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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:31pm BBT we have been on trivia for almost an hour now. 12:57pm BBT: feeedds are back and all hg are leaving the hoh rm arryn is packing her stuff up in hoh to move back downstairs. andy and spencer go to sr andy says people are on board so i am just assuring you. they leave sr and go to kt where most hg are making food and getting drinks. 1:00pm BBT: hele tells spencer that she will talk to him later and to please trust her she says she wouldnt talk to them if she didnt trust them. spencer says ok and walks out of the sr. 1:04pm BBT:candice and elissa in hvnbr going over the hoh comp for tonigh. candice leaves the room elissa is packing for tonight.most hg in kt eating. 1:06pm BBT: andy is now in the hnbr talking to jessie he tells her we have the votes and dont let anyone talk you out of it.in the wa we have nick ginamarie, amanda mccrae and arryn getting ready for tonights show. 1:09pm BBT: andy and jessie still talking going over the sequence things in the by over night.amanda is fixen mccraes hair in the wa as other hg are getting makeup done and taking showers. 1:13pm BBT: helen is now talking to jessie she says spencer is freaking out right now . jessie says he is on their side. she says yeah but this is happening. jessie says i dont want to seem like a flipper.helen says its ok the house split really early. she says elissa wanted to put ginamarie up and i talked her out of it cuz i actually like ginamarie. then helen starts going over the hoh comp sequence with her. 1:19pm BBT: spencer and howard are talling spencer tells howard that he trust him 100% and will do whatever he wants to do he says i bet we can mend things with amanda and mccrae. nick comes in talking to them saying they will have ginamarie on our side too if i stay.howard and spencer says yeah ok.andy walks in and talk stops. 1:23pm BBt: jeremy and kaitlyn talking jeremy says we have the votes she is going home.tlyn says i hope so i have a sick feeling about this. she calls elissa names and says i hope so. 1:27pm BBT:spencer howard and nick talking in lounge rm howard tells nick he doesnt have no worries with them thats for sure. nick says ok i am just worried.andy is walking around the house worried that nick is changing howard and spencers minds. 1:28pm BBT: spencer tells nick to go talk to judd and keep his mind in this. nick leaves and howard and spencer start talking again about what they might do spencer says i want to be here like before with you me and jeremy.he says but all my trouble now in the house is because of jeremys mouth.but i want to be on the same page with you. 1:35pm BBT:spencer telling howard that the last 2 weeks have been hard in here. he says we have 5 more weeks till jury starts and we have to try to protect jeremy and thats hard..judd has now joined spencer and howard. he says whats up. spencer says right now we are on plan judd says what do you mean right now.spencer says have you talked to helen judd says i talked to her a little bit this morning and she is like on the same page. 1:45BBT:spencer and howard were talking about nick leaving. andy comes in and asked why couldnt i be in here then they say we are just talking andy says i was getting worried spencer says no reason to be worried andy says ok just checking. spencer tells howard they need to talk to mccrae. he says they are smart they are studying this stuff. 1:47pm BBT: spencer says helen judd and andy are smart and i think it might be best to stay with them. and it might be easier to flip this now.if we vote elissa out then we will be going up. he says just think about it and talk to mccrae.they get up and leave the lounge room 1:52pm BBT: jessie and judd are in bed arryn comes in and talks to them asking them if they are still on board.jessie says yeah judd just lays there and arryn asked whats up he says i am just sleepyarryn says what are you worried about is there anything that concerns you? judd says i dont want to say anything. he says people are saying things and running all over the house alot is being said.
  2. 11:09am BBT: mccrae in bed telling amanda about his dream lastnight. jeremy and spencer in the kt spencer says i cant find my cup ever and we get foth. 11:11am BBT: spencer and jeremy in storage rm. spencer says i think it is a good idea to keep elissa this week and we can get her out next week. jessie walks in and they stop talking. jessie leaves and spencer says we arent sure about jessies vote. jeremy says i can campaign . kaitlyn and arryn come in to get batteries and jeremy says i got this all memorized and i got this down pat. arryn leaves the sr and jeremy says i am still convinced that we got the votes to get elissa out she is just no good for the house. 11:22am BBT:jeremy and helen in hnbr talking helen says i will try to keep yoe this week if i win hoh. jeremy says well i appreciate that but i wanted to let you know to be prepaired for elissa to leave this week. jeremy leaves and andy comes in helen tells andy what was said then andy leaves thew hnbr. helen continues her workout. 11:27am BBt: andy and candice in sr andy tells her that no matter what you hear she says ok . 11:32am BBT: candice howard andy and elissa and helen going over the sequins of items that was shown in the by all night. there was alot of different itens in each group of items. 11:40am BBT: feeds have gone to trivia.
  3. 10:00am BBT: spencer is up in the wc all other hg still sleeping. 10:09am BBT: bb started playing music for the hg to wake them up then we get foth. 10:19am BBT:helen and elissa in hnbr talking about the things they seen in the by all night long.andy and amanda in wa brushing their teeth. 10:22am BBT: helen telling andy the order of the items they seen through the night in the by they are whispering really low. elissa is now back in joining them and whispering.amanda is in the wa with ginamarie . 10:29am BBT: alot of low whispering going on this morning nick and howard in the str talking about elissa going home tonight. nick leaves and howard changes his batteries. in the hvnbr helen andy and elissa still going over a series of objects that were in the by through the night andy is putting them in order with tshirts and a tubba and a penguin and seaguls and gloves. he is saying in sequince. 10:38am BBT: jeremy is now in wa with amanda. they are going over the numbers they seen in the by through the night. spencer is in bed with howard kneeled down beside his bed going over numbers and letters also. 10:48am BBT: howard andy and helen in storage rm talking.howard says we have the numbers. but she doesnt talk to me and spencer she hasnt talked game to me in 2 days.he says that amanda and mccrae are trying to cut deals on the side though. andy says we should have the vast majority of the votes today and if we dont then we will know. andy says howard i know but we need to all shut up and not talk game today we have the numbers to get nick out ok. howard says no problem. 10:51am BBT: andy says today we all need to stay calm today we have the votes to get nick out. so stay calm today and lay low i trust her to vote nick out. howard says i just hope spencer votes with us i aint sure.howard says she doesnt trust me. andy says just vote like you said you would and then she will trust you. 10:54am BBT: jeremy walks in on helen andy and howard in the storage rm. helen and andy leaves , howard looks in the fridge then walks out.andy now in the kt getting breakfast. jeremy now in kt making cereal.amanda still in wa doing her makeup.jeremy goes to wa and tells amanda he caught the three in the storage rm then goes back to kt to eat his cereal.
  4. 2:01pm BBT: arryn asking kaitlyn if something is wrong that she gets a vibe that something is wrong. kaitlyn says no its just this house its just weird.amanda and mccrae are leaving the hammock heading inside. andy is lifting weights. 2:06pm BBT: amanda asking nick in wa if he was hoh and mvp whio he would put up and nick says candice. howard and jessie? amanda brushing her teeth and says ok. 2:11pmBBT: amanda and howard in str. talking about what needs to be done this week howard says he has to talk to spencer first. howard says we are all good lets just play a game. amanda says i will do what mccrae wants to do and not be flip floppin. howard says yeah we need to stop the flip floppin. 2:16pm BBT: amanda asked howard to talk to mccrae he says i dont mind talking to mccrae he says lets play as he walks out the door. amanda now in the wa talking to judd. they whisper and judd goes in wc.jessie,spencer.mccrae and jeremy out in by sitting on couches just general talk. 2:19pm BBt: arryn and nick are in the hoh talking.. nick says he is going to talk to everyone again today cuz if i reconfirm everything then its in their ear. nick now talking about sleeping arrangements that they had lastnight. 2:24pm BBT: nick tells arryn that amanda asked him who he would put up if he won hoh and mvp. arryn says why would she ask that. he said he told her mvp would be candice and the other 2 would be helen and howard. arryn says we will have to talk to jeremy he and howard have a deal going i think. 2:33pm BBT: amanda says bb told her that her hair dye was a luxury so now she is going to have alot of grey hairs. jeremy says hopefully my mom will send me some mary kay for his face that is breaking out . arryn and judd in kt talking about where people are sleeping as elissa is washing her dishes. 2:36pm BBt: judd and amanda in br whispering as amanda tries on a new hat to wear.most hg sitting in by talking about car accidents that have all had. 2:47pm BBT: elissa and andy in the kt . andy tells elissa the kt looks nice she says thanks. all other hg are out in the by just general talk. amanda and arryn talking about sales they got at victorias secrets. 2:52pm BBT: amanda tells mccrae after they move to the hammock that howard said he was on board with whatever they wanted to do.amanda says after tomorrow we just trust each other so much more. 2:55pm BBT: amanda says i dont trust jeremy and i dont trust any of those people. jeremy makes jessie feel better by paying attention to her so judd has to convice her to come this way.
  5. 12:05pm BBT: howard in the house now talking to spencer they are whispering so low you cant hear them.andy, judd and mccrae in lounge rm just general talk. helen and candice still cleaning the kt. mccrae goes out to the by and joins amanda on the by couch. mccrae says he is annoyed by everything in this house. amanda says dont worry at least we arent getting blamed for being flippers. 12:08pm BBT: amanda relling mccrae that howard threw the first comps they played because he didnt want to look strong to start with. mccrae says i knew it. amanda says we are good with jeremy and arryn. 12:10pm BBT: amanda tells mccrae if they get down to the two of them in the hoh comp that mccrae should let her have it so he doesnt look so strong and get a bigger target on his back.candice comes out and amanda asked her who she would put up if she won hoh. candice says i dont know. and we get foth. 12:20pm BBT: andy says what do you think jessie would do if she won hoh? candice says whatever jeremy wants her to do cuz he will go rub on her butt and she will do what they want her to do. 12:21pm BBT: spencer and judd in wa talking about chilli's and tg fridays and applebees.andy walks in and they asked him what he is getting onto later andy says what. spencer says you never heard that? andy says no. judd asked hellen the same question and she said maybe do dishes and play chess why? judd and spencer laugh and judd says she is a redneck and they laugh. 12:30pm BBT: helen is still cleaning the kt andy is also in kt amanda judd and spencer in wa general talk about spicegirls. 12:35pm BBT: candice is chopping veggies in the kt and fixen to make french toast. helen is putting away clean dishes. spencer judd and andy are in the by talk general talk. 12:45pm BBT: spencer andy judd and amanda are in the by talking aboput bb playing 4 songs this morning for them. amanda said when they play the songs it startles her cuz the speaker is over her head. candice is in the kt making french toast and tells helen you have to beat the eggs really well so the eggs dont fry on the bread. 12:48pm BBT bb calls andy to the dr he gets excited he has been complaining that he hasnt been in there in 4 days.
  6. 10:00AM BBT: all HGs are still sleeping 10:03AM BBT: we now have fish. must be a wake up call 10:16AM BBT: Andy is up walking in the kitchen . Amanda is in the bathroom area brushing her teeth. 10:18AM BBT: Judd is outside in by smoking. Helen is now in the bathroom area.Amanda looking for clothes to wear. Judd now talking dirty dishes from the by to the kitchen. 10:27AM BBT: Nick is in the kitchen eating cereal. Judd is now in bathroom area brushing his teeth. Amanda is doing makeup.looks to be Kaitlin running with Helen in the by. 10:30AM BBT: Howard is now outside running with Helen and Kaitlin. McCrae is now in the bathroom area with Judd and Amanda. 10:41AM BBT: McCrae Amanda and Aaryn in kitchen. McCrae is making coffee Amanda is complaining that BB gave her pamprin instead of midol and Aaryn tells her pamprin is better than midol. Amanda says it is Aaryn says yeah and Amanda says OK.bb calls Amanda to the DR. Aaryn says go to the DR in your underwear ama=nda says I did last night I will do it again. 10:45AM BBT: kaitlun is now in HoH Jeremy tells her come up here on the bed he wants to snuggle she says no I am sweaty.she gets a pillow off the floor and lays down beside Jeremy she tells him not to put a blanket over her. he kisses her and says you are sweaty little lady. she says I just ran and I told you I was sweaty. Jeremy says you are one fiesty little lady tonight. she says you mean this morning?. 10:50AM BBT: Aaryn has now gone back to bed . McCrae and Judd in the kitchen. McCrae washing his hands in the sink. Judd says he wants it to rain so he can set outside . McCrae says yeah dude that would be great. Helen is still running in the by.
  7. 2:03 BBT: spencer, jeremy and howard playing pool in by. nick and gina in br talking about having braces and having to tighten them with a key. 2:05pm BBT: 2:16BBT: hg taking pics and getting dressed to go lay out at the pool.just general talk going on. 2:18pm BBT: arryn in kt telling jeremy she went to hoh rm and did her blog. he says you got to blog they give you a laptop? she says yeah. he says do you get to choose if you blog or tweet she says both. and she tells him she put in her blog that she wouldnt be able to blog if it wasnt for jeremy. jeremy says awww you made my heart melt then he laughs. 2:30pm BBT: hg taking pic and the hg are gonna be past hg mccrae is ian spencer is willie and jeremy is joe they are reinacting the fight that got willie exspelled from the game. pic is now taken, arryn and amanda now pose together for a pic.jessie is sitting at the pool alone. 2:40pm BBT: arryn and gina are in hoh. kaitlyn is in hoh wa doing her makeup. arryn says i have a cute picture idea. gina says like what arryn says i will tell you when you come out. gina says alright. most of the hg are in the kt general chat going on. 2:54pm BBT: spencer jeremy and howard in lounge rm repeating everything spencer had repeatedearlier to andy and judd. most hg in the pool or laying out by the pool.arryn was called to dr.
  8. 12:03pm BBT: jeremy in hoh telling arryn and kaitlyn that bb woke him up at 7am for a dr session. aaryn complaining about jeremy keeping her awake all night with his snoring.helen in kt cooking. 12:13pm BBT: arryn and jeremy talking in hoh. arryn says if they throw out bandanas and kaitlyn grabs them then i might as well quit cuz if i get one bad person on my team its over. jeremy said you had amanda on your team once already arryn says yeah thats true. arryn says if we dont win it qill suck. she says it will suck if she has to sleep in that airplane rm and take cold showers it will suck. 12:16pm BBT: jeremy says we got numbers and the only ones who arent with us is helen and andy. arryn says i got andy.jeremy says helen isnt no threat right now.so i aint worried. andy and howard and kaitlyn in kt kaitlyn is making food. 12:20pm BBT: kaitlyn ask helen what she is cooking , helen says slop muffins. jeremy and arryn in hoh jeremy saying he cant be around negative people he will drop them like fast he cant stand negativity. 12:24pm BBT:jarryn says she asked judd who he was with in the house if he was making any deals and judd told her that he wasnt making any deals. she says why does he want to talk to me so much. jeremy says he wants to be on your side so you wont put him up. jeremy says judd and spencer have a weak alliance. 12:28pm BBT: jeremy says i will brak bones before i fall off any compitition. he says he got off to get that have not pass because he was gonna be here all summer and he wasnt gonna do slop all summer.arryn asking if there is a comp where you have to go on so many days of slop to win the veto does that mean you lose your pass? jeremy says i was wondering the same thing but i will give up that and eat slop as long as i can have my bed and hot showers but i can eat slop. 12:37pm BBT: kaitlyn , arryn and helen in kt. kaitlyn cooking and helen just took slop muffins out of the oven. howard is eating at kt table. jeremy in hammock and jessie in the pool. just general talk going on. 12:44pm BBT: jeremy laying in hammock he says i dont want to grow up and be a man. arryn comes out to the pool. jessie says she is falling out of her top jeremy says keep them things in that swimsuit. helen sitting at kt table looking at the memory wall. 12:49pm BBT: jeremy goes in the house to hoh comes back down and asked arryn did you lock your room arryn says no i didnt jeremy says well its locked . kaitlyn says that happened to mccrae too. arryn says go to dr and have them unlock it. candice, helen and andy in kt andy says this week has gone by fast. helen tells candice she made slop muffins. amanda and mccrae are in bed looking at each other. 12:55pm BBT: amanda and mccrae getting up for the day . andy comes in talking to them . just general chat.
  9. 10:01am BBT: arryn, kaitlyn and jeremy still sleeping in hoh rm. andy spencer and judd in by talking about voting out nick this week. 10:03am BBT: andy saying i am just worried that people will flip and i dont want that to happen.judd says i am just weighing out both options. andy says me too 10:06am BBT: jessie goes outside and looks for towels andy and judd say they think howard carried them all outside and started them washing lastnight. judd says there arent any on the bathroom and jessie says i didnt look.now jessie is telling about a dream she had about goinhg to college. 10:09am BBT: jeremy now up and joins everyone in the by on the hammock he says bb started waking them up at 7am this morning.andy now in the color rm changing his shoes. 10:14am BBT: howard and andy in lounge rm talking about maybe keeping elissa and andy says it makes him nervous to keep nick in this week. 10:26am BBT:judd and jeremy in kt. andy helen and arryn in by working out just general chat going on 10:36am BBT: judd is in the shower, andy in the wa talking to judd about taking a shower tonight when he can have a hot shower. helen still running in the by arryn working out in by.and jessie working out. 10:47am BBT: andy, jessie,and jeremy in kt jeremy is making food just general talk going on arryn on the elipptical and helen and howard running in by .
  10. 4:07pm BBT:arryn saying if elissa had come to her and admitted that rachel was her sister and told me that she didnt want to be asocciated with rachel that she wanted to play her own game i would have respected her more. 4:12pm BBT: arryn says everyone swore on everything that they didnt vote david out and if nick sided with elissa then why would he be on the block this week? ginamarie says we will find out thats for sure. andy says i cant wait to watch the show i am so excited. 4:16pm BBT: spencer and judd laying by the pool. judd asked so are we voting out nick? spencer says thats the plan. judd says i wish it was someone else and another week but thats the plan. 4:25pm BBT: aaryn telling andy and kaitlyn that when they get out of the house they can type thier names in google and pull up every pic of yourself on there . 4:27pm BBT: hg were told by bb that the schedule has changes so nick gets an extra day in the house. aaryn says i am pissed i wonder why they changed it up. then she says probably to give elissa an extra day to try to stay.
  11. 3:31pm BBT: kaitlyn , jeremy and spencer in pool. hg in kt eating and general talk. amanda going out to do laundry. 3:33pm BBT: ginamarie is now in hoh with aaryn laughing . ginamarie brings fish in the room and aaryn takes it out and sits it on the checkerboard saying she is not having any fish in her room. 3:40pm BBT: candice , amanda and mccrae on by couch talking about how it sucks to have to pack when your niminated. amanda and candice now talking about having periods and amanda says she was actually like a week pregnant when she was in casting calls candice says you lost it. amanda says yeah i was on birth control. 3:42pm BBT: candice says i wanted a baby once i actually tried but then i started traveling and i liked it so much so i am gonna wait till i am in my 30's. she says she is ready to meet someone now and settle down but i want to be his baby for awhile first then have a baby. amanda says yeah wait babies take alot of time and you loose alot of sleep. 3:45pm BBT: andy is now in the hoh rm with aaryn and ginamarie.aaryn says judd almost made me cry. you know he was suposed to be my boy forever.andy says i hope i have proven this week that i am 100% . aaryn says yeah you are good. 3:56pm BBT: candice is telling a story about her relationships as elissa and amanda and mccrae listens. ginamaroe, andy and aaryn in hoh just general talk and alot of repeating themselves.andy in wa and howard and helen in kt.
  12. 2:00pm BBT:nick telling howard that today he will talk to everyone and tomorrow deals will be made.he says he wants to pick people brains and see where they are at.mccrae and amanda are making food to eat and elissa is getting a drink in the kt. 2:06pm BBT: howard telling nick that kaitlyn and jessie are just votes for them right now and amanda she has got to go soon. he gets up and leaves the room and nick is now by himself laying in bed.amanda is cooking fish in the kt and helen is cooking slop balls. jeremy is in hoh waking kaitlyn up and making sure she is ok. she ask what time it is and he says a hair past a freckel. then they start kissing alot. 2:11pm BBT: jeremy goes down to the kt and shows gina a sharp like tac and says this must be what you got in your heal before she says oh i bet it was but it hurt. helen says to jeremy that she is making slop balls for the hvnots. jeremy says the kt smells a little fishy 2:11pm BBT: jeremy goes down to the kt and shows gina a sharp like tac and says this must be what you got in your heal before she says oh i bet it was but it hurt. helen says to jeremy that she is making slop balls for the hvnots. jeremy says the kt smells a little fishy 2:23pm BBT: andy,mccrae,jessie,kaitlyn and jeremy talking about organic foods and how much they cost. they say they should grow their own veggies. jeremy says instead of paying seven dollars for taco bell go buy a bag of fruits.
  13. 12:01pm BBT: nick is in the br going to bed.spencer and mccrae at the pool whispering. 12:08pm BBT:jeremy working out in the by while spencer and mccrae are talking by the pool . they are whispering cant make out what they are saying over the planes flying over. 12:14pm BBT: andy is in the hoh talking to aaryn.. aaryn saying people are coming up to her asking her why kaitlyn thinks she is running this house.feeds switch to helen and elissa in the hnr helen saying we have the votes to get nick out then we can start winning some comps here.spencer is at the pool talking to mccrae howard and jeremy about them joining up with jeremy kaitlyn arryn nick and gina and run this house. 12:18pm BBT: howard says they are shaking it up early and i didnt think it would happen this soon but its whatever ya'll want to do.and howard leaves the pool. 12:23pm BBT: candice and helen are in the kt cooking slop and lima beans. and eating and complaining about the messy kt. they cant even get to the microwave. 12:27pm BBT: elissa sitting in by jessie came out and elissa says she likes her shorts.they are talking about the clothes that bb took from them and we get foth. 12:35pm BBT:andy , spencer , candice And howard in lounge talking about staying out of the sun cuz it drains you bad.most hg are in the pool helen is cleaning the kt . 12:46pm BBT: spencer, candice and howard in lounge rm just talking general talk.most hg at the pool general talk also as elissa does her yoga. 12:56pm BBT: all hg lounging around with general talk.
  14. 10:02am BBT: amanda and andy in wa .elissa and helen in hnbr getting ready for the day 10:08am BBT: candice talking about her family and being adopted and her herritage.jessie asked if she holds resentment towards her mom. candice says no i dont really have any. elissa is making slop in the kt. 10:15am BBT:jessie asking candice what her relationship is with her syblings. candice says with the boys it is great.amanda is in the wa doing her makeup. 10:20am BBT: aaryn is now up in hoh rm candice and andy in the hammock andy says he hates people going around mocking people. jeremy and jessie are on the couch in the by eating. 10:26am BBT: elissa asked amanda if she kept up with survivor amanda says no then helen and elissa explain to amanda what survivor is all about . amanda says oh no that is not my kind of show. 10:33am BBT: candice andy and jessie on the hammock talking general talk. jeremy and howard on by couch talking about mccrae and others and them neededing to go that they cant be trusted. he says that wanting to keep amanda around makes mccrae a little shady. 10:39am BBT: amanda and mccrae are now on the by couch with jeremy howard got up to take his dishes back in the house.jeremy telling amanda he is wearing his shirt unbuttoned and head band on for the pov ceremony. howard goes to hoh rm to use the wc. kaitlyn and aaryn are putting on their makeup. 10:50am BBT: jeremy in hoh talking to aaryn bb calls jeremy to the dr and we get foth. 10:54am BBT: kaitlyn in wa curling her hair. helen comes in and kaitlyn says i am like freaking out right now. most hg in by sitting on couches just general talk.andy getting coffee as ginamarie comes through and andy tells her she looks lovely today.
  15. 2:59pm BBT: hg sitting in by talking and some hg still taking pics in the photo booth and some hg making food. just general talk going on. 3:07pm BBT: spencer is getting in the pool. andy tells amanda and mccrae it is so stupid to get rid of elissa.and he starts whispering where you cant hear him. howard has now gotten in the pool with spencer helen is laying out near the pool. 3:18pm BBT: the photo booth time is up. ginamarie says the hour is over. they start to walk out and ginamarie yells it isnt over so they all run back to the photo booth to take more pictures.jeremy and kaitlyn are now taking their pictures together nick put on a wig and a pink hat to take a picture. 3:32pm BBT:arryn and ginamarie talking about having a good bunny bad bunny side of the house they will call it bb bunnies arryn will have the good bunnies with pastel bikinis and ginamarie will have the bad bunnies.andy is in the kt holding a digiorno pizza doing trivia questions from the box. 3:42pm BBT: general talk going on in the by with hg in the pool. general talk going on in the kt as candice is cooking 3:46pm BBT: nick in br alone talking to himself he says one more week and then bye bye amanda then after that helen. then went down a list of those that need to leave after that. most hg sitting at the pool just general chat going on between them all.
  16. 1:41pm BBT:helen is laying by the pool with elissa and spencer walking around looking for sunshades. 1:47pm BBT: arryn and andy in hoh rm talking about howard and where kaitlyn is arryn says kaitlyn went to the pool.andy is repeating what he tells arryn all the time that from day one he was with them. 1:54pm BBT: aaryn says i want to believe people and i do except when they swear on a bible or something.in the lounge helen and spencer are talking alone . helen says it will be easier to get her out next week. spencer says we will see just think about it. 2:01pm BBT: judd joins the hoh rm and talk turns to eating cereal arryn tells judd he can eat the fruity pebbles cuz no one likes them judd says he likes them. arryn says she has to go ask for food for the fish cuz kaitlyn says there is none in the storage rm. in the wa is spencer mccrae ginamarie and amanda getting ready to go outside. 2:04pm BBT: spencer in br telling mccrae that everyone trust him but not amanda cuz she is always scheming. judd walks in and spencer says he cant find his sunshades and starts looking again. 2:09pm BBT: jeremy takes amanda to the hnbr telling her that people are trying to get the votes to get her out and maybe put her up and that you are throwing me and nick under the bus. she said is it the females? nick says females and 1 male. he says i am giving this trust to you right now to let you know. 2:31pm BBT: after a brief foth feeds are back and hg are getting to do pictures in the photo booth. ginamarie and nick are in the br talking ginamerie says she needs hairdye before she takes pictures. nick says do i need to shave or look like this and ginamaire laughs. 2:34pm BBT: nick telling ginamarie now that he has heard crazy stuff about people being in alliances.helen and elissa are at the pool. soaking up the sun. 2:37pm BBT: mccrae says if kailtlyn goes on the block he is voting elissa out for sure. judd says she told him nick this morning and amanda shakes her head. 2:44pm BBT: helen and amanda and mccrae are in the by helen says elissa told her that they was talking to dr wills family too. she says this just came up . helen then says elissa is scared of jeremy and she wants to make sure she has mccraes and amandas votes cuz jeremy will take us all out first before the other side. 2:50pm BBT: helen leaves and amanda says its just a game mccrae says it will be ok if you just listen to me. amanda says ok yeah i know.
  17. 5:08pm BBT: ginamarie is putting her hand in the ht then going to ice it down because her finger is swollen again. helen says i dont think it is good to put it in the ht. mccrae and helen still playing bandana ball and elissa is still doing yoga as amanda sits on couch watching. 5:15pm BBT: helen and spencer laying in hammock looking at clouds. amanda and elissa are on the couches talking about if she has the votes to stay amanda says she will talk to mccrae. helen gets up to go to wc. 5:18pm BBT: helen steps into the lounge to talk to andy. helen is saying if jeremy wins hoh next week they have the numbers. andy says even if jeremy wins they still dont have the numbers. 5:20pm BBT:: andy says i know what they are thinking they want to get candice out they want to get nick out. andy says if we get elissa out then we will be fine but if we dont get elissa out they are coming after us. helen says they are coming after us anyways andy he says no their not. 5:22PM bbt: judd has now joined the by to smoke with mccrae and amanda. 5:28pm BBT: elissa sits on by couch and asked mccrae and amanda and judd if they would vote kaitlyn out and mccrae and amanda both say yeah. elissa says we need to break the romance couple up. 5:34pm BBT: amanda talking to aaaryn at the chess board telling her what people have said and she says she and mccrae doesnt know which way to go seriously. bb gets onto amanda for covering her mic.now she is whispering really low. andy and helen are still in the lounge rm repeating themselves alot. and what the next twist might be. helen says the twist is what scares me. 5:39pm BBT: helen tells andy they are not playing this game alone that rachel rileys fans are also playing this game. then ginamarie comes in. helen then tells andy after ginamarie leaves lets just put nick up and get him out i can tell elissa to do that. 5:49pm BBT: kaitlyn and jeremy are now awake in hoh rm arryn is walking around in hoh rm snacking on candy saying she cant sleep anymore. 5:52pm BBT: candice is now in the lounge with helen and elissa asking if she should make another pot of lima beans. helen says not right now i dont think. they all 3 start whispering.
  18. 4:04pm BBT::aaryn saying she should be a tinkerbell at Disney world. andy says yeah you should be. then they talk about different places they have moved to in their lives. 4:09pm BBT: ginamarie has now joined the loung with arryn andy and nick. she is eating one of the slop muffins saying they are pretty good.arryn says she is tired of being the third wheel as nick and ginamarie hug. ginamarie says you aint no third wheel we arent together. 4:16pm BBT: arryn telling ginamarie she was a red head till about a month ago. they are talking about what they left behind at home. ginamarie had a guy tell her he wont be her boyfriend till after she gets home from the show and ginamarie is crying. 4:28pm BBT: andy and spencer in the kt eating. andy is walking around just general talk. 4:24pm BBT: mccrae and amanda now in bed getting ready for a nap no talking going on.aaryn and ginamarie in lounge just repeating themselves. 4:35pm BBT: bb just announced the ld is over. spencer and helen are now fixen to head outside. andy is in the shower. other hg are still sleeping. 4:45pm BBT: helen and spencer and elissa are sitting at the pool talking about the pov comp. helen says she tried to line the stuffed animals and hold them up but i should have put them on my arms before i put them up. 4:49pm BBT::elissa is working out iin the by . helen and spencer sitting at the pool talking. nick is sitting at the ht alone. mccrae is sitting on by couch. andy tells helen and spencer that judd will only eat ketchup from a packet. helen says what?? why??? andy laughs and says i dont know. 4:55pm BBT: amanda mccrae helen and andy throwing the bandana ball around in the by trying to get it in the basket they put in the middle of the yard. elissa is working out. Andy asking what kind of luxry comps they have . mccrae says it can be anything it is kind of like pandoras box. andy says really mcrrae says yeah.
  19. 3:01PM bbt: kaitlyn and aaryn in hoh kaitlyn says she needs to trust jeremy and if he says he got it then he got it.elissa is in the kt cooking and cleaning as howard says he was gonna do that. andy wants skim milk he likes it better. 3:07pm BBT: amanda is now in the kt with elissa cooking herself some food. aaryn and kaitlyn are now sleeping in the hoh rm. 3:14pm BBT: elissa made slop muffins for the have nots and they are eating helen and andy says they are sooo good, jeremy comes in and says that they look really good andy says they are. 3:21pm BBT: MCcrae and amanda whispering in lounge rm .elissa andy and helen still on kt cleaning. 3:27pm BBT: elissa and helen cleaning slop out of a big pot that was over heated and burned helen says it smells so bad. 3:38pm BBT: jeremy and kaitlyn are in hoh bed kissing again .arryn mccrae amanda andy and nick in lounge just general talk goinhg on. 3:46pm BBT: aaryn saying bb found kaitlyn in a bar and it makes her mad then andy starts talking about how kaitlyn talks. 3:54pm BBT: amanda and mccrae laying in the wa whispering real low.arryn, andy and nick in lounge room talking about sleeping in little beds and in the hnr. all other hg sleeping.
  20. 10:00am BBT: helen and elissa in hnr talking about waking up and working out. helen is getting dressed. andy is in the by folding laundry. 10:05am BBT: jessie in by with judd sitting on couch eating breakfast judd says he doesnt eat breakfast he asked jessie who she thinks will go up today. jessie says i dont know he says probably helen and candice she says no not candice cuz she cant win anything. andy comes out and the talking stops. 10:10am BBT: andy and judd talking about how hot it was yesterday and andy says hopefully it will be cooler today. helen is running . elissa just got up and headed to the kt. jessie joins andy and judd on the by couch and we get foth. 10:24am BBT: candice is up in the wa. andy and jessie tsalking in the by howard is now up and joins the by. just general chat going on . 10:34am BBT: jessie, judd and andy talking about who they know watches the live feeds. howard at the kt table eating breakfast and helen still running in the by. 10:39am BBt: andy and jessie saying they talked to elissa about rachel and how different they are.candice and elissa in kt talking about working out and and making breakfast. 10:46am BBt: andy says i am more comfy with people now so if they want elissa out i am ok with that i will vote their way. jessie says i just hope she doesnt win mvp again. andy says yeah we just gotta hope she doesnt win mvp again. 10:47am BBT: andy and judd saying they have no idea who is going up they voted david out so they arent sure who it might be . jessie says i havent heard your names but not sure.l but ya'll did the right thing voting him out. 10:52am BBT: helen and howard are running in the by . andy judd and jessie still on couch in by talking , andy finds a piece of sausage on the couch , jessie says that gross. elissa making slop in the kt and candice is talking to her. 10:56am BBT: we are getting alot of foth this morning. most hg still asleep. 10:58am BBT: jeremy is awake now in hoh telling kaitlyn she is negative. she says i am not negative. jessie walks in and goes to the wc. aaryn has gone downstairs. spencer is up in the wa asking helen if she had a nice run. she says yeah. he asked her do you think its noms she says yeah.
  21. 6:12pm BBT: helen says if we make it through we will tale next week lets see what happens. aaryn says i dont want people seeing us talking. helen says no we dont want them to know we are friends. 6:14pm BBT: aaryn saying since i was kept safe i thought jeremy should remain safe too. helen says yeah i understand and he came to me and apoligized to me and i feel like it was heartfelt. helen says sometimes your enemy will help you most. 6:17pm bbt: helen says thats all i wanted to say to you. aaryn says well i am just saying i didnt want to go after her but it was some of the comments she has made to me. helen says i will talk to her and tell her that she has done enough jabbing and aaryn gets it. 6:18pm bbt: aaryn says i will never swear on my boble or the people that i love i would never do that. she tells helen if elissa says something that she doesnt know about just ask me i will tell you the truth i have never lied. 6:20BBT:L helen says well i think i can help you start over with people in the house. 6:22pm BBT: helen leaves cockpit aaryn heads to hoh rm then back downstairs. to go to dr to ask what is going on and if they are going to make an announcment. 6:23pm BBT: aaryn is going to get a shower in downstairs bathroom her room is locked for repairs. andy is dressing up in a white bow tie for tonight celebration. now everyone else wants to dress up also.\ 6:30pm BBT: hg in br talking about what to wear tonight aaryn asked if she could wear her red white and blue tank top and asked bb please. just general talk going on about what to wear tonight. 6:38pm BBT: ginamarie telling candice to try to get a nap . since she has the hnr tonight. candice asking if she will get in trouble ginamarie says i dont know but i dont think so. 6:51pm bbt:aaryn just got out of the shower kaitlyn getting changed putting on a dress for their celebration dinner tonight.
  22. 4:01pm BBT: jeremy and candice talking about how elissa said she wanted to think the brenchel fans for saving her. he says she is getting cocky about it. jeremy and candice both say thwey will be mad if they leave this house before elissa does and then if they find out she didnt need the money if she wins they will be pissed. 4:06pm BBT: candice and jeremy talking about how many people there are in the house and there has to be a double eviction and jeremy says i dont think anyone will come back . candice says no not unless there is a double eviction and the twist for mvp has to end at half way point like they always do on other seasons. 4:09pm BBT: jeremy says there are other people that need to go before you do you are smart and you deserve to be here and i feel the same way about myself. i watch this game and i see this puppetmaster woman get her way with everything. we have a good cast here so maybe it will be different. 4:12pm BBT: amanda finished mccrae's face he is now going outside for a smoke.he walks outside and jeremy says that is awesome to mccrae jeremy asked who did it he says amanda it took like an hour and a half. 4:19pm BBT:most hg are sitting around in the by just general chat . 4:25pm BBT: jeremy in hoh talking to aaryn he says elissa and amanda are in an alliance together so put them both on the block and if i get throwed up there then i have a chance to win and stay. he says amanda is the mastermind she says how do you know that he says candice told me. 4:29pm BBT: jeremy says i want elissa home but i dont mind if amanda leaves its ok for voting david out. he says amanda did not vote for david to stay. arryn says i dont think candice did so who was it. jeremy says i think howard did 4:32pm BBT: jessie comes in hoh and says i walked in on candice and howard. she says that for sure candice elissa and helen are alligned and they are trying to recruit howard. 4:39pm BBT: jeremy is still saying that elissa deserves to leave she doesnt deserve to be here and it isnt fair man we went through crap to get on this show and she didnt they probably went to her and said hey you wanna be on the show and we will give you this much money. jeremy says it isnt fair they are letting her float through here and not voting her out. 4:47pm BBT: jeremy still in hoh repeating everything he has been saying to andy now. elissa and judd on by couch just chit chatting about parades. 4:52pm BBT. aaryn says elissa knows she is going on the block so if she has mvp she will put a weak player up. aaryn says what if i put elissa and helen up. jeremy says but helen is weak so why put a weak player up that cant beat her in pov.
  23. 3:10pm BBT: amanda is painting the american flag on mccrae's face and they are whispering real low. 3:12pm BBT: amanda tells mccrae that arryn wants to bond with her later so she will go hang with her later. mccrae says yeah. 3:17pm BBT: ginamarie, kaitlyn and jeremy in the pool and judd is lying by the pool just general talk. amanda still painting on mccrae's face. 3:24pm BBT: andy and helen sitting at kt table eating slop balls and talking about maybe having a luxury comp.jeremy outside with kaitlyn and howard he says i am going to win pov this week and win hoh next week thats why i didnt take hoh this week so i can compete next week so i wont waist another week trying to get her out. she doesnt deserve to be here and she doesnt want to be here . 3:26pm BBT: jeremy is saying elissa doesnt need to be here she will win mvp everyweek and she doesnt deserve it dont you all want to win mvp. he says this is so unfair that she is here and gets away with everything. and we get foth. 3:30pm BBT: (correction) jeremy is tallking to candice and howard not kaitlyn. jeremy is just repeating himself and candice says he will see when he gets out or at the wrap party that my vote was right. 3:36pm BBT: jeremy says i just hope everyone is on the same page and want elissa out and i hope ya'll dont get bullied by elissa. candice says i didnt get bullies by anyone i was told elissa was going i was told no different. 3:42pm BBT: elissa is folding her laundry and amanda is still doing mccrae's face painting. jeremy and candice are still talking and candice says at some point you have to pick sides with friends and floaters wont pick sides with friends and we get foth. 3:43pm BBT: candice says she came in this houise not wanting to allign myself with people the first week but now i think i might have to. jeremy says kaitlyn and i came in and we are buddies and i told her i wansnt here to play for other people i am here for me to play for myself. and i told kaitlyn that and she got pissed at me. he says i think i deserve to be here but in this game you cant control it . 3:48pm BBT: candice tells jeremy she isnt here for people this isnt high school i aint playing their games. jeremy says you said it and i feel imature over it. he says i aint here to feel like a kid. he says i feel like a piece of meat and i hate that. 3:54pm BBT:jeremy says to candice i am sorry i didnt mean to come at you hard. candice says no its ok i just know where my vote went and i didnt vote david out. amanda still in wa painting mccrae's face.
  24. 2:02pm BBT:jeremy comes into hoh and tells amanda that elissa told him that amanda wanted jeremy put up as mvp nomination amanda says after you talked to elissa she told me she was putting you up i didnt say for her to. 2:13pm BBT: amanda and jeremy are argiung about everyone letting elissa stay amanda says i did not vote david out and when this show is over you will see this.jeremy says we have to stay together we want elissa gone . kaitlyn says mccrae should want elissa gone and amanda says he does want her gone. 2:15pm BBT: amanda is saying candice is so sumb she kept telling everyone that they was voting elissa out and kaitlyn says that candice came to her and said i am all confused and she asked her what she was confused about and candice told her nothing and walked off. amanda says yeah see i dont know whats going on with her. 2:18pm BBT: aaryn says ok if you can get elissa to tell her to put nick up as mvp and no one will vote nick out. arryn says i will not disrespect mccrae i promised him and i respect him and i will not put him up. 2:28pm BBT: arryn says nick is not with us anymore we have to act like he is but he isnt he sent david home.ginamarie says nick pulled her in a room after david left and said we should not be seen together. arryn says nick goes home right after elissa its been decided. 2:31pm BBT: amanda and mccrae are in the br whispering in bed.nick is in hoh talking to arryn and ginamarie and kaitlyn. he says i will go up this week and i will win the pov but then elissa needs to go home. ginamarie says well if ya'll keep protecting elissa she is going to pick all of you off one at a time. 2:39pm BBT: after a brief foth arryn says i am going to the dr this is suposed to be a good week and it sucks. she puts her hat on and leaves the hoh rm. nick says this game is stressfull isnt it? its intense makes for good tv. 2:40pm BBT: arryn telling mccrae and amanda if we cant get elissa out this time then we get the people out that are protecting her. 2:45pm BBT: helen is in the kt making slop balls for the have nots. most everyone else in out in the by just talking. 2:55pm BBT:amanda is putting makeup on mccrae's face looks to be drawing designs on his face with the makeup.mccrae goes to get paint brushes for amanda .
  25. 1:12pm BBT: most hg around the pool talking about movies and books. howard is in the shower. 1:21pm BBT howard is out of the shower and grabs his bible to go read. amanda is getting her swinsuit on to go join the pool.. howards is in the photo booth now looks to be praying then opens his bible. 1:27pm BBT: amanda and andy talking at the chess table. andy says they are talking about who aaaryn is saying she is going to put on the block. he says aaaryn said she thinks they will put up candice and elissa cuz they want elissa out. andy tells amanda they are fine as they walk downstairs. 1:30pm BBT: elissa and andy in the wa and elissa says look at this i know you have to be a neat freak. he says yeah she says look. and points to the wa. elissa goes back out to the by to lay out at the pool. 1:40pm BBT: helen comes in the kt and tells elissa she is making slop. elissa says yeah i was fixen to make me a little too . elissa has been cleaning the bathroom and spraying it down with bleach. andy is in the dr and all the other hg are out by the pool and doing laundry. 1:42pm BBT: we start to hear music in the by the hg yell yeah something and we get foth. 1:52pm BBt: kaitlyn jeremy and jessie in kt making themselves something to eat. aaryn is in the hoh. kaitlyn comes up to join her and aarytn says it is to hot. she is asking kaitlyn what jeremy is making and kaitlyn says anything we want so arryn says anything we want? feeds go back to the by where nick spencer and jeremy are talking about not playing to hard yet.to just keep it cool. 1:56pm BBT: amanda comes into hoh rm and asked if arryn and kaitlyn want turkey burgers they both want regular burgers. she sits down and asked whats your thoughts for nominations tomorrow. they says its tomorrow. amanda says if you can garantee me and mccrae safty this week i will talk to elissa about her 3rd vote.aaryn says i told mccrae he would be safe this week he kept me safe this week so he wont be touched.



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