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Posts posted by kitten200

  1. 9:19am BBT: We had Stars for a bit and come back to Memphis sitting in the KT drinking coffee and David in the WA washing his hands, David leaves the WA  walks through the KT and tells Memphis good morning and goes to the STR to change batteries where Kevin is changing his batteries.
    9:26am BBT: David has gone back to bed  as Memphis sits alone in the KT drinking coffee and looking around the room.
    9: 28am BBT: Tyler up in the KT wearing sunshades, BB tells the HG wakey wakey as there are fresh batteries in the STR. Tyler goes back to his bed as we get Stars again.
    9:41am BBT: Christmas in the KT getting a drink as BB says wakey wakey HG, Memphis said that is loud and he never wants to hear that voice again ever after this. Christmas laughs and joins him at the KT drinking coffee. WE get Stars as BB tries getting the HG up for the day.
    9:46am BBT: Day is now up going to the WC telling Christmas and Memphis good morning as she walks through, Christmas and Memphis still at the KT talking general talk.
    9:52am BBT: Christmas and Memphis have gone to the lounge and are talking about Dani and Nicole and how Nicole wants to give Ian his vote, he says  that Nicole said to them that she feels bad and really wants to give Ian her vote. Christmas says that Ian told Dani if it was a tie she would have to vote for him to stay and Memphis laughs 
     9:56am BBT: Memphis and Christmas still talking about keeping Tyler in the house and do not understand why Nicole wants to give Ian a sympathy vote. Memphis says he does not want  Nicole to give that vote to Ian he  says he will be mad.

  2. 9:04am BBT: Nicole and Cody talk about how Ian is acting and how he throws comps, He tells Nicole that if she is not careful he could ruin her game. Cody says that whoever you put up as a pawn is an enemy now and will not take you very far in this game. Cody says good talk Nicole  and Nicole ask why they are up there in the HOHR so early and Cody says i do not know.
    9: 11am BBT: Nicole telling Cody that Christmas and Day will never play together in this game and they will never trust each other.
    9:17am BBT: David is cleaning the KT as Christmas and Memphis talk in the KT. Cody and Nicole talking in the HOHR about trusting Christmas, Nicole says she tries not to get to close to people and they talk about the fight Christmas had with Bayleigh and how Christmas went a little crazy. Cody tells her just because she blew up doesn't mean you can not be friends with her though, Nicole says ok . Cody tells her that her first season she went along ways and her second season she won and this time she has gone far and Nicole says yeah i have never gone pre jury and Cody says yeah.
    9:27am BBT: Nicole laying in the HOHR bed saying to herself that she trusted Dani and Dani is playing her and she says  she thought  they were close she made a final two and i thought i was . She says i made a final two with Cody day one but that was before i made a deal with her. I am mad. Cody comes out of the WC and says you are in deep thought and She tells him she is mad because she trusted Dani. Cody says no don't be mad its ok. Nicole tells Cody  i will vote for you if you are in final two.
     9:37am BBT: Cody and Nicole still talking in the HOHR alone about Nicole being emotional and she says she is not emotional as Cody tells her she is and she needs to stop and keep her head in the game. In the KT Enzo, Memphis, Christmas David and Kevin are just talking general talk.

    9:43am BBT: Cody lays under a blanket on the HOHR floor and covers his head as Nicole leaves the HOHR. she joins Enzo, Christmas David and Kevin in the KT, Day and Dani are in the WA doing ADL's.
    9:48am BBT: Most HG up doing ADL's and getting coffee as they prepare to go in HOH lock down to prepare for tonight's live eviction.
    9: 55am BBT: HG sitting around talking general talk and doing ADL's for the day. Day is doing her ADL's and packing at the same time.

  3. 8:25am BBT: Memphis is up in the KT making coffee.
    8:27am BBT: Nicole and Cody go to the HOHR to make their beds and turn the light on talking to Christmas about ian farting lastnight and how loud it was, Kevin in the KT getting water.
    8:45am BBT: Christmas , Memphis, Kevin and David in the KT getting food and coffee just general talk going on, In the HOHR Cody and Nicole talking about who trust who,Nicole ask if Tyler trust her and Cody says yeah Tyler trust you do not worry about that.
    8:55am BBT: Cody and Nicole still in the HOHR talking about  trust and talking about Dani. Cody tells her to be careful talking alot to people.

  4. 2:01pm BBT: Day says she sees two people in the game not two players and she wasn't to remain friends and Tyler says thank you and she says i do not expect your vote and thats ok. Tyler says he feels bad he does not want to vote Bay out and day says i think she feels bad because she thinks it is your fault that she is on the block. Tyler says no matter what i want you to now i got you in here and Day says i appreciate that. 
    2:11pm BBT: Day and Bay talking  and day telling her how to talk to  Tyler later and to tell them that you sacrificed to be here also and do it without me in your mind and you need to fight  to campaign and stay in this house, day says I will be ok as she is crying and tells Bay she has a pure heart so go talk to Christmas.
    2:14pm BBT: Bay tells Day that she   feels she was here to help protect Day because that is what i do i help. Day and Bay telling each other to campaign to stay in this house repeating  themselves before they go talk to Tyler and Christmas.
    2:23pm BBT: Memphis and Christmas in the HOHR talking about if Day wins HOH and puts Ian and Christmas on the block Memphis says let her win the veto and we have the votes and we send Ian home and Christmas says oh thats good. 
    2:25pm BBT: Christmas talking about Day and bay and how they are counting their votes and preparing their speeches to blow everyone up and how Bay will bomb.  Day and bay heading  out of the HNR back down stairs as Christmas and Memphis watch them on the monitor and then Memphis says it will be interesting to see Days game after Bay leaves and Christmas agrees.
     2:35pm BBT: Tyler and bay talking in the LL, She tells him that there has been alot going on and she says she has been crazy this week because she did not know what was going on and she says she has not said anything and he will see when he gets home and watches this. She says she is very emotional this week. Tyler  keeps agreeing with her . Bay says this time in the game i can say i personally went out of my way to be nice to you and get along with you and Tyler says he has done the same and bay says i believe you but the damage was already done and we can not go back and change that and you are the only one i have not come to campaign to  and what is between us is beyond the game it has nothing to do with this game it is personal. Tyler says i know and when i have talked to people i have always come to you and i wanted ti clear things up with you.
     2:44pm BBT: After the stars Bay says i am not going to final two and i am not going to jury , Jury was very very tough for me you know and we get stars again.
     2:46pm BBT: Bay tells Tyler to get his head in the game  because he is stuck here. Nicole and Day in the HNR talking about Nicole, Day and Dani working together, Nicole tells Day that she has nothing to worry about but Nicole says i do they will come for me before you.

  5. 11:06amBBT: In the WA Bayleigh says  she was going to pack but she will wait forDay to go pack her things for tomorrow . Dani and Nicole sitting in WA just talking general talk. Christmas and Kevin still playing in the LVR.
    11:22am BBT: Bayleigh in the KT making a bagel as David walks around the KT and Enzo sits at the table with shades looking around. Dani and Nicole still in the WA doing ADL's.
    11:30am BBT: Bayleigh has put an raw egg in a glass and is soaking her hand in it  as David is cooking and Enzo still just sitting watching them and looking around the  room. Kevin and Christmas still playing the backgammon in the LVR.
    11:33am BBT: Day walks in the KT and Bayleigh tells Day she burned her hand bad  so she has put her hand in egg white and it is not helping much, Day gives her makeup and they talk about ti being concealer powder, Day heads out and Bayleigh shakes her hand saying it hurts.
    11:47am BBT: Memphis and Cody in the WA doing ADL"s . Bayleigh sitting at the table eating talking general talk to Enzo, David cooking food.
    11:51am BBT: Bayleigh says that was so good she does not even know what to do with herself. Enzo says he had a slice of bacon and Bayleigh tells him he needs to est he tells her that he will come out of here looking like a skeleton and she says you better eat you might be on slop next week, He tells her he knows then he will be dead.

  6.  9:15am BBT: Memphis pours himself more coffee as Day comes down the stairs from the HNR and goes to the WC. Memphis takes his coffee to the LVR and props his feet.
    9:25am BBT: Day is doing ADL's in the WA, Memphis still sitting in the LVR drinking his coffee and all other HG still sleeping.
    9:33am BBT: Bayleigh now up goes to the WA says good morning to Day and goes in the WC as day tells her morning. Bayleigh comes out of WC and starts her ADL's.
    9:39am BBT: Enzo now in the WA with Day and Bayleigh talking about how he passed out lastnight, Day says they was going to say goodnight but he was out. He says i was tired. Enzo says he needs to shower as he searches in the WA for his bag and he thinks now it might be in the room.
    : 9:42am BBT: Enzo in the PBR getting his bag and clothes for his shower, David gets out of bed and gets dressed while yawning. Bayleigh in the WA doing her make up.
    9:47am BBT: Bayleigh goes back to her bed, Christmas  is sitting up in bed, Enzo tells Ian that  the HOH bed is so comfortable and we get FOTH.
    9:51am BBT: Day doing make up in the WA, Enzo in the HOHR doing ADL's and mumbling to himself as he flosses his teeth.

    9:54am BBT: Memphis now in the WA doing his ADL's, Christmas in the WC, David in the KT then goes to the STR  walking through all the baby furniture looking at the veggies and getting an avocado. He then changes his batteries.

  7. 8:01am BBT: Enzo laying awake in the HOH bed with the lights off. All other Hg still sleeping in dark rooms.
    8:22am BBT: Memphis up in the KT making coffee.
    8:26am BBT: Enzo up in the HOHR going to the WC then goes back to bed to listen to his music. Memphis sitting in the KT drinking coffee alone.
    8:52am BBT: Kaysar now up and in the KT with Memphis getting coffee and stretching.
    8:56am BBT: Memphis gets up and stretches then gets the high chairs and takes  them to the STR door as Christmas punishment is now over.

  8. 10:06am BBT: Janelle, Memphis, Kaysar and Christmas still in the LVR talking general talk about kids, All other HG still in bed sleeping.
    10:24am BBT: Christmas, Kaysar and Memphis in the LVR talking about being bored and how the down time is hard after they have back to back days that are busy.
    10:40am BBT: Janelle and Christmas  talking on the LVR couch, Kaysar  and Memphis talking  on the other side of the LVR, Just general talk, Janelle says she has to work on her speech for tonight and we get FOTH as BB is trying to get the other HG up for the day.
    10:46am BBT: WE now have Puppy Cam.

  9.  9:05am BBT: Kaysar laying in bed in the KBR, Memphis in the LVR sitting drinking his coffee, Cody laying on the couch, Tyler walking through the LVR, all other HG still in bed sleeping.
     9:23am BBT: Tyler back in the HOH bed with lights out, Memphis still sitting in the LVR.
    9:32am BBT: Memphis and Kaysar in the LVR talking general talk, Christmas walks through and they ask if she slept all night and she says no. Christmas goes to the WC, Janelle up looking in her dresser in the CBR.
    9:35am BBT: Christmas out of the WC goes to CBR  and  is making her bed, David walks through as Christmas says good morning. Day and Bayleigh still sleeping with their heads covered up.
    9:42am BBT: Kaysar Memphis, Janelle and Christmas in the LVR talking about a dream Christmas has lastnight, Kaysar is laughing. David walks through and goes back to the PBR and walks around the BR. We get FOTH.
    9:45am BBT: Memphis says this is Morning with Memphis and Christmas goes telling her story of having her son and she had a C-Section and how hard it was for her and she had to be in bed for awhile after, Kaysar is  covering his face as he sits and listens, Janelle and Christmas  continue talking about their deliveries, Memphis is looking away from them.

  10. 2:00pm BBT: Cody telling Dani and Nicole that Tyler is mad at David for telling Day things he asked him not to say. Cody says he has tried to help David understand this game and now i feel like you have dogged me. He says he has told David not to panic and we get FOTH.
     2:08pm BBT: Dani, Cody and Nicole talking and joking around about Derrick and Nicole ask what Derrick told him when he came in the house and Cody says you will never know then whispers to Dani don't trust Nicole and they all start laughing.
     2:13pm BBT: Tyler and Bayleigh in the lounge talking about David and things David said to Day and He says he talked to Day to clear it up and Bayleigh says you talked to Day and  he says yeah i had to talk to her. Bayleigh says  David told me one thing and i found out it was a lie. Tyler says David  told him he was sorry he told Day and Tyler says he asked him why he did that and David told him he did not know. Bayleigh shaking her head agreeing with Tyler.
    2:23pm BBT: Bayleigh and Tyler repeating themselves in the lounge, Bayleigh says she will try to do some damage control with Day for him. He says thank you. IN the CBR Kaysar, David, Ian, Kevin and Christmas just talking general talk.

    : 2:29pm BBT: Dani and Kaysar in the  PBR  about Kaysar staying and Kaysar says i am all alone in this house so i have no one i will work with you. Janelle now in the lounge talking to Tyler saying  he is a big piece of the puzzle here so i want to make a deal with you that if i am HOH you will not see the block at all, If you are truly alone then we can work out in this so it is basically i will not touch you. Tyler ask who you touching then? Janelle says i want the floaters out.
    2:31pm BBT: Tyler tells Janelle i am not working with anyone right now so i am a floater and Janelle says you are not a floater and you are not floater material. She says i want to leave people in this house that want to play this game and who can win and i hate floaters and they feed off people like me and you. She says if i stay which is likely so if we can work together you are safe. She tells him to talk to Dani she will tell him the truth, she says i have known Dani for 13 years and she is great.
     2:35pm BBT: Janelle says ok if i stay this week we are working together and if i win a power, Tyler says a power? Janelle says they all think i am going to win a power  and if i do it is yours too. 
    2:43pm BBT: Nicole and Ian are in the CBr playing backgammon while Christmas slooks to be sleeping with all her babies, David and Kevin in the WA talking general talk.
    2:47pm BBT: Dani and Tyler in the HOHR talking about David and Their talks with Kaysar and Janelle, They says  Tyler told David that it looks like Kaysar has the numbers and David started running his mouth and now  day and David are mad at each other because things that were said  and we get FOTH.
    2:50pm BBT: Tyler ask Dani did Day really come tell you she was trying to flip the vote to keep Janelle and Dani says  yeah she 100% told me that because she said there is an all guys alliance. Memphis walks in and Dani says Janelle keeps coming to me over and over and over and Tyler says hold on a second as he goes to the WC.
    2:52pm BBT: Tyler comes out and says i think David is one of the worst players in BB and Dani agrees, Tyler says he asked David why he went and talked and David told him he did not know man.  He says David told him he paniced when he seen Tyler and Bayleigh talking . Tyler says i think  he was trying to pit Day and I against each other but why? Dani says i do not know.
     2:54pm BBT:  Dani tells Tyler that Janelle keeps coming to her over and over and i do not know what to do with her, Dani says Janelle was coming after you , Cody and Nicole so we had to put her up there on the block because if we didn't she would have you and Cody up there for sure. 

  11. 9:23am BBT: Kaysar in the KT with Memphis after a brief FOTH, All lights are on through the house as BB has awaken the HG.
    9:24am BBT: David is now up walking around the house , Kaysar in the WA doing ADL's.
     9:33am BBT: Memphis in the LVR sitting alone  drinking his coffee, Kaysar and david in the KT, David is cleaning and Kaysar just standing leaning on the bar. Christmas up goes to WC then checks time then to the STR for batteries, Nicole goes into the DR.
     9:44am BBT: Kaysar sitting alone in the WA, David in the KT  still cleaning  and memphis sitting alone in the LVR . All other HG  in bed sleeping.
    9:48am BBT: Kaysar joins Memphis in the LVR and ask what he is watching he says i am watching  on the beach and fast forward to 2021, Kaysar laughs and says that is a good thing 2020 sucks  well some things don't but, Memphis says he is looking forward to 2021 he has some projects he wants to do.
    9:51am BBT: Memphis telling Kaysar how he lost money from his restaurants because of Covid and how people owed him money and how some people got layed off and  when they got layed off he lost money. He says no one is opening anything right now .
    9:54am BBT: Memphis says he wants to open up a Gym and he is also working on a soda company to open soon because he needs to open other things besides a resturaunts. He says he needs to span beyond  the restaurants.

  12. 12:00am- 1:00am BBT: Christmas Receives a new addition and wants to name it meatball after Josh. Christmas talking to Kaysar and  wondering how many babies she will end up with and he says maybe  sixteen of them and laughs, Kaysar ask about the name Meatball and Christmas tells him to watch her season and he will know. Nicole comes in Kaysar leaves  so Nicole and Christmas head to bed, Most HG in the BY talking general talk and about  losing the Yard again at  six in the morning.

  13. 11:01am BBT: Bayleigh and Christmas in the BY talking about having a bond in this game and  how there is already cracks in the house on week three.
    11:08am BBT: Tyler talking to Christmas and Bayleigh about the babies and Christmas  tells what all she had to do with the babies all night long. In the WA Nicole and Kevin doing ADL's.
    11:14am BBT: Hg are all settling in the BY as they prepare for the Veto Meeting, bayleigh talks to Christmas about Memphis, Christmas says Memphis does not talk to girls except me and only because i give him crap.
    11:25am BBT: Dani and Kevin in the PBR talking about who to keep and talking about who is stronger. In the BY Enzo is  running while Bayleigh and Christmas watch him, Christmas tells him they have babies to take care of and he is running then laughs. Bayleigh says they need to talk later on  and Christmas agrees but she has these babies to take care of.
    11:32am BBT: Kevin in the KT making breakfast for himself, Nicole in the KT getting a trash bag. Nicole says she will come help Kevin make them breakfast in a few minutes she has to get the laundry together as she has not done hers yet.
    11:34am BBT: Christmas and Bayleigh talking about Janelle and how she follows Bayleigh around, Christmas says she has something to say at her meeting i bet and she says i bet she has something to offer to try to stay don't you think and Bayleigh agrees.
    11:42am BBT: Kevin cooking and Nicole squeezing oranges for some juice as BB will not supply her juice anymore. Tyler taking vitamins, Christmas  running in the BY as the ground is already hot as she pushes the stroller with Nine  babies in it saying she is going to go ahead and get her clothes from the dryer. 
    11:47am BBT: Dani and Ian by the pool putting on suntan lotion talking about how Dani played  the other seasons she played ,She says my point is you do not know who to trust in this house but you have to trust people which is hard in this house. Ian agrees. 
    11:50 am WE have FOTH
    11:54am BBT: Ian telling Dani that his last semester of school after he left the BB house he put the BB voice to wake up too , Dani says why would you do that and Ian says he liked it so he  made an MP3 of it and Dani says she would not know how to do that so Ian tells her how it is done.
    12:08pm BBT: We now have Puppy cams as the HG have the POV meeting.

  14. 9:00am BBT: Memphis says Dani said her season was the same way it was fend for yourself. Memphis then says i think  no one is loyal right now but when it gets to ten people  it will be down to it.
     9:02am BBT: Memphis tells Kaysar my gut says  you will live to see another week and Kaysar says i know i am just trying to figure out if there is anything i could have done differently to make this go better and Memphis said probably not its like if i go home next week then i go home, Kaysar says yeah.
    9:05am BBT: Memphis says he can not wait for the girls to win HOH and to see who they will put on the block. Kaysar tells how this game is played and Memphis asked have you asked anyone for their votes and Kaysar says honestly if i had been put on the block against anyone but Janelle i  would have asked but i can not against Janelle.
    9:13am BBT: Memphis and Kaysar continue talking about alliances and it being to esarly in the game for it, Memphis gets up and heads in the house , Kaysar stretches and yawns and sits alone in the BY.
    9:16am BBT: Kaysar goes to the STR to change his batteries and David is changing his, Kaysar tells him he does not know what is going to happen this week and he will not go against Janelle but if he does stay he will be a free agent and  could work with him because Kaysar says he has no friends in this house and if I stay how can we do this? David says i do not know lets see how this plays out.  Kaysar says this is just complicated. David gets a q tip and says he does not know if he can sway anyone  and i like you more than Janelle and you know that. Kaysar says i know.
    919am BT: David says i do not know it is like you are trying to move chess pieces, Kaysar says i know  but if i stay,David says i think you are trying to work this game to hard  so just let people create there own tension. Kaysar says yeah but at the same time you do not want to be in this house it is like crazy everything you say in this house gets twisted. David says focus on what you can control because whenn you try to force things that is when it comes back, David says that is my thougt.
     9:22am BBT: Memphis back in the BY drinking coffee alone again. David and kaysar leave the STR, David goes to the WC and Kaysar just walking around then heads back out to the BY.
     9:31am BBT: David is cleaning the KT as Memphis sits in the BY  and now Kaysar joins him  playing with  two pool balls as they sit in silence. Memphis then ask if the babies woke up lastnight sand Kaysar says yeah i did not hear them but i seen Christmas  taking care of them and i could not breath she was over my head but the lights were off and we get FOTH.
    9:47am BBT: After a brief FOTH we come back to David still cleaning the KT and memphis and Kaysar sitting in the BY in silence.
     9:50am BBT: Nicole up and changing her batteries in the STR then heads back to bed. Bayleigh now coming down the stairs  as Memphis tells her good morning.
    9:55am BBT: Kaysar cooking breakfast as David cleans Bayleigh out of WC and goes to STR to get batteries, Memphis sitting in the BY alone.
    9:58am BBT: Alot of Babies crying all at one time  and Christmas says what babies and they says Mommy take me for a walk. Christmas  starts to  get up to get ready for  their morning walk.

  15. 8:00am BBT: Memphis has started Coffee and is sitting in the BY alone. All other HG sleeping .
    8:20am BBT: Memphis still alone in the BY as all other HG sleep.
    8:40am BBT: Memphis still drinking Coffee in the BY as he sits all alone.
    8:47am BBT: Kaysar is now up and in the BY with Memphis  no talking going on as they watch a plane fly over.
     8:50am BBT: Kaysar says do you get the  feeling that no one talks to you in this house and Memphis shakes his head no and ask why he thinks no one talks to  him and Kaysar says  i think they all talk to each other and no one wants to work with us. Memphis says he knows there is some alliances being made but i think it is like 2  people in it. Memphis then tells him he told him yesterday why Janelle is  probably leaving this week.
     8:56am BBT: Memphis talks about Ian and how he Needs to  goes because he won before. Kaysar says do you think that Ian played the game? Memphis says no i think Dan played the better game all around  better than Ian but i think the house . Memphis then says that the house is probably coming after him as well he just does not know. He says people are loyal right now but the power will shift and they will star clipping off people. He says he thinks  people are floating around  and keeping out of each others way. He says his season was everyone fend for yourselves.

  16.  3:00pm BBT: Bayleigh in the Lounge sitting alone  looking at the camera. Enzo and Christmas still in the HOHR repeating themselves.
    3:02pm BBT: Baby cries and Christmas has to sing  to baby.  Enzo dancing while Christmas sings.
     3:04pm BBT: Enzo saying he is tired of people  sitting and playing cool  he says they need to win comps or they have to go and Christmas agrees with him. Talk turns to Janelle and Nicole and how they were going at each other , Enzo says i heard they were going at it in the STR and Christmas says yeah and everywhere else and Christmas says she told Nicole to draw a line and tell her if you will not talk to me nicely then do not talk to me at all. Christmas says that Nicole is so sweet and she is tired of dealing with it and her and Janelle were supposed to be friends outside this house and feeds switch.
    3:12pm BBT: Bayleigh and David in the Lounge talking, Bayleigh says she is not going to step away and she  will win hoh and she wants to win it but, David then says  he can not trust people as they come to him then back away and he does not like that.

  17. 2:03pm BBT: Christmas changing the babies diaper saying how strong baby is  then swings baby  as she heads back to the KT. All HG just sitting around eating and talking general talk.
    2:08pm BBT: Memphis telling Kaysar he can make sweet tea sothern styler and Janelle ask if  she can have sweet tea being on slop and Memphis says yes you can, Janelle says yay i am excited now. Memphis says i am doing it for ya'll not me as he heads to  the STR.
     2:10pm BBT: Baby starts crying and wants to do 50 laps in the BY, Christmas goes to put shoes on as Enzo says this is the fourth time now .
     2:16pm  BBT: Janelle and kaysar in the KBR about  trying to  stay in the house  but Kaysar says he is going to sit back and just see where it falls, Janelle says we need to go to them and pitch  how we benefit the house and thats it. Janelle then says i am leaving this week and thats it. Kaysar is worried about the people they are friends with in the house like David and what will happen to them because they are friends.
    2:28pmBBT: Christmas finishes the 50 laps and Baby says thank you i want to see everybody and Christmas takes her around to say hi to everyone and to say how cute she is to everyone.
    2:33pm BBT: Dani laying in the pool on the duck whispering very low with no mic on to Nicole, Nicole says that is why they want to keep her to do the dirty work is because i made it public to everyone. we get FOTH.
    2:37pm BBT: Feeds come back and Nicole says its ok i need people who i can put up. She ask Dani if she wins HOH who will she put up and Dani whispers where we can not hear her, Nicole ask are you going to try to win then talk turns to food.
    2:39pm BBT: Tyler and Enzo in the HOHR talking about who is in whos alliance and who all is together in the house. They says Ian is with Nicole, Day is with David,They says that Day, Bayleigh , Kevin  and Nicole are in an alliance and they can drag David and janelle in after  the vote if Janelle stays and that gives them six.
     2:47pm BBT: Tyler and Enzo going over  who used to talk to who and how Day used to talk to Janelle in  rooms and then all of a sudden Day wanted an alliance with them. Enzo says it will nit be long and there is going to be a line drawn yo know what i am saying and if Janelle leaves this week thats three girls gone they guys are winning every week.
    2:49pm BBT: Enzo and Tyler say they think the girls think there is an all guys alliance and there isn't but Enzo worries thats what the girls think. Enzo says  there is a possibility he can win HOH next week. Christmas comes in and Tyler leaves, Enzo says he was just listening to music and  wanted the quiet.
    2:56pm BBT: Enzo  and Christmas in the HOHR talking about day being upset  about the safety being used on Christmas, In the BY Dani, Nicole, Bayleigh and David by the pool talking general talk while Ian is still swinging in the hammock.

  18. 1:17 pm BBT: The baby starts crying and says play with me , Christmas gets up  and ask her if she wants to learn how to fly and  flies her around the BY.
     1:20pm BBT: Hg in the BY just laying in the sun talking general talk  and Christmas playing with the Baby talking baby talk. Dani says you are so good at this Christmas.
     1:28pm BBT: Dani, Memphis and Tyler in the BY laying by the pool talking about what they would do if they was at home. Kevin in the pool laying on the duck. Inside the house Janelle is washing dishes as David makes avocado toast with bacon.
    1:45pm BBT: Hg laying in the BY talking about all the air traffic today. Ian rocking on the hammock.
     1:57pm BBT: Most HG have gone inside to make food, Janelle makes  something from flax seed and says it is awful  and will,not eat it, She gives Cody a taste of it and Cody says oh no no no and spits it in the trash.

  19. 8:01pm BBT: Hg all gathering in the Kt to eat dinner now. Cody goes upstairs to get the backgammon game then goes to the LVR to play Ian. Memphis laying in the floor yawning. 
    8:08pm BBT: Enzo talking about tomorrow being Sunday and they get the BY tomorrow all day, Christmas says  yeah and we should get it early. In the KT talk mostly about food and In the LVR Ian teaching Cody how to play backgammon.
    8:11pm BBT: In the CBR Nicole and dani talking about apologizing to bayleigh about comments she made last night. In the KT HG are eating and the Baby starts crying again
    8:18pm BBT: Enzo and day in the loft talking about getting rid of Janelle  this week and how dani is scared of Janelle and wants her out. Day ask how he feels about everything else thats going on and Enzo says i think we are doing good we are dominating this house and dani did really good in that comp. So we just have to keep moving now the six of us.
    8:24pm BBT: Enzo repeating himself about not trusting Christmas and  how they need to dominate and win next week too, IN the LVR Christmas and Ian now playing backgammon as BB says the STR is now available, They get  beer and wine.

  20. 3:17pm BBT: Feeds are back with HG talking  about Enzo being higher than Christmas was.  Enzo says it was a good comp  he liked it and Kaysar says it was a good comp but i sucked. Kaysar says i lost thats it.
     3:22pm BBT: Janelle eating Olives in the KT as Cody washes dishes , Memphis making a drink  and Nicole putting dishes away.
    3:28pm BBT: Hg sitting around  or doing dishes or showering talking about changes that are coming , Tyler says she said the rooms were going to change so they are wondering about the changes as we get FOTH.
    3:33pm BBT: Hg in the KT making food and saying they are starving. Tyler , Enzo and Janelle in the LVR talking about water comps they have done before.
    3:42pm BBT: Most HG in the KT eating talking general talk. Tyler goes to his HOHR and  is snacking.
    3:50 pm BBT: Hg sitting eating and talking and Cody talks about a game and Dani says says the guy who won the veto so Cody has won the POV.
    3:54pm BBT: hg are just eating in the KY  and talking about food and what they need  and general talk.

  21. 10:05am BBT: Cody and Enzo go to the HNR to lay down and Enzo says he is not sleeping he is just resting.Janelle, Memphis, David and Bayleigh in the KT getting food. Memphis gets coffee and Bayleigh ask him if he drinks that all day at home as well .
    10:120am BBT: Most HG laying down as BB got them up early this morning. Memphis, David, Bayleigh and Janelle in the KT Just talking general talk.
    10:25am BBT: General talk still going on in the kT with Janelle, Christmas, David,Memphis and Tyler, as Tyler washes dishes and Janelle cooks her something to eat. Dani doing ADL's in the BR then heads to the WA.
    10:33am BBT: Enzo, Cody and Bayleigh in the HNR sleeping, Christmas cooking , Dani is preparing herself some food, Janelle eating her Flax-seed with Honey on it saying the Honey makes it better, David sitting at the table watching them and laughing.
    10:49am BBT: Janelle, Memphis, David and Christmas talking about the HNR and how they like being in there except the door slamming  hard, They says it is a place to go for quiet time.
    10:51am BBT: Janelle, Dani and Christmas telling Memphis how  they play the Hide and Go Veto  and then says it is not a fun comp at all and Dani says  she does not know why they would even play that in here.

  22. 8:02am BBT: David in the WC then washes hands , Christmas now up and in the WC David walks through the KT as he heads back to the KBR, Memphis still sitting in the KT drinking coffee. BB says what do you not understand about WAKE UP.
    8: 05am BBT: WE now get FOTH as BB tries getting the HG to all wake  up.
    8:08am BBT: Tyler now in the KT getting coffee, Kaysar  getting a shake , David walking around in the KT as he gets coffee. BB says there are fresh batteries in the STR.
     8:14am BBT: Janelle talking to Bayleigh about Nicole  saying i know she is the one that came to you  and i do not want to pressure you but i know she is and Bayleigh says yeah and Janelle says she is the one as Bayleigh says yeah of course then says she has to win next week or Nicole will be coming after her. They then talk about this weeks HOH comp and how Bayleigh had 9 points and the last one fell off.
     8:16am BBT: David, Christmas, Dani, Cody and Memphis in  the WA doing ADL's , Enzo comes in and looks in the mirror.
    8:21am BBT: Janelle and Bayleigh repeating themselves about Nicole  and talking about how mean she is and  how she is a big threat in this game. Janelle says she hates her.Cody walks in and tells Bayleigh she was talking in her sleep about Nicole, Bayleigh says that is terrifying. She says i do talk a lot in my sleep when i am stressed out.
    8:27am BBT: Hg are up doing ADL's getting ready for the day and to pick players for the veto competition.
    8:30am BBT: Day walking through the house saying BB got them up at the butt crack of dawn and who gets up at the butt crack of dawn as she heads to the WA. Dani and Memphis in the LVR just talking general talk.
     8:37am BBT: WE get FOTH then goes to Puppy Cam as  they pick players for the POV competition.

  23. 7:45am BBT: Memphis sitting in the KT alone  drinking coffee, Kaysar now up goes to WC , washes hands and heads the STR for batteries. All lights are on in the BB house.
    7:48am BBT: Kaysar back in bed , Memphis still in KT looks to be deep in thought as he sits alone.
     7:58am BBT: Dani gets up goes to the WC then washes hands then back to bed , David is stiring around and getting up now.



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