19pm dani is wondering what boogie has said about everyone in the bb house but not in the dr outside the house. jenn says f'it iot doesnt matter. ian says i bet he said alot of bad things about me. and they all laugh. 3:26pm all hg in by talking about other hg that have left the house already. ian says frank hates my guts. jenn says no he doesnt hate your guts. ian says yes he does. jenn says ok. ian says the only one i worry about is boogie i just hope he is ok. 3:27pm dani says ok so we have in jury brit and ash. and i can just see brits face now in ther with ashley. now she will have joe and frank. everyone is laughing now. 3:29pm they are saying how people left the house. joe left good they say but frank left and was mad at everyone. they say boogie hugged everyone but went out good he knew it was just a game. they say even janelle went out good.
  24. 2:05pm ian and dani going over hoh comp lastnight and how dan told him that he was going up as a pawn after the hoh comp and he was worried then. 2:06pm dani ask ian if its crazy that rachel riley and we get foth. 2:11pm ian is rocking in his hammock in the by. shane and dan in lr talking and we get foth again. 2:13pm dani in lr also talking she says they are like that notbook couple. dan says i was telling shane you know the old timey washer with the two rollers that rings the laundry out? thats how i feel right now i am rung out this week. 2:17pm dani says she doesnt remember what her mom said at all she just remembers seeing her face. ian says in the by that pandoras box was fixed to look like his familys the couch and the chair and all and we get foth again for a brief moment. dan now in the pool. ian says he has to sit out of this next veto. 2:21pm ian says he called him foghorn leghorn several times in dr. he says he looks like him and talks like him. dan is laughing.( i assume he is speaking of joe) but he hasnt said any names. 2:26pm ian says as i was coming in this house i heard something about the coaches but i heard it was going to be you (dan) , boogie, janelle, and danielle reyas. he says if it had been dani i would have been up shit creek. but i am glad it was brit cuz we are best friends.
  25. 1:02pm The HG were laying around the pool about 12:30p BBT when feeds went to Trivia. We don't know if this is a PB or noms or lux comp. 1:37pm we are still on trivia. 1:42pm : feeds are back ian is smiling. he got to meet rachel he says it was fun like to see another face was like woahh. screen shows nominations today. 1:43pm dani saying like when they do skype i think they recorded us this morning. and we get trivia again. 1:46pm jenn at the hammock talking to ian as he swings . jenn says i know you feel that nominations are betrayed and you threw me on the block before and i think if we make an agreement this week i think we can work together. ian says the way it will work this week is it is going to come down to the veto. he says the noms will nbe random and we keep our chin up and fight for veto. 1:47pm ian opened pandoras box. ian says i am glad you all got a video message i am happy for ya'll. jenn says yeah that was great. 1:50pm dan now talking to ian at the hammock.dan says what did jenn say? he says she was just saying she didnt want to go up again and how she wanted to cut a deal to keep each other safe. ian says i hate havin g to put her up but we have our 4 and thats what i am staying with. 1:54pm ian tells dan you know my dream a little quack pack and the back yard. dan said toward the back of my video chelsea started to choke up. dan says thanks for doing that. ian says i am really happy and i am happy for ya'll.ian says that explains why we havent had a phone call yet either. dan says that was awesome on bb's part. he goes inside for the next person to talk to ian. 1:56pm shane comes out and says i just want to make sure she is going up . ian says yeah. shane says ok just wanted to make sure we are good. ian says quack quack. shane says ok preesh. and walks off he says man i just caught myself saying preesh thats not cool. 1:57pm dani now comes out to hammock. ian tells her jenn is going up and the other one will be random but it will probably be one of the guys. he says obviously it will come down to veto. dani says yeah i know.. ian says i might as well just grab a key cuz putting one of you up will be hard. 1:59pm dani says may i ask you something it it not leave me and you. he says yeah. she says are you after dan or jenn?> ian says jenn. dani says i was worried about dan going out.ian says no way dan is not my target.ian says dan is the most riskiest to go up. dani says so it is between me and shane? ian says yeah. dani says then the best bet is to put up shane.



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