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Posts posted by kitten200

  1. 9:30pm-10:00pm BBT: Hg continue to play never have i ever, they then switch to playing Mafia, Derek X explains how it is played and picks a detective, a nurse, and 3 mafia members, He then explains the game again as Hg are asking a lot of questions.

    10:00pm-11:00pm BBT:HG decide they want snacks and take a brake from the game and goes to the KT to make food, Frenchie is having cereal and says at home he has almond milk because that is what his kids drink but he likes the 2% milk better than any of it. In the LVR Alyssa is resting on Xavier's lap and he is rubbing her head, Kyland is asleep on Claire shoulder. They start a new game of Mafia with Travis taking over, Some HG are not going to play as they are getting tired.

    11:00pm-12:00am BBT: HG still playing the Mafia game as some HG are sleeping on others shoulders while the game continues, we keep getting WBRB. HG are counting down till midnight where the Have Nots can now eat and their have Not week is over.

    12:00am-12:30am BBT: HG cheering that the Have nots are over with and can now eat, Sarah is eating pizza and drinking wine as the four have nots make a toast and cheer their getting through the week on slop. Hannah and Derek X are talking about dancing and Hannah offers to teach him to dance but he says not on tv he won't. HG talk about where everyone is sleeping and Xavier, Christian and Alyssa says they will sleep in the have not room they just wanted food they do not mind sleeping in there.

    12:30am-1:00am BBT: Whitney and Brent are in the PP talking about noms next week and how he wants to put up Britni and Sarah, Derek F walks up and joins as Whitney leaves for a few minutes, Brent tells Derek F that they can not let the girls bond, Whitney comes back to join them and  Derek F changes the subject, Derek X walking by and they tell him he can join them as they talk about who would be good noms next week and who wouldn't. Tiffany talking make up with Clair, Hannah. Travis comes in and  is talking to Tiffany about  the eviction and  says he will campaign tomorrow, Tiffany tells him to go to Frenchie and talk to him and be the last to talk to him so maybe he will switch votes as she already promised Frenchie she would vote how he wanted.

    1:00am-1:30am BBT: Travis tells Tiffany that when they came into the house the first group and they all agreed that none of them would go home on their HOH and Frenchie said it first. Travis then says that Frenchie told him that Tiffany is always safe with him and they he would never put Tiffany on the block, Kyland comes into the room and talk goes back to make up. Kyland head to the WA to get ready for bed.

    1:30am-2:30am BBT: Kyland and Sarah and Tiffany have a conversation about how to brush teeth and Kyland shows them how he does it with 2 different toothpaste every night. Britni and Derek F are talking in the YBR about who she will nominate if she is HOH and she says Derek X and a pawn and if the veto is used she will backdoor Brent, she says she is watching that team close, Azah comes in and Britni tells her the same thing Britni says she saw a different Sarah tonight then she has  the last few days  and says she is savage, Britni tells them she wants HOH this week because she only feels safe with her own team mates and Tiffany .Derek F says he is tired and goes to sleep quickly.

    2:00am-2:30am BBT: Tiffany and Travis now talking again about him talking to Frenchie as Frenchie loves Derek X and  can influence him. Tiffany tells him they are here to play Big brother not best friends, she then tells him to not put his heart into this game. He tells her Frenchie is running this house and the girls are scared of him, Tiffany says because he is HOH is all.

    2:30am-3:00am BBT: Brent, Hannah, Whitney and Derek X meet up to talk game. Brent is telling them that a girl must go  next week, He tells them it is a numbers game and then tells them that Britni is smart and is a teacher Derek X tells them that breaking up a girls alliance will be easy for them. Hanna is insisting the girls have no alliances this year at all, Whitney says she does not trust Clair. Hanna is not happy with them saying a girl has to go and leaves, Brent  they have the numbers to win if they play this right but Hannah wants to be why does it have to be a girl.

    3:00am-4:00am BBT: Brent leaves his team meeting and goes to talk to Xavier and Frenchie. Xavier ask who Derek X would put on the block if he was to win HOJH and Brent tells them that he will put up anyone we tell him to. Frenchie tells Brent that no-one outside their alliance can ever win POV as they need control and he says he needs respect from everyone, Brent tells him that he will tell him everything he knows. Azah and Hannah talking and Azah tells her that Frenchie does not operate as a team and he can not say anything to her because he only covers himself not his team. she then tells her that Frenchie wants an all girls alliance so he can know what is going on with the girls. Brent walks by and they talk clothes and shoes.

    4:00am-5:00am BBT: Frenchie and Whitney talking in the PP Whitney tells Frenchie she loves him  and they he is her final 2 Whitney goes to bed and Frenchie is alone talking to his pictures saying he likes being a king. All HG in bed sleeping and lights are out.

  2. 9:01pm BBT: Frenchie in the gym working out then goes to the KT walking around then goes to the STR and gets a drink of lemonade . Frenchie  now joins back in the game in the LVR. 

    9:18pm BBT: the never have i ever game continues in the LVR with all the HG and a lot of laughing going on between the WBRB.

    9:25pm BBT: The HG are now going to play charades and split up in teams of 8 and we get WBRB.

  3. 8:38pm BBT: Most HG in the LVR playing never have i ever, Christian, Brent and Travis in the PP talking general talk.

    8:47pm BBT:  Brent, Christian, Travis and Derek X in PP still talking about investing  while the other Hg are still in the LVR playing never have I ever and laughing at each other.

    8:57pm BBT: game of never have i ever continues in the LVR, Christian in the KT making a protein drink.

  4. 12:00pm BBT: Frenchie and Kyland in the STR talking about votes and if Travis might have the votes to stay, Frenchie says he felt pressured to put Travis on the block but he says he likes the kid. Most HG in the BY talking general talk.

    12:22am BBT: HG sitting around BY talking General talk, Derek F and Alyssa in the KT. and we get WBRB

    12:27pm BBT: Kyland and Alyssa in the KT talking about the votes for Thursday and Alyssa says when she talks about it she feels nervous so Kyland says then do not talk about it and Derek F says yeah do not talk about it, Kyland says has anyone ever been in a 3 way showmance and Derek F says he is in a 6 way showmance.

    12:40pm BBT: Derek F, Kyland and Travis in the KT eating and talking about going outside in the sun and sweating. Frenchie, Azah, Clair and Hannah in the BY talking and Hannah says i feel good about you all here and Frenchie agrees with her. they are whispering a lot about Sarah wanting to win so bad and how she told Frenchie about all of it.

    12:47pm BBT: Derek X and Alyssa in the BY by the weights talk and Frenchie comes over and Alyssa says we need to figure out our prank and Frenchie says flour in the shower, Alyssa says ok your pouring it i am on the block and laughs then Frenchie says i will and he laughs.

  5. 11:05am BBT: Brent and Alyssa talking in the BY about people that are attractive in the house and who might like who. Most HG sitting on the lounge in the BY just talking general talk. 

    11:15am BBT  Travis and Kyland in the STR trying to hide in the trash can, Kyland grabs an apple and starts eating it as they talk  about how many votes Travis needs to stay in the house.

    11:17am BBT: Christian and Alyssa in the SBR talking  about their first day in the house and about Alyssa getting sick. They then talk about things they do not like about themselves, Alyssa does not like her yellow teeth and she hates her chin. Travis and Kyland still in the STR talking about how they can get Alyssa voted out instead of him.

    11:25am BBT: Kyland talks to Azah in the LVR about someone going in the trash can to scare someone and ask if she would be willing to do that , she agrees and ask who he is trying to prank and he says i do not know. he ask who would you want to get and she says Frenchie then says no he would expect it from me then she says maybe Brent or Travis. Kyland laughs.

    11:30am BBT: Alyssa and Christian in the SBR talking about Christian modeling and how he does not like telling anyone because he does not like being stereotyped . Kyland and Azah in the LVR talking about how things are in the house and who needs to stay together like herself, Kyland Derek F and Tiffany and who might need to go . They are whispering a lot and can not hear names.

    11: 40am BBT: Kyland in the KT talking to Derek X and Hannah about the clocks being different this morning, Derek X says  they usually wake us up at ten so it is normal for the clock to be 30 minutes fast and Hannah says no i think this is the first time we are noticing this and we get WBRB

    11:45am BBT: Sarah and Britini sitting in the BY in the sun talking about  the wild card group, Sarah says anything competition based she does not trust herself to win it so she might not play anything. Kyland helps Hannah get in the trash can in the STR Frenchie comes in and walks back out and Kyland stops him  and tries to get him to go back in the STR and he wont go back in he knows what they are doing Frenchie gets others to come in and go to the STR .most HG in the STR making sure Azah is ok after Frenchie said she was down and she says she is ok and Hannah jumps out and scares them. Everyone talking loudly and laughing now.

    11:55am BBT: Hg going back to the BY and in the KT, Frenchie and Kyland in the LVR and Frenchie laughing saying he knew they was up to something he says i can tell when all of you are lying. Frenchie says you tried to get me but it did not work but someone today is going to be covered in flour and i will not be around when it happens and  no one will know when it will happen.

  6. 11: 10am BBT: Azah, Britini, Derek F. and Hannah all in the YBR talking about past HG they would like to meat in person some day.

    11:14am BBT: Frenchie talking with Sarah  in the KT about his son and the tragedy of losing him and how it effected him. Most HG doing ADL's and just talking general talk.

    11:30 am BBT: Sarah Claire and Tiffany talking as they do make up about getting a name for their alliance. In the GYM Kyland is telling Xavier to work out a little harder than he is.

    11:40am BBT: Tiffany, Sarah and Claire in the CR coming up with a name for their alliance as they say they want a casino name, they come up with the name Jackpot.  Tiffany and Claire still talking  and says that if they get HOH Alyssa will be their pawn as she is having no problems sitting on the block this week at all she is so calm.

    11:53am BBT: Derek X, joins the Jackpot alliance and they are talking  about families and how many siblings they have in their family.

  7. 10:30am BBT: Azah and Derek F talking in the YBR about they are close and then talk about  Kyland being paranoid about this veto meeting and Derek X says he needs to calm down.

    10:45am BBT: Alyssa Joins Derek F and Azah in the YBR and talk about Frenchie and Derek X saying they do not know how to play  this  Game. Alyssa goes over possible votes she would have.

    10:58am BBT: After a brief WBRB Derek F says people need to chill it is always game talk  they are not having fun they need to stop talking game and have some fun in this house.

  8. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Frenchie going around making sure  that Alyssa would stay over Travis if he puts Travis up during the POV meeting. Frenchie then talks to Derek X. about Kyland being so nice to him to get off the block and how Kyland is making a final 2 deal with him at the same time, Derek X just sits and listens. General talk going on around the BY and house about the veto and about Frenchie being nervous.


    1:00am-2:00am BBT: Frenchie is Talking to Alyssa  now about the Veto and if it will be used or not and he tells her that Sarah would vote to keep Kyland, Alyssa has a shocked look on her face and says oh really. Derek X and Travis are talking now and Derek X. tells him he may not use the POV at all as it has not been decided yet. Xavier goes to the HOHR and talks to Frenchie and tells him he needs to calm down and relax , Frenchie is getting upset with Xavier for telling him this. Derek X., Brent, and Travis come to the HOHR with Xavier and Frenchie to talk and get Frenchie to chill.

    2:00am-3:00am BBT: Frenchie tells the them that this is the hardest HOH ever and how he got sick, He then talks to Derek X. and tells him that Kyland is going to win this game and that no one cares about Alyssa, He says maybe we need 2 men on the block and let them battle it out.

    3:00am-4:00am BBT: Frenchie still talking about wanting 2 men on the block and taking Alyssa down since Kyland upset him tonight. Travis and Frenchie at the memory wall talking about who could be a replacement non and who would vote for who. Most HG getting ready for bed  as it is late in the BB house.

    4:00am-5:00pm BBT: Brent tells Derek X. Frenchie, Travis  that maybe they need to leave the noms the same then Derek X says no that might be bad for my game, He says if Kyland stays on the block then it seems i am a liar and unloyal as i already told him several times i would take him off the block, Christian joins the HOHR Travis leaves, Travis  tells them if Kyland leaves  he could tell about their alliance of the slaughterhouse so Travis needs to go now. HOHR breaks up and starts getting ready for bed.


    8:05pm BBT: Tiffany reenacting Frenchie's NOMINATIONS AS Part of her dare in the game. Hg sitting around the table laughing.

    8:25pm BBT: Tiffany and Hannah in the RBR talking about how much they love Derek X and how much they like Claire but she does not feels comfortable, Hannah says she is the same way, They then talk about how they really like everyone in the house as there is a good group of people in the house this year.

    8:40pm BBT: Tiffany and Hannah still talking about what kind of person Tiffany is and we get WBRB.

    8:56pm BBT: Frenchie saying he might tell Derek X not to use the POV as he talks to Alyssa and Brent, They use the chess pieces and try to figure out votes.

    8:59pm BBT: Frenchie going over each HG and tells Alyssa if she stays on the block she has guaranteed 8 votes to stay here 100%. She ask are you sure and he assures her she will stay. In the BY Britini , Travis and Derek X. are playing a game of pool.


    9:05pm BBT: Frenchie talking to Derek X. about not using the POV and how he wants to keep them working together a secret. Derek X. leaves and Travis comes up and he ask if Noms stay the same who do you keep? Travis says i want to do whatever you want done, Frenchie says i do not know i am torn, Travis says so you want my opinion and Frenchie says yes, Travis says let me get back to you on that, Xavier is next and says he is asking everyone the same thing.

    9:16pm BBT: Frenchie has talked to Hannah now and she really doesn't know she wants to think about it if Travis goes up who would she vote out Travis or Alyssa? She says she will let him know. She leaves and Kyland comes up and Frenchie ask him you come off the block who you vote out Travis or Alyssa? Kyland is  talking in circles and not giving answers and acting like he is confused about what Frenchie is asking and we get WBRB.

    9:25pm BBT: Kyland says he will vote Travis and Frenchie starts talking about himself and he knows he will be going on the block at some point and how he could have rolled the dice to be safe 2 week. Frenchie just keeps repeating himself. Most HG in the BY talking general talk and playing pool.

  10. 4:00 - 5:00PM BBT: Most HGs are in the backyard laying by the pool, Swimming or working out, Britini and Derek X are in the Yacht Club bedroom talking about his Veto win and how he had a celebration dance when he won. Derek X moves to the livingroom with Xavier and Kyland just talking general talk when Frenchie jumps out from behind the chair and scares Derek X. 

    5:00 - 6:00PM BBT: Christian told Derek F that Frenchie had offered him a Final Two deal. Christian said he told Frenchie yes but didn't mean it He says that only Derek F. is his final two Derek F agrees to this also and Christian says no one else knows about this so do not say anything. A lot of general talk around the house and around the pool. 

    6:00 - 7:00PM BBT: :Alyssa and Brent in the hammock talking about Derek X and how he told Frenchie that he talked to Derek X. and told him to use the Veto and get Frenchie trust back and let Travis go on the block. AT the POOL Azah and Sarah are sitting by the pool with Xavier, Xavier sees Kyland coming to jump in the pool and moves and lets Azah and Sarah get splashed. HGs are all getting ready to play Pool table truth or dare. They all pick a number ball and if it gets hit in they give that person with that number a truth or dare, Sarah is up and gets Frenchie number and has Frenchie wear the floating flamingo the rest of the night.

    7:00 - 8:00PM BBT: Pool table truth or dare continues as HGs are dressing up as each other and acting like each other, Just general talk, laughing and screaming going on.


    11:06am BBT: In the Dinning room area tiffany is braiding Christian's hair while Britini watches from the balcony. In the HOHR Frenchie talks to Britini. he ask her like team wise is there anyone you would like to be here more or is there anyone like you think does not want to be here and she says no he says everyone is being good to you right and she says yeah everyone is being good to me,, Britini says i have and feel a good urge with Tiffany and the Frenchie says he does not want to put a woman up on the block at all.

    11:11am BBT: Frenchie says there has not been a season that a jock went home first and i want one to go home first not a woman.   Britini ask who he wants out and he says Brent she asked who would be a pawn and he says i do not know.

    11:20am BBT: Britini says she like Kyland a lot but she wants to stay core to the four. Frenchie says he had to work hard yesterday and wanted to win to keep his team safe he says we have a good team here. He says he was thinking of having the four of them in different aspects of the house but yet they all stay together. He says like Derek F. is getting all kinds of information you know stuff like that. he then says he wants them to all come together as a team and we trust each other.

    11:25am BBT: Frenchie continues talking to Britini about a core alliance and who he might =can trust and who he can not trust. Britini says Derek X. connects with everyone really fast but i feel like he is a big social threat but he is chill too. Frenchie says yeah he is the next one that needs to go. Britini says you have an awesome intuition and man. Frenchie says he needs to talk to someone else and he will talk to her later.

    11:31am BBT: Frenchie and Brent are now talking in the HOHR.  Frenchie says i just want to see where your head is.. he says i just want to see who you feel good about and who you don't because some people don't get along so i just wanted to see where you was at. Brent says thank you for taking your time to talk to me. Brent says first don't ever be afraid to show your passion for your family man. Frenchie says that is why i wanted to talk to you is because i thought you was upset with me yesterday so i wanted to make sure. Brent says no and like i said first off I love the passion you have for your family.

    11:38am BBT: Brent tells Frenchie that is is hard when he came in he was like he has his family and you know i lost my dad when i was young and you have yours listening to your letter made me think you was lucky, Frenchie gets up and gives Brent a hug.
    11:47am BBT: Frenchie and Brent repeating themselves in the HOHR. Derek F. doing dishes and cleaning the KT 
    11:50am BBT: Frenchie tells Brent he is thinking about putting a guy and a girl up on the loosing team  then ask him if he wins HOH next week if he will keep him safe and Brent says yeah i would. we now have FOTH PUPPY CAM.

  12. 1:02pm BBT: Nicole in the LL talking to herself saying she has overcome with everything that has been thrown at her this year and says yeah i will make it to the final 2 chairs and then she says i have overcome all that has been thrown at me, She then says that isn't to strong but it is good, 

     1:11pm BBT: Nicole is going over the moves she has made all season to remind the jury what she has overcome and how she had to hide her votes because she did not want Ian to blow up her game as he was walking out of the house. She says after Ian left she had to decide to use information she knew to survive in the double which was a triple, She says i survived that then i had to start winning comps and i did. She says i swept the week and got out Memphis. Then i did not have to win that last veto because i knew either Christmas or Cody would take me to final 3 and now i am final 3 and i won the first part of the HOH comp. now i just have to win the last part.

     1:16pm BBT: Enzo in the KT talking to  Cody and says day 84 man 84 days and we get stars.

    1:23pm BBT: Cody and Enzo in the KT talking general talk while Nicole is still in the LL repeating what she wants to say to the jury.

    1:27pm BBT: Nicole leaves the LL and goes to the WC as she smells her armpits. In the KT Cody is putting his sunglasses on saying the spot lights in the house are killing him. Enzo is walking around the Kt with his shades on also.

    1:32pm BBT: Nicole ask to use tweezers and tells Cody hers got lost she can not find them , Cody says use these wash them and put them back do not forget, Cody goes to see if the tweezers were lost in the couch but he says there are no cracks in the couch so they can not be there. Enzo says Christmas probably stole them. Cody says probably. Cody says that's weird they come up missing, Nicole says maybe she used them and forgot to give them back but i do not think so she was looking for them the day she left to use them on her bracelet.

    1:44pm BBT: HG are talking about Instagram and twitter and how bad it can get after being in the house and how many followers they have. Nicole doing ADL's in the WA.

    1:53pm BBT: Nicole is back to the LL to talk to herself again while Enzo and Cody are in the KT talking about past Hg and what reality shows they each might do.

     2:06pm BBT: Enzo sitting alone at the Kt table looking at the memory wall.

    2:08pm BBT: Cody comes into the KT from the WA, Enzo ask the time Cody says 2 and Enzo says i might workout and Cody says he might go lay down for a bit then workout for 30 minutes, Enzo says he has weights upstairs so he might use those and we get stars.

    2:13pm BBT: Feeds back with all 4 screens on Cody in the KBR in bed with eyes covered for his nap.

    2:18pm BBT: Enzo goes to the PBR to get his jacket and puts lip balm on then says one more night one night we had a grseat season and we will see what happens tomorrow man it is what it is as he puts the jacket on and heads back to the KT. he then heads upstairs  and is walking back and forth. In the LL Nicole is still repeating herself  on what to say to the Jury.

  13. 12:04pm BBT: Cody in the WA talking to Nicole says he missed a spot on his leg and grabs his electric razor and shaves the spit he missed, He ask Nicole who is in the KT if she is making coffee as she grabs her makeup bag and heads to the WA.

    12:09pm BBT: Nicole makes a milk coffee and goes to the LL and says her face looks real rough and swollen as she begins to put her facemask on.

    12:10pm BBT: Nicole whispering saying ok i have to come up with the answer to this question: why do you deserve to win 500 thousand dollars.

     12:21pm BBT: Cody in the KT making breakfast talking to the camera saying tomorrow they get to get out of this house and one will be a looser and another will be a number 2 loser and one will be a winner but they all will be a loser. Nicole is still in the LL talking to herself mumbling about what she is going to say tomorrow to the jury.

    12:24pm BBT: Cody says he thinks he is going to make cookies tonight and Nicole comes out of the LL and ask Cody if he is scared of her and he says no as he talks in an accent. Enzo is now awake getting up and putting his pants on. Nicole is in the CBR going through drawers.

    12:36pm BBT: Cody making his eggs and cheese and talking in his accent about the pan being to hot. Nicole in the LL sitting asking why Nicole why do you deserve that? then sits in silence.

    12:40pm BBT: Enzo joins Cody in the Kt as he talks in his accent Cody ask him if he would like to join him and tells Enzo top of the morning  then ask him to watch his bacon as he goes to the DR. Enzo is laughing at the accent talk.

    12:50pm BBT: Cody and Enzo in the KT playing around talking in accents while Enzo washes dishes and Cody  prepares the rest of his food. Nicole still in the LL trying to figure out what she wants to say to the Jury on why she should be the winner of BB.

     12:57pm BBT: Cody now cleaning up his breakfast mess while Enzo eats. Cody getting some coke saying don't judge me its one o'clock i do not care if i just woke up. He then gets the backgammon game out to play himself again. 

  14. 3:00pm BBT: Nicole says my first  thing would be like  I think letting the jury know I spent a lot of time getting to know them ummm , you got this Nicole she says I was thinking about starting my intro like i have spent 254 days in the BB house more than anyone else and that was no accident. she then starts over saying  when i stepped in this house my strategy had to change  because I had a target on my back. she says hey Jury i have spent 254 days in this BB house more than any other HG and i do not think that was by accident when i walked into this all star season and i was one of two winners i had to change my strategy , she says lets start over again and says she has to go get something.

    3:22pm BBT: Nicole is in the LL going over her jury speech and how she put herself in certain positions in the house and with certain people like Ian and day and won when she needed to. Cody is upstairs running back and forth while Enzo is still asleep in the PBR.

     3:30pm BBT: Nicole is still talking in the LL about who she got out of the house and the comps she played and how she got big players out as she spreads food(not sure what she is using) out to strategize with. She goes from week to week as she tells what she has done through the game and how she got to final three.
    3:40pm BBT: Enzo laying in bed with his eyes open, Cody is still running back and forth upstairs and Nicole still in the LL thinking about the season and what to tell the jury.

     3:51pm BBT: Cody  finishes his workout and heads to the CBR to get clothes then heads to the shower.

  15. 12:05pm BBT: Cody getting out of bed and putting his sweat pants on  then makers the bed in the KBR, Grabs his mic   goes out stops to get a shirt  then walks to the WA to brush his teeth.

    12:12pm BBT: Cody finishes brushing his teeth wets his hair , puts eye drops in his eyes then puts his shirt and mic on grabs his towel then heads to the CBR to put his towel away, He goes to the STR  grabs  some eggs and heads to the KT.

     12:21pm BBT: Cody puts bacon in the oven then starts to wash the dirty dishes left from lastnight. Nicole and Enzo are still sleeping.

    12:37pm BBT: Cody is now setting at the island eating his scrambled eggs and chees with his bacon and coffee.

    12:45pm BBT: Cody now playing himself in backgammon as he drinks his coffee.

  16. 1:02pm BBT: Nicole and Cody are arguing over if an avocado is ripe or not and she tells him he does not know what ripe means and he says i do too it smells like an apple it is not ripe and Nicole says it is over ripe so it is just righty and Cody says no over ripe is moldy. They continue to argue over who is right or wrong.

    1:05pm BBT: Enzo tells Cody that Nicole said he legs were sore from the comp lastnight and Cody says yeah my arms are sore. 

    : 1:09pm BBT: Talk about the comp lastnight and winging on ropes and how Enzo was trying to grab the house and they wouldn't let him they made him let go. Enzo says i wanted to sit down on that thing yo it was getting me he says  the biggest endurance comp of the season and it was 15 minutes as he shakes his head.

    1:15pm BBT: Nicole and Cody talking about the advantages of the ropes lastnight and the disadvantages and how Cody could pull the rope and dangle his feet so that was an advantage as Cody says i have 90 more pounds on you and Nicole says we was even. Cody says but you didn't hit the wall and Nicole says yes she did and you will see it on the show i did at the beginning. Enzo says i was just spinning and getting dizzy and sick yo. Cody and Nicole start laughing.

    1:18pm BBT: Enzo is telling about  them talking about his eyes open lastnight on the rope as he was spinning and he thought production said his fly was open and he was looking, Nicole is laughing hysterically saying  it was so funny he thought they was saying fly and he was looking. Enzo says i should have jumped off after 1 minutes yo it was so embarrassing.

    1:21pm BBT: Enzo says he just wanted to sit down  and Nicole says i was laughing you was on the moon and Enzo says i wanted to pull myself up on the moon and Nicole says i heard you say you was going to pull yourself up with the moon and Enzo stands and says he  grabbed the moon and sit on it then went to slide off it and thought let me get off of here i have embarrassed myself enough here. All 3 HG are laughing.

    1:32pm BBT: Nicole talking about  her other season she played and how Janelle threw her under the bus and how it blew up her whole game.

    1: 36pm BBT: Nicole and Enzo talking about the trust that was broke between HG and  reason why they might have been put on the block and Enzo and Nicole both say that could not trust Day.

    1:49pm BBT: HG are just sitting at the KT table talking about other HHg and why they did things they did and then Nicole tells Enzo he was so funny this year then they go back to talking about past HG and Nicole  says she liked watching Tyler on his season and she liked watching Hayleigh and Enzo says yeah she was cute, Nicole says i really liked watching Tyler he was edited good for TV and won AFP and he was just good you know what i mean and Enzo says yeah. Cody gets up and goes to the WA and flosses his teeth.

  17. 12:05pm BBT: Nicole says she trusted Day and day trusted kevin and kevin listened to her, Enzo says they all 3 that are left had the best social game this year and Nicole says yeah Cody had a great social game and you had a great one and mine was ok i guess. Enzo says you had a good one you had him on your side and Kevin and Ian on your side you had a good social game also. Enzo then starts whispering saying he is terrified of Cody and he just has to think about his kids. They then talk about what the questions might be for the final 3 hoh.

    12:08pm BBT: Enzo says that Christmas is gonna walk out there saying this is what was going on in there yo and then Memphis is going to blow up and then Dani will say crap too. Nicole talks about Dani was against the core 4 and Enzo agrees and then says it is over yo. He then says that Memphis would make him upset  as he would go to bed at 10pm and get up early and drink coffee and no one was going after him and i was like he had to go yo. Nicole says yeah he was scary he had to go that is why i wanted to put him up.

    12:11pm BBT: Enzo says he is worried about this 2nd comp yo and Nicole says just relax and be patient and you got this. They then say how Christmas would act and about how Christmas got played, Enzo says he did not trust her.

    12:15pm BBT: Enzo telling Nicole about Christmas going to his HOHR and waiting for him to get out of the shower and was upset she was on the block and how she did not understand why he did not give her a heads up. He said he just listened to her as he wanted to ask her if she was HOH was he going to go up but he says he did not ask that he just left it alone.

    12:21pm BBT: Nicole and Enzo going over  what other Hg have done and said in the game and about how they got Memphis and Christmas out blindsided and how they were mad and probably said all kinds of things. Then talk about the comps and Enzo says he loved the Wall Comp and the puppet master comp because Kaysar went out first he was happy about that.

    12:27pm BBT: Nicole goes to the WC saying man what is Cody doing in there and Enzo says i think he is in the room, Enzo goes and checks the room and says he is not in there he must be back in the DR.

    12:29pm BBT: Enzo says it messed him up when he was HOH the first time and he did not win one for awhile after that because he had no target then Enzo says he was upset that David took the money in the comp and then the way he ran out of the house, That was messed up yo know what i mean? Nicole heads to the STR and we get stars.

    12:33pm BBT: Nicole is making herself something to eat and Enzo says he is going to wash these dishes and then take a nap and relax, He then says 5 more days and Nicole tells him yeah we have a lot to do.

    12:37pm BBT: Enzo talking about taking his kids trick or treating and then maybe going to a bar sometimes after he takes them home, Nicole says yeah i feel like if things are open then there might be a lot of parties.

     12:45pm BBT: Enzo and Nicole talking about Halloween parties in different cities, Enzo went to one in Vegas and he said it was so much fun yo.

     12:48pm BBT: Enzo says he feels like everyone is going to want him to do podcast and everything when he gets out of here but  he says i am telling you people i am not doing anything nothing after i get out of here i am going home i am doing nothing.

    12: 49pm BBT: Cody comes out of the DR as Enzo heads to the WC and Nicole says there you are, Cody goes and grabs socks and then heads  to the KT. Nicole ask what was going on and Cody says not a lot and he goes to the STR to see what all was restocked.

    12:52pm BBT: Cody in the KT making himself some eggs while Nicole sits and watches and he looks at the pan and she tells him it looks like  old butter and he says it looks like a dirty pan look how dirty this is as he shows it to Nicole.

     12:56pm BBT: Enzo ask does Christmas go to the round table today and Nicole says i think tonight, Enzo tells them that is going to be some good TV man you know what i mean? He says Dani will say the core 4 Nicole laughs.

  18. 1:03pm BBT: Nicole rolling her hair in the WA, Everyone else in the KKT talking general talk.
    1:15pm BBT: Feeds come back and Enzo is saying the waited walk like Laverne and Shirley then he says as he walks we are gonna walk out there and  it is going to be golf or we are going to swing on a rope or stand on bottles.  Cody and Enzo then talk about how they get to be in every package  and Nicole says yeah everyone. They yell we get to be on national tv.

    1:22pm BBT: Cody playing basketball in the LVR area while Enzo lays on the couch, Nicole is in the shower and Christmas doing her hair and make up.

    1:32pm BBT: Cody in the WA shaving while Christmas curls her hair and she ask him do you want me to act surprised when you don't evict me and Cody laughs and says oh yeah, Christmas says ok don't be surprised. Enzo is now in bed in the PBR reading his letter.

    1:55pm BBT: Cody is in the shower, Nicole in the KBR doing her makeup again, Christmas doing her hair in the WA.

  19.  12:05pm BBT: Nicole and Christmas in the WA , Christmas is braiding her hair as Nicole looks through  a cosmetic bag. Enzo in the HOHR listening to music while Cody is vacuuming the house.

    12:13pm BBT: Enzo walking up and down the upstairs area, Cody is washing dishes while Nicole and Christmas look for tweezers.

     12:18pm BBT: Cody laying in bed in the PBR counting how many pictures there are of himself on the wall. Christmas comes in asking if he wants to play backgammon and he says maybe in a little while and he needs his glasses as the lights are peircing his face, Christmas sits down and we get FOTH.

    12:21pm BBT: Christmas polishing her toe nails in the PBR ask BB if they are getting locked down and ask what the deal is. Nicole in the WA doing a face mask.

    12:30pm BBT:  Nicole and Christmas in the WA talking about face mask and general talk, Cody laying in bed with eyes covered and now covers his head. Enzo in the kT making food.

    12:45pm BBT: Christmas making food while Enzo eats , Cody making eggs, a Nicole doing make up in the WA. just general talk going on as they smack their food.

  20. 9:05am BBT:  All HG still sleeping. as we get Stars maybe a wake up call.

     9:14am BBT: Feeds are back and all lights are on in the house  as HG still sleep.

     9:27am BBT: Memphis is up in the STR changing his batteries then heads to the kt and looks around.

     9:30am BBT: Memphis making coffee in the KT, Nicole awake looking at her pictures and smiling as she lays in bed then reads her letter again.

    9:37am BBT: Nicole puts her letter away and says she is so tired as she gets up and goes to the WC.

    9:39am BBT: Christmas is up out of bed now and goes to the STR to change her batteries as Memphis walks around the KT waiting for the coffee to finish making. Christmas goes in the KT and says the Nomination thing is up on the screen as she heads to the WC.

    9:43am BBT: Nicole gets called to the DR and goes downstairs where Memphis tells her good morning she says she is still tired and looks at the clock then heads to DR saying wow it already says nominations today it is so early what the heck, She goes to the STR to change her batteries first and her and Christmas talk about how much food is in the STR.
    9:55am BBT: Nicole in the HOHR doing her face mask and looking through her HOH basket while Memphis sits alone in the KT drinking his coffee.

  21. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Nicole F. is settling in the HOH room.  Enzo, Christmas and Cody are in the room while Nicole F gets her things moved around. Memphis has gone to bed in the KBR. Christmas and Enzo eat Nicole's snacks as they talk about Enzo sleeping in a room alone now and she tells him  he lives in the graveyard. Nicole is laying in her bed reading her letter  while Cody listens to music, Enzo gets up says he is tired and heads to bed, Christmas says her goodnights and hugs Nicole and heads to bed also. Christmas in the KBR says she will unpack her things tomorrow  because she is tired tonight . Christmas and Memphis talk about there comp and Memphis says he messed that one up and says he beat himself in that comp. Memphis says it will be himself and Christmas on the block this week now, Memphis says they have to win veto this week so they will have a renomination and then they will have the votes to get the  other person out and maybe send Enzo home. Lights out in the KBR  now as they go to sleep.

    1:00am-2:00am BBT: Cody and Nicole in the HOHR talking about  the HOH Comp. Cody says that Christmas was about to win the game and she dropped a ball because she seen Memphis  was close and she panicked then Memphis dropped a ball. Nicole says she had one ball left and took it slow and then won. They then talk about Dani and Tyler's game play and how they liked them but Dani played sloppy and Tyler was a threat as he is a beast. Nicole and Cody talk about wearing the same piece of  clothes every week for luck in the comps. Nicole then tells Cody she is  worried about next week since she can not play HOH and he tells her he has her not to worry. Cody heads downstairs to the KT.

    2:00am-3:00am BBT: Enzo up and in the WA, Cody gets himself something to drink and  a snack and heads back to the HOHR and Enzo follows. They then talk about the comp with Nicole and how Memphis had dropped Balls and thought they were Enzo's till Enzo told him no they was his so he had to start over. A lot of repeating going on in the HOHR.

    3:00am-4:30am BBT: Cody and Enzo leave the HOHR and go to the KT looking for ants  Enzo says the spray is making them multiply instead of killing them. They then head to the bed  and lights out. Nicole lays in bed reading her letter then gets up turns off light and goes to bed for the night.



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