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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 10:07am Boogie talking to wil and frank about ian saying he is a smart kid he can recite all bb episodes and comps since he was 10 years old and doesnt even know how to play this game 10:10am Boogie said he went up to hoh and told them that here are the reasons to roll with us or roll with the other three and nothing was agains you wil at all Frank says yeah your name never came out of our mouths 10:12am Frank saying joe spreads so many lies and sneaks around but i think brit is realizing that now joe i think started alot of this between me and willie but me and you have had talks about working with each other 10:15am boogie asking wil if dani is going to vote to keep joe wil says no no no she isnt sure what she is going to do yet frank says if i go home it is gonna be you joe and ash and jenn its gonna be better odds but if you keep me you will be good 10:17am Frank tells wil i mean i will help you out down the road my votes will help you too 10:23am Wil says we all came to no offence to you guys but we all came to win money boogie says of course he says if the live show if someone doesnt come back we might be coming ionto the game but now i am fine with playing the game i am without coming back in the game 10:26am Boogie says i am pushing you into anything but obviously this is a tight week and i cant go without trying to get your vote and some people doesnt think about the game until its to latge and i know your here for yourself not for jani wil says yeah i make my own decisions not jani's 10:29am Wil asking boggie if he thought dr will might have come back if he had been asked boogie says i dont know it isnt good timing for him with the baby coming in the fall and he just moved into a new house but i mwas asked and couldnt refuse 10:35am joe and ash now up changing batteries Joe now making a drink frank getting coffee boogie and wil in by boogie saying to mwil you can still helpm us just vote out joe this week and work with us and then you still have his vote this week wil says my concern is how close dani is to shane i dont think dani came here to play this game boogie says no she doesnt know how to play this game half of these people doesnt know how this game works 10:39am joe walks outside with wil and boogie wil ask how was that bed lastnight was it any easier joe says no i slept on the floor most of the night cuz my sides are bruised Frank in kt cooking breakfast giving the camera a play by play on how to cook his breakfast and what he puts in it 10:45am Frank still talking to the cameras about cooking his breakfast and keeping his mess cleaned up wil boogie and joe in by talking about songs theyn played this morning and we get foth 10:52am Wil telling joe that jani told him lastnight that if her and ash hadnt kissed franks ass last week you wouldnt be here they wanted you out joe says ooohhhhhh i didnt take it like that and we arent here to win her a 100 thousand dollars boogie comes out and talk stops
  2. 9:06am Frank has been sitting on by couch talking to himself going over why he was put on the block saying brit got in shanes head she was scared the votes would flip and Boogies team would vote out ashley instead of Joe 9:10am Frank says i really liked willie till he started showing his butt and i really like shane and janelle but they are lieing to me and i know they are and i do like wil i would like to work with wil in this game and i almost had ashley pulled away from janelle she is just flighty and i did almost have shane pulled away from brit but paranoia struck her and he put me up and i am going to have to put shane up now maybe backdoor him 9:12am frank now saying to jojo's family out there i am sorry i sent jojo home last week but i had to do it i needed shane to work with me 9:13am frank says i am worried ash will win hoh and janelle will come after me and ash will mlisten to jani Boogie walks out to by and frank tells him now someone to talk to besides the cameras 9:16amboogie says let me putch this to you i was thinking this morning when i got up to go pee lets see about saying this talk to ash and keep you here and tell her that you are the only one that can take out shane so then you me ask ian and jenn can take him out boggie says i am pretending i am working with shane now but i aint he put me in harms way so i aint saying what i am doing but i am planning 9:22am boogie says jenn is to a point where she cant win anything and ian doesnt listen to anything he is a kid stuck in a mans game frank says lastnight brit says she really likes ian boogie says she is just afraid she kinda got him in trouble frank says i told her he didnt get in trouble 9:24am frank says the only person i am worried about this week is ash boggie says byeah and you need to get to wil and tell him keeping joe in this game is not good for your game just hammer hammer hammer this week 9:25am boogie says if you stay this week and shane cant win pov then look who is left that is huge i mean huge frank says yeah he has to go 9:29am Boogie saying i think jenn can get to the end but she wont wont win she is playing for final 3 and the thing with shane is get him out early so he can decompress it will be huge cuz he will be pissed 9:35am Boogie says keep talking to shane and let him know you are still rolling together we want them to think we are solid and keep them comfortable he says the one reason i feel good about all this is because of dan and either way dan wants to work with me frank says my only concern is if brit wants me to go then dan might go with the hoh boogie says i am more than willing to knock out dan and dani if they dont go with us i am an sob and i dont care 9:37am frank asking if ian wins hoh do you think he will do what we want him to do boogie says yeah we might have to make him put up ash but he will need to put up ash and wil 9:39am Boogie says the only person you will have a big argument with is shane frank says if we make it through this week then it wont look so bad boogie says i know you are super super blessed at how dumb this cast is 9:47am :frank in kt talking to camera says look how hard it is to wash my cup look at this so hard huh took 10 seconds put it on the drying board dry my hands and put papertowel in trash thats hard huh 9:53am Boogie sitting outside talking to cameras saying alot of trust in dan this week gotta trust him but alot of trust in dan this week 9: 59am wil is now up walks to bathroom frank out of wc now goes to kt getting some water Boogie still outside sitting on couches frank walks out boogie says i have an idea what if i go to brit and shane that you know frank and i been talking about our future in the game and after what ian did this week and jenn wont win many comps if any and play like i am willing to vote out my own players so frank and i can make it to the end but maybe the best is to pull dani in the conversation
  3. 8:07pmdani says boogie cant say anything to make me keep frank wil says jani will keep you safe joe and ash and i will keep you safe to wil says i gotta poo and ask dani if she wants to talk later she says yeah i will be right here ... brit boogie dan joe frank and shane and jenn in lvrm talking about trials and people getting shot at a redlight 8:10pm idld is now over hg going outside to relax and talk now 8:17pm dani and wil in crane rm dani says if anyone comes back we are still all in jury dani says i hope it isnt jojo but she is already in jury wil says everyone says the worst part of jury will be being with jojo wil says maybe she will be better since she wont be on cameras 8:19pm talkin in by about rappers wil and dani still talking about jury dani says she would hate to fly all the way back home and watch this she says i wonder what willie is thinking about watching this back home she says i garentee they made him pay his own way back home 8:26pm dani now in storage rm she found beer and wine and says thanks bb she is now taking it out to the other hg hg now happy there is beer and wine 8:32pm wil trying to figure out who is drinking and who is not drinking he says he is not going to wheel and deal if you mwant beer or wine get in here and say something jenn runs into the house she wants 2 beers 8:34pm boogie is getting 3 beers dan 2 beers jenn 2 beers and wil the whole bottle of wine no one else wants to drink tonight 8:35pm general talk in by and kt about drinking 8:47pm brit and dan sitting in crane rm talking about options brit says i should go to college 1 i shouldnt except 2,3 or 4 i should go for option 1 8:49pm :Boogie in by running Frank and wil walking Ian on hammock just general talk going on 8:54pm hg sitting around hottub talking about kathy and other hg from past seasons and about how other hg slept alot they says jesse slept like 13 hours a night
  4. 7:08pm shane and Ian in by talking shane asking when next comp is ian says hoh shane says Q&A not indurance ian says week 4 probably indurance he says he is ready to hang in indurance 7:11pm Ian telling shane about the endurance comp that kasar gave up for jennifer and how it went till like 9am shane says no no way ian says yeah it went all night 7:17pm hg being put on idld as they all sit down for dinner Jani has made tacos tonight 7:27pm most hg sitting eating dinner brit starts a conversation about birth control 7:36pm Jani asking Brit how many kids she wants brit says 3 or 4 Jani says me too i want 3 but if i have 4 i will be really really happy 7:41pm Dani and Jani go to shoe rm Jani says she feels fat Dani tells Jani her bed is wet she says probably towels Ash joins them and they are talking about earrings that dani has jani says she has alot 7:47pm jani and ash complaining they ate to much jani says we need to be balemic and throw this shit up boogie comes in laughing at them jani says this family dinner shit has to stop lets just go back to not eating anymore 7:50pm Wil and Dani in crane rm dani asking are you gonna vote for frank to stay wil says no as much as i like frank he has to go dani says frank is stalking me he said he is gonna stick close he is afraid ya'll are gonna pull me away 7:52pm dani saying she doesnt want to be backdoored wil says you wont joe needs to leave first and if i win hoh next week you and shane will not go up you are keeping me safe this week wil says ash and joe will stick together dani says i know i can trust you i am just freaking out i dont want to be backdoored and boogie offered me everything i mean everything 7:54pm wil says i feel like this is a good move not a shitty move that we all stick together and frank made a deal with willie and after today i have alot of respect for shane i used to think he was an asshole but he isnt 7:56pm dani says i just wanted to make sure if i save Joe this week that i am safe and ya'll wont backdoor me wil says no you are good 7:57pm Wil says joe thinks its his doing that frank is on the block dani says frank thinks he is safe thats why he is going around here giggling all the time 7:58pm dani says if i am in here or in hoh rm then i am hiding i aint hiding from ya'll but from frank i have to hide from him 7:59pm wil says i am not playing janis game she has a better chance of winning 100 thousand than i do 500 thousand so i am not playing janis game
  5. 3:13pm Mike and frank in crane rm talking mike says he told shane you better get your girl in check she is playing with your papers now he says he said you need to make her aware that it is a possabilty that she doesnt get to float both ways Mike says do you want to work with me and my players or jani and her players dani is the in between vote 3:14pm mike says he told dani to just relax in the pool she told him i thought i was going to get to relax all week mike says she doesnt realize how powerfull she is this week frank says the other day we made a 3 person alliance mike says you really did do thatg frank says yeah 3:19pm Frank says shane said make this all good we have to stay in danis ear all week to make sure we have the vote to get joe out of here this week Mike says tyhe vote is still 3 days away so stay cool Frank says they heard i has a final 2 deal with wil but that is bullshit but if i wil put wil and ash up and if we get a chance backdoor shanes ass 3:20pm Frank says i will tell frank i would have worked with you but now that you put me on the block i cant trust you and you have to go home Frank says and wil might not put me up unless janelle keeps talking and i am going to ask wil for a vote and wil told him his mind wasnt made up yet 3:23pm Frank wants to tell dani if he gets backdoored this week then she will never have wils jenns or ians vote you lose 3 votes 3:25pm Mike says i am confident that dan is going to do the right thing and talk to dani about it and if you notice dani likes attention and you are the big strong guy stay with her and she gets to be the big cheerleader for the week frank says it will be great if we can put ash and wil up next week and backdoor shane mike laughs 3:30pm dani walks in kt Frank says i am gonna be stuck to your hips all week sweet cheeks we can be like threes company you can be jack and shane and i will be the girls dani laughs at sweet cheeks frank says you like that she says yeah she says she is fixen to take a nap 3:34pm Frank and dani now talking about spring break dani says she hasnt been on spring break for 3 years frank says he hasnt been in a long time either dani says i would love to live on the beach frank says me too dani says how far do you live from the beach frank says 10 minutes frank called to dr and joe walks in asking how is dan taking all this 3:36pm dani asked how joe is doing joe says today is my anniversary so i am a lil bummed he says he is going to do a lil thing for his wife in the crane rm dani says go ahead and do it he says i will later 3:38pm dani says i am gonna go pass out somewhere so i can be alone joe says go ahead dani says oh i found a chair and goes outside 3:48pm ian and frank sitting on by couches with boogie talking about excersizing everyone else seems to be napping
  6. 2:04pm Wil and jen laying in bed in sneaker room Wil he went up yesterday and told them to please what ever you do keep ash here and he and jani giggle 2:06pm Jani says i think Boogie is nicer this year but i dont know a lepord never changes his spots wil says Boogie was pissed that Frnk got put on the block 2:08pmWil says next week we get Ian out cuz the next week will be Q&A Jani says yeah and we will start studing next weel all day and night they say goodnight to each other so they can take a nap 2:14pm Jani and Wil now talking about hurricanes now saying goodnight again and going to sleep shane and dani laying out by the pool Frank in the pool floating on the ball 2:24pm most hg outside sitting around or laying in sun just general talk some hg inside napping 2:43pm Boogie telling everyone on by couch a survivor story about some of the comps on survivor Brit says those comps are scary 2:50pm brit says she doesnt know how Ian can have all that information on reality tv shows and engineering in his head dasn says he will put his money on in against anyone in the world on reality tv trivia 2:52pm talk back to survivor and the survivors hurt in seasons coming back to play this next season again since they were hurt and had to leave early
  7. 8:06pm general talk about willie in by with Boogie Jenn and Ian all other hg in kt eating fried chicken or in bdrms napping 8:10pm joe goes outside jenn and Boogie head inside leaving Ian in by with Joe everyone else eating dinner in kt with general talk and shout outs 8:24pm HG sitting arounf kt table talking about different things frtank washing dishes Joe nd Jenn in by with feet in ht 8:48:Jani thinks coaches will come into the game next week and there will be an indurance comp 8:50pm jani says dont think that going to the end with boogie and dan is a good idea at all brit says no did you see them in the coaches comps they are a beast 8:52pm brit tells jani that frank loves you he wants to buy you dresses jani says he is an idiot to say that to a married woman brit says how many newbies do we have left jani says 8 she says you have to get frank out he will win hoh and he is coming after me and dan first he has to go 8:54pm jani and brit talking about dan sayinmg he threw them coaches comps and he is saying he isnt any good cuz he is protecting dani jani says he threw thaem comps he could have won 8:55pm Brit says here comes dan he walks in and says oh sorry i can come back brit says ok jani says i been telling you we are coming in this game thursday no one is coming back people come back in this game every three years so no one is coming back 8:Jani says this is why we have to start working together now boogie is a beast and we have to work together to get him out Brit says you think we will have shane to roll but shane could go with frank and boogie brit says if we backdoor frank he will be pissed and running all over this house being an asshole and boggie will be pissed at the world jani says you have to stop these people from getting what they want
  8. 7:02pm Wil in hoh talking to shane and Brit Wil says he will not target Frank or shane he says he will go after joe or ashley but if someone comes off the block then frank might have to go up 7:10pm shane telling wil he wants to talk to everyone indavidualy without any coaches before pov ceremony Brit says i am gonna get some fried chicken real quick and will be right back 7:13pm Brit says i think Jani would flip out if she knew you was up here saying get rid of Ian instead of fran she would crap her pants wil says yeah she told me not to say that 7:19pm brit telling wil that her team is in a situation that her team is powerless its just shane and no one else 7:20pm Wil says i think i can sway Jenn she trust me but she keeps to herself all the time but we are alike 7:26pm Ash comes in and ask if she can have a few game moments brit says you got 90 seconds dinner is almost ready ash got upset brit says kidding ash says i wanted to let you guys know i have been with my team since the beggining and i want to work with my team even though i cant trust them i want to though and i know they want to work with you shane but regarless if joe stays or not i want you to work with wil and i to take out boogies team 7:27pm ash says shane obviously your the number 1 player in bb shane says no more like the number 1 target ash says no but i want to work with you 7:32pm Brit saying joe started everything with willie cuz joe kept telling frank that willie wanted him to go and willie was telling frank that he didnt want him to go ash says joe says he is in an alliance with jenn she says jenn would never make a deal with joe brit says joe starts everything and joe has to go 7:37pm Shane tells Ash Jani has 3 players left and boogie has 3 left Brit and Dan are screwed and its all because of joe all beacuse of joe 7:40pm Ash says joe told me that frank said that u was a number thats all they care about shane says what sucks is joe pulled you mout of the bag brit says you want to stay loyal to them so bad but it sucks that you have to stay loyal to someone that isnt loyal to you you see how your treated and its bad 7:42pm ash says joe told me he said frank said you was a floater and you are the first to go out of the six shane said frank really didnt say that though ash says no joe said it brit says all joe does is go around and lie to people if we was to start telling he would implode 7:44pm dani comes up brit ask her if she needs a game talk too she says yeah but not right now ash gets up and leaves to go check on dinner 7:46pm brit says everytime i come up here to get away from gametalk everyone is up here brit says i have no idea where your head is Dani says jani told her if i tell you to vote for a certain player would you vote and keep your mouth shut shane says she wants you to vote ash out dani says yup she wants joe here 7:47pm Dani says i am so tired of people trying to corner me Shane says wait till your hoh Brit says if you get hoh can i come up here dani says ya'll better come up here brit says can i sleep up here in your bed dani says sure you can 7:54pm :joe wil and ash talking in crane rm wil tells joe that it doesnt look good joe says what you mean wil says ash went up there ash says they said joe stirs up everything in here and they shut me down and said they didnt want to talk game no more joe says what you mean i stir up wil says when willie was here joe says they blame me for that
  9. 4:07pm :Shane and dani laying in by in the sun shane tells her she can use his bathroom anytime she wants to she says yeah tonight i might to shave my legs you can talk to me i wear my bathing suit anyways he said yeah ok i just dont want jani to know we are working together dani says right 4:17pm Shane and joe heading to hoh to talk joe says ok brother i am on a life line here shane says yeah i need to further myself in this game joe says if a person is hanging off a cliff well i am on a cliff and i am going home janells team wants to follow you to the final 4 i have a favor to ask i want to stay just a couple of weeks i want my kids to see me here 4:19pm joe says frank is the strongest person in this house and you are second and i want you to save me in this game i aint telling you who to put up but i want you to use the pov on me and phase 2 i want to go with you to the end here jani will take wil as far as she can but in the next 2 weeks teams are gonna fight in here teams will have to go to each other 4:21pm joe swears on his kids his wife and his mother he says this is life or death for me he says you hear stories all the time about this and i will not wavier he tells shane you couldnt put a bullet in my head to make me turn and i will go mout of this game for you i will fight for you shane says honestly joe you were not my target this week it was wil but he got saved 4:25pm Joe says frank was mad that they didnt backdoor you last week shane says so mjanelle is ok with us backdooring frank this week joe says yes jani hates him shane says this is a game changer joe says it is a big one 4:27pm Joe says he is all for this team of three you me and dani shane says are you ok with taking out your own team joe says oh absolutly 4:30pm shane says i wont even tell brit about this unless you want to talk to both of us tonight joe says yeah i will shane says i dont want anyone coming after me next week 4:37pm Joe comes outside offers everyone some salmon he made some run in to get salmon brit says i wonder where the jusry house is this year joe says i dont know but i bet jojo knows 4:41pm Ian says he thinks after this week he is done with havenots he says its time for a bed and food next week brit says you just wanted the record and not the tital she says ok next year if someone beats your record i wont feel sorry for you Ian says if someone beats my record i will come back again and take it back 4:55pm general talk in by dani laying down for a nap
  10. 3:06pm :jani and Wil still working out in lvr Frank and Shane in kt eating and general talk about cooking salmon 3:17pm Jani and Brit on by couch talking about making different foods Jani wants to start eating more healthy Wil in kt fixing his lunch Ash cleaning kt 3:24pm Jani and brit talking about fall colors that will be hot this year and about skirts and dresses joe was in the shower Frank laying down for a nap 3:34pm Boogie is now up from his nap in kt making food Ash still cleaning Jenn in kt getting a drink Joe preparing salmon for the oven he says he might become a salmon before the end of the week he says if you see me floating around whatch out but i have already lost 4 pounds Ash says to bad we dont have any ducks to feed the bread to and wil laughs 3:43pm boogie walks outside and joins Dan and Brit on by couch brit says i thought you was evicted boogie says i was self evict but i came back it was a good good nap today Boggie says what have you 2 been doing dan says swimming brit says i got in the water too boggie says cool i havent seen that yes then talk goes to teachers and school starting soon 3:49pm Boogie says earlier today joe says i am going to the kentucky derby with wil joe says wils parents are super wealthy and we will get news coverage Joe tells him yeah the bb crew goes to the kentuky derby boogie wanted to tell him you wont be famous you wont be recognized and brit laughs 3:52pm Boogie says joe also jow told him he figured a way to stay another 2 weeks then i will leave brit tells boogie that jow gave him a pitty story lastnight about him needed to stay here so his kids dont get hurt and that she is the only reason joe came on this show he seen the friendship that lane and i had and he wanted the same thing brit screams and says something just pooped on her 3:55pm Boogie says joe told him that his son was training for wrestling and to be excepted he cant get in unless you beat 3 kids before they get you brit is laughing boogie says joes dad was on the run hiding for years he says Jenn got it all told to her lastnight everyone went in the house and jenn was the last one out here 3:57pm Brit telling boggie that frank got in the ball today boggie says how did that go brit says he felt like he was stuck in there forever Dan says i thought about pushing him in the pool while he was in that ball and boogie says oh shit 3:59pm Jani sitting in kt with her team telling about her season and the nerd herd
  11. 7:02pm Brit and Dani trying to figure out what to wear for the sushi party that will be happening soon shane is in dr 7:08pm Boogie putting on a jacket and tie and a hat getting ready for the sushi party hg wanted to make Wil a birthday cake but they dont have the stuff to make a cake 7: 10pm Jani in crane rm with Joe he is tellign her his conversation with brit and how he wants more time for his kids to see him on tv 7:15pm Ash making M&m cookies frank and wil and joe watching everyone else getting ready for the party 7:29pm :frank was telling jani and boogie he was almost on season 12 of bb everyone almost ready for the sushi party 7:37pm :shane going to get his wine to share with hg that get to go to sushi party for a lil pre party drink 7:51pm :everyone getting dressed up but Joe, Frank, Ian, ashley, Wil and jenn they are all sitting in kt saying they dont have to dress up to have fun ash says we will have our own party
  12. 6:04pm Jani and her team are in the crain rm jani telling them that shane wont take frank to final 2 and frank wont take shane to final 2 they think frank will take jenn to final 3 Ash says Shane needs us he has no one 6:07pm Ash says i want to work with Shane i rather work with shane instead of Ian i thought Ian had my back but he doesnt do you all want to work with shane Jani says yes i want to work with him Ash says we have always done everything that they wanted us to do Jani says just stay calm and pretend you are trying to get out of the biggest crime ever 6:17pm Brit Joe talking in crain rm joe saying he wants to be in the bb house a lil longer for his kids he ask can i buy another 2 weeks in this house going home now hurts my kids and i wont go home i will go to jury nhouse Wil is also there and says if i dont win hoh next week i am screwed and you know it 6:20pm Wil says i aint afraid to talk a final 4 deal and i dont think Joe and ash are either Joe says i just truly want to be around here a lil more for my kids he says i am sorry for whatever happened i didnt like willie Brit says it was nothing personal it was a game move it was a move Joe says when i seen you come in the house it made a huge differance to me i was a fan of yours 6:22pm Wil and Joe saying Ian is going to make a bold move and screw things up Joe says i just want to stay in the house Will says i have tried in these comps but i am not a threat Joe says you will pick up an indurance wil says i hope so joe says i think indurance is going to be wils thing 6:24pm Joe says he lost the veto comp cuz he wasnt listening to the instructions Joe says talk to frank and let me know when to come up cuz i dont just want to walk up just let me know 6:26pm Frank is leaving hoh rm Dani and shane on hoh bed Dani going to pop shanes back he says you dont have to pop my back she says you dont want a massage he says maybe later shane says i didnt think i was gonna win that veto comp i thought i was doing crappy 6:29pm shane says after that conversation with jani then bye bye joe he says he has a good speach for joe Dani says what he says i cant tell you and i think Joe realizes there is no deal to be made 6:35pm :hg in kt general talk going on Dan and Ian in bathroom Ian was singing bb said please stop singing in kt wil says what we need tonight is a party 6:37pm brit goes to hoh telling shane and dani that she got cornered by wil and joe and i promised that we would work with him Shane says to bad and she repeats everything joe said about not wanting to go home because of his kids 6:43pm Jani and Boogie in kt giving a shout out to Will Kirby 6:46pm Shane dani and Brit talking in hoh about peoples bad habits How Frank doesnt wear deodorant because of the chimicals in it and he stinks so bad he has bad body oder Dani says 6:54pm general talk in kt with most hg Shane and Dani in hoh cutting up with each other Shane waiting to go to dr before he showers and shaves
  13. 8:41pmfeeds are back Jani says frank will backstab you to brit she says that frank is working with boogie frank talking to shane shane says brit told her to do whatever helps your game and says we will talk Boggie comes through they ask him if he is working out he says no not right now 8:44pm jani asking Brit if shane will work with them if joe comes off the block brit says i dont know i have to talk to him more 8:46pm Joe and Ashley have been nominated for eviction this week 8:49pm Brit says she feels so bad for ashley please give her another hug for me i feel bad for her she was blind sided 8:51pm Brit says maybe Shane can win the pov then we can talk and figure things out jani says if joe wins pov brit interupts and says if shane wins pov then says joe is so mad though and boogie was smiling 8:52pm Jani says do you understand why we stiopped working with you in week one Brit says we know its because of willie but we had to stand by willie no matter what and shane feels you made a deal with him and then he couldnt trust you 8:56pm Dani asking Ash in kt if she is ok Ash says yes Ian sitting at table rocking in the chair Brit andf Jani still in hoh rm talking about shane and dani talking alot and dani has talked to brit alot about the gam,e but nothing about coaches coming back in the game brit says she really tried in that comp on the butt scooter 8:58pm Jani says i want to talk to shane too and please tell him we want to work together this could work very good
  14. 7:03pm Boogie and Frank goes back into hoh room to talk to brit and shane again boogie says one last plea here brit says jani came up and said things brit says jojo saying things about dani having big leggs and being fat is a lie it never happened 7:04pm Boogie saying we will never vote out Ash Brit says we are scared to put up 2 of janis people cuz you guys will go down and turn on us and have all the votes and we have to protect ourselves thats the only way 7:07pm Frank says we dont want jani's player to control the vote and if you put up me and joe and ash wins pov takes joe off then jani's team has all the votes 7:08pm Frank says he will open the door and tell everyone he is working with shane if thats what they want him to do brit laughs and says no thats not what we want boogie says if you put him up talking about frank he will go home is that what you want? 7:14pm Brit says i cant throw away shane to protect your team do you see what i mean boogie says i see what your taling about frank says i will go out and tell them i am rolling with shane and shane is rolling with us 7:18pm Frank says i like to be solid and stand on solid ground brit says i just feel like its a bad place for shane to be in if he nominates you your going to be pissed Boggie asked if his reputation didnt proceed him would you feel better she says no its about shane but i dont want jani to have the option to team back up with ya'll 7:19pm Shane being called to the dr and we get trivia nominations are beginning
  15. 10:06am Dani and Frank washing dishes Dan comes in to get a drink and says damn this fridge always smells like raw fish dan now getting a pan to cook himself breakfast 10:20am Boogie reading scriptures from the bible to dan Dani comes and says read proverbs boogie says where do i find it so dani goes and turns the pages to proverbs for him 10:34am most hg sitting in lvr talking about movies Boogoe give a shout out to lonnie moore and we get foth 10:54am still general talk in lvr most hg are sitting in there Ian still sleeping in hnbr Jani and Brit still sleeping
  16. 9:05am Joe has made Shane a big breakfast as he said he would lastnight Shane is sitting in bed in hoh rm eating his breakfast now 9:23am Boogie laying on couch in lvr reading a bible Shane Frank and Joe in kt as Joe is cleaning Bb says lights must remain on during the day Shane heads to hoh rm to turn the lights on Frank starts to sing and we get foth 9:27am Frank joind Boogie in lvr Dan and Dani are also in lvr general talk and talking about music and we keep getting foth 9:32amJoe telling everyone in the lvr that bb has been drilling outside since about 6am and that it sounds like they have a bunch of cranes out there Jenn comes in asked Frank how he slept lastnight he said goodtalk turns to the bible and movies 9:36am Joe giving his kids a shout out Shane listening to music in hoh rm Dani asking frank if there is any milk in the kt frank says we are out sweet cheeks dani asking if anyone requested it so she is checking sr for milk Frank says ash uses all the milk Ash says i dont drink milk Frank said you do in your protien shake baby 9:39am Frank starts singing in the kt" hey Willie dont be afraid" and we het foth 9:45am Boogie and Frank in kt seperating eggs they only want egg whites for breakfast Boogie asking what frank put in his eggs he says a lil pepper a lil musturd so hot sauce boggie ask if there is any more sausage links frank says yes bb says check the sr Dani runs and says thats me she is hoping for more milk 9:52am Dani got her milk and is now eating cereal Boogie and FGrank still cooking ash Joe and Dan in lvr general talk about dogs and cats 9:57am brit is now awake in hoh rm eating her breakfast that joe prepared for her still general talk in lvr with dan Ash and Boogie
  17. 3:00pm hg eating and getting ready for the live show general talk about food and makeup going on 3:14pm Ian Wil and Boogie in kt talking about past seasons Boogie says someone has to come back this season there just isnt enough bodies Jani ash and Jenn still inj bathroom doing hair and makeup Brit went to take a nap for an hour 3:17pm :Dan and Frank in shoe room Dan packing his bags Frank telling him he got his workout down and he will keep it up Dan says the reason he was working out at home was for this show this summer 3:24pm trivia
  18. 2:04pm Brit telling shane that being stingy in this house isnt getting you no where she says her first pick will still be there unlike dan his first pick is gone Brit says if you win hoh and dont nominate dani this house will be upside down shane says i wont nominate dani i will nominate joe and wil 2:07pm Jojo in the sr telling ash they are all gonna regret getting rid of Kara and keeping Dan in this house Ash says dont give up Jojo says boogie already said then Ash says i meant like you might have a chance of coming back in this game then you have to fight 2:11pm jojo saying If Kara was still here all this wouldnt have happened to willie and Ash is agreeing with her jojo says you guys just handed 500 thousand dollars to frank unless you guys kill it but work with danielle she will try to help get frank out 2:14pm Brit walks in to the sr and tells Jojo and Ash that joe is in the lvr talking bad about a woman she asked if it is Jojo ... jojo says no he just made me slop brit says maybe its dani then meanwhile in the lvr Joe says he is going to give Jojo back her ciggaretts and tell her he just cant do it 2:18pm Ash says they want you out Jojo cuz they are threatened you kill the comps and they want you out Jojo says cuz they are bitches thats why they want me out Ash says joe told her that Frank wants her out too 2:22pm Brit telling Jojo that she dug her own hole because she couldnt keep her mouth shut and kept talking she says you tell people that danielle is this or that and dani starts crying then people start looking at dani like poor dani and thats what did you in and we get trivia 2:24pm feeds back Jenn shane and Brit in bathroom doing hair and shaving back to trivia again 2:27pm feeds back again Jani and Ash in crane room ash telling jani everything Jojo just said in the sr and about Brit coming in and talking about Joe talking bad about a woman in the lvr Ash says thats exactlly what Boogie wanted Jani says yeah ASh said i dont know what girl they was talking about i thought maybe you might know Jani says no and they can take their low carb diets and get the F out of this house 2:32pm Jani says you have to win hoh so we can make a big move ash says yeah i am just afraid joe will win then what Jani says i dont know she says it is gonna be very difficult for you or jenn to win this game with all these guys in the house and frank knows every inch of this game he has seen them all and shane was spotted by a scout is why he is in this game 2:36pm Ash saying frank got upset that Jani used his towel the other day Jani said why wouldn t i use a towel in the bathroom Ash says he is getting the Bb power get over it 2:42pmWil Joe Frank and Dan in lvr saying tonights hoh comp will be a crap shoot now talk about what time they have to be ready dan says at 5 we do a run through about then 2:54pm Ash and Jani in bathroom doing makeup now most hg in kt eating pizza just general talk going on
  19. 9:07pm Ash laying on the hoh bed with frank and Jani playing with jani's hair jani talking about getting hooked up for her past hoh wins in her other seasons and how she didnt have much room to pack things she wanted to bring this year Boogie says frank we have 11 hours left in this room Frank says i know 9:15pm Brit in bathroom curling dani's hair talking to Ian Ian going on about dinasours and birthdays ian asking if they are old enough tol remember get a clue show dani says i think i remember that Brit says i actually liked freaky friday and i am not ashamed to say it 9:19pm Boggie in hoh telling Frank and wil and Jani so much for a 2 hour ld Joe copmes in eating peanutbutter icecream and Boogie says its been 4 hours on ld now 9:25pm in the bathroom Dani and brit are going to flat iron ians hair he says spike it up dani says want it up he says yeah spike it up in the hoh general talk going on they start singing and we get foth 9:31pm girls flat irioning ians hair brit tells dani to straighten the front more to let it burn till it smokes and the girls are laughing ian is worried they wont let him look in the mirror when they let him look in the mirror finally he says it looks terrable he wants to mess it up and girls say no we have to go show people 9:35pm shane and Frank in sr talking shane says lastnight wil told him that if he wins hoh you are not my target shane says if jojo stays your not a target frank says ok shane says thats how it goes if she leaves 9:47pm Jani Boogie and Joe sitting in hoh talking about Jojo ... Jani says i asked her for a ciggarette and she asked when i was going to pay her back so i told her on finale night and jani laughs and says jojo is an idiot Boggie says who picks Jojo shane and willie 9:48pm jani says should i tell dani that jojo was taLKING BAD about her yeah i think i should lets go jani heads downstairs asking where everyone is 9:50pm Jani calls dani to hoh she tells dani that jojo is sayinmg stuff about you and now she is saying i want her out the house and the other night in the tub she was talking mad shit about you dani says what did she say and jani says she was calling you fat and commented about your legs dani says what is she saying now she is trying to get frank to tell everyone to get you out and not her 9:52pm dani asking jani if anyone stuck up for her jani says no it was just her and i in the tub and i didnt want to say anything dani says so your telling me she is going around talking bad about me dani says who else is talking shit about me jani says i wasnt gonna tell you but you need to know 9:55pm Brit comes in hoh and ask is this serious talk jani says no we are justy talking about whatever brit says sure jani says yeah 9:57pm dani says to jani after brit leaves who else thinks i am fat jani says no one just jojo she is the only one dani says this makes me self conscious now jani says no dont let it 9:59pm jani says i didnt want to hurt you dani says should she be confranted jani says i think so and frank walks in hoh to join them
  20. 10:05am Joe says he is planning for dinner and schemming Wil is cooking breakfast Frank is washing dishes boogie going in for more coffee shane and dani in by talking dani asking whats going on with votes he says right now its 50/50 he says we are friends and jojo and i are friends and honestly i havent made up my mind 10:06am shane tells dani that its more so everyone wants dan out not her Boogie comes back out and dani says it sucks not to have a pool 10:17am ash in by stretching fixen to work out with boogie shane telling her diet is important wil and Joe in kt talking about food wil says chicken always gives him the shits 10:23am Wil and Joe talking in crane room wil says we will have to see who gets hoh we have to talk to shane and then ash needs to go soon and i think dani will vote with us for sure and then get out shane if he doesnt get hoh for sure 10:31am general talk in by ash and boogie working out wil doing dishes 10:42am still general talk in by about working out and what to do while working out 10:50am shane and jojo in havenot rm dani and joe in by joe tells dani to go talk to people today the vote is still up in the air Wil comes out and joins them in by dani says what to do joe says i want to go swimming but dan screwed that up for us 10:56am Brit tewlling Jojo she is gonna have to start working with other people to get the votes to styay tomorrow night Jojo says ash wants to work with her and shane she doesnt want to work with joe or wil
  21. 9:02am Jojo sitting outside smoking alone we get foth maybe wakeup call 9:13am Feeds are back Joe Wil and shane in kt making coffee Frank heads to hoh to get his bag of coffe says if they make that they might have some good coffee Jojo outside fixen her hair in the mirror 9:19am Jojo shane and Joe in by smoking and talking Boogie Wil and Frank and ash in kt talking and yawning 9:29am Joe telling Jojo and shane he told everyone he is voting with the house he tells Jojo to get the votes and let him know Boogie walks out side and says he and ash are going to workout today and they bb is going to lock them out soon 9:39am Hg in by talking about bull dogs and their gass problems and how bad they smell shane ask Jojo if she knows why tyhey call bull dogs bulls dogs she says no he says cuz they used to kill bulls shane tells joe that jojo has a pit bull and he has a bull dog 9:46am Boogie and Shane in by talking bnoogie says i just want to update you.. brit came up and made a plan for jojo and i told her your still in the game and there is a chance your man can work with people he says brit says well ok and then walked out of the room 9:47am Boogie says loose lips sink ships and when brit gets drunk one sentence can screw up a months worth of work shane says yeah i know then talk goes to shanes sister selling a house when joe joins them outside 9:52am Danielle saysa there are 55 days after tomorrow left in the bb house wil says there is no time for a double eviction now that willie is gone Wil says maybe the twist are over danielle says yeah she ask wil what he thinks the coaches are going to do Wil says i dont know they might get to come back in the game but i dont know 9:59amShane tellinjg boogie that wil and joe came to him yesterday and sais you are not our target boogie says they are saying that because they know you can win the hoh on thursday and we get foth
  22. 11:04am Ash Dani Dan and Frank at kt table talking about music and eating breakfast Boogie Joe Brit in by Joe telling Brit he was telling his life story she says continue he says i am finished now 11:09am Frank keeps singing bb keeps saying please stop singing Frank sings again bb yells i said stop that singing Frank says sorry i cant help it everyone else laughs 11:17am kt crew talking about their names on facebook and twitter talk goes to robin cass and how much weight she lost Frank says looking good robin 11:27am Brit and Boogie talking about the casey anthony case and how she got off free on that wil saying it was so inapropriate that some people were drinking and celebrating after that trial and how wrong that was in the kt talk is about music and myspace and facebook 11:29am Jani says she uses her old name for her facebook and twitter not her married name dani talking she has a twitter account then starts talking about twets she got about songs 11:39am everyone sitting around general talk and wondering if to lay out or get in the pool 11:45am :Brit says dear patio renassaunce your patio furniture sucks dani says i agree it is terrable and we get foth Jani and Joe in kt Joe preparing what he wants to cook for dinner tonight he has put whole carrots on foil and poured cooking oil on them adding a little salt to it wrapping it up and in the oven it goes 11: 47am Frank tells Joe and Jani he is about to do his blog and no one can get in hoh room jani says we doing pics today or tomorrow Frank says today in about an hour and goes upstairs to blog 11:56am Dan and Boogie running in by Ash and Jenn talking general talk about whats going on in the house Jen in kt polishing nails Joe slicing cucumbers
  23. 9:04am Joe telling Boogie and Wil he gets potatoes 11 dollars for 50 pounds and they ground their own burgers he gets the meat cheaper than ground beef 9:10am Joe says he has learned alot this time in the resturaunt and he knows more when he opens his i love bistro and this time he will concentrate on the bar Bofggie says you dont have a bar now he says no just beer and wine and i lost money on that i sold 5 beers in one day and thats it 9:12am Joe says where he lives just to sell beer and wine at his resturaunt he has to carry a million dollar insurance policy and it isnt worth it really it was eating up what i might make 9:17am Wil cooking his breakfast Boogie and Joe still talking about restuaraunts and about taking reservations 9:24am Jojo and Shane now up in bathroom Jojo putting on her makeup telling shane she says i think maybe we will have a luxury comp cuz they dont normally tell you to put your makeup on Shane says yeah thats true 9:34am Shane says he is going to take a shower after Jojo says yeah me too i hate cold showers she says going in the pool would be better but thats not like going to keep you clean 9:37am Wil asking Jenn how she slep she said good how did you sleep Wil says i slept good i was invited to the hoh rm to sleep lastnight and that it is better than them damn springy beds 9:42am Boogie Wil Jenn and Joe talking about frankl drinking a 6 pack lastnight so this morning when the music played he got up and turned the light on and went back to bed Jojo and Shane still in bathroom getting ready Boogie gets in trouble talking about dr sessions he says alright alright they are on top of it this morning 9:47am Brit now up getting coffee Shane making breakfast Jenn drinking coffee Joe getting in shower just general talk going on and alot of the foth 9:50am Shane puts on a pink shirt this morning Jojo asked is you whole wardrobe pink shane says no jojo says pink and purple shane says no i had alot of my clothes dyed but my favorite color is blue
  24. 8:04pm Jani Ian Frank, Boogie jenn all talking about willie saying he wasnt gonna keep me from going anywhere in the house then they make fun of him and his froot loops Jani asking if they think willie got restrained in the dr and we get foth 8:08pm Jani says all i can see is willie with his shirt off and that beer belly on a tug boat with a beard Jenn says brit is still defending willie and he is a f'ing idiot Jani says i dont think brit doesnt likes it because i just didnt like willie she got mad tonight that i said something about willie but i dont remember what i said 8:10pm alot of Willie bashing going on wil says he even said he wasnt a good dad they say he spent time at vegas and didnt care about his kids Jani says how can you be a good dad at 50 8:15pm Shane in the bathroom while Dani is in the shower he was going to leave to give dani her privacy she says you dont have to leave you cant see anything anyways he shakes his head yes she says you can he says yeah your toes she says its nice having someione in there while she showers at home she has music here its nothing 8:20pm Jenn has joined Dani and Shane in the bathroom she ask shane how the slop burger was he says very good 826pm :Jojo and Ash go to bathroom Ash upset because kara is gone shane says this is a game this is not real life we all miss kara it is all willies fault she is gone Ash says i dont like playing with the coaches Jen says we are playing a game we are playing a game guys shane said you had to do what you had to do in that position 8:28pm Jen and shane telling ash that kara knows it isnt personal its a game ash says this is all stupid ash says i just feel like she shouldnt have gone home shane says ash play your game no one elses i wont go home because of a coach i will go home because of myself so dont feel bad play for yourself no one else 8:30pm Ash says i feel like and jenn cuts her off and says we all come in here with statagies and they dont work now and we get foth 8:32pm ash says i feel like everyone blames willie he called that meeting shane said yeah we didnt know it was gonna turn bad shane says everyone misses kara even wil ash says wil is ruthless shane says this season is by far the hardest 8:34pm shane says he thinks the coaches are running this game and everyone needs to do what they have to do ash says i know and keeps crying 8:37pm Wil walks in to wc shane asking do i need to turn on the water before you go in there he says no ash is telling then not to tell wil what is going on they all give kara a shout out 8:42pm ash looking for her bikini jani and danielle putting on their bikinis to go get in the hottub frank in hoh rm with wil now they are watching jojo on the tv screen wil going to use the hoh bathroom now frank tells him mthere is air freshener in there also wil says you are a gem frank heading back downstairs 8:45pm dani blowdrying her hair gives ash a hug ash brushing teeth frank telling jenn its chilly outside he goes to sr brit runs in and tells ash she is gonna die when she sees her boyfriend brit is putting makeup on Ian brit says i think you are really gonna like the way you look 8:49pm hg now have wine and beer for tonight jani trying to figure out who all wants wine 8:51pm Frank is getting everyone in the kt to see who all wants to drink tonight and who wants to drink tomorrow night Jojo is spiking Ians hair after he was bronzed by brit 8:57pm the drinkers Jani Dan Frank Ash all making a toast with their drinks to the slop eaters Joe and Wil in sneaker rm joe telling wil that frank threw the pov yesterday said he didnt throw it but he didnt try hard and i dont know why but its whatever 8:59pm Dani and shane in bathroom kicking at each other shane pulls a muscle in his leg dani says cant hang cant hang shane kicks at her again
  25. 7:08pm hg in the kt waiting for dinner to be ready general talk going on boogie and dan in hoh rm talking about comps Boogie says i need a shower before dinner i will meet you down there he says good talk and frank leaves hoh and joins kt crew 7:12pm dani and Ian sitting with feet in the hottub shane talking to them about the veto comp Jojo smoking in the kt Joe has made turkey burgers for the hg and pork slop burgers for the havenots 7:15pm everyone at the kt table fixing plated oh turkey burgers Jani says she is making m&m cookies tonight 7:21pm shane asking joe what he seasons the burgers with Joe says its a bb secret shane laughs and says ok hg says it will be in the bb cookbook shane says i will buy it 7:24pm Ian says if you had told me when i was 7 i would be living off of oatmeal and pudding i would have been pretty freakin happy 7:27pm Jani talking about kasar getting a hooka in his hoh and evryone smoking it Boogie says thats an awesome hoh gift 7:39pm Dani in hottub Joe talkign to her saying we are trying to keep you this week you stay jojo goes and next week if you win you cant put me or frank up at all dani says ok you got that Jojo walks outside to go smoke and talking stops Frank comes out saying the food was good but he is stuffed 7:48pm shane doing dishes and cleaning kt Ian walks in cleaning his plate off the table wrapped in a towel Dan and jenn helping to clean table ticeling and giggling going on with wil and ash 7:55pm Ian telling Brit in bathroom that his feet are so dry they are cracking he says he thinks there is some goldbond in the sr she asked why are they so dry he says i have very dry skin Ian is going to sr to look for the goldbond Brit ask him to bring a box of tampons back too he says oh ummm ok and walks off to sr 7:59pm Brit and Jojo talking about cramps and getting pregnant in bathroom Ian and shane in hvnbr moving clothes around and we get foth



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