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Posts posted by kitten200

  1. 11:13am BBT: Christmas has gotten her suitcase out of the STR and taken it to the KBR to start packing her things. She tells Memphis she has friends who are big BB fans and she will take them some of these shirts she has gotten on BB.
    11:37am BBT: Nicole is now up in the WA doing ADL's Memphis walking around the house while Christmas is still folding her clothes in the KBR.

    11:39am BBT: Christmas talks to Memphis in the KBR saying she has to have athletics gear for tomorrow is what they said so i will leave this out here. Nicole  doing makeup in the WA and Enzo comes in and they talk about Memphis asking if they stayed up all night and they told him no. Enzo says this is campaign day crap as he walks out of the WA.

    11:44am BBT: Christmas walks into the WA to get ready for the day as Memphis leaves and she says he looks creepy and Memphis says don't say i am creepy  then Christmas says  she said he looked creepy not that he is creepy.

    11:51am BBT: Enzo, Tyler, Nicole and Memphis in the LVR talking about animals and horses and laughing telling about  stories of horse racing. Christmas in the WA doing ADL's and no sight of Cody this morning.

  2. 10:03am BBT: Memphis laying in bed  staring sat the walls. Enzo and Tyler sleeping in the PBR. Christmas comes in the rom with Memphis they talk and laugh about Dani whispering. Memphis yawns and they go silent.

    10:12am BBT: Christmas and Memphis are laying in their beds in the KBR awake just staring at the walls. All other HG still sleeping.

    10:18am BBT: Christmas is now in the KT with Memphis making coffee as they told about how old Memphis feels.

    10:42am BBT: All cameras are on Enzo and Tyler sleeping in the PBR.

    10:43am BBT: Christmas in the KT alone talking to the cameras saying she is going to win HOH if she is still there tomorrow then she is going to wish Loyal a happy happy  Birthday. She talks about how Nicole is a target  and how she is close to Cody, She then says if she wins HOH she wants to put up Nicole and Cody on the block, Memphis comes back in and talk stops.

    10:50am BBT: Enzo is now up  and goes to the STR to change his batteries then he goes right back to bed and covers his eyes. Memphis and Christmas still in the KT talking general talk.

  3. 11:11am BBT: Memphis and Christmas eating breakfast in silence, Enzo and Tyler still asleep in the CBR and Cody still sleeping in the HOHR while Nicole is walking around in the KT.
    11:17am BBT: Christmas tells Nicole she put her tye dye shirt in the wash with the towels yesterday and it got put in the dryer before the lock down so it should be in the STR and we get stars.

    11:24am BBT: Nicole in the LL studying past comps and wins and pov's. Christmas making a fresh pot of coffee then goes to get dressed. Memphis sitting in the KT alone.

    11:41am BBT: It is almost time for the Memphis morning show with co host Christmas and we get stars.

    11:47am BBT: Memphis in the morning has started as they laugh and tell the Live feeders they love them and Memphis they love at the Memphis fans. They then talk about  hermit crabs.

    11:54am BBT: Feeds come back from stars and Tyler is in the LVR with Nicole listening to Christmas and Memphis talk about the presidential race as they laugh.


  4. 10:04am BBT: Nicole has finished her shower and is now getting her robe on. All other HG in bed sleeping. BB announces HG must be awake  between 10am and 10pm, Nicole says we are awake.

     10:06am BBT: Memphis says he is getting up to go make some coffee as he sits up in bed, Christmas covers her head up as she rolls over in her bed.

    10:15am BBT: Christmas and Memphis talking about what to say on the morning show today and what topics they can use. Nicole in the WA doing ADL's and cleaning mirrors.

    10:29am BBT: Nicole ask if Memphis is doing her morning show and he says i guess, Christmas says i am making him do it, Nicole tells them she wants to watch this time and ask Christmas if she is a special guest and Christmas tells her no i am a co host.
    10:40am BBT: Christmas and Memphis sitting in the KT drinking coffee talking about piano lessons and Memphis says he and his son were going to start guitar lessons but then it was COVID so they did not get to.

    10:54am BBT: Memphis and Christmas in the KT talking general talk, Nicole in WA doing ADL's , all other HG still sleeping. Christmas is now going to make breakfast and heads to the STR.

  5. 1:00pm BBT: Enzo telling Cody everything that Kevin told him lastnight and how Kevin promised everyone anything, Enzo says i will leave him a nice goodbye message yo you know what i mean yo and i will tell him tomorrow morning he is leaving. Cody says i do not trust Kevin he scares me  and he is here to play but David is just here he is not playing the game.

    1:10pm BBT: Cody and Enzo talking about what Dani might do after this eviction and he says what will happen in a double and Enzo says i do not know. Cody says Nicole and Dani are always talking and Enzo says they have to have something to talk about why not ys and we get stars.

    1:13pm BBT: Christmas comes into the HOHR and Enzo starts working out and says he is ready to finish this day and Cody says yeah because you want to eat dude. Cody ask Christmas if the room stinks and she says spray Febreze.

    1:23pm BBT: Cody, Christmas and Enzo in the HOHR still talking about Kevin and David and how Kevin needs to go and repeating what all Kevin has said and Cody says i have given Him a hard time all week.

     1:25pm BBT: Enzo says Kevin has chances to win and he never won nothing and he had a chance to win the POV he is not being back doored so i have no problem sending him home.

    1:36pm BBT: David in the LVR eating cereal talking to Tyler, Dani and Nicole and Kevin just general talk going on. In the HOHR Christmas says we have 3 weeks left in this game that is it and there are 9 people so this is it it is go time we have to be ready this is it.

    1:44pm BBT: Enzo tells Cody and Christmas he is going to go nap till 8pm then get up listen to music for 2 hours then get up and make mashed potatoes and other things so he can eat at midnight and we get stars.

  6. 11:11am BBT: Nicole saying she is running out of skin care things in the WA, says she should do it twice a day but only does it in the mornings because she does not have enough. Memphis and Christmas still in the LVR talking about getting together after the show and getting their  friends together.

    11:14am BBT: David working out near the stairs, Tyler now up in the WA.

    11:18am BBT: Memphis, Christmas and Dani talking about this being Enzo's last day on slop, Dani says i wonder who he will pick and Memphis says he feels like they will stop slop now.

     11:24am BBT: Cody is now up and heading to the DR. Tyler running upstairs back and forth for his workout. Memphis is eating cereal in the KT while Dani eats a banana in the LVR. Nicole, Christmas and David in the WA doing ADL's talking about playing backgammon.

    11:38am BBT: Nicole making breakfast, Tyler having coffee, Christmas is working out with  weights in the KT area, Memphis and Dani talking in the LVR about only having like 4 weeks left in the house.

    11:46am BBT: Hg are in the KT eating or  Working out  or sitting around talking general talk, Enzo in the DR. Cody says he is going to eat then shower.

    11:50am BBT: Hg are planning on wearing tye dye shirts today each one is different with different saying on them. David showing Cody how to cut a kiwi perfectly.

     11:58am BBT: HG all in the KT eating breakfast and talking general talk and about Enzo being on slop and how he was happy but his body is not happy.

  7. 3:01pm BBT: Cody tells Nicole everyone feels nervous right now but don't feel nervous. Nicole says she feels really guilty about things Dani already knows and Cody says i think it is Tyler telling her and Nicole says i know i just feel guilty and Cody tells her not to as she leaves the HOHR. In the KT Christmas is still making grilled cheese sandwiches and tomatoes soup. Kevin and Enzo are eating their slop.

    3:10pm BBT: Hg just sitting around the KT area eating and talking general talk.

     3:12pm BBT: Cody and Kevin in the LL talking about this going to be a double eviction, Kevin says i wanted to talk to you and after having a conversation with different people i am hoping that you are down for like me asking you to please consider that the difference between me and David is i have to put my chips on the table i have to adhere to what i have to offer you , I will offer to be a laying duck i just want to buy a week and i need to offer you s truce i will not comes after you but i do not think i can even win HOH or maybe consider letting the house decide what i will do if i go then that's ok. Cody says yeah let them decide i have talked to them and i thin k they are mad about the money thing with David so i think that is fair. Kevin says if it is split vote i am ok too and i would love to stay.

     3:15pm BBT: Kevin says i just want to hold on and i hope America respects me as too as i hope the HG do. Kevin says i am asking if you can let the rest of the house decide and they will probably agree with you. Cody ask to see if it will go in your favor? Kevin says yeah like you did before and like how we connected before.

    3:18pm BBT: Kevin says i know this is bad and i know you cant be HOH next week and i can follow through with this because i do not want people thinking i am a lier and if you help me and are willing to except this offer i will not put you up at all next week.

    3:22pm BBT: Tyler and Enzo in the HOHR talking and Tyler says he does not mind taking shots at whoever for Cody he says if we have to we have to. Enzo says yeah. Enzo says if Cody is sitting in the final 2 what has he done got rid of Kesha and Kevin what move is that he got to make bigger moves yo man.

    3:26pm BBT: Enzo talking about David and he needs to win one HOH yo he talks about donating all this money and you donate to your own pocket bro yo you know what i mean.

     3:28pm BBT: Tyler and Enzo talking about Kevin talking to them and Tyler says that Kevin came clean to me about the votes against me and about Day. Enzo says i know bro don't come saying crap now i said send Kevin to jury earlier yo know what i mean. He says Kevin is on the block this week he is gone you got to win to get anywhere yo know what i mean man yo.

     3:31pm BBT: Cody comes in the HOHR and Enzo says Kevin is giving everything yo and Cody says yeah he is giving everything he has but he was put in with a lot of strong players and David is clueless man he does not know anything man.

    3:32pm BBT: Christmas and Nicole cleaning the KT saying it looks good in there and Christmas says i think i am going to get a shower at least do something. Kevin comes in and washes the cutting board as Christmas and Nicole go to the KBR to play backgammon.

    3:43pm BBT: Memphis and Kevin in the LL talking, Kevin says he talked to Cody and Cody said he is mutual and that he says he will let the house vote as they want to vote and i am willing to put all my chips on the line right now and if you keep me i will go up as a pawn for you next week. Memphis says right now i am not voting for you to stay because of comitition wise and if you look you are a bigger threat than David is because David is clueless in this game and as a friend i am telling you this and be honest and i want to continue to be honest with you, And last week was not supposed to happen so i want to be clear with you. Memphis says that is how i feel right now and i want to be honest with you and i have to look at anyone who is up there also even if it was Cody.

    3:52pm BBT: In the HOHR Enzo, Tyler and Cody talking about winning HOH and Enzo ask if they will do something today and Cody says i hope so i want them to do something today, Tyler says like this morning we get a clip this this afternoon we get that surprise and then maybe Julie comes on and tells us it is an eviction and we get stars.

    3:55pm BBT: Kevin now talking to Nicole in the CBR saying he is trying to get the votes and trying to make them feel like they are safe i am offering everything i can. Kevin says i think it is you i need to talk to and i promise you i will not make you my target and not put you up and not backdoor you, Nicole saying ok and we get stars.

  8. 1:00pm BBT: Memphis and Nicole walking back and forth upstairs and Memphis saying that Dani and Cody both told him that they changed things up in the middle of their season. Nicole says it said stay tuned for a special something. Nicole says maybe it is a two day eviction imagine that.

     1:03pm BBT: Kevin and Enzo in the HNR talking , Kevin is saying how Enzo told him he wants to  shake things up and he campaigns that if David stays here they may switch things up and it could get harder, Kevin says i am thinking Enzo that you might be the 4th and i am thinking of a way you might keep me instead of David i am thinking what i can offer you because i do not know what David is offering but i know i am not coming after you. Kevin says i want to mess things up and if i go out i want to mess it up. Enzo says talk to Christmas about it and Memphis and let him know that if he stays he has 10 thousand dollars on him. Kevin says i feel that the money makes a difference and i do not know where David is i do not know where the house stands you know and Enzo says talk to the others but if you get 3 votes then get Cody and it might change , Enzo says i like you bro.

     1:10pm BBT: Kevin tells Enzo he might need him to go on the block as a pawn to get power out of the house  and i am willing to do that to go up as a pawn. Enzo says you have to get 4 votes yo and i would be scared to get the votes you know. Kevin says i feel like i cant get Nicole at all but i think i can offer Christmas a deal and i am trying to offer you a sweet deal but i feel like i have to do what i have to do and if i stay i feel like i can help you do what you need to do. Enzo says i trust you dude i do but it is this house and i feel like Cody is the HOH and i think he wants you out and there is nothing i can do.

    1:14pm BBT: Dani and Nicole in the PBR whispering, Dani says man i am stressed, She ask Nicole if she is thinking anything and Nicole says no i just hate when things happen so fast and it stresses me. Feeds switch to Memphis and Cody talking about Dani trying to drag Cody into things. Memphis says if you have an agenda then go do what you have to do. Cody says even Tyler was saying even to put Dani up on the block and i was like dude i am not doing your dirty work for you  so you win and put her up yourself.

    1:17pm BBT: Memphis says as the wise guys we need Enzo to go for it now and he listened to us for the Veto right so we need him to go on the defense. Memphis says he needs to play like  no one else is playing thins week you know what i am saying? Cody says if Dani wins i do not know what she is going to do.

     1:21pm BBT: Memphis says we have to set the ground work down and we put that down with the committee and now we have to do that with  the wise guys.

    1:24pm BBT: Kevin in the KBR with Tyler and says he is going to talk to Cody too and he says 1 i feel like i need to explain the situation when Dani nominated me and David used his power and you got put on the block i was like ok a big target next to me and  then i started getting worried and i was like why is Tyler so chilled out and it freaked me out so then Day won the Veto and it was extra weird and people were all over me and as a target i felt like something was wrong and she used the Veto and it has been like there has only been like 6 days since i have felt comfortable in this place and when Ian got put on the block i was chilled out. Kevin says as time progressed i thought Maybe David was right that Dani and Tyler was right and he wanted to make Dani show his cards then Day was like you have to go talk to David and we get STARS.

    1:30pm BBT: Kevin says to Tyler if you  would keep me i feel like you could use me on the block  as we are getting to the point where feelings will get hurt and mine will not get hurt i just need 5 more minutes in this house, I feel like America wants an all star season and i want you to know that i am fighting for it and if i win HOH i will not put you on the block for 3 or 4 weeks. He says i can be a guaranteed vote for you if you find yourself on the block too ok that is something i can offer you and i Know this is a tough decision, I just wanted to come clean to you, I just want to see if i can offer you anything to stay one more week i just want another week, 

    1:38pm BBT: Tyler tells Kevin he knows how he feels and Kevin says i am trying to offer a better deal than David and i do not know if you have an alliance with David i am basically offering you any better deal than David and if i can help you in any way. Tyler says if i am Honest with you you and David are the same but he did come clean to me before you did know what i mean and  Kevin says yeah.

    1:43pm BBT: Tyler says i want to give you an answer but i do not want to be the bad guy about it and Kevin says no i want you to think about it before you give me an answer.

    1: 44pm BBT: Kevin says if this is a fast forward week then people are going to start making moves. Tyler says  yeah  and he says he can kind of see what is going on in this house. Kevin tells him when he was on the block everyone was coming up say ng they was going to vote your butt out of the house and Tyler says i know i did not know what was going to happen.

    1:47pm BBT: Kevin says i just want you to know i will stand by my offer i promise i will. Christmas , Memphis and Cody in the HOHR talking about Dani and feeds switch back to Kevin and Tyler as Tyler says i do not want to lie to you so do not what to say and we get stars.
    1:51pm BBT: Memphis, Christmas and Cody talking about the comps they want to play in and then what comps they played in on their seasons. Tyler joins then now as they are laughing about hearing the comp set up and what they hear. 

     1:54pm BBT: David and Dani in the PBR talking about Dani thinking that this is going to be a fast forward week. David agrees. David says i did not understand it at the time but you put your neck out for me no matter how bad it was  . David says i feel like i can play this differently and i do not want you to think you are my next target in this house and i want to chance to win HOH and we get FOTH.

  9. 11:02am BBT: Memphis says a big Shout out to Biden and a Big shout out to President trump may the best Muppet win. He says you know the Muppets that sit together that's who they look like. much respect for them both. Memphis says we are going to wrap this up  and maybe you will see me again .

    11:07am BBT: Dani and Nicole in the WA doing ADL's , Most HG in the KT drinking coffee and talking general talk.

     11:11am BBT: Dani tells Nicole by the time they get out of the house it is going to be Halloween and time for the election and time to turn the clocks back, Nicole says yeah and Dani tells her that she does not even know what time zone they live in.

    11:19am BBT: All Male HG in the KT except Cody talking general talk and all the Female HG in the WA doing ADLs talking general talk.

    11:23am BBT: Cody comes down stairs sits his cup on the counter and heads to the DR. Nicole and Christmas talking about Nicole getting her sponsorship stuff in the mail and how she recycles everything. while Dani is doing her makeup and we get stars.

    11:36am BBT: Christmas, Kevin and Nicole in the WA doing ADL's talking about eye lashes, Dani in the KT making breakfast talking general talk to Memphis, Enzo and Cody.

    11:39pm BBT: Nicole and Christmas talking in the WA and Nicole says she is excited for Thursday and Christmas says me too no more Have Nots and i think you are the one who told me that right and Nicole says right.

    11:52am BBT: Cody and Nicole playing Backgammon, Christmas eating while watching them, Kevin and David at the KT island with Dani just sitting in silence, Memphis sitting at the table just drinking coffee in silence.

  10. 5:06pm BBT: Christmas in the HOHR thinking to herself and saying if Tyler won and we get STARS.
    5:11pm BBT:  Christmas studying  HOH and POV and NOMs in the HOHR. Dani and Cody hitting a ball around in the BY, Tyler laying and then gets up to go inside for a drink.

     5:25pm BBT: Dani tells BBB they will fight if he will give them beer and wine  she says it will be a good fight not an ugly fight, David and Kevin are laughing at her.

     5:31pm BBT: Christmas still in the HOHR studying dates and comps alone and talking out loud. Most all other HG in the BY just playing with beach balls and talking  about movies.
    5:33pm BBT: Christmas talking in the HOH an out how she is a visual learner and says how smart everyone is in this house and they know this stuff and she is studying trying to learn it all and she says in this game you have to play smart and this helps me just going through it. She then leaves the HOHR and heads downstairs.

    5:44pm BBT: Christmas in bed in the KBR talking about how Tyler wanted to leave the game a lot this season so he is no threat and how Memphis is a beast and will take her to final 2 and how she trusted Nicole but does not think she can trust her now, She says she misses everyone and misses her son but she will see this race through to the end, She says she adores Nicole but she is to i am gonna be there so that's scary, She says she has a good relationship with everyone in the hose except maybe Dani and Kevin. She says well at least for now they are not going to take a shot at me.

    5:47pm BBT: Most HG in the BY BB tells them to lower the awnings.

    5:54pm BBT: Memphis and Dani in the KT whispering about eviction and Dani says she really wants David gone and Kevin walks in from the BBY and they get quiet.

  11. 4:06pm BBT: Cody and Tyler still playing corn hole, Memphis still walking the BY, Dani, Christmas and David sitting on the lounge in the BY talking nap on the hammock, David says that Dani can swing him and she laughs.
    4:11pm BBT: Enzo in the KT making slop, Cody making food and we keep getting Stars.

    4:12pm BBT: Enzo says he is sweating while cooking, Tyler laughs at him then counts how many people are outside, Tyler says one person is missing and must be inside. Cody says we have one person missing we must find them and we get stars.

    4:23pm BBT: Kevin in the HNR making his bed, Enzo at the KT table eating his slop.

    4:31pm BBT: Dani walking in the KT saying Christmas is asleep and her things are in the washer and she does not know if they can go in the dryer or not, She talks loud in her mic telling BB to wake up Christmas, Enzo ask where she is and Dani says outside and we get stars.
    4:37pm BBT: Dani and Kevin talk about eating slop, Dani tells him he is doing awesome and he is almost there, She tells him in her season 8 they had to have slop and water only no milk and now they get milk and Kevin says yeah and the shower hack is awesome and the bed hack is awesome.

     4:50pm BBT: Nicole and Dani and Kevin in the KT talking general talk about food, Memphis walking the BY  Christmas and Tyler sleeping in the BY.

    4:57pm BBT: Dani now putting washing on  to wash as Kevin walks around the KT moaning. He then goes out to the BY.

  12. 1:00pm BBT: Christmas and Cody in the HOHR talking about  Her not trusting Dani in the house anymore and how she really has not trusted her since the beginning, In the BY Kevin and Memphis after talking and Kevin ask for His vote this week to stay and Memphis just listens and says yeah yeah as he eats his food.
    1:04pm BBT: Kevin says just so you know i never passed up safety just like you and Memphis says no you have been in a very difficult situation a lot and i think you have handled it very well. David comes out to the BY and  the talk stops.

    1:08pm BBT: Memphis goes in the house and Kevin says i can not believe i have been nominated 5 times and David says some people got nominated once and they are gone now and Kevin says yeah, then they talk about cooking the slop. In the HOHR Christmas is still talking about other HG and what they all said. They are complaining about Dani and how she talks to everyone but then ignores some people she says i do not mean to make this a gripe session and Cody says no no we have the same agenda.

    1:21pm BBT: Cody and Christmas still talking about who talked about who in the house and how in the OTEV game you couldn't hardly find the t-shirts but then at the end i found a lot of t-shirts. Christmas says it is like awareness. Christmas talks about they have only like 4 weeks and some change and Cody says i feel like we are going to have a Tyler ending this year  where it will be eviction after eviction.
    1:30pm BBT: Tyler in the KT cooking, Christmas in the KT grabs her shades and heads to the WC, David and Kevin in the BY talking about Day and Nicole when Nicole won her season and how Day changed Nicole's life then voted Day out of the house. David said i would never do that.

    1:35pm BBT: Kevin and David looking up at balloons flying up and Cody and Tyler comes out saying oh wow, Cody says what's going on this is like 2 days in a row balloons have gone up and we get STARS.
    1:36pm BBT: Kevin gets up and goes into the house telling David the food was good and thank you and David says you are welcome then says it is hot out here. David ask Tyler if he still sees the balloons and we get STARS.

    1:40pm BBT: Cody and Enzo in the HOHR, Cody says this is why i keep David for a pawn  so we can put him up and tell him your the pawn and put someone up that needs to be out and then we vote whoever out, That's why i need Dani and Tyler to shut up and stop saying to put Christmas up because why would i put Christmas up and get her out when she is a vote for me.

    1:44pm BBT: Cody and Enzo talking about Memphis being strong and a threat in comps  and how he has teamed up with Christmas and Christmas will go after Dani and Dani will go after Christmas, They say that some people need to go.

    1: 49pm BBT: Memphis, Dani and Christmas at the pool soaking up the sun just general talk going on while Enzo and Cody are in the HOHR talking about needing each other in this game.

    1:55pm BBT: Enzo walking about the HOHR talking saying yo as Cody makes his bed and we get stars.

  13. 3:02pm BBT: Enzo in the HOHR talking to Cody saying they need to go for the veto and win. Enzo says that he seen Dani and Kevin talking and i know they said something about the veto man. Cody says i only told you Memphis Dani and Nicole about putting up Christmas , Enzo says it was Dani bro, Enzo says it has to be Dani she has been messing up since the beginning man.
    3:05pm BBT: Cody saying that Christmas came to him and says that her name has come up like 3 times now and he says i never said anything to her so did you say anything and Enzo says no it is Dani man. Cody says if i find out Dani is talking i will put her butt up on the block i have no problem with that at all.
    3:07pm BBT: Cody says Dani talks to much and i know she will not come after us  right now but i do not want to put Dani up because everyone is coming after her and she knows she has to win everything now. Cody says if Dani is sitting next to David then Christmas has already told David that Dani will go so i do not want to put Dani up. Cody says i am glad Dani is not going to play she will throw it so they stay the same. Nicole will not throw it and Nicole and I will not take prizes at all and the noms will each take a prize but we aren't.
    3:13pm BBT: Enzo tells Cody that he thinks they are good next week even if Christmas wins i feel she will put up Dani  and David but if one comes off who would go up and Cody says i will. Cody says that Nicole said if she wins HOH and it is a double eviction that she will put Tyler and Memphis up on the block and whoever stays on the block goes home. 
    3:22pm BBT: IN the KBR Nicole and Christmas are playing a game, In the CBR Dani and Kevin are talking about winning the POV so Kevin can stay this week, IN the WA Memphis and Tyler are whispering about if they would have the votes to vote Christmas out if she went up as a replacement nom and In the HOHR is Enzo and Cody talking in circles about Dani, Christmas and Kevin  leaving the house. and about winning prizes.
     3:28pm BBT: Enzo says what can i eat now pickles and Cody says no have a proteins shake with almond milk do not use whole milk. Cody goes to the KT and then to the hall grabs a trashbag and heads back upstairs. Tyler is making food as Memphis just sits at the KT table.
    330pm BBT: Memphis is now in there HOHR with Cody while Enzo is in the WC in the HOHR. Memphis says ummmm and Cody says you think Tyler is going to go for it and Memphis says for us the wise guys are the final 3 and we do not want to mess around we need to get Kevin out. Memphis says that Cody is your boy just make it happen forget the money just make it happen.. Cody says once you take a prize you are out of the running with people who are taking punishments and like Nicole she said she is only taking punishments.
     3:36pm BBT: Memphis tells Cody and Enzo that they have to stay off the block for the next few weeks so they have to get Kevin out now so they can have the few weeks.  Kevin and Dani whispering in the CBR about David and Day being so close with Christmas and how Christmas shared chocolate with day she says that is so weird to me. and we keep getting stars.
    3:41pm BBT: Kevin tells Dani he just hopes that Dani will not be coming out of the house shortly after him, Christmas has now joined the HOHR telling them she was not upset with anyone that she was just frustrated that she did not get picked for the POV and she says i was not upset at Tyler cause he always gets picked. Christmas says i just wanted yall to know i was not upset with yall at all.
     3:44pm BBT: Enzo says he hope this is a veto with skill or maybe the pinball one where you have to shoot the ball in something. Cody ask if they are still working in the BBY and Christmas says i do not know.
     3:46pm BBT: Tyler and Nicole in the KT talking about playing video games. IN the HOHR Christmas still complaining about how she was looking in the DR and how she wants to look now and wants to play POV.
    3:53pm BBT: Dani and Kevin talking about past HG in the CBR and Christmas, Cody, Enzo and Memphis talking general talk in the HOHR about food and sleeping.

  14. 1:02pm BBT: Cody says he does not think Enzo is going to go up next week. Cody says he is just getting through this week  and he wants his noms the same. Dani says she has talked to Nicole and Cody says i have too and Dani says Nicole wants Christmas  to go and Cody says she does not want Christmas gone. Cody says his conversation was different with Nicole than hers was.
    1:04pm BBT: Cody talks about how Nicole was upset about the Ian thing and she could be coming after us but i do not know, He tells Dani he feels like he is doing best for them and he just doesn't know about Nicole. He says i just know if i have to put up a replacement then Christmas goes up but i do not know if she will be receptive or not. Dani says i do not think so.
    1:07pm BBT: Dani and Cody repeat themselves a lot about Nicole and Christmas. Cody says he is excited to see how this weeks plays out but says i know we are safe but still it is stressful. Dani says she feels that they were friends and close to David and Kevin till this and now everyone else is close to them and we are nothing. Cody says yeah because we put them up.
    1:30pm BBT:  Tyler and David in the PBR talking about who they are keeping if noms stay the same. Tyler tells him he needs to win the veto if kdevin doesn't win it he only needs 4 votes this 1:32pm BBT: Tyler in the KT and you can hear tools being used in the BY. Tyler says wow it is going to be awhile man. Memphis sitting in the LVR alone waiting for Cody to come out of the DR.
    week. Tyler leaves telling him he has this.
    1:34pm BBT: WE now have Puppy Cam as they pick for POV players.

  15. 11:31am BBT: Tyler, Memphis and Nicole in the KT just sitting and laughing at BB telling HG to get up.
    11:35am BBT: Tyler asked if Cody just went to the DR and Memphis ask did he? Tyler says i think he did it is about to go down. Nicole and David in the WA doing ADL's.
    11:39am BBT: Memphis and Tyler talking about the light in the house, Tyler says he does not remember the stadium lights in the LVR being lit up, before and says he can not even look at that  then he says the lights around the mirrors have never been there either but are lit up today, Feeds switch to Nicole in the shower.
    11:50am BBT: Dani telling a story in the KT about a dram she had to David, Christmas is getting out of bed now and making her bed.
    11:55am BBT: Nicole now out of the shower and Christmas enters the WA with Nicole singing good morning Christmas and we get stars.
    11:58am BBT: Dani, Cody, Tyler and David making breakfast as they talk about movies with Memphis and Dani gets called to the DR. Nicole in the STR slamming cabinet doors looking for Q-tips.

  16. 6:00pm BBT: Kevin tells David he talked to Cody and after about 45 minutes he told me he was putting me up and he repeats what he and Cody said to David.
    6:22pm BBT: Cody comes out of the HOHR and goes to the KT. Memphis walking back and forth upstairs alone. Nicole is peeling carrots while David washes dishes and Kevin making slop. Christmas and Tyler are working out with weights and Dani cooking.
    6:25pm BBT: Cody joins Christmas in the KBR and tells her that his and Kevin's talk went badly and he repeats what all Kevin said.  He says he asked Kevin so if he gets voted out this week that is how he is going to base his decision at finally and He tells her that Kevin says yeah i can have my own decision.
    6:29pm BBT: Christmas says how many time can you give a guy a life raft before he sinks? Cody says yeah that's what i am saying. Christmas ask Cody if Kevin said who he would put up if he wins and he says yeah Kevin said he would put Memphis. Christmas says wow. Cody says i seen you come back here so i ran i will let you go back to your workout. Christmas then talks to the camera about Kevin saying she saved him week one and made sure she stayed with day and she says he is exhausting and is like a rock sack on her back. She says you are literally going to throw my name out there i kept you safe and you are going top throw me under the bus get out of here and she heads back to the KT.
     6:35pm BBT: Cody in the HOHR with Enzo telling him about the conversation with Kevin now and how he saved Kevin all this time.
    6:37pm BBBT: Nicole joins Cody and Enzo in the HOHR as Cody is still going on about Kevin and their conversation. Christmas is now heading upstairs. Dani in the KT cooking and chopping veggies. Tyler working out and Kevin just walking around the house.
    6:46pm BBT: Kevin and Enzo in the HNR and Enzo says he is trying to stay away from people, They talk about Enzo's hoodie and Enzo says it is so cold in there. In the HOHR Cody, Nicole and Christmas are talking and Tyler comes in. Cody then has to tell Tyler about his conversation with Kevin and Christmas keeps saying that's his pitch and Cody keeps complaining about Kevin and how Kevin made him mad.
     6:51pm BBT: Kevin telling Enzo about his conversation with Cody and Enzo talking like he has not heard anything. Cody still going on about Kevin in the HOHR and how Kevin will not vote for him if he is at the end if he leaves this week.

  17.  5:24pm BBT: Feeds are back and Kevin and David have been Nominated. David goes to the Love rm and sits alone shaking his head. 
    5:27pm BBT: Memphis in the STR looking through the fridge, Dani and Nicole in the PBR , Dani telling Nicole about Cody and Kevin yelling in the HOHR earlier before nominations. Christmas comes in and  Dani changes the subject to BB being annoying this morning.
    5:30pm BBT: Cody in the KT getting chips, Dani, Nicole and Christmas in the PBR talking about Kevin and Christmas says she wants to hear about the Kevin conversation today, Dani then says she is trying to figure out what to make with her sweet potatoes, Christmas says Memphis is making salmon tonight then ask if they want to help put food up in the STR.
    5:33pm BBT: Dani in the STR putting veggies away, Tyler, Christmas , and Cody in the KT cooking. Nicole joins Dani in the STR looking through the food that was delivered.
    5:38pm BBT: Christmas goes in the Love rm and talks to David, David says this sucks and Christmas says it is the game but it sounded like from the speech that you are not the target. Christmas says if you do not want to win the veto then walk away with the prizes at least walk away with something, David says yeah just from the viewers it is over and over and we get stars.
    5:40pm BBT: David said third time and Christmas says at least it isn't the fifth time and David says i know i do not know how Kevin is handling it. Christmas says my heart hurts for him, David says i did not win comps and it is annoying and Christmas says frustrating and David agrees, David tells her that part of him is like this is a boring season to watch and people do not want to tune into things that are expected to happen so i will fight and give them something to watch. My goal now is to save this season for being an all star season but it is going to get good now and Christmas says  it is only 4 weeks left. Feeds switch to Dani and Nicole in the STR talking about the food.
    5:46pm BBT: David tells Christmas that he does not see the votes and Christmas says i do not know because a lot of people have been playing but if my name is drawn for the veto i am playing and she says if you pick me or Kevin picks me i am going for all the prizes but not telling them i want them to think i am a comp beast ok and David shakes his head, Christmas says i do not want them to know because i will be bumped to the top of their list and i think we have a chance.
    5:49pm BBT: Christmas tells David to win next week and then the following week she will win and she is putting the rest of the team up. 
    5:52pm BBT: Christmas tells David he needs to win the veto and then she tells him that Cody might put her up she does not know. She then tells him she wants to know what Kevin and Cody's conversation was it sounded interesting. David says  he is going to talk to Him later and Christmas says can we keep this between us and he says yeah as Christmas hugs him and she leaves the room. Kevin comes in and says David you know you are staying no matter what if you win veto your staying if you do not win veto you are staying, David says i do know know that
     5:57pm BBT: Kevin and David talk about how far Day made it in her seasons. Kevin talks about he has been through this before in his season that if you do not win it you go home but you know it is kind of refreshing you know, David said yeah.

  18. 3:01pm BBT: Nicole goes in the HOHR with Tyler and Cody saying she can't find Dani  she says she must be in the DR or something i don't know sorry i interrupted and she leaves. Tyler leaves the HOHR and goes downstairs with Nicole to the KT to get chicken nuggets that he says smells good.
    3:04pm BBT: Kevin in the HOH and Cody ask  if you had won HOH would i have been nominated and Kevin says no, Kevin says i told Dani who i would put up but i was advised by someone to put someone up to get the least amount of blood on my hands. Cody said you was advised by Day and Kevin says no Day wanted you out and Cody says wow. 
    3:06pm BBT: Kevin says Day told me that she was in an alliance with others and that  Dani got Memphis to come after her but he says i am just trying to get through this without getting blood on my hands. Kevin says day told him she had a problem with David because he was causing division in the house and was throwing her and everyone under the bus. Cody says she could not be more wrong about Dani and Kevin says i don't know anything. People tell me alot and i just do not know. Cody says you can take what people say and believe it or not to believe it ya know.
    3:17pm BBT: Kevin and Cody still talking in the HOHR and Kevin ask is there any way he can help Cody because they are going to start firing and we keep getting stars. Kevin then says that Dani told him she has a bigger picture that she wants to play but she does not feel that 3:25pm BBT: Cody says he does not trust a lot because you talked to Ian a lot and Kevin says the person who told me to put up was Ian so he told me what to do. Cody says Ian did not tell me that he told me yall talked and i feel like you would target me and he made me feel like i could not even tell you how my vote was going to go because the vote would go the opposite way and Kevin says because of me and Cody says he did not say you but he made it sound like if anyone knew the vote would go the other way, Kevin says that is so weird.
    way. Cody says i think it is all BS and i think Jury management is BS.
    3:35pm BBT: Cody says i am going to have trouble with people in jury and we can not control things but we can not control it. Kevin says well if i get it right i am going up on the block and it is like tit for tat. Cody says i am just nominating and i do not know how things are going to go this week i don't, We have the veto and we do not know what will happen, Kevin says if i get nominated the person next to me wont say that they was told they was not the target, Cody says i do not have a target this week and if the veto gets used  and if i have to break a tie this week i will decide then i do not know what i will do because i know where i  have to play some things but i really do not know. Kevin says well this is the game and you have to play it. Kevin says as much as you want to believe what others have told you about me that's your opinion but when i go to jury i will not engage i will vote on my own personal opinion.
    3:39pm BBT: Kevin says whatever story you want to tell about me Cody then ok, Cody says it is like Day wanted to put me up and get me out but  and Kevin says Cody when i enter a room all conversations stop  that is why i do not engage and when you are in there you have your game play and i  relate you have  your way of playing and i have mine. Kevin says it is what it is and you are on your side and i am on mine it is like tit for tat.
    3:43pm BBT: Kevin says if someone tells me something am i supposed to come tell you what is going on and Cody says your best friend was targeting me and Kevin says so i was supposed to come tell you and Cody says no but she was targeting me. Kevin says so that is way you are targeting me and Cody says  whoa wait when did this turn to me targeting you but i have no worries about  nominating you but you are throwing digs now. Kevin says i was not throwing digs and like you said  it sucks to have powers and i am going to do what i do and it has been fun Cody. Kevin gets up and Cody says i do not like the way this is turning and Kevin says then either you are crazy or i am and Cody says i am not crazy then Kevin says thank you for connecting and leaves the HOHR.
     3:47pm BBT: Dani now in the HOH and Cody says that conversation just went south and Dani ask if they was yelling and Cody says i just told him he is going on the block and he tells Dani the conversation with Kevin and how it got heated.
     3:52pm BBT: Dani and Cody in the HOHR and Cody just telling Dani everything that Kevin just said to him and Cody is a little loud and heated. IN the KT Memphis and Tyler are talking general talk.
    3:56pm BBT: Dani and Cody still talking and Dani says you are worked up and laughs, He tells Dani that he told Kevin he never came to talk to him and he was always on his side but they never talked.  Tyler and Memphis still in the KT talking general talk.

  19. Ch11:05am BBT: David is scrubbing the KT while Dani and Christmas eat and have coffee. 
    11:09am BBT: Christmas going to the HOHR. Cody says he has 7 people to talk to and not much to say today, Christmas says  she is so glad he got a picture of Christy and his letter was so nice and Cody says i am glad too. Christmas says we are crushing and Cody says yeah this is the best alliance ever, Christmas says i want to keep that going you know what i mean and Cody says yeah i know we have prizes this week but we have to keep this going.
    11:11am BBT: Cody says i know that Kevin will be up here throwing everything sat me this week and feed switch to  Dani and Enzo talking and then we get STARS.
     11:16am BBT: Dani called to the DR as Enzo makes a proteins shake and David drinks coffee.
    11:22am BBT: Christmas tells Cody that this week we will be down to six and in two weeks we will have four people gone know what i mean? Cody says yeah. They then talk about Kevin being a have not and how Christmas did not want to  give him the have not but he has only been on it one time but i felt sorry for him because he has been the pawn a lot.
    11:26am BBBT: Christmas ask Cody of David is the number two and Cody says yeah right now it is Kevin i just feel like you know and Christmas says yeah i know. Christmas says in my opinion i think things have been running so well and Cody says yeah if it comes back on me that's ok i just want to stick to what we have been doing.
    11:31am BBT: Christmas and Cody continue talking about everyone and how they have played the game. They talk about Dani and what her obsession was over Day Cody says i do not know what it was but it started when she was HOH and did not put up Day so she brought all this on herself. Cody says maybe she wanted to take her to the end of the game so she would have a better shot or something i do not know. Christmas says i actually liked day and it broke my heart to put Bay and day on the block and i did not get that feeling on the side with hey i want to be friends outside the game and i did not get that with Bay so that's why i wanted to do that with Day.
    11:39am BBT: Cody tells Christmas that if he gets houseguest choice he will pick her to play because he knows they will keep it the same. He then says well either you or Memphis so don't count on it yet. Cody says i would love to see Memphis get a punishment and have to wear a tutu. Christmas is leaving and tells Cody if her name comes up to come to her for clarification please and he says yeah i will. Christmas leaves the HOHR.
    11:42am BBT: Cody alone brushing his teeth and getting dressed, David and Memphis in the KT eating.
    11:47am BBT: Memphis goes to the KBR to talk to Christmas and ask if everything is good and she says yeah i feel better after talking to him. Cody now in the KT to get something to eat and  talks to David.
    11:52am BBT: Christmas and Memphis in the KBR talking about the layout of the room then Christmas says this is gonna be a bad week cause Kevin is not gonna take this lightly and Dani is not going to take it lightly. Memphis says Kevin is gonna be devastated and he is on slop thanks to you, Then Memphis laughs. He says we want Kevin to go home this week  and he will be on the block and he is on slop so he will lose his momentum and we do not want Cody to change noms.
    11:58am BBT: Memphis says he can  not believe Dani did not use that power on herself and used it on  me lastnight and Christmas says no she didn't want to win and i do not think she wanted to win anyways you know what i mean and Memphis says yeah and we keep getting stars.


    9:51am BBT: Christmas up and Memphis is whispering very low to her , Memphis then starts shaving his face and we get stars.
    9:56am BBT: Christmas doing ADL's as Memphis shaves. All other HG still in bed sleeping.

    9:59am BBT: Dani now up in the WA doing ADL's with Christmas and Memphis. Christmas tells her that she is tired. David up in the WC.

  21. 1:10pm BBT: Christmas and David talking in the KBR alone about playing as an emotional player, Christmas says she is glad they talked because it helped her see clear about her original decision about her vote tonight, Nicole walks in and 
     David ask if she needs anything, Nicole says just looking for Christmas, Christmas says we are almost done, Christmas says she is glad she talked to Day and him she will confirm her decision before the show and says i have done my work and they leave the KBR.
    1:22pm BBT: Cody in the WA brushing his teeth, David comes in and goes to the WC. IN the CBR Kevin and day are walking around, Kevin ask if she is getting conformations and Day says yeah but it doesn't matter you know, Kevin says i just curious who is saying both names. Kevin says he is all packed up as they move to the KBR and day ask what is wrong? Kevin says nothing.
    1:25pm BBT: Kevin and Day talk about Playing charades lastnight and Nicole had enemy of the state and she pointed at Memphis and Dani and dani gave her a look cause she  was going for enemy. Kevin  tells day he wants to check in with Christmas cause she told me that she would keep me but i asked her this morning and she said give me a couple of hours. so i need to talk to her.
     1:28pm BBT: Tyler in the KT cooking, David and Kevin walking around in the KT. Cody shaving in the WA, Day comes in to do her face and talks general talk to Cody.
    1:34pm BBT: David and Kevin in the KBR, David tells Kevin do not worry. Kevin ask if Christmas is going to vote for him to stay and David takes a deep breath and says i think she was  but she talked to day. Kevin says if i hear anything i will let you know.
    1:39pm BBT: Nicole and David in the KBR talking while Nicole puts a face mask on and Nicole says i was going to keep Day but then she told me, and the feeds cut to the WA where most HG are getting ready for tonight's show talking general talk and rapping.
    1:45pm BBT: David and Nicole in the  KBR talking about him talking to Ian alot about emotions and about voting and his heart rate and things like that. Nicole sits on the bed going hmm hmm. David says if he was sitting in the final 2 would people vote like you were not as far along in the season you was in as this one was . David says a stressful week and Nicole says i do not know what we are supposed to wear and David says that is what i am saying. Christmas walks in and they talk about her tye dye shirt.
    1:52pm BBT: Nicole now alone in the KBR saying it has been a long week as she finishes up her facial stuff.

  22. 3:46pm BBT: Feeds come back to Dani and Day in the PBR talking  about who the target might be and how Christmas was acting, dani says everyone is scared of Christmas in this house and Day says why? Dani says i do not want her clapping in my face i will go off.
    3:47pm BBT: All the men of the house are sitting in the BY talking  general talk. Dani and day in the PBR still talking as dani rolls her jeans to put them away, They are talking about what Dani's clothes look like. Day talking about campaigning and she is saying she would never come after certain people. Nicole joins the guys in the BY.
    3:52pm BBT: Dani tells day she will campaign for her. Dani finishing up her clothe sas they laugh and talk general talk. Day says this house is crazy.
    3:56pm BBT: Cody in the KT cooking slop and Memphis walking around. Day walks through  to get a drink. David in the BY talking about going back  and rewatching BB when  the season is over and we get stars.
    3:58pm BBT: Dani has taken over the cooking slop from Cody now. Just general talk going on in the BY.

  23. 11:00am BBT: Kevin, Dani and David in the KT making breakfast while Memphis and Christmas are in the HOHR talking about  Kevin and how he needs to talk to other people about their votes this week, Memphis says at this point he has no problem voting Day out of the house this week.
    11:09am BBT: Christmas says if i win HOH who do i put up if not Enzo and Memphis says by Kevin you would have to take a shot and put Dani up or take a shot and put Nicole up of you are not going to do Enzo. Memphis says and tell them your target is Kevin but Dani will take it personal and Nicole will be mad.
    11:12am BBT: Memphis tells Christmas we get Kevin out and you clip Dani or Nicole and you go them there. They continue going through scenarios about who should go  before who.
    11:20am BBT: Kevin still cooking hashbrowns and David is cooking onions for their breakfast, Nicole in the KBR alone doing  a face mask.
    11:30am BBBT: Dani and Day in the CBB talking about Day getting the votes to stay in the house. A lot of whispering. David and Kevin still cooking in the KT and cleaning as they go.
    11:41am BBT: Kevin tells Day that breakfast is ready so Day gets out of bed as Dani says she is going to go lay down. David at the KT eating with Memphis as Kevin and day prepare their plates.
    11:46am BBT: HG eating and doing ADL's and we get PUPPY CAMS

  24.  11:35am BBT: Tyler and Kevin in the KT making food while Nicole, Dani, Cody and David are in the BY talking about dreams and the HVNR bed being uncomfortable.
    11:43am BBT: David, Tyler, Dani and Nicole in the BY talking about who wears the pants in their house and Dani says she does in her house and, Nicole says her and Victor both wear the pants in their relationship, Tyler says Angela does in theirs and David says i wear the pants , shirt and shoes, Tyler says David wears it all in his relationship with himself and they all laugh.
    11:57am BBT: Nicole, David and Tyler talking in the BY about relationships and  Nicole tells how her and Victor hooked up at the BB19 party after they had already done all their crazy stuff after being on BB. Enzo and Cody playing pool.

    12:04pm BBT: Christmas walks out to the BY and we get FOTH.
     12:05pm BBT: WE now have puppy cam as the HG have the POV meeting.



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